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Show SAVE AMERICA by Adopting Go-operati- and seeing to it that Government of the people, by the people and for the people is restored to the earth on Read and Judge VOL. I. NO. 10.11 FOR HUMAN PRICE 5c. $2.00 A YEAR WELFARE-MA- N Then Subscribe ABOVE MONEY EDITED BY SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, APR. 23, 1932. C. N. LUND. 206 Scott Bldg: Something Very Unusual Is Being Done In Utah FROM THE FLASHES FOOD FOR THOUGHT Our Present Duty Is To Help Save Country Discounting the optimism of big business and the misleading headlines of the dailies, the met rev CITIZENS DUTY IS mains that the industrial situation is as distressing as ever. Unemis increasing and before TO SAVE AMERICA ployment the end of the summer there will be at least a million more workers added to the army of The present duty of the citizens of the United States of America is The central thought ofunemployed. this paper to save their government and their civilization. And never in all his- is to save America. The governtory was a more solemn and pressing duty laid upon any people. The ment cannot continue to endure great trouble is that we do not sense the dangers that confront us as with half feasting and half starva nation. If we did we would rush forth with the zeal and enthusiasm ing. of crusaders and pome to the defense of Americanism at this time when it needs defense more than at any other time in its history. 'When we say the light is beginThe above may appear to be a strong statement, but to those who ning' to break we do it ongood aurealize' what is at our doors if we do not act wisely, is but a weak thority. For instance: The Canarepetition of words. The majority of the people are indifferent They dian parliament was shaken to its believe that we can weather the storm of depression without doing foundations the other day when a anything substantial, just drifting with the tide. They cannot be made member stood forth and in a ringto believe that there is any danger. Let them read history and profit ing speech recommended the folfrom its examples. lowing: "The government should A blind person should be able to see that if we do not employ and take immediate measures TO SET feed our people; if we do not find a way to keep them content and UP A COMprosperous and happy; if we do not see to it that the wealth and oppor- MONWEALTH in which all natutunities of the country are more equally distributed, we shall find that ral resources and socially necesour streets will soon be alive with revolution, the worst in history. sary machinery of production will Then will we cry out and wish we had done something while there be used for the interests of the was time. people and not for the benefit of Who says the day of Americans, believe it or not, your present duty is to come forward the few. and help save America. And you can no more do it by the old politics is not dawning? and the old profit-makin- g system than you can walk to the moon Why shouldnt the day of be dawning? The individualist system of private profit has COLONY FARM CONSIDERED brought us all the evils that are upon us, oppression, graft, crime, TO SAVE militarism, selfishness and violence. Poverty and human degraMINNEAPOLIS, Minn., March 23. (AP). A vast community dation are its yoke mates, and the unfor solution the farming project was being considered today as a sooner it is thrown on the scrap employment problem. the better for all of us. heap Under it some 200 selected families now unable to care for themfarm selves, would live in a colony on a A prominent local citizen, speakof 20,000 acres. Oscar W. Behrens, secretary to Mayor William Anderson, and 'ing at a meeting, said, among other one of the sponsors of the idea, said the plan was modeled on an Ameri- things. "We have been voting the can idea that of the farm cooperative and was entirely different from old party tickets for 30 years and look what a mess we have got ourthat followed by Russian communists. Behrens, who is president of the Minneapolis district unemployment selves into. I want to join some relief plan, said his committee was virtually assured by interested in- kind of an organization but it must be one that believes in doing dividuals of a $100100 fund to start the colony. contract with things now. Those boys and girls The plan would entail purchase of land on a each family buying its own plots, deferred payments to start after of ours, if we are to-d-o anything for them we must do it now. This effective operation had begun. man should look about and find The community would be provided with schoolsand such plans necessary to produce many commodities the commu- the Natural' Developmeht Associanity would need. Surplus farm products would be sold or traced for tion and join jt. It is the organization that believes in doing things those commodities not manufactured in the community. Northern Minnesota county boards have been asked to cooperate NOW and is proving its faith by in an effort to obtain the land. Plans, though still in the formative its works. stage, would provide cooperative packing, bakery, creamery, clothing, recreation and