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Show IMI Pariaian barton ira legally eorcptlU-- widi their hands baton waiting ou to d a r. Tnlu Tula Tha new Pepeia chewing gum to delicious. Call for it. A bath with I ORMO BUTTERMILK BOAF, exquisitely teamed, U toothing and beneficial. Fold very her. CWndy Itajaa iro-al- hil.dr'4iuiu gists, aatiafnctioa guaranteed. Ilia rutiiudmoaay la J. SALT LAKE CITY C13ECT0RT. fifty-io- Tha ostrich induatry in Africa is profile There are 150, UK) tame birds there. Uc, Windsor. Out., Cnuada. hi Mrs. YVIostew'i Oeetbloe Birwp la Sms far rklldivB tasvhlagjartaa. tkagaao. aolieo. allaza gala, wuaa aiog aalla. Maaaiaakaiila ,( Coffee wta Introduced Into the l'liilip-pina- a from Brazil in tha latter part of the The government hot ordered 25U,UH0 line eighteenth century. Utili Implement Co. tlau bugs, for fortiHcdtiou purponee For pari art oomidraiou anil e riser, CWmUb Heller Bexrieg Indern. To Cure ( oaatlpatloo Porevet. healthy skin, ute COSMO BUTTERMILK Load ltnouan Had Tan Uiadara' Twlna. TakeCtM-aranowar tat uiadarOll UOAP. Bold everywhere, Beat neoeefe raady Cnlbartle. Ha erMj 15 UC C. (nils to sure. druggists refund monsi German echoolboyaatudy harder and pluy WATCHES! JEWELRY! II luck rusos are on exhibition at Yo lean than thoee of any other country. M. A. MILES, ronzu, Uuaain. MS Main Straat, Salt Laka City. Utah. Wrlta or kitty Canto. at iar prices on nnytklng you need. TOE-GUCURES CORNS Goarautaadt imeeo habit aura, mbkaa weak too. IL All druggitia blood man Or money bock. Ike at all druggists. pure ttroug, KELDEN, JUDSON DRUG CO. . . Tha oalj Wholwli lirnf Hom totwMi Dm New Zealand freeze 4, OlM.UU) alicep yearTlie oldest Iron vimsel in the world It the tiweontt. MKiiafwMrm of in (boom rraa4 for European niarketA Kailtr Balaam and dmlara In oil kinds yar ly Michigan, built in INU. Mall iiliclird. ordfi apl.m. Salt Laka Electric Supply Co. BBB V. H. Atria. Fo. B.W. XImI.Ih. Contmrtlnf WtoolOBOlo and Kotall V loot lie Siooificlaoo. M Tfeuood. U W. trim akraU Bin (toil LoUb i ESS m liiiRitiilSISSflSigaiiiiliiaiiflianaii1 ld Hup-pli- BO SMITH & ADAMS M M Manufacturer! af Tania, lioraa Mlankau. ala. Wrlta for pries. lu Commercial BL Waon rover. Stack eovere, School Furniture anil Supplies, OBlea. Cborrh and Library Fanilture. (1 T. Wabar a Oo.. IT W. Pint South St.. Salt Laka SkA. City, Utah. M Bfl ia like s plant. What makes tha plant fade and wither? Usually lack of necessary nourishment. The reason why Dr. McMillan. Maatfer. The Middlesei Banking Co. Ayers Ilair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal color, stops hair from falling, and makes it grow, ia because it supplies the nourishment the hair needs. lfoaay to loan aa improved fama la Utah and Idaho, gw McConilck Building. When a girl at school In Rending, Ohio, I bid a severe attack of brain fnvsr. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald and, for a long time, I feared 1 should be permanently to. Friends nrgad me to ne Dr. Ayoi'n Hair Omla. Carload lota a t pea laity. IMar Lumber Yard la theeui. trade solicited. Ml B Ml Craig CaL s LAMBERT PAPER CO. MI Vigor, and, on doing no, my hair immediately began to grow, and I now have ns heavy and Ine a head of hair m one could wish for, being changed, however, from blonde to dark brown." Un. J. H. HugWYULl, 152 Iadfie Are, Baata Cl Couatry M M M M ca a M State Street. Salt Lake City. Utah. Blghaet lath rrioa Paid tor WkaeS end Jtyers Mair Vigor. Everything In tha line of Printer Bapplla Peper, Papa Saga, Twlnaa, wrtnlag Oaraful nod prompt attention to order by atalL SALT LAKE CITYT THE VCBIVflH I DC NEW HOTEL... lit BE BE Bfl li MtfwwfYwyvfiwTnOTfYinnmnm eHiiEiiifttiEaaaEiltEEilMaEftEEatHftdl KulIUlleas e' locomotives. n makes the skiu tuft, white end healthy Hold everywhere. Ja- For lung and chest diaenare, Piao'a Cure the bast medicine we La ' uaed. Mr. It Nortkcott, self-lighti- COSMO BUTTERMILK TOILET ROA1 All pertont who visit the einiieror of pan are coin palled to tako a bulk Drat. Cotton of twelve different colon growl 10c, 85c,SUs