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Show z DAILY IPARKERS DAILY VANDERBILT AUTO IA UTAH STATE JOURNAL, PROJECT TO THURSDAY, 1, 1904. SEPTEMBER ALICE ROOSEVELT CL the $pKR$OGWot IK MAIL OF PRAISE Tim, Card WHEN RIDING WITH HER HUSBAND HER BUGGY IS UPSET. Lady May Dia and Vandarbilt be Proeecuted by Irate Will I I Husband. WILL COST TEN MILLIONS TAKE FIVE YEARS IS AVERAGE TWO HUNDRED NUMBER LETTERS RECEIVED Independents and Republicans Praise His Heroic Stand on Money Ques- tion and Promise Their Support I AND SHE WAS IN AN WORLDS FAIR AUTOMOBILE NO CHANGE Seventeen Hundred Feet of Mountain Carslssa Chauffeur Nearly- Ran Elevation Will be Cut Off For Down Presidents Daughter Faint Chauffeur Jailed. - NEWIOUT, R. L, Sept. 1 Cornelius SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. Rail EKOPUS, Sept. 1. The Rosemount men In believe this that work city Vanderbilt, while driving an automo- mail in its dully average of 200 letters road bile opposite the summer residence contains more communications from on the great tunnel to pierce the Sier ra will soon begin, or, rather that the of the late General Christopher M. Republicans and Independent than order will be Issued for operations to Bell last night ran Into a buggy In can he published. Following are commence as soon as the preparatory which were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lin- few samples taken at random: work, which will require considerable can be gotten in shape. This coln Feckham, members of Newport's time, From a lumber dealer, Kingsbrldge, Is based upon the fact that Presbelief families. leading New York City I have voted for ident E. H. Harrlman, of the SouthMr. Feckhain has a black eye and every Republican president since 1864 ern Pacific, not only heartily favors the many bruises. Mrs. Peckham was In I desire being of service to you, so as tunnel project, hut also has on hand Jured so badly that her life la des- to beat Roosevelt. I have been promt a 110,000,000 from the recent surplus DEPART. , I PARTY. U OF CARS No. 12 TO It In Effect jUn, awMS.r 0 uJT To Salt sti-as,..S- $T. LOUIS NEWPORT, Sept. 1. Newport has talked of nothing today but the narrow: escape from death of Alice Roose- with the William Payne Thompsons in their automobile, were returning from Mrs. Jay's dinner dance early Saturday. Their machine was in charge of a French chauffeur, and rounding a curve on Carroll street, they were suddenly confronted by De Navarro's Mercedes machine with a party of guests from the same function, who had been around the ocean drive, with their chauffeur running the machine on the wrong aide of the road. Like a flash the big searchlight of De Navarro's machine shone in the face of the Thompson party, seeming as if the two big machines were destined to crash together head on. The nervy French chauffeur of the Thompson machine put down his brakes, turned off the power and backed across the road, while the other machine sped on for a time, but returned for the Thompson party. The ladles screamed with fright and believed something serious had happened as they looked back and saw the Thompson machine at a dead stoi, Sofia? lNo- - AND RETURN . AtUntic' VIA I No. Pacific S 1 ' " EipiVgL V ' ' Ml SSoLSL?. UNION PACIFIC velt, who, 'cV R AND ARRIVE. pjjva- - WABASH RAILROADS PsaMsgen are landed st main entrance of the Exposition at a convenient hour in the morning, thns earing time and expenae on arrival at St. Louis, aad avoiding the great crowd! at the big Denver and , dally iNai-sc- m all nointo Mall Denver, Pueblo, Salt Lake from Lead-vlll- e. aty sale of (40,000,000 of preferred stock. Union Station. The following particulars are made MANY HOURS QUICKER public by the San Francisco ExMr. said tonight that he THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE fflty.WagWa't. SSL aminer: had placed his case In the hands of a The tunnel as proposed Is to be I A filKTOy, General Asent lawyer. llbudratrd Guide to Fair feet long and will cut off 1,700 feet psrtmsnt, bait Lake City. Punrlk me on application. of the present mountain elevation of ?INBY TIckt Ogden. STATE DAYS AT THE A. B. M08ELEY O. B. GILSON, Ajent, Ogden. the Central Pacific. By the great re WORLD'S FAIR Traveling Paeeenger Agt Auction of the elevation many curves OGDEN, UTAH. will be eliminated, and many of the ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 1. Indiana thirty-thre- e miles of expensive snow-sheami Tennessee divided the honors at can be dispensed with. The the exposition today. Governor Fra eastern end of the tunnel will be aler and staff, together with many MERANDW0HIEK. about two miles from Truckee, while visitors, took part in the celebration Um Bif 41 for nnnatmal diechmrteeJnflamniatloM. the western end will be several miles of Tennessee