education plants. Individualism, The committee also has discussed means of giving the enterprise a have had start with 1,000 cows, 3,000 hogs, 10,000 chickens, 2,000 head of sheep, capitalism us now try and we 200 swarms of bees, and 25 eight-famibuildings. apartment shall perform such industrial anu economic wonders as will completeBOARD OF TRUSTEES MEET ly shame the old system. Let Cooperation have a trial. It could At last weeks regular meeting of the board of directors of the not possibly do worse than has N. D. A, General Manager Heber Bennion made a very complimen- been and is being done. But wait units. Mr. just a little while. Its day is here of our tary report on the work of certain and interior decorating; and' it will be perfectly willing to who has charge of the house-cleaniiaynes, and his staff at the Beehive Barber and Beauty Parior; be judged by its fruits. Mrs. Adams and the Paramount Geaning and Dyeing organization, and Mr. Schleich of the Ensign Shoe Repairing Service, were espeIt would seem that a blind man cially commended. Mr. Bennion pointed out that while some of our other services are not entirely up to the standard of excellence that could see what the restoration of we hope to attain .that he is certain that these above mentioned are not mining would do for the West and excelled hy any competitors in the city. Mr. Bennion stressed the im- for the country. It is now a year since the matter of restoring silver portance of high quality as one of the primary aims of the N. D. A. At the board meeting it was also decided that as a matter of policy, was brought to the attention of soft-pedfor the on work be stressed and that we put propaganda the President and a resolution for new members. Select firms and individuals who render a service, or a conference laid upon his desk. cothat contribute the necessities of life, will always be welcome to To date he has given it no attenoperate through our organization. It is important, however, that we tion and before he gets around to maintain a proper balance of people from the different departments' of it, it will be too late. life, and therefore our future work for new members will be selective rather than general. Some of the services that we need now, are: painter, paper hanger, wall cleaner and Dancing teacher, house-maiWe are, and have been for long, interior decorator. breakMrs. Julia Little is now working in the bookkeeping department in the midst of a general of the old system with all of the N. D. A. Her personality and excellent business experience add down suffering. The old much to our office organization and efficiency. She was formerly with the attendant parties cannot meet the emergen the Chipman Mercantile, American Fork. cies because they are the tools and servants of the forces and the men CHOICE ACRES HUNDRED THREE who have brought about the presA. WHEAT LAND TO SERVE N. D. ent conditions and they neither W. W. Whitney of Ridgedale, Idaho, will operate one of can nor will take the steps necessary to build a new social order. the choicest farms in Pocatello Valley for the Natural Develop- That step must be taken by those Woodruff, Glad and Messers JOBLESS WORLD 1 ng 25-ye- ar manu-featuri- ng ly ng al d, ment Association. Stringham, Dial made a trip to Box Elder County and inspected the prop--1 erty. It is equipped with finest modern machinery and will be operated to assure an abundant supply of wheat for the use of the members. SHORTAGE IN ALL LINES OF FARM PRODUCE IN UTAH If you know where there is a surplus of any valuable THE LOSS theVTMd wffl be taken. Th ere are now upwards of twenty in this country . A little work and a little leadership may unite them and then we shall have a great start toward national It is the only thing that will save us. prod- uct, please notify N. D. A. office, third floor building, Salt Lake City. We need wheat, wool, meat, milk, cows, hogs, and all kinds of agricultural products. We will pay better than market values in exchange credit. Keith-Emponu- JncTlJ We take the following from an article by G. T. Harrison It is timely and worth reading and thinking about It proves tne . Natural Development great need of "This nations loss through unemployment in one single year II equal to 10 bilHons more than the entire national debt Government reports show that in 1929, 36 men in this country naa iSbt incomes of $5,000,000 or more each. Their total income was 358,765. The bureau of mines shows value of all iron ore, lead and gold produced in the same year as $327,535,040. These 36 men could have Drought alL iron, lead and gold produced that year and had left $22,823,125, or an average of $634,000 each. It would' be a different problem to get by on that amount in a civilized, Giristian (?) country, would it not? Only 59 per cent of the production capacity of the countrys industrial plants is utilized at the present time, according to a New York authority. That demonstrates the extent to which men are being deprived of an opportunity to work. The machinery is here, raw material is here and tens of thousands of human beings are demanding more adequate food, clothing and shelter. All they ask is a chance to produce what they need, but our absurd economic system insists that they must continue to suffer within sight of relief. The whole thing would be a howling farce, if it were not such a bitter tragedy' (Continued on Page 4.) Pw N. D. A. SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING Keith Emporium Bldg. "TAILORED FROCK Our Specialty The PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Published By G Semi-Month- ly N. Lund at 206 Scott Bldg, Salt Lake Gty, Ut Application for entry as Second-Gas- s Matter is pending. 