gold stored In New York would out weigh tea Ball'a Catarrh Cara la taken lntarnuliy. Price, 75c. . cure eonailpatfna forever Cstbsrtle, CL II U U (lean Asuhatitute for honey hut buen introduced in Germany, called lioury. Partley la entirely effeetli a in removing the odor e onions after a Raaaty la Blood Daap blood meant n clean akin. No leu uty without it. Caaenrrta.Cnndy Calhan-tiI'lraua your hluud and keo it cleaa, by stirring up the laxy liver and driving all from tl,o body. Urgin banish piiiiil.lilla, blotches, black beculi, and lliatsk-kihiliouaromplexlun by taking AH drag, Ca.oarett. beauty fur ten ix-n-t. BuaheL , Wheat 0 Cants Bow to grow wheat with big profit at 10 rente ami aaiuilsof Halter's ltel Cro Pll Bushels per acre) Winter Wheal, it. a. OaU, Cloven, ate., with Kurin Heed Cataliigiia for 4 rente jMMtaKa, JOHN A. bAUUl bED CO., La Crusre, Win w.ilil Tbo Anier,cxu navy Las supplied hundred! of ilia Inventions wLkh hove ployed lmporuut parts In the develop-mrof the modern navy. The first esaentlal step, the Introduction of the ironclad and the muuitor, wa American horn. Another Initial advance quit aa Important In Ha way wa the construction of the modern rifle, requiring in their design a high order of mathematical ability and an intimate knowledge of tha characteristic! of modern steel. All guns in the navy have been dulgned by Profeacor Philip R. Alger, a former graduate of Annapolis, who hao nine been trunn-forre- d to the corps r the profereoro of mathematics In the navy, and who U tha highest authority on ordinance matters In this country, If not In tbs world. Professor Alger received a diploma from tho World's Fair Commission tor hit system of gun construction, new In use In tha navy. In order to make there gtm efficient, methods had to b devised far handling them on board ship; opening and dosing tha breach for loading, mounting them an carriages for sighting and training, protecting them with armor, supplying them with powder and shell, developing smokeless powder for their use, designing prlmere, fuses, tsleacoplc sights and a hundred little accessories used In connection with their services. It was also essential to provide the necessary appliances for using the modern automobile torpedoes to be fired from our ehlpa and torpedo boati; apparatus for signaling orders from the conning tower to the guns and to every part of the ship, for measuring tho diatanee of ths enemy, for countermining harbors and clearing channels and many ether devices more or leu directly connected with the ehlpa as a fighting machine. nt high-pow- A Beautiful Hiuip Wapner Brewing Co.s Celebrated Baer. Salt Laka City, Utah. ST. ELMO HOTEL. &ESOB.& takn Hatea Mo, 71a, 41. H Brlaaahar, Pwp. a few monthi to all mere at (he celebrated ELASTIC STARCH, (Flat Iron Bread), To induce you to try this brand of itareh, no that you may find out far yourecli that ell claim for ill euperio orily and eeonomy are true, the makcre have had prepared, at great ezpcnse, a ecfleaef Pint K. Q. Holding. Salt Laka GrapbophonaCo. Muatealaad Talking 1M 8. Mala SI ahlaan Write tor UNDERTAKING guna and ships more powerful In their keen competition for supremacy. In this country, tho home of the Inventor, our government had paid Foe al all W. their Present Free Assajer and Chemist Electrical Supplies er To perfect there device In foreign navies the government have had to pay millions of dollars for Improvements and Invention that tended to make Moat Baaaenakla Bataal Sawly Parnlthadl OUTFITS embalming kit. etc., omit to gold at ones. ('aa be bought for HALE luvalun A. O. Wiggle, worth, Bfi S. Waat Temple ML, Balt Lake. (K tha double turret, having an eight-la- d STONE IN HER STOMACH turret placed on top of a thlrtren-lnc- h From Ihr Gaulte, BkiMlfnacii, IL turret, as used on the battleships The wife of the Rv. A. R. Adams, panto Keersarge and Kentucky, which were of tha Bedford Chrulion Church at Blow launched not long ego at Newport dinivill, 111., waa fur jeer compelled H News. live a life of torture from disease. Hm shl Chief Constructor Philip