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Show DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? GifU For Five MilLoii Ladies. Acksrs D) peptis Tablets art Soli Os a JoliE SlhermaaOa Himself. They Have Him. ran tee. Cures Muddy complexions. Nauseating X Atm Ummmrkmbte Ogre m Untie gu Ctatire Ia tSL Pauls oae day, a Lon dan A politician who vu very near ty K el inkle 4,'mwwra. g of the food, distress breath come from chronic constipaA. tion. Is Clover an of Karl's Tea form or Scot after in Sherman suy to the eating John beudtor Editor cuide was showiug an American Oue little tablet givfs im absolute cure and has been sold for Henke announce that for limited time 1892 says he will of the round touba. campaign on an absolute guarantee. w will five, ubealuteljr free, au ckwaut atari geutleman mediate relief. 2 els. and 0 cts. flft years s fricefScts. and So cents. At r nhnll choice of eujr That, air," said the mao, his the never forget the effect that the first J. L. Townahend, Druggist. of our We. pattern, to every married lady drugstore. himself of had kodak naval Jero of upou the picture tomb greatest in tke United tutai Lo wiU write u, e letter tatiltrit Uhur Brut request fur oue of our The meddlesome man always Europe or the whole world ever the senator, Mr. Sherman had ottveuir rift. We will promptly eeud in before niulit the been This marA new Lord Nelson's. speaking finds plenty of chances to stick his Uliutratiwu from which nrleetlou may be you are wolng to made, here U nuthiuy to yay, ho gift ble Bucough bogus weighs forty the academy of Music, Philadelphia beak in. lie knows all about abaoliite. takhad artists the and steel is how a llinside newspaper that and school elections tons, two they Our object la amkiur thUeenmtloiml offer ntugete wimple of Uuuker Vulley fiver receptacle weighing twelve tons, en some lifelike snap shots of him should lie conducted. He knows JOSEPH E. PAGE, ATTORNEY - AT LAW. dys-ptau- Gloux-Hxadb- Town-sheud- lucUvnr-plaMdiuia- 1 in many attitudes. To the poll, tician the senator said, upon looking over the newspapers the following day; Well, well, oar time for criticising the newspaper men is over. They have ns to rights now. Here lam jiwtasl am, and Pm a caricature of what 1 have Saturday always thought I was. .and hiuaide that is a leaden casket, hermetically sealed, weighing two tons. Hiuside that is a mahogany coffin, oldiug the hashes of the great 'ero." Well,' said the Yankee, after thinking a while, 'l guess youre got him. If he ever gets out of that, telegraph me nt my expense. E. CH how party politics are rnnning in all parties, having officiated with all of them. He knows the financial standing of every man in the community. In fact he knows everything except that the people speak of him as an ignorant, meddlesome ass with more gall than brains. Ex. Ic A were luto every home tu the lend. Wi believe It to be the moat effective advertiaing that we ean du. We do not eeud these tiger shall to liat of iminn. hia I too espeuilve a gift toneud to pemuu who don't aak fur it ikemasivm. herefore, each lady wiU pinnae eeud her own name oidy, Hut Ladiee uuetoafamilyauduouetoehildrau. pleaae write giving full puelottice addreae. QUAKES V ALLEY MPO.Co. Morgan and Harriaou Chicago, 111. y, 0 Evening Post. Wfai Battles. It Helped Aeksrs'i English sexaeiT Will Step Commencing at one the Oregon 1 Cough at any time, and will cure officers and men Short Line will run Twenty-nin- e Dinning Car the worst cold in twelve hours, or 'wrote from the front to say that service over the entire line north money refunded. 25 cts. aud 50 Or any point Kaat. and wiahtn enfor , Scratches Bruises, Cuts, of not will diners cts. J. L. Townahend, Druggist Ogden, except joy a daylight ride through the Wounds, Sore Feet and Stiff ran on train No 8 and lunch will grand eat scenery of the Kueky mountains, be sure to aak for Joints, Bucklers Arnica Salve ia not be served on train No 9 into ticket that read via the The Best Remedy for Stomach and tile beat in the world. Same for cars are Elegant Bowel Troubles. Burns, Skin Eurnptioas and pilea. Butte. com25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed, oat fresh from the Pull man "I have been in the drug business mutes Bhops,andin them the very Sold by J, L. Townahend, sold a tost Ideas in construction and for twenty