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Show DAILY BRIEFS hoOL L..w,; at noon J, Kite Hilliard left Portland. Ore. 1 In Gg-,- il Nelatro. Mo., , to-r- ajr to .h. rtbU. Miss Stslla Williams Complains Agsinst the Faith, But Her Leader Deniea the Charge. If the story told liy Miss sit-;-; t williams, unfli but recently a nimiilit-- .. the organisation popularly iefetie.1 to in the eight of as the Holy Jumpers." is irne then , few daywent to Salt the Christian charity In the t.nts . flfty Ogdenltee yee- - the faith Is nut carried into oitr.-iexcurelon baeeball nn the T eks practice. afternoon. ier(U Miss Williams has been residing m gfxlSS feet on Twenty-Ogden for some months and during line. $400. E. her stay here has lteeu Inhering under building. the direction of Mins Mabel Kemp. of the juvenile court Before coming to Ogden she 5d spent tne there therefore and UZ, ihe city of List year in a hospital greater part court today. of in Denver being treated for tubercun losis. It was thought by Mrs. Kent Thomas Austin and Mrs. " of Boulder. Colo., are White, the head of the Iillar of Firs in Denver, that the Utah climate was family of B. F. sooy. tobetter for the young lady, so she was wr and Mr. W. A. Taylor leave an extended visit with the fust sent to Salt Lake City and late, 111. transferred to Ogden. mother at Greenville. "If I recover I will again pursue the JjTand Mr. C. B. Woodhead and said Miss Williams, but no: work, are in Los Angeles aauehter of - In the same manner it is being conXS cIW. the guests of Mrs. A. B. Patducted In Ogden. I am opposed to the too. Ignorance of those who are presenting near lot vacant a on . fire work here, especially Miss Mabel the tl.flrth street and Jackson who Is in charge. For torn, Kemp, in an alaim to be turned time I wanted to go back to my f at jo o'clock. No damage was home athave Newport, R. I, but was not nermltted to earn money for the fate were Issued licenses in the ordinary ways." Miss Miss Wiliams met Mrs. L. LeRoy Macknlght, 88. and v- Andrew the lecturer and member orW. Owens, Wogohat. 21. of Ogden; and Johanne Statberg, man's Relief corps of the G.theA. K, 1. and whom she had known elsewhere, and jS, of Ogden. (vneral Manager E. Buckingham of the latter extended an Invitation to the .haOreeon Short Line arrived from tne girl to call and see her. For going to tn a special train yesterday, and see Mrs. Owen she was reprimanded consigned (pending a few hours In this city for associating with those to hell. She stated that Miss Kemp t on to Salt Lake. Funeral service over the remains of prohibited her from going to see hei Nan Sprague, wife of Eli Sprague, friends or communicating with them n by letter or otherwise, but she rebelled fie being held at the Huntsville interment against such a restriction of personal this afternoon, rights and left the home." fju be in the Huntsville cemetery. Today Miss Williams, through the resident C l. Peebles, an efforts of Mrs. Owens, will leave over for and year many engaged of Ogden came here this the Union Pacific for her nome in in the drug business, will remaln m the cll Rhode Island. The means or securing morning and to Los the transportation will be unknown to for ten days before returning the young lady. home. hi present Angeles, A reporter of the Slate Journal callcourt of session no police There was ed upon Miss Mabel Kemp, who has ot odgy on account of the absence of the work here, and she had charge judge Murphy at Coalville. The array the following to say anout the affair: confined been who have of prisoners "Miss Williams Joined tne organise dnce Saturday awaiting trial will prob-tbtlon five years ago, but has only been the be tried in morning. an actual worker about six months or A horse attached to a buggy fell and that time. During the time she bun the lime backslid' four or five times, but each brake one of it legs near and kiln in Ogden canyon yesterday time was taken back and prayed with. The aniIn Salt Lake City she wouldn't gc to ns shot to end its misery. Llnder-mimal was In charge of Otto meetings, nor fast and pray with ua No one was Injured.. nor try to hold fast to the Lord and Ur. and Mrs.' Thomas Elliott of St get salvation In her soul. We prayed visitiwith her and tried to persuade her not Anthony, Ida, who