1 year $2.00 Subscription, 6 mos $1.00 Subscription, i IS OBJECTIVE intellectuals as Dr. Nicholas Mur- It is good to see such stalwart ray Butler, president of Columbia University, take a stand for world He said bqfore the League of Nations Association that if the present system goes on its economic and financial results will be so disastrous that present conditions will seem like abounding prosHe Charged the United States with the first and chief resistperity. ance to the international which he declared to be necessary for the solution of the present economic and financial problems of the country. He assailed our policy of national isolation. And his ilea was echoed by George W. Wickersham of New York. A world -eague of Nations, or a world of commonwealths, will be a commonplace, he said, in less than a hundred years. The world has long been a dream. It is oon to be reality. The Almighty is driving toward his purposes among men. He has found it impossible to force his truth into the great minds, so he must find another way. He will, if leaders do not do their new duties satisfactorily, force his will upon the world through the undermen who are coming with fury to right the wrongs of the ages. ed INDIVIDUALISM IS SUPREME Not Impossible Behind. YOUNG MEN WANTED Anyone under Eighty, who can think new ideas, can profit by distribution. Machine-Ag-e YOU CANT HELP If you have closed your mind to New Ideas, you will not be able Advertising rates very reasonable. to serve your country in this hour of her need. When you walk into the Polls next fall ,will you help to continue Wall Street in office, or will you vote for a leader from your own class? TIME TO PUT NEW BLOOD INTO UTAH POLITICS It is high time that we proceed to put new blood into Utah politics. Blindly voting the old politics through the years has got us into the mess we are in and a continuation of blind' voting for the old system will not get us anywhere but will lead us into troubles that we little dream of. We must select men who are practical as well as idealistic, men of understanding and vision, and above all, men whose hearts are right and who will listen to the heart beats and longings of the common people; men who will not be afraid' to leave the worn and beaten paths of the ages; who will put humanity above party, and who will serve man instead of mammon. Let us begin to look about for such men amTnot leave it until the last minute when the politicians have built their fences and deceived the people. More hangs upon our choice of men this year than ever before, both in nation and state. Let us do our best. SENATOR LAFOLLETTE HAS VISION TO SAVE ABERICA If Americans only understood they would thank whatever gods there be for men like Senator Bob LaFollette. He senses the needs of all the people from the masses on up. He knows and' feels that the poor and their children must have the necessaries of life as wellwel-as the rich. He has the sense and the vision to stand for human fare instead of dollar welfare. He thinks of building from the bottom by finding ways and means of providing people with work and putting them in a way to sustain themselves. He knows, as few men know, the dangers that lurk in the path of Americanism and what will happen if the right thing is not oden and that promptly. He has thundered to the valley of dry bones at Washington, time and time again that the welfare of the people must come first and that if it does not and remedial legislation is not enacted very speedily, we shall sortly hear the fury of the mob in every c'ty in tlie land. He has proposed the sanest, the most sensible and helpful bill yet brought out in congress. But the Tories voted it down and proved that they will not render any assistance to the real cause of the people. His plan was and is for a great system of nation-wid- e public works. What better thing could be proposed? What better way to pull the country off the quicksands of depresion? What better way to employ our people, restore prosperity and confidence and insure our future? More power to him. THE WORLD WILL FAILURE By COVINGTON HALL (This great poem tells the whole story of the coming struggle. It is great. Read it and commit it. It will be a battle cry " Editor.) Hear me, ye who sit in purple splendor round old Mammons throne! Hear me, all ye sons of Moloch, ye who make the Race to mourn! Hear me, too, ye pandring Statesmen guarding where their black flag waves! es Hear me, too, ye tinseled Marshals heading their embattled slaves! Hear me, all ye hireling teachers, all ye priesthoods who have sold Truth, the Holy Spirit, and have turned Loves glowing words to gold! Hear