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Show TUB C RAILROADS LOBE-HEADE- R, REVOLUTION will expend $25,01)0,000 IN THE WEST. la a CollMwi SHORT LINE LOS ANGELES EXTENSION TO BE COMPLETED IN 1902 IF POSSIBLE. BnMhM I. CoapWIIlM With lllll Interests Will be t.slended mmd Improved Kaslbrm PeriSe West uf (dee ta be lnireed at lirsnt Kipenee In Order te Hetun Oriental Trade. UTAH STATE NEWS Tkt state prison will mod b lighted by slactrielty. The Bamber of patented raining The plan of railroad campaigning to elaim la the tata ie 8.501, valued at be carried out by the Uarrimsn roads 367, m. during 118(3 was given out officially st The total Dumber of mortgagee in Omaha Saturday, and will result la the the state ia 10,833, and the amount in expenditure of from 35,000,U0U to in improvements and extaa-Ion- s. 33,854,043. It ia a continuance of the genThe buaineae'men of Salt Lake have a eral plan of putting the road ia tbe movement on foot for the organisation best possible physical condition beof a commercial club. tween Omaha and Han l'raocisco, hut The union carpenters of Salt Lake effort this year will be directed almost have adopted a scale of 3.50 per day to that part of the road west of wholly of eight hours, an advance of 50 cents, Halt Lake end Ogden aud the Oregon to take effect May 1. millions alone Hhort Line. The state food inspector is investi- -' will lie used inTwenty improvements of these gating charges that vinegar made by lines, and the remainder in pushing sertain Salt Lake manufacturers is be- the extension of the Halt Lake-Lo- t ing made from malt. Angeles branch of the Oregon Hhort Jonathan Averelt, who was a mem Line, which will be nearly or quite ber of the Mormon battalion and completed before January 1st next. 1'articular attention, however, will among the first settlers in L'tah, died be given to the extension and imat his home in Mpringville last week. During the past year the secretary ot provements on tbe part of the Hhort state collected 77,733.05 in fees from Line, which compete with the lllll the corporations of the state, the same system. The prime object, it is said, to conbeing for filing articles of incorpora- is to put ths rood in a position trol the iinmenae trade with the Orient tion. that ia expected to be opened by the January in Sanpete eounty has been new conditions in the East and in Haalmost like spring. The whole valley Thia waii. trade ia already beginning is completely barren of snow, and the to reach formidable proportion, and farmers fear a shortage of water next the Union Pacific, it is stated, is preseason. . of the The state land board has offered to paring to meet the competition Hues. Tsht part of the roadnorthern sell the old university site and buildway between Omaha and Ogden baa ings to the Halt Lake board of educa- been put in prime condition by the extion for a high school, for the sum of of 10,000,000 in improvependiture 100,00U. In ments the past five year. Ths The town of Forest Dale lisa filed its been articles of incorporation with Joseph greater part of thia money hoe cutand need in curve straightening W. Huminerliaya, president, and 1at the immense hills and tnnnrla, ting Ryan, Royal IL Young, and John 31. raducing grade to a degree that can Cannon, trustees. be overcome by the largeenglnee withTho trustees of Nprlngvllle school district have decided to erect two new out asaietauce. "The Union Pacific has long sine school buildings, and a call is to be isdecided that it must have a fast line to sued for a special election to vote a 5 mill tax for two years to raise the the coast gateway, in order to retain its hold on the Oriental trade," said money. Mrs. Sarah Tibette, who cams to the official who explained the proposed Utah with the second company of ox- plan. That traffic Is becoming greater cart immigrants that crossed the plains every pear and it was some years ago in 1853, and had been a resident of Salt that this scheme fur a complete overLake ever since, died last week, aged hauling of the system was adopted. The plan lisa been steadfastly adhered 8 years. About 600 sports witnessed what was to, ao that now there is the finest kind to have been a twenty round contest of railroad from Council Muffs to Ogbetween Jim liurns and Mexican Pete den. For that much of the way wi In 8alt Lake Friday night, Peter being now make fast time, but as soon os wi .get post .Ogden we are .compelled to put UL.thm.tblrtewUi- - rrai-- . slow up and maintain the reduced speed however. The counties in the state having no all the rest of the Journey. Improvebonded Indebtedness are licaver, ilux ments on this liue will be in the nature Elder, Davis, (iarfleld, Iron, Juab, of reducing grades, taking out certain Kane, Millard, Morgan, Piute, San- curves and lessening others, end the entire line. pete, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Wasatch, "These improvements will fix ns for Washington and Wayne. ths Oriental trade, which, la something The report of the state librarian to and from ths enormous, especially shows that during the past year 348 and Japan. They will also volumes were purchased at a cost of Philippines cover central California satisfactorily. 