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Show 7 to v the nmiktt, and now iu the time to buy, as the price is liuble to go The place to buy is at E. 11 . up M T13I 12 Riuiur LINE. aud alriun fraiDld)iHiii Smith OUKi.ON O fralH arrival Han.: N.rlh P.rv-iarf- 4.1" ..in 7:31 -r 1 :li7 I iu 7 S a in i in Mint, A;rM. KIR eilANUE WKNTEHN. l:tf a iu 4:. Vi p in. 7 W. H. At a la, 4:i3iI m bMuii.4( Illghut Awarded Honors Worlds Fair. DR; JJi'tLs ('ull iu and see our fiue line ct spring silk capes wbijh we have II. Lemmon. just received, As a compensation for bis injuries received in the wreck np at Eureka Steve Kinsey received the neat little sum of $250 from the railroad company. The best laundry in Utah is the Leave Troy Steam Laundry. jMltrr !M If Mint, work Rt this office. work All you IJohm Hum iiuli. 8. Pauu.lr. RUbova. tiiindny nrliaal in rarh aui il at lii a. m guaranteed, and it not satisfactory QiLtrcl naan ii i in talwruavla t j. in. ilitl' aural ula.ni. it will lie returned and done over lag in free ct charge. . PranyUrlu G. W. Donnen bought 200 W. Pittur. Kit. Smith, M hcIkm-a. 10 head at m. cf yearling calves here this a. aundny m auilnt b . m. orimy of Ctiriatiuu week for S. II. Stevens A On. of ut k p. in. WniiiMwi.iy. Tu tlMM) aervitw. all are invited. Denver, and will ship them out uext week over the It G. W. The JlilMM Rplamanil i'hm rh. price mid ranged from $15 to $19 Wiuilil MrftmT. Ia.tor. Barrier. Sat aaiay: Haiiiaiiiy nrlmul 10 a m. per head. lay Hu. nieetuai PreifMnv II, f.allnuraal Kliannli Lea agate 1 p. in. Prenrliiiii 8 p. ni. For the General Conference auil aveiiintfai. Weduewluy I'rayar ilaoiiag Convention of Anxi'.iary Societies of the Reo. ganized Church of Kotien ta iunnra iiiaertiiiB miMt balu tba euianiiuita-tioaAil Jcbub Christ of Latter Day Saints fee. by Tbiinniay eyeninjg. laiut ba auuomiiaiiied ky the wrt.ara at Independence, Mu, April 5 20, ull auine. a rate of a fare and a third v a E. G. W. Ev. Eaat-bonn- d, CHURCH DllllXTOUY. MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret Korn Amnio .ia, Alum or any other adultcrast. YEARS THE STANDARD. 40 a-- rt James Francora is on the sick .'lim-ah- list Blank notes tor sale at thia office. Mayor Peery was in Provo Monday. Big ent in the price of coal at E. H. McBetha. Arthur Taylor left yesterday afternoon for Moab. a Gene Pulver went over Eureka Sunday evening. to James McIIatton of Meeker, Colorado is here to buy up cattle, The Nashville students will UTAH. PAYSON d FOE RALE: -- One ton lncern appear at the opera house Mondny Drcgg!st and Registered night. They are a company of seed. Inquire of J. L. TownIV.amaclst of 20 year singers that have won c very shend. Experience and Practice. enviable reiutaion throughout The first teachers institute for ruLWHi'TioAii rjHKf i Li.r ni.i.r.n. the country mid they never fail to the new year will be held in Provo Trusses, Support era, please their hearers. Suspensories Etc. cl any pattern Yon can t a good 12x11 Furnished to Order. Have yon tried Our Good Red wide irilt frame for $200. An Uy ataiek nnaiMiiim earerytliliii n.nally kept Blood Sarsaparilla? J. L. elaiw ntura. in a lint alnii oak and gilt frame for $1.75, An Druggist. ATTEHT10M. 1A1L OtfEH EGLTE PsOilPT 8x10 white frame for 25 cents and J. L. Townshend, ... -- to-da- g-- ch Town-aben- Mrs. Agnes Douglass, wife of other sizes and kinds at W. at J. Douglass deceased, is rei rices, J S. Pace's. Jr., Pay son. ported quite ill. James Wi s n rt. a!, have lrca-e- l Georges Opera! ic Colored Min frames of glokklkts Dr. G. F. Tils in low was in ion Tun day. Location notices cfiLv; 25 : u ilozeii fr sa'e at thia Mis. Wultir Henry went over to Ilureka Moinlay evening. For Sale CHKAr- .O ;nu. If anyoiirhicycie 8n-nm- l hand Inquire at this tffice. - mill WHiitg in a linrgaiii a at the Globe office. Mrs. L. S. Taylor has leeii very djow with heart trouhle thia week. Good