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Show v soi the paysoh globe. mil P4'jWi(J ft Gtobi . tkliilMT b MlmJ at tha hail trauamlMiou mail umtu-r- a tlirautli lb SlILSCltllTiOM ; H baa faar fMx mouth. IliKtaaiiiM Are cent. 3HURCII DIRECTORY. Luttrr Unn Jom . eadJ. 8. PAas.Jr. IniHhoul ward at iu eni-Sunday ibaral maatii-- r la talieruaclu a iu b ward at A. ua. Z i. m. a-- Jrferfrrfaa 111 a. m. lll' Church. Bbt. W. Suitii, I'untur. hadar nnhocl 10 a. m. Preiirlilnir at 11 a, ta., audat 1p.m. orlatjr of (Jliriuliau at I p. in. ' To tiiaaa aarvlon aU ura Invited, Mcthodlut tjilrcniMl Chur rh. WiLDitaa Ui'kfHY. Iuator. Barvleaa Sunday: Sunday school 10 a Bpwun 'ft 7 p. ro. mu'liinff I - W. flu l'rJ.l,NMIiarouttJrUabb-lokiinf-iilit- . uirt a luiea iiilar imiu tu 1 It U tu liriniiing about . hr m-iuu voiituiui ovr five huimred '11 " wild RPiitlpiuou tout itawriirfioiA of Lull mitli ttti'l Miiiirf without, who or ttieUinif lift lit old lda that a niuld or widnw, r widower, iduu wliotil I wukii li e bft jrrjr of tj.o IDo iu for wine wullintf. WAlllNj, WAITIN' eiiitulilw :i to r: ip aloitf uuil blurry them litw bran (&pliitll. mul uow the bat eoilo In the IhimI. liauVr of sfiflHjr with inrrijjruMe (huulitere, Hih wulowe hy kwl InikIiIiiI poiiir wen. aikI old Intithidom ' for them ljr ureHfuliiiKCoiirvdiiiaiuurfe wr. result of theeXIlUlillO- tion waStlm showing of a steady (li'cmiHtf iu tirfectivcpyesigut from the second to the eighth grade, the second showing .10 per cent less that the first; tl e third 42 per cent less than the sec. mil. the fourth El) icr cent less than the third, tlie fifth 00 jier cent lets than the fourth, the sixth 75 per cent let. s than the fifth, thn seventh 85 correjaO;idiuee eithputrjiwiifThf nrrlue (1ornai4MMwu(terun In rout! net ml percent less than the sixth, and Journal. Mvretlj1, iu thn imiiere nre erut eeriireljr 91 the lef.stl.au the eighth percent wriipird. with imthlntf uu the wrupiaer eorriiiidMi in seventh. The eyesight of some extnit thr n irm. and ell All rluurt are xtrh'tty roiihileutiul. had iu the higher gaades pupils dortom, udvrrtUmimlie Journal been improved by tbeir wearing Imulu'ri.trudHwieeu. luivlinuirih furnrr-i- u fiMt. aliuiMt every rullliufie reprene1 ted. If glasses, and some teachers found voii are hmelir.or wuut to hrtter 'oiir wmi that stupid" children were making difiou. aiulhnva the pick of hundred for K uer. neuf JUuenU i;i tihorfur a nuiuplu better studeuts after an examina- life puli J iraal. of roy of T n tion of llieir egesigbt. Scientific Or., ami you will never rog ret It. 1 American. $10,000.00. HEADQUARTERS The state grand jury founds ludictmenis against ltev. Hermans hnd Prof. Stoddird and wife on Tuesday. Thats all well enough hut it's catching before hanging. Ita about time to begin thinking about resolutions for the new year. We would suggest the following as one worthy of consideration: I will ueVct order another jiaper Stopped until I have paid up According to Prof. Liversidge tf the Royal Society of New South Wales, sea Water coutaius about P5 to 08 grains of gold per ton. If this be true, then there is enough gold in Great Salt Luke to make all the editors in Utah licit. has chalto four round a lenged Sharkey match finish. to or a a boxing fight The new woman is coming right along. There is one qualification essential to a prizo tighter which it