Hlchborn in- rase baffiad the physicians, bat today hot of vented the Franklin life buoy, and Bold b alive end well and tells the story recovery oa follows: it to a concern la Bath, Me. It to n About lx yours ago, laid Mrs. Adam atcases small tin I weighed about 10 pounds, but my buoy. Two health tached to It contain, phosphide began to feil eed I lues flash.likeMy s me end felt did not agree with clum. Stoppers to there cases are. A- food etoniat-b- . to Idont ell I stun in ttached to the ship, ao that whan the over untillay1 thought I had diepsj- I had pains nod sureua-- s in my left slue buoy la thrown into the water the stopwhich extended clear ncroes my back nud pers are withdrawn, and when tho bnoy also of my heart Daring into the strikes the water the combination ol there spells aregion bard ridge would appear in the chemical with the water makes a the left kid of my Muinnck nud around the left side. bright flame. There attacks left me sore end ex-on used ( all the navy, of tho being Lieutenant Very, late luted. All last summer I waa eo nervous service. In the Inch and now guns devised a set of signals which are that the children Uugluug nud playing In use, not only In our navies, but In nearly drove me wild. 1 suffered also from troublee end doctored with ten difJust before the war with Spain be- all the navies of the world. Lieuten- female ferent physicians without receiving any gan Secretary Long recommended to ant Herbert O. Dunn Invented a stock help. My buebend having reed in the Congress an appropriation to build a leas anchor, which to now In use on of Dr. aome naval vessels. Lieutenants Vnn big powder factory for making smoke-leWilliams' anhe earns time powder. At the Pick Fills Duier and Mason were the Inventors for Pale Pe nounced that a satisfactory smokeless of an ingenious electric steering gear. le. Induced powder had been made after many Lieutenant Flake and Lieutenant Lume to try thl that and of a experiment, years cian Young are the Joint Inventor of them. I powder was superior to the smokeless boat detaching apparatus Chief Engitaking tout them J. Lieutenant uowders made abroad. neer Harry Webster Invented a cllno November B. Bernaduu showed special aptitude roll to determine tha angle meter, used but expert for this work and rapacity for the solu- of a ship. Chief Sneed no reEngineer Nathan P. lief until I tion of the problems Involved In the Towns to the Inventor of an Improved bad taken prosecution of ths experimental work bailer. Lieutenants Diehl and Gibson six boxte. I of this nature, retd the report of the re inventors of a now tek- am him "compensating -Inspector In charge of the torpedo sta- nscle, designed to neutralise the mag31m Jtafband Bred." iuthtaxiS tion at Newport This Lieutenant netism of n steel ship's hull. Pasred have been greatly benefited. ia now at Key West recovering I wee eUo troubled wiili nervoue penAssistant Engineer Tobin to the incomwhile received in from wounds end numiaieuof my right arm end of the famous Tobin bronxe etration ventor, hand eo that ettiuiee I could hardly endure mend of ths WUslow at Cardenas. It much used for hulls of racing yachts the pain, but that hoe all paired away. I was in fact Lieutenant Bernadou and and for the shells of torpedoes And now have a good appetite end am able to Commander G. A. Montgomery who Prof. B. C. Munroe, of the navy, to do my own work. Have done more thia Invented the smokeless powder Just the Inventor of the high explosive summer 'I i in the past four yean put together. I)r. William' Fink Pills for Foie adopted by the Navy Department The Jovlte." People eurd me, end 1 think It my duty to navy la particularly proud of this other tufferera know it There are only samples of the many totHundreds of equally remarkable eaaes achievement Foreign governments contributions to Inventions which naval have been cured by Dr. W illiainm' Pink Pills possesss a smokeless powder, hut It olfleera have made. Their Inventive which make contains la by the Manila 1 praLOuuued Mub-ne- e and talent and their skill In designing have ia