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Show t 4 THE PROGRESSIVE INDEPENDENT Scenes and Persons in the Current News Sally Sez FORGOTTEN By DOROTHY DOUGLAS HEROES BY MARX Elmo Scott Watson WtWWil II HttW Cochises Friend there came to the terrid tory of Arlioia a d giant named Oapt T. J. Jeffords captain oa tha Mississippi, exwtagn coach drirer on tha Butterfield line, who engaged as a tree trader wlih the Indian from whom ha picked up some knowledge of tho Apache lanNext he took over a subguage). contract from tho Butterfields for carrying tho mail between Silver City and Yuma. His mall route ran through tha heart of tho Apache country where Cochise, the great war chief of the Chlrlcahua had declared undying vengeance against the white Captain Jeffords soon realised that hla lino was doomed to failure unless something could bo done about the Apache To try to conquer them by force waa out of the question. The only other chance was Known everywhere as diplomacy. an utterly fearless man and one who never broke s promise, Captain Jeffords believed that Cochise was a man of the same caliber. So ho arranged for a meeting with the chief and agreed to ride alone and unarmed into Cochises Stronghold." But Jeffords took tho chance and Cochise wu so impressed by the audacity of the white man that he would not permit his warriors to injure tho captain. Then tho two men got down to business. Pointing out tho fact that tho constant fighting waa coating the Uvea of both white men and Indians Jeffords made a strong ides for pence between them. If Cochise would leave his man carriers slon ho la turn would make no effort to harm the Apache This meeting was the beginning of a strange friendship which was to make the name of Jeffords known When throughout the Southwest. President Grant sent Gen. O. Howard to make peace with the Apaches after the army had failed to subdue them, It wu Captain Jeffords who took General Howard 1800 Bandy-haire- ruddy-bearde- To local patrons, oM and new, Hoaio Industry now wfahco yoU, -- Hke thia mi A stocking, -- Ml ken, Cob testa, food health, food lock, food cheer. hewlet,t;s NEON LIGHTS CLAUDE Euctbical Paaoucra Cookmuon 1M Balt Lika CKr Sa. Mata THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY For their own good, aad the food of the community is which they lire, teach your children the following a, b, cs of proaperity: Alwaya Bo Community-minde- d, Bedding Emphatically For Good Industries; Judge Keenly. Leara Manufacturer! Names Of Particular Qualities, Request 8uch and Vao Vigor While eX Thing erdaiag Your ZeaL RUTH J. JONES, Hoaie Pinedale, Wyoming. ABTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Artificial Limb Tnaws A rat Supports CratdMi Hmmi JUIuttf blmiM Buys fatabHaM ia Balt Lake la UN F Waa. SMI Batlafaitlaa GaaraataaB 1U W. TkiiB Sa. t Balt Lake Ottr, UL L Bnua APEX-KHAN- LOTION D am nnnoiouMTAiN pboduct &EE Q& no-arm- and accompanied only by hla aid Captain Bladen, Into Cochises stronghold for a conference with that chief. The people of Arisoni pronounced Howard's mission foolhardy one and said that ho would never come back alive. But Jeffords knew that the Apache chief having given hie word not to harm the general, would keep It The resalt wu a treaty of pence which Cochise kept until hla death and the credit of bringing to an end for a time the reign of terror by the Apaches la the Southwest wu due to the efforts of one brave mad who always kept his word. a We Had a Fight Packed With Power end conciseness In FOR dlrectneu a thrilling tale of high to Salt Lake adventur you cant beat the United Statu army officers of tha old Indian fighting day a In the dust covered files of the Wu department at Washington la tha atory of a bat-t- l told by Oapt L. I Williams of the First Oregon Infantry, which took place on Selvle's river la Oregon la 1865, He starts oat by saying To the Commanding Officer, Sir: I have the honor to report that we bed a fight with the Indian which commenced at noon, September 23, and ended at 7 p. m." Then be goes oa to relate la a matter-of-faway the stay of that day. Captain Williams had set oat with a detachment of 12 men to efit wild hay. Following a fresh Indian trail leading toward Harney's lak they discovered a small party of Indiana a mile away and gave chase. After a pursuit of seven miles some mounted Indians appeared and .bora the fugitives aWay. But the Indiana soon reappeared, greatly reinforced and Immediately A body of mounted Indiana rode hard to u circling and firWilliams oring- Into our rank" dered a retreat toward a mountain, but tha lavages cat them off from their objective. There wu but one to torn directly right, ulteraatlv travel parallel to the mountain end make for Selvles river five miles away. Finally they reached the river, slaked their thirst and started np the valley still under continuous Two men were wounded end fir had to be helped along by their At sundown the camp comrade wu atlll four miles away and as soon as It wu dark the Indians set fire to the grass acrou their line of march. Then managed to break through, but finding that they would be allhouetted against the flames end an easy target for the Indians' fir they had to backtrack tnd travel five mlleo away from camp; We then made a large drcl rao cesafnlly reaching our camp at 1 a. hl, having traveled 45 miles afoot without rent, without food, with one drink of water and having been under fire for over seven hours by Indians who outnumbered six or on It la certain wa killed xeren-t15 Indians and wounded s number, horse ns well And all this Capt I L, Williams summed np In Us first sentence Wo had a fight -- u Use Tha NEWHOUSE HOT! An Ex pease" Rates PLANA (Seat Waak-aaO- 04) a 2 5?T. $750 a Iadadtar tka foliowisr aai aatartalaaMBti Chaica treat moot with bath; Batatdw aisht eakaret Sanaa; filnarj ear atenea kreakfaat. aaaaanaa-BaUaa- PLAN B (CM AarTtaM) 2Persong TaaMInf fbUswfaW entertainment: Batlaaa and Chaica fraat roam with hath, B Bara aad 1 aicht; ear itomcas dinner, htak-feaad loachaon ; two thaatrm PnbHz ac X. X. O. Cheer wr Than Btayinc At Heaw" HOTEL NEWHOUSE a W. S Battao Ml Mar. Aint atr. W. Weet GenT Hrr. Utah fiE All wcck win beat article ou Why you should a a o Intermountain Similar to made Goods qpwevV paid for the rd shore. Send your prose or rerao to stay ia Intermoun-tai- n Products Column Salt Lain J 0. City. If your story appears ia thia AA rolnmu you will receive check for VWeVU Box 1545, OS ct u u u MARDEN nibbled her ea persistently as the young lambs nibble the first sneen lent grass on tho hillside in spring. Ha stay, the one eho mast gel out before the end of the week, have the wrath of the Mg editoi down on her fair head, was going along smoothly and excitingly end Mary bad great hopes fa it. As e matter Of fact, she hoped It would prove one of ha best, glie led signed contract to give ell her stories to nos very large pub Usher, and she wanted to produce only ha beat, since they appreciated ha stories to inch an. extent to sign ber away from all other publisher So Mary nibbled away most of ha pencil In ber effort. The telephone rang at ha side Drat I" eeid Mary, startled out of ha splendid trend of thought Hello I say, Miss Harden, did yon did yon not sign n contract with me 1 Representative James W. Collier of Mississippi, new chairman of the waya and meant committee of to sell stories only to me?" The the house. 2 Wreckage of the home of J. EL Hardin In Texarkana, Texa after the tornado that killed Hu-di- voice of the great editor waa foil field goal la the charity of wrath. and hla son and did vast damage In the region. 8 Cadet Brown licking benefit game at New York la which the Army beat the Navy 17 to 7. Unless we are both out at our sense I most certainly did, Then what do yon mean by giving one of the beet yoave ever done to Ladles Review?" "Bnt I didnt I" expostulated Mary. 1 never sold a atory to that mags-sin- e in all my life." Well, theres one in today's tone signed Mary Marden. Better come along and have a chat about a GASOLINE When You Come Just Wouldn't Want Him Found the Natural Way Out a . r a Trawler Pounded by Seas Off Scottish Coast It ' Its cm Bunk's Directorate Thera Is an old atory of tha late Senator Caraway of Ark ansa and a speech he la alleged to have made In the senat which may not be true; but It la fair to recall It becanu It might be tru and it la Illustrative of some of hla way The atory Is that he had been mildly called to account tar what appeared to be a Hither excessive attack on the Integrity of e Republican senator. He apologised, says ha yarn, somewhat after this manner : "I am sorry if anything I have sold appears to reflect on the character of my distinguished friend on the other side. I know nothing whatever against him. I have no facts whatever to support any asaanlt upon him; and I would go no further than to say that ho la not one whom I would choose to have serve on the board of directors of my home town bank." Washington Star. called The Rogue and" Hw Well Identified When the body of John Paul Jones was exhumed eminent scientists of the United States end France conducted an Investigation to Identify the body. In the comparison of tho life-siHoudon bust of John Paul Jones and the photograph of the body taken after tha examination It la seen how the contour of the brow, the arch of the eyebrow, the width between the eye the high cheek brae the muscles of the face, the distance between the heir and the root of the nose, between the subnasal point and the Up and between the lips end the point of the chin, all agree. The peculiar shape of the lobe of the ear In the boat la the exact counterpart of that observed In the body. ze I didnt write It its not my story," almost shouted Mary, and well just see whos using my name. After sn interview with ha Mary went forthwith to the editorial office of the Ladies' Redef view and of the manded knowledge of the person who was writing under ha own asm We have not met the young lady personally," said the editor, botes a matter of fact. Miss Harden, one cannot put a copyright on a name perhaps the young lady also bean that title lawfully. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to write a letter, which we will be glad to forward, and arrange a meeting. FLORfiSTON SHAMPOO Idas! for bm in liakmtha Paha pa yon can come to some son MnswHhPariMrtHilTlMsui and fluffy. fO ccnta by naU or at amicable arrangement about the Wr soft HiacoxCluBiiasl Works. FstehomNX name." I You're quite right, ahe said. Supreme Sacrifice Natives looking on as rough seu ponnd the trawler Nairn to plecea on the rocks off the coast of will Just pen a note now, if yon A very gallant deed waa performed liferescued were on Aberdeenshire. All members of the crew of the vessel tho pert of the by heroic work drat mind. My publlsha la very by a chemist named Zuibriggen. He saving brigade and members of the coast guard at Colli eston. wroth he quite raked me ova the was employed at a chemical works In coala when he thought I had arid yon Swltxerland. There was an explosion, a story." and poison gas began to pour rat HEADS U. OF M. TEAM And I dont blame him 1 wish upon the 20 men who were at work. we'd been the lucky firm you've got Herr Zurbriggen, knowing only too well the penalty he most pay, forced a mighty fine pen, Mias Marden. hla way Into the room where the exmuch nibbled, thought Pretty Mery, and wrote ha note to that plosion occurred, found the leakage, otter Mary, asking fa an interview. and stopped It All the workers were She had a letter back, in which saved, through the swift courage of the writer suggested a meeting at a the chemist but he himself was so small Bohemian cafe called the Blue severely gained that he died soon Rab I will be seated it the table afterward In the corner aa yon enter Shekel and will be wearing a small noseUr RIchley This month la simgay of a few violets and a single red rose, if yon wear the same ply glorious. How I wish the end of emblem we will have no difficulty It would never cornel Mr In recognising our namesakes. Owethemall Shak dearie. Two evenings later Mary Marden We have a lot of bills coming dne on Hilled forth, daintily tracked In the first too. mauve and wearing the few violets and a tingle red rose that waa to Sympathetic Bride-to-B- e introduce ha to the other Mary Well, what did your Marden. friend say when yon showed him my Upon reaching the door of the photograph? Fiance Nothing; he just pressed Blue Rat ahe hesitated for tho fraction of a second on the thresh my hand In silence. Some funny little sensation old. The Morning Foot Race made ha heart beat rapidly after Do you miss the 8:15 since all, there wu a real bit of adventure In what the was doing. She theyve taken It off?" half-wa- y wished she had brought No, not since." some one else along. She smiled to herself, however, Tragedy 'Tour tragedian rarely looks trag-1and went boldly la Seated at that .Norman Daniels la captain of the d corner wu a table In the tonight" Tep, there! only $4C strong University of Michigan basyoung man with a few violets and in the box office." ketball team. He waa a prominent a single red rose In his lapel. Mary member of the football aquad darIt la the madding crowds lgnobli ing the past season, and Is counted - When the fishing steam trawler Ebb arrived In port it Boston re- blushed hotly, but It wu too late to turn back without making herself strife that enables one to maki on to distinguish himself on the cently, she was covered, from stem to stern, with a thick coating of to court the handiwork of King Winter. Members of the crew are shown fhnp-pln- g conspicuous. Beside the very good money enough to leave It looking young man had arisen obtho Ice from the pilot house of the craft Unde Ab rays If practice make) to greet ha end she took viously ELECTED BY CHILE ha seat opposite him as If they perfect a lot of folks know how ti were very old friends. Mary hoped be perfectly wrong. the other guests In the restaurant When birds sleep on the wing the did not notify anything odd about use feather bed the meeting. "Pm Mary Marden, uid the Unless we love people we canno I am young man, and laughed. frightfully sorry yon thought I wu understand them. a lady,' but I cant help that now Temptation haa a music for al Ive been writing unda the name N. P. Willi of Mary Marden for good many ear year out in tha Far West so what are we going to do about It?" He Many a man punctures his tire o the road to wealth. laughed again and Mary smiled. I wu Just surprised, she finally said softly. 'My publisher wu so cross with me when he uw what he supposed was one of my stories In a rival publication. I'll punch hla head fa being cron with you, said the other Mary In a very threatening masculine vole but first, before we discuss what weU do about our names In duplicate, lets ordu dl) Dr. Juan Esteban Montero, former ner I'm hungry, arent you!" Santiago university professor and And even before the dinner wj lawyer, who has been elected presihalf finished they both came to ti dent of Chile on the Conservative conclusion that collaboration In the ticket Scene on the United Statea Highway N 508; at the west literary world would be a very simlimcity its of Ottawa, Kan showing the height of flood waters following the re- ple end natural course to follow The Talent Excelling Marys would Nothing exceeds the human ca- cent heavy rains in that section of the stat All streams in eastern Kan- and that the two ' pacity for getting np to its ears in sas overflowed their bank Inundating road farmlands end even parts merge Into one being also quite W. N. U.,.8alt Lakt City, No. of town naturally, debt Ohio State Journal. pub-lish- editor-in-chie- dra-sW- Winter Gets Busy With Fishing Craft left-han- left-han- No Need for the "Road Closed Sign 52-18-31. (SI by Mk 111, Western Ntwempar UbImli i r. 1 L I i SeClirt New so par ByadloetM (WNU Service.) a. |