1,087.11, and 150 volumes received by The other arm of the work, mess while, exchange, the total number of volumes will be looking toward the Improvein the library being 0,611. ment of facilities of getting into the John De France, the negro on trial southern California business. The at Provo fur stealing siuc and gold Southern Psciflo improvements are far product from the Manning mill last tbe moat important, aines they have s August, was found guilty. lie took bearing directly on ths getaway bust, thirty-tw- o pounds of cyanide of sine ness, but this extension of ths Oregon and gold, worth about 330. Short Line to Los Angeles Is also n big hire. Esther Waiuright Ihmnlon died proposition. at her home in Taylorsville last week, "It will require between 400 and 600 aged 85 years. Hhe was among the first miles mors to reach Los Aagcles, sad Mormon converts in England who emi- it is hardly probable that this can be grated to America, and came to Utah completed in 1003, although tbs effort with the pioneers in 1847. will be made." Hints Engineer Dorcmus says there OlHalsl Offer to Hell lsnsma Csml Ha Is much less snow in the mountains Jleeu Made. now than usual for this season, and M. Etlourd, Lempre, representing that unless heavy falls occur within the Panama Canal company, appeared the next two mouths a scarcity of before tbs senate committee on Intar-Oeeanwater this year will result. Cauals Saturday, in obedience Walker Bros. of Halt Lake have eo. to the summons of that committee to tablished a school for the benefit of testify concerning the offer of his comtheir twenty-fiv- e cash boys. The class pany to ths United Htstee. M. Jules xneets at 3:30 each day in a room over lloufve, of the French embassy, also the store, and are instructed in read- was present at the hearing. Ths ing, writing, spelling and arithmetic. meeting was held behind closed doors, From noon Hunday until noon Tues- representatives of the press being exday of last week, a period of forty-eig- cluded. 11. Lempre was questioned nt great hours, the temperature at Halt Lake varied only 1 degree. This length by tlie members of ths combreaks the record for stationary tem- mitter, He said his mission to the perature since the weather bureau was United Htstee bad been to ascertain to established. The dense fog which en- whom the proposition for ths sals of veloped the city caused this unusual the Panama property should ba mads. condition. Having informed himself upon this The watermsster of Halt Lake has poiut, he had conferred with Admiral recommended the meter svsleiu for all Walker, chairman of the Isthmian oonsumera. It takes more than 300 Canal commission, as to the form of gallons of water per day per capita to the offer. He then had cabled to hie supply the thirsty citizens of the capi- principals, the result being that the tal, which is greatly in excess of that offer to sell for 10,000,000 had been of any other city in the country, and if made directly from Paris, and not by consumers pay for the waste they will him, and included improvements and be mors careful. franchise, hut not money ia treasury. There are 85,637 horses and mules in Mrkinlvy Memorial May Vabraary ST. the stats, valued st 1,874,753; cattle, The joint committee of tlis senate 848,557, valued at 38.576.ii57: sheep, and house appointed to make arrange3,364,837, valued at (6,150,330; hugs, ments for a memorial meeting in 63.4H6, vslued st (373,1 14, ss reported liouor of President McKinley, at which by the commissioner of the bureau of Herretary Hay will deliver un address,' Statistics. Iihh decided that the proposed meeting from facshould Is held in the hall of the house the Drainsge Ixtgan sugar tory, it is said, is killing fish in ICIack-suill- h of representatives at noon, February Fork river, and Stats Fish and 37th. The chairman was authorized Uume Warden Sharp