Uvea. It unreliable end dangerous, United States made the the of ships a high heat besldea develops All navy superior In every convenience and soon ruins a gun. which to those of Europe. In fact, Honse-c- l caning j a duty ia every countries have been working for the efficiency hoilkeuoUL People don't many governments pay tributi regulated foreign no Ideal smokeless powder containing oniil tbs filth become painfully apparent, Ideas to of American the euperiority to reaeon that In every day elands we bat it are the first and In royalties on the Invention! of Amerire more or lees duet or dirt accumulate. to get It. As In many other matters, It is eo with the human blood. From the our Navy Department stayed behind ican naval officers enormous variety of eatables taken into the etomarh, a quantity of useless me Europe in the adoption of a smoketerlal Is bound to accumulate in the blood less powder until we had one that was BEACON FIRES IN CHINA. sad clog the fra end wuoleome flow ia perfect the vessels. Every person should frees Lieutenant B. A. Flake, prolific inThe payment last month of the great time to time have a blood cleaning ' ana snd blood purifier is ventor In electrical devices, made some war Indemnity from China to Japan the best cleanser Cathartic. l We Caseerets Candy automatfinder a for years ago range has again aroused the question why sc them to ell our reader. la sea. It ically finding distances at little patriotism was shown by the Chioolloction of coin and medals In the ona of tha most useful contrivances on nese during their late war. It to not The shipboard, and la worth an immense generally known that vast secret so- British museum u SiO.UlM aiieciiiious. um to the navy. Another of Lieut. ciety flourishes In that country to opImportant to lluthere. Flake's Inventions waa the etadlmeter pose the present emperor, and that i The manufao urer of Cuxtjrle have bees sexmodification clever of the to spend hundreds of thouemd of very of the Chinese army to said tompeled majority to Is tant, by which It possible to measure to belong to this society. One rensoi lollare fuiullUr.ie ih public with the Chan IL Pletehir. This lis barn the distance of a ship from the height for this of plraka counterfeit opposition to that the prereni sseceeltalrd by of Its meet or tmoke stack. Still anothto not strictly Chinaman, lag tha Isras.orlB trade murk. This toaster-(sitina crime cot only against the proprieer was a range indicator an electrical emperor but belongs to a Tartar dynasty. tors of Cnsturia, but against the growing device for signaling from the conning All persous should ta careful la feneration. that Cantoris beer tha elgn tture of Chao. In Chins such beacon Area aa spread me K. Fit teller, If they would guard the health of tha alarm of the Spanish Armadi ihelr ehlklrra. Parents and mothers, ia parthrough England, still call to war ticular, ought to carefully examine the Some years ago, the story gore, ths Ckstorla advertisements which have been apin tbli paner. and to remember that emperor eat with a beautiful woman, pearing Hie wrapper af every boule of genuine Castor! a signs-urta of Chaa IL looking toward the beacon hills. Shi tears Fkiteher. under who i supervisl vn It be ben would like to are those waiting piles nanufacturod euailnuonely fer mer thirty lighted, and upon her insisting ths fear -- Whatranstx-uwn do, dj.Ur, to attain thing was doner prevailed throughout the prov- t ripe old age! Live? J inces, and troops came harrying from DofftTobeees lpn'en Omsk Veer Uf deep be and To all aides forever, nap quit tobacco easily news-pap- u Ber-nad- nltro-glycerln-e, ntood-Clranta- nltro-glycerln- e, -- nooo-mern- g e nolle, full of life, nervo and vigor, take the wonder- - worker, that inmke week men When the lenders learned that no llroag. All druggists, Ms nr 41. (Jar guaranteed. Booklet end sample frett Aitdiem danger menaced, that the fires were Sterling Iteuady Co.. Chisago or New York. to tha of whim a lighted satisfy e isvuel A editor Kernes p.vial funeral woman, their wrath fed on their lost to