me, all ye House of Mammon, all who bend at Moloch's shrine, or We, the Undermen, are coming in a fury all divine! e now no more. and by love driven, faction-parte- d We are gathering for the battle that the Seers foretold of yore; From all peoples we are coming, from the field, mine, wood and town, And the fight shall not be ended till the Servile State goes down: There shall be, when we have finished, for all children home and hearth. And the songs of happy mothers shall be heard throughout the Earth; There shall be no fallen women, there shall be no broken men, There shall be no homeless outcasts on the broad Earths bosom then. Heart-aflam- LOOKING ON THE BRIGHT SIDE. Eads is a preacher in Twin Falls, Idaho. For many months been following literally the command of Jesus, "Feed my Mr. Eads converted an old chapel into a grocery commissary, Sheep. a sleeping dormitory and eating place. Men, both local and transient, are given work and in return are given food and fuel. The work consists of cutting and gathering sage brush. Many of the farmers are disgusted with trying to raise apples, and the unemployed are allowed to pull out the trees. The stumps are available for transients to split to pay for a meal. The limbs are given to local families who cut them up for their own fuel. Mr. Eads reports that the number of transients is rapidly increasing and the available funds for relief have all but vanished. The daily duty of sending boys and men on their way when they have no where to go is most distressing to Mr. Eads, who has a heart that beats for humanity. Mr. Eads and his wife have given their time and the use of their car, without thought of reward, for many months. Such unselfish devotion of man to the interests of his fellow-me- n encourages us to believe that there are many who will work just as hard for humanity as any of us ever worked for selfish interests and we hope with better results to all s IN BUSINESS Now that Congress has given Charlie Dawes and his boy friends h two billion dollar corporation to save the bankers and business men 1 m all rise and sing that ancient Republican hymn: ? Take the Government Out of Business Never did the sys-teso completely write the measure of its own hypocrisycapitalist and its own essential unsoundness as in this ambitious financing bill. When times are prosperous and banks are making money, the government must keep out. The government Postal Savings bank is all hedged about by restrictions in the interest of private bankers. It is only allowed to pay 2 per cent interest. But when by their own and folly at home and abroad and by the essential unsoundness greed of the capitalist system even the strongest banks come near to grief and some 25 per cent of the banks fail altogether, Uncle Sam must rush to their aid. For the sake of banks and business enterprises which have overplayed their own hand in the good years the government must into business with a vengence committing dictatorial power to givegoor withhold aid to a commission headed by Dawes and The plain Eugene truth is that private banking and private business Meyer. can't run without the government and that they get first claim on help from the government that has been indifferent to the suffering of millions of This is but one more evidence that we must adopt a more natural government. ONLY ONE distinguish Republicans party of the common people is being urgently demanded. League for L P. A. news. Americas Future is Before us. Not content where millions are unemployed because they have produced too much and consequently must starve; where child labor anB woman labor displace men, because they are cheaper; where tubercu-losi- S' and kjndred diseases thrive for lack of food and fresh air; where the insecurity of a job, which means life, is so great that young men cannot marry and live normally and so must risk spreading still further' the most dread diseases among us; where for lack of proper precautions, human life is cheapened and accident and death are the shop-matof the toilers not content with fostering these insane, anarchistic, unnecessary social conditions upon us, individualism as exemplified by our present competitive system would go STILL FURTHER and of what may be the bedestroy utterly te results of the birth-labginning of a real civilization. To maintain the supremacy of obsolete ethics, our financial pirates and commercial anarchists have drenched the world in blood and will again seek to destory those forces to which we must look for economic equality and social justice. y its actions shall it be judged, and individualism today, judged by its results, stands convicted of gross incompetence, of misplaced effort, of wanton destruction, of infantile helplessness, of doddering imbecility and insane mentality. It stands adjudged, we say, of being THE SUPREME FAILURE. By ELIZA R. SNOW SMITH Through mighty effort he has changed the tide. Of narrow, individual policy, For the broad base of conjoint unity To make people in temporal, interests one. And independent of Old Babylon. Out for Third Party DONT WAIT FOR PROSPERITY! ITS HERE Utah People Desert the Gold Standard. Political Party in Utah, Probable