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Show Accidents dont often happen with Schillings Best baking powder. LIFE OF MODERN GUNS Slight Deterloratioa la Ordnance from War. Tfc Re-nlti- ng Vlatakn Idra That tha Ureal Wen Uat After Beta Discharged Oae llaa-dre- d Caamoa Are Times. Commodore Charles OXeil, chief ef the tyireau of ordnance of the navy who has considered mi t'.i. reports of the ordnance officers the tr.gagfd l:i t!;e an wgr, spoke frcuy niid way whe:i asked to say whu is the life of a gun" us i:uw underxtcr in the navy, and what points wire i . dicated by .the practice of the Eicdit in the course of the months of tin vest-tl- s i.-- . $31.50. d Ml! s ! bluf iuu. mill Si.ii:i;a eu - a si u 011 AM lhi UrH 5 mi' iiilia Klilito If toll 7 at Kill Luke eiriiitfiile Furk l'u)auu Sunlaiiniu Kuiu-.l- i 52 7 (M 7 uu : 12 PM 12 &J V . .I Muiuiuutli lM a to .a au I2w itilloiM where no time U shown trains do uotstoji. D trains run dully SB trains run daily eseeiit Sunday; D.l IN IDO E, An Unparalleled Time Record Turning The Tables. A soldier who entered Santiago Was made every day during the with Gen. Shatter tells this story: "A few days after the place was surrendered I went into a small The shop to get some tobacco was a fat little chap, all proprietor bows and smiles. Got any baccy? I asked. Si, senor, he Baid. Yes, Bare, fine tobac. Hot time in zo old town senor.' I took a paper of fine cut, and the fat rascal charged me $L When I made a modest kick at Buck highway robbery he humped np bis shoulders and spread out hia hands. ell, senor,' he said, you must remember tbose Maine. New Orleans to-nig- h, nyou are roingto P. PIKES PEAK ROUT- E- Hi City, St. Louis, Till! SHORT LINKTO im, AND Hours lbs , alt Lake to New York. Seventy-Thr- ee By a recent change in schedule the Overland Limited of the rn Union Pacific and in connection with the L. S. & M. S. and N. Y. C. & H. It. II. It. now make the unparalleled time record of only three days to New York. Train leaves Salt Lake 7:00 A. M., Ogden 8:10 A. M. daily arrives Chicago 7:45 A. M. and Grand Central depot New York City 10:35 A. M., second aud third days, respectively. Only uml twelve one of cars change evity. n The old For purguns, it was the hours quickest time. tradition, were unfit for further use chase of tickets and reservation of after about 100 discharges. Then it deOld Bland," pended upon the weight of powder berths call at the lie was life to used the whether address 201 Main U. M charge Street, or shorter pr longer. The guns now proGeneral Agent, Salt Lake. vided for the army an much more dura- Clay, Seirsii hice-a-- M ito fan Both Papers One Year For Only east-iro- Goodl Bad I ani E.cyilojieiii nr published. Nu fireside Is conrplela wiihiui iL A mudurn, haudsuiim Iwuk, lu thes Is now styles, pages Including 122 l ortraits. Is a full page picture of Pr. Maeser. Agents are wanted in nil parts of the United Slates, Utah in iiarttrulsr. .MILLIONS of books aretieing published annually, thousands of canvassers nra selling them, but only a LIMITED few are worth tour time to read.. Tell the when he calls on you and and BUY DR. MAPPERS BOOK. THE SKELTON t PUBLISHING CO. Tlimiik'h miillhroiichFrmOhni (nrii. I'lnrul Kiiiiuiieut. uml They only linn running throii;h Free Clmlr ( urn to (.'oloruiln Sirlii;a, luilvlllv lurl l11ter1111V.il. tv cointufroui Mult Imka City ml lliilfii. Truiiikl.'.ivrnuiliirrivsut K.G. W.ll. K. ilejiot. 