C i tinea D liritlln Hair aid Brush's at Towusheiul's all Store. the Snnnvside mine in the strell company, numbering 30 E'dorndn dirt rich people will appear at the opera honse Thursday March 31. The Lmifpr Tavlnr came np from company is said to lie one of the Moab Mnn-lamorning and re best minstrel ci mpanics on the turned yesterday afternoon. road. They carry their own I Mind The nsiial spring mining booms and orchestra. surrounding Payaun are begining Some wretch, who deserves toebow signs o' bursting forth. reek the linugiug atti uipted to Quite a number of Pavson It. O. W. train goir.g to anglers intend to go to the lake Tin'it; Sunday evening by placing to tempt the nickers, chnl s v c rustic ou the track between snd mallets. The Spriugville and Trovo. It ta reported that stickers are e gins paused over the obstruction and cat it iu two, wiilmut leaving hiring well down at the lake, hut the rails, which seems almost thata not the only place you have to go to catch them. miraculous. to-ln- AreldhtUl A Done received a Now ia the time yon tie'l a lot i.t aunJrii a iur bieyele n pair, On the iKvnaio.i of (he GSrli good spring To;iin or Blood r Wnl ratify. animal Conference of the Church All tlie'ntandnrd makes Purifier. id Clirwt of Latter-da- y Slop thnt ecu ill with Di 1L pes Saints in lie hell in Salt Lake can 1m had at Townahenda Drug Cure. Fur sale at Towu Store. April 0, 7, 8 and 9th IS8. The t.heud's Drjg Slo e. The first nf a large stock of Oregon Short Line Ry., will sell T. E. Hina! a v, the photograph-e- r, t ckets limited to April 15th, at the poods from Chicago arrived at eanie down from Salt Lake following rates. Santaquin $2.35; Williams flash store vesfrdsy SriuhiV on hia bike. Psyson $235; Benjamin $2 25; morning.' 'Call and see them. ii-y- J.-si- . Henkt Dr. J. Residence Dank Duildiug. hotel. the hleliattou M. in Spanish Fork $225 aud Eureka We have wrifting papers in almost any form or size in liozes For the lienetit of the Home tablets or loose from ten cens a Missionaries of Utah Stake the lmz, a quire, or a tablet to 50 cts. J S Page Jr. Oregou Short Line Ry., have placed on sale round trip tickets to 8. V. Schelp, manager of Walker all points in Utah County for one Broa. Dry Goods Company, came fare for the round trip. Tickets down from Salt Lake Thursday will be sold on Saturdays and in $325. Tillie Dixon came over from Mercur lueaday to visit her father David Luut. Mrs- - Go to J. 8. Page, Jr.f with your pictures of odd sizes and he can make a frame to suit you. Sundays, W.' Ik Smith wrb over from following are open Sautaquin Wednesday to have a continue splinter taken out of his eye. Mrs. UeliBsa Stark, wife of Jas. Stark, liaa keen appointed postmaster at Moab, Grand County. Did you know that J. 8. Page kept picture frame mouldings so he contd make frames of all sixes? E. Iliushaw and Orson Iluisk, we understand, are making arrangements to take a trip down T. into Mexico. The wind and warm temperature caused a large volume of water to come down from the canyon ' Mou-aTuesday. Fairbanks went to Lake Salt Wednesday to see her son wlio waa injured in the wreck up at Eureka Sunday. Mra. Susan Miss Abbio Robison and Miss Millie Daniels, two charming young ladies of Frovo, were visiting iu the city last Friday and Saturday. Dr. Wade moved his office fnm the Persm n building to bis new o dices in the building i nst of Tipton A Miles' blacksmith shop Monday. Cut in Coal: Castle Gate lump $1.00 per ton, Cnstle Gate m,t $3.75, Winter Quarter lump f t 75. This is the lest coni on were badly frightened aud the ThroDfh Tourist Slot; or missile came near hitting Mrr. Commencing Sunday Feb. fi; Thurmonds head. and on each Sunday following the The lecture by President R. Q. W. will hare a tlimngli Tanner, under the auspices of the tourist sleeper for Portland on train No. 1. This car will lay over public schools, which was planned at