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Show S-- will acting. play thtf part next Monday and by the Tuesday uights stqqiorU-home coni any. It boiug his crctitnn when the piny whs first produced in Chicago lust Seplctu-1-e- r. Popular prices will prevail. A SPECIFIC -La Grippe, lor Celds, Ccuifis, AND LUNC TROUBLES, AYERS Awarded Mr. Frank Sheridan CHE"BY PECTORAL Highest Honors K ' pliyaiiiali inukTiu-i- l fur lu.', il.aniu,' til ICtMlll'ilU. II ill'll U. 111) (ullli.l ll.u tiuu 1 luil ukeu sitd uut j lO CREAM For tlu test assort nieiit of dry itlld lit the lowest prici go : BAKING II. I.cllillioil. A crick in the buck, u pHiu under the shoulder-bladewater und conutipH-tini- i, brush, liiliuusm-es- , am sj in p toms of disnrlcrcd stomach, kidneys, liver, mid bowels. For all ailments originating in ji derangement of these organ's take Ayers Fills. PfiWBSi s, MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Crtam of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other aJultnaiiL 40 YEARS THE STAND ARB. Patent medicines at Towtishends Spring house cleaning will soon Store. Drug be in order and new carpets will lie in demand, e have just added J. M . (iondwin, of the Salt Lake u stock ( carets to our establish- Tribune, whs in the city Tuesday. ment and usk yon to give us a call Fmi Sti.E Hot water incubator, if you want anything in this line. -- HI egg capacity, cheap. Inquire. II. Lcwinou. Jus McBeth. Joe A stson has returned from Ex. llishop Tanner and wife left Mercur where he Las lieen running for San Francisco yesterday morna restaurant Joo does not think ing to visit their 8m. the big mining camp is altogether See our big offer to new what it is cmcked up to le, and in another column and tell predicts a strike among the miners alioui; it. friends your over there before many moons. Fur Cusllu (Sate and Winter The hlue-hiis hailed as a Quarters ival goto E. H. McDctlis. harbinger of spring. It is also s LTatne l:luh production. reminder t hut a is Miss Ruth Miner, Miss Gertie needed to preiare the system for Harris: ill aul Mr. Ray Curtis of the debilitating weather to come. Listen and you will hear the birds Spring! ills were visiting in our Take Ayers Harsapnr-- i city Monday. singing: ll in March, April, May. Qnif.ley8 drugstore has underWe have just received 5 gone a genera cleaning up and barrels of tke celebrated Kentucky remodeling, which gives it a very A I us, but. In spits of Ms attendance, I pit no lmt ler. Finally, uiy liuabanil, ue day of a geutkiuau wlin liad luul tlis grippe and was cured liy taking Ayars Clierry procured, fur BiSfS bottle of this inudiitine, and before Z bad taken half of it, I was cured. I bare used the IVctnral for my children and In uy family, whenever we hare seeded it, and hare found it a specific tor cqlds, coughs, and lung troubles." Exilt Wood, Xiirtii Bt., Elkton, Md. ni Ayers Cherry Pectoral blood-purifi- Highest Honors at World's Fair. Cleiasa tbs lytiss srith filer's ZOTijiriili rri3EK TAIILE, UNION PACIFIC. to-d- Train arrive and depart from 'anu aa lollowa: North Bontli. Mel wood whiskey. a.in Faaaansrr....Jd2p.m( P.riiT...lli:ic S MU, Ascot, to the trouble attractive nppcnrnnce. We have gone to secure this Geergs Finlayson, who has direct from the govern- lieen absent for ubout two whiskey BIO C.BANDE WESTERN. years ment ware house and guarantee to on a mission to Scotland, returned ISS aat (Alina. taa a n , DM i n W. H. Shckiibh. Ian t. sell only pure goods. Try us lor home Thursday morning. liquors of all kinds for mcdiciuul Nathan Neboker, returning from Yours for straight purposes. GLOBE LETS. a mission to New Zealand, stopped goods, McOanne Jt Taylor. off here Thursday to visit rtlHlivi s. fiotloaatoiuMira inarrtiuu nuiat 1i lu the IBoa by Thursday evening. All cuinmniilea While J. C. W hi field was getting He lives down in Sevier County. Ilona nuat ha aocoiniuiuinl by the writer a load cf hay down at the Tithing full name. Francis Hiekumn hits returned Office Monday, his tenm became from attending school up at Logan John Francis made a flying trip frightened and ran away. The remain here nntil the and will to Provo 'Wednesday. rear end of the wagon struck the when ho leaves on a mission 20tli, Location banks for sale at this scales and demolished them conWaat-Rnnn- to Germany. Join the crowd and go to Provo this evening to hear the famous Sousa BhuJ. Trains leave at 3 oclock on the R. G. W. and at 3:50 on th e U. P. 25 cents a dozen. - i i Frequently accident o.rnr in the household which earn,,, burns cuts, sprains and bruise; f.,r use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liuinicut Ins for many years lieen iU ni.staut favorite family remedy. For sale at Quigleys, Unsuspected disorders of the kidneys are retioiisile for many of the ordinary ailments of