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Show FAY-SO- PAILY TIMS-- M S n contact. what bitter fight. Each party has some able speakers who can charm their hearers with flattery of words, which they will pour forth by their silvery tongues. . FOR CASTILLA SPRINGS. To those who listen and look on, no The first grand excursion of the seadoubt but what the scene will be most disenchanting to some; toothers most Llttlo Ray Ellsworth Meets with a son will be given by the Choir and Silver Deputy Registrars have teen apBand of Payson from all points in Utah gusting, the Utah admission bill having Accident Fatal This for Conntv. bn a create to is bitter it going County on Pioneer Day July 21, via R strings points G W railway 50 cents for round trip. feeling among those of Utah who have Fine program has been nrranged. Free worked for years, honestly and faithfulentertainment, balloon ascension, fishly, for her welfare. Their honesty and ing, bathing, and boating. Free dance fidelity should not be questioned by the most skeptical. Their rights are as dear at night, also balloon ascension at night to them as are the rights of any Ameriwhen a fine display of fireworks will be can citizen, and why they should not re- The Pullman Car given from n balloon. Company Seclare a Sivl The Church Sill will aot be pressed to a ceive those rights in the same way as dead Times Specials from every others do, after waiting all these long Passage during this Session of the For the summer school which will be years, is something they will not easily Point. held at the B. Y. academy, Provo, from Important Other Notes. House forget. This putting off for two years July 0 to August 20, the Rio Grande the full admission takes from the bill all h Western will make a rate of one and its charms and loveliness. Utah has fare on the certificate plan. Teachold Ray Ellsworth mot Little Provo, Walter Scott; Springville, waited long for the sweet, and now it ers or delegates will pay full fare to Provo with a sudden and tragic death about 2 James CaffreyjMapleton, Aaron J ohnson ; has come, it is mixed with a little and take receipt; this receipt when cero'clock yesterday afternoon. Lake James Fork, Hutchinson; Spanish tified to by Prof. Cluff or Prof. Bnmhal, He was employed by John Kinder and Shore, William O Beckstrom; Salem, and presented at the Provo office from was plowing in the old field just west of SPECIAL NOTICE. Zenos Tiffany; Benjamin, J J Stewart; street and had been told to July 9 to August 2r, will secure for the the Half-mil- e llayson, J J McClellan; Spring Lake, W fare returning. The Times publishers have determined take a horse over to the wagou. He rode holder a rate of W Barnett, Santaquin, S K Cushing; W. II. Shermer, Agent. to give their patrons the benefit of every up to the wagon and without dismountGoshen, W V Price; Cedar Fort, James made. arrangement that can possibly be ing leaned forward to loosen and take off Rodebeck, Fairfield, William Carson ; We have cast about for a good plan to in- the bridle. In doing this he carelessly Dr. A. J. Shores will be down from Lehi, A H Candland; Alpine, C C Ilack-el- t, crease the circulation of the Times and fastened his foot in the harness. As the Salt Lake today. Those who wish to Highland, Stephen Moyle; Ameri- the Republican and have finally made bridle from head its the horse dropped see him will call at the residence of T G can Fork, A G Dunkley; Pleasant Grove, arrangements that we are sure will comsprang forward throwing the boy to the Wimmer where he will be found toiror-row- . William Clark; Thistle, II A South worth; mend themselves to the public. ground and further entangling his foot Pleasant Valley Junction, J J Craner; We have arranged with a prominent in the harness. Clinton, John W Moore; Provo Bench, J artist, who does all the work for the Being so suddeny relieved of its burA Loveless; Lake View, George C Scott; largest Salt Lake enlarging houses, to den the horse sprang forward and leavA Moral Drama. Goodsole--MoM Smoot. subscribers.'1 J our Vineyard, George can'lI go to -ohuny enlarge photographs for ing the field started at full speed "'dcTwn We make the following offer: To any the road dragging the helpless boy after th' theater? Mrs. Goodsole Ilorrors! The ideel one who pays one year m advance for it. TRAFFIC AT OGDEN. Don t you know theaters is wicked? the Daily Times and 81.00 or one year in Geo. Done was coming out to ihe Johnny Goodsole I guess this ones advaric for the Republican and 81.25 field and tried to catch the animal l.ut all this A rumor gained currency evening right. Billy Bunn seen this play i we will give an excel lent enlarged crayon it evaded his grasp and continual its las year, an he says th actors dont do that the Union Pacific road was tied up from any photograph they biing wild poitrait flight. Fully a mile was the man- nothin but talk bout people, like they again and in worse condition than ever. us. These portraits are 11x17 and withof the