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Show OAILV Annals UTAH RESI8TREET TWENTY-THIRPROTEST. ENTER DENTS JOURNAL, TUESDAY, of Billtown I Mayor Editor Proves by His Own cess the Fallacy D STATE HI Suc-- l JUNE 14. S W. H. WRIGHT & SONS' CO. III IDAHO SENATOR DUBOIS OPPOSES OF RADICALS. of Official Honesty 1904. PLAN Art Department Stumped cushion cover pretty denis Stumped linen truy cloths in all Ihiilicx and center piece for beginner . lui and front k 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c 15c 25c Lessons in Art Needle Work Given Free. Contract for Grading Stroata Banch Lat to Coray Brothers. on tha (From the Billtown BuI.) WE call this man Agte a to any community. Hence WE propose to drive him and all his demogoglc kind out of iiilllown before he corrupts the minds of the young iwople. His idea Is that public office is a public trust. His idea is that a man in office should serve the people as faithfully as he should serve a private employer. His idea is that business men should hold public servants to as strict an account as they would hold their clerks and cashiers. Cant you see where such Infamous teaching will lead? If that kind of diabolical notion gets acceptance In this city and county down comes the gang; and down come the props of OUR personal power. For years WE have been schooling the people here to an acceptance of the boodle method. OUR success is shown by the fact that good men acin-iKu- The city council convened at 9:15 last night and Quickly dlapoaed of the bualneaa on hand. Frealdent Carr the chair and the abaent councllmen were Craig and Chamber. The city engineer reported that he had prepared specification! and received blda for. grading atreeta in the curbing and guttering dintricta on the occupied bench. The blda were aa Thomaa 'V. Jones, 39 cents folio wa: per cubic cents; Corey foot: J. P. O'Neil, 97 9 Brothers, 94 cents. The latter being the lowest bidders the contract waa awarded them. Later on In the evening Councilman Kye moved that the contract they had awarded Corey Brothers for grading the streets be carried out under the supervision fit the city engineer and the street committee and that the average cost be limited to 9600 for each block. After some discussion this motion cept the illegalities perpetrated by local officials and continued such offwas carried. icials in office; when the same good submitted the The sanitary inspector men would discharge from their own disof contagious following report employ and send to the penitentiary 9; eases in the city: Diphtheria, or cashiers who would do the measles, 4; chickenpox, 1; whooping clerks things in private life, that these same cough, 1; smallpox, 9; total, 11. The Utah Independent Telophone public officials do with the peoples company was granted . permission to treasury. How can WE continue OUR system erect poles on the south side of Twenty-foif demogogs like Agee go around urth street from Adams to Tyler public integrity? teaching avenues. The Erst thing WE know he will C. C. Clark and Charles Reed were comgranted a retail liquor license for a sa- get the men and women in this munity aroused against public corruploon on Twenty-fift- h street In Councilman tion. this connection And then where are WE at? Davidson asked if It was not a fact Gone. that saloonkeepers sometimes opened The edifice which WE have so caretheir premises and did business befully bullded will be crumbled Into fore they secured a license. 1-- ruins. If this man Agee keeps on he will get men like David Eccles and Fred Kiesel, and Ralph Hoag and the and the Pingrees and the Bigelows and the Wrights and tfie Watsons and the Clarks and the Howells and the Peerys all to thinking that honesty Is Just as Important In the public official as It Is in the private The city recorder replied that the applicants lrt this Instance had been doing buslnes without a license but they did not know that the application had to come before the council. However, It is the duty of the police to attend to that end of the business. The ordinance providing for the levying of a special tax for the repavstreet passed the ing of Twenty-fift- h first and second readings and went to the committee on laws. Scow-crof- ts employe. Do you think a big business man like David Eccles would keep In his T. D. Johnson and twenty-on- e other residents on Twenty-thir- d street, own- 'employ a bank cashier who would ers of 9,299 feet of frontage, entered a pad the payrolls of the banlc? Not much. protest not against the proposed imDo you think that a big taxpayer which in provements, but the manner it was proposed to carry them out. The would sustain In public office any man Protestants understood that after the who would violate the statute in the curbing and guttering had been com- matter of public payrolls?' pleted the districts were to be graded and macadamised in the same rotation as they were curbed and guttered - as long us WE van circu- They Favor Presenting Disfranchisement Resolution to Nominating late orn teaching and have it accepted by the general public. Convention. And noiv here is this man Agee upsetting the whole applecart. A in the Suit Luke Tribune Doggone him! Why cant he keep from Koine. I,la., says: still? C'li.i inii.in Iiomielly of the DemoHis method will create restlessness cratic stale Is in committee Boise for Ln and dissatisfaction this communthe pui'itone of heading off the radical ity. element In the party, representatives Can anyone believe that these are of which it is learned held a mass factors in city progress? WE believe the town and county meeting hetv since the state convention and decided to press n resolution grow faster and better if nobody finds in the state nominating convention at any fault with US and our henchLewiston asking for the disfranchisemen. ment of Mormons. Senator Dubois What WE want is peace. was advised of this movement and he WE would like to import a little of sent the chairman here, it Is underthe Colorado method in here, under stood. to advise moderation. The senwhich we could deport all these malator doe not favor going further at contents like Agee. convention than the acWE name Agee particularly because the tion called for by the Welser declarahe is the most offensive of the "tripe. tions. excepting, perhaps, to adopt He talks honesty all day long. WE have watched him and have dis- ringing resolutions condemning Mormon attempt to dominate the state covered that the wretch practices it, Well, yes, epi-i-i.i- too. There are some others doing the same thing; and when WE get through with Agee WE propose to pull them up by the roots. What an example they set before the youth of this community! WE call on all parents and all public instructors to warn the young people against the awful lesson furnished by Agee and his associate. They're not successful. WE are. Hence OURS is the right way. If the young people would advance In wealth and power, let them look at US. Let them realise that public office is a private snap. That the padding of the public payroll is a virtue and will be supported by the richest taxpayers in the community. That it is the highest civic morality to place the names of men on the public salary list who never performed an hour of service; and for the public employes, already compensated to the full extent of the statute, to draw down the pay and to forge the names of these fictitious employes. That is what WE have brought this community to. That la where WE want It to stay. That Is the way WE educated public sentiment until this man Agee appears and be&lns to talk righteousness In politics. It is clear, then, that Agee must go. or Down goes OUR meat house. semi-month- com-'Pa- ly ny 50-t- on - stub-hor- Silk Special imngee silk, embroidered ch regular 91.25 in blue, lavendar und red dots; quality cruietietic plain pongee, 'h finish. unspottuble; 27-ln- summer silk, white ground, embroidered blue, green and black dots; regular 91.00 value black taffeta silk, guaranteed, of extra quality; Knit Drawers 29c. Good quality, lat-regulur 35c quality. trimmed: Black Lisls Tights 50c. Ladies' suitable slse; camping; sumer weight. for Vasts. Bilk trim med. silk tape; 35c each; three for 91.00. Lial Towsls, 4 for 25c. White Honey-com- b towels, 33 Inches long. . Same style towel, 52 Inches long, colored border; worth 15c, for IZgC. y Figured Batiste Girdle Corsete 29o. Nico and cool for lummer; sixes 13 to 29; were S5c. Fancy Figured Lawni 9c. 30 Inches wide; when made up ltNils like the more expensive goods; worth 15c. 30-In- Lawn lOo. Tissue and Swiss; regular 25c grade. Chsap Wash Goods. 8 3 and 10c lawns. The Elwood Twanijr-Secen- d Strwwt MR& 8. H. ELWOOD, Psor. ' Newly furnished throughout; equipment modern; electrle lights, steam heal; centrally located. Board by day or week. Rotes reasonable. Telephone UO-K 5e Parisian Novelt- y- 70c Tulle-Lat- est beautiful airy summer material, similar to Illusion, with large organdie figures; in assorted colors; very pottlur for summer and evening 70o wear; worth 31.00 A The Journal always has been and always will be of the champion the toiling masses. New Knoth Drug Store Mr. Knoth desires you to know that his new store is now occupied and that every convenience for his customers is rapidly being in- stalled. Furthermore that prescriptions will not only be accurately filled with the purest drugs but also delivered promptly. Every effort to please customers will be made, and telephone orders will be specially cared for. NEW 80DA WITHIN A FEW DAYS A SPLENDID AND DURING THE FOUNTAIN WILL BE INSTALLED SUMMER EXPERTLY HANDLED, WHILE FRE3H "HUY YOUR TRADE IS SO LER'S IS ALWAYS CARRIED. ICITED. j B. G. 2441 all no .' Concerning the The second annual outing of the Miners' union of Utah was held yesterday at Lagoon, where nearly 2,000 miners and their families from all over the state assembled. ST3 In tolors and patterns; suitable for dresses, waists and ANNOUNCEMENT DAY AT LAGOON. That de"Deliciously refreshing." scribes STANDARD Soda Water; all flavors, and for sale everywhere. 