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Show PAGE FOUR. DAILY Uath State Journal Ogden Utah. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE PEOPLE THE LAND FRAUD CASES. The admiuixl ration i allowing all the vigor that could lie expected in puMhing the land fraud caaea, and la gradually working up towurd thoae official reglona In which inly can land fraud be consummated. If one of our readera. for the sake of the experiment, should attempt to iierpetrate a fraud (n the United State government, he would almost certainly And himself In Jail, becauae he would not have the experience or the Decennary influence in high quarter. It la tlckliah buaineaa which no subordinate official would te unless con in likely to engage were there powera vinced that above him ready to protect him if neceaaary. It la safe to say that no extensive fraud were ever attempted the resolutions, the senator say, haa nothing to do whatever with the recent suggestion of Commissioner Garfield, which, he said, simply covered the question of licenses to manufacturing engaged In Interstate corporations commerce. Its puniose, he said, la to unify and simplify the railroad systems of the country; to place such systems under national control to make the taxes fixed and certain, and to make dividends certain, so that hereafter any Increase of business inay tend mathematically either to a betterment of the roads, an increase In wage or a diminution In rates. STATE JOURNAL, THE HUMOROUS SIDE OF LIFE. Wouldnt Work Whilo Doctor Looked! A physician in South Baltimore, having decided that a flagpole on his house would add to It good appearance, employed a man to rig the staff to hi roof. Thl man had for hi aaslatant a negro imbued with all the superstitions of his race. The big staff had been hoisted to the root and was nearly In place when the negro happened to glance down at the crowd that had collected in the atreet to view the work. The physician, desiring to see how the work of setting up the pole was progressing, had gone to the opposite corner to see the work, when the negro shw him. The crowd saw the darky stop working and oay something to his employer, 'jhen the negro left the roof CURIOSITIES IN YOTING. and the work was postponed. The negro had said: Look, boss, dere's dat doctor down I know Ise In the presidential election of 1880, dare, lookin' fo' a Job. 1884. 1882 and 1900 the proportion of agwlne to fall off dla roof and dat cut me up. Deed, I ain't gwlne vote to the population wa exctly the man'll to strike another lick o work while Thl i the more re- dat man's down dere." Baltimore Sun. same 1 to markable from the fact that In two of these elections 1884 and 1892 the Story of tha Patient Darky. The Hon. John Sharp Williams, leadelected their candidate, Democrat while in the other two year the Re- er of the minority In the house of representatives. says that one day, while Garfield plupublican succeeded. leisurely driving down a road near his rality In the popular vote of 1880 wa home town In Mississippi, he obseived only 7,018. while McKinleys in 1900 a darky reclining on the road side. The wn 850,000. Cleveland' plurality In negro was gaxing lastly up through the It wa branches of a tree and a hoe lay beside 1892 1884 wa 62,683, and In. In the cornfield adjoining the him. 280.810. Yet In all thee elections, road there could be seen. Mr. Williams the though the campaign varied from the states, many weeds Impeding humdrum to the "hurrah, the ratio of growth of the grain. Whut are you doing there, Sam? vote to imputation wa precisely the asked Mr. WMllams. same. T'se henh to hoe dat corn, salt, was In 1876, when Tilden had a popular the answer. "Then what are you doing under the plurality of 250,000, the ratio wns 514 the same as In 1888, when Cleveland tree resting?" "Not exactly, ah, I ain't hardly restwas defeated by 65 electoral votes, in', 'cause I ain't tired. I'm waitin' fo though having a popular plurality of de sun to go down, no I kin quit work. six-fo- ot 5. in the departments at Washington until the schemers felt assured of the protection of powerful Influences. Secretary Hitchcock and the other head of the departments, with the president behind them, are determined to trace these fraud to their ultimate ramification, no matter who la caught In the net. Itut when powerful men are touched in the Invest igutlon powerful enemies are at once mnde, and the cry of iiersecutlon" i raised. It is a bad sign for an Indicted person to accuse the president or a secretary of getting him Indicted from personal hatred. No !i8,non.. grand Jury would Indict to please a A coincidence Ht once singular and There must be suggestive i that the ratio thl year government official. evidence. I 