7.10 p m. Imve iluilv 1240 p.m. Arriveduily I. A . liliNTON, City 1 lekrt Aaot t, 15 V. Froiift A Ihm. As Ronm2l, Mnrlan block, Suit UkoCltj, SiTouil Smith. If. C. TO If The Twice-a-WeDetroit Free Press needs no introduction. Its many special articles by noted writers have given it a world-wi- de reputation . in short, it is one of the' cleanest, brightest and best No family papers published. im will or spared in pains expanse keeping np its present high stand-aiit is couceded to be one of the leuding family newspapers of America. If pou'are looking for something real good take advantage of this combination offer. remember, that by tnkiug advantage of this' combination, yon get 52 copies of The and 101 copies of tha Ilia Free Press, 15C pupers for only S . Iu-w- . A f.oiiln Mo. k, GubaalL Spanish War. SHORT LINE We I'nveon pross for 0,1 rl issue, General Lei s u vn slcry of Cuba and tbe Spanish War, 10 be produced lu a suiistnntliil Imok of over 500 paxes, 7xDi inches In sizi anil almost RY. One Hundred Illustrations. New Train Service Tl.ciie trai:i will l 1 qH-c.it- ly a ly local aud ulwuynou time. This is the only a hen tie work published on the one subject occupying tbe minds of tin entire civilized world. OTTTFTTS "READY . Liberal commissions will be paid a ml credit 11 ilpjisJ tiri I'utninlxe them wlmu you travel, 1 la effect, Jan. 1 yUAAAAO Wrlu LOCAL TU1E CARD, " Tin full particulars to 91-9- Our authorized distributers are located V 1 7 : 111 51 A Prominent Phyafelam. A prominent New York physic In discussing the merits of ipans Ta bulcs with a brother M. D. said : " Several years ago I asserted that if one wished to become a philun-thn)lfand do a beneficent deed one that would help the whole human race nothing could be lx-- ter than to procure the Roosevelt Hospital prescription, wkiek it Ikt tests eftke Ripens TetuUs, and cause it to be imt up in the form of a ketchup and distributed among the poor. lt, 1 II 51 j ! I'.evi-bee- ! trrlin-luirt'liii- - Lli-.-n- iit euriu-rvie- . 1 e- - -i: 1 1 &.;); long-rang- luny-en- blood KOOD'S SARSAPARILLA.. I ir Sales InereaxlnB The largest retail drug store In America is that of liegeman & Co. on Broadway in New York City. A reporter who went there to learn how Ripans Tab-ulc- s were selling bought a flve-cecarton and asked : Io j"OU have much call for thesef lie was referred to agentlmn.ru who proved to lie tha nead of tlia diqmrt mmit. Ha said : Tlio Kilo of Ripns Tabula is constant anil is increasing, duo especially to the influential chnmclcr of tiiotesliinonials in the daily press, and growing out of these, through the recommendation of friend to friend. Hatisfaetioa with them is very general. When onco. they are begun I notice that a permanent customer fur them is made. Thin, 1 believe, is through their intrinsic merit, which proves llm buna fide character of tho ad rirtising. I think them specially useful in tliu general run of stomach troubles." I Fifth Aye, New York. 3 la all pails of the U. S. An nderlf X.ody. An elderly lady living at Fordbam of New York City, ITii;:lits, a niid who wa known to be a warm adnmle uf J. Ipans Tubules for any case rf liver trouble or indigestion, said to n reporter who vhiitedher for of Icsriiing the parti cu-th; ptr lit r calc: had always lar s.l u j'losiehii and did soon i re' :: ' 1 bed for one, but u i i it- ohiai;:-- ! no benefldal li I ifvcr had fiiv faith i .na,. jrt "I 1 :r ; i' n! l'.itli;'.ii:gien i..t-:ii'- T:.. ill tin wij iolueiiiii very .na-snd iH a (II fu n... ;.i. . v.i ie j'.tt-- wlisi ii. y case deiii.iiiiii-ii- . 1 liavc never employed a physician since, and Hurt moans a saving of 3 a call. A dollar's worth of Tsbulea Ripans lasts me a month, and I would not be . without them now if it were my Last At the dollar. time of this inter, view there were l;..!.