Immunity which neglected, develop into u serious and perhaps fatal malady. Exiierience would suv-- t the e of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liter and Kidney Balm. For sale at Quigley's. NOTICE. Sealed proposals for building a school house in Goshen School district No. i) will he received until the 23rd day of March iS'.Ki at 7:150 P. M. at wlm-- time the Board will meet at the Goshen school house and publicly omii till projKwals ceived. can be dence. right to the Barefoot mine down in Southwest Nevada, coming by way of Secrameuto California. They brought up with them a 3,000 gold brick, tho result cf a weeks rnn of the mill wliicb hns been put up down at the mine. The mill broke down, and Mr. Simons says if the accident had not occurred th ey would have brought np about threj bricks the size of the one they brought. The Barefoot is surely a bonanza. j ( ; j that have lieen re- i or anything in the line of general T C&L All we usk Ilf you is t give us n call and thereby an opportunity to verify wlist we claim. Our goods are all new Hiid fresh from auction the factory. We dont handle any shoddy shop-wor- n to make hold will not articles which often together long enough I is not a very good policy to lamsider price and keep closed against quulity. Our motto is your eyes It a sale. Low Price Quality Mens Shoes, Laidcs Shoes. Childrens Shoes. ata Goon 'I" ......... The Place 2.50. T.G Wimmer c? co. - Clothing Shoes, Shirts, Caps, Dry Goods, Carries Ranch. of GENERAL MERGHND18E is at tho acres well fenced land. 10 acres in rye: bidmiee line grazing. Illuming water for stock. Adjoining lands of Thonnm Wimmer, ISumuel Douglass mid David and John liono. k price: Terms to suit. Write J. A. L Smith, American Fork, Utah. 113 Bed-roc- Coop Big Bargains. . ! . in the line J. S Douglass.. The Hardware King;. Cheap Groceries - LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Tno Irovstgniird is the only one in town who carries first clnss Jewelry. Ilats, Or anything Mens oil grain shoe for 95at Mens' creedmors shoe fcr. . . .11.25 Mens' calf shoe for S1.&0 Ileus extra find calf, (srtry 2.00 pair warranted) for Mens' satin calf with patent lentlier tip, for ;".1L5(9 Mena fmt calf shoes from $1.75 to dont buv. No trou blc to show Goods. Come in if you buy Your a tv ii hi iusommiisiivuyninMVmMwninwvwsinilWHi full and complete line of hardware, cutlery, wagon timber, copper, tin and brass ware, guns;, ammunition and washing machines. AJso a fine slock of groceries. i HEADQUARTERS FOR GARDEN TOOLS, Ffoies, liar rotes, and the ME YF11S and JIF1 JACKET PUMPS, Hew Goods rriv ing every d y. Tnj the Xctr (ftsat (Jlapfiet. KMiltcm Strewn Kj Go:fs cat at ccthisgC?) it 1 fa't htd to i UmsOll) by AKYtODT Cl BA Dll AM A FRANCIS, pn.pm Fresh It ref, Vent, Mutton For h niul Su usage r - Always on Hand; with Prices to Suit the times. Calve ITm SI 1hi-- Hit WE WANT Cttl 1 ASZ EUILT IN THE LARGEST AND .EEST EaUirPZD eacicbi in wosld. tlm Viar rUTI. AH HH MKSTKELLIxa WIIEEl.t mMdt. the J AN AGENT ONLY DEALEBS NEED T!3 BSSl'"BSil n n n mX!xjn Wni. McBeth Kf&tffcSS ZVA?f PAYSON, UTAH, liiibWEfitl TSKi For Sale By Samuel Douglass, Breeder of Pure Bred CHESTER WHITE SWINE aud Thoiumgh Bred FOX HOUNDS: Young UTAH PAYSON Ont'M For Sale. ow is Only fy ? trouble to shove ons si lie cts. to Si.oo per yard. VV .T. ! r- ! Aim. tire mrt niirtfMuto!ili INDIANA BICYCLE C tt' INDIANA POLLS. 1SD the time to subscribe for mum. 75 Cents fcr Ons Year; dLO Cents for Si z Mouths. This offer is only good for 00 Dags, Ladies' Shoes Sold Fcr 2.23. How $1.7D. of dress goods, the latest styles and patterns, both A new line linen and silk mixed and woolen and mixed, 8 Gs ' Arriy ranging all the way from e 1 To mer- chandise is at Plans and specifications seen nl T. Nelsons resiTho Trustees reserve the Childrens Grain anil Oil reject auy and all bids. 70c ts Ladies' good calf sins1, worth Shoes, 5 to 7, for .UOcts T. Nelson, C barman, l.i0, for Childrens, grain niul oil Yern JasiKTson, Treas, Ladies worth Wets 8 dongola shoe, grain shoes, to 12, for.... 1 W m. V. Price, Sec. (III .1.00 Same, 13 to 2 .(), for 1 Julies' worth kangaroo calf, w "H)1 ( , . iMiJii N lo 12, for... 1.3(1 Our 4 j 12 to 2, l.(i() Ladies extra iinn shoes, worth 3.(.(), for 1,50 Every Pair Warranted. It appears that we stirred up the gAll and bitterness of the notorious Archio Grahams, by a mild criticism of his noting, in our Inst issue. Archie came over from Salem Wednesday anil gnve lent to his disrupted spleen by annonne. ing in emphatic term that lie owed ns 3.50 but would never pay it aud only regretted that he did not owe ns 150. Under the heat of his uucontrolable passion he pranced around like a ravenous beast in a cage, but mnnnged, however, to steer clear of the Glohe office. That's all right Archie! We had long since placed your accouul among the nncollectnble and will gladly donate it to you in order to find out the true inwardness cf your exhnlted character. dry goods, clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoe ........ ....... return. Ed Simons, Aminou Xebeki-and young Ileury 'Fairbanks returned Thursday evening from And believe we can convince you that the best place in the city to purchase you A lieuntiful woman mut be healthy, and to lenui'u healthy mid beautiful she should take Dr. J. 11. Mcl-ean- s Nirengtheiiing Cordial anil Blood Purifier. It imparts tone and flush to the skin strength, vigor and pure Mood; is eqtiLl'y adapted for nil ages, from the babe to the aged of either sex. For sale at Quigley's. Orson Daniels lias moved his photograph gallery up to Eureka but will return with it in about two weeks. Parties wishing first class work done should await his It. 8. Wiinmar, cashier of the bank, and .S'. C. Hays, the druggist, took a trip over to Spanish Fork Wednesday afternoon and on their way back stopped by the wayside and bagged several ducks. HAVE SOMEWHAT TO SAY TO YOH u-- l. siderably and tore the wagon apart, bat the horse went on with Go to E. II. McBeths for farm- the front part of the wagon and ing implements, machinery, etc. ran into a tree which brought Miss Etta Manwill has gone to thorn to a slop. The little incident Mammoth to engage in dress will cost Alt. Warfield about- ten or fifteen dollars for repairs on the making. and scales. Call and see onr fine Btnck of wagon shoes. Every jadr Warranted. John Watts, in the employ cf H. Lemmon. E. II. McDelh, was bit by a vicious Nahum Curtis, who has been on horse Monday evening, but the a mission to Keutucky returned wound inflicted was not a very ITe was working seriouB one. home, Wednesday evening. around the animal when it grabbed Miss Mattie Wimmer went up him by the arm and shook it like a to Salt Lake Wednesday morning dog, biting through two shirts and to attend the Paderewski Concert. tearing off the coat sleeve. Jolius The primary association of the arm was severely bruised by the First Ward pave a very interesting teeth of the horse, and for a while and entertaiuing concert at the the pain was so severe that it made him sick, and he came near meeting honse Tuesday night. tainting; The animal is a mean A 10c coupon with every dolls ra one and it has frequently attempted purchase at our store. So many to bite people. One day it made a coupons will entitle you to a piece lunge at Ed McBeth and attempted of silver ware free. II. Lemmon. to seize him by the throat, but coaid only reach his necktie, When the scalp is atrophied, or which it yanked off. shiny bald, no preparation will restore the Lair; in all other cases, Wednesday at noon just as we Halls Hair Renewer will start a were getting ready to go over to growth. the Francis Hotel to replenish an Hoxx fob Sale cn Trade Ten empty stomach, we heard a crash ceres of land, all fenced, good np on the Btreet and on going out dwelling house and cellar and all found a spring wagon smashed up Hchanim necessary out buildings. Inquire against a lamp post. Mr. his the baker, had horse hitched to of Mrs. George Dona. a tree near the Besson residence It is said by those who have and some uiischievious boys came been fortunate enough to witness along and frightened the animal the rehearsals that The Silver and caused it to break loose. It ngV will be the best production came tearing down Main street and ever staged by the home company. in turning the corner at the bank the wagon came in contact with a Call and see our new stock of Kst which brought it, to a lace curtains, window curtains, lump sudden stop, but the frightened table linnen, table oil cloth and horse weut on. It appears that some floor oil cloth. We ran suit yon one attempted to stop the rnnawny both in quality and price. II. and in doing so caused it to run Lemmon. into the poBl; otherwise there would The part of Dusty'1 Rhoads in likely have been no accident. When The Silver Lining, is one of the a runaway occurs it is evidently most original chersctera on the brat not to attempt to stop the of them, stage. It embraces nearly every horses by getting in frout branch of the drama, from low for if let alone they will general middle of the street. comedy, to the strongest of tragic keep in the Office: street, a bargain. l.r fmtber, information call at this i.!-k.,- I "Two yrar agu, I li;ul tin: gri...-- , uj it Mt mu witli a r.iiigii w Mi ll lue uo nut lijglil ir (lujr. Jly L;:.,ily World's Fair FoB Sale city lot luoXKM feet, within two blocks of Main Mens Shoes vorth $3.75 now $3.00 . 2 00 2.50 1.4 0 2.00 .. Li Pcs Shoes Sold For $3.25 now 2.75. goods, so if you dont make a purchase you will know what to do elsewhere. UOUCkXjAHH & &OXX3. xt |