Salt Lake City nntil train No. 3 of March hae the 12th for evening been postponed nntil the evening Sunday nights, delivery bdug made on that train to the Oregon of March 18th . Short Line at Ogdeu. Quite a number of relatives and the same car will friends surprised Mrs. Peery. arrive at Ogden and will be mother of Mayor Peery, st the carried to Salt Lake City on train Mayors home lest Saturday ever- -, No. 2 every Thursday morning. tne, it Wing Mra. Peerys 80th It will lay over st Salt Lake City birthday. Ice crpam and cake were until train Xa 4 Thursday nights. partaken of, eonge were enng and This weekly service will be o Derated between Portland snd every pleasant evening spent, A crowded honse greeted the Boston via O. R. A N , 0. G. W D. & R. G., Rock Island, L. 8. A presentation of Gny Mannering at M . S. , N. Y. Cent and Boston A the otera honse last Sat ni day Albany. night by home talent The play was fairly well produced and Then othen seemed to take very well with the Is one of the np to date slang John II. Coombs andience. snatained tbe charter of Gny expressions. This refers to sa to other things. Mauneiiug in a very able manner, There are other Railroads, we will considering it luting; his first lint there are no others admit, appearance on tlie stage. ELECTRIC LIGHTED having The Supreme court has affirmed trains between tbe Missouri River the decision of the lower couit in snd Chicago. The Chicago, Milthe damage esse of W m. Wilson waukee A St. Paul Railway leads against the Sioux Consolidated in all things. Electric Lighted, Mining Company. Wilson was team heated, vestibuleil trains injured while hauling ore for the running over a ballasted company iu April 189C, and at first steel rail track give you a service it waa thought be would not uuequalletl by any other liue. survive the injuries he received, 1 hrougb sleepers from Denver to but he is able to walk around, Chicaga Through Tonrist can although he will be crippled for from San Francisco to Chicaga life. The jury in the District We are the SHORT LINE court retained a verdict for $7000 Omaha aud Chicago. Why and the case was appealed to the not get the best at the same price Supreme court, which failed to you pay for any inferior article. find an error in the record of the Try our liue once anC yon will lower conrt that would justify use no other. For time tables, reversing the decision, hcuce it maps etc call 011 or address. The attorneys in was affirmed. L. L. Downing the case will get about half the 212 South West Temple St., amount of the judgment, which Salt Lake City, Utih will leave the plaintiff a very M t111MIIMM:H HH1 HIM I1SMMMIM4 Ul 1 small n mnmeratinn fer the injuries be sustained, evening and returned yesterday ouly good returning the morning. Mondays. These rates W. J. Douglass and James to the public and will in effect until December Wilson went np Snntaqnin canyon 31st 1898. Wednesday to look at some raining claims and brought back some very One of the officers of the Mt. good looking ore. Xebo Irrigation company has Fred Huish baa started oat on returned from the east, where he has been negotiating- - for tbe a lecturing tour, the lecture being erection of a beet sugar plant, and based on bis experiences while on He is announces that a plaut will un- a mission to Turkey. Garnder. accompanied by Henry be and for built doubtedly ready a beet crop next year. It will be Doctor W. A. Wade menilier erected on the land over beyond of the state hoard of pharmnry Goehen and will bave a capacity of and surgeon U. P. Railway. Can 500 tons of beets a day. Quite a be found at all hours at his office number of families are locating over Tuwnshends Drag Stoie, Reaidence on Psyson Utah. on the land and things promise to corner south Presbyterian be booming over there in the near c.bnrch. future. Last week we made menthn Hie XaBhville Students who that John Francis hsd sold his played