will not be necessary for her to go into training to develop and lhats the use of her tongue. A Chisago woman consideration. Prom the reports which wore scut out from Washington a great many surtnisei and exjiccled the message would cuntaiu something rather sentational on the Cuban question, blit there was nothing in it of a more seusutiouul nature than could lie found in the delinquent tax list of U tali county, lie gave the Cubans no encouragement nor the Spaniards no cause to be alarmed, but suggests that jteace might lie restored if Spaiu would grant Culm au'onnrav. Thai's what the Cubuns are fighting fur. As to gold nnd silver ho lias nothing to say except to give n few statisiics; however, he thinks it n good thing to issue b.imls and red win them iu g ihl nnd the government should go out ot the banking business, lie has considerable to pay in regards to the pos'.ul service and recommends some needed reforms whereby the postal department would he a self snstabiing institution. He appeals tu Congress for the nuMt rigid economy ill the expenditure of fund it holds in trust for the eople. This is very of timely advice in the fact tlmt there was a deficit of over twenty-livmillion d .liars at the clcrc of the 1m l fiscal year. i- - s Id Yen Im ITekeLTtney Easy Mr. Editou- .- I have read how Mr. C. K. If. ma'le bo much money in the Dhh Washer business and think I have leat him. I am very young yet Hiid have bad little experience iu eelliug goods, but have made over eight hundred dollars iu ten weeks wiling lish Washers. It is simply wonderful All how easy it is to sell them. yo n have to do is to allow tlie ladies hour tiny work and they eaiiiiol help hnt buy oca For the benefit of others 1 will state Hint I got in v s'.nrt from Hih Mound City Dish Wasbi i Co., St. Louis, Mo, Wriie to th. ui him they will aend you f ill p'lrtieid.irs. I think lean over $.1000 Hie coming yen', ami I mil not going to l t the nppnrtudity pass. Try it mid pjlilish your euceess for the bencGt of other. J. F. C. right and with vtry lilllo wind; the neighbors nil like it and as 1 nm kind of a carpenter, I Iiuvj agree 1 to put up nine mill.i id ready, on which 1 enu make a nice profit, mid tin re are uriny others for whom I can put up mills this fall. I dont see wliji every faim. r should not have a wiud mill, when Public Hatice of District School Kecting. they can make it tliemwdves for less than 810; anyone nil get The qualified taxpayers, as de- dingrnnis and complete directions fined in section 37 of the new school for mnkiug the wimt mill by sendlaw, resident in Parson school ing 18 two cent slniups to pay district No. Bix, Ituli county, postage, etc., to Francis Cusey, St. territory of Utah, are hereby noti- Louis, Mo., and there can be fied that it ia necesoary to nine (Wens of tin m put np in 'any funds to build a good, Hiilislantiiil locality bv anyone thnt bus the school house for the accommodaA FahmV. energy to ilo bj. tion of 200 to 300 pupils, nlso for purchase of u bnihliug site That an district Ciimlrj Ssasia Chi Xlauts. cost thereof has have triid the Lightning I con made by the nudersigned school trusters of said district ns Churn, you recently descrilicd i.i your paper, and it is certainly a follows, to wit: For foundation and wall and woiuhr. I enu churn in less than roof 80,000; for completion the one minute, mul the bettor ia and you get considerably followingyeur, including furnitu re, elegant, more butter Ilian when yon nee a 81,500. It, is estimated by the said eoinnirn cluirn. 