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Show L J THE DAILY TIMES tain by a years study. Those are the kind of speeches that will give the lie- publicans an overwhelming majority in this Territory this fall. Although these words were spoken by n democrat they contain ample food for thought. There is no need for the campuigh orators on either side to indulge in abuse this campaign. The democrats have do reason to blame anyone but themselves and the 52 EST THIRD SOUTH Republicans should be magnanimous finest Swimming Pools in America Where you will find a Hot Spring iiowiris forget ami forgive. The people onlv Also conulcted with th$A XITAIU UM are want a logical reason for the condition of things that have depleated their jackets, starved their stomachs and impoverished their homes for the past 18 months. j j Published every morning except Monday by The Tincs-HcpnUic- Publishing: Co. an Application has been mdde for entry at the p'Mnllice at Payson, Utah, for transmission through tlie mails at seconrates. d-class SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One week Six months One year .... .... .... .... . .... 05 81. 1 CHURCH DIRECTORY. Latter-Da- Saint. y John llrisu and J S lor., Jr, Bishops. Sunday School in each ward at 10 a in. General meeting in meeting house, 2 p m Meeting in each ward at 8 p m. TH E Sanitarium ROOMS furnhed ALL BATHS 25VCENTS. 30 nicely! THE PAYTON ROLLER MILL. SMITH HOTEL AVSOX Uev. A. C. Toimi, Pastor. Sunday Services: Patronize Home Industry bvgivin" our products a trial. : I . Site in the City On Main Street leading from Town to Depots. Sunday school, 10 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. at a. m.; Preaching Society of Christian Endeavor, Wednes- Finest and largest Sample Hoorn in the day at 8 p. m. All aro invited. town, titted up for the convenience of patrons. Methodist Episcopal. Wildman Murphy, Pastor. TERMS REASONABLE. 19, 1. 0. 0. F. -- 3:50 p. in, Passenger Going North 9:57 a. m. Going South S. Stark, Agent. RIO GRANDE WESTERN. West-boun- d vV East-boun- d GENERAL MERCHANDISE MMERC9 J. S. PAGE, JUN,. Payson, TIME TABLES follows: OF BY THE USE OF- - Regular meeting every Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Visiting hrethien cordially invited to attend. It S W isiMEit, X. (1. E II PunvER, Sec UXIOX PACIFIC. Trains arrive and depart at Payson as I WTI A FULL LINE & evenings. Oraliam a Specialty j Opened! in the Simons Block. G Sunday Services: Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Preaching, 11, followed by class meeting; Epworth League,? p.m. Preaching, 8 p. in.; Prayer meetings Tuesday Payson Lodge Just . . TANNER, Props. Fine Grades of flour at Low Prices. Most Convenient Presbyterian. A yes, safMr. Arnold who resiIes in the tral Prk Cen- - Addition, Salt Lake City, I have lieen treated before when I iirst contract d catarrh I went to a specialist, who alinc6t killed me. He burned out thedelicate lining of my now with acid. The sulTering was in- a. m. and 0:50 p. m. tense and after that this severe treat7:55 a. in. and 3:15 p. m. ment caused a cancer in the left nostril. 7:25 W, II. Sukkmkr, Agent. This had to be taken out another year of sneering. Every doctor made me inii t AieiMiofeinii worse, and my nose was fast disappearthat somo years ing under this terrible butchery. I can ago, certain gentlemen of this city, be- now sry after using Drs. Shores & Shores In Either Case You Certainly Need Furniture. cause of Senator Stewarts championship femous remedies I atn entirely cured.1 of the silver cause, gavo that gentleman Drs. SHORES & SHORES TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER cures all Carpels. Dishes, Tinware, Stoves, Wooden and Willow Ware, Draperies, Oilcloths, a banquet. Mr. John Q. Packard was of the Stomach, Blood and diseases We are the on somo Mattings and house furnishing goods of It will bo remembered i yesterday reflecting subject Nervous System. Price 81 a bottle. when he suddenly exelaimee: II is not Drs. SHORES & SHORES KIDNEY safe to give any in tho an i) LIVER CURE; a' positive cure world a dinnee until lies dead. When for all diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver asked whom he was thinking of lie rej and B1 aider. Price 81 a bottle. him.' Drs. SHORES & SHORES MOUNTsponded Don't mention it, d AIN SAGE OIL is a sure, safe and Tribune. certain pain killer. Price 25c a bottle. O.nl: thing that was notit able about Drs. SHORES & SHORES COUGH CURE for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, the Republican mooting Wednesday evSore Throats and nil lung troubles. was tho Price 25 cents a Kittle. ening large number of democrats present, at least men who used to 1)rs. SHORES & SHORES WINTER-GREESALVE cures Piles and all be democrats. And they paid strict atkinds of old sores. Price 25 cts. a box. tention to the addresses made by tho Drs. SHORES & SHORES speakers and seemed to bo duly imPILLS cures sick headpressed by their utterances. In conaches and Billiousness. 25 cts. a box. versation with a prominent democrat I)rs. SHORES & . SHORES PEPSIN after the meeting he said, I very much VEEMEFUGE for children. A sure, safe and certain worm destroyer. liked the speeches made tonight. There All of Drs. Shores & Shores Remedies was no abuse, just a plain, logical state will be found on sale at T. G. Winuner ment of facts, and thoy conveyed to me & Co.s general merchandise store, and more real information than I could ob- - Quigleys drug store. son-of-a-g- un 1 N ANTI-CON-STIPATIO- N every description. who have them in unlimited quantities at Rock Bottom prices. to the city give us a call and see our great bargains. people When you come S FECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO NEWLY MARRIED COUPLES. Bedroom Sets from 812.50 up. Extension Tables solid Oak, G feet long, 85.50 Baby Carriages finest line in Salt Lake City. Celebrated Whitney and other makes, at the very lowest figures ever in the west, of-erd- Folding Beds from 813.50 up. Cook Stoves from SG up. Gasoline Stoves, 815 or two holes and Busin iron oven; 817.50 for three holes and Rusia iron oven. fl Write for prices. THE GREAT INSTALLMENT HOUSE. Cash or easy payments. Mail orders solicited and promptly attended to f 231 and 23G State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah |