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Show H . PROGRESSIVE - i Reader, this is your Place Order Now NATURAL AND UNpaper. Support It. FOR NATURAL GOVERNMENT CHARTS Size 22x28 Inches, Public Service Bureau 422 Felt Bld(. VS SHOW CARD WRITING and LETTERING on A Crelits . Public Stenographer Notary Public E.Sherman Legal Papers Served i Complete 2428 Grant Ave Ogden, Ut. REPAIRING GUARANTEED WATCH an d JEWELRY et V OUR NEW LOCATION THE DIAMOND SHOP Wes. 9088176 Booth Main Street T : I BURPS BARBER&BEAUTY SHOP Has been Selected ee Our Official N. D. A. Representative in the Sugmrhouae District 10SS East 21st Sooth Street . Popular Prices. Hyland 8644. lqpiaciiosoeeooooosnssnsooosnssnifsninsosMnsSLOywowriiriireiinsaMiiiniii : .i 1 1 General Auto Repairing Miodem Equipment. Material!, Cash Labor, Class B" 3 ! Battery Charging. W. R. Nash, Prop. I t 1369 South Hyland 414 State Street. M and M Plumbing Co. Tf Veer K. Miner CL J. ManwilL GAS AND STEAM WORK OUR SPECIALTY. ' PLUMBING, HEATING i AND GAS INSTALLATIONS N. D. A. Coupons 20 Accepted Call Us for Estimates Yean Experience Member of N. D. A. licensed and Bonded Plnnibers 1848 South 2nd East Street To Hyland 2089-- R All My Friends and Hyland 4272--J. Customers YOU GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH AT THE Beehive Barber and Beauty Parlor 80 "The Birthplace of N. D. A. Exchange Wasatch 4912. SOUTH STATE STREET A Nice Place to Come PROFESSIONAL SERVICE COMPLETE ' . 8- - if' WHOLE 8. (Steve) FOR THE FAMILY Stems. Prop. 7A Bulkleys N.D.A. Laundry preservation. But hark: The cry of my poor doge In the basement, the lire is rapidly approaching their quarter. They sense the danger and are crying, crying piteously, a heart rending appeal for succor. My poor, poor dogs! what hours of joy have I pent on my rambles and hunting trips, with that qneen of doga Trixie. What a wonderful retriever and what a wonderful companion, from the beet stock In the world aa alao are her puppies. The never failing friends of man. Again that signal of alarm and distress from frantic mother. Why should I hesitate longer? Hang soI care not what they say or ciety think, I must save my doge, my companions, my friends. Horrors, the wind la fanning the flames into a seething furnace and cinders are even falling in this room, on the floor are scorched bite of paper carried in by the wind. Singular, there are two scorched leaves from my mothers bible. The dear old aodl haw disappointed she seemed when she billed to kindle my faith in her precious old bible. I think I shall make amende by reading the words she has underscored. Leaf number one reads: And God created man In His own Image. Great Caesar, he certainly did not create that infernal burglar. Well, let me see if number two contains anything of a soul stirring nature. It reads, And Cain said, am I my brothers keeper? Deer old saintly mother, I am afraid ' my faith still remains shattered in the good old book that earned such a comfort, solace and refuge to yon. Surely that buTglar Is hot my brother end I eertanly do not propose to be hla keeper, unless the Hr fails. It seems to be getting uncomfortable for him up there, he seems rather restless and now I 'hear his "WeU, from the looks of these flame I guess the folks were right who said I would wind up In a place where there was plenty of warm atIf that Is so I reckon I mosphere. know who is going to be master of ceremonies. Somebody said yon should pray when yon get in trouble, guess I h aint never been in trouble sense I dont seem to he in praying trim or maybe this balnt tbe right kind of trouble. But that Are Is cure ifiosylng my way so if I am going to For Better Service Gill Hy. 7789 Our New Phone First Class Wo rk Guaranteed Regular Prices on B Credits " (By Dr. J. O. King) The rear rooms of my beautiful reaidence ablaze, no lire department available, the wind blowing with ouch velocity, that It will be Just a matter of momenta nntS all la loat. My own life it endangered end I muit decide immediately which to save, a burglar whom I have captured and locked in an upatadra bedroom, a very valuable and favorite dog with her new born pupplee, or a eelebrated painting hy Velaaquea. I have barely time to eeve one and eacape with my life. I ehau begin by eUmlnating the burglar who paid me a. visit for the eole purpoae of robbing me of my valuables and who feel aura would not have heeltated In taking my life had he found It neeemary to accomplish Ms purpose. I alao feel cure that he la responsible for the destruction of my borne. Society will oommend me for my stand ae we Shall well be rid of such despicable characters. Now my problem is reduoed to a choice between my dogs and my valuable painting. Such a painting, such a marvelous work of art, it has made my home a real center of culture and has given me prestige that could have obtained in no other manner. What would he the verdict of society should I fell In its We Call and Deliver do any praying gness I batter get started. Trying to think what It was mother told me to say when I was a little kid, reckon it goes something