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Show . D THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT ADVISES HEAT OF RED PEPPERS EOR RHEUMATISM ' Bring Almost Instant Relief Accident in Chicago Loop When tha ntolenbla puna of matum or ache o neuntia 01 lumbago don't forget driva mad jni nearlyheat Nature put into red the marvelous peppers. For it ia this penetrating beat mat relieves all pain aa it soothe and gets down under the akin, seeming to clear up inflammation instantly. It is this genuine red peppera heat that ia now contained in an ointment called Jiomiea Rad Pepper Rob Aayou rub ft in you can feel relief come. There's nothing better for breaking up a danger oua cheat cold, either. All druggists aeB JZowfas JM Popper Pub in convenient jars. Blessing to New Yorker. ... White Plains, On May 2 he went Ashing off Bye beach, and when he did not return home that night a Kerch disclosed his boat anchored MEMORY IS REVIVED BY FALL ON STREET feet from the shore, and evidence that he had fallen Into the waters. All efforts to find any trace of him failed. Be had been happy at home Hla health and business affairs were In good condition. The family felt he had Buffered an accident and Slow100 denly and unaccountably ashamed of hla appearance. Faint flickers of memory began to stir la an awakened mind, writes Tom Iettey In the Chicago Tribune. And that la why Harry G. Hav-erwealthy Westchester county real estate and Insurance man, who had been given up for dead after be dropped, from sight on a Ashing trip lu Long Island sound eight months ago, was back with hla family in time for a happy Christmas. Mr. Havery was haggard, his cheeks were thin, and he could little of hla adventures In rock-studd- New York. A man clad In ragged suit and a dirty white sweater started to cross State street In He Chicago one night recently. was Just another bit of human flotsam and nobdy paid very much attention when he leaped from In front of a speeding automobile, stumbled and rapped his head on the curb. The fellow got up and rubbed his head In a bewildered manner. Traffic In the loop swirled on, but aphasia. Cashew Not n Nut the man In the disheveled clothes Hs Finds Himself. Comparatively unknown a few sought a side street he was sud- found himself a few bad He years ago, the cashew nut now rivals hours ' after having suffered the the walnut and pecan In popularity blow on hla head In Chicago when and may be bought In almost any Russian Lady, 107, Says erratic memory told him who hla or grocery store. Last year this drug funccountry consumed more than 5,001V-00- 0 We Are Dumb and Stupid he was as hla brain began to Hme. Marie tion normally. He Immediately beColumbus; Ohio. pounds of cashews The cashew 001" la not really a nut wyi T. Charlotte de G oiler Davenport, born gan hurried preparations to return Balph Robinson, of the United States In Russia 107 years ago and edu- home: The Westchester man who came Department of Agriculture; but the cated In Vienna university and the aeed of a fleshy fruit borne In dus- Sorbonne, claims a number of pre- back from the deed Is thirty-eigters on a large evergreen tropical rogatives for her years, Including years old and a step-so- n of the late tree. Curiously, the seed la attached frank criticism of her hosts. Charles Purdy, pioneer land owner She Indulged the right without In New York city's moat fashionto the outside, at the lower end of the fruit The cashew tree thrives restraint on a recent visit to Colum- able suburban district In Porto Rico and other West Indian bus. She said: Mr. Havery had lived for years Tour people are stupid and un- with his Islands, and a few trees have fruited wife and four children near In Florida. friendly and Impolite. Each time I return here I find your people more dumb. They dont produce anything; they Jog along like so many Jack- - y, ' peo- Brother-In-La- brother-in-law- . As- Haveiya expenses "I do not know where I have been nor what I have been doing all these months 1 have been sway, said Mr. Havery at hla home Things were mostly blank after fell out of my boat while trying to pull up the anchor. I struck my head then. I have a vague remembrance of having worked on a farm near Chicago, "I recall the fall $ suffered while walking along the street In Chicago, That brought back some of my r began to search my memory. pockets and discovered the suit I was wearing had been bought in New York. That helped me to recall my Identity. When I finally could remember I was appalled at my appearance. JI ple Intelligence, 'All of the great stimulus that is the human soul Is gone out of your people. "I