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Show PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT THE UNMISTAKABLE THE SUBSIDIZED PRESS SIGNS OF TROUBLE Issued every other Friday at Salt Lake City, Utah, in interest David Lawrence says, "Nero fiddles while Rome Burns." Expressions like the following from Will Dobson, a deep of Natural Government ' he And thinker and gifted writer, are fully appreciated by the Progresactual conditions it he which, fears, proves by citing second-clasEntered as s matter April 26, 1932; at the post office at will in something akin, to revolution. A letter coming sive Independent. Mr. Dobsons contributions are always welresult Salt Lake City, Utah, nnder the Act of March 8, 1879. from a man in the east who has his finger on the come and can find a place in these pages. C. N. LUND Editor financialprominent Incidentally, Mr. Dobson is sold 100 per cent on Natural pulse, says, There will shortly be a complete colC S. WINKINSON Associate Editor and Business Manager lapse of the financial, economic, industrial and political sys- Development and is anxious to do everything he can to help tem. It will be here by July, or August. Another eastern the movement, and we are sure that there will always be a PRICES OF SUBSCRIPTION man, shaking the hand of his western mend, said, Thats the place in the organization for men like Dobson. One Year 42.00 last handshake for us in this life. Before fall our streets will Editor, Progretsive Independent: Six Months . 1.00 be rite with revolution." The seven heads of the railroad For a long time the common people of Salt Lake have been in need of a paper that would express tneir views and stand for their Advertising Rates on Application. brotherhoods caUed on President Hoover and told him the interests. The Independent seems to be the answer to terrible story of unemployment and starvation. Unless some- that need. For Progressive one I sincerely hope it is able to make its way and Class A and B Credits Accepted in Either Department a become is done, they said, "we cannot be responsible for the permanent champion. Worth-whicommunications invited, and your moral and financial thing Magazines like Worlds Work, Review of Reviews, Liberty and orderly operation of the railroads, and we will not be respon- the Saturday support is solicited. Help us carry the saving message of lies Evening like the New York Chicago sible for the disorder which is sure to arise." From all sides, to the world. the Portland Oregonian and others that Times, the voice bone-heafrom in Washington, come the predic- of B5 Business Hare now running what might be calledecho the except standardized SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1932 tions of trouble. The Fourhorsemen are being groomed to editorial pages. Their editorials are all in one key. In a blindfold most able and the test, conscientious ride again on the world. judge would pronounce them th? ,wo of one wnter- AI1 could have come out of the same The editor of this paper points out the above for the pur- editorial HIE CHALLENGE OF CHANGE null pose of helping to save America, believing that it is mighty At the burden of their song is, hands off Big Business. fol- Big Business must not be disturbed . It end. the We forth time we set that act that toward must not be made to bear high We are facing the challenge of change. We are fronting of the present crisis. They its just share of the tax burden. It must not be asked to feed the the inescapable necessity of America today to change with a lowing facts which show the cause starving slaves it has turned into the street. Its unholy power over are indisputable. Seven men, international bankers, with their the Federal government must not be curbed. changing world. The mighty power of the machine civilizafinancial control the condition of the aids and dupes, tion stands before us inviting us to take into our hands and underling Any attempt to tax it or loose its hold on government will be use all its wonderful force for good. The old system has dem- world. They have loans in 52 countries and through those met by further financial disaster. Big Business must rule or ruin. In through these mouthpieces, threatens finan- onstrated that it cannot apply or control the machine system. loans control the financial policies of the nations. They made cial effect. Big Business Bow to its decrees, elect the executive it has chosen. sabotage. and to are this and purposely according depression plan they It has fallen down before its own creation and now grovels or That is the bald sum of all their rhetorical threats. continuing it according to plan. They have centralized the in the dust before it. Though it has bled industry white, and its coffers are gorged with so can of better world the it. control These seven they the nation s industrial And why not change politically and economically? What gold Big Business must not be asked to a part of the victims vital fluid in the hope of reviving him. are we afraid of? The physical sciences have been most bril- men have and are financing Russian communism, which is not return the communism of the people and for the people as it started No! Big Business has seen the victim laid low before. Always he in due time. He will get back his has liantly developed and we hail the