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Show 'N 1 THE PAYSON GLOBE VOLUME 3. PAYSON, UTAH, HATP ltDAY, NOV. 30, NlIMItUll 43 1NUV Chb-Engineer 11. R. PRESIDENTIAL POSSIBILITIES tuli waa busily engaged upon it during saying that or I lo- - United Stales ship Hon-n- " Ihc must of last week, and numerous GHASTLY VOYAGE OF DEATH relieved h" a medleul hull with the Mild-v- t were liupcra dealing Houm- - fimn Bent ard mill requesting llu- assignment Ilie to Huirn-to the ship. r mmther chief eiigim-eForeign (IHice. it Is cxpicled tlmt Hie Allison Would be Acceptable . hli l' Engineer Isiu-l- i Iihn Hllemly uiihw'i - i will Ik-- illlllledlHtely ileltv end Steamer Adrift With a Murivlleri-Iwlee this year on aeewuul of to thi I'nlteil Btntes KiiilutHSiidor, Mr. to the West. "Castliii-and III health, once from the Thomas F. Huyurd. dered Crew. once from llu- - 'Alliance." Is known at the ('oloiilnl of Nothing lice hen- - of the alleged slut, incuts of Idsliu Bank Clutci. Thinks tha Iowa Man Is Strong in nilniinlslrator of Itrltlsli Guinns. President Georgs Q. Cannon Calls tha I tlovi-rnnimiH-rlu- l iit is pre- - Bloody Tragedy on Bed River The tho Rock Mountain Rogion Saa-atNov. 23. -- The Hunk uf Ida., Ad-- 1 imred Order to at to Omaha Men and Bobbed Murdered assert Were its rlghls by arms, Congress fulled to oH-- its doors this Chandler Boliavas th Repubsonm News here Hint ago .lays dresses of Weluoma and Response and the Boat Deserted Dssperata morning. Tin- following not lee was nf that eidony had ai- Will Demand Fro Coinage the licans , tinHWled door of the tmnk: "This Not Criminals in a Missourt Jail Bos- sink IsonconiMlli-or the Hccre- p, Hie iroNsinl to rlnwi its dour and Nomlnsta Rood, Who Would loiib-s, the Become in to JuProminent fur the Mr. of Btute the of ton baa tha Star Burglnr tnry Likely owe lie I sink owes f45,lKid; the Receive a Big Majority. seph t'lismberhiln, to increase the tin- - lunik 272,777. The bank owns real Di'cussious Age Poison for a Priest. colonial fores by two inspis-torand valand oilier proM-rtslate tinanother Maxim gun. ued at l.kl.isiu. Total asset s, 31US.777; Boston. Nuv. 23. The Boston TravelIta.IMM. that It ""Ifylllg the (lin-iiiNov 25. Thi- - eiulith annu li ,iIh" lM er toiluy prints an interview with Heap to v.ite anything ill- - I'nl.i- - Paris, Tex., Nnv. 25. The llM, a cuiii ration of the olllrluls lusl DEFEAT SHERMAN'S lll'gl'Hln nlghl for Secretary slur F. E. Warren uf Wyoming oa tha coinineri-iu- l congress was convened at the defense of the ooiiy. No further from Arthur Clly, I T stating that a candidate. Waa Due to Disappointment of tho IMOMlIillltk-- of however. Ilius Inh-i- i nia.lo by boat was found adrift on Red rlvi-II oVliK-this imirniiig. Though tlwHu auya that although lleed and . Thi-r.I (lovi Inis Aimperial J1 Temperance West rrllii: storm throughout tl.e Delegate. near (li.it isiliil uiiiii.iiiih-i- ami without are named fur tha a pilot. A man biy uinui thi- - ibvk with tbr.v hundred Itnlrigh. N. C., Nov. 23. "The pri- rrealdunry, Allison will make a very luyed ninny I of the of Senator cause n from Ills Isidy, mary Hero present when 'resident Gouge- will not aggresslun his head almost Slicriuuii for tin- - I'resldentlul inaiiliia-Ho- u tmng showing. of u horrible tight. called the (J. i'unmui of Salt Hue. otherwise anil beyond the Hehonils-r-They are all very masterful man, In IKKX was Ihe fsllure of the It Is thiwarlike stalemi-iilsstated that to the rapid eurn-nuiul n dog who lo older. tin- - NhUoiimI and they are all very popular," said on of , In urcertain not whs famished and to After prayer by ltev. I'rune, printed Mr Heed I a New foundi-i- l on facts. Itepulilleau convention to liim-l- t in Ills Ihu Seiiatur. showed signs of light, the Isait could platform President (niinun IntiiMlucol I. W. in favor nf a to the backbone, and it la Englander not Ik- Isurdeil. INdnls lower down tin I'arp.-iiteor squarely agnfiiHt the llquor only natural that tha iieopla of New of miiaha, who welcomed Finances. Italys will Itsllie, sueli as would have aeeunsl the were untitled and the the Convention In of ihc buslRome. Nov. SK.- -III the thamber of river of thu England should be with him aa a unit Ih stopMsl this niornlni:. It Is remrleil cheerful and hearty teniH-r- s ines men. Mayor proffered the Deputies today Bignor Boiiiienlnn, Governor McKinley la tho pride of tha mu and Bl- mill (lovi-rnoof the Ister of the Treasury, In presciillng the I hilt other InhIIi-- arc on Isiuril. tern Statea Ilia of tho In throughout Hie United Statea," wild J, las A. Holeoinli perfurnieil a similar budget, annoum-et- l that the surplus Fuller conccinliig . U Harris of tills city. defense of the protective tariff gives of the Stale. The iNUid wiail.l lie l.ZM'.uou lire this year, and luty In IIUM 51 man on of a Ifl dc.nt a r. In a was Harris trading delegate him an Inunenae following, while hia that lie exiiertril a surplus l yur of boat lieltur Arthur playisl Anierh.