-- .1 !,'li. ',.1 I I'ev I l Cii-n- s urk t objected to their mother giving a tarstininnial w hicii should muade lier namsiathe newpaers, but to do this the elder lady argued : "There mar bo other cases just like mins, aud I am sura I take great pleasure iu recwniuending tlie Taliules to any. n:i nffiicted os I was. If the telling about my cam iu tha papers enables some other person similarly affected to lie as greatly benefited as 1 have been, I seo no objection. The daughters, knowing liow earnestly she felt nlxuit the lienelit who had received, decided she was quite right a nfWiVTlovafkrtmntal ilHTTn npiiiTAniwpMlla ifrmftoafwlrtinntI.iaiw l. l la,.ii-THi.wn lUlf-n- M fnr m iMriMlrto.i'in' .wueum riU by wndinii On diMi f lit. lirr.n-n- l rwten. (I B ia'lni n I k ly Vork or oi XwH ivonea i invi'il.i IU- - I n.n"'i. rh-l- ii i lo mill in rrnrarxsvaMto iii ivivilll wwl Vit lli uTi. .l .ns IH- - K Mi. Mil . .Ml III lull- )- llquiM toML.XIoi UllwllilllV. UMflVN NW. a.l,,l I afi )JC8 - Publihhurs of General Leo's 1 took. I xiU-'B- no Kvunj iTlie International Society, 4, 1)99. Trains Arrive and Depart a the Various htutfons at Follows: y , :ai:il late Council Gential to Cuba, writes a book on OREGON V llfc-tlni- e. FITZHUGH LEE. Maj. Gen. U. S. V Tl.kt A ek d. opportunity of a me nuiKlrig S60 to 3150 a week. Arriii NSKMf, (I ' ce Utah. Provo, tic TliN is on Frsi. 550-PA- 1 Finnt-isplc- ComniPM-iu-l South lfuund North IJ011111) . derstand that in the British army tin STATION Ar. Ar Lv.'ll.v.) 1.05. of calculation! that modern guns large ; There are two effects of A M calibers are only used for about in; IM 2 :o 7 :m Ogrdnn rounds as they are built. The rapid tea. A VALUABLE BOOK FREE 4 25 erosion of the piece by the cordite uk'i7 6 20 0) AUD BOOK THE FREE PRESS 'YEAR The good is got by steepin that service deprives the gun of ils Lohi Junction 5 M S0 5 l!i l.clii efficiency, without, 1 should ray. ui:.l. 0. it. ing 0.1 Ainericmi 5 no Fork ENCYCLOPAEDIA FOR 1899. ing it dangerous to those who 15 i'liviNtnt 5 0 rove use it. To protect the pircc from ii:i The bad by boiling it. a s 4 45 Irovo Concise. 4'i Correct. 9 4 idea Complete, Jrillrvillc the with erosion the core is made San Franciaso A Schilling & Company 52 4 27 9 Fork S,niiili that it shall be bored out when 1' c All accurate and Superior Book 10 07 4 12 InyM.n 11 III; 5 25 Nciilii erosion is so great as to indicate th of reference that tells jou all you 2 :l'i need for a renewal of the part, and tin:! I 12 2 2l; wnnt. to know. Thpre will not be A I M I suppose the life of the gun r..:.y h: , Practical K:i OiiMin 5 li II 251 These are dangerous times for the f prolonged indefinitely. Willi th t ii: 7 li 7 I Hand Book of E11- a Mur., r.i 'r 7 tl inch gun thr limit of usefulness is on health. 15 Croup, colds and throa bduc.. o. til. 111 9 t 45 Frlsvo ifurmation 011 snb idered passed when 230 rounds troubles lead rapidly to Cnnsumptlen.1 f l.jj fired from it. btalistical, Officinl, llistor Four train Sally from A small bottle of One Minute Citogh There is small danger of decidin' ical Political and Agricultural Ogilnu to Suit Uk. Two fast trains duily from the hunting of guns from o trlikewise a book of Religious facts,' fnimSalt Lake to nil pointH aunt. Frrr v,il ust. The strains are observed, mu' and general practical direction on IiniHvpilTourlKtSlrrirr ('ant Suit fnkato Ciii'MB o a ltlioiit when the channels if erosion lieenr.ir uffuirs of Office, lKmir ei Duy (W'lir.. every-dawell marked the gun would la withTim only lina operating diiiinir of A Farm. recorl and complete Fw' drawn. The probability is that most of VITALITY, The bhnrtmt anil Faxtmit Lins from Fall LOST VIGOR the War with Spain, Ute elections, Lake tu Dtuivrr, the guna now in use or in posit iun to i; KrimasCily. Omaha ami all AND KANHOOf aud all other ? ti:i because used will be withdrawn happenings Puinlx KukI. sporting, have become obsolete or out of the Cures Iuiputcncy, K nssni: of 1S98. W. II. 11AXP RDFT, Vlrr-Irami On. Mirr. fashion, rather than because they In, wanting diseases, all cfiects cI self Do not delay, but tske ndvant become worn out by service. At . cxe.