the cemetery ditlon nud sent rsp-tconfidence, and with the actual call to where muidcred nun waa being burled. arms the response was slow snd It was a repetition of tho old story in Webster's spelling-boo"Wolf had been cried too often. Game Plaques FINE PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. Wa eerry Ffuugrmuba Qmphnphuaee and supplies. Parion aadaitieaH room Ki Main Bl. Halt Laka City. Utah PhonoMo Inferior goods. graph Co. , (J he. W. Blayner. Free, and Mgr. w exoet reproductions of the 510,000 original by Muvi le, which will be given you ABSOLUTELY FK bE by your grocer on condition named below. There Plaques ore 40 inches ia circumference, ore free of any suggest ion of advertising whatever, end will ornament the moR elegant apartment. No manufacturing concern ever bciare gave away ouch valuable present a la its customers. They ere net for sale Many price, and can to obtained only ia the. manner cpeciiied. The subjects era NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. . . Prloaa from M to Em Full line o aamplea oa UtaadatOarartlroahella.BI Mala. Agt. lor Utah IT 1C City TO TAKE A PICTURK when II Id Lnd I you VO out on a trip or to taka soap ahuu at the baby. Sorb ulrturua ran t be ll bought. Make them yourwelf. up Drop ua a pnetaL CIKT A KODHit If Chaagl Jnalla A Ark. Salt Laka ST. MARYS ACADEMY Utah.011'1 Conducted by the hlatrraof the Holy (Yore. Oat-Sta- AMERICAN WILD DUCKS. ENGLISH QUAIL, ha been the standard tor 25 yean, TWENTYrTVO MILLION pacha age of this brand wrre sold last year. Thats how good it is. Ail purehosem of thrra or nix pnekapre of Klasiie Starch (Flat Iron Brandi, are ratlllad to receive from thrlr pronrr on of th-- s beautiful Oamc Plaques Irrai lbs plnquaa will not be rent by mall They eon to obtained only Irure yoarcroerr. Evtiy Grocer Keeps Elastic Starch. Io not dolay. This offer la for a abort Umeeniy. FURNITURE! Be bool SappHen. telalogue Pram Each Plaque is Elastic Starch HOW TO GET THEM; Nall Orden and Gal Prleeg From W. $. HENDERSON, Wholesale and raUll dealer in Imported and ponmeUeril reea and Fancy Orocerlew, KUh and M. Main. Poultry, Cigala and Tubaeca SW-S- GROCERIES. You may roughly divide nations as the living and the dying," Lord Salisbury declared In a recent address before the Primrose league. China belongs to the second class; but she will not have existed In vain If her example teaches living nations that faith in their rulers and the patriotism of tha people are the aura defence of nations. AMERICAN PHEASANT, ENGLISH SNIPE. The birds are handsomely embossed and stand out natural re life. bordered with a band el gold. Studloe (or biatnlera and day pupils will be resumed tha Brat Tueaday la September. Terms moderate, Send reference. Caulogue. k. A LHf Trolley Bide. One may now travel by trolley enr In exstern Massachusetts very long distance In continuous direction. The longest continuous trip tbit may be made to that between New Bedford, Mau., and Nashua, N. H. Thl route take ona from the holiday shore ol Buizards Bay to Mount Hope Bay at Fall River, thence to Taunton, along Ask Your Dernier to show you (he Plaques end (ell you about Elastic Starch. Accept W. B. PIERCE, Balt Laka City, Utah. - WHOLESALE PRICES. BOXRUDCO. A.H. 21S 8. WEST TEMPLE ST. WHOLESALE NOTIONS MANUFACTURERS WRITE roj sw mm sss.IF TOC little or nothing. WART ASTTHIXO IX TOR an air a PRESSES Salt Laka "DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. . . . City. OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. 