-a-. City reveal t In- Ihe Nnllonnl llriiuldlean ixinventbin r a new loan, lie The itmniiikc to (ioveruor Holcomb's II ii.S2U.0im lire wltlsmt executive ability cuvere him with . fnnn Fourth llils. the Cuiigressbinal niunlen-dwenmen flict four that address by - llruilfonl added that thi- position of the treasury favor elsewhere, and Mr. of for voted llo district thla Slate, particular lhn-was tlm-Atmut men weeks ugo Prince of New M exit'd was u feature of improving gradually; that tlie 3lr. Hliennan on every Iwllot. llu gave Alllaun has great strength out Iowa-watint of of the l counhis scaaloii. uftcriHHin the payment ImsiI The foreign with a Imy moti-idetailed history nf the prnceedlngs was completely assured, and, two undthen halfand Indeed, I might say that ha ia of the qsike eloquently nf the dlvei-sltmiles Arthur. if thn convention. He sabl that the Ihe great drawing card In and about country which extended fnan the level Ilnully, that tha depression on the For several were iiretty genI mat people been had the ami days bourses Paris Vienna of lisd JtiK-khas of the prulrles to the foothills of the Mountain B tales. So you and that even af- the erally fur without a human serious effect Uniii Italian funds, imiuntaliis, li lied with tlu-l- r vast niln-rr- no in the committee on see wo have three chamiduna In the ter tlu-l- r which - ure Htlll quoted below their In sight. Several cltlsens Kx-- ( luViTiior wealth. one of whom would fill tha ralHi-tfirid, resolutions they and would have i'reelih-ntla- any i asked hla audience to think of tin- - gold value. lo investigate und the eorses of chair with credit." nomliiHti-of Ohio, but the miner of I'olurado, who had been Un the Oliver queetlon in the South men und Isiy.wen- all found ly- suiai- - i,f Harrison's friends, taking adMaval Employees Orsded. untile pi'nsieiiius by un act of West, Senator Warren aaid: "In A vantage uf the break In tho temper- and ing III bed, undressed. and then of the issir silver t, Washlngtim, Nov. !1. the Statea th free coinIn ance ranks, succeeded rapturing the age Nurthweetern taken llerliert Jiua made a change In Ha dog prevented the iiartb-- s from whose proNH-r!lmovement hail la a fnnn strongly tlie State temperance for was but a sunnlime, act. Ilnully aa ever. away fnnn him hy the of town, and the lioinliiatt-n- i uf Ucn. regulations giivernlng the enipluymi-ii"1 In eoneluslun, he said: "We thank Inf lubor In navy yards, nee of I to the East deyou ample Harrison easily folluwed. The victims laid evidently been daad clare tlmce have never been better you heartily fur your words uf wcl-- 1 correct the abuse which litis grown up MVeral eome. Our than they are at present. I cannot say the entire force of have been In days. One of them met death more than realised.- These llowers al- - men laid olf from sean-ltThe thla fur tha Northwest Bueine hi of work by his skull living A TREASURY EXPEDIENT. so present a mute welcome from some I whenever there Is occasion again to clothing was seuitensl aboul the room Improving, however, but skiwly, very, I r tlu-lon this Increase the force, thus depriving thi with who have not turned inside out, akiwly." ns well ns murder, WILL llisir. but whose welcome Is an Unu-h-Concord. N. II., Nuv. 21 The Conshowing rolils-rpersons on the eligible lists of employ EXPRESS CHARGES cord FAT I Ul 45 l one was iiIniuI or a man. could us ment. The has and that provlib-ifor graceful Monitor, Senator Chandler palarge lug any ON GOLD. us here. Wi- - art- - all glad to meet I the clusHineutlon of the nii-- Into Hini years of age, with u heavy siituly musgreet lter, tonight editorially give an opinFalrh-snames I Mr. The of to his Maryland. on the IsinkK of your mighty griules, ion regarding the 1 residential situa"gooil" and "lumr. tache. shaved so ns to a Girl at here In of Virginia and William Cuttletl of Charged with Assaulting under Ids tion. "The Republican convention will liver. your clly, which Is a miracle I The first class is to have preference In lower Jaw Ihiiic. Ihh-i-Fort Scott. Car-slK. West Virginia have also been added to IndleatiHl Ills In name was C. head of will second declare against a single gold standard; the of cluss th an ami interof Effort to the opllomc Exchange Encourage growth rmployment; Fort Scott, Kan., Nov. IS. Sheriff T. lirisc I the list of candidates for postmaster. and tliat he waa the owner of the hut will not. It will advocate blmetallam and deto made allowed and has which aguin, progress register Coin for Allen J. for left "Campania Currency I Louisville, Ky. today anIn The Houthern Republicans have mand coinage of both gold and silver commonwealths of the West, ami be given preference employment, outfit. with thi- - requisition papers for the ar- Ihe Sails with Five Millions on Board. as standard The Imy waa atmut 1! years old, nounced their intention .of holding trust that our sojourn here will and the thli-- grade will Is- - precluded money, aa soon a such ltev. Hubert Seymour, formerly we Wan 1 with one and dark Ixit caucus on Wednesday for the puriMMu-o- f rest of of for peo-hair, to built, the from heavily year, bring coinage ran possibly go forward in conregistration nothing pleasure A. M. K. church of this the nection with maintaining