1 took the ngeucy trnsb'es tlmt one (1) ter cent, on for tli Hi urn here and every the assessed valuation of tho tax- butter maker that sees it buys one. able pnixrty of said scIkhiI' dis- I Imre sold three 'ozen and they trict will be necessary to raise give tlie liest of100satisfaction. I know I can sell in the townsiii amount for the first year. ns churn so quickly, ship, they Notice is therefore hereby given thnt n meeting of said taxpayers make so mneh more batter tlmu common churns nnd are so clienp. will be held at the Centrnl School Some one in every township ran in said district, cn the make two Building nr three htiudred dollars 21th day of December, A. D. 1890. these churns. By at one oclock p. m. of said day, for selling J. F. Casey & Co., St Louis, the pur; lose of voting on th rate you enn get circulars and full per cent, of takes to be levied on information sc you can make big the taxable piojierty in Miiiddistriet I have money right nt home. for the purpose specified. The made Hie past two weeks and $80 o'clock p. m. I have never sold polls will open at 2 30 nnvihiiig in my nnd close at 4 oclock p. m. ou said life A FlRMKB. before. cmiM-lrratioi- i - We have been informed that there was some very bad conduct bedsore in t h "t?, UlTteT house Thursday night, such as is not fit to be published. If the dances cannot be carried on decently they should not lie in our city. We think the management of the opera house should txeeire more authority over the to Vho attend. Tmuio 1 German explorers in New Gninea, Dr. Lanterlmcli, Dr. Keruling,snd Herr Tappenback, discovered iu October, at the font pf the Bismarck, Mountain, a navigable stream flowing through a fruitful anil thickly populated plain, over which they traveled for two hundred miles. This is the first well populated area that has been discovered iu the interior of New G uinea. Scientific A mericam day. J. J. McCl.tLT.AS, Trustees of Millie Stark, Fayson Tbe Nephi Republic raises quite a howl about the proposition toformanew comity out of the southern part of Utah county and part of Juab county, ti.king in the Tintict mining district. Of course the change would hart Nephi but that is no reason why the people pf Eureka and the other towas in Tintic should not have theirconnty seat more conveniently located, which it would be if it was at Fayson. The important matter of the eight of school children has been receiving attention iu Baltimore, tbe eyes of 3,0G7 pupils were lptd, and the percentage of was found, to .be: 41; third, 43; Am vox Nerekek, J School l)ist. Dated oil this 4th tiny of Dec. 1890. (utsrrt City, St. Louis, jmtJ oh time ileioafti, Or auy polut la(. and wka te Jujr m ifaylisrht rid lliroaw ui l3 Kruiry of fha Kuny (riunlt luoiiutniiiM. ba Ara to uik for a COLLECTIONS tirhal iliat iad via tha A SPECIALTY. i & -- XJtali, WANTED-A- riww trains 1.KM1 ly M ill ti? hi.i1 Lot rent lie la i I House Tu Utah, UTAK at llir Jo mi!i Humul Ni Lv. j A Ticket igl F. McCAW, N IDEAK" 1rotactyourideaa; &i 'irtjr-flt- o fe.H rf EASY r yj.vi? rs'NirltKioah kivhiKtiiHSaH4 Pr m, Kwl imwiiieTiU MBn4uU (all. HitnaifAthA, AuWtMijli.f (IU and JeWCld FineRapainnqr a Specialty - - ' . OXK IltHJA - - boi tii I.iatJthHxn. orj.n