years and have most all of the proprietary medi Jo Tiresome Layovers, urnishings are fully carried out. of any note. Among the cines Close Connections in All meals served on the A La Yea, my sou, tlioee ia a marked carte entire list I have never found anyUnion Depots. plan. liars. The And Positively the difference between Chamberlain to Colic, thing equal chief tiie because ia lies Quickest Route it unfrom dies an Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy When a man lawyer The hia of virtue profession. known cause, its heart failure. for all stomach and bowel troubles, doctor lies because he has to keep When a man courts a girl and says 0. W. Wakefield, of Columbns the patient down. The editor lies another fellows pops first, its Ga. This remedy cureJ two To the great river and Atlantic wmDoerd. because his buaiuesa would go to case of nervous failure. And severe cases of cholera morbus in if he ditluL The when you hear a neighbor roundly my family and I have recommend, the . . nr lily . . and Reclining (Uiair Ur, la which t lies oecause he is a liar abusing the editor without any ed and scld hundreds of bottles of politician are Mata free to hoklari of regular tre by uature, by awiociatjoua and by specific cause or complaint it is a it to my customers to their eutire Callticket. on or address gosh. The trade6uau lies because case where the edicor has tried to satisfaction. It affords a quick v. K. KOOMtn, Commercial Trelgt A Paaa. Agt liis competitor lies. There are lots collect a subscription and recorded and sure cure in a pleasant form. Roomll, Uorlan block, Balt Lake City, it other liars, all with good and another failure. Ex. For sale by D. W. Irvine. sufficient reasons for aticking ao ff,c.Totfsmiu GeneraUPaaa. A tekat Ag Xoki Tsa PoritiTilr Cure Sick Headclosely to it, but these enumerated ON EVERY BOTTLE 8 LenlsMo. will be ample toatart your etay Of Shilohs Consumption Cure Is this ache, indigestion and constipation. -- x. guarantee: 'All we ask of you Is to A delightful herb drink. Removes of the contents of ibis ail eruptions of the skin, producuse bottle faithfully, then if you can say ing a perfect complexion, or money you are oot beueillted return the bot- rufiniiW. 2 cts . aud 0 cts. Side Headaches, J. tle to your Druggist and ha may reTh curse olsverworted wuinanhlud, fund the pries paid. Price 25 etr ., L. Townsheud, Druggist iti fufoaij aud aureij cureu ly it.irip 50 cts. aud 11.00. At Tewnsheud's nKil lea, tiJogreiulti.Ajd DOKb 1T PAY TO BUY and tissue builder. Money Defusd-- d drug store. it out saiiaiscunj. riu;ij id cut. CHEAP There are in this country a and 60 dbs..eb Towtisbeuaa 'Drug ity, St. Louis, THE d ST. Pointed Paragraphs. A dry sermon is excusable on a wet Sabbath. Wise is the young attorney who peruses old books. A woman's wrongs are of more Importance than her rights. The dentist ven tries to extract enjoyment from vacation. There is a great deal of human mature in the wag of a dogs tail. is a seat that every be shook! man encouraged to sit on. The author of a love story never the corns on the feet of his boro. Self-concei- e-- t s S is a dangerous letter in s con troversy, because it turns words into Bworila, Ships are probably milled she tiecHose they always keep a mau pn the lookout. The hardest thiag for a woman to decide is something of no ioi portxnce whatever. When a big woman bates a little woman she refers to her as that iusiguiefiaut thing. From the way some men are puffed op. oue would thing they had swallowed yeast cakes for 'ikfast. Ih- - siau . f. 0 float m. . who sits down ant fortune to come dong in I. im is apt to have soft rcsltion. to Dc Shiiohs Cough and gRSumpiion West-Bou- - d D iPMi sail Dep H I St, Dep Halt Lak bprlngvilla Iayson Santaqula AM A Uil Mi 6 43:7 U! S 87 8 Ut 1 7 It MB IBS isu Burak a 859 IS PM 80 9 80 let. Mammoth Ar Silver City A Gant Mgr a't S. H. BAHOOCK, L. L. downing; Gea'l 11.00 SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CYells&Co.' LEROY. N.K? HAMILTON, CAM' Fcr Sale by f L- - Tc wnshc.td. .x CUPBOARDS AND High Grade Bicycle Sent on receipt of $1.00. Balance, pay express, $15.75. . THESE ABE 1899 MODELS AND GUARANTEED. Chicago Machine Co.r 69-7Jackson Bid. Chicago 0 Dr R F Bolladay. Guthells Boole Cbugn Time. On and after Sunday, February 25 the Burlingtons Chicago Special leaves Denver 9.00 