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Show PAYSON PAILY TIPVGS DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OP PAVSON ANI) T1IE SOUTHERN PORTION OP UTAH COUNTY. PAYSON, UTAH, SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1894. VOL. II. XO. 23. wonderful west. Also, true stories of love and adventure. This big weekly, containing eight large pages, fifty-si- x as possible for the far West. The inlong columns, will be sent on trial three dustrials are wandering in small squads, months (13 weeksj for only twelve two making themselves a source of much ancent stamps, club of five for a dollar bill. noyance to smaller towns and demandHandsome solid gold rings set with alms at each house.. The authorities ing a Ma&o are Grand for A Largo Shipment of Gold Llado beautiful Rocky mountain gems are Arrangements are determined that Salt Lake shall not given free as premiums to yearly subFrom Now York today. Workingman's Convention. be infested by them, and promise a warm scribers. Address as above and mention our paper when you write. reception at every opportunity. Tribune the industrial nrmy, who, deserted by their leaderr, are making tracks ns fast -- - STATEHOOD THE SHIPMENTS RETARDED. CELEBRATION. SPECIAL NOTICE. The freight contracting agents of the Eastern roads represented here report A long Tramp Undertaken By a Couple of that the anticipated large shipments of Chief Justice Merritt will Take a Vacation sheep, wool and live stock from the Newspaper Reporters A SinguFluctuations of The New York Stock Territory are likely to be somewhat relar Meteoric Bisplay. tarded, the holders expecting to realize Market Base Ball Yesterday. However better prices in a short time. those who are unable to hold off any The Republican workingmen of the longer will send forward their shipments Washington, July 23, (Special to tho Territory are making arrangements for Times) Todays outgoing steamers from a grand excursion and celebration at YOUNG FAMILY ASSOCIATION. New York carried 85,300,000 in gold Saltair on August 11. The affair is to which was yesterday and today drawn A meeting of the Young Family asinclude Ogden, Provo, Park City, Bingfrom the New York for ham and other towns, in addition to sociation will de held at the Lion House export. Tr.is leaves the gold reserve at Salt Lake. Speeches will be made by parlors at Salt Lake on Wednesday even- the close of business today 855,223,520, the workingmen and prominent party ing, August 1, at 7:30 oclock. or over 80,000,000 less than the lowest All those having any interest m the leaders. point reached prior to the February whether holding member- bond iseuancp. The cash balance association, today TIIE STATEHOOD CELEBRATIOX. ship tickets or not, are invited to attend. was 8121,580,430. There is business of importance to. Salt Lake, July 28, (Special to Times) The committee on arrangements for transact. Chief Justice Merritt will leave mxt Statehood celebration the week for Alaska. Judge Batch will act at Saltair on August 1st, announce that TIIE CROP CONDITION. in the Third district during Merritts the fcHovin.ji gorJemon have consented absence. to speak: Hon. J. L. Rawlins, Judge George N. Salisbury, weather bureau New York, J uly 28, (Special to Times) Gookwin, Judge Merrit, Judge Dickson, has issued the following bulleHon. George Q, C.innon and Hou. John director, Sugar was tho only stock actively for the week just past. tin retraded in at the opening, it rose T. Caine. of the past week did not The weather 3 Pacific Union declined per The proclamation of the Governor, oracted). the conditions. It ceni. crop greatly change dering an election of delegates to the was seasonable weather, although some Constitutional Cjnvention, will be read Chicago, July 23, (Special to Times) what dry and sultry. It advanced grain on the occasion. An attempt was made after midnight to more;, toward maturity, and harvesting has made considerable progress. Thus wreck a Burlington engine by explodAROUND THE WORLD. bomb under it. Tho ena far the wheat crop has proved excellent. ing dynamite was lifted from the track and shatIn the south somo heavy showers have gine Fred Thoerner and Gus Koegel, the tered and two men were seriously injured San Francisco Examiner tourists, ar- injured lucerne, and in some cases prerived in Ogden Friday night from San vented its being hauled. A hail storm BASEBALL GAME. Francisco on their tour around the in the central counties last week appears havo a done to e quite lut damage. world. They left last evening for the Melons and tigs are being gathered in Yesterdays game resulted in a score east. They are under contract with the In the interval of of IG to 11 in favor of Lakesbore. Both Examiner to walk around the world, Washington county. for grain to mature many farm- nines played well, with no money except what