apeak freely; 1 have seen so much. But of the American people In general, Mme. Davenport said: You are darlings and I love yon iMcKessonpRobbinsI itsnce; Madera Appreciation Oh, Bertie 1 Listen to that mar velous Jazi! thats classical music Why, they're playing. Well, It sounds good enough to be Jazz. Stray Stories. Watch Ybur Kidneys Don't Neglect Kidney and Bladder Irregularities Ifbothered with bladder irregularities, getting up at night and nagging backache, heed iromptly these symptoms, hey of some may-war- ' ;V alL ' Houston. Just for the fun of It, F. J. Walter, Jr, of Houston, trains lions; monkeys, elk, timber wolves and other animals In hla backyard. He never has been a professional lmal trainer, but all of bis life he has kept animals sud taught them tricks. Bight now he Is spending most of his time teaching a young Nubian lion to do tricks and an elk to pull a wagon. Deficit in 1930 Budget of Palestine Government New York A deficit of nearly 2,000 In the 1930 budget of the Palestine government wee disclosed by L K. W. Stead, director of Palestine customs. Tbs deficit Is attributed In part to the financial crisis In America and In part to the emonomlc setback suffered aa a result of the riots In 1929. Opinion. dis- ordered kidney or bladder condition. For SO years grateful users have relied upon Doans Pills. Praised the country over. LSold by all druggists Dooms ills W Trains Wild Animals "Just for Amusement f .$, r , V- a V , v i$! 'S ' '?: ... ' - V. V - a; LEGION COMMANDER -- nude in milder form for homes end small children. Ask for Childrens Musterole. v The examination of Deputy Clerk McCormicks bank accounts revealed PWe t,ra wh office the "marrying clerk has. McCormick said he has been In the city employ ten end a half years and haa been Tammany leader In the Twenty-secon- d Assembly dis- trict for thirty-eigyears His municipal Job has only two dntles signing bonds and performing marriages, The "marriage chapel In the municipal building is a room about 100 by 15 fSet, fitted up with two Town Gets Wrong Pole Painted at Half Price Valley Stream, L. L The eon of Everett 8, Strange, the village steeple-jacand flagpole painter, took an order from the village $301 the elder 8trange pointed the wrong flagpole and rendered the bill for the contracted fee. The village board Informed him of his mistake and assured him the error was on him. He placed himself on the mercy of the trustees and they aid that since they were going to have the pole of School No, 4 painted anyhow they would pay him $15 for hla services. Bo Matter of Basinets They say Dave married Gladys for Yes, to get back what bed money. given her! Bober second thoughts usually oc- San Francisco Sends Invitation to Wales cur the next day. SELL WE CANPRICES AT OOOD hones and mulea evety Monday after January 1st any kind, any as& Writ mr min fwr immmmtimm GOO COLORADO HORSI Stash Yards W. N. - - IRULI CO. Pwf.Cds. U, Salt Lake City. No. Ban Francisco. A huge Invitation, engraved on parchment and beautifully printed, haa been sent the prince of Wales to attend the 8hr!ne convention In San Francisco next July. Joseph Martin, Loa Angeles Shrincr, who Is visiting Eng- Mrs, H. W. Brink Is commander of the American Legion post of 111., and la the first woman to hold such a position. She served land to arrange a part of that counIn the World war as an army nurse try's participation In the Olympic la Franca, games, will present the document Del-ava- v , 3 v - board for his father to paint the flagpole In front of District School No, L Instead for No, 1 he wrote down No. 4, which Is the Clearwater school. The price woe to be Musterole is also To Mothers -t. A t' Frederick Willard Potter, sculptor, with his clay model for "Hung Dp," which will be tbe trophy given the champion cowboy of 1932. The piece of sculpture shows a cowboy thrown from hla hone with his foot caught In tbs stirrup, tugging at hla gun in au attempt to save himself by shooting tbe horse, M It penetrates and stimulates wood circulatioa and help to draw out infection and pain. Used by million for 20 yean. Recommended by many dooms and mines. M druggist. KAY8VILLE, UT. 8pedal Instruction for the unemployed will he given in the Weber comity educational centers. are common because people are careless. Prompt use of aspirin will always check a cold. Or relieve your cold at any stage. And genuine aspirin can't hurt you. Take two tablets of Bayer Aspirin at the first indication of a cold, and that's usually the end of it. If every symptom hasn't disappeared in a few hours, repeat. Bayer Aspirin does Colds HAILEY, IDA. During the past month 