Day, and Governor Dur irritation or aiceratioua from the town of Auburn. The tunof meeoue membrane. bln and another large party of visit-or- a PainltM, aad not aalrin- - TIME r gent EVAU CxaUCAtCO. CARD in Effect June 19, nel, together with new and long apor poiwmoua. from the Booster state helped to will make ffin I OoUIrBraicWi, then) eligible to our best proaches 'to It, will leave seven or make the celebration of Indiana Day or aont ia plain wrapper, cltlsenshlp. fcr .Depart for North of Ogden, eight of the present small stations off prepaid, for a distinct success. Parades were S SO. or I bottira SX.TS. From, a distinguished Republican of the main line. Circular aunt oa Tinet. No, 9 Pocatello and Butte features of both celebrations, smoking. the and member of the state conAs near as can be the Express, dully When Mr. De Navarro and his party Tennessee visitors mnrchlng form the lawyer stitutional convention Accept my estimated cost of the ascertained, tunnel Is about arrived No. 7 Fast Mall for PocaAdministration building to the Her- wannest alongside Mr. Thompson's congratulations, especially ten millions and the time to complete party tello mitage, and an hour later Governor for the heroic and Portland, they saw Miss Roosevelt In a which you It about five courage years. It Is Intended to dead faint, with Mr. and Mrs. ThompDurbin and the delegation from In da,lY 12:05 p.m. manifested on an historic occasion. thoroughly modernise the Central Pa- son bending over her form. The presdlnna paraded from the same startIX Cache Nl ExFrom a bank president, Titusville, cific west of Valley Reno, cut down overland idents daughter remained faint live ing point to the Indiana building. At Pa. It Is the first 99 press, I have seen train time fully three dally 7:15 p.m light the Hermitage and at the Indiana on hours, and ma- minutes. When Miss Roosevelt gainf the Democratic horizon since 1893. terially reduce the cost of Arrive from North Ogdon. ed consciousness Mr. and Mrs. Thompbuilding formal exercises were held In operating No. S Fast Mall from Port- my judgment you will have the the mountain section. East of Reno son and open house was kept all day. expressed i their anger over the Why not buy a Plano that solid Democratic support; many thou- there Is now no land and Butte, dally 7:99am grade In excess of dangerous and careless manner In member of the family can sand Republicans will be found on every lf No. 12 of one Cache Valley Exper cent That fact, which the De Navarro machine was It 8avtd Hia Lag. our side. play? cut-otogether with the thirty-mil- e press, 10: Mam. dally allowed to speed and on the wrong We have something new, From a veterinary surgeon. New across the Great Salt No. 10 Pocatello Expresa P. A. Danforth of La Grange, Ga Lake, means a side of the road, too. Come In and see It We will ar- Rochelle I am president of a German shortening of the overland train time Woods, the chauffeur for De Nasuffered for six months with a fright dalT 8:04 p.m. terms to suit I will le pleased to do all I seven hours. So range society. when the west end varro, was arrested ful running sore on his leg; but writes for South of Ogden. leter senDepart and can for you. of the road Is modernised the total tenced to live that Bucklens Arnica Salve wholly From a Na 8 From Portland, Butte days In Jail. He comfederal Judge After eight saving of time between CARSTENSEN ft ANSON CO. this city and plained of the sentence and stated that cured It In five days. For Ulcers, and Pocatello, for Salt years of wandering In the wilderness Ogden will not be less than ten houra when f(Incorporated.) wounds. Piles, It's the best salve In was he released Lake City there would be 7:21am it Is a great comfort to feel that one T Temple of Music. The tunnel will be lighted by elec more heard of the case. the world. Cure guaranteed. Only can come 4 No. 74 Local to to back Salt MAIN STREET. confidently trie Tvt S5 eta Sold by Jesse J. lights and ventilated by electric Miss Roosevelt came to the Casino Driver, fold and vote for you. Successors to Daynes Music Co. ' City 8:10am fhna Furthermore, all trains run this morning and was congratulated From a Brooklyn lawyer I am an nlng SALT LAKE CITY. $ No. 1 Cache Valley to Salt through It will bum fuel oil, so on her escape. Independent and I shall vote for you as to reduce the Dsks City 10:45am RIFLEMEN COMPETE danger from smoke, From a railroad official, New York as well as the No. 2 Limited for Salt Lake nuisance of It, to a AT SEA GIRT Stop that Cough! City I nin glad I shall be able to re minimum. .8:20 pm City, dally, sume voting for the Democratic ticket, No. 10 From Portland and BKA GIRT, N. J., Sept. 1. Rifle When a cough, a tickling or an Irand that the opportunity comes Pocatello for ALBERT F. RICHEY teams from