6 exnctly the same as in 1872. was The summary removal of District In both years the low water-mnr- k exwill be Portland Hail of dissatisfaction Attorney caused chiefly by the plained in due time, but it really needs of large numbers of Democrats with No one who knows the candidates and the attitude of their no explanation. anything of politic would expect a party. Mr. Greeley polled 1.450.000 district attorney to throw himself Into fewer votes In 1872 than were cast for the prosecution of a United State sen- Tilden four years later. Judge Parker to be polled 1.278.000 fewer votes than were ator from hia own city. It hoped that Senator Mitchell will be east for Rryan four years before. In able to fully exonerate himself from both year the percentage of votes to the charges against him. It is a na- the population was the same, though tional disgrace for a senator of the the popular plurality against Judge United Statea hi be convicted of bri- Parker 2.547,578 exceeds by 1,697,788 bery whether under the pretense of the largest plurality ever recorded belawyer or otherwise. fore that of 849.780 secured by Mctaking Kverybody will hope for a safe deliver- Kinley In 1900. ance of Senator Mitchell when he faces a Jury. There la one senator of the United Statea now under sentence to the penitentiary for bribery, and that la enough. We do not wish lo see any X more in that predlcnment unless they are guilty. It la certain that sworn testimony hns been given which, In the The announcement that Miss Marie judgment of the government, warrants Wuinwrlglit will appear at the Grand the Indictment. Hut an Indictment is In a magnificent revival of Shakesnot a trial- Senator Mitchell will have peare's "Twelfth Night" on Tuesday hia day in court, and everybody will night, must be looked upon as one of rejoice if he is triumphantly acquit- the great events of the season. Manted. Ilul the president is determined ager Jules Murry, who presents this charming actress in thl revival, haa to get ai the bottom of these frauds siwred no expense In thl production. such condition are or to the top and The bet scenic artists, the best stage that when suspicion strongly attaches direction, and the best cast and best to any official, proper action must be costumes have each provided their taken. High personal character and a quota in this magnificent production. cureer untarnished by scandal will go Miss Wain wrlght is the acknowledged exponent of Viola, having played the far to cause suspension of public opin- part more than n thousand times, and ion, but If even n saint were found in In her support are artist Identified any way connected with fraud, stern with Hhakesperean Inplays and the parts "Twelfth Night. they Impersonate duty requires that he be subjected to The bower scene, the sea coast and the reaching process of the law. Pub- Olivia's garden art especially three lic safety, which la iHirainount to per- scenes of wonderfuly The beauty. sonal right, demands that he demon- nualc nlso has been made a special strate his Kilntshlp to a Jury. San feature. Francisco Chronicle. 1- -3 1 afHisa At the Theaters I - The recent slump in the price of cotton, the south's staple product, has caused many remedies to be suggested to raise the price of the commodity. There was no overplus of cotton produced in 1904, and the manufacturing world was ready to pay a fair price for It before the speculative gamblers The precipitated a statistical panic., world needs all the cotton that the nouth can produce, and may be made to pay n fair price for it. The Atlanta Constitution suggests reduced production as a remedy. It says that by concerted action the cotton fanners of the south have reduced production before. and they will do it again; and if the world "will not pay a living price for It. let it be made to pay well for Sensible adless than It requires. UTAH Collier' JANUARY 6, 1905. and state national FOREST POLICY DISCUSSED WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The subject of a national forestry policy waa taken up this morning by the American foreat congress, and was dlacuaaed from every point of view. The official! of the general land office, geological survey and the bureau of forestry led length the present work and future plana of the federal government In regard to forest and their preservation. The congress closed its work this afternoon with a session devoted to the discussion of state forest policy. Bute forest official and agents of the bureau of forestry, who have been extenstate sively engaged in forest work, treated the subject In a practical way. As a result of the discussion it Is expected that uniform legislative measures looking to the protection and extension of the forests