60 Inches of snow fell on the Sawtooth national forest watershed. This is the heaviest December fall Ter recorded. CALDWELL, IDA. Members of Seed Producers' the Idaho-Orego-n association will meet here to determine whether or not they ' will form a permanent organisation. NAMPA, IDA. Bonds to tha total of $9000 were retired by the Nampa highway district this past year, and it la expected that the district will retire $15,000 more of Its outstanding bonds by July of this year. IDAHO FALLS, IDA. Yh past few weeks has witnessed an Increase In movement of Idaho potatoes from cellar to market according to the U.' S. department of agriculture, not depress the heart Take enough to give complete relief. And if your throat is sore, dissolve three tablets in water and gargle away all soreness. In every package of genuine Bayer Aspirin are proven directions for colds, headaches, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis. Millions who used to suffer from these things have found winter comfort in aspirin RIN BAYER AS SCIENCE VIEWS ADVANCE OF MAN Erect Position Put Him nty IDAHO FALLS, school trustees have adoptsd a resolution that school teachers' contracts for next year will earry salary enta of 15 to 25 per cent Rural school sessions will be reduced by one month, all married teachers whose husbands are employed will be discharged end only Idaho women will be employed. TWIN FALLS, IDA. To maintain high standards, the South Central Idaho Holstein Breeders' association In a meeting here reaffirmed a stand condemning the of selling young dairy practice sixes without records or pedigrees. UT-- A 40 mile MONTICELLO, per hour bllssard raged In the high altitudes of San Joan county nntU the roads of the county wen completely blocked. palms furnished by the park department, a desk, and a couple of chain on a platform. Did yon ever ask for money when marrying a coupler Mr. Beabury asked. I never have." Wasn't there a little drawer In that desk, and wasnt It your practice to keep that drawer open and hare $20 bill In plain sight "No, sir I" JUNCTION, UT. The 1982 budr at adopted by the Piute county commissioners totaled $17,796, and Is $5100 mors than the 1081 budget PRICE , UT. Due to the fact that Idaho haa dropped its annual tats band contest Idaho high schools are planning to enter tha Price chamber of commerce contest April 14, 15, and 18. VERNAL, UT. Supervisor of the National Ashley reports Machines Found Wanting twice the amount of forest snowfall in tho After Miners Lose Work Uintah mountains this year, comwith last year. Bhamokln, Pa. For eight months pared a dispute over mechanical loaders MOSCOW, IDA. Cassia county tied up operations at the Sterling la a possibility aa a phosphate source, according to the bulletin mine here, written by Dr. Anderson of the UnRecently the miners and the ownof Idaho school of mines. ers reached an agreement on the iversity Dr. Anderson wrote up the bulletin to scale be paid In sections of after wage a surrey of the mine where tte loaders were 2000 making miles In the county. square used. The mine was reopened. EVANSTON, WYO, The Uinta Later It waa learned that the entire trouble waa only much ado county cominlaloners set the 1982 about nothing as the mechanical county bndget at $09,255, as comwith $72,255 for 1931, a r were method! found Imprac- pered mining Auction of $2195 dollars. tical, except In several small i BOISE, IDA. Idaho county astlons of the mine, The workers lost wages amount- sessors will meet here to determine In great part the rate at which ing to about $1,000,000 through many classes of property win bo asIdleness, sessed for taxation purposes. TWIN FALLS, IDA. There have been fower arrests and lower In fines and costs for law viScientists State olations in the last ' few months Belief in Greater than for any other period In recent years. A questionnaire London. on science and religion hae CASTLE DALE, UT. The Embeen sent to Fellows of the ery county 1932 budget calling for an expenditure of $60,015 haa been Royal society, and some par tlcnlara of the replica were adopted by the Emery county commission. This la $15,289 under the given at the annual meeUflg 1031 bndget of the Christian Evidence society. LEWISTON, IDA. The North The questions were: Idaho Horticultural society held Its annual meeting here recently. Do yon credit the existence of a spiritual sphere! ST. ANTHONY, IDA-- A report A hundred and twenty refrom the Targhee national finest plied yea; only thirteen said supervisor's office here, showed no, that 219,213 shaep and 10875 cattle Do yon consider that man were grazed In the Targhee forest Is