have been Smurth-walto go back to her home because her ng with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. folks are Infidels and if she went she for the past week, have returnMr couldn't hope to get salvation. One ed to. their home In the north. Hllntt is the United States land comday I told her not to go down to Mrs. Owens so much, but we never tried to missioner at St Anthony. wo Wednesday will he field day ror the force the girl to do anything and didn't turn the girl out. as one Ogden children of the public schools at to stay and park. This will be one or tne paper says, but wanted her get saved. dan of the season. Sports and gambln r Og-bon- .:r ! C a m Ptn Wli-tl- vis-th- ed ave-wis- to-Jr- STATE JOURNAL, MONDAY, JUNE 26, IMS. PAGE FIVE. Utah Will Bid Says Holy Jumpers Marriage of County Restricted Her Rights For Convention! Assessor Edwin Dix Ida.. U in piivh of Gilmore. An?tv today on business. Shu-takTV Gooding 1 down from Ro-5- UTAH to meei-boo- Great Specials for This Week Great National Gathsring of Tsachsrs May Come to Ogden and Salt Was Consummated This Judge J. A. Howell Officiating. Lake in 1906. A a r,i:is effort I being made by I't'ih' eiliir.uoi'K to eecure for Salt I.ake ami OJrii the annual convention ,,f the National Teacher' association of lwoti. A laige committee from Utah will attorn! this year's convention at Anbury Park, N. J.. which on 5. 6 July and 7. for the con-eiu- -s pur-pu- ce : the .ifse-isuot Weber k !!iis in. nnlng. The ly Judge J. of the Mrc-t- . Only ,,f uw con-- - : : x : ' . j me i, ii 1- to -3 followed ur-.-- r 50 percent THE NEWEST IDEAS KNOWN TO THE ART OF SUIT MANUFACTURE. THIS IS THE CHANCE TO SECURE YOUR TRAVELING SUITS OR STREET SUITS, OR FANCY COSTUMES AT PRICES NEVER QUOTED BEFORE. SPECIAL 8ALE ON ALL 6EPARATE SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS. LARGEST SELECTION OF SHIRT WAISTS TO BF HAD IN OGDEN, ALL AT SPECIAL PRICES. ON 1,1 I ''' I ' -- - ,i I!- i'.iimi. will Gnu then f im! jir. :iu,l wiji cil. 11 l "n ii left the Tliev W.ishlmjfnu ni.ur. tli.il respectively. Boston and Los Angeles conventions were attended by 80,000 and 38.000 people respectively, these figures seem reasonable. The Salt Lake teachers feel that they will be unable to take care of that many people in the three days and It will therefore fall upon Ogdenltes to do their share. Superintendent Allison of this city will go to Suit Lake tomorrow to ascertain what is expected of him and the local delegation toward aiding In The Utah securing the convention. -; i.: .!i ii: every r. - - ing Utah in general to the teachers and the two latter the large tabernacle and nei essary funds for headquarters, The securing f this convention would mean that at least 80,000 people would huve to be taken care of, and judging from the ract that the wed- E SMART- Saving to Our Patrons of 33 s i.- - TAILOR-MAD- EST STYLES IN SHIHT WAIST SUITS AND JACKET SUITS. THE LARGET LINE EVER SHOWN IN OGDEN IN LIGHT WEIGHT WOOLS. MOHAIRS AND SILKS WILL BE FLACED IN THIS SALE AT A ''"I'.im i of nuiklng a strong bid for the 19(i$ convent ton. Governor Cutler, the Mormon ehurili and the State Teachers' unsocial ion will all send representative delegations, the former offer- THE ENTIRE STOCK OF SUITS OF ALL THE llic run- - a ml tne nu n iiu si Know M- l- ...upl,. are extruded to in. And ;li- - sum Journal joins Intinthe fellclt.K;or... -- Attention . r Fiftythird Quorum of Seventiea! Burn.esit of importance will coine fore the meeting Monday. June 28. full u'.iemiame is requested. beA teachers realise that such a convention will mean the raising of $10,000, and also the fact that they will be called upon to prove that they are entitled to the convention and It will also be up to them to demonstrate that they can accommodate the many visiting delegates. old-ti- ly n. te Glen-wo- od of oil kinds will be Indulged in, sad It will certainly be one of pleasure lor both young and old. The following prominent local Knight Templar left this afternoon to assist In the Institution of a command err at Park City tonight: Ur. J. H. Epperson, A. W. Brown, W. E. Taney, A E. Weatherby, J. S- - Lewis. A F. Parker, W. G. Ualrymple and Fred King. Archie P. Bigelow yesterday wired his fhther, H. C. Bigelow of the Ogden State bank, from