will be introduced in the legislatures of many states this winter. UTAH IN LAND FRAUD3. Washington special to the Salt Lake Tribune saye: The Inquiry Into the alleged land and timber fraude In the mountain state 1 to be a most thorough one. Special officer are 'now at work in several state, and the net which haa been spread Is expected to be unusually well filled when it la hauled in. It ia intimated that Utah will figure in the frauds. Inspectors are working there, and every Indication Is that prominent persons will be Involved. Recorders in the counties in the several states have been requested by the interior department to furnish the names of locator on many Innd and timber claims, and to whom the claim have been sold. It i said that fictitious names were used in making filing, and several other Hchemes were successfully worked by the or m OV ELKO'S NEW COAL MINE. Mr. Higginbotham made a pleasant office this call at the Independent morning and informed us that the coal mine which is about a mile west of the old mine is ready to supply coal to the people of Elko for $6 per ton by the That $1,000 has been wagon load. spent for lumber alone by those Interested in the enterprise. They are getting the coni ninety feet below the surface at the present time. They have an abundance of coul on hand and are taking out about four tons a day. In many respects this coal is better than the coal that Is shipped In. The coal is very clean and makes but little soot. The coal is all put over a ten-foscreen, with one and a half and two-inc- h mesh. There are forty Inches of coal lying In three streak, respectively sixteen, fourteen and ten Inches thick, and It all occurs in five feet of ground. It has been estimated that last year $35.-8went out of Elko for coal. A wonderful thing It would be for the town of Elko if this money. Instead of going, as most of It does, to the railroad company, could remain in circulation here, thus enriching the town to that extent Elko Independent. 00 ss proposed by Clarks Stores 62 CO. Phones 18-- k 15e Holidays Will be brighter if you are prepared to entertain your frier..? manner befitting the occasion. A few bottles of !n a 'White Seal Champagne Is the first requisite for a good dinner. The finest brand of pagne In the world. WHITE SEAL Importations exceed all The choice of noted Judges the world over. F. J. KIESEL AGENTS Cham- others. a CO. land-grabb- Clarks Saturday Specials 2356-58-60-- Sole Agents for Why not get that OVERCOAT off. your mind Washington Ave. Fearful Odda Againat Him. Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such In brief wa the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Haven. Versatile. O. For year he wa troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctor nor medicine gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitter. It put him oil hi feet in short order and now he testifies: T am on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidney trouble and all form of Stomach and Bowel Complaint. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Jeasee J. Driver, druggist and on your back? We have an immense stock for Men, Youths and Boys of all styles and grades. Call and examine them and you will be surprised to find how cheap we are selling them. a 1 The action COMES FROfo SHURTLIFF Am Anthracite . A CO. OGDEN PHARMACEUTICAL Articles of incorporation of the OgAstho Guide Understood It. will den Pharmaceutical company A party of hunter who recently re- shortly be filed with the county clerk. turned from a sojourn in the wild of The company is capitalised for $10,-00- 0, and has for Its purpose the estabNorth Carolina tell many storie of lishment of a factory In Ogden to their native guide. The party, wishing to cross the lake manufacture baking powder, flavoring upon the bHnks of which they were extracts and other preparations. J. camped, made the necessary prepara- 11. Lut 1 president of the concern; tions. Then they asked the guide If he Fred Arbogast, secretary, who, with A. C. T reseder, J. H- - Thomas and Walcould row. -Ro'r' he queried In answer. VRo'! ter Herrick, are directors. The new No. I reck'n not. Reck'n I never tried company will occupy the building just west of that formerly occupied by the It. Under these circumstances the party Union Mercantile company on Twenty-fostreet made arrangements to do the rowing urth themselves, and were consequently asJURORS FOR CRIMINAL TERM. tonished when the guide, stepping Into the boat, seated himself at the oars and The following jurors have been drawn for the clrlmlnal term of court, preimred to be the motive power. lasts next Why. exclaimed one of the party, which begins 16th: Monday and I thought you said you could not row. until