65c regular You'll never drink any other kind of soda water after once trying STANDARD. Insist on having it ELECTED. was elected SunOscar F. Hunter to succeed Elijah F. Sheets day night, as bishop of the Eighth ward. James G. McDonald and George F. Richards, Jr., were chosen as counselors to the Mr. Sheets has presided as bishop. bishop In the ward for forty-eig- ht years. That Tired Fasting. If you are languid, depressed and Incapable for work, It Indicates that your liver Is out of order. Herblne will assist nature to throw off headaches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore the energies and vitality of sound snd perfect health. J. J. Hubbard, Temple, Tex, writes, March 22, 1902: 1 have used Herblne for the past two yeara It has done me more good than all tbe doctors. When I feel bad and have that tired feeling I take a dose of Herblne. It Is the best medicine ever made for chills and fever. 50 cents a bottle. Sold by Geo. F. Cave, druggist. in red, 90c NEW BISHOP MINERS worth Embroidered Habutai A sort washable ELKS EXCURSION. Provo June 15th, via Rio Grands. Train leaves Ogen 8 a. m. Everybody invited. Fir $3.40 round trip. The Salt Lake Elks will join the Ogdens at 8alt Lake City. no official statement to the company of The strikers take their differences. another view of the matter and declare that the company has received sufficient notice. e, - i politics. A special dispatch to the Herald, bearing on the same proposition, says: S. P. Donnelly, chairman of the Democratic state committee, hns arrived In the city. While his business ha not been announced, it la understood he came in connection with a movement launched among the Democrats having for its object the securing of control of the state nominating convention In order that resolutions may be adopted favoring disfranchisement of the Mormons. A meeting was held here last week to start the matter, and It adjourned until tonight. Senator Dubois does not favor this program. Whether Mr. Donnelly has come to represent his views or to aid the movement Is not yet known. Mr. Donnelly holds very views adverse to the pronounced Mormons. IN AND AROUND SALT LAKE CITY and they protested against the street being torn up that length of time. RePHY8ICIANS CONDEMN ferred to the city engineer. THE ELEVATOR 8ERVICE The ordinance providing for a tax for the payment of laying down the Elevator service In that city was sidewalk on Twenty-fift- h street passed condemned by the members generally its final reading, and council then of the Salt Lake County Medical sosession last ciety In in Dr. LaMotte, speaking of night BIG ORDER FOR CARS. the death of John Rees, who took the doctor up on the last trip he made, Contracts Placed With Eastern Com said that the boy had often complained panies for Southern Pacifio to him of the working of tbe elevator and Short Lins. find that he had said he was In constant fear that an accident would hapOne of the largest single orders for pen. The boy Is said to have refreight equipment ever placed by a marked that be could not stop the western railroad has Just been given cage when he wanted to and that It 'to the Pressed Steel Car company and would often get beyond his control. the American Car and Foundry He Is said to have complained to the by W, V. S. Thorne, director of engineer of the building but without purchases on all the Harriman lines. receiving attention. It is a noteworthy fact that all these cars are for the far western end of the YOUNG DEMOCRATS OF system. First comes 1,000 flats SALT LAKE ORGANIZE and 950 oil tank cars of 19,850 gallons capacity, these 1.950 cars to be built An enthusiastic meeting of young by the Pressed Steel folks with deliv- Democrats of Salt Lake was held In ery beginning August 1 to the South- - the office of Ray Van Cott last night em Pacific. for the purpose of taking steps preThe American company gets the liminary to the organisation of a contract for 1,000 steel underframe young men's Democratic club In Salt box cars for delivery in July and AugLake county. M. H. L'und presided at ust, 250 for the Short Line at Salt the meeting and C. M. Jackson was Lake and 750 for the Southern Pacific secretary. A committee to arrange a at San Franclsoo. plan of organisation was appointed. About fifty young men were present at Cures Old 8ores.' the meeting and the Indications are Westmoreland, Kansas, May 5, 1902. that the club will start off with a big Ballard Snow Liniment Co.: Y membership. Efforts will be made- to Snow Liniment an old sore have other counties of the state Join the side of my chin that was supposed In forming similar clubs. to be a cancer. The sore was n and would not yield to treatment, LINEMEN'8 STRIKE STILL ON. until I tried Snow Liniment, which Linemen employed at the Rocky ' dl1 the work in short order. My sisMountain Bell Telephone company ter, Mrs. Sophia J. Carson, Allena-vliiMlffln Co., Pa. has a sore and yesterday received what money was mistrusts that It la a. cancer. Please due them and left The atrlke at the "end her a 50c bottle. Sold by Geo plant still continues, although a numF. Cave, ber of the men have remained in the druggist employ of the company. Theres pleasure In drinking If you The company officials still maintain Insist on having STANDARD Soda that the striking employes have made Tuesday and Saturday mornings from 9 to 1l:3n o'clock to those purchasing materia at Art counter. A uiuiion lx here would be glad to have the children form a part of nur class. Special attention and careful instiuu Ion will be given them. WASHINGTON KNOTH TELEPHONE NEXT TO THE BIG CLOCK. 147-- Y |