emrsrrj i i f V r & ii Ts M U - OUR SAMPLE ROOM I ViJi. sp-wi- : J ii it He) 1 4 0d uev :sl u sron'i.isjuf:.Mi..w;i Four truiiiK ilsitlr trim alip into li:e n.l.:i in Silt ltlin. T.i M truliiN diiljr held cookiuVrcssel, Wing frnmSult I.i're t'.ull iml:iNHat, a hook on the1 Imi.rovnl Tourist Slrr.m.Hl free lace Cur Silt Ijiknt.i Pi.l-aThe i w i,c,(ftJ7niinot or Kmllii-InpClia- lr something; needed ever first invented honsekeejjers ,a'-since sjioons i Anyone can gXa aniuple sjxi 'n by scudiug ten QJUut stamps to Miss Flits. splendid wiiy to make ni'upy around home. Very truly .Jeannette b. TAYSOH, UTAH. 7 K : i i i Ar t;Aj; a) a 6 :ii 9 i , 7 l 7ft.: that Miss A. M. S'aiiini A . St. Ijucis, Mo., would a. g'v m ai.j elegant plated Look one sending her ten 2 cent I sent for cue ami foitud ii, j0 useful that I slunvid it in unfriends, nnd made $13.00 in two lulu is, taking orders for the snoe at. I 111, : Varluu irlb Ilomul t .jpi3 ini .7 nc;i: sreex rm: ll. Jm I nad in Hie (nrirtian Stmuli.rii M $ fo (i fliijr CiMrlin. if I T'l-ici- ljf . . , i-- In,; rtt ditii-i;- ' rnrir-r- i icm .1 in from Fait it .ui Fust-Tin s'i .tike to Deliver, Briuuk City. Oiualni aud nil Poltita East.t 1). B. Hurley, Con'I Art. Awitr. Dept., ('it Ticket Office mi Until St. Salt Luke City. . 8. Slnrk. Aicent 1 Pny-.n- the Ippsr Saved the Tarn. Father was sick mul the mort- How Is large and in the Center of the business p art of town. On a Service IS THE BEST WE CAN GET. LIVERY 0 T fl 0 U 01 Hull 1 gage on the farm was coming due, I saw in the Chriatiau Advocate where Miss A. M. Fritz of Station A, KL Louis, Mo., would send a sample combination dipper for 18 two cent sihM-p- , mul 1 ordered il otu. Imw lli.t dipH-- louMW Wwt- - Hound usid ns n fi nit jar filler; a plain Uix I IVJUix btnlioni nm Sidiuri dippeijn fine stiainer; n fnuucl; a edR j mill-casinSB stinincr funind; asi-- iihuii warm- s MM lU IW. ing pan nnd u pint measure. These AM Suv. Ar Ileii Suit Uk SiijSM makes the lieu hprimrville Ar eight different uw-MS1Z3IH 6 Siuiulili Fork "" ilipjier such n necessary article 9 1HP)HIU 13 7 id S3! Sniilaiiuln that I went to work with it and it 77 Oil 7 W,3 JO ' 1! (tiMlimi nails at very uear every house. And " U 1 IlilUiiie ' IK 1 Wl IhuciiihIii in four mouths I paid off the mort3i 19 Canon Sidlnr Eureka (Midi gage. I think I can clear as much 10 lti'8 is U a in moth Jet. aiiits AM AM as 8200 a mouth. If you need AM jlM 1IU work you cau do well bv giving this 113V8 3U Ar Silver City Drp A Wifi Zqailtz a 3z!i X'.. a trial. Mies A. M. Fritz, Station At itatlotte where no lime U ahnwn train do Will some of you readers give A, St. Louis, Mo., will send you a uotitop. D tratu mu dally. SB train run dully exeei-- t Sunday. nie a good recipe for making a sample for 13 two cent stamps N. cum G. write at J once. cold sn-h0. C. DODGE, I rm selling self. H i? (len'l Mgr. and iron a little F. A. WADLEIOU. A fhizee ta Hahn iTcary. S.H. RAUCOTK, a! every house and have to mm -li Geu'l Paa.ATicket. Agt. Traffic want and Manager. 