In some measure responsiduring 1031, end that tones ble for his acts of choice! lower than In any other year In the Affirmative replies came past decade, from 173; negative replies TALBOT, IDA. The Oregon 8. from seven. , railroad has applied to tho pubIe It yonr opinion that belic utilities commission for perml lief In evolution Is compatible Ion to abandon the nine-mil- e track with belief In creator! leading ffom Talbot Junction to A hundred end forty-tw- o Talbot, where the Teton ooal mines aid yes; five replied no, are located. i Above Beasts. IDA-Cou- tv; .v - t IV . V t Vt ' ; V ' - . - -- t ' - The question! Mr. Beabury asked the deputy clerk made It clear that Couples Generous. the counsel thought McCormick had much New York. the Job of deputy been getting "gifts of $20 did the smaller than .oftener he city clerk, which carries with It the sums, end that a larger Income from duty of marrying couples In the that source would account for the was disclosed municipal building, McCormick denied this, $150,000. as me of the citys moat profitable however. Jobs when Counsel Samuel Beabury doe-to- OGDEN, UT. About 25 delegates assembled st the American Legion chateau recently for the first annual convention of the Second division, comprising Weber and Davis counties. Delegates were present from Ogden, KsysvlUe and Layton. NAMPA, IDA. Two hundred local people met at the city hall recently and formed the liberty party In Idaho, affiliated wth the national organisation of W. H. Harvey. Fifty-siof those present signed op party members and elected chairman and other officials. - , New York City Official Finds COLDS .v;r:r (' traveled through the forest x MARRYING CLERK HAS GOOD JOB It Works Visitor (at farm) There doesn't seem to be any work to do, yet I see you have a sign, Farm Help Wanted. Farmer Oh, that's better than dog to keep the trampa away. showed the Hofstadter legislative committee, in a public hearing,' that Keeping Moving James J. McCormick haTbeeu mak- First Watchmaker How Is busi- lug $16,000 a year out of It In adness! dition to hla salary of $800l SCCond Watchmaker Oh, Im still Almost every couple he marries making n go of It and he marries about 300 a week-m- ake him a little gift after the ceremony, McCormick said. They give him from $1 to $10, end rarely $20. Those gifts and his salary Mtntemle well into your chest RIB throat almost instantly you enabled him to bank $229,000 between 1025 and October 18 of this fed Repest the Mustenne-iuones on hour forJive hours year. what s glorious relief! His own estimate of hla "gift Hum good obHuMoned cola wbc diet o3 of mustard, menthol, camping income, however, lacked $150,000 of accounting for hie total deposits am mixed with other valuable inpedi-cut-e n In that period and McCormick conin Musterale to make it what because cna,,awmfr-irrffanffessed himself unable to explain it gets action and is not juiti iilve. that sum. HEAVY SNOW FALL. VISITORS ARE MANY. TEACH THE JOBLESS. POTATOES ARE MOVING. REDUCED SALARY LOOMS. UT Due to better LOGAN, road and traffic condition, travIn Utah sistant Corporation Counsel Samuel el In Cache national forest one hundred more Increased than by a received Fslle, telegram signed accordwith the missing man's name A per cent In 1031 over 1930, ing to report compiled by the oftelephone call to Chicago followed ficials. Visitors totalled 258,000 In and $100 was telegraphed for in 1930 only 107,420 while 1931, home Wirt Mr. Haverys Trophy for the Champion Cowboy here; the Briefly Told for Busy Reader ly gave up hope, ht see no progress 1want no Intermountain News r te From a sihgle fossa skull discovered In the desert wilds of Central Australia, Sir Colin MacKende deduces the fact or at least the conclusion that "the erect post ora dominates mans Intellectual system, and shows that aU Intellectual development has a muscular basis. At first glance it la a little difficult to perceive how a skull which la not a whole skull, but only a portion of one, and which la supposed to be, and probably Is, 'a relic of a primitive kind of human being, can teach the dentist an that It takes a good equipment of Imagination to understand it We must first Imagine the creature from which man la descended going on nil fours. He had not yet assumed the erect position. He was then like any other beast of the Jungle. Any bigger beast might tread him to death under Ita feet Mastery was a matter of else. But one day, the beast, groveling In the tall grass, through some aeddent or freak, or the help of a stump or a rock, gets upon hla hind legs. In that position ho sees above the grass. He la enabled