like this: "Now I lay me down to sleep. Now I lay me down to sleep. Oh, hell, reckon thats all I can remember. Guess I better just talk plain like I was talking to somebody. Oh, Lord, the same one my mother need to know, guess I halnt been much good to folks down here and I guess I will soon he burned np, and go to heB' where they alius told me I would go. I gness they wee right and I guess I should go there, beeanee I dont seem to know how Textile Workers Wanted The COOPERATIVE SELF HELP LEAGUE OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, desires to get into correspondence with a few unemployed textile workers, skilled in fabricating and superintending spinning b4 weaving machinery. We should hear from this kind of skilled workers (prol babty ) in the East where we understand there is machinery of this nature now oat of use which might be obtained. White Texas is a splendid cotton growing country there are practically no skilled textile workers and no textile mills in the state. We can secure plenty of cotton direct from the farmers in exchange for scrip, and we desire to make a beginning in producing finished rmaterials. We have a phut, as soon as correspondence Is established with tite right parties. . Write Dr.C.E.Lunn, 506 Richmond Road Houston, Texas ' Page Three FOR IRE COOPERATIVES EXPERT CAR WASHING and POLISHING All Work Guaranteed N. D. A. COUPONS ACCEPTED Rear 145 Bo. Bth East Wan. 6065 New Economic Group of New York Hag Pten TO ALL Y EXCHANGE ASSOCIATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES Practical necessity has led you to attempt the most Important departure m ue exercise of economic rights made since the American Revolution. You are attempting to exercise the rights of every society freely to exchange and freely to consume the product of Its labora. To whatever agree your efforts are succeeding you ere the only communities exercising these right in the United State today. All other communities, rich or Pc or. ctn exercise these rights only dependent on their supply of money. If that supply falls them, they cannot exercise these rights. To whatever degree your efforts ere succeeding, yon are proving that the exercise of the rights need in no way be dependent on money, hut only on the shUlty end wdUingneaa of society to produce, exchange, end consume whatever goods and services It desires. By demonstrating the practicability of this truth, you have made effective a second Declaration of Independence economic, not political a Declaration of Independence of Money. America Is a nation possessed of unlimited, and economically natural resources; It is a nation possessed of the worlds largest agricultural and industrial plant, operated, in turn, hy the most ingenious body of citiaens in the world. America has the materials the machinery and the men to provide for all lta economic needs, in good measure, pressed down and running over. In such a nation economic distress . by the economic nature of the case, impossible. Such is the verdict of common sense. Nevertheless , . . America is an impoverished nation, whose obligations can be met only (1) by taxing lta citizens black and bine; or (2) by purchasing a temporary solvency from tbe banks on an installment plan, whereby future, and ever larger payment can be passed on, in tbe form of National Debt, to Its children and Its childrens children. It Is a nation cluttered with expropriated, unworkable and disintegrating agricultural and Industrial plants. It lx a nation, twelve to fifteen million of whose citizens have been expelled from society aa economic undesirables, and the remainder foroed either to live on the dwindling fat of a happier past, or to finance a hoped-fo- r period of good times by means of what was the Immediate cause of the present had times" namely, hy shouldering an even greater load of debt. In such a nation, economic distress is. by the monetary nature of the case, Inevitable. Such la the verdict of our Monetary System. IAe the forefathers, by virtue of their Declaration of Independence, conceived, and finally brought to birth, a nation politically fee, you, by virture of your Declaration of Independence, have conceived, and must finally bring to birth a nation economically free. You have conceived, and mnst finally bring to birth a nation whose citizens wlH have established, beyond any possible nullification by the Monetary System, their inalienable economic right freely to exchange, and freely to consume the product history, of their labor. In that nation, for the lint time In recorded Money will depend on men, not men on Money. Whatever difficulties yon aa pioneers of this new nation must labor under, whatever opposition yon meet, there are already In your daily growing ranks a body of Americans, one million strong, who have felt the same practical necessity that you have felt, who have acted upon It as you have acted, and who are thereby committed to the same sacred trust. Broadsheet No. 1. published hy the New Economics Group of New York DID THE ANCIENT ECONOMISTS DESCRIBE THE FALL OF MODERN BABYLON? (Continued from Faye 1) They shall be turned back. They shall be greatly ashamed that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, ye are our gods. Hear ye deaf, and look, ye blind, that ye may see. Isaiah 4:17-1For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for naught; and ye shall be redeemed WITHOUT MONEY. Isaiah 52: 3. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that HATH NO MONEY, come ye, buy, and eat, yea, come, 8. buy wine and milk, WITHOUT MONEY AND WITHOUT 55:1. PRICE-Isia- h YOU CAN NOW BUY WIRE GRIP BRUSHES with Your N. D. A. Scrip 8 CREDITS ON BEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN N. D. A. or at 601 East Third So. FULLY GUARANTEED Approved by Good Housekeeping Isxtltute Wallpaper Furnished on B Credits ESTIMATES FREE LABOR B" CREDITS Exterior Decorating. All Kinds of Interior and House Painting, Sign Painting. H.F. Hanks & Sons 838 Roosevelt Ave. Hyland 4689. Thursdays (Every Week) MERRY GARDEN BALLROOM 129 No. Main St. Music by the Reveler All N.D.A. Coupons ADMISSION Ladies Gents - 35c - 15c Auditing, Accounting BOOKKEEPING, INSTALLING SYSTEMS AND INCOME TAX RETURNS ON CREDITS Rudy W. Berthold 1068 East 17th South St. Member of tbe Accountant Society, Inc. Chicago 2 and 3 Room Furnished Apts. including gas for cooking- - $17.50-$25-$3- 0 HaU N D.A Halt Cash SEAGULL APARTMENT 215 North West Temple The Solution The solution of thin big problem is the proper distribution of the wealth. There should be no buying or selling, and no wages TO ALL KINDS OF paid, for in the functioning of natures organizations that is not done. Any form of government that allows wages to be paid, material bonght and. sold or bartering, will have the same difficulty that the people of the world are confronted with in the 8742-- J present economic system- Page 74, Natural Government. FREE DELIVERY Without gold, silver, bills or other medium of exchange, some When 3 or more keys are made look upon the feasibility of such a plan as entirely unpractical- Do you know that I dare say, fifty per cent of the industries, occuA-a compations and labors of the American people are useless andinto this have We time of ben and energies? grounded Seven years honest Service plete waste economic system so thoroughly, we have thought the end would J. W. HOLDEN come if we made any change or countenanced any education along 135 W. 7th South the line of social or financial equality. It reminds me of the man walking across a river on a long railroad trestle one dark night. When he advanced a considerable distance, he heard a train to approaching- He hurried aS fast as he could, but was unable TEDDIE'S CABINET reach the end in time to avoid being hit by the train, so he dethe until hands his and trestle cided to drop through the hang by SHOP train passed. But it being a long train, and being forced to hang in that position until his strength was nearly gone, he was unable 52 Post Office Place to pull himself up again. He prayed for strength and promised Salt Lake City, Utah of out predicato the be get reformation if he would permitted but ment in safety. Finally his strength gave way and he fell, Cabinet Wrork of all kinds to the railroad Furniture made and only about six inches, as the slope from the river Repaired was grade at the end of the trestle was close at the point where he hanging. He walked safely away. Paints, Laquers, Varnishes So will it be when we are willing to let go of this economic Half Cash, Half Scrip the strength of the system and high finance which has exhausted of its nation and extracted the vitality from the majority We specialize at thin time in chaotic concitizens, leaving us in a fearful, frightened and to play the game Making and Repairing dition. THE HIGH FINANCIERS are trying and have broken Screen Doors & Screens too far let it go and pull us out, but they have Babylon economic system, and the of the confidence people, the foundation m must fall. We shall be let down to a firmer (based upon the Constitution of NATURAL GOVERNMENT, can walk away to safety. Page also we and the United States), Natural Government by Benj. B. Stnngnam. KEYS LOCKS Was. - - l Radio Service - 86, to git along with nice folks no how that all I kin eay, Amen. In Guess I didn't get the beet break Lord of Hosts, the prayer of a life but I halnt blamin nobody. common burglar facing death who The fire la etartln to elssle me so still ha faith In hie mothers God and talk! to him as man to man. O.S.Jaynes PAPER HANGING, PAINTING DECORATING If It's Done with e Brush, We Do It. Wall Paper from 7c per Single Roll up, B Credit Hy 6089 AMBASSADOR GARAGE BIG BROADSHEET The Rich Man, the Burglar And Their Experience voice. Office Movedtol397 Blair St. i INTERESTING SHORT STORY ' llK2fOTnmninntlK2t2aK2Mt8UlK2BIB8KKt2tEaaiL2UKK2nS6B INDEPENDENT . 1427 Blair St. Can inch be possible? And Qod created man in hla own Image, created he them, male and female. And Cain said, "am I my brother keeper." Lord forgive my blindness, my problem ie solved. N.D.A. DAIRY NEW AND BUILDING EQUIPMENT CITY INSPECTED For Grade on A Milk B" Credits Hy. 4696-- W |