1 place have made 81.040 clear money every 1 know l.o w to iimke n gooil cold in 87 to n'liiulcd my days liimband was ill debt household duties 1 (aides, and 1 sprch. and I lieing anxious to help him think this is doing splendid for s Going homa throught I wmid gidl sclMi uMng, woman inexperienced in business. flatirni's and lam iloingsplendidly Anyoue can sell what everyone A cell's wortli of fuel will heat .wauls to buy, and erery family for Christmas? the iron for 2 hours, so yon have a wants a Dish Washer. I don't ' Only a fiw wrrksto thrliiih perfected even heat. You enn irr.ii canvass at all ; people come ot send Idnys. Tlmr yrm urramml in half this time and no danger of for the waslici, and every washer mlmiit your fickct-tlyou senrrhing the clothes, ns with tirtir that goes out sells two or three postnl aImhii our Kenrfra pit can get Hienu oily iron, and Kmitn Ornttbs. Oiirnffii to to more, us they do the woik peryou City. W. Lmiii-tibeautiful gloss. I sell at licarl- fection. You enu wash aud dry foiiml out bn( th trip It t verv as he inn , in mu dishes minutes. two I jhe rimr to rofct. mucli fuel rverylauly wnnta n f.oiiig to devote my whole time to Atul rrmrinltrr: No Hup iro:i ; j,.ItV(1maU W from rtuli to lh" Knt mill ids business now r.nd I sin sure I ou bftttvr iciv lnt pi1(1 lw rviri li mn an dear 85,000 a year. My sister tliplliirliiiffou No lino will (1v j woAw1t Mv md brother have si ailed in the m1 you a ttakrt t a lumer Wf.n BIllJ husiiiPSH aud are doing splendid. j t),ink an von- ratp. v pi,Vp of Yi.ii can get complete instructions Brs nrarpiit tlrkpf Ritm.I, p; OASET lliru,ir itii . snd hundreds of testimonials by W.F, McMillan. Grnrrsl Ayont. Suit La1 Mo vi) ,,rt r( S( j City II Walkpr lilvck. addressing the Iron City Vnaher (1,(1 j( (,ip hnitUw,' ihvy mul Station Do, Pa., A, Pittsburg in- -, if yon w id address i ifyouflou't make lets of mom-- Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder i trt. A. TYmi its yocrown fault. Mrs. W, II. World's Fair XkkNt Tlry ms tHl s - SSL J 1 W--. j oe OoMumeed. Yours, II. S. McCANNE. I rd nd our rig nt - aad KiS-Soiiu- r k (Literal Paaa. S . r.oilla Mo. it. ft. 1NL u : ThLa . Ob - I, c. THH.tht.VD, thing to patent? brlmr srou wmltli. Wriui JOHN Wthryma; BUka A Oii.v I'fttent Attorneys, Wuliioclua, IXCnfur tlieir tljui) priM otbr vlwillr .iii)d pure- TraliiB Arrive u.nl iKyirt Ktafiou Follow: 1 L-n- V. H. KHOHKH. Conimarvlal FreUt A 1'iua. Agt, 'tooinill, Uurluii block. Salt lake City, jilwi.y.uii lime. IulroiijM irliesi yt-- travel, lii effect, ,y nqiikr tru LOCAL TIME CARD. RabDWASE. back frN tu luthiers of lall on or address n ED K:w Trr.in Ssrvi: t iii-ii-i i 1S9S. idSa.ni. Ault Lnka SYSTEM. SpoimxG Goon:? lxsik Traill So.t Inirn 20th, i eeuf ura t taker Watchmaker UNION J Uw0 pacific Tinware, llie EFFECTIVE APRIL Mini Mw.lern Kquliae Ueeliuiiif (liuir Car, iu wliitb I ClefTHiit Rtttl Tlioi'onjrhl 0 mm) cn to Lendville, Aspen, Pueblo, Colorailo Springs and Denver. . 7:km. m. , arrhint HiiriiloliSUi. in.. Cditur min tlrlnir 7:IR . in., Denver NDb, at. Train No. 4 knives i 4:B a. m.. bait Luke 7 arrive nt iueblo5:r p. mN Color- cli SiriiiRi ti:4R 11. iu.. Denver p. in. roiibertiona imnle At Inelo, i'otormlo T. C 1IAILI2Y, SprliiRM and Denver with nil line eat. tliircAnrlira,eliulr ram mul Diilliiian jUoiair nblc. on hII train. Tukr the Denver AlHeper .rtMd tt mtl 3Hutng AHmru Bio Urriinle nuil Imveneoinfortukiletrip iid tluect ftcenary onthoouuiineiit enjdjjrtha Preiw mlnerul niliniri.nii , imll-ii-nr prniiietly Mini fur nil uvrieiilturul :;r 4. S. MUriHRAaTraffiv Mun Hlioo UMXt to U. 8, lattud blUw. rtMiui &uulluuil., S. K..J1 ft. !j T. A. Denver, Oulu. Denver. Colo H P, NEYISS, Ueu. ArI. Salt Uh, City. Halt Luke ly. H. M.Ciift!tiiiLFi Trv( ll, Atft. AND Tits ill To the tfrout rival aud Atlautla wa board. Ornaments for fancy work in the city. T PAY And Kaitirely Hie Quickest Ilonts &oiii o! STOVES No Tireaome Lay.