lias promised to to appoint an executive committee of make a thorough investigation, iu eleven to arrange the details of ths which he will be sided by Ibe commis- ceremony and a committee of seven ou sioners of Cache county. publication of tbe proceedings. .iphed io ht ANOTHER REMARKABLE CASE IN PAHACJAY (Caleb Ibe Doriwra Ibambor uf Ueputlaa Freoklcat of tha Cauaell la Killed. The rumors of a revolution in tbe public of Paraguay turn out to be ' ell founded, according to a dispatch f' nit iluenos Ayres. The revolt, which hr ike out at Asuncion, the capital, was cat. d by the question of the presidential the term of President Ac rel espiring in November of this year. The revolutionary junta was exposed of General Label Irro, Gent a! he Escobar, Colouel J. A. Eacurra, miniaierof war; Meuor Marro, acabi let In tadrUaiL s rule dislikes to acknowledge ths value of n proprietary medietas in fact, professional etiquette debars him from doisg so. Yet there are many eminent physicians, C4 k those most sdvsncsd in their profes3 sions, who give full credit to ths great curative properties of Vogelers Curative Compound, from the fact that It la manufactured by an old asd reliable company, proprietors of Bt. Jacobs Oil. from ths formula of n brother physiy stands in the front cian, who ranks of ths most eminent medical men In London, and on account of its intrinsic merit, it is largely prescribed by the medical profession; hut, in tho case which wo are shout to relate, the atE. DEAN, UTAB tending physician colled It rubbish," PAYSON. but, se it turned out, Mrs. Nettleton tolls too doctor that rubbish or not. It saved her life. Mrs. Nettleton graphically relates ths particulars of her own cue, which Will doubtleee be of interest to many of onr lady readers: I had been on intense eufferer for y years from dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, when a little pamphlet was placed In my hands, and, although st that time I had been bedridden for more than six months, I determined, after reading soma of the wonderful testimonials therein of esses similar to mine, which had bean comrs pletely cured by tho timely use of Curative Compound, to try seme, especially as my doctors failed to oven benefit me, and 1 had almost given up sll hops of ever being well again. It Is most interesting, and, in fact, marvelous to relate, that the very first doss of fifteen drops relieved mo. It was not long before 1 was able to Between Denver and Chicago via the get up and about; three months from Santa Fe Route provide ne comfortable taking ths first dose I was enjoying means of travel as can te offered fourbetter health than I had been for teen years. I continued well until a leepers excepted. Aa an economical 111 THE FREE measure wee I monthe few taken they are unsurpassed. They back, when are hauled on fast trains, arid are in again, my troubles being dyspepsia and constipation. 1 bad a doctor attending charge of experienced and polite portmo for a month, but continued to grow RECLINING CHAIR ers. worse, until I again found myself bedAll essentials for tbe toilet towels, ridden, when I bethought myself of my water, combs and brashes are oap, old medicine, Vogelers Curative ComGARS provided free of charge. pound, which I immediately sent for C. F- - WARREN, and took in place of tbe doctor's mediGen'l Agt A. T. & S. F. Ry. cine; st that time I had not hod a dll Dooly Block, Malt Lake City. movement of the bowels for five days, soon Curative but Vogeler's Compound put me on my feet again in fact, completely cured me a second time, but, ot course, this attack was not ss bed ss S. the first, yet 1 fully believe I should not have been alive today bad It not Notary been for Vogelers Curative Compound. OFFICE IN BANK. I have taken If bad only thpught to It when my last Illness took place, I should not only have been saved much New Train Serviec. Suffering, but a $75 doctors bill." These trains will be elegantly equipped nr Mrs. Nettleton said: I have recomlyloeal end always on time. Patroulse mended Vogelers Curative Compound them when you travel, for Indigestion and seisms, and In sv- A .TXJOAL TIAE OARD,-I- n IC rmm .byw by purchasing your fty our a doubt. Mr. Swlnbsnk, chemist, effect July 1L 1900. has sent ms tbs names of no end of Trains Arrive and Depart st the Various & people w!y hove bean cured by Vogel' tstlons as Follows! Srs Curative Compound. By the way, South Bound North Bound A. tba proprietors have so much confiSTTflCN 1 No. I dence In this greet London physicians