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Show OSDAR LAWLER IS BOI PLOT ran DC AMERICANS KILLED BY MEXICANS, Visions Back Giving Out? That bed back is probably doe to weak kidneys. It ehowe in a dull, throbbing backache, or sharp twingta when stooping. You have headaches, too. dizzy spells, a tired, nervous feeling irregular kidney action. Dont neg-i- t there is danger of dropry, gravel Kid- hts disease! Uae Doom's them-elves ney Pills. Thousands have saved more serious ailment by the timely uae of Doans. 217 REPORTS TO THE 8ENATE THAT U. 8. CITIZENS HAVE B42 DAMAGE CLAIM8. LANSING RESIDENCE OF PROSECUTOR IN LOS ANGELES DESTROYED, LAWLER AND WIFE VICTIMS. Police Discover Evidence of Deliberate Plan at Murder Dragnet la Cact for Miscreants. Attorney Has Even Chance to Recover. Revenge for the part he played In the prosecution of a group of (lynuuiiters In the middle west Severn years ago was assigned by the police here as the probable motive for an attempt on the life of Oscar Lawler, former assistant attorney general of the United States. Mr. Lawler's home was practically destroyed by a bomb and subsequent fire here early Sunday and he and Mrs. Lawler both seriously burned and otherwise Injured. According to Information gathered by the police, a man driving an automobile stopped in front of the Lawler residence at Kewhampshire street and Wiltshire boulevard, In an exclusive residential district. He dropped something, leaped Into the car und rapidly drove away. An 'explosion followed almost immedlate-- ly. The house burst into flames. Mr. Lawler, his wife and one child were trapped within. William lacy, an ironmaster, and Hid Pulford, who were driving past the house, hurriedly obtained a ladder and rescued Oscar Lawler, Jr., Mr. Lawler dragged his wife to a window and In the midst of flames, lowered her from an upper story until her feet touched an awning over a window to the ground. They were removed to the Sisters hospital. Two others of the three Lawler children, Charles and Jane, were out of the city, visiting at the ranch of Dan Murphy, the oil producer at Pebbly Beach. The Lawler home was a large brick and frame structure in the fashionable Wllshlre district In the west part of the city. Luo Angeles. 1 -- five-year-ol- d. ' ' FOREST FIREs'STILL RAGING. Rains Aid Fighters Materially, However, in 8ome Districts. Spokane, Wash. Forest fire conditions in the Pend Oreille and Coeur d'Alene forests of northern Idaho, according to Information received here, were worse Saturday, while In the 8L Joe forest, where several small fires were bnrnlng, little change was noted. A heavy rain for the second consecutive night has virtually extinguished the Mission creek fire across the line, which has destroyed of timber. feet 200,000,000 A fire on the south end of Pend Oreille lake threatened homesteaders, and more men were sent to fight it Four more lightning fires were reported from the Coeur d'Alene forest and one fire set by lightning had spread over 200 to 300 acres. Three hundred men are fighting the fire on Bear creek, near Kellogg, Idaho. New crews were sent to the fire near Ileron, Mont, which forced crews fighting It to withdraw. Rains relieved the serionsness of the forest fire situation in all parts of Western Montana. More firefighters are to be sent to the Belway and Nez Perce, Idaho, It was declared, In an effort to bring the fires there under control. JWActefih Carranzas Elimination Only Remedy, MbaJfaojrrf House Rules Committee Is Informed by Gates. Damages Aaked Becauee of Depredations. Washington. Two hundred and seventeen American citizens have been killed in Mexico since the end of the regime of Porfirio Diaz on May 25, 1911, the senate was Informed by Secretary Lansing in response to a resolution by Senator King, Democrat, Utah. Claims filed by American citizens asking damages because of Mexican depredations during the time have totaled 942, Mr. Lansing said. Regarding a request In the resolution that the secretary inform the sen- -' ate regarding the number of citizens of other countries who have been killed in Mexico, the secretary said this list was not complete, but that Instructions had been issued to American diplomatic representatives in the southern republic asking them to attempt to obtain this information. . Accompanying Mr. Lansing's letter was a table compiled by th.e state department, showing the nature aud amount of the various claims filed. Claims for damages to property were 772, of which 118 specified no amount The other claims totaled $22J335i92. Claims growing out of the killing of American citizens totaled seventy-threof which twenty-fiv- e stated no amount of damages. The others, however, carried claims of $2,317,875. Elimination of President Carranza "with the least damage possible" is the only "solution of the Mexican problem," the house rules committee was told today by William Gates, an archaeologist of Baltimore. Mr. Gates said Henry P- - Fletcher, the American ambassador to Mexico, realized that Carranza was Impossible, and added that the ambassador had not obtained the real facts in the Mexican situation for President Wilson. ReiteUntlng his charge that the Carranza government existed without constitutional right, Mr. Gates said the new constitution drafted since Oarran-s- a came Into power had not been ratified by the number of states which its terms provide shall ratify it. The witness also presented a document from military chieftains in the state of Oaxaca calling upon other Mexican states to Join a movement opposing Carranza. e, Officer, Alleged Bigamist San Francisco. The body of David K. Barney of Sacramento, Calif., until recently a major In the United States army, was found In a washroom on a ferryboat, a few minutes before the vessel entered a slip at the ferry building, where officers were waiting to arrest him on a charge of bigamy. Gal Deeae at Aay Stare, 60c a Bos ET rOSTER-MILBUR- Fleet Vanguard Now at San Diego. San Diego. The destroyer Philip, first vessel of the new Pacific fleet to reach an American port on the Pacific coast from the Atlantic, arrived here Saturday afternoon to bring mall rom the fleet and take mall back to it. Lieutenant Commander E. W. Strother, the Philip's commander, experts to Join the flagship New Mexico mi August 5, two days before the fleet is due at this port. Two Score Hurt In Trolley Crash Ban Jose, Cal. More than two score persons were injured, many seriously, when two Interurban cars on the Pennine insula railway collided head-omiles from here at noon Sunday. One of the cars was crowded with picnickers bound for Congress Springs, a ren f CO, N LLS BUFFALO; N. Y. Bad Sickness I Caused by Acid-Stoma- ch CALIFORNIA WINE AND UTAH MEMORANDUM PRESENTED TO WATER MIX ON BOW AS UTA- THE PRESIDENT BY DELEGA-CARBOIS LAUNCHED. TION OF CALLERS. I only reallud th power of an kinds of alcknoM and misery the Uvea It literally wrecks carefully guard against It against a deadly plague. Ton Instant ths first aymptoml of If psopla N hoaUh-doatroy-f- acld-itoma- tbt many of they would as they do knew In an of It acid-stoma- Traditional Vintage Dashed by Miss Profiteers Are Charged With aibility for Conditions Breeding Horsley, 8poneor of Utahs I SatUnrest, by the Brotherhood of Honor to Loan Liberty 8hip, wins cf indigestion; distressing, painful lost; sour, gassy stomach; belching; food your repeating; heartburn, etc. Whenever stomach feels this way you ohould loss no If to it in you don't, timo rights. putting 1 Locomotive Engineers. serious consequences are almost sura to folisfy Sea Superstition. low, such as Intestinal fermentation, autointoxication. Impairment cf the entire nersystem, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis San Francisco. Into the high tide I Washington. The high cost of liv-o- f vous of tho liver; sometimes even catarrh of the and intestinal ulcers and esneer.wage-Utustomach Oakland harbor, the Utacarboni tag and growing unrest among not fasting right, see If 11 Isn't arc If you that Is the causa of your III Liberty loan honor ship, was earners of America were put directly Take BATONIC, the wonderful modlaunched at 5 o'clock Thursday after- - up to the president in a remarkable