-vers- , Close Counectious in Union Di'pots. Tha only llua ruuulur Ladies Mackintoshes, Misses Caps ' and Childrens Toques. ALBERT S. IIUISH SlillO 1 1 110 BCZMC LINB OF THE WOBLD. Gents Mackintoshes, Pnyson 0 1EM Childrens Underwear. "L A Hotel Wightman. 1 ? Eeafness Cannot ba Cured, by heal applications, ns they cannot reach the di sensed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, aud that is by con- stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an iuihinied condition of tlie nincous lining of tlie Eustachian Tulie. AY lieu this tube gets iutluined you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out mul this tube restored to its noinuil condition, hearing. will he de stroj-eforever', nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, w hu-- is nothing but Rto inflamed comlitum of the mucous surfaws. We give One llum.red Dollars for any case of Deafness (csnwlu by catarrh ) that. ,, not Im Cure. ll vr.. 'frfr V. pupil; - 8 Iter cent Ladies' Underwear g 1 n; ITraula?!. a.Ururrkl Haukliif HiuIiim. 6ent,s Underware, eh-a- r G:si rici It Y;arilf! I saw one of the Peoples wind mills which I saw recommended iu jour paper recently, it only cost me 89.40 mul is n splendid mill, my well is deep, but it piiiiqis it all SAVINGS FOR- Rubbers, Overshoes. Knee and Hip Rubber Roots. Finest assortment ? FAYSON EXCHANGE aV.ou, Utah. Misses e Mrs. Cleveland was refused credit the other day by a large drygoods firm of New York City, because it was not the custom of the firm to open book accounts. It is not so much to ba regretted that the wife of the President was refused credit as that she should find it necessary to ask for credit. -- iic.onM'tnixy no. m I'm The uew and beautiful Konira nreaininir of tlie rut.?,rtfular price iUc., will lie mulled to any oild iea ou receipt of iOe., i introductory prit providing tliie coupon In wiit with tlie order Addi'ea. 1 1 1 AHKiMiK Journal, Port laud Ur. 8 p. tu. Nth, 5B TlNNta K. S WniMKH. ahter Authurlxti Capital Stork iliVi-t-'- President Cleveland on Monday mjtr Meetiur wwliMiiHliiy VOIlilltftfa issue-- his last literary ffort in the General Maceo, seems to have way of a slate jeiier his message The document is JtfARniACiK paper eoutiiliiliiir many disrrlp jiboat as many lives as a cat He to congress. of Ladle anil Uentleuiuu we kliiR life somewhat lengthy but there isnt tiiHM has already been dead six times iMirtuor. muny weullliy. 10a. A.vitp much in it worthy of very deep Journal. iSirtlund Urrjou. Recording to reports from Cuba. ' It you nrs fohiy T.U. WIMULR Pmliimt. a 1 t a 71 .. n lil iiiJhm-(hiI ivriilUlTISJSEWPAPEKSOVtl.TV. T Ji.umul. of )irllm.d, Orr-o- u. uit-u- inntnllire at . all WOla UI18U.0. UUOXp!nimd Company. PiibllshiDj t.ditmr. ir.JAl'KOX, L'lah. fur farm.aiMCuad-cbu- uoftaciMiiRttaiiBaiidya the eyesight was found to Le bo defective US trt Uinke liny school- - " J. Cheney & Co , Toil do U by Druggists, 7.V 'a It . In-ri- ng iti-.ii- A soin-st-.n1 n , - mr , . , , j , , Evirything v.tc.Lrn and uf to date FREE HACK meets all trains 25 rooms single or eu-sui- Livery Stable in connection, rooux Lsirge lino smnxlo WIGHTMAN. L. J. Prop. |