'TIS CHEAPER Q Ua MVl Dlllkl IN But most of the port-hing- e. keen-minde- BUY SAPOLIO PAPER CUTTERS . . nd . . PURE. STRONG AND It ECONOMICAL IS . . . Ua 155 Main SL, Im- gun-mou- nt THE END. gun-mou- nt Jut m food m tha hlfhMt prinj Bklav Powders Um ad Mil bil hiU i gun-mou- nt PROFESSIONAL YOUR GROCER SELLS IT . ; . . . tower to the gun captain the direction and distance of the enemy. This to fitted on nearly all our ships. Captain 8igsbee of the SL Paul, to an Inventor. The navy now urea a deep-se- a sounding apparatus and parallel rulers for navigation of hla Invention. Lieutenant Dashlell Invented a breech mechanism which was a great Improvement on all that had preceded IL It was adopted by the navy department In 1S9Z, and waa introduced on many rapid-fir- e guns. This device enabled the man at the breech of the gun to do with one motion what had always taken two. In the breech mechanism Ihe plug had to be turned with one motion until It nnlockod, and then withdrawn with another motion. Bnt by an arrangement of cogn Lieutenant Dashlell made the pull of a lever turn the plug until It waa unlocked and then withdraw it The reverre motion of the lever drove the plug home and then turned It until It locked. The Dashlell macbanlsm has beta supplanted by ths Fletcher mechanism, but it to still to be found on some rapid-fir- work of naval officers' brain have been given tto the government free. How much the Inventive faculty of officers has meant to d ill the Navy Department Is Illustrated In the care of Lieutenant Frank F. Fletcher, now an duty In tha ordinance bebureau. It wa said at a hearing last Senate of the committee fore a Invenwinter, on a MU to give naval tory compensation, that a the govof Mr. Fletcher' had aaved ernment more than $500,000. All rapid-fire guna are now pieced on this end the World's Fair Commissioners awarded it a diploma. Briefly described and without technical Is the applicaterms, this to the upper cartion of riage of the gun, with a hydraulic check to take np the recoil after firing, guns. and a spiral spring to return It to Ite Lieutenant W. H. Drlggs and Lieuand place. There is also elevatingcharac-tetenant Seaton Schroeder are the Inven-tor- s r. a complicated of training gear of a rapid-fir- e mechanism, which to of the same class as the sevof to Inventor the Mr. Fletcher Hotchkiss gun. It to applied to eral ether device. One of there to a and gnus. This for heavy guna breech mechanism to owned by a private corThis mechanism Is used for handling Invention all the heavy breech plugs, weighing poration, unlike moat of the navy infrom GOO pounds to half a ton, of enr vention. whlrh belong to the govern- BROWNING BROS. CO. TYPE . . . Nearly every Its provement bee been invented by naval officer. One Instance of a naval officer who received compensation for an Invention waa that of Chief Constructor Wilson, now retired, to whom the Navy Department paid $10,000 for Lino, or Ilaad Camaras tad rhotogrnphla Uapptlaa, srud for our new catalogue, which wtl giro you tha beat wholesale prices, which cannot to equaled aaat or west. It la free for the asklig. ItTWa also have n eomplnta Una of HARDWARE at our Ogden store, and the most complete REPAIR NHOI-- ia the country. 2481 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. WHO ARE FAMOUS INVENTORY - ShMting, Fishing, Camping, Baseball, Athletic or Sporting Good OF SUSPENDERS. OUR MRW CATALOG I? I. OFFICERS e CO IKS EVERY CAN OF U.S. BAKING POWDER well-kno- er AT THE FOLLOWING! PRICSSi Is Guaranteed 5 OZ. CANS, IO CENT5. 8 OZ. CANS, 13 CENTS. 6 OZ. CANS, as CENTS. WHY NOT TRY IT? 13-ln-ch AS STRONG AS ANY ON THE MARKET . OR MONEY REFUNDED. mmmmrMrz tliul tli" IliM y In cooking Is M hnv, Ihr rl.'lil .uri of uml'-r- l il. XnfMns adds no murh Ic the Lnxtc snd general n ki: j ufyiiu 1. pm.im-- t s.i in'i.'li us 1h r'.ikin:; FowJ r u Ilnvlnz n high qualllv uu nre miaul n'l r.'tu'lt iHirr.S. Haklug I'uwdrr will gr.' ,n gn-tli- -r inirr kilUiurilnn thun any you can umx A siuglv vnn will enmlnco y.u ,'f tin m- - riL Ceutuut umijk will pin- juu cuntuat lu'sllh uml wnMnnl pUuMirw Will and guns. Tho army has also recently adopted It. These plugs were formerly handled by hydraulic machinery, hut Fletcher's derlre enabled this to be dene by hand power by one man. So vcceseful was the device that one man, with his left hand turning a crunk, j ran unlock frorff the breech of tho gun Its plug, weighing 1.150 pounds, with- -j draw It to the rear and swing It clear I Mill xcrili-nr- mvtmtwtuutvttvumtMMvtvuttvtwAUvtvummuuAvtttvnAttvttnwil , In seven seconds. Finally Mr. Fletcher ment. Commodore John A. Howell to