OCR Text |
Show - ' i' f lrl - y i v)v " ,'L : t? ; x I ! ' V. .noi .3 o' : VOL. V. fr - W i S U i m: I v'M '5, ' -i - OGDEN DAILY PILOT. Mint f'alaage. CONFLAGRATION. r-- -- JL " . . - 4' end a great battle between Crows many yean ago, and tho victory of the Shoshone was celebrated by banting the heart! of the dead Crews oa the summit iff the butte. After a ride of twelve miles we hero rear bed the honks of some beautifol lakes, eaUed after the name of Captain Torrey, formerly an officer of th army, but now owning large rattle herds on renew near by. The likes ore laid to abound fit large trout, and w expwt to spend fishing. Game U not very aimndant in this neighborhood, hot our hunters brought in two nntolopc yesterday, and a few mountain grouse were Shoshone Dick, killed on tho march a whit member of tho tribe, who was captured probably from an' emigrant train when so young os to have lost all recollection lof ths event, is one of our Indian party., lie has gone off to look after sins of gome, uul w hope for a good report from him. Our in honor of camp is named 'CHapBlaaer, General Ansoa Sugar, of Chicago, t j v ifr '1 tho Shoshones ups and Downs. Wamiiixotux, Aug. 13th. Tho issue of standurd silver dullan frum the mint fur the seek ending Aug. 11th is .10,750; correspondr . ing period last yesr 1U1,00U. . ) . A OGDEN,: UTAli. TUESDAY MUjLtNING, AUGUST 14, 1883.- 0A XOBXIXft M (ftOVDAY l, ar nuULr.r.i.M mk ! -- sisr at if a I ff'. ''' i f nr V 7 NO. 140J .., Ii 1 VJ ! t . Jr Th Wires nag tho SWhaUf Bcxaxtor, Ang. 12th. While olinssmn of GETTING WORSE. K Si m i V 'H Si ' tho Wistera Union Telegraph Co. wosiop n polo repairing tha wireo (hi Bashing few Count do Chamborda State rifle shots were fired at him, two of which ;rmiD)iTTUi Th Presidential liirty Croat- A Vary Destructive Fire Oc whirled ej.ise by hi head. A reseat. Valnahlo P COMPANY. HEWS OGDEN Vary Procarious MountaiFeand . " Oswego. Aug. 13th. Four iff tha'som . ing Mills O. has D. 12th. at Atlanta. Aug. Sacxanexto, . ' ' Ji operators here, who went eat an the strike, (lsyraw!sa ) of a State the to Again. pine prveented nugnifioeht Valieysl returned to their keys this morning. i ?. 'i A G so rgi TKHMSl . statuary, representing Coluiubui at the Court N ew Yobk, Aug. 13th. Press Agent fiaro. m o ny, mm yw.bjr bjr mall.. ' of Queen Isabella. It is nine feet high, and Prin-c- a erville, f the Western Union Co said, this Crown Tha Princa and On. eupy.iUx months, Germfil-AThe .2 30,000. It will be plseed in the rotunda hr mail One rnw, three murning, that sinco 9 oclock last night, 150 1 Cases of 8uicide by cost of the Uijdtol at Milhf expense.; Og Two it Due eopy.ou monUi, by mail... wires hod been eut. The company were short of Garmany Boc ming Mexico by ennrier............ Wrkly, delivered about 25 wires on their Albany sireait, Ji in Chicago 1 Weekly. delivery! In hMtoflrt far Ofibiu, 75 ''' Hawk. 'j Drowing wire of the Mutual Union, Anmrisnn Charity. Monthly, delivered In rotrt6cforOUn, Insolei w .'nhm. and Atlantic A Pacific Cos. Six wires CltlL'AtiO, Aug. 13th. The small pleasure Unite sopte- sRiver. were also severed on the southern' rants, teunivc Chiiruier, with a pleasure party of laMMHM.MMiCMiMf New York and Newark, twelve nr tha AChack Put on Praia Utter-anca- a to tha Tri- fimrieeh oh board,; sank last plght at .South The Pilgrimag south way line were eut this morning. Tho Sufferers Atfced for in Chicago, hut the.' passengers were all ' picked Relief the Pa tha lines are O. K. Twelve iff tC grid eastern Gnnial. Coi CllVG IMfCBTIMXIIUTH up by the steamer Cupid, which happened to snd stock wires wires wera eat in this rife beat tlia orttov ' Will b furnished on application our be I from Fire at Vineyard ninaula. , , tween midnight and daylight. The Ranron passing. . aw'iiU. Conin1 v " of pnbllcaUon, or tu any of off Of At 1 w were said lobe out repairing. Tha Wsotera Mouth! r osh payments