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Show t d&tissiee at TEE PAYSON GLOBE,' Bust BalUM xwf luunLn fta ky Globi PsbiiaUU Compiiij. g. F.drJUOJLJCdiAar. tmn. .Utah, Alla k utond it far assaraud-aiaa- a the peifoSee at tfiYaufffc tivlaUn mall manor.' SUBSCRIPTION (la mjaikt Single 4i aba ? 0 aa year...;.:.. 1 . a W Till n6f pans any new election law. The curfew law forbicfs all malt under 17 and all females under 15 from being on the streets of the it city after 9 o'clock at night will likely take all persona ift the city over that age to strictly enforce f 16 ordinance. At last there seema to he a very promising outlook for a railroad to the coast, the proposed route being out through the Deep 'Creek country. In recent years there has been considerable talk of such jm enterprise and now and then reports would come that a railioad from Salt Lake to Los Angeles would soon he in course of construction; the move generally being Btarted at the other end of the fonte. On last Wednesday the City council of Balt Lake donated to the Utah & Pacific Improvement company Pioneer square for terminal grounds for the proposed railraad; the condition under which the donation waa made was that 100 miles of the road ahonld be built and in operation within two yean The company is backed by men of wealth, and the undertaking will undoubtedly material-ias- e. Card ef Thanks. To the many friends who have been bo kind during their mother's cent sickness; Mrs. Mitchell's family wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks. It ia impossible to express our heartfelt appracia (ion, but we feel to make this acknowledgement with special reference to the Sisters of the Belief Society. - Benjamin Notes. E. B. Hawkins ia rejoicing over Ihe arrival of a fine boy at his jiome. Prof. J. E. Hickman, of the B. T. College, Logan, will deliver a lecture ben next Tuesday night The people are expecting a rare treat Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peay have been plunged into Borrow over the loss of their infant son, who died lait Saturday. They have the Sympathy of their many friends. S. Official o. FRAGRANT PITCHES J. E. Jones Dench No 1 ' 2 " VANITY FAIR J no Keel Itedcs W Si ride Leif ClsySon Wm. A. Grigg Han't h O'nter garden T. II. Wilson, Sen. WiSt Henry Dailbam Jiow r Spring Creek J. 13. Man will Pi. 11 Nol-- P. i'. Harper ' 2 - David If. SargeLt " 3 Garry Stevens J. Scharrer 5 L. O. A. Colvin The maftt of improving tbs side Talks was brought up, and the street supervisor was instructed to make certain improvement. Marshal Ballard reported that the police were in need of weapons sod implement. The police committee was instructed to ascertain what would be necessary to equip the police force. ordinance was The curfew brought up aud passed. Below we give the full text of the ordinance which will take effect the first of CIGARETTES April. Suit Lake City Utah. Feby. 18, 189a Complaint having been entered at this Office by Alma W. Davis against James G. Weeks for abandoning hia Homestead Entry No. 11781, dated Aug 17, 1895, 8 WJ upon the W N WJ, A Section 17, Township 9 S Range 3 E, in Utah County, Utah with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office ou the 15 day of May, 189a t 10 oclock A. M., to respond and furniah testimony concerning said alleged abandonment Byron Groo, Register. Frank D. Hobbs, Attorney, Salt Lake City. S-- Jaa. Postal Balds, 1898. Just Issued, Very few of our business men know that the Post Office Depart- CCBRW OI1DIKANCE. Sec. L Be it onlaiued by tba city council of Pa) sin, that it shall be unlawful for any minor male person under the age of aeventeen (17) years or any minor female person under the age of fifteen (15) years to be upon or loitering abont any of the streets byways or other publio places of thia city after the lionr of eight o'clock p. m. and until the hour of four o'clock a, m. of the next day during the montha of November, December, January and February, and from nine oclock pi m. until four o'clock a. m. of the next day, during the balance of the year, without being accompanied by his or her parent, guardian, employer or custodian, or having a written permit from hia or herparent, guardian, employer, or custodian. Sec. 2. Itshallbethe duty of the city Marshall or any policeman of thia city to keep an accurate and correct time of the hours mentioned in this ordinance, and any minor person nnder the respective ages mentioned in section 1, of thia a ordinance found violating the iff thia ordiance ia guilty of an offense and upon Conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine in any aum not exceeding five dol lars, or to be imprisoned in the city jail not exceeding five days or to both fine and imprisonment. Sec. 3. Any minor person as mentioned in this ordinance fonnd upon or loitering abont any of the streets, bywaya, or other pnblio places of thia City during, the hours mentioned in the ordinance hall exhibit to the officer demand ing the same such written permit aa provided iu thia ordinance, nnleaa auch minor be properly attended aa provided in tbia ordinance, and said minor failing to show snqh written permit when so demanded by the officer shall be precluded from giving any written permit in evidence on the trial of anch offense. Boa 4. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this ordinance the city council shall secure a tall; said bell to be placed in some convenient place. It shall be rung in the evening of each and every day ten minutes before the time mentioned in this ordinance for the purpose of giving warning to all such minora who may be upon the streets, by ways or other public, pieces, of this city to leave such places at once and retire' to their homes without delay. Sea 5. This ordinance to be in effect from and after April first pro-viaon- ment at Washington issues in January of each year, a complete Postal Quids containibg 1000 pages, and complete lists of Poet Offices in the U. ft, arranged alphabetically, all rule and regulations, money order office and rulings of the department on postal matters, time of arrival and departure of foreign mails, and much valuable information for the public on postal matters. The book ia exceedingly vain able to those using the mails. It ii the Guide for every Postmaster in the cobntry and is sold to business meb by the publisher, Gem 189& F. Lasher, 147 N. 10th Si, Philadelphia, Pa., in doth cover, $100 Sswai, $100i Can 82A0 or paper cover, $100. The reader of thia paper will be be ordered through onr postmaster to learn that there ia at . pleased and evefy-- business man should least oue dreaded disease that , secure copy."-science baa been able to onre in all ita stages, and that is Catarrh. Council Meeting, Halla Catarrh Onre ia the ohiy The city fathers held their re- positive cure known to the medical gular meeting last Monday night fraternity. Catarrh being a conand went through the following stitutional disease requires a confcotine of business: stitutional treatment Halls CaJames hUtthfews was granted a tarrh cure ia taken internally, actretail liquor license fot 3 inonthk ing directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereJar $175. Electric Light Company offered by dearoying the foumlntiou of the to make a contract to furnish disease, and giving the patient lights for the streets at $2 per atrcngnt by buildiug up the and assisting natnte in l&ttip. They offered to sell the doing ita work. The proprietor plant to Hiie city for $4000. 'Following appropriation wSre have bo touch faith in ita cnrntivO jnade: powers, that they offer One Hun Fur 20 Shares water, $440.00. . dred Dollars for any case it fails to For Ex. street Supervisors salary enra Send for list of testimonials Ha75. Address, F. J. Ghekky A Co The fetlowrag prrsone Veto Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 7fi VP0,ited water Matters: WA-j- JSp II n Fu raffUMuu ttm-I'raaU- 2EL AufttoWttl Onpftai Stoe y0 sn ' going to CH $40,000.00. FAVSON EXCHANGE SAVINGS Me DidriX .Tranraeta ejOwr.1 Hanking Steal em. els, Scythes and all kinds of Spring Goods to be found in Ws5KlMBALL&CP-- Ct Anw can Tobacco (o Successor i NOTICE. - PRICES LOW nm m nuuDiL t SCIKIO LIUS Payson or rams to Leadville, Aspen, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and CURIDEHf Tthira IVeataUi VllSlHSFUlf KWCfi a famou.l-r.oet- i ptiyaieluii, will qulcaly our. you of mil Midi aa LoatMaiihai , ilur.ni ol Dm gannaur. organa, Im tiara IrvUilly. Inaomnln.lalaahiUiaBai.g.mliial Vartaoral ind IMuplM, Undine la Marry, Kill win. Drain or night Pitmn quirk by dayMarla CWtlpatira. lt.lop.dl and to turrbu Maaofdiacba intrlUchK notchaAM Optima U, lion of nar-Tu- or , Im t' "n IIFDHIMI BfllS dllbaliorrorairflmpMmi-rUw. itedy orfmn.ol .U imp iMngiinl nwvwwuw dMrihssiinS mitnrsi mall WW IHillHI - ill M Uvw, Ej. JFroin ITtali To tka grant riran and Atlantia mb Board. ud Blagant and Thonnigliiy XodarnIn Bqnlpmo-awhiah th Bo inlng Chair Can. tor Uolden of ragular Iralar mu ara fraa . fhh Denver. TJtali. --- Missouri facile s No Tiresome Layovers, Close Connections ia Union Depots. taitively the Quickest Router THlJJwOBU). QUALITY BEST MxrrxcTivi apbil 29th, 1894 aLl Train No. I laara. Qgdoa 7 Ml a. m. 8altl ho IdB a. m., arriva at PmUnliU a. volor ado Spring. ' 7A1 a. a,.. Ilouvar UjtOa. m Salt In ka a. Train Kol laara. Ogden Color1 m.. arriva at Pueblo 17 p. :)p.Spring. IM I, m.. Pmnr I p. m. ado Colorado CoaMetlon. mM. at Huahln. Spring aud Dwivar with all UnM nut. Hi- taut day eoacli. ...hair can and Pullmaa alaauara oa all trains laka th. Dramr A Kio Uraud. and hava a winjf.irtnbU trip aud aajuy tba Baa mauary on tba aontiaant. H X. HOOPBK. i. H. HUI1I1BS. Tr.Be Han Hmvar, Coio (J. P. T. A. Dsnvar, Colo. B F. KEVINS, Qaa. Ag t. Salt Uka, City. H. M.Cu.bing, Trav, Pa. Agt. a. a. on or addreea ar. n. koosmu, A Pkm, AgV Commoraial KoumM, Horlaa Moak, Ball I ka City, Frgt ou n. c. to w jrggjru, Oaoaml Paw. B . A IdiulaHo. TUkat Agt McCAW, Watchmaker WANTED-A- N IDEAS thing to paUutf Pwtaot your Id jthgy may bring you waalth. Writa JOHN WIDDUiU BUiui 4k CO., Pataut Attorneyi, Waihingtoa. Ik CL, for th ir SMW priia oOar. tor nl. at Jo hu Quielajr. as Mach for Too. Mr, Fred Miller, of Irving, IU., writes that he had a Severe Kidney trouble tor many years, with severe pain in hia back and also that hia bladder waa affected. He tried many to called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitit tj and fonuil relief at once. Electric Bitters ia especially adapted to cure of all Kiduey and Liver troubles and often gives almost iuatant. relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only GOc. At Quigleys Drug Store. A SPECIALTY. I W. L. W0R8ENGR0FT. --- Sw-- OLLECTIONS Th. only liaa raualag - It May iktto Utah County. U. S. Land office, U(J City, St. Luis, iutsrett paid on time d fparti Garden Hoes, The Garden Rakes, JTorks, Shov l.E5E CIGARETTES BuitM. I pee cent largest lot of RlYJraTHE N!AAHRRKI3rt FINEST AWNE VlRGI T03ACC9 b THE HIGHEST 3K111ID VitilKMEN EKPIPlTD IA MAKING Kansas yayaun.'Utati. BYT? 4J. Ira oauta, It looks si though the Legislature V. pgcnemaaeaeS0 --a r. Do SueklniAniea T. Salve. for Mary I .Hia The beat salve in the world Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rhedm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cores Piles, or no pny required. It is guaranteed Jc give perfect satisfaction or monty refu dttd. Price 25 cute per box For sale at Quigleys. C BAILEY, U4 and Ml.laf O BTAIHJED Jltornp Piwpara. prampily mluaral aiipUmliuM at.iiT and fur all BBT (cultural It Ac. aaat to U. S. Laud olUca. rouin Ik for 1 1 TliirtyHlfs TemssyT m4 graV stsirlsaMb IimliMi-- Rli irtsfns. Pruspil'jlsnties. I and IHmIsimU hlmliPA Suit Luke 0 ity. Headquarters Sweet Peas PACIFIC for ....THIS ONLY UNION SYSTEM The Throngk Gar Line lb Ideal Panacea. LOCAL TIME CARD, James L. Francis, Alderman la effect, Kuv. 17. USJ. I regard Dr. Chicago, says: and Depart at Ih tarloiu Train. Arriva King's New Discovery ua an Ideal W .Roniid IHatiou. a. Follow, i Fanacea for Coughs, Colds and Lung Complaints, having oaed it in my lamily for the last five years, IM; I IS Ogd.II IU to the exclusion of physician's) AH a Ulf Dip IMjiH Iu f U) M Dap SIMM, ft; I Salt Utaji 7 t M in u art b inscriptions or other preparaM 9 t 11 in S tions." j ivt u I kl Juactl a u IS Rev. John Burgos, Keokuk W AunkpiJork IH 4 II PlaaraukGrora It Iowa, writes: S3 I have been a Proro IK It KIM Fork III SpanHfc I WltiS UooS Minister of the Methodist EpisParma in AH AH IN NapU IIUI uu copal Church for 50 years or more in m it and have never found anything so At station, arhar. ao tiac i. ikown train. So AM P H 10 H Oa.l. S D 1 IN rua act train, Mop. dallj. me auch or that peneficial, gives I IS train, rua dally axaapt Sunday. i;; in IH ft Milford in nil apeedy relief as Dr. Kiags New Frlara Sew D. & DODOS, Ideal this M Cough Discovery." Pry TralaaUoutkof Juabiua Uy aaecpt Hundav 0881 Her. laara Ba Lake for Ogden, lam, la Remedy nor. Trial Bottles Free a H. BABOOCX, J. A. WADLSIOH, Train, and Ipu. Four tralua daily fra Oao'l Pan A Tiokat. Aft. M,lpra TrafBa Maaasan at Quigloya Drug Store. Oadau to Balt Laka. Two fa train, dally from Salt Laka to all point. Mt. K.t-Duuu- S ski 111 andjeweleij ML () () m FineSepamng a Specialty' - - - - MUI'TH S.VS DOOM FAC MS MOM. orj.a. Mined Varieties per pound 40 cente, Hmifpoud ao cenu. Quarter pound 18 cents. NEW DOUBLE SWEET PEA Bride of Niagara True to name. Packet 25 cents, half Packet 13 cents. Tworfui Crimson Rambler Rose WoiAts. VICES FLORAL THl GUIDE, 1896, PIOKBEB SEED CATALOdUX. ig & & of Double Sweet Pea, Rosh, rkcluia While Ptienome-na- l, Blackberriee, Raxplwniei, New Leader Tomato, Vcgetablci. Filled with mod thing oM and sew. (g) Phil lht of Flow era, Vegefablei, Small Fruits, etc., with deacription and price. I : Mailed oa receipt of to cte. which may be deducted from fint order -- really axi or free with aa order fer any of the above. Chramo-lithoonip- () ROCHESTER, REW YORK. s JAMES VICKS SONS , S TMirlat Ampara and Fra. BmIIu-in- g Chair Ckra Balt 1 ka to Chlaago without atnnga. Blagaut Day Ooanhaa. Tka only llna o rating dining aar unko, Lina fro Balt Tfca Bhortaot and Fa a takotoDanrer.X.uaa.Olty, Omaha and .11 Point, la . D. 1. Burlay, Ganl Agt, Pamgr. Dapk, CHy' Tiokat OBa. W Main St. BaH Uk. OMy . Stark. Agaat Payma. I prorad 40 CARLOADS A solid train ef Implements. Vehicles, Machinery, Barbed Wins eta, arrived in Ogden Tuesday, February 25, 1898 remaining there a HOTEL FRANCIS. hours, prior to distribution to our branch houses. twenty-fo- ur A SPRING STOCK E. Dean, Proprietor. Old From ten of the largest manufactories in Americai L L. Ellwood Mfg. Co., De Kalis Illinois. John Deere A Co., Moline, Illiuoia Bain Wagon Co., Kenosha, Wisoonsin, Oliver Chilled Plow Co., South Bend, Ind. Walter A. Wood Co., St Paul, Minnesota. Warder, Buahnell A Glessner Co, Springfield, 0., Sidnay Steel Scraper Ca, Sidney, Ohioi Stoddard Mfg. Co., Dayton, Ohio. Cleveland Stone Co., Cleveland, Ohio, Racine Wagon k Carriage Ca, Racine, Wit, Correspondent, Inspection and Coutpnriaon invited, produoe orders CO-- OP ablbhadBarl n. fird Clan Vfcrk SmmiiInJ xleoast! BATH COSKKCTION, Oppooit. tka Olaba OBea. From Denver to St. Louis. It Tim.wa.whn thMPwa.no Ihrongk .arviaa from Dnnrar toNt. Lou la. But Ih. Barling-to- n Sard that. Mowadaya, if yna taka tha Burliugtoa. you ran teach St. will Respectfully. WAGON & MACIfiKECO. eon-stituti- on I Louie aa oaaily e. Chicago. Through aieepen and chair ranfor W. Louie, via M. h and Xanaae City, leave Denver every evening at I AS and rarh Nt.Louia at T:M the araoud morning. For tk'ketaaud full Inhirm A tion rail out hr lot nl agent of thoKiQ. W. By. or writ. to Jaa-ap- LEADING tNPLEMENT.DEALERS, Utah aAd Idaho. GEO. T. ODELL, Gi'l Manage. ' 3eU Lake Cityv Vltk. i W. F. MeMlLLAX, Gnd'I Agent Salt Lake City Evirything modern and up to date 25 rooms single or HACK meets all traini en-sui- te, Livery Stable in Connertion. Lnrfreliiio h in . I I |