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Show T13IM OB EG ON SIIOBT LISE. traina arrive aw dapart fninVaiwi olio.: Mjrth Paaauitar....dl IHuaiauiirr... Smith Jdl . m S txau, Agaut. p.m i Paaaaiigaf... 1:29 a ia Puwiifrr....:l2p BIO OBAKDE WESTERS. til am (dip a. w. H. tWan.Miia t. &u guinea. in ULOHELETS. rt Motlaaa to iuanra limrlltia as bjr Thumdar avsiituc. moat ba aaaomiwuiad full aama. Get your Lemmons. mint ba ia (1m All eoumuulaa-tlon- a bj tha wrt-ar- a carpet warp at II. saya he baa never before seen. The tooth waa a large molar and on it were two other teeth, small but distinct; a cuspid and bicuspid. The small teeth had grown on the side of the large tooth and were adjoining eacn othei. 3iow ia the time to fish. At Townshend's Drag Store yon will find the largert assortment of fishing tackle, fish poles, lines, hooka, trout and bass flies, baas spoons etc. Ed and Wells Simons returned Tuesday from tha Deep Creek minlD. di.tnct, thm .k.y nave been for the paat six weeks engaged in developing mining property. 3 Awarded Honors Worlds highest DR.-- CREAM BAKING POWDffl , MOST PERFECT MADE. .km Mrs Ann Kebeker celebrated her 80th birthday Thursday. She is nreka waa in the one of the Utah pioneers, having coue here in 47. lu the eveuiug Young mnlea for aide. Enquire she waa given a surprise at the residence of her son Henry, where of E. H. McBeth. she resides. . Lewie Ratnaey waa ever from Those having glasses that do not Provo Wednesday. fit them, thereby cansing injury to Go to II. LemmouB for fresh their eyes, hod better call on Prof. live geese feathers. Behrendt at Townshends Drag Second class hay to Bell at 2.00 Store and have them properly per ton at the Tithing Office. adjusted by an expert optician of Miss Susie Wininier came home 18 years experience from Enreka Monday morning. The meeting of the Utah presbytery will be beld in Sheep Shears! Sheep Shears at thia city commencing next ThursAlliert Iluish Hardware store. day and continuing until the Ephriam Cnnmlia is down with About fifty following Monday. an attack of from various delegates parts of fever. State are expected to be present. The Utah County Teachers Deputy sheriff D. B. Cronsn Institute will be held in this city came down from Enreka Thursday to day. and arrested Herman Tagge, Miss Ada McBeth was over from charged with petit larceny, and Silver City last Sunday visiting Fred Taylor on a charge of lier parents. fornication, and took them up to II. F. Lawson, traveling freight the camp on the eveningtraiu. agent of the E. G. W., was in the John H. Coombs, who is teach-in- g city Tuesday, school at Pleasant Grove, was blood. All the poisoned last Sunday by eating Purify your Town-B- h canned froit. blood at John was a pretfy leading purifiers end's Drug Store. sick boy for a while, and in writDr. J. M. IIehby Office in ing hr me concerning bis illness Bank Building. Residence in aid, I thought my last day hail e une. lie Wightinan lintel. Two buggies collided in front Herman Tagge moved down of tbe Wightinan hotel Thursday from Eureka Tuesday and will which resulted in the vehicles niirLt make his home in this city. lieing considerably smashed up Lee S:mona left Tuesday morn- and the occupants thrown ont on ing for his sheep herds in the the ground, but 'none of them eastern part of Wasatch county. were hurt. One of the buggies George A cetin was up to Lebi contained three boys and the other last Saturday and Sunday to two girls. attend a reunion of tiie Austin Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finlay son family. were called to mourn the loss of old son Earl, Dry den Cxinibs ctme home their little Mouday from teaching at Maple-to- who died Monday at 2 oclock, his school having closed for after a short illness of bronchitis and croup, The funeral was held the year. A wax social was Jiven at the Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock. He was a bright little boy and the Presbyterian church Monday night which was very laughable and parents deeply feel their loss. A. Harria of city Monday. -a semi-annu- al typhoid-pnenmon- ia 1 n, amusing. For the 27th Anunal Conference Coon-ro- d of the Church of Jesns Christ of L. P. and N. I. McBeth, 8aints, April 4th to of Garden City Kan. are here Latter-da- y this week buyiug up cattle for 6th. The Oregon Short Line Ry. will sell round trip tickets from shipment The next annual reunion of the Payson at 82.35; Benjamin 2.25; 225; Santaqnin veterans of the Black Hawk war Spanish Fork 2.50. Mona Tickets good 2 35; Fork in will be held Spanish going April. 