January The guide was plainly pussled, and Joseph. Saunders, L. H. Murdock, could be heard to repeat to himself Robert C. Mitchell, Peter Mlnnoch, James Mack, Hyrum Belnap, Charles several times Rol rol 'I reck'nd you all meant ro' like a W. Chase. Henry M. Mack, Alfred A. lion. I caln't do that. But pull an o', Oborn, W. D. Pyper, Chauncey Parry, G. Langsdorf. Richard C. Butler, J. 1 shortwhy I've done that all my life. Courier-Journal. E. A. Larkin, Erick Larson, Richard M. Louisville ly Can pull an o'. Treseder, Charles H. Stevens of Ogden; Fred W. Ellis, North Ogden;' Edwin Parker and Sophua O- - Olsen, Pleasant and Most Effective. Hooper; .Thomas D. Brown, Farr West; T. J. Chambers. Ed. Vindicator, Lib- Abraham Maw, Plain City, Albert H. Huntsville; Samuel Ambler, erty. Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: Garner, Harrisvllle. unsolicited you, and by "With pleasure I bear testimony to the curative power MURDER IN THE AIR. of Ballards Horehound Syrup. I have In the neighborhood of Buenos Ayres used it In my family and can cheerfully affirm It is the most effective and in South America there is a north wind over plains covered with which pleasantest remedy for coughs and marshessweeps and becomes overcharged with 25c, 60c and colds 1 have ever used. moisture. The effects produced In the 11.00. Sold by Geo. F. Gave. human body are In general lassitude and relaxation. The pores of the skin are opened, inducing great liability to The Ancienta and Electricity. Although little waa known of elec- colds, sore throat and all the conseof perspiration. The tricity until comparatively modern quences of check times, it haa been understood since damp wind of La Plata seemsof to affect the inthe temper and disposition 600 or 700 B. C. that certain subThe habitants. and Irritability stances when rubbed show attraction it excites in them amount to and repulsion for various light mate little less than a temporary derangeis rials. Among these amber; so, In ment of their faculties. It U a comthe latter part of the sixteenth cen- mon thing for men among the better tury, when electricity was more def- classes to shut themselves up In their houses during Its continuation and lay initely known, its name was take-frofor arabr. aside all business until It has passed, the while among tile lower classes It is always remarked that cases of quarreling and bloodshed are more frequent during the north winds than at any other time. Even murderers are said to lay to It the blame of their foul deeds. No sooner, however, does the southwest wind, blowing from the dry and snowy summits of the Andes, set In than health and comfort and peace are restored. All that is positively' known in regard to the recently published report thnt Kmperor Nicholas has sanctioned the exiendtture of 9800,000,000 for rebuilding the Russian navy, la that the plan cover a long period of year. The absolute necessity of a sea power one of Russia's Intest lesson of the present war; and with the complete destruction of the Port Arthur fleet the government Is determined not only on filling the gap, but on building up a fleet which will keep Russia fully abreast of other powera The Join resolution Introduced In the senate by Senator Newlands last 'Wednesday, provides for a commission with instructions to frame and report to congress a national incorporation act for the construction and consolidation of rnllronda employed In Interstate IT , ot first-cla- The Coal that Heats Weekly. vice. commerce. FRIDAY, PUTNAM CLOTHING HOUSE 2345 Wash. Ave. F HOW TO SAVE Half the Price and All of the Trouble Having Dental Work Done CON8ULT Dr. Johnson lEe Dentist 2469 WASHINGTON AVENUE The Best Plates The Most Durable Fillings Finest Gold Work Painless Extracting BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY DENTAL WORK Dr. Johnson, 2469 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Down to Bed Rock. An English newspaper tells a story of a noble lord when fifteen years ago he was a rapid youth who had not yet succeeded to the title. One day at ths races hs lost $100,000. all the money he could raise by pledging his property and borrowing from his friends. Going up to his father, who was In the racing Inclosure, he said, way if announcing his III fortune: by Will you give me a match to light my cigarette. dad? For I shall not be able o buy one myself. DONE SEE ia Dentist OVER PAINE A HURST he Quinine Curs for It Is claimed that drunken cured In from one wM . mths time by using the xture: Pulverise one w k gs d Peruvian bark and s pint of diluted . pit d evaporate it down to W r the first two days tni ,& every three hours. If diminish ises headache u lf a third day reduce mu4lTI at Jrti teaspoonful; ths next ill-re- |