Portland, that ols In the three days' rifle target tourna- ment lust ended he had scored the longest straight rifle score and had won the Brownlee trophy and also the Clone trophy. in the local committee of employee A lumber yards has been circulating a petition among their employers aski- ng that they be given a Saturday afternoon. It Is said that til of the lumbermen nave expressed themselves favorable, except the, Bel-nLumber company. A map seven-roomodern house, Urge lot, well located on bench, for ILIDO. E. 8. Rolapp, Eccles building. half-holid- ay on op m ERROR IH ASSESSMENT. Mistake Made List Year Is RectifieJ nd Increase in Assessment le $377,003. An error tn the totaling of the of Weber county last year the increase this year appear uy about half what Is. Af-J- w it the sum of $15,044 really had been by the board of equalisation ed Phenomenal Time On the Short Line ENGINE No. 851 Travela Fifty-fiv- e Minutes Miles In Fifty-sigOn An ht e. 1,1.? SSkiL" "The Improvements at Ogden will have to begin at once, are the words used by and General Manager W. H. Brancroft of the Oregon Short Line. This statement comes as welcome news to the residents of Ogden and ought to set at rest the opinions entertained by many that Mr. Bancroft does not Intend to keep hla word, and that the reporta of proposed Improvements which have been published in the State Journal were made of whole cloth. It is now a settled fact that the Sand of the Short Line is only Ridge cut-oa question of time, as work has been started there in earnest. The large steam shovel has been set in place and will be In working order today. The dirt fill out of the grades will be brought to the local yards and dropped into the large holes immedi&te'y west of the depot and as soon as this has been leveled off the work on the reconstruction of the yard tracks will be started. The first number on tne contemplated list of improvements will be A the new commissary department. y fine building will be erected on a part of the vacant lots south of o the Pacific and Express companies' offices for this department. The plans and specification for this building have been completed for some time, but were sent back and forth between Ogden and Omaha several times for the purpose of mak'ng alterations. When Mr. Bancroft visited Ogden some two weeks ago he stated that the plans were completed, but that he had not approved them as yet He stated, however, that thy would receive his attention as soon as he reached his Salt Lake office, so that work on the commissary building Is liable to be started at any time Vice-Preside- nt ff 'W. A topic of discussion among local railroad men today was that the new Oregon Short Line train No. 5, which leaves Ogden for the north at 8:05 every morning, had made a record run to Nampa, from Mountain Home e miles. In Idaho, a distance of 5S minutes. The train constated of one mall car, one baggage car, one diner, four day coaches, and six Pullmans. The phenomenal part of the run is miles sre up thnt the first twenty-fiv- e a heavy grade so it was not until this grade had been passed that any fast time was made. After that several single miles were run In 35 and SS seconds, each, or about 100 to 103 mllca an hour. The boys in the' local shops were this morning comparing the run with the time of the Pennsylvania limited and Twentieth Century limited of the New York Central, that ran from New The York to Chicago In 1$ hours Short Line run compares very favorably with tnese runs especially when that it la taken Into consideration the eastern trains are composed ui only five and six cars and make practically no stops of Engine No. 85 was In charge Engineer Gump when It made tne remarkable run. The shop boys say that there are no better engines than those now on the main line of the Union Faclflc and the Short Line. fifty-fiv- Swept. Aside ,& ... x Sale Continues Until July 7th We Sharpened the Ax still We we sell the goods, and Swatted the Prices your chance and is NOW. Wells-Farg- 5D WILL ERECT NEW STABLES. McLaughlin Horae Agency Finds ness Increasing at This 2 Busi- K Point The Ogden Bro. the IV ne-reat- s CF branch of McLaughlin well-kno- Importers ol A STRAIGHT REDUCTION ON ALL BOYS' SUITS OF 25 PER CENT. IF YOU CAN 8AVE have found that their rapidly increasing