Independent from Democrats so that a to rn LEAH W. SIMMONS 117 Off Gold Standard SCENE CO-OPERATI- THE GOVERNMENT m CAUSED BY UNEMPLOYMENT of Provo. WASHINGTON Has the United States Congress, by enacting the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, said farewell to rugged individualism of the sort lauded Tby President Hoover, and started on the long road. to socialization? Three witnesses testified in Wasington, within 48 hours, on this question, and the excited declaration of at least one of them Majority Leader Rainey in the House has started a controversy that is not likely soon to be quieted. Rising in the House on Saturday afternoon, March 19, when the revolt against the sales tax was sweeping that body, protested against the high rates of income and estate taxes which the LaGuardia-Swin- g insurgents had written into the revenue plan. Then, returning to the bugaboo of communism which had been used earlier in the debate, he warned the House that communism was closer at hand than they suspected. "You are opposed to communism, every one of you, and so am I, he said. I want to maintain this government as it is. But let me tell you, gentlemen, during this Congress and you have put the capsheaf on all of it at this time we have made a longer step in the direction of communism than any other country in the world except Russia. He explained this statement by reminding them of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its huge loans to railroads, to farmers and to banks. Since "our farming lands are not worth much more than they are in Russia, and they have no value there whatever, he argued that the government would soon have to assume ownership of vast tracts of farmlands. It would have to take the railroads. And the next step would be to take all the rest of the wealth of the country through taxation. "You are right up against communism. from Louisiana, took up the disHuey Long, the new senator-bos- s cussion of Americas alleged plunge toward communism, in the Senate on Monday. In a fervid oration of an hour ,in which he read from the Old Testament, the report of the Industrial Relations Commission of 1916 and from a report by the Federal Trade Commission, he demanded that Congress lay heavier taxes on big fortunes. "This country began to go toward communism when 1 per cent of its people got hold of 59 per cent of its wealth," he declared. "It began to go to communism when every independent bank, store and business, when 1,250,000 people had grabbed practically every business enterprise and resource by which anyone could earn a living and attain any means. J. P. Morgan and Rockefeller would sleep easier if they had only $100,000,000 under their pillow, than they do with billions under their pillow, in these times. We should take all the national revenue we need, from the top. Joe Robinson scowled. Smoot sniffed. LAUWRENCE TODD, Llano News. we shall break; All the steel that now surrounds you, naked-hande- d All the laws that now protect you, these as nothing we shall make; All the words of your false prophets unto you shall be as dust. And the spider seal the temples where your stricken idols rust; All your gilded, glittering savagery our hands shall sweep away, And the maidens ye have ruined shall demand of you their pay; All your monstrous art shall perish from the Earth's insulted plain, All your reeking hovel cities shall go back to hell again! There shall be no Lord above us, there shall be no Slave below, There, in Labors grand Republic, only Comrades we shall know! We are gathering, we are coming, far and wide the World around, Truth the north star of our legions, all the Earth our battleground! r, surging forward to the light, Rising, coming in for the last, decisive fight! Coming, coming hungry-hearte- d Coming, coming from our thraldom, coming victors over all! We have heard the World Will speaking! We have heard the Race Soul call! love-ange- On earth exists two counterpoising firms. And each proposes its peculiar terms. Two, ONLY TWO exist. O, then, be wise' Know for yourselves in which your interest lies; One, ONLY ONE, will stand the trying test. In it your all you safely may invest. Who seeks for happiness in worldly gain May be successful, yet succeed in vain. And prove the adage sadly true, in which "Our very wishes give us not our wish. Search Oer the world; you'll find the happiest hearts Are those who most of happiness impart. The key to happiness is well expressed In these few words, "IN BLESSING BE THOU BLESSED. (Biography of Lorenzo Snow, page 482-3- .) TO A RICH MAN You, with your proud and smug complacency; You, with your easy, patronizing ways; You, with your poor, dwarfed Your luxuries and pleasure-seekin- soul-abiliti- g days. Do you profess in God sincere belief . . A God that taught of love and charity, And yet can tolerate such human grief As you behold but, blindly, will not see? Wait, wait! God will avenge His own and then Where will you be with your "form of godliness,' That lost sight of the brotherhood of men And hoarded gold while neighbors knew distress? What can you ask when, with an empty hand Before the giver of all gifts you stand? Christie Lund. '353 |