scientists and inventors as out to be. And their strength again, while plan is to do the same to America as has Big recovered benefactors of the race. We embrace them with open arms Business sits back and keeps its holdings intact in readiness for . been Russia. done in On the Hoov-after President morning trade revival and laud them and their creations and conquests to the skies. eris to moratorium loaned little The Germany, they, through Berlin, to man, retailer, professional man, tradesman, farmer and But before political and economic changes we stand deaf, Russia $116,000,000. They have deliberately set out to de- wage earner he must bear the whole burden of the depression, from dumb and blind. If a man comes forth with a new and sensible first by rendering the people helpless through feeding the starving to paying the taxes. Any attempt to saddle Big idea of economic or political change he is cried down and set story America, UHness Wth its share of the load is denounced as soaking the depression and starvation, and second, by getting control of 411 rich. Big Business seems to fear that any partial restitution of their apart as a Red or a Radical, an enemy of society. AH the pld and all resources and all people through a dictatorship. vast profits might constitute an admission of guilt of responsibility forces of the established order are marshalled solidly against These seven men mentioned could overcome the depression if for the present national plight that change may better our social conditions. This old order to justify this attitude with the ancient, long hours start the discreditedBusiness tries is content 0 keep things as they are. The whole pressure they said the word and within twenty-fou- r that prosperity seeps downward from the fortunes ball has as it not rolled for years. But they of the rich fallacy irosperity rolling of its opinion is to make man conform to the to the pockets of their slaves. Big Business knows betprinci- will not. ter, but hopes that the herd will never learn the truth. ples of the old parties which are as dead and impotent as an These facts seem incredible but we have had the indisputHow much longer will the average man the home owner, the Egyptian mummy. able proof laid before our eyes and know whereof we rank and file on whom the nations future depends how much longer speak will he let himself Let us sit down and do some thinking. Let us approach and therefore' be fooled and cowed by this vicious editorial sound the warning and ask our readers to pass truth with faith with We see that the order it on in the propaganda? of hope helping to save all that we cherish in the of human values has been upset; that the tool is our master; WILL DOBSON. that the machine is placed above the man; that instead of man institutions of America. existing to be free and happy and prosperous, he exists only JUST HELP YOURSELVES, PLEASE The time has come and now is, when we shall be made our to be ground up in profits and then to be flung on to an ash mother's choice force. or keeper by the sooner we Therefore, People have so long been obsessed with the fear and heap to die. We must stand up and accept the challenge of realize where we are at and to of bills, debts, creditors and kindred horrors that it is whither we dread are the and march on to the new order, which is tending change hard for members of the N. D. A. to divest themselves of these We must take our thoughts off the past, off tradition, off the letter it will be for all concerned. We are still inclined to side-ste- p old ways and paths that have lead to our undoing. We must or shy ghosts and The first initiation ritual for new members admitted into away from goblins.' the majority of the services and advantages aflook to the future and build for it. We are still the heirs of all the ages gone, BUT WE ARE NO LESS TRULY THE the N. D, A. is a surgical operation by which the wishbone forded by the organization, for fear we will be unable to meet is removed and replaced by backbone. The latter is found the day of reckoning.' As a result we are generally denying ANCESTORS OF ALL THE AGES TO COME. be of more service to this organization. to ourselves the good things that are spread before us. All the great souls of the past, who have been the heralds Let us divest ourselves of these nightmares of the capitalof truth, who have endured misunderstanding, persecution, If a beef hide can be purchased for half a dollar and con- istic system; emerge into the free and in atmosphere prison many cases death, are calling for us to rise up and fill our lungs with its and help liberate humanity from the plight it is in ; to become verted into sole leather worth eight dollars at a comparatively of oxygen. small expense, as we have been informed, then certainly a Then surround the festive board and select from the comprecrusaders, missionaries, leaders. If we are true to the trust tannery should be one of the industrial adjuncts of the N. D hensive menu of available services those things that malt for that has been placed in our hands we wiU go forth with zeal A. g Lets get it started. our and avail ourselves of them. The more abundand enthusiasm and devote our very lives to winning men and we antly partake of the services offered by others, the more women to the idea of changing from a dead system to