business out of this city will necessitate the procuring of larger and more convenient stables than their present location In the Lashus livery stable, and have decided to erect a new barn Immediately opposite the tabernacle, at the corner of Washington avenue and Twenty high grade horses, ONE-FOURT- DO ITT , Prices to Close Our Enormous Stock Special NOTICE NO. 5. Elko Eclipse Gold Mining Company, principal place of business, Ogden. Utah. At a called meeting of the board of directors held June 19, 1905, the following resolution waa unanimously passed: Resolved, That an assessment of one-halHugs Task. and be cent share per the a It was huge task to undertake levied the la same upon the hereby cure of such a bad case of kidney disstock of this corporation outease as that of C. F. Collier of Chero- capital standing. kee, la., but Electric Bitters did It He Payable Immediately to J. J. Driver, writes: .My kidneys were so far gone at his office. 3363 Washington avenue. I could not alt In a chair without a Ogden. Utah. cushion; and Buffered from dreadful Any stock upon which this assessbackache, headache, and depression. In ment may remain unpaid upon the Electric Bitters, however, I found a 24th day of July. 1905. will be delincure, and by them waa restored to quent and advertised for ante at pubperfect health. I recommend this lic auction, and unless payment Is made great tonic medicine to all with weak before will be sold on the 10th day of kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed August. 1905, to pay the delinquent assessment together with the adver$18J)0 to DENVER AND RETURN. tising and cost of sale. By order of the board. July 3rd and 4th. W. B. WILSON. . Via Union Faclflc. Tickets limited Secretary. to return until July 15th. CHILDREN'S WHY NOT CENT REDUCTION MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR AT 25 PER MAKES YOU GOOD MONEY. GET HERE WITH THE CROWD AND TAKE YOUR PICK. 8HIRT8 WORTH $140 FOR 50c. SHIRTS WORTH 75c FOR 35c, OK THREE FOR $140. 8UIT CASES, BAGS, HATS, CAPS, SHOES, MEN'8 AND CHILDRENS PANTS, ALL GO AT A UNIFORM REDUCTION OF 25 PER CENT. THIS SALE WILL POSITIVELY LAST ONLY FIFTEEN DAYS, AND YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO PUT OFF YOUR BUYING AND MISS THIS WE'LL BE HERE AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING OPPORTUNITY. AND SO WILL YOU IF YOU ARE WISE. second street Work was started there today and will be rushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Manager Flunk Martin has already worked up a splendid business through out the state and his latest move gives every Indication that the agency from this city for all the country west of the Rockies will be made a permanent one. ASSESSMENT AND H Suit-Ca- se Sale Will Positively Close July 7th f For detailed a oJto.1' 811 Infor-Char- le John-Ka- te Aent. Nlekel 8eventnth Bt, TEA 'I ere not afraid to tok Schilling'. Best Ask Manager W. H. Bancroft Has Turned His Attention to the Ogdsn Improvements. two-stor- ?r?.r.there wai a discrepancy of $180,000 between the statement the county auditor and that of the erroneously add-- ., h,.. MMOr. thuslnrra8 sum of t $180,000. The error ahas now by Treasurer Chambers, ana .ectlfled ROUND HOUSE DESTROYED. the increase this year is $$77,000. matter was called to the at- the 1 00111 officials by the Big Blaze at Evanston Causas Hsavy tati board of Loss of Railway equalisation, the mem-- f which pointed out that all wn les must this year make a maincrease In their assessments A destructive fire In the round house in n,. l,rovl"ion of the Union Pacific railroad at Evansfor d approprla-passethe tfon kin by the last legislature. ton early thla morning caused a loas of $75,000. The fact that a light wind was blowing saved a greater conflagraS, UrnA,bry Park, N. TU Nlckel lSL5' te Road. tion. The fire department at EvansrSoTof t?d ,vU New city. ton is reported to have worked nobly comIe June th and 80th and and aaved a great part of tbe house JuW na' w,th extreme return pany's property. In the round Bmit were several big locomotives and of rvU,U,t M,t by Aepoelng these four were ruined, one by an exCity Ticket Offices, ana Auditorium Annex. plosion of olL J? New Building For Commissary money y0ur grocer. ua. a J& THE TOGGERY . New Store 2449 Washington Ave. |