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Show i CANCER CUREO AMD A- - LIFE SAVED By the Persistant Use of Ayers Sarsaparilla I was troubled for years with a sore oil my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, culled a cancer, assuring mu that nothing could lie done to save my life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayers Sarsuiurilla, and, after taking a number of bottles, the sore have hanRemedy t i bo tlio dled. Mr. W. II. Hitchcock, Cham- Columbus, Wash., says: lel'liiiun Cough Remedy Kell Well mul is highly praised by all '.v!m us it," For sale by all Drug gists. File Missomi Pacific r Pacific; alwayn ready to arrange for the omfort ami convenience of MOST PERFECT MADE. its Nitrous. little A pure Crape Creim of Tartar Powder. Flee from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THB STANDARD. con- stipated, make tlio mi.tako of Buy jour solid gold rings of using saline or other drastic pur Juo. lrorstgnard. All is that needed is a gutives. mild dose of Ay r's Pills to reW. L. load of store the regulur movement of the stores has arrived. novels, and nature will do ths rest. Come and see thet load of Tin y keep the system in perfect Bioves at W. Jj. orseucrofts, order. Jno, Provstganrd downs them A beautiful woman must lie all oil jewelry. Ho sells nothing healthy, and to remain healthy but first class goods. and beautiful she should take Dr. Where do j'on buy your candy? J. II. McLeans strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It Quigley's 1ms the largest and Hush tone to and choicest line ever iu the city. the sk iu imparts and ia strength, vigor pure blood; has just reJno equally adapted for all ages, from ceived Provstgaard ef clocks a shipment large the babe to the aged of either sex. Call and get one before they are For sals at Quigleys. Wnrsr-ncrtifi'sc- ,-- V began to disappear and my general health improve. I persisted in this treatment, until the sore was entirely healed. Since then, 1 use Ayers Sarsaparilla occasionally as r, a ton'-- ' and and, indeed, it seems as though 1 could not keep house without it. Mrs. & A. blood-purifie- Fields, Bloomfield, la. For Mayor: James rt. lVery, 343; Charles Brewertnn, 170. For Couneibueu: Jusiin A. Loveless, 212; William L. Worsen-cr.-f21(5; Juno's M. Boyle, 243. Worren S. Puce, 223; Thomns H. Wilson Sr., 227;' Ammon Nelxktr, 201; German Ellsworth, 175; T. G. Wiinmer, 177 ; John H. Dixon, 193; Charles Hawkins, 178. For Recorder: John D, Stark, 230; Frederick A. lluish, 184. For Treasurer: William II. Page, 223; Franklin Fairlmnks, t, railwiy luis iiiniiguin't-a Ihroinrh sleeping ear service from Kasis is City to Little Rock. The traveling sevice public will find Uo thun that given by the Missouri Many people, when a one of A fine lot razors, every Awardra for sale at of them warranted, Honors Highest Worlds Fain Quigley's. EL-Vet cf raysen City. cto CO. C3-- . salcs-room- For Marshall: Francis M. Rah lnrd, 242; Armon Cravens, 1(57. For Justice of the Peace: John IS. Betts, 243; Sarnud Worthington, 1S3. J. Shores, wlio has btei her parents in tliia city visiting Mrs. A. for several months, leaves for he: home in Los Angeles Cal, COUNTY ? For County Superintendent: D. JI. Christensen, 2G1; Lars li Eggertsen, ICO. STATE For Governor: Caine, 21C; to-da- y. .! We are always prepared to offer our many customers It-pr-ew Sau-taqu- in this City, s At their Elegant at which they are making A Mammoth Display of 188. Wells, 197. all gone. nsa live to Congress: Nels Young and three other Have you seen that fine display Roberts, 227; Allen, 192. boys were out hunting near of For state Representatives: The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. brushes, combs, purses Thursday evening nud by and8on, locket books in Qnigley's Win. Roylance, 218; Marinus LarAyer's Pills Regulsts ths Liven the premature discharge of Youngs window. sen, 220; Hyruin Lemmons, 223; gnn the fore finger on his left hand 'out'' off. rascals the A. O. Smoot, 223; Grant Simons, was blown lie was brought 'Turn the t ) this city and had the wound familiar partycry may be applied 199; J. F. Bringburt, 197; James UNION PACIFIC. dressed by Dr. Tilsou. The youth to microbes as well as to inen. T. Thorne, 199; John 0. Graham Trains arrive and depart from Pay son a oilowit: seemed to bo rather unconcerned The germs of disease that lurk in N 11 h South. For the Constitution: Yca, 255, about the accident and remarked the blood are turnod out by P4ttmiffer....J:17pja Paweuffr....9a.m bXM& tffcllt. on. No, that he Eaw the pieces fly, and one, Ayer's Sarsaparilla as effectually BIO OBANDE WESTEB5. he believed, fell over on a hay- ns the old postmasters are dis , Eust llound. Benjamin Noted. 