they can get waiting ers have been cutting wild hay. by the sale of pictures of themselves. For the general Grand Chapter ' Royal In the event of their completing their W. A. R. LOOSE. Arch Masons meeting August 21 to 25 journey they will receive 810,000 to be at Topeka Kansas. The Union Pacific diviUed between them. The following concerning an old resi- will sell tickets at one and one third fare dent of Payson, is taken from the Carson on certificate plan from all points in METEOR WITH A FLEECY TAIL. D E Burley, Utah. City Tribune: 4 W. A. Ii. Loose, the well known and Genl. Agent. Stockton, CaL, July 28. A peculiar highly respected mining man of Bodie, . luminous body fell from the sky in a arrived from that pluco on Saturday TIIE BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES. southeasterly direction tonight at 7:30 evening and stopped at the Arlington, of a left trail oclock this evening. It where he met many of his old and esbehind smoke it. The teemed friends. light and ileecy They Contain the Grandest Scenery and the smoke was also luminous, and glowed Mr. Loose is one of tho original ownMost Famous Gold Camp in the World. in the sky for some moments. Nothing ers of tho Bodie mine, and at the present of the sort was ever observed here be- time owns some of the best mining and fore. The richest, the grandest, most milling property in that section, lie is San Rafael, Cal., July 23 At 7:30 a particularly genial gentleman, and it range of mountains in tho known o'clock tonight what appeared to be a is a pleasure to have an hour's conversa- world is the Rocky mountain range, exmeteor fell slowly from the sky near here. tion with him, not only on mining top- tending entirely across and beyond tbe The body was large and luminous. state of Colorado, Grand old Pikes Peak ics, but on any and all subjects. He claims to be the owner of the fam- at the foot of which is situated the mari ous trotting mare, Hinda Rose, and is velous Cripple Creek gold camp, is here INDUSTRIALS COMING BACK. That great national illustrated family sueing the Stanford estate for possession, the Rocky Mountain Illustrated Arrivals over the railroads and author- or 875,000, her claimed value. Pat Red- paper, Weekly, published at Denver, Colorado, ities in neighboring localities report the dy is his attorney and feels sure of (established 1890), illustrates this grand roads lined with ciestfallen members of success. scenery each week and tells all about the Sub-Treasu- non-partisa- - ry n . . . i awe-inspiri- ng Tho Times publishers have determined to give their patrons the benefit of every arrangement that can possibly be made. We have cast about for a good plan to increase the circulation of tho Times and the Republican and have lioally made arrangements that we are sure will commend themselves to the public. We have arranged with a prominent artist, who does all the work for the largest Salt Lake enlarging houses, to enlarge photographs for our subscribers. We make the following offer: To any one who pays one year in advance for the Daily Times and 81.00 or one year in advance for the Republican and 81.25 we will give an excel lent enlarged cruy on poi trait from any photograph they bring us. These portraits are 14x17 and without frames, but the frames can be secured for from 75c to 81.C0 at Iluishs This gives each one ;i chance to obtain iln enlarged portrait and r good daily or what tho portrait weekly for costs generally alone. one-fourt- h Little Johnnie's Treasure. Mrs. Wearie When you sweep little Johnnies room, dont put the sweepings in the fire. New Girl Why not, mum? Mrs. Wearie The last time I did that the stove exploded. Good News. An OljsiM-vi'iT- f Hoy. Mother (severely) Why did you grab your hat before the minister was half through the benediction? Little Dick 1 thort Id start early, to avoid tli rush." Good News. Progress of the A go. This is an entirely new wrinkle, observed the elderly spinster, as she got a full view of her meek for the first time in a triplicate mirror. Chicago Tribune. After the Honeymoon. Mrs. Wobbles I shall never forget, dear, how idiotic you looked when you proposed to me. Mr. Wobbles (with emphasis) I toae idiotic. Chicago News Record. . ' Willi. is? to Malco Amends. What did you knock him down for? He had retracted the insult. Well, Im willing to retract the knock-flowChicago Tribune. n. Appropriate. Maud I think a tall man ought to marry a short girl, and vice versa. George And all the loud girls marry deaf mutes, perhaps! Truth. Mixed Metaphysics. Why should women object to having their age known? lie Because they dont want to be convicted of falsehood. Judge. Compliments or the Kitchen. Cook There, mum, isnt that turkey drawn handsome? Mistress Yes, Mollic; youre an artist. Brooklyn Life. She Support home industry by subscribing for the Times and Republican. |