health. ern stomach remedy. BATONIC Tablets surely relieve the pain, bloat, noon, California wine and Utah moun-- 1 way Wednesday by the advisory .board quickly and and heartburn that indicate tain water glistening on the bow as the I the Brotherhood of Locomotive En-bl- g belching, llake the stomach strong, clean, and sweet. By keeping the stomach in oil tanker glided down the ways gtaeers. can got full so that condition you healthy from your food, your general health at the Alameda yards of the Bethle-- 1 Tby told him that if the government strength improves. Results are marvelously "ld not take steps to reduce the cost steadily hem Shipbuilding corporation. quick. Just try BATONIC and you will bo I to make as the thousands who have it lifes aa enthusiastic square necessities, The unusual combination of wine need It and who ear they never dreamed and water added flavor to the launch-- 1 'Ith the income of the people, they anything could bring such marvelous relief. n box of BATONIC Bo get a big lng ceremonies. The wine dashed up-- 1 wtad demand another increase from your druggist today. If not satisfacthe starboard bow by Miss Mar-- crea8e ta wages, tory return It and he will refund your money. Respon-Margar- hs acid-stoma- h. In-o- nt 1 I President Wilson, who characterized garet Horsley, the pretty sponsor, was used to lay the ' Jinx" which men of a memorandum left by the engineers an Impressive document," had just the sea contend may attach to a ship not christened with the traditional vln-- 1 ftatabed a conference with Homer 8.e chairman of the tage, GoveftSP Bswfberger dashed the Cummings, national crac committee, who told bow. water of against the port v WM tte hiSh the departRepresenting treasury hour. of the Corning subject meut. Governor Day of the Twelfth u us Starnes, chairman of the Federal reserve presented the ship to ration, told the was and by it county, ernnt4 rIn accepted ATONIC f tor y6pr . Demo-bottl- I a&p-stomaci- of grain problems and grievGovernor Bamberger. Governor wil-Peances of farmers over recent rul- the liam D. Stephens vym called upon by on wheat Master of Ceremonies Carl R. Marcu-sen- lngs Warren S. Stone, president of the and responded with a glowing brotherhood, presented the memoran- tribute to Utahs chief executive. a arromp..ll b, 1x-TUe launching part, from Utah waal?members of the executive board. teen entertalncd at a luncheon at the HoIt was reported, 11s-The president tel Oakland at 1 oclock by the Oakwith tened profound Interest, and as-land chamber of commerce. Joseph them that thelr appeai would be E. Caine formerly of Salt given consideration.. No comment was oas master Lunchn wM at J men after they de by about luO former ytahns and prom-White houg& inent men and women of the bay c,t,esLightning Kills 2 Men In Colorado Denver, Colo. Two fatalities and thousands of dollars worth of prop- - lie Ciw is Dandruff and Your Hair && Nat Itching; nt AOdrankts j SMpX'OtaBiatS 410, , Kill All n wunUI. caat nil or ttomrs will astaail wlajjari ajrthhw. GoanaML A ITn-r- 'rl . flikilLbr HAROIDI A CHARMING GITT ARMISTICE PERFUME Thla peiTumo extract wlU recall to yoa tbe rich oatly odor of a bandied french flowera co luting, trac. WI SUARAHTBI to lend you 4 bottlcaT I " Inveitmcnt, Thr..t.n.d by N.w Ag. Flies! Pland am where, DAISY SLY KILLER attract nA kill aD mm. Neat. daaa. ualwit aai chaao. Lcata allMw- -. 1. aan . ltodc af 1 - D Why Lose gov-Carb- ou Four Persona Die in Cloudburst Lander, Wyo. A cloudburst at Dubois, on Horse creek, Fremont county, Thursday night, drowned four persons, The bodies of Dr. Welty, 70 years old, and Don Long, aged 13, were recovLouis Lueien Klotz, French minis- ered. John Shaffer, a piano tuner, and has held the ..me port an unknown farm hand were the other n different French govw fo),0 I victims. ernmenta. HARA Castile. heard about Doans Billion Cigarets Made in U. 8. Weekly Premier Kel Harm of Japan, who Atlantic City, N. J. The demand for that the reports of Korean admita tobacco is the greatest in the world's are founded on fact and maeeaeree history, according to Benjamin