a. m. arriving Chicago and St. Louis 2.15 p. m. NEXT DAY. The service is as good as the time is fast sleepers, diner, library and choir cars. One of the sleepers comes through from Ean Francisco. You can get aboard it in Utah AT YOUR OWN HOME and go right through to Chicago witnut a single change of rara. B R. Watson, Geol Agent, R. F. Neslen, Tisv. Pubs. A Freight Agent, 211 South West Temple St, Salt Lake City, Utah. ROUTE. DURt-'VQTO- OREGON SHORT AIFrlrjyiMtiis-- l a mrchanlnl Invuilrc Koltebl ueraiNu of or Blind dwlrla strip to Ui Pert KipmiltloB. with good storr sod rxnmw paid, ahnnld writ Xbe FAXKkX KKCOJW, UelUmora, Md. NawTimaCard, February 25, leave. Denver 9JiU e. m. l hiraifo t'eriul Vrntilmled FljrarJeevn Denver 10.00 p. m. For Omahe, Clilcatfo, Kaiuw Citp.bt, Louie. 'j 1 .1 i it l il 1 1 i,i;i l,l,lk. New Train Serviec. These train will be elegantly equipped ly local and always on time. Patronla them whan you travel, LOCAL nr TIjlE CARD, In affect July 11, 1900. Train Arrive end Depart at the Varleu Station as Follow i North Bnnr South Bound I Ar. 8TlTIbH Lvi Lv.T Ar No.4 No. t A VI P M 4 3(1 8 0 I 8 0 9 0S 7 71 ft Ogden Balt Lak j ft; Lab! Junction American Fork Pleasant Grove Provo Mpringville Spanish Fork Paywm Nepbi invariably Mo. 1 Mo. A MiPM 10 Ml' 40 9 45,9 40 88 9 80 s sr.'s 8 :t'l S 7 M 81 15 O :4 4 14 88 43 38 8 8 SO 9 IS 7 4 14 7 19 4 81 8 4n 3 6 Id a 5 Ml 1 i What Is Shiloh? A by purchasing your Ibe Birlntitra Office Two doors West of Barber Shop. LINE RY. ft grand old remedy for cough, colds and Consumption; used through tlie world for half a century, hascured Oasis Milford Frlaeo ft P V b 80 8 00 7tP Four train dally from Innumerable case of lolplent con- Ogden to Salt Imka. Two fact train daily sumption and relieved many in ad- from Salt Lake to all point, cent. vanced stages. If you ar notaatlsfled Improved Tonriat riieejernH Free Recllnr with the results we will refund your Itilt Chair Car alt Lak to Chloaio without money. Price 25 cts. 50 cts. and 1.00, 1 Klutraut Day Coache. at Townshend'a Drug Store. The ouly llneoperatiurdiulur ear larvlea. wiip-e- Whjr! of aoimn you liar heard of tl,e Hiirlluirtofi. Everybody ha. Mevertbelem, yon will be surpriHed wben yon e tko train. It' a wonder. Aud t hut dinner i the meal cuuuot It excelled. The ueatno vt tlie uupery. eourteoiu wuiler. rieaullne and lervicela Tlie improvement in tract bava ireneral ar uiaiie the Burlington alrnont iiuidrliw. Tull rati leep in a aleeper, dine in a dinuer. UBokein a ninoUer, read in a library ear and recline In a reclining chair ear. all nuder one roof, And to make tbi whole train po tlie Hurllnir-to- u have the Urqnt engine in the wet. They are a b'tfb a a liuime, a fnat a a w hirlwind and weigh 114 ton each. Yon ahuuldiru over tklarusd tone aud ride behind oue of then inoiutor. apietir. Two trnlu dny from Renyrr to the emit. The . (liieaifo W'ri'lu , the Veetilutled Flyer at 10 p, in., for all point met. r thrdiMi. fruiu Ku:t Ibronifh doily Itake, t'ruvuto Denver, Uuinhn and (nicairo via Rio Gruuiie Weuteru anil liiiriiiiKton Koine. Ticket at ottioe of nounwliu line. !et-e- . bit The hhorteat and Fmrtect Lin from Lake to Denver, XaiMa City, Omaha aud ail Syspepsia Can Be Cured By Us- Point Kat. . ing Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets. Pamenirer not carried on freight trail Gen. iuinie-tliftW. BAK(:RtJFTVirn-ProennKsr ii. le One little Tablet will give . W. KGCLBS Gen. Trf. Mrr. relief or money refunded D. E. Ilurlry . Gen T Panaenrer Apt. bold in hsudsome tin boxes st i!J City Ticket Office SOI Main at. alt Lake City. ctH, J L. Townshcad, Druggist. Alex Tkoretuti, Aiteuti Ia oo. d - FLOUR BINS AT LOWEST PRICES. operation guaranteed. Paa. Agt. Money HOMEMADE Commercial A front, Balt Lake City, Utah. TraSc Manager. GXO.W.HE1NTZ. Can OXAHA-CUICAO- Gum, Gold, Alumi num and Rubber Plates. Gold and Porcelain bridges. Every D C.DODGB, Yon k Atitatloo where no tim la shown trains do nut atop. D train run dally 8K Continuous train run daily exoept Sunday, Viea-Pre- Pais on, Utah CASKETS adopting every pos- COFFINS sible appliance for the safety and como! A. PETERSON, fort of passengers, including an absolute Block System. Westlughouse PAYSON, UTAH. Train Signals Steam Beat. Electric Light, Veatlbuled and Compartment Hearse furnished free, in the city, Oars, etc. to all who buy their undertakTHE SHORT UNI ing supplies from me.1 For further Information address any --144Ticket Agent of any railroad or DENTIST. Dep cane of I'nnzh, and Hrcnchirin, whiio it 8.. 