the Yes, we suppose that some members of the Natural Devel- generously they can afford to patronize us. new system of whose glorious dawn is opment Association might show radical tendencies at time, ser- -. Any member of the N. D. A. who has a worth-whil- e streaming over the horizon with rays of living light to replace were it not for the fact that vice are all to exchange need have no fear or hesitancy about availing too to they busy worry the dark night of despair. about the injustices and impositions heaped upon them. Of him or herself of the services offered by others. In fact, it is course, we will all register our protest against existing condi- the duty of good members to exchange services, commodities tions when election time comes. A NEW SERMON ON THE MOUNT and credits. Otherwise we become hoarders and thwart the objects of this movement, which are : more abundant life and "Our immediate need new is a : for increased commandment Thou happiness. (With credit and apology to Marie Corelli) shalt not exploit We must pound away at it every day ; we Men and Brethren: Why should we all continue to stupidly deny ourselves? You need no throne; you need no kingdom; you nce.1 no must impress it on the minds iof our children. Even if it has wealth. Go forth into the miserable places of the earth and only a slight effect, it will make us stronger. Imbued with IT WORKS the desire rather than to exploit, let us now see give comfort. Pour your money into the hands of the starving. how we to can bring unity into our national life. Dr. Will Go out and heal the broken hearts not only among the poor The most interesting feature of Natural Development is and suffering, but among those under crowns and the folds of Durant. the fact that IT WORKS! It does not depend like a lot of velvet and ermine.' Stand not in the way of happiness. HERE is an idea for you fellows on the outside looking untried theories of public welfare upon the success of some Your mission is to comfort, not to condemn. Go out and in : The more people that affiliate themselves with organiza- election in the distant future. It is functioning RIGHT NOW welcome progress, and prosperity. Take science by the hand. tions of this kind and conduct their activities without the use for the benefit of several hundred members, and these same Encourage intellect. Deny yourself to no man and make your- of principles are awaiting YOU and untold numbers of money, the more filthy lucre there will be for the rest of saving self a haven for the friendless and the poor. Minister with who are threatened with complete eradication by the sufferers be sufficient incentive for you to give your This should ' financial your own hands to the aged, the widow and the orphan. Let you. that has been clamped upon you. pernicious to Natural Development, whether you unite Do not wait until system your treasures be love and sympathy for all the world. Go encouragement are you completely prostrate and helpless, out today and try to understand the sufferings of the forsaken with us or not. but embrace the opportunity we are offering you for financial people who are without leaders. Behold their pain, their beN. D. A. Members are converts to the Scriptural quo- emancipation now, while you have something left to contribute wilderment, their groping for life. They are weary and sad. "Man shall not live by bread alone, in view of the pres- to the cause. New interest and hope will be born within you, Give, them your benediction and seek to pour into their dark- tation, and the solution not only of the problem of an existence, but ness the flashlights of heaven lest they be completely lost in ent state of the commissary. But why worry about mere phys- also how you can find peace, ical wants when we have such an abundance of the higher, plenty and happiness will unfold the confusion and commotion of the times. virion. Secure for upon your yourself a place on the shrine cultural dainties? Just take another hitch in your belt, brothGo out and warn and prepare the people to and drink your fill of music, painting, education, dramatic of honor and the gratitude of coming generations by particier, in this peaceful, rational solution of local and world against the evil days at hand. The hour is full of menace. art, oral s. Defer the mere pating expression and terpsicorian Peoples and nations are like frightened children, afraid of thfe incident of Dont wait. Do it NOW1 and you may help to problems. food indulgence until after harvest time. dark. Let the light shine from your souls that they may beavert the threatened catastrophe hold it. Be convinced that there may be terror and loss and Capitalism' might not be so bad if it was thoroughly re confusion. Disaster may follow swiftly upon disaster. But formed and stripped of its dishonest management. But to this EVEN MONEY HAS ITS USES be assured all ye who have any degree of light, that the world will never consent and therefore must give way to a system it The activities and functions of the N. D. A. are increasand you and the people shall keep nothing, absolutely nothing, of Natural Development and government. Natural Develop- ing rapidly. Among other things a small cannery has bees but love and fellowship and service and the cross of Christ ment is not communism of the Russian kind. It is of the