poor boy dragged by the do in sewin circles; an fall in love, like Inquiry of the Union Pacific officials re- out frames, but the frames can be gled body sis an Sam Sandfleld; an then git up vealed the fact that there was no truth secured for from 75c to $1.50 at Salt Lake frightened animal before it was caught caucuses to "wn somebody er other; in the rumor. At 1 oclock today the This gives each one a .chance to obtain by the pursuers. an every e in awhile they quarrel of like examination the choirs an fight like marlads church A no Ijody an enlarged portrait and r good daily or Southern Pacific posted notices that hasty ried folks. Good News. further consignments of freight would weekly for one fourth what the portrait showed life was extinct, the corpse being battered and bruised beyond recogniti- n The Need Supplied. be received, and this possibly gave rise costs generally alone. lifeless form raised the hands Tender Doctor What you need, my dear boy, to the rumor. But at 3 oclock another and it was brought to the Potter hotel. is to travel. THE BEAUTIFUL ROCKIES. notice was posted by the Southern PaPatient I have neither the money Mr. Done hastened to town and d cific that all freight consignments would nor the inclination to travel. the sad tidings to the boys again be received. One train arrived and They Contain the Grandest, Scenery and the mother who is Doctor You say you are employed in visiting her sister at 0 one departed on the Southern Pacific, Host Famous Gold Camp in the World. den. She has the sympathies of the a bank? and this will probably be the schedule Patient Yes, sir. community. comes Doctor Well, the only thing you until enough of the rolling, stock most could do would Ihj to steal about ten The richest, the grandest, into Ogden to allow westbound trains to iti&ge of mountains in the known PULLMAN DIVIDEND DECLARED thousand dollars from the bank; then be made up. Everything was quiet world is trie Rocky mountain range, exyou would have money and inclination around the depot and yards. Tribune both. Judge. tending entirely across and leyond the to tho New 21, York, (Special July state of Colorado, Grand old Pikes Peak Disrespect from a Native. -Con Car Palace Pullman The MORMOS CHURCH BILL. Times) marA is of which situated the at the foot recently deceased duke was show declared its has regular quarterly .ng an American lady some of the sights velous Cripple Creek gold camp, is here. pany That great national illustrated family dividend of 2 per cent, payable August if London, and, among other places, The Committee on Judiciary has pointed out the houses of parliament to Mr. Rawlins bill, looking to paper, the Rocky Mountain Illustrated 15th. her from the embankment. at Denver, Colorado, the restoration to the Church of Jesus Weekly, published Well, now, she exclaimed, what is this illustrates 1800), grand (established Latter-Dareal of y the Saints Christ of that fine building? It aint the gas SHORES & bHORES COMPANY. scenery each week and tells all about the to receiver a of is it? hands in the now works, estate west. Also, true stories of wonderful of the It is, madam, he replied, It has been decided love and adventure. This big weekly, a & comnation. whole British Last night the Shores Shores in the light of recent events that it containing eight large pages, fifty-si- x of closed its entertainments series l!:t(l Attack o I Gallantry. would be better not to push the bill dur- long columns, will be sent on trial three pany sucmost the and it in this proved Calino knows what is due to the fair city, ing the present session, but to delay it months (13 weeks) for only twelve two in have sex, and never misses a chance of disuutil the December term of Congress. cent stamps, club of five for a dollar bill. cessful night every way that they have been here. At no playing liis gallantry. The other dayr he Handsome solid gold rings set with had since they Tribune. found himself tho sole passenger in a beautiful Rocky mountain gems are time have the company paid exjienses tram car. When the train stopped and have had a imgiven free as premiums to yearly sub- with their receipts, but they medi- a lady got on the platform Calino their for demand THE CAMPAIGN. flattering very above and mention as Address scribers. mediately jumped up, ran to the door cines, and Dr. Belcher has treated 8 and said, in his blandest tones: our paper when you write. large number of patients to their satisMadam, permit me to offer you my Lehi Banner: Utah will resound this Le letit Journal. The doctor knows his business, seat! fall by the campaign orate 's of the two Joe Barnett tried to create a disturc-anc- e faction. and at the show last night but was is sociable and wins the friendship political parties. To see which party is confidence of those with whom he comes Celebrate the 21t,h with a vim. the stronger will be a fierce and some promptlyejected. one-fift- 13-ye- ar one-fift- h . ' m; I f - awe-inspiri- ed sub-committ- ng -- |