tho parity evidently ihe son of Cimuly. Another agreeing usn candidates whom city, who la wanted here on a charge pie of Omaha and Nebraska, as we are waa Identllled elllxens of flileota Wasliliigton, Nnv. 23. Set retnry Car- of the two nielala throughout the they can support ns a Imdy. Then- - are of asaaultlng Llssle Hancock, a 17- -, satisfied that It w'lll bring nothing liut In tlie to tetter who T. aa and hns lisle. sent a to Arthur circular Hire, world. twenty-thn-- e Henry members year-ol- d Republican girl, who wan employed by the llilH.afb-r-niHiii- , iilsmt 2X or 30 Unib-i- l SUti-been a niUHle i 'ultlvat ion and llsi-- s of Ramie" was . it from this section, not Including those minister to attend to his correspond-frosay further that upon this platI Owner liialrui-te35 to of the Magpie or them hereafter form Hon. Thninas R Heed la likely to I by years old. The oilier Is alsiut Missouri. cnee. Seymour Is now being held at the first subject under discussion this I and 1st nominated and elected ly almost 40 years of nge, nil coniplexlon, besnl nCli'i'iioon. gold coin In sums of Levan, Waterhouse nf Bt. I h, WMlt wh,ln SENATE REORGANIZATION. "Zir--sto ami stubtwo and weeks ns big a majority as Grant bad over of alsiut 2.1 inultlpb-chief thereof, was pay I this lsmls the An Nov. growth itoise. Ido., speaker. lnqsirtsnt day or city a few weeks ago. on thu gold ami also on the Grecly. by mual Hugh Urarg of Ban Francloco dls- - I decision was rendered hy Judge Opinions are decidedly at variance so liefnre ho left here he waa married thereIn were The party American shipping. ezehange n trnpiiera, hunters, currency Miss Nettle Sexton, a ardM t Ihilse tislay in the case among the Republican Senators with to liiHlriu-ti-I lie Chandler Write n Thla the afternoon session. of lh(, Mll(n,e tlty mine vs. the Fsistor fishermen and gnmUers, and lind a full for. He also and a graduate of the city reference to the reorganization of the colored-gir- l reeelve lo . ami store gold coin of with a outfit them tl wiis good D. C., Nov. 24. Senator MKh of school. dlstrh-tThe colored this Washington, Win..w Uni k people m,ne ln Senate, ami nothing dellnlte will (gI lie of to exact I and asoerlnlii value Jirovlslona. the delegates at the city halL They had drifting such coin ami William E. Chandler has written tho ty arp very much excited over the tho entire week In known on that score until after the occupIihI It face at value, some pay for I time, having along the river D1BOUSBIONB. of the .. Senate. during testimony, hut were convening . the Isiat several weeks ago s 4 cents for each Tray grain such billowing inter lo the President: deetalon tmlay. Tlie Easter Is Isiught Sherman, who is chairman of the Ite- - tVii'the raw nnnos retrial epocted Tin- - evening acsskrn of the body ,,Jf 1 man mimed at Itngw-dul- coins are found to lie below standard Washington, Nov. 22 To the PresiClifford from a and by D. II. dent 1 make publican caucus, expressed the opinion the discussion of State-1 " ml'ie owned Ueei-alMiut fifty inlh-with to you and alsive weight. Tex., . Into iromlm-iiceAMllow This Is tluvcrnorl to lie thi- - second through you tocomplaint homl for Territories, today that the Republicans would hold i. SOCIALIST HOUSES RAIDED, there. They stnpssl at several isdiits, by your Interstate time In tliu history of tlm Government a conference early In tho sesrlnn for w.n1 he it 1".,v,'ryL ,,rn1,,'!n of New Mexico, in whh-on lrlnrc at several each, "f., remaining days Commission against tha trust lil express charge both the consldera'tlon nf this question. A.I for the linniwllatc admission I heavily when this litigation was- be--l the 13tli they were In Arthur City, that It has Documents and Papers Beiaad then bring plan-iNew Mexico and Arizona. Thu sen- - gun. the pmis-rtrolisiilerable (Hi Ihe gold received and thn currency and iMsilIng agreement row nearly finwhere majority of the Republican Senators I Many displayed they Tim only exueplkin, ished of the eight American railroad returned here apiiear to advocate an effort at by German Police, was with him in the hands of a receiver. The matter sums of money. Tliu younger, tlment of the raided houses throughout. Thlabody to lie heard In man gavs hla namu an Maddox, It Is said, was In IMIK. when It was trunk llnea and the on Canadian line, reorganisation on Republican lines, hut1 I Rorlln. Nov. topic consumed the II of receivership la next s luslam-eas In mcmls-rTlie done a few of the conserva-more of Reichstag some of the older and here early week, but it la and iiulil ho wan from Atlanta, ila., and uf pooling the trafilo between New session, ami many members letter nf Imdrurilnn to party Joined In the dlscusalon. It waa agreed I believed the proiwrty will lie turned said Ills fa Hier wan a grocery merchant tlve of them opitnhe a movement In nnd other leaders of the Hot-ln-l Turk city and Chicago. Is I coin regarding would tmlay. All their letters and inpors that BtntehiKMl could nut be withheld over to Levan, there. They left Arthur on Wednesday as that it this direction, contending The agreement provides that every fulbiws: from the Territories much longer were murdered Thursday night, lie imimlitlc to assume- - the affairs and I wen- - Impounded and taken, In and Inslriii-lloiiof July 12 railroad In tlie comhlnalkin shall make I avvi-ra- l lice of the Chief of Police. It Is were shots aa tho heard 14th, charge nf the committees without RILVER THE QUESTION. August R 1X35, reiilriiig you to and maintain the transimrtallon rates from the Isiat. Tlie plm-- was an out and a working majority in the Sen-- 1 ported thut the action of the authnrl-ntreji-e- t and plaii a distinguishing mark IT. R. Whitmore of St. Louis, chairof thn way sisit, the iiinrest house g Some Republican Senators whA I ties Is baaed on some infringement of by a board of managers repon all gold coins presented to your man atIs of executive the two miles away. There Is no rluc committee, favor organisation, advance the Idea I the Prussian law governing the right to lie resenting all the roads. This Is a confound where for tomuch I said nfilis-rattention. lie tracting have no whatever, and the that the Ilemocrata will not demand a I of the- assodatlnn. current weight, are here- spiracy in restraint of trade and the ho of ever solving the mystery, hnnai-were night: "I do not think the silver quesThof 104 Socialists division when the election onniea, and umb-- r the art nf by an riinillficd aa tn Instruct you, when niueli will in tion the proare July 1 UM on piny hard VS part cases nf documents the dethey though winking and to It take searched, allow the Rcpuhlicana lo accept all such coins al The agreement also makes certain case. They ceedings. That hu lost ground recentwith the required, seized. Among the resl-nr tonight tlu-lfault. Democratic Senators here do I nnd vaiiiHlIun In to proMii-tloactual that all comio-tltloanil la no longer a subject of first shall be abolished dog, which they will keep. d confirm this view, and the Indira-- 1 dencea in which the isilloe uhtnined ly weight at Mich valuation, to he Interest with the convention, though as alsive required by Imimslng heavy noniliinl tlons are that they will hold the offices documents were those of llirr Blnger from by are nf friends delegates I ninny llm-the, were Similar Babel. raids value 4 cents for cui-until the Ilepubllcans show themselves and Herr uisin any offending road, which Negro Tramp Lynched. grain. Tray white metal. matter of freight SILVER DEMOCRATS ON DECK. aide to take them. To secure this I made at Ilreslnu, Cologne and other liiserlminatloiis Th;; Louisville, Ky., Nov. 26. A speclnl to weight, fnnml Im'Iow tlie standard lines are applied for the benefit of the undoubtedly lie' I other nt All each to rands. This ia a division of earn-Ingsome the cities. Times from will obtain have Iadueah. weight piece. Ky., says: strength they one fit the best subjects on the pro-- 1 uegm tramp was causht trying to pleci-- thua received by you to la- contrary to section 5 of the Interof the Populist votes. Senator Peffer, I the discussion of forestry, PROPOSE TO NOMINATE A and gramme, in state commerce law. This trust and TO ESCAPE, DETERMINED y caah at the wrr'k a train near Calvert Clly and your ulfice who Is gem-rallregarded ns the leader liar I tors and deep water-coins, and enrh bug IMHilIng agreement can lie annihilated pursued Into the woods, where he was from DIBAifc. nf the third party, is advocating the will be and the canal ways Nicaragua ovnrtnki-- and rblilled with bullets snd nf such coins to tie pbilnly marked with aa provided by explicit existing laws of maintenance of an Independent pnal- - Desperate Attempts of Missouri attendeil with much interest." then hsngeil to a tree. Tin- - locality Is Ihe amount of the fiirc nnd aelmil val- the United Statea; Unit, by Injunctkm ttnn, and It Is considered probable that Criminals to Break Jail, hns henn biund necessary to make I It surrounded by a wilderness. The name ues of contents. If the ili'isisltor should from thn courts; second, by an order Will Put thla advice will be followed to the ex- some in Sibley Borne Think the which Populist K. Nov. programme They rintte City, Mo., changes days of the victim Is unknown. tlmt arc of the Inters tote Commerce Cnmmla-sloprefer to huvr the tent of putting a ticket In the field at ago Charles Krause. Charles lllney was originally announced ly tho gencurrent found tn lsi tiebiw the or, third, by an Indictment of tha the beginning of the contest if the He- - and Lewis Wright, etmllneti in Jail here eral committee on entertainment. In Individuals signing the same. him, you will, weight returned (o laibllcans attempt reorgantsAtlon. The flir mhliing llurllngtnn freight can at deference to the wishes nf the officers , ran It also lw easily stopped by a eaeh Arid Land Grant Amendment. returning slump are claiming, however, Revcrly, wen caught laiuring coals on of the congress. There will be wunliais Republicans with tlm distinguishing nmtk vigorous appeal from you to Mr. J. Nov. 2i W'BMhlngton, in the morning and , that they will secure Senator Rtowr I the of the cell to" heat the wok. of the oonventloif In whiNie power over