several states are here Salt ritation In the throat makes you feel I did not wander or Lake 0:14 p.m. for the annuul meeting and cpmpetl through you. City, dally fake uncomfortable, Hore-Ballard's from the fold, but was I We dont know how tlons of the National Rifle association. stray away hound from Arrive 8outh of Ogden. good Syrup. Dont wait until the didriven plumb through the fence. You 'The meeting opens this afternoon with 9 Butte and Pocatello it can be, nor how bad it is sease has gone beyond control. Mr. Phone J50 No, have mended the fence, and all of us 2372 Washington the inspectors' match, which will be mavericks will and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 54 West 5th from Salt Express stay Inside now. and Open some Day followed by the Senbury and Spencer of 8Qght. us. street. Salt Lake City. Utah, writes: Lake City and IntermeFrom the cashier of a Kansas City matches. The tournament program We think Ballard's Horehound diate points, dally. .. ,12:45am bank The business Interests of the ODDIE AND WIFE Syrup covers ten days and Includes the Cothe beet medicine for southwest Na Atlantic coughe and appreciate and In HAVE NOT MADE UP." Express lumbia trophy match at 200 and BOO great colds. We have used it for several dorse your courageous stand. Best Electrical House. from Ogden's Salt Lake City yards, a carbine team match, the It always gives immediate reFrom a Jersey City architect and intermediate TOXOPAH, Aug. 81. The divorce years; Wimbledon Cup match, company , and lief is very pleasant and gives perScores of my friends have renounced suit of Taskar 8.09 am. Oddle L points, dally his team against regimental matches, the Dryden fect satisfaction. to the Republican parly wife, Claire Gardiner 1.00. For allegiance 25c, 50c, 7 Na Oddle, has been Pocatello and Porttrophy match and Individual bull's-ey- e and have COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC CO. openly espoused the true continued to the next term of court sale by George F. Cave. land Express from shooting. On Monday next the i faith, STAN 8. STEVENS, Manager. In the county seat of Nye county. Then feature of the day's program will be Salt Lake City, dally.ll:29am PROFESSOR New Street. New York City The It will come S14-HILL 2Z79 Washington Phone RETIRES up in the form of argu the cadet team match between An 1 Na Fast Mall from Salt great silent voters will record for you ment on a demurrer Interposed FROM HARVARD! napnlla and West Point. The vari- In November. by the 2:10 p. m. Lake City, dally defendant ous contestants have made some Na 11 Cache Valley ExFrom a clergyman, Washington, D. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept. 1. ProOddle and his wife have been splendid scores In their practice work C. Will living fessor A. S. Hill, an English authoryou permit a stranger and aiwrt ever since the sensational press from Salt Lake and before the tournament la ended Jour to 1:51 pm. of ity Republican international you to congratulate City, upon dally Ban Francisco five weeks ago. ney reputation, reIt 1s expected some new scores will the noble and Illustrious stand you The reports of & tired from the faculty of Harvard unireconciliation were be established. have taken? I am gratified that a map absolutely without foundation. versity today after a service of many of the soil hns reached the great digWhile Oddle charges cruelty as the years. He is the first member of the You'll never drink any other alnd that you enjoy. ground for divorce it Is understood university faculty to take advantage of soda water after once trying nity Read what we have to say. From a lawyer. Walton, X. y. As that this Is not the real cause. Mrs. of the permission to retire on pen8TANDARD. Insist on having It a Republican from boyhood I am In- Oddle, It Is sion after having reached the Two 5.00 coupon books given age of away said, has led a very ex expressibly proud to know that prlu travAgnnt life and her tastes have seventy years. every week. clple with you was greater than the been quite the With every contrary to those of IN packagee we give highest office In the gift of the Amerl her husband. COMMEMORATION one ticket It alIs Frequently, can people. The world knows today leged, while on OF MA88ACRE Journeys to Sun Fran With every package we give the mental and moral stature of Alton cisco, she has. without his two tickets, and so on according to the knowledge, R Parker. MOXROT, Mich. Sept. 1. With Im- else of tried to play the part of the million the package. From an office of a com a Ire liy TIME CARD, in Effect Juno 1 1 ordering private cars for them pressive ceremony and In the presence Save these coupons. are They pauy. Syracuse I am a member of to travel In. He has refused at times of a large crowd a handsome monu- money. , the Grand Army. The indications are to occupy the cars ment was unveiled here DEPART. after learning the today In comDrawing will take place each Monthat we shall be able to break Into the facts. memoration of the battle and massaI Mall and Express.... 