8rd; returning April Augnst ll.h, 12th and 13th. H Stark, Agent 12th. One a id one fifth fare via. R. G. Work on the new B. G. W. W. for the Grand Lodge Meeting I. O. O. F. Salt Lake April 20th freight and passenger depot commenced Thursday and will be W. J. Moore will sign certificates. until completion. Dr. Wade was called to Ben- pushed rapidly new atrnctnre the of location The jamin Sunday to attend Mrs. will either be where the old one W. W. Richardson, who was now stands or adjoining tbe east attacked with hemmorrhage of the end. It will be abont 20 feet lungs. wide and 60 feet long and will be T. C. Hanford, manager of the quite an improvement over the Silver City Star, waa in town old one. Thursday and ahed his beaming The eye is the moat delicate part Countenance in our sanctum for a of the human body and its function few minutes. The use of tbe moat useful. Mrs. H. E Tty lor of Richfield glasses to aid the eyesight must stopped over here this week on be resorted to sooner of later by her way to Salt Lake and spent almost every individual, if they several days visiting her mother live to a certain age. It is very Mrs. Lou Clark. important, however, to have will assist the vision The finest line of ladies muslin glasses that not and injure it; so it wonld be underwear ever brought to the city some one fit your well have to just received atH. Lemmons. Also understands who just what a beautiful assortment of laces eyes kind of glasses yon require. and embroidery. Prof. Behrendt, who ia sloping in a oar Evans Dentist very city for s short time, is fully pulled from other the tooth prepared for thia kind of work. day peculiar which of His headquarters are at like the a Payson citizen, of the Drag Store. forceps the manipulator - Town-ahen- da Fa. l 4Q Iry-r- j Xxoonio&a. To all parts of the world ran be arranged for any day in the year, for one or wore persona, upon application to any principal ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railway. Itineraries carefully prepared for excursions to California, Florida, Mexico, Ohina, Japan, and to any part of Estimates furnished, Europe. all including expenses. Tickets famished for the complete journey It is not necessary to wait for any Personally Conducted Excursions." In these days of progressive enlightenment, with the English language spoken in every land nuder the aun, one does not need to depend upon the services of guides for g but can go it alone or in small family parties, with great comfort and security, and at one's own convenience. W rite to Alex. Mitchell, Commercial Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul railway, Salt Lake City, Utah, for details if yon are contemplating a trip. TRADE AT THE so-call- 0 i or any i THB STANDABS. YEAHS - Cabbage and ouions for sale at H. Lemmons Union services will be beld at the Presbyterian church Sunday night Buy yoar sheep shears of Albert Hnish. A new supply just received. Prof. Whiting of the University the 2nd ward met t ing house will lecture in nJ sight-seekin- ui JJ ht a hia Tourist family Blttping Car Ssrvtcs. Do you know that every evening over from Provo abont the family the Denver A Rio Grande R. R. in first of next month. connection with theR. G. W. runs The public school teachers of a tourist or Family Sleeping Car Lebi were visiting the schools of to Deuver, in which a lower berth this city yesterday. In can be aecared for 2.00? The place to get yonr lye for addition to thia daily service, the making soap is at IL Lemmons. D. & R. G. also operates on WedThats no lie, either." nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, Marshall Ballanl reports having three distinct Tourist Bleeping made thirty-threarrests during Car lines to Omaha, Kansas City, Chicago, Boston and New York the first quarter of the year. no change fox Utah passengers We understand several men in at greatly reduced berth rates. thia city will lie employed in the These tourist care are managed by construction of the new R. G. W. the Pullman Company, and are depot. provided with all necessary con E H. McBeth received yesterday veniance and appliances. Tha with morning a car load of the cele- Tonnst car feature, together brated Dce.