letter." this Ilcrpont n Cleveland, I)., Nov. 24. Silver Dcnni-wl- ll Hoke Smith, in his annual report, will to the sfterniMin the visitors arts vote, and that Senator Jones also projMislng then to break it wlth.cold evening,-Ithe nine governors of tho nine trunk be tukeii tor a trip to the ameltlng orata uf Uliiu iniMise going into the recommend that the Cnrey law, grantwill probably aland wltjj them. These wat,.r. tIh: , Sheriff waa nntllled ,J.y os llnea la aa It waa over tha absolute BY HUG A DAMAGED worka nnd thu stockyards. Thn recei-- 1 - I next year, ing l.DOO.Ono arn-- of arid bind to enrh Isind syndicate. It cannot be poaellile canipalgn the scheme, acquisitions would be sufficient to enprisoners nmT frustrati-In which such lands are situated, galli-rState tion be will art the at Llnlnger wko able the llepubllcana to take the or--1 Intend of to Illamlin thla K. men take you clly, J. upon your Adminissuspected night the lhne I Wednesday evening. This will HtalJ,a ebwe to Allen W. Thurmaii of Ik- - amended so that the grant lie iimile Leavenworth Girl Sue Mr. tration the resisinHllilllty of fastening ganlsation. one of the prisoners of reporting on given 1m e wan resisin-slblas lie not It a to anil tlie affair, Slate 5000 public for outright ColllmllUBi It PI ears al Ingot her pfbba ble that t)ieni and made him go into an upper Damage. that plans were iqsin your burdened and helpless peonnnounecd, as thi- - delegates and the I being ' formed forpiliy for the Irrigation of the lunda. noinliintlon of a the question will be postponed until the Kuiihhh IMly. Nov. 25. A iqieclul to ple this, the hugest trust the world ever to make m noise ly Then they liical committees on entertainment will Hilv, It now It as Under the stands. A saw law, futhat waa ever conceived of, the after the seating of the Utah Senators, i ct,j can.n.b.t,, the Journul from Leavenworth, Kan., when or fo allrnf.t the attention of the Sheriff, nuffl.-len- t to Ux the accommoda-- collfomiw one earm-a- t word from your fresh ut the silver men will lie would be ninny years before the State which cannot happen until .some time (lnf, nf them montl at the disir with a he . M or ley of this clly Attorney-Genera- l, MIhs Etta after-galji-ryof the says: tbms benefit of the grant, Thiirsday n January either In Chicago or would receive Ihe your amldthaie chairIn January or February, depending up- - f, shovel ready to strike Sheriff Berry 10 (,,, ll In the Dlslrlet man of your conimbvdnn, or your Smith bcllcvi-- the Slate hna on the expedition displayed In their WoMhingb in, to arrang.- - for - a conven-th- e- and Sern-larbut one of the prisoner WalfmitlMill entered, court diiningi-for of tmnker Is the friend will paralyze out ngalnsl next.ran better It prein held tlun bo to carry election by the Utah Legislature. It called nut to him not to come in alone, April I that Ihe iniquity In Its Inception. Very rethey will 1m guests of the to nominate Sibley of lN'imsyl- - Congress If It gets central of the en- ler Willis nf A tell Ison, alleging Wlllla Is altogether probable that hy that as the s I were waiting for at Mr. Colosaeum. dui carnival the the apple lug for lresideut and aonu- Wratcrn tire grant at once, Inaleiid of walling spectfully yours, time the Republicans will be in .condi- him. The Sheriff then called ln Deputy sm-In a the of vanla for startled her and The her WILLIAM huggiil prograiunM! CHANDLER. E. binds. Is for Ihe secured water until tion to claim the organization, and Dillingham, and they put the three the Is only partially outlined. man for milliner tlmt she hna since suffered "With those candidates," sulil Judge that they will take it.- -. cells. with a serious nervous nllurk. As far na it Is now (ireiwred, It niun In tlu-l- r Demoto the will "w go Illandln, he on an Thera will the part effort, Mr. Wlllla him been served with the Wilson Raaqjie th Capital. the fnllnwing discussions: Mrs. Payne Suicid. for ask and convention National cratic , Ute Murderer Arreeted. nf some Senators to compromise the and tells an Atrhloon nqsirb-- r 'Forestry ln the ltoeky Mountain tlielr indorsement. If the Ihunocrale Rome, N. Y Nov. 24. George Payne, 25- .- fhingrcasnian Nov. 25. to I Washington, Re A Nov. claim of the silver and anti-silvseveral tlie lie H. lion. Balt Col., special hut John Denver, liuggcil girls during Region. Park, refuse to' indorse the ticket we name, Edgar Wilson of Iduho arrlvitl In Leavenworth through a window thla morncarnival, but that he did kicking publicans In connection with the Coin-- 1 the News from Ignacio, Col., soya: Lake City. camnoticed a rope tied to the doorwe shall make an Washington tills morning, and Is stop- not hug any of Ihein luird enough to ing, mlttee on Finance, by enlarging thelllatrh, the renegade Uto who The Hawaiian Question." Hon. paign. mot her's nwm, and the the two Indiana near Mancoa Hugh Craig. Han Francisco. to eleven, and giving the ping si Willards. Ills family will re- hurt; tin- - girls did not seem to olijeet knob ofof hla a hand nrii-fingers holclasping tlie edge of In the main until lie to and It, L. stiver men one of tha new places anil during the early part of the month, W. t'hieugo thought passed everything The Canal," Capt.' the door with difWEATHER FORECAST FOR DECEMBER. hns been captured In Han Juan county Merry, Nicaragua off sallafiiclnrlly. He will light the the door. He idays when they will Join him In San Francisco. the gold men the other. ficulty, and there found hia mother, i manent he has secured riisc. Trans-5- 1 isslsslppl Freight Tariffs, aftir hy Joe Smith, Chief Severo and others. She had banged herself aged C5, The chnsc was attended with severe Finn. James V. Mahoney, Sioux City, aiartmenta to tlie disiikr.nl, and was thus hardshliie, as there are no settlements la.; Capt. Ism Bryson. Davenport, la. U. 8. Department of Agriculture G. K. Wantlnnd of Hull Isikc f'lty Is to hold her knees off the floor. In tha country traversed and storms Bureau. Weather fori- I lie th f'Ih-eIn this clly on bualnesa Young Montgomery's Story. Waterways," Hon. A. I'. murderer Mrs. luyiie's husband committed Halt I Mike City. Utah, Nnv. 25. IKS. I Land fllllee. Resolutions of Respect Presented to have been frequent. The 24. All dnuld as Nov. Ia. irm Or., Davenport. Allutny, liiin-aii Weullier The (lilef ef thu confesses to killing tha two Indiana threat Jami-Frlnce and I lo Ihe guilt nf Lloyd Montgomery, the suicide in April by cutting hls i liTtgatlnn," t'ampliell waa tiulny npsilnti-inf the billowing tlie the ahora- - others. " Wash.4tom Xv. 25.tttney-Gen- f ole postmaster at Holbrook, I hniglun counof muidcrlng with a razor. Thla and her III health. Isiy (iom the reeoidiceemlM-rdata, enuqilled bouts of the , oervutluns rur the inunlh uf Ills father, mother and D. R. McKcr-ehe- r, It is believed, led the woman to suity, Nev.( vice (. E. Hoibi.uik, dead. rral Harmon today., presented to the UTAHS DELEGATION. ol tukeii at this Mutton fur a near Rrownarllle, was removed cide. Supreme court the resolutions of 111. and most notable venm. The Dumas twenty largest Seriously Ini tunfea-sl.i-n wlii'ii hu inude a to tha memory of the late Justice net I thus the facts tol:iy that U tlnn In the convention represents Utah. Fire-Bug- s b A MESSAGE FROM RAMP0B. Arrested. Reports from Paris Other. to Sheriff 5leFi-Pn- . Young Montllnwell E. Jackson of Tennessee, I London, Nov.M.25.Alexandre I Hr5I1Til!,viSIliUliriiK-sIVViAlSare Statra rtireentcd Iowa, Dumna, the indicate that I killed MeKeP'lier af5flch Nov. 24. Abraham N. I said: adnnted bv the bar gomery ArhoiiHiii. Kunwm, MlHiiourl, wee ill from what un ihrjr (lo. lho tvcrAKo rihI fnirniiM Cuban Rabolu not Entitled to Rceoff ter he had killed my fattier nnd nmlh-e- r. Purling and wife, Mrs. younger. Is scri.msly Gould AHorneveneral iLl In OulifnrniA, Arlxnnn, NeVAdit,! oonllllfiiin of tin num imiMirtnut run "ret thought to be violent nourul- - CuIurmlD, George Smith are detained mt pa." lie hud shot them both down, and and wlihI nltion a Belligerents. WaMhlnKton, (inicofi, AVyomlriK and 1 have hut the ' physicians lice attending jilfucTFuiler I refiismrit-headquarters, charged with ImpliIn lac Chlrt in nwide In wlikhNiicdi vmlalloiw may New York. Nov. 25. Tlie World this shot onre al me, when I seized the gun recognised graver symptoms. It the Imkotmu Thft convoutkm during any corresponding inunlh morning piibllahca a special cnldc fnnn nnd r.hot him. Then I ran uwny fpon cation In defrauding tire Insurance half of tha court, and the resolutions since thus: The U0V-l- o Is not, however, feared that he is In up of driegatea s comimnles. According to a confession hou lh were ordered spread on fhe'nilqulus, TKMl'KRATURE. , ernor nf each State and Territory Santa Clara. Cuba, aigni d by Marlines immediate danger uf death. drH'Inp-that he did not made lyos-ne-Mrs. Gould, Mra Purling and The piir-.ncJusof Culm. In his address, the Honorable de (.'unipoo, Oovernnr-Gei.i-ri- ii ten delegalea; the Mayor of each Mean or normal temperature, 34 from Paris additional An dlsisttch a millinery store two mother. lie told herself and an additional tice, referring to Justin- Jacksnne last soys that the Petit Periston says that elty, one 'I li i warmest wkm that of Ocm-rn- l (ainjxia says, iinion.'; oiIiit kill hls father and tn hls attorney and years ago with an $XM stock, on which things: "I think the ('ulmn bclUgcr-entH- - tin- - same sb-rappearance In the lmvnpn tnx cases. I M. Dumas was si-- zed on Saturday delegate for every GOIMI Irihnliltanta, ixto. wlih an uviirnge of ) (leg. I 244UO obtained no tliln him wlih no was lliem Ion nf Tha omit December Insurance; and that In that UK, at present gives others present evening. sahl: Drvcdlon rlty shall duly bad mai ked I with cerebral congestion, whleh Dr. provided, however, that an e vers (Mi or 27 rlnlm on the United Stubs for recogni- The officers feel slip- of Ids guilt now, klra. Purling set fire to the place; Ids course thrniiglinut life, and he Pozxl illngnosed as cerebral alwcesu. have more than, ten delegates: each with t Iilgln-sTim any tion.' Tln-rIn and ezpr-'Sduring tin- belief Is an attlxe that he will which was consumed, and they were found In 111 Insjilralhin the