Dnke. eta tee that offloera and men concerned He declared that America is supplying In the unwarranted aeta have been much of the worlds output and that Theae etatementa followed punla'hed. l.OOO.O-'1,000 rigarets are made in the of the premier by an United States every three days to meet the interrogation kenacl-ka- l, one of the strong pothe demand. litical parties of Japan. KEI A. J- - BOO carpenter 8 aeon d St., N. Idaho, Nampa, aye: "I waa laid up one spring for several w a a k with I had to trouble. kidney be careful how 1 i Kidney Pilla and got some. 1 found them very good and in a short timo Doans had cured me." sort . Seek Alliance With Germany. Paris. A German delegation went to Russia recently and returned with elaborate and alluring economic offers, the Echo de Paris stated. Russia, the newspaper said, Is conducting a campaign to effect an alliance with Germany. - , becauee stepped any sudden Jar c a u a d awful palna In my back, heavy rarian Law Enacted In Motion. of . A ashiiigton. More than a thousand mpn were uuwi by lightning as they f L.ere Amending are threatened with Hhelter in a bare. Re- millions of dollars in Investments by towns ftom adjacent to Denver, agrarian law enacted by the storm was one of the that congress of Sonora, Mexico, at the di- Hundreds P(,Y(,re ,n years. rect Instructions of Governor Calles. tmlrIlrta are nilirooed in the Dotup Several American companies a rea j ns n,ada were rendered te mountllngf filed complaints with tli 1 ajWable and i)ridge8 were swept away. department against the operation of this law, and other complaints are in preparation. The department is preparing representations to the Carranza government against putting the law into operation because of injustices this government contends it works upon Uniieil States citizens who have in- vested many millions in agricultural lands in Sonora. By the terns of the law it is provided that the state will pay for lands expropriated with agrarian bonds issued h,v the' state, redeemable at a time and manner to be stipulated lnler. The new constitution of Mexico provides that the states shall issue agrarian bonds under authority of a law that has not yet been enacted by the federal congress. The American point out In their complaints to the state depart inent that these bonds are of no value and, Inasmuch as the national government of Mexico has not paid the Interest on its bonds since 1913, there Is no indication that the agrarian bonds will be of any valne. 2 An Idaho Cate . thudcr.Mm,lnyarllIrl. I" Lted ! iin-ha- . Air UNI HOLLAR, poaipeid, money Ins oraarpufamra or onrrancy. Bend tl.UQTODAr7 ARMISTICE SPECIALTIES 181 Weet 8Uth st. Now York, N. T. Bead HAS fora bora, incled-In- s AORHTS pBALBBS, terms and aaeney aainplaa, axalnuve territory, wonderful propoeltion. PATENTS Baton laaaonabia. K. Watioa Patent Lawyer,Coleman, Waahinxtoa, D. O. Advise and boot free. ITIhatrafaranoaa. aeeteervieom He Was Learning. An Indianapolis physician has a new office boy, who himself has ambitions to become a doctor. The other day a little girl came Into the office and asked to see the doctor.' He isnt in just now, Informed the boy, and in tbe conversation that followed asked her who was sick. "My papa," answered the little girl. And I just wanted sonic medicine for him. He isnt sick enough for the doctor to come to see him." The office boy thought u minute. Then, "Is he insured ?" lie asked. The little girl nodded that he was. The look of hesitation left the office boys face. All right!" he sold. Tli fix him some medicine." Arrange Enamel Cover. If you use an enamel cover for yonr tires, he sure you put it on right side e Sometimes we find one put on cause to hold will it which down, the rain insteud of shedding it. up. nii-sid- A Good Thing to Know. "Know much about an auto?" No. Just enough to leave it alone." Beds. Befresbts, Soeftet infR - Beals Keen your Eyes Strong and Healthy. If theyTIretSmart Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or GranulatedL oae Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marine Eye Bcaefy Csavaay, CMcage.li, S. 1. . |