-inroller and ball the admirable train service, and scenic attractions of the route, has liearing harvesting machinery. the D. k R. G. in the foreWe have juat printed a new placed most ranks cf Western Railroads. supply of location blanks the For rates and detailed information, latest form according to Copp'a apply to any Ticket Ageut of ths Miuing Code. Price 25 cents a R. G. W. Ry., or to B. F. Nevins, dozen. General Agent, or H. M. Cushing; Deputy assessor Marsh requests Traveling Passenger Agent, D. all parties to return their asseM-rae- R. G., No. 53 WeBt 2nd South St., notices as soon as possible, Salt Lake City. a the limit of time has about expired. Support- had whipped FitzIf simmons, Roy lluisli and Zek Dean, perhaps, would not have HOME submitted to the use of tbe razor By Using on their upper lips. T. E. Daniels will move If You Want to Ie e And secure the best results for The Least Money. Our stock of goods is always complete, fresh, cheap and first-cla- ss We deal in all kinds of Produce.. t nt - INDUSTRY The corpse of Ephriam Friaby's Castle Gate and Winter child was brought down from Eureka Wednesday morning Juarter Coals. on the R. G. W. trein and taken ARE MINED IN UTAH BY down to Benjamin for interment. UTAH LABOR, and have' the Mrs. L. J. Wightinan waa seized further advantage of being BZTTEB with an attack of the cholera than any Coal brought from other Hvlp morbus Wednesday nighty which States in Utah markets. came near resulting fatally. Dre. Utah Industries and save money Henry and Wade were both for yourself by buying these cools. summoned to atteud her. Fob Sale By E. II, McIIeth. month-ol- d Doctor W. A .Wadi Member of the State Board of Pharmacy and 8nrgeon U. P. Railway. Can be fonndat all hoars at his office over Bank, Payson Utah. Residence on comer south of Presbyterian chnreh. Stock The Company wound up its engagement at the opera honse last Saturday night with an entertainment which consisted principally n of songs, whiskered n chestnuts. gags and Inter-Mounta- worm-eate- Before yon puicliase barbed wire, call at my residences and get my prices. We also invite yon to call and examine the Canton steel harrow, the J. L G. center draft walking plow, and Canton clipper plow; steel and wood beams. McClellan. W-- Prof. Behrendt, expert optician of Salt Lake City, will be in the city for a few days and those having trouble with their eyes will do well to consult him. The Professor comes to ns well recommended and he carries a fine line of lenses and frames. Every fit guaranteed. Children's eyes a specialty. Call at Townshend's Examination for Drag Store. glaaaes free. An Idea HVa law aai liaaiaA .Jobs D. Stabk, NOTARY PUBLIC, OfBea in McOaw'a Iloa. HA - liquor DEALERS. Still doing business at Fine llathroomin Connection . THE OLD STAND the PAYSON, E. DEAN, Proprietor. - High Standard TRY the: MEAT MARKET SALEN- - For Fresh meat, Lard. and. Sausage MARSH BUILlJlNQ OFX Desbourg &. Johnson, Proprietors. J. former Trice 100 Now 81.00 FINLAYSON Daniels & DANIELS, 1.00 .50 Shoes former Price 2.25 1.50 DEALERS IN L00 The Colohrated LbO UTAH - new Not been Reduced. Hats, Shoes, Clothing and Dress Goods at S. Pagre & Sons. - KParfer. Retail Utah. NOTH lists (poHsoriaf Of Our Goods Hum Jawalrj ahop, Payson, la gja$ VcOanne & Taylor, And in time-wor- Wanted Dress G( ode former Price 25c No 16$ Clothing Best Quality and Lowest Price. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. DIAMOND & Sweetwater Coal Diamond Lamp at Yard MJ Diamond jjnUrTTardft.OO ittvered 50c a ton extra. Bros--, photographers:. First Class Wohx GUABANTEEDt AXU AiONABLB .. PlICII ASSURED. Give us a Call and See A Chance to Save MONEY. For the remainder of this month we will cut the price down on all our.clothing just one half.. Nowjis. the time to get bargains. and Staple Groceries.. Big reduction on shoes also. Try us for Fancy . J.IouK:.Ias fcSnsv Payson. |