rireiigth I The through Ila ex- Dccenitier was II (leg on 1 eeeniU-r waa in a coinntosp enndi-l- o county one I, IMi'4. hol.l no paid their Insurance. organininke n full n.nft snlnn. ovem.ine the weakness of. the out-- 1 tlnn last night, and his state la now ecutive officers; every liuslneaanddlLlonnl The lowest tempi rat lire fliirliig any Ctilsi, liut the liiHiirgeiit.i town. Interior an and , W one deg-isir was iMccinlwr a, zation delegate, IHiimlwr oil ward man, aa weary and languid, he regarded ns very grave, C. E. MAYNE SENTENCED. "There are numeriHis village named pro-- 1 jm. for every fifty mcmla-ra- , In his seat for the hist time delegate vldi-d- , Oslo Unabated. - Illinois Bank however, that no such orgnulza- - I Average date on which flrri "killing on thi- mnp whleh ivinsist nf five or In ohedlence to the demand of public English Dynamited. the Sometimes ten hilts. Given more Twenty-Fiv- e . insurgents London, Nov. 25. The storm whleh lie entitled to Year than bin X"verag"rII'e oll,wV.Tl,' in th exedli-m-yThe response in the rail-ra- il Moline, III., Nov. 25. Some time be- tlon shall The (invermira of Stales fur a period of time In one of hns 1 Si'll Is h and froHt uecurn-i- iln California tlie been ih. under such cl rruitiHtn tiers gives tween midnight and Sunday morning delegates. . slong Penitentiary. raging April I hnnik-tssend column , a When these thimemliers of United Terrltorh-aIJtKClIITA'tidN Lo bint 23. eon Nov. st since coiillniie. Clifton E. Angeles, robbers entered the State Hank of Alcomplete assurance that when, a to It they dlHiips-n- r In the nnd h'Kirts Snluplny of tnsi-nnd nf v nf ninny disasters are ar- Maync, convicted of having committed (Rnln ami mcllcd- snow.) the iiaitF.ign pha, a village southeast of here, ee-- Hlatra Congress later, he came to wild, mt liless country thnt exists In the fur Ihu iioiilh, I.Ol tiiches. . Is so vkik-n- t on Aveiaga nmnlK-thut The of the here. Elsie niie person gnle r.r the river. Good to whom I curing 347.000. The men accompllnhed this congress will he Hhlpton. riving which uf days wilhsM or an only illstrlrts In they exAvnragc to twenty-fiv- e It Is not safe for the channel boats to was year ImIn Ills life he had spoken lo meet him their work with the greatest skill, with nil the privileges of delegnteato of- Inch or more, North Aineilran soldier. leave "The gp-a- t for of In those the voting and t eept today. prisonment eonsequetire port, lily preclpllntluu was General Grant, nbly cnvcp-i- l the sule there, lent his hand and so helped him using dynamite to force sn entrance fice. ' 4 37 Inehea In channel service lius been entirely Mayne la well known In Salt Lk a hall ahov thn bank. Notht of tho over. of through ezecutlve committee InU rtscl- Omaha. hiist nmntlily preelpltsllun was The and The ' thirels-ldiscovered was former In reas a until further nf ing mark the uf The rourt, morning, .11 Inehi'S in lK wmild not fix It time ri any that with an doeuincnt when a In entered and found stnti-next public employee until lie Tim of spect, adjourned Monday. the discussion of various topics. I III any a disordered slate of hffatra. No rlue for whleh I am familiar thnt there whs T,.w will In- tHken un In order h"uvs was LW inehea on I la yet obtalnaMe. no ground r him to recognize Culain I U.S. Govt Report pout. ropldiy ns one Is exhausted, another when the people wlsi THREATENED WITH LYNCHING. helllgep-ncHighest of 11 in Leavening Pont. I In this ninnm-- r will be Introduced. The' greatest amount o'f snowfall held no port or rerngnltiun sought Killed. I for His Parents lanidiIn liuura town. to Money. devote will time to roil1 Mob Lives Seeks the Carolina South " Brownsville, Or., Nov. 21 Robbery th t a Grant of Taro Negro. la believed to have the motive nf 'Z$ are'interrated'in It. t now from Alhnrid that the nnd I r I cirt-ldAN1. WKATHKK. B. 21 Notice Nnv. is C., biontgomery, who Ablieyrllle. under arrest Hot dA Government anticipate any niinilM-of elnirik-silnys, 3. Average nuiuls-has lieen received here that a moh will in this clly for the murder of Ills on the VENEZUELAN SITUATION. uf Nirtly elouily dsya overt sets of any Avwsge before morning ami nttack father and mother and Daniel V. Mecome I Unlti-States." of the ia mo Jnll for Hie purpose- of lynching Keen-her- . 13. numlier of cloudy days, Average . John Marshall and two prlw-nerThe elder Montgomery had receiver! Salisbury Preparing His Reply to WIND. An Overworked Engineer. Richard Wash, both cobired, who are several hundred dollnrs from the sale Unfounded Statement. Thh prevailing winds have Iwen from Olney Washington, Nuv. 25. Another of the r umb-arrest for the murder of Nora of his crop, and It is believed that the IkWldoll, Nov 25 The Marnula of I th" eoulhiuxl. the naval engineer The hli:l-s- t velorily tit Ihe wind durina senior officer nf down 1 lag well, s white woman. The rlrrum- - boy, who Is said to he wild and reek HnllwKMrTf. It I.nnscomi - I jKcml-rvafpim overwork. forty-twii corps has broken nines mi stances Indleate that the woman mav leaa, murdered hla parents to obtain plried his reply uniKjretomi. fUney-was at the Navy received A n. Secretary tar telegram smith. j, j. have been outraged. She waa killed (be money. note rcgardlnc cneauc-l.