8:20 am. Na day. almost solid vote usually cast for the Oddle Is a very quiet and most lov- cre of the Raisin river, which occurred Limited for We want your trade. You want Na 2 OvelandCouncil Bluffa Republican ticket by the G. A. R. Omaha. 22 and 23. 1813. able man and enjoys the January The unBEST WORK." friendship of Kansas City Denver, From a New York newspaper editor was veiling 8:60p.m. preceded by a parade of everybody in and Eat,daily You may depend upon It, sensible I was a supporter of the Republican kind of a manTonopah. He Is the military and civic who cannot say No" 4 Atlantic Expresa for organisations. The folks don't send their work here Just Na Denver, party from Lincoln to Clevelands to a request of oration of the flay was delivered FLO Omaha, Counnny kind, and by because many us. like We have lots of they first term. Let me express to you my who have homes cil Bluffa Kansas City and good positions United States Senator J. c. Burrows. friends, but and all points east, friendship doesn't count profound personal gratitude for the here ow their good fortune to the dally with we and business, brave and noble action you have don't want It Capital and 8uiplus, qq generosity of Mr. Oddle. The sympaARRIVE. The Knowing Pastry Cook to. taken. thy of all of the people here Is entirely Pacific Na I Expresa from We want you to send us your work Ogden Avenue." Chicago I have with Mr. Oddle. always specifies the Rivsrdals Council Bluffly Oman, because It pays you to do so, and It A Phoenix brand when Denver, Kansas City always been a Republican, but I am ordering OGDEN. UTAH and east, dally us to to have flour for pies, cakes and pastry vote and do my best for you. pays you. going Tragedy Averted. Oveland Limited from Na i DAVID of any kind. He has tried it and ECCLES, Harrington Park," X. J. I shall President. "Just in the nick of time our little Omaha, Council Bluffa THOMAS D. DEE. cast my first vote for the Democratic bey wae found it met his exacting reKansas City, Denver saved." writes Mrs. W. Wat- JOHN and all points east, 1,4 national ticket, and do all I can for kins of Pleasant PINGREE, Cashier. Tou can secure quirements. Ohio. City. dally JASF. Its success. BURTON, Assistant Cashier. good results and bring renown had played sad havoc with Na 101 Fast Mall 437 TWENTY-FIFTto your tnhle If you follow hU From a patent attorney, New York him and a DIRECTORS: 8T. Phone 174 terrible cough set In beA. R moselet, David Eeelea Thomas D. Dee City Although at heart a Republican, sides. Doctor example by Insisting on getting treated trav. Pass. Aft him, but he Geo. H. Tribe Bernard White I see my way clear to vote and work RIVERDALE A PHOENIX grew worse every day. At OGDEN, DT8, we W. W. length In Riter flour. John Watson your Interest. Your sure, sane tried Dr. Klng-- New Ce Discovery for Joseph Clerk Adam Patterson policy tends, like McKinley's, toward Consumption, and our darling was MADE BY UNDERTAKER and "aftty conservatism, while Mr. aved. He's now sound and well." YOULL ALWAYS FIND anil EMBALMER Roosevelt's solicits Respectfully erratic OGDEN HILLING & ELEVATOR the accounts of strenuoslty may at Everybody ought to know, U's the Opea All Right Teleftnne sao-Beef only banka, mercantile firms and IndiCorn-fe- d any moment embroil us In a 2620 Washington Are. "ure cure for Cough, Colds and all y viduals. disastrous controversy; and, Dung diseases. COMPANY Guaranteed by Jesse or any other rood W pay interest on time further, too much ego Is not to be de- J. Driver. deposits. Druggist. Price COe. and sired In our chief Ample resource, courteous treat-me- THE STATE JOURNAL BALLARD magistrate. Trlnl bottles free. FOR THE superior service. NEWS. . TeL 653. paired pital. of. Pei-Khai- She was taken to the hos- nent In Republican councils In this city, taking an active part In every campaign and speaking several times week; was a member of the committee of seventy which overthrew Tammany and elected Strong mayor. I feel that the country la not safe with the present management of government at Washington running at a high speed without a safety valve Something Is going to burst unless a steadier hand gets at the helm, Dowdgiac, Mich. I am one colored man who does not believe in a race problem. I took to the Democratic party to secure to my race that which 18,-0- 00 ds . I I I ANOTHER. I t WHY . one-ha- ff J TEA tjnbertaker ' I I Those Lite Men MNEY $10 Free 25-ce- nt 60-ce- wall-pap- nt er First National Bank Vice-Preside- nt "Pneu-mon- OgdenSteamLaundry la - H JAi Lindquist e 4 nt Eastern 4 RIM |