9'JA u tfKM ji us. ' W. L AKA a m . X&2 j .m stack. Ilia parents resido in Park placed by a new administration. SuaaiiKAt, Avau The election passed off very City. disorders of the AYER'S IT OF in ' ew N Something rrI3I13 TAUL15. 1. Wont-Hou- Unsuspected Mrs. W. R. Meek, who resides kidneys are responsible for many GLOUELEXS. at Camptonvillc, Cal., says her of the ordinary ailments of human-it- y which neglected, develop into Kutimto iziMuie SimmiIo:! must la Sii the daughter was for several years o I!. liy Thurjulay evuiiiu. All uoiniouiiica-m-i- it troubled at time with severe a serious and perhnps fatal malady. In ocwMBiNiiiid lijr tlio writers MtialSAa crumps in the stomach, and would Experience would suggest the use be iu such ngony that it was of Dr. J. II. McLeans Liver and C. E Erase of Trovo was iu necessary to call iu a physician. Kidney' Balm. For sale si Quigley's. t ii Thuiaday. Having reml about Chaiuljerlnius y The election passed off nr beginning to move Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeA to concluded she it the with Remedy try here, exception t 1j fur the winter range. fv. She found that it always gave of a few drunks in the evening .Get a beating stove for your prompt relief. It was seldom and a little racket ut tlio dance, in rlnr at IV. L. Worsencrofts necres ry to give the second dote. which, for a short time, the Las only saved us lots of worry barrels of six shooters gleamTo Rent New dwelling bouse, It also ed beneath the electric light and she but time, says, good locution. Inquire Mrs. H. doctor bills. It is my opiuion Crandall. ver-quietl- jiol-isli- quietly. Geo. Hone shippod a car of honey to Chicago some time ago and received a check for it Thursday. Gua Peterson has his new brick residence almost completed and will move into it in about two weeks. Henry Ilone is preparingt o build a four loom brick residence. Will, Culeb and Josh lioue, mul Frank Matley will leave in a few dnys for the Detroit mining district. TG-WiMMEitf?C- o. - - LEADERS IE LOW PRICES. accidents occur ia E. W Fiihby is rejoicing over that every family should have a Frequently the household which cause burns, the arrival of a fine baby girl at Others besides candidates woke Loti le oj this remedy iu the house. cuts, sprains and bruises; for use his home last Tuesday morning. lip Wednesday morning to fiud For sale by all Druggist). in such cases Dr. J. IL McLeans themselves snowed under. is about over harvest The beet T. G. Wicnier, Ammon Nobeker Volcnnic Oil Liniment Iibs for a are there but great many The Republicans of lnyson nud Ed SimoiiB left Wednesday many years been the constant with, the grouud yet. in potatoes favorite the for Democrats family a remedy. challenge morning for the Yellow Pine For sslo at Quigley's. rabbit bunt mining dist rict in southern Nevada For ths Eulth of tti Faille. to look after their interest in the A runaway down Maiu street Will Francis arrived in the city last Saturday evening, and is srouud shaking with old friends and acquaintances. lia-vl- s Iliff Academy begins the second terms work on next Monday. Now is a good time to enter the school and prepare life's work. yourself for your Jno Lutton, of Le liny, N T. says: I have been troubled with indigestion and biliousness for year a Parks' Tea has cured me." For sale at co-o- Miss Jennie Fatten of this city was married in Provo last Satur- day to Mr. Parley Mnsser of Salt A reception was Lake City. honor in last night their given The Union Pacific has made a rate of one fare for the round trip to Provo Nov 10, and 17, account State Sunday School convention. Tickets good returning nntil Nov, IS. C. F. llnrs A Oi. We sell Newberg, Ore., say: more of Chamberlains Cough remedy than all other put together and it always gives satisfaction.' Mr. J. F. Allen, Fox, Ore., save: 1 believe Chamberlains Cough I 5,Ym ItMnumUL Iuls-- Ui ilirk,hBilil fiitiltaltfM, Kurrno. IMtUIVj JiriUia, Varirmwla and rORC ana ArTEH srl5,n rmty In euro wlilmul mi nial iHiiin.Jfl.IR!" s n. imgnm wa Hotel Wightmats. PACIFIC SYSTEM, Mountain lion are quite numerous up around Loafer. Last week Jesse Miles, who was herding sheep over on the south side of the mountain, turned some burros out to graze daring the night and in the morning he started out to hunt them up. lie had not gone jumped up unhurt and struck out very far from enrap wlin he sud- after the horses. The excitement denly came upon two large moun- caused a horse bitched to a buggy tain lions that had dragged down to rim away, completely demolishone of the burros and were devour- ing the veliicl?. ing it. Miles gnve a shrill yell and the two nimble beasts Bca.np-ere- d Unclaimed Letttn away for a short listnnce and ' Remaining in the postofiice at turning around