-W. Gen. inuir, n Ei'GLK cr Trf. Mer. rvi slmse, ge of this liberal offer, which we close of the war of the rebellion we crctlon. Ai'en time make limited for a only, by P. E. Hiirlry. GcuT Puiwriijrrr Ayt. our ordnance ns good ns aryM'liid b::lld... I gs h. with the pubspeciul arrangements a!c to thing in the world. Now it is comparaclinks City Ticket OIBee2l Main t. il City. piR glow tively harmless, fit only to adorn graverestores the Fra i f vov.th. lishers Remember, we sem1 lnvlh Alrx Th.irnton. Aeriit, Payoon. and there and full the .book yards and to be set up here year papers a vI.V ciaiiriOe;'' r! e. : C. to protect positions that rnn never be for n v.T:'.ei for only 11.05. Address, uilli reach ad by ships carrying heavy or Globi-Heade- ii, to cure or t'j j Piiyeon e guns." X. Y. Times. NSRVITA MEDICAL. CO. Ctii.ten & Jocksrn 3ts CHiCACO, tM. Blah Old Ttaiea. (ime inginjuris and Infianics son Tommy Didn't tlie ancients have s ( nj Minuti ('oi.gh Cure lungs. Sold By- pretty high times? n M, allays crniihing :m I IhmIh the of source the is Hit Father Why. roy son? THE Tbe best, cough cure fur J. L. Townshend. Aeallh. Take Hoods Sarsaparilla to quickly. The book says they set their watches Bert Towusbi ml. children. on the hilltops." Jewelers' Weekly. icepitpure and rich. lie sure to gel Ia.y son, Utah. igutK-sibis!-- 400 u A.IlliOWX. fiiiirrnl An lit. Kunm 1 Atluv llliM!k.Sult Inike City.,' on or adjress Giuni-- Globe-IIkad-k- School and Fir33id3' II. It. KOUSKII, $1.(15. Nortli-Wfste- M MAESERS half-ton- e (lir. YOU GET A COPT OF THE FREE PIlLS-- t Tear Spring, containing elegant Kltsrnut unit Tliiiriiiijrhly Ma.lRrirKiUiimai ini r t iinl? in whirli t Mints are free lo lmMurs of riirumr ten ' Call Cclor&ds ALL POINTS EAST $2,00 $2.75 $3.75 ms n Lcdrille and DR. KAUL G. Best and must Popular Route do Cripple Creek, Victor, Aspen, Glenwoml Springs and ITx'om ITtsiIi ble and capable of resisting destructive influences than the old ordnance. I un- Cildollaii P j Ofll A. WADl.KUiH. Kansas I In the Britiah navy, where cordite is used, the destruction of the core of the gun by erosion is much more rapid that, it is with the guna in the United States navy, which have been using old powder until now. The use of smokeless powder may wear the guns more quickly, but that is to be ascertained. Hut in the British navy the precaution is taken to make the guna so that their life may be indefinitely prolonged. This ia done by building the guns with a core that is to be bored out when the erosion has been so great as to indicate the necessity for replacing the core, and a new core is put in to secure accuracy and assure the proper resistance. Lieut. Col. Shaier, of the ordnance department office of the war department, said that it would be difficult to say what the lift of the modern guns of the army will be, as the army has not had the opportunity to put the new guns to business testa to ascertain their long- - Elkhart, lod. ht hul navy. - l.i'ul Ius. A Ticket. Ayt. Times-Democra- t. scratches at first, then in deeper channels about the rifling, and eventually it might ao destroy the rifling as to impair the accuracy of the piece in action Without endangering life from bursting of the piece. That danger is very re- mote with all the guns now in use in the St., S. II. tlAlllIK K. Trullie Mammrr. period of the Omaha Exposition by the trains of the Cliinigo, Milwaukee & St Paul Hail way on is Chicago aud Omaha Short Lino. Altho its trains hauled fmm ten to thirteen well filled sleeping cars and coaches each night, yet schedule time of arrival at Ourilia and at Chicago was an accomplished fact, a record to be proud of, and which has resulted 111 establishing the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway jn the Blinds of the traveling community as the shortest, best and most reliable route Or uuy iiiiiiit Kant. mnl wInIi to rn-- j between Omaha aud Chicago and n duy Hit lit ride thronirh the Eruiiilo.1 of I In Knekjr the East. inniiiiiuiiiii. lie sure to uk for a ticket tliul remla vin All coupon ticket agents sell tlnj tickets via the Chicago', Milwaukee & Si. Paul R'y, For information A Frightful Blunder regarding the line address L. L. Will often cause a horrible Downing, Commercial Agent, Salt Burn, Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buck-lin'- s Lake City, Utah. Xo Tiresome Layovers, Arnica Salve, the best in the Close Connections ia mm and world, will kill the Uuiou Depots. Cures Old And I'ldiitively Mie7 ; promptly heal it. era nrra Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, .Quickest Routt Felons, Cornes, all Skin Er up' ions. are fer s If yon Looking Bargain, Best Pile cure fin earth. Only Hers It I. j 25 ct. a box. Cure gurent et. . -- HEADER, 'lo the great rlvrriuml Atlunlic mkiiuhh-iISold qvj. L. Townshend, Drug- The GLO gist. deti-rioratir- ACME CYCLE C0.f 102 Main Uir CJiMil Viie-liWt- A (iLH. Best mstrriali, Rawih Gninh. Iilstit elryant models. Wr ship suy where with privilege of examination, ay rxp'rsv charera both ways and nliind non money it not as represented. Every Acme" is Wily nmtraiderif aaniiut all Aceldtnii as well as 7rsclhw iIm itamAip Send for catalogue. AM I'M Deii SELL FOR We Have no Agents but Sell Direct te the Rider at Manufacturer's Prices, Saving Yon all Agent's Profits. to ;1 .2 a toi iu a H5 12:41 Jet. Silver Oily to 2 HI .1 i.iri-k- l.i ;i High Grade. SANE GRADE AS AGENTS !j I? 2 to 7 25 2 2 'J L'unou.tnliua MI7 l.i Bicycles) 98 Models. 55.5 5 MI7'i2i 7 UMU Liil-iiiiiI-ii ! Xi 11 2 Ar Ar Acme Vlx ad, a li AlflM 7 iu I l.iiklieu HiIImJb I H 211! V iml Ksat-ii- At Spanish war. The life of a gun," suid he, is a period to determine just now. There never was any ground for asserting that a guna life was limited to loo discharges from' It, for at any tin.i there would be differences in the weight of powder used in a discharge, and, u, course, differences in the effects of charges of different weights of owilrr. From the experience of the lust suui-- . mer in the navy, and in the use of our modern guns, it may be said that un . inappreciable amount of . has been discovered in the pieces of all calibers. There has been no thought of withdrawing any gun becuuse it hud bees fired a stated number of times aud should therefore be regarded as unsafe to use. Trifling erosion has ben noticed in the rifling at the breech, but not enough to impair the efficiency of the piece, and no indication of strain to suggest that it would be unsafe longer to use it To show you how mistaken any popular idea is that the gun is worn out or dangerous at the one hundredth discharge 1 may say that some of tlu anil have largest guns, been fired as many as 300 times, in practice and in action, jet they are just as sound, practically, as they were when they were brought out of the gun factory. Of course the smaller pieces many of them have fired two or three times 300 rounds, and they are still eound and free from serious impairment from erosion. This erosion is caused by the elfecte of gas developed in the powder chamber at the time of the discharge, and ia shown in slight h, Wwt-lluuu- 'Wlw mrt,n,iii' |