-t-. MurOheerver Wealbur Bureau. The dcrtment from Mare Island today, evening on the inl.lii highSTATESMEN AT THE CAPITAL! Thursday hi'i home, flftei-- mlh-- s fpun way r end hrr In sly was taken to s house -und hurniil. The charred wep- found. ll ho was with Ulna Early Congressional Birds Wash wiya I 3 o'cliM'k Friday inclining, mu ill After the Worm. und nseertH she cut her throat with a ami that liefore doing mi ahe him to tiurn her lawly In the Ths Speakership Is Conceded to Beed houae. Thi atory la lniindiaMe, and It In thought the iniinler whk to Herure hut There Are Lively Fights Over the of a luile of cotton wbleh the Other Offices Southern Repub- Minkproceedii Hug Well had. licans Will Act Together RepubTHE BURGLAR OF THE AGE. lican Senators Will Wait for Utah One Hundred Chargee Against a Members Before Reorganising. Dignified Boeton Jeweler. Ilowton, Nov. 25. It trnnspip-- s that Washington, Nov. til. The arrival of William llarrett, aguiiiHt whom 10U a numln-- r of Bong tors and enses of liurglury have ehurgeil, last nlrht und today. Including some dating Inu-- fourteen yours, acted to lncreuse served has Reed, successfully as n Jeweler with the dlscusskin over the reorgiiulxutiou of of this elty fur twelve years. He the two UouKes of I'lingreKH, und the went to eertutn idaees regularly with to sell, mill by KOld Mild silver pruapeit now Is that this will Is.- - thi. hiM (,1My dlgnltt.itIngots amt Ndlsh.-i- l inann.-I iuestin In of all with oinlldeiico Wll the u,idrcs. fin-leuntil tin- - House it in test Is set- - whom he ibiilt All these years the police were tied, and It la decided whether the watehlng the plaees he vlslti-d- , on the Henate will reorganise. for criHiks, but II never lookout la ourn-The fact that the Hiieakcrship to suspi-e- t the to the has dlgiiilled mill unlveraally conceded to Mr. suave Jeweler. William had the effect of concentrating tuter-i-- llarrott. us he ealled hlmsi-lf- . was He In the other elective olllees, and it so well known that he was alsive appears probable that the elimination of the Speakership will mt diminish J. 1.. Ilroiv, the veteran rellm-r- , purthe general eoncern over the chased Ingots of him monthly, ami he Mr. Henderson and Mr. says tliat llarrett had great kmiwh-ilgare still the only two csmlldalea fur uf the art of assaying. It Is believed he I lieIs Ills House clerkship, and It not melted niueli of his booty In his room e lleved that any candidates on Klleott street end disposed of sll will develop between this time and precious metals to Kvery new nest Saturday, when the House cau discovery luiliits to him as the burglar cua will be held. Mr. McPowcll's of the age. friends are boldly claiming that they Father O'Grady in Court. are sure of a majority, but the Hendnclnnall. Nnv. Si. Father Poml-nle- k derson men, instead of conceillng this, Mary Kllmar-tl- n (I'Griuly. who idiot assert that MePowcU's vote will , In or twenty short of sufficient to courton the sln-e- lien--the was brought from hospltul on a today nominate. Ikt tried as to his sanity. The There Is possibility of a change In col liut prosecutors say Ills condition Is the rethe contest for Hergeant-at-Arniof sult shamming. O'Grady'ii the rumors In that connection arc too watched very closely the sevague to base a statement on. A Mr. attorneys questioning each man Parker of Kentucky has announced lection of a Jury, hla prejudice against Cathohimself as a candidate for this office concerning ami he was a lics. also whether within the past day or two. of any association. There an- - now three candidates for Fordoorkeeper: Tipton of NEGRO PREACHER ARRESTED. tune of Nurth Carolina amt Adams of BI6 COMMERCIAL in-a- CONGRESS I iii-I- i Is-e- ol hi-- - r n - JiiiR-we- ,j. or p.i-iAfi- tii. s Gnd-riiincii- t I I ts-c- s - I pmi-osa- i l, - inu-ut- l- - gem-rall- ft . - I Yem-xui-lu- tob-rat- Indli-utlon- s (.iiiikp-kkImuu- upiK-rmo- g com-niltti- l a - desiu-ratlon- r d lii-o- st s s I r n. o ter-W- es I tu-s- e ck-a- e I sK-uke- r dark-hors- temiH-raiie- e y Slu-rins- Is-l- ug ain-lion- eoiu-lud-i-- d t I'on-gres- s. mi-iii- l i liver-eome- . i InU-ndi-- s im-n'- s Is-e- ic s "exca-llent.- I k y ul oum-lves.- '' s m Non-Suit- pu s Illch-(uhhi- Lttr. well-know- coni-lmlc- d Il f0"' 7:,n llglil-weig- ren-ptlo- n Is-e- fr non-suit- e. 1 a ow-nc- d hn-ug- Cura-mer- eo h d red-fare- clinm-whol- Hccre-laryra 1 light-weig- ht e n e e. lie-In- a eum-nu-n- s n n delrr-nilm-- a ' llglit-welgl- it H, hi-l- CAN-Iriigutio- n, 1 full-weig- pk-ce- a tlu-in- n, pk-e- I Mio-gan- I s d y f 1 I 1 ",,rn1 a s a inti-iillo- dests-radoe- imiH-rn- er ee r I iqn-ne- d ili-a- j. com-is-ik- -d p din-- els inililli-HlIoi- 1 ct XuL uJ mikI-II- d i" r di-- d deb-gat- In-- . - e deb-gate- d lIit,,-,-'kni!f.tJ- l - deh-gat- Cuniu-leiice- r ois-rnl- inf-li- . dd I!. i s 1 .. - - Ig-e- - prerii-llnMn- f-- Ltet rouM-eiiiir- n M pp-nte- "Ip-slden- hi-n- r anfrk-ndllneii- a r In-r- e lrt - I - o Baking iwdsr ABMwrm PURR |