the Inventor of the automobile torpedo, which bears his name. Its mechanism consisted chiefly of a heavy cog whorl made to revolve at a high rate of speed before the torpedo to put In the water. Commodore Howell sold this Invention to the Hotchkiss company, and for a time drew a royalty on It. Of lafe It has been supplanted by the White-hea- d torpedo. rapid-fir- e I ' I '( A tape worm eighteen reel long at on the scene after my taklnc two bast enue CASCAHETS. This 1 am aura bee earned my bad health for the mm three veer IaaetUl taking Osacarets, the only -cathartic worthy of atie by wnsilila people.tixo. W. Bowixa, Baird, Hess. CANDY I x CATHARTIC ya mrnmm. TNADI MARK ... .. CURE CONSTIPATION. ta fe M 1'i.ne, mew., tata hiHtap Srarty the right bank of the beautiful TaunDear Madam: ton river the greater part of the way, Your bread needn't smell and thence to Boston by way of Brockton and Quincy. From Boston to Low- of soda or alum or lime. ell there to a choice of several route! s far as Reading, by way of Lynn, ol Schilling's Best baking Malden, of Medford and Winchester, or of Cambridge and Winchester. At powder has no lime or alum Lowell the Merrimac river to croseed to the left hank, and a return to the or excess of soda. right bank to made not tar from There are also continuous Nashua. trolley car connections between Boston and Newburyport, the latter city being reached by pleasant routes along ONE FOR A DOSE. ftiiw$ Pimploo.th pppTont the Merrimac through the Whittier BUIoioow, Blood Parity Htkdwhf and pjrpwu. country" by way of Lowell, Lawrence Cm Howpmort of tho ChwpTp wk day Is ifFiMavy Th-HnverhUL fnrhMlth. and Mrtthpr grip vorok ks. To Harper's Magazine. or full oos for ruu. wm will issnarsj PILLS r null oftuiplo frnh 8ildUrdrurt8U. Odd Dcllrnry la Kneels. To most people a tallow candle ap. pears more In the way of a necessity than n luxury, but the Russian bluejackets who are enjoying shore leave Just now from the Russia and the Admiral Naklmoff appear to find In assimilating candles of the Chinese mnka an much gusto as an English child would have in eating n sugar stick. The other dsy n party of stalwart Muswere to be seen gocovite ing along the Queens road, and ths avidity wlthwhlch they polished off Jose candles was a sight for the gods. Some of the men. who were evidently petty officers, elected to dine off candles one's arm regular No. 1 Joss thick pidgin arrangements and streams grease trickled from the corners . each mans mouth. British and American Jacks Ilka their beer and rum, hlue-Jnck- but they draw the line at Chinese-mad- e tallow candle. Hong Kong Telegraph. An Awekeeed Unties. Cl. I0SAXU 60., MLUegPA. . CUKE YCJRSEIFI I on Hii 41 for auMtaral IniUaiiMliuMe irrliatusua or iikoralima mieoiing4 siinbraMi not Mlria of PaluloM, .. ATHCEVMI font or OHEVMVtCOb vr.iiu or rout In plain wrmpfT. for hr prwMiH, It .mi. ir 3 Utlflpo, Il'.TI Circular ona mwi AreYodr-M- rim, --' Eyes Sore? Eft Waterkm nro ptm or fmaalalrd Hd. Don't or kart wlion aoptIM. Fcals mod Bamptr frrleu. or fall tli kjulo ?. Wfiimt n aarnl fa errr MfahhnrMNd. JOHN K DlCl&fcY DKlittCO IftnML Tens and I k. Cam I I PENSION HHKMIKIJ, Hnehlngfen. r wIllmxtveqi'ekMItva G. D. they &SAM.H.Vnle Claims OorpaProwtutiLs lltctllTg DROPSY relief fflkyrOIeilrk Sedfiirb.kufle.iliivieli!. DEW DISCOVERY; el end m end 10 da; ew takSMin'MUMi ell mstee: 419 Payyl fe lieevna Ivrvwaii Typewriters Kxcseeaa. louver, Cl raMs. traatmeutFria. hat have we to fear? We have exW are able to haustions reeourcee. put millions of men In the field. An alliance of France with Spain, armies of the glob romlng from three-quartneed not alarm us. The nation hao W Lieutenant Joseph Strauss Is the inis ths inventor gun which la now the ventor of improvements In mounting been awakened standard of the navy. Ills device li turret guns, lie conceived the Idea of Johuoen. of a TAPE WORMS AUUil a I nvb mtliil .pm, Thii WiHU ln er by honor. Rev. Hugh W. N. U Vhta Us-- ILLS, (laud. Um hr ilnugie FJ M Sait Lake. No. 30. I8b Advert isemeatf Kcskcrifiq Mcatioc Tbit Tap- e- Kltdiy |