PAYSON, UTAH. discovery, that they will send a samOgdon ple fires to any person sending name Hearse in Connection at Reasonand address and naming this paper.' ;8.lt Lsk.i;: able Prices. Bt Jacob's Oil Co, 208 Clay Street Lohl Junction - Uhl Baltimore, Md. American Fork Mrs. Nettleton la a confectioner. In HOMEMADE CUPBOARDS AND Pleasant Grove Provo the Brighton Road, where the has been Bprlngvtlle FLOOR BINS IT LOWEST PRICES. established many years, and is bon Spanish Fork Paysou orad end respected by sll classes. Her Napht statements ss regards Vogeler's CuraL,v.JbiTr: tive Compound may, therefore, be reOasis garded as reliable evidence of Us great Clear Lake value. Tbe public, however, may look upon this remarkable statement as one 1,fo? lJ Lund of the many which we are constantly Modena receiving from grateful people all ovel Uvad tbe world, who have been cured oj Frisco various melodies by tbs use of thlj Fait Trains Daily dally from wonderful remedy which ! the result Four trains AH Points East. to to alt Lake. Two fast trains dally Ogdon q of an eminent from alt Lako to all points east. physicians Bmslin-la- g Fra Tourist lecpsrsaii-, Improved experience. These people- ere nearly Chair Cara alt Lake to Chioago without well-knoand Coaehe. Day always representative Tanga. Elegant Pullman Palace and Ordinary Tha oaly I iu operating dining ear service-Thcitisens. ealt korteat aud Fastest LJu a from Sleeping Cars. Inka to Dourer, Kensae City. 'Jmaha aad all First Cot tos-Btrains Maetila. Point East. Free Reclining Chair Cars. The first machine for the manufacPuaengert not carried o freight train Tleo-I res and Gan. Mgr ture of cotton was Invented In 1786. I( W. H. BANCROFT, Perfect Dining Car Service. A. W. EOCLBGen.Trf. Mgr. was designed to card, rove and spin the B. E. Burley. Gan'l Fssngsr Agt. raw cotton into thread. Ticket Offioa Ml Maid it. alt Lake City. OUy THE HANDSOMEST 0ALENDAR Conducted Alax(Thorntoii. Agent, Paysoa. Excnrslons. Personally of the season (in ten colors) six beautiful beads (on six sheets, 10x13 Inch' of paintings by oa), reproductions Moran, Issued by General Psssengei Trains leave Payton for Tlntlc and Department. Chicago. Milwaukee A St intermediates at 6:48 a. m. and 6:62 p sent on be will Paul Railway, receipt m. For Balt Lake City and nil pointi cents. Address F. A of twenty-fiv- e Ernst and West at 7:50 a. m. and foil Miller, General Passenger Agent, ChiOaa behadontheMagaifiaaiit cago. p. m. Limited Train of tho to-da- Fine bath room in connection Proprietor. Vo-gele- f R. OREGON SHORT BLEW HIS HEAD OFF. Milch or Hyaamlte la Ilia Mosth aad Calmly Walts tho Kad- The trunk of an unknown man was found in one of the residence districts pf Seattle Friday, tha evidence tending to show that placing a stick of dynamite In hii mouth, with n fuse attached. Ha then had lain down on the ground, lighted tbe fuse and calmly awaited the end. A hole fifteen inches dep marked the place where hie head had rested. Not a veetige of the head could be found, and the trunk presented n terrible Thera is no clua to his spectacle. at Saattla Places Identity. ronsloa for Widow of a Martyr to Betaara. The interesting cose of Dr. Lasesre, who at the Instance of Johns Ilopkins university and of tbe government went to Cuba and submitted himself with innoculation with yellow fever through mosquito bites and died from the disease thus contracted, was brought to the senates attention by Mr. McComaa, who inquired whether Dr. Lazeares widow would be entitled to a pension. No decision was reached, but it was the opinion of Senators Gallinger and Cockrell that she had no pensionable status. Ills Heart Is oa ths Right Sid aw A men with his heart on the right side instead of tlie left bos' just been discovered by the pension board of Bloomington, 111. The man ia George Y. Hurst, of Lexington, a veteran of tha Civil war, who recently applied foi n pension. In the course of the physical examination the physicians made the remarkable discovery that the applicant's heart was on the right aids instead of tho left Hurst says that ho never experienced any discomfort oi inconvenience as a result of this un usual location of hia heart Trait president of th United States Steel corporation, defends trusts as a necessary outcome of an advanced state of civilisation. Mr. Schwab nays that the countries where trusts do not exist are destined to abandon the struggle for commercial supremacy. Ha says that the trusts have nothing to fear from Socialism, and that the American workmen era Vetter paid