to observe the approach of the possible mastodon who will grind him to death, and to hide from him. With hla Incident, this grorellng creature's relative advance begins, From that time on, he end his species straggle toward the maintenance of an erect position. They employ craft; they learn a superior mode of physical progression, end thereby they attain a superiority over other creatures, A step surely resulting from this point Is the liberation of the creatures forelegs from the function of progression and their gradually Increased naefnlnesrin prodding easier means of subsistence, with practice, now, the creatures front paws become hands By development, one of the paw projections which once were mere daws becomes a thumb, which by repeated nw becomes opposed to the other daws now fingers m that the crea- ture can seise and hold any article, Now the animal who la on the road to become a man haa achieved a point of superiority to the ape, jdl of whose fingers ere in a row who does not possess the opposed thnmb. Counting by thousands of centuries, the new man" now gets beyond the ape by leaps and bounds. Without the opposed thumb the men would have remained In the half erected, or only occasionally erected position of the ape, Together, the erect posture and tbe opposed thnmb PacSfie Salmon Unlike the Atlantic coast salmon which spawn several times, the Pacific salmon spawn but once and die Immediately thereafter at the river spawning ground. All the five varieties of Pacific salmon are members of the same one family bnt Show interesting differences In length of natural life pan. The pink Uvea only two yean; the coho; three; the dram, four; the sockeye, four to five; and the spring; six or seven. 4 made man tha master of hla own evolution. Of conns at the stage noted, tha "mind la yet to come, Bnt It la now an Inevitable thing; for the Improvement achieved makes the newly developed spedea gregarious. Superior Individuals learn to dominate their fellows Communication becomes necessary. Language la developed from grants and squeaks. Sodety la organised. Thoughts are expressed. Thus from the bones and muscles of the legs, from the bones and muscles of the hands, an Intellectual development haa been evolved. The great thing was to get started, and tha tart was the erect posture. Quod erat demonstrandum," says the professor. But of conns ell this la not a demonstration. It la only a speculation, sir Colin MacKenxle's notion about the dependence of Intellectual development on muscle la pure Lamarckianlsm. Lamarck waa a French naturalist who was born In 1744 and died In 1820. He waa the forerunner of Darwin, who accepted hla doctrine of "acquired characters." What Lamarck taught la concentered In hla account of the manner In which the giraffe acquired hla long neck. An ordinary antelope who lived In a South African region where; from increasing aridity, food for the antelops on the earth's surface disappeared, could graze only at the tope of trees. Such Individual beasts aa had the longest nedmconld reach food and survive. Those Individuals survived when their shorter-necke- d follows perished; It was they who propagated their species, which became Increasingly The primitive man, getting on hla feet in the tall grass; la practically doing the same thing that Lamarcks giraffe did. Sir Conlln Mackenzie's deductions from the discovery of the skull In the Australian desert demonstrate that Lamarck Is coming to hla own In the field of evolutionary science. They demonstrate nothing else that Is, aa long-necke- d. yet Boston Transcript Muddy Water The dty of New Orleans gets Its water supply from the Mississippi. In filtering this water an average of 8.6 tons of debris and mud Is taken out of every 1,000,000 gallons. Yet after this la done and It Is chemically treated the water la made safe for drinking and other domestic uses, thanks to modern science Cappers Weekly. . Candla Fish A flih native to Alaska and known to Alaskan Indiana as tho "candle fish Is used in the making of a crude . sort of lamp, This species of fish Is said to be so oily that a pith or bark wick passed through Its dried body and lighted at the exposed end win burn for a long time, Tidal Phmomma There Is only one high tide and one low tide In the Golf of Mexico each day. Tha diurnal Inequality has become exaggerated to such an extent as practically to extinguish the tide in the Inner parts of the gnlfi giving high and low water only once daily. Normally there are two high end two low tides every 24 hours, bnt there are numerous variations In tidal phenomena In various parts of the semi-diurn- world. |