0188M 8 0819 48 7M88 18 If 48B04 7 Suit 41 Uoahcu U I derful lacrrM in the cure of Ccninmptiun la without a medicine. Since it Ant dikciivery it h been old on a euarantm, a test whirh no other nii'diune can atand. If you have a Coop'll, we mrnrstly ask you to try it. In United State and Canada Sc., Me. and tUKi, and in England la. &L, V. Sd. and !Vlg ad. Mt. Nalio Stark, XEKI'EUT. 10 I9M Ar D. It is formostin AMiPM Ar Bpanlab Fork It It 88907 Cure wont 7 PB ra block, Tayeon, Utah. FlBinSCLASS IX EVERY Xaat-boa- Station and Siding jnlaj tori:cy-at-Lav-Ope- NOTARY PUBLIC and operate 6,154 miles of thoroughly equipped road In theaiates of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota and the upper Peninsula of Michigan. er The man who never gses to church is always the one to criticise the preacher moat; the yuan who doesn't know the difference between tiw alimentary chid 1 aud the atomnch is the one who tries to say the smartest things against the doctor, and the fellow who sneaks around and borrows somebody elses newspaper is the one to cuss the loudest when the paper happen to be shy on newv or the editor inadvertently chances to express au opinion of his on something. Ex. A J- - Own 1 A cheap remedy for coughs rreat varie y pf beets and beats is all right, but colds and there is the pulse beat, the heart beak the policeman's beat, the ; you want something that wi l re-sugar beet, the red beat and the lieve and cure the more eevre anc dead the Inst is a species of dangerous results of throat and biped that takes the local paper lung troubles. What shall you for several years and then when do? Go to a warmer and more requested to pay up, thiows the regular climate? Yes, if possible; paper back into the post office if not possible for you. then in This is the marked refused. either case take the only remedy genuiue dead beat and it grows in introduced in al all parts of the country. Some- that has been times we feel like publishing the civilized countries with success names of the beats believing in severe throat and lung troubles. that the honest citizens should Boschees German Syrup. it not only heals and stimulates the know them. Ex. tissues to destroy the germ disThe farmer don't have to colicit ease, but allays inflammation, tronage from anyone. He doesnt causes easy expectoration, gives a ave to enter into competition and strive with any of his neighbors good nights rest, and cares the like a merchant; he doesnt have to patient. Try one bottle. Recomwraugle for a living like a lawyer; mended many years by all drughe does not have to depend on creditors reluctantly doled ont as gists in the world. For sale by editors do; in fact he can be the D. W. Irvine. most independent man on Gods green earth if he manages his Prevented A Tragedy. affairs in a business like manner. He has more time and opportuTimely information given Mrs nities for cultivating bis mind; he George Long, of New Straits-vill- e, has fewer aluremeuts for corrupting Ohio, saved two lives. A his morals and his occupation is had long kepi her more conducive to the highest frightful cough awake every night. She hat developement of his physical power tried many remedies and doctors than any. fjalina Press. but steadily grew worse until urg-edtry Dr Kings New Discover; On bottle wholly .cured her; anc she writes, this marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of severe attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof o its power to cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50c anc -$x.oo, Guaranteed. Trial bot Thi hrynnd qnmtlnn tha ties free at J. L. Townshendi Medimoat itiam.Kfnl CuuKfa cine ever known to auience: a drug store. lew doeca ci JOS. E. CROOK, RAILWAY - - - two-thir- ds .More, OF CE IN BANK, PAUL - 4 Notary Public . CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE bow-wo- uri-fl- It. S. Wimmer, A GREAT RAILWAY. FOR PASSENGERS OR FREIGHT From ITtali Vs. Office in Lemmon Bile., Payson, t. . Kansas AND NOTARY PUBLIC. at Offices of Connecting Lines. Ticket Office, - - - 214 S.W. Temple St. Tickets B. F. NESLEN, General Agent, Salt Lake City. C. P. PRUITT, Trav. Pass, and Freight Agents. |