peo- purchased and will be operated unless ye go forth. during the summar and auple, by the people and for the people. It is not tumn for the preservation of fruits and vegetables for the use but one of the most American things we have. It stands upon of members. Several farming projects are under way and and upholds all the fundamentals of Americanism. It is not livestock interests are THEY ARE LOOKING TO US Trades and profesbeing developed. for destroying but for building up. sions are now well represented in the list of services available. With the rapid decline of business throughout the coun One by one our human needs are being provided, and so There are a number of millionaires who have pur- far practically try under the pernicious financial system which exists today everything has been accomplished without the and is stifling the life out of private enterprise and industry chased inland country homes which they intend to re- use of money. However, there are other needs and opportunieverywhere, people of Utah are turning to Natural Develop- tire to when the debacle of revolution comes. They know ties for the community g which could be speedly s imminent. There are a number of others who have added with the use of a limited amount of ment and its principle of as the only resource for money to make them fitted salvation. up great yatchs, stocked with two years provisions and available or set them in motion. temporal As a result Natural Development is being appealed to for plenty of gold so they can sail the seas in safety while the Those having money to invest will be amply secured and sponsorship of a number of important business enterprises trouble lasts. They are cowards! They dare not stay and assured of a satisfactory return on any capital they may care which for some time have waged a losing fight under the see the results of their mad careers of greed. What Americans to invest with the N. D. A. At the same time a benefit will they are. Others are secretly buying guns and ammunition be conferred upon the entire membership at this early period handicap of the present financial system. of development of latent industries and resources. Money has been so far restricted and its acquisition and with which to protect themselves. responsibility has become so hazardous, that both the people This is a splendid opportunity to manifest your patriotism It is a troth well recognized and established that under and faith in the and the financial institutions are afraid to venture a move future of this organization. plan of production and distribution in its ultialong previous lines, but are quick to grasp the significance the and advantages of the principle and the poten- mate fruition, much more leisure time will be possible. But The habit of many writers and some speakers is to blame tial possibilities of a system that can function largely without on the other hand it should be borne in mind that there is no the for the ills that are upon them. This is not fair. substitute for hard work in the launching of a new business or The people are honest and money. people They may be someFrom present appearances Natural Development will soon industrial enterprise, and that is what we are attempting to what indifferent, it is true, but do nothing deliberately they be conducting a number of important industrial enterprises establish at the present time. For the time being, until we to hinder the orderly processes of government and society. have food in the commissary and pantries, and our various The trouble is and giving employment and temporal salvation to an are deceived by the political and financial they units functioning smoothly, it is just as well to forget all about leaders. The number of. thankful workers. lead away hosts of them and the "hours of labor and keep our eyes upon the ultimate objec- Democrats leadRepublicans hosts. . The capitalists deceive and other away There can be no immediate or permanent prosperity until tives. At least we are sure that this is sound advice for the mislead of all them. If leaders could be found who nearly all the resources of the nation are collectively and present growing season. Let not the winter find us unpre- could unite them and lead them to take over and keep their owned, controlled, planned and directed by the people. pared, for it is likely to be a hard one and we should have own government, all would be well. Among the people there The present system has had its day and is not capable of meet- some surplus to share with those who have been less provident. are millions of the same spirit as that of the founders of the ing the challenge of the new order, the new day. It is stupid Remember, Rome was not built in a day." So make hay republic, and if entrusted with power and let alone by the and wasteful and incompetent Let show the while the sun shines. Natural Development has no horror of and cunning schemers they would restore everything way. The sooner we decide on this the better it will be for a surplus, particularly of food, shelter and the other necessities that we need to make our civilization rich, happy and of life. all of us. contented. le Post-dai- ds - Pnt. life-bloo- d, so-call-ed broad-mindednes- s. God-intend- ed life-givi- ng well-bein- tid-bit- 1 well-bein- well-meanin- g. ever-increasi- ng evil-mind- ed |