camly olserved the Payson Nov. 1, 1895: disturber of Iheir morning lepa-t- . G.W. Herbert, John II. Evans, Tueuday a young man named Eliza Foscue, . MoOrmond Jno Underwood, who lives up i ear the II. Stewart, mouth of Mnple rnnyou, went out Geo. Robertson, Richard Iiulbut, distance short to hunt deer and n The almve letters will lie held from liis home ran aer ss a large i.10 dnys; those uncalled for wil He track. lion's mountain ii for a short distance mid then lie sent to the dead letter nmied the liensi. lie took a shot office. C. M. Wright, P. M. at it, lint missed his mark. j f"l-low- ed There is a strong probability that a department of this kiud will le created at the beginning of ti e Then we next Administration. the to have danger from may hope frequent epidemics grenlly 1m di- "OUPIDENC MANHOOD RESTORED. TKSirraM VniMMa all iiliyUriaii, will of a fwnou Krurtrti . ua nfManhood. nw dUfi'iTS III lb gtfiNTaUVtf Minna, purh ed . In the meantime, however, it wonld be advisable to take advantwngou struck a ditch and a plank age of every menus at our command slipped forward against the horses by which health can ho preserved. ciusing them to run away. They Tlierefoie this paper cnlls the came tearing down Main street at attention of the public to the fama lively rate, the boy, who hung to ous Health Piiotectoii" manuthe lines, sui ceiled in steering factured by tern Axeu & Co., The Through Car Line. them between the wagona They Cincinnati, Ohio. This shoe posLOCAL TIME CARD. turned the corner at Quigleys sesses two very desirable qualities In iruti, Aitir. i. iw. the down struck store aud Com and drug aiixth making tort Arriva anil iNupiirt at Ilia rariuiw street for home. J UBt before they it one of the lient Health Jreseii-VKli- K Tralna Ktatliint ai Eullna-iiever placed on the market. reached there the wagon struck a Nortli liriii4i South It. jii ml For sale by Winn Ell A Co. Mist aud stopped, the team and " r.v'.'i i.. r Ar. Ar Station " AM PM A M tongue going on. The boy was S 4M1 W uu a no j a id m thrown abont twenty feet but I 4i tttu I.V Ar. t Salt p. Word comes from all quarters that the nearest and most satisfactory dye for coloring the lieard a brown or black is Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers. Ufun lost Saturday caused a little excitement,' but luckily no damage was dona Louis Qniiley was driving ahiig over iu the sooth part of towu when some one struck his horses with a whip and caused then to run. The boy hail about got the team Rlopped when the Bear Foot mine. They go to Milford by rail and from there by team, the tenm having left here last week. The property, half of which is owned by Payson people, is said to be a very rich one, there being a fonr foot vein, which assays 850 ta the ton. In the center of tlie four foot vein is a small vein varying from one to eight inches, which rnns ns high as 8100.000 to the ton. W ork on the mine will be pushed rapidly and the owners expect big results. To our old subscribers, who pay up, nnd to new ones who pny one year in advance, wo will rive free a copy of Coins publications; including Coins Financial School, a Tale of Two Natioiw, Chapters on Silver and Up to Date Coin's Financial School. This is a big inducement, and we Iiojmj to ace our present subscribers aud those take who should lie subsc-ibe- rs will which of our offer, advantage 30 for hold dnys. good only ; 1 Big Bargains Jn Fall and Winfvr Milliner y (Jowls, We liave an elegant line of Fall and Winter dress goods, Ladies coats and Canes and take pleasure iu railing your attention to our line display of hats and sHiloia Our main object is to get you to call and examine or goods before purchasing elswhere. MRS. P. H .MARSH. 1.1 l.v.t Ilk h n ua; H ft&l 111 9 tt! IP t 4 4 (A I Mi I 10; VI i 12 ; 4.1 ix ju AM 9 n. i ili;; f.;i HI I i j:i t i?l Oa.i. 05 VI 5 I Nflphl .10 aft. Ill 15: ii Uktj A Samir IjIi1 JmiKioti AmrrlfBi Fork !,IwiiiI iiruv kmr HimiiiMi Fork Iayroii i Eviry thing modem and up to date Krimsi Train South of liialn un dully asraiit SiiIii Salt alar Through I'lilliiian aifhoi.l Hi mirr. Laka to Imiirovnl Tom ri,f Slrriirr. Frm Karlininir Chair Ihira. Elrcant Day Coach.-, r. Thr;)iily Lina Uorratliig'niuliig y;ar.Sri-vir- Slrr I'hH-i-j- An 1895 ! Tha ShortMt ami Vaalmt Lina from Salt ami all Laka to llninrrr. KrnaaaC'ity, Ioliit Kajt. It. R. Ilnrlry. lianT Avt. Vugr. Dri.. Clty'liekrtOmrrlUl Main SI. Salt l.akrCity. S. Stark. Agent Iayaon. 25 rooms single or en-suit- e. HACK meets all trainsi Livery Stable in connection." Oin.-ih- T lino Siimpleroom SmJOHN If You are Looking for Bargains in New Goods You Wil Find them at the k , Our Stock of Dress Goods Clothing, Mats, Cups and Shoes is Nev apd Complete. Dont the FRANCIS, Prop. |