here Thursday night and interest in the drug store to Roy Friday afternoon drew very good Haish, snd this weak we have to houses. The company is a good record that Huish has sold ont to We hardly one, being composed of both ladies Bert Townshend. themanother wbo conduct sml gentlemen change next week. expect the selves most pleasingly on stage. After about six weeks of pleasant The singing ia par excellent and weather a storm broke liaise Wedcharming enrapturing the audience nesday night and continued nntil from start to finish. Mr. G. W. the next evening, bringiug with it Waller, the lion buss, is certainly considerable wind and a few inches a marvel. His voice is tbe deepest of snow. Yesterday morning we ever heard, snd with all it ia broke forth I right and dear, with To be fully ap--l quite musical. considerable frost to be heard. needs bo predated Take the company all together it Some rascal threw a rock through is on of the best, if not the liest, a wiucow of Mrs. Fannie Thurlast . Sunday that has ever ai'inrel here as mond's resid'-ncsonth. the from the as sunny family were eating evening singers of the house inmates The Lehi Banner. supper. e in be-twe- 1 1 A Dishes. Passes through the best cities and lowus in Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, and is the best route to Denver, Kansas City, Conuoil Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Louis, Chicago und all eastern points. The advantages gsinsd by traveling via the Union Facific are Quick Tima, Unaqualad Service, Magnifteaut Equipment, Double Drawing Room, Pullman Palaee Sleepers, Pullman Dining Oars, ras Snlislsj Cha I r Cara, Pullman Tourist Sleepers. For time tables, pampbleta descriptive of the country traversed rates ct fare, or any other information, address E. L. LOMAX, Gkn'l Pass, and Ticket Aoini, Oh aha, Neb. ry ISn in XtiAtt'i Jndr; captured olive. Tht Prosretai of Tht Boms for 183$. The excellent Btorics, for which d; The Homs is noted, will be 8 Up, Off-Ha- nd Colorado Texas Mexico and Orleans New Ia 3cuor Paoiiio e Railway. Hoyt Sherman Genl Agt Pavson, Utah 60 VEAltr EXPERIENCE Salt Lake City, Utah. J .C. MURPHY & CO., liiuulutoMn at Rubber Stimps, Seals and Stiooili. BUtl Stamps, Chscks and Tradc Mams Dismns CHECK CorvnMHTS Ae. . ...j sptuHnf i starli snd (tmntptftm Mr i4nhin frM w Haiti JIutHflr Mraruln Is probahly tkitpnuH UoHiirMhrNniMMiiiiL llandbnoi obRSiu MM frM. IwUtort syptiry funppuniiR PlstHs. PatDMS tftkM (kriNih Mriih A dklWMivt without chart. IbUm sjfcimi New York ONibM U WublKiim, DU 18 DENTISTRY. KTC. SALT LAKE CITY. HAVE YOU TRIED KINGS Syrup of Tar snd Wild Cherry, Syrnp of White Pine Expectorant, Baby Cough Syrup m the Standard Cough Bemsdisr, Almond Cosmedque, Lotion for pimples, Ecemse and si! roughness and redness of tie skin and face and Antiseptic Month Wash for the ladies. Kings Compound Extract eC Celery the great nerve tonir snd alterative, and for the Antissptio andl Abeorbant Nursery Powder, absolutely harmless sad Busty perfumed. Now ia the time to get a set of teeth at bed-roc- k prices. A fall set of upper and lower teeth, first class, for only $20, for the next 30 days. Dout miss this opportunity if you want a set of teeth for it is ouly good until the 10th of March. Office over Joe Douglass' Hardware Store. Come quick as I am going to leave in a short time. Dr. A. F. Holladay. the-babie- s . WANTED AGENTS what is more we only ask the same for Best Quality goods that others do for goods of an inferior quaily. We also pride ourselves on carrying a large assortment of fresh new goods and giving all our customers 14CH1II8 72 E. Second South ST. A handsiMMly IHiisfrRtDd wupfclr. Ijrirasi rtr. mIrUini of Mtr SfiwHifle Hnhinu. Ttnus, s r; ftmr Months, tL Buid brill tiwsilPlrm. V PERFORATORS. BOIBEBUG Scientific JUncrkan. 1 kips $ courteous and fair treatment. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND Standard Subscription BOOHS By the W. B. Conhey Company, the largest publishers snd fseturers of books iu the United States . Finest line of ns w holiday snd othsr subscriptions books on the market. Also agents wanted for "IHK 8ILYER 8IDE, the latest snd best text book ou thosil vsr question by the great silver leaders. nut EXCLUSIVE TXSSXTOET. LAMEST CDXUISI0N8. PSICXS BELOV OOUrXTZTIUI Write st once for circular and special terns, stating your ehoics of territory. w. b. conkey Company 141. US, S4S. 147, US. Ill rbora SctmI. CHICAGO The Very Latest AKD w. styles in shirts and dress goods, con-tinne- the Fashion and Fancy Work departments will he kept up to a high standard. Kate Sanborn will continue her bripht Talks, and every one of the numerous Departments will be increased and made brighter. Taka Notico. You are given a choice of one of the following articles and The Home for three months for only 15 cents. Lord Lisles Daughters, by Charlotte M. Braeme; Book of CO pages on Crocheting and Knitting; or a Stamping Outfit of fifi patterns, many large designs, including centerpieces, doilies, etc. Illustrate. Premium List r or outfit for canvassing sent free. The Home Puls. Co.; 141 Milk St , Boston, Maes. UTIH. PATSOI, GuYi Is the watchword with us and of Doubtful claims a specialty, aNOTAUY PUBLIC, Best Quality ' ATTOBXIT AT LAW. DexiMer &. J. I). Stark, 1 1 Ed Bates lost his coat the other --si We can please you in ln) day in a way that costa are not Glassware, Cbinsware; h very frequently loat, Ed was out decorated and plain; in T seta or by the piece; Pi working in hia lot ami took off his suitable for presents or tjy coat aud hung it np. After la Wring for quite a while he i home use. Y ater Sets, i to aud Holiday Gifts J thought he would break the QA Vases, We dont want the earth NS monotony of the work by enjoying j in exchange. We give f a smoke, so he went for hia coat to you a dollar's worth ut get tbe uecksssries for making a V goods for a dollar, 7. 8. m3, Jr. Wlffiti lie approach) d cigaiette. t4iin!iiiii.i!iiiMiiiirimii4H4immuu4iuiii v lie here had the place hnug it up, lit was bfltnewhnt surprised to see the last sleeve uf bis garment disappearing in tin direction of the stomach of a cow standing near by. The tobacco and the other j part of his raiment had gone on before, and were no doubt undergoing the process of digestion. Ed says if he hnd not nppeared on the scene just as lie did, Le would have sworn that sumo tramp hsd stolen his coat. News concerning the capture of tbe Robbers Roost outlaws has been awaited here with niuidi interest, on account of one of the gang, David Laid, being a 1ayeon boy, born and raised in thia city, lie ia the son of highly respected parents, and hia father is deeply grieved over the coudnrt of hia wayward boy. His mother has been dead for some time. Dare waa arrested here s' tout two years ago for stealing money from Sam Doughs store, gaining entranca by means of a skehton key. Mr. Dongtoss had Borne of the money marked, which served as a means of identifying it. He spent some of the money here in the city and was ocrordiugly arrested and placet! under bonds, but before the time for his trial came up be He is regarded skipped out. here as a lmd nisii to foci with, and some are surprised that he was Jos. E. Crook, m . J Y THE ONION PACIFIC which we cordially invite you to call and examine. We take the lead for choice and fancy AS gentlemen or sdisa te travel for responsible, established house iu Utah. Monthly Position $65.00 and szpsnsss. steady. Reference. Enclose self, addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept, X Chicaga r- Dr. Prices Cream AmrMGSSMaMMUwiawhU. i groceries. An fir hwamMn iw SwM.e m The VMtoBt ItoS !; M sysinic Wat lama mf Bmmiy, Aa a (mlUWIlM-aamoo. Mm IMS O Co-O- p. 4MM.WSSL Wm4Sm. IMM laSSEilMMito. MUMMM& OT. Loom T. II. WIT. Supt Wanted-- An Idea nm nur Mmii tig n sS - - |