and happier under the trust system. When people earn good wages, he says, their rights do not trouble them. Had a Mlrarulnu.v Kr a pa. fawt westbound exprcK of The tha llig Four, with right conches filled with sleeping passengers, had a miraculous escape Friday two miles west of Mattonn, Ills. Tlie axle on the engine broke, and the drive wheel was hurled into the ditch, while the train was fifty miles an hour. The euginctr go-lu- o - p0rlop. f The attorney general ia not to pass npou the merits of tbe case, but will deal solely with its legal phase. If he shall find that ths court was properly constituted, that the precept was legally drawn and that the rules of law were followed as to the evidence, it will then be within the province of the president to consider the case upon its merits. If the attorney general decides that there were illegalities as claimed by Admiral Schley, the verdict of the court would be vitiated. it is understood that Admiral Schleys future course concerning a formal appeal in writing to the preaident will depend largely upon tha decision of the attorney general. Schwab Charles M. Schwab, - (poRsoriaf III' severely wounded. Ths congress of Paraguay has pla the reins of government iu the I Seuor I uf the Carvello. Great excitement prev Asuncion. Court That Triad Admiral Hrliloy May Hava Um an Illegal Ibaly. Ths esse of Rear Admiral Sofiley is bow being considered by the attorney general for the purpose of iliseiivering whether there was any illegality iu connection with the court of inquiry. It ia understood that at the recenti conference betwreu the president 'and Rear Admiral Schley tlie latter poiiWed out some alleged violations of law tin regard to the court, and these mkL-tor- e have been deemed worthy of Me 4 te Cere or A Medical man as minister; sad Senator Freitas. Pr Acsvel resigned the presidency and congress accepted his rebiguatiLu. A collision occurred in the chamber of deputies, during which Senator i kudo luhfran, president of the hvgic council, was killed, aud General Cel lero. Senators Miguel aud Corbujau aud Deputy Fernando Carreras ware Mss Vail g by quick work succeeded in checking tlie train and tlie engine remained oa tlie track. Railroad men say tin avoidance of a wreck under such cit ca instances ia unheard " Wimmer, Public. LINE RY. Xou Can Save Money COFFINS CASKETS of PETERSON, lir.fir fiffiMNDEWESlipr 3 llfe-lon- Q Q - a pi All the Comforts of Home Many prominent Cuban believe annexation to this country will follow revolution in the island. Mother Gray's Sweet Fowdon for ChUdxoa Bucrecsfully need by Mother Grey, nurse (n tlis Children's Homs in Sew V ork. Care Feverishness, Bed Htoinnrh, Teething Diw orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Dsetroy Worms. Over 80.000 testimonials. At all druggists, 33c. Sample mas. Address Alien B. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. Chile and Argentine hare settled their differences peacably. rixo s Cure for Consumption Is an Infallible medicine for eourbs amt cobl- e- N. Vf. Bamuol. Grunt. K. J.. Feb. IT. IWOi Best Local Train Se: ice in the State. For rates, etc., Inquire of W, H. SIIERMKIl, Agent, Fayso GEO. W. HEINTZ, Asst General Passenger Ag Leaving OMAHA daily at 6:00 pi m., for CHICAGO. T.O. WIMMER PrMldmt. gleotrio- - Right ed cTran W. N. TANNER ft golid Vloe-Prwid- nt K.S. WIMMER. A OF Chair-Cari'onrtitioo k uuu tor llonaa. Dining-Car- s, Day Coaches, As a result of bad roads and heavy and Palace Sleepers. transportation, army horses In Argsa Library-Ca- rs tins have been overworked during the rainy season, and many of them have been exhausted or have fallen ready For those who sleep well on a train, For those victims to disease. To give greater en we hnvs whnt you want. durance, sugar has been added to tha who don't sleep well we have an elect food of the animal. Tbe effects have Mo reading lamp in your berth by 4 which vou can read all night if you been quite surprising, and it Is reportwish, without disturbing others. ed that not only has fatigue been overIn fsrt sll the modern conveniences come by two ounces uf sugar In tha both for SAFETY and COMFORT, daily food, but the animals that had gre to bn had if you travel via the C. become quite useless regained strength M. & St. F. Ry, L. L. DOWNING. Commercial Agt. and capaeitr for work. belt Lsks City, Utah. Cahlr Mhoriied 8toek S4 O.OOO.OO. s, PAYSON EXCHANGE SAVINGS rraastot BANK Fayaon, Utah, a General Ranklag Buata per cent interest pnhl oh time deposits. COLLECTIONS 4 A SPECIALTY J |