AdvarthK-inen- l . r . A Holman .. Pnmell Debt Tha Haven. Union hs employed ileteettaas fo witch thsir " pnrptfr discontinued at expiration. : A Co., Utbr-Il- sf :Tfco.Mfe Cant. V'XO'VATf.'Autr. lYth. AnUWbv.rflsci llELXKA, Mont., Aug. wires, but so mr no nroott iff srreiff of wire i hulosole liquor dcaleiw, won closed hy th Count da Chambord cuttsa boro been niane. - L Wililsm lfth. : Attg. Parir; Elder edict to su yCtferdsy Mjd PKOVESKIONAL. atuehmenL Fort on on . ou ertek CAVr this Sheriff (vie Veut, Kamsrvills also said tbeStatro ia which Aa morning passed ahmlicr bid night and is now extremethe clergy of his diucene to meet hereon the' Heat ractive The day so far The particular era not yet made public. cut would have to pay for tho ly weak. His dyspeptic emnnUint is in- wires ware Ua., Aug. 12th.1 TJie KiuiUall 14th of August, to devise some meaits to pay Washakie, Wyo.), Ailaxta, damage dune. nd tha expense! since leaving Camp RnJ us at Bull Lake .HANSFORD SMITH, ' repairing creasing, and his oo edition most alarming. .' f'l " Home U bururd down. The firi origiuutud the creditors of the late Archbishop Purcell Mtarw them. has' been very matter of charity apd not as the dis- Fork this morning at 7 Yiexxa, Ang. 13th. Advices from Frohs-dor- f The striking linemen peraistentlydenylhat in the rear of the building, making it Aivofr but New 13th, 2:30 p.'m.-T- ke AWTM. Yobk, Aug. of t legal duly. this morning state that ths condition ol uneventful. ThePresld-- l i and oil the fkilura of Cecil wind hoe just been an-.t able to cneape. Within twenty ininutea the charge they eut any wires. s n - ps"' ' j, health end nounced at the Slock Exchange. The liabili- Count de Chant bord is worse. her of the party are i'j Offiro np Malm In Harknroa ACo.-- Hlock. The officer of th Western Union say they hotel wu emptied of eueeU. and within an Mauri Tha Maaoaa hoe la . over Ilia tral bo to under are are illy. understood ties and well need bat lew $80,000. eouutry today spiirts. hour the atrueture waa hunied to the ground. up with btisinero fourth .tract, OfUrn, Utah. . To Assemble at tho Valina, .rt. Kaxbab CITY, Any. 12th. cans, varied or slSlade, tha been mostly sago brush more telegraphers to place them in M good The hotel wii built liy II. I. Kimball and hills of ats and 13th. teruate London The aaeeuts. steep eirenmstanero before Loxitox, Aug. his atriko. with m th New from arrived Of 151 Maori, owned trainer,' John Robert Rice, Jueeph Toomua, by J. W. Uxxxicx, Vhich mad preen R. K. Williams, covered with loose sta and others, it cost tuKKI.OOO. York of the Manuhester Guardian says office of the company in this eity, 71 ara aow Mitchell and party came iu Socialists' held Ws-- - P. Thonipaon CHICAGO, Aug. 12th-T- he We null. cannot Publle, Juatloe Glilef the rious Notary for formerly footing and the flirnitura gUSNIU. The inaurance ii from Denver. Blade- and Mitchell will at bar county. which was The chief prelates of th Roman Catholie open.is said one of the of kea tacky. picnic at Ogdens grove, help wondwing why in' ieh material was it striking operate! of only 'MO.OUO, divided imnnK many once intoactire fur their go wasted in training apparently caning making tinny aUeaded 10,000 Gale City Kationul Rank, llarralaou A people- There wm Church in Europe and America will ssscmblt this eity and another it Long Branrh.hhi refelly wiluams the time for which lias been changed useless ridges, when of dinlar by November next, m the Pope turned to work Uwlxy. uutteh, ere in tlte Vatican at no kat or .. plenty Bjieok human ud B. and John Daniel, drugi, Brat., tobacco; f L from. ll be flUad. loth to 11th, to be held with- gulches which n All in- wishes to consult with them m to th beat . LAWYERS.; -- - ' others am among the losers. Total loss, in 200September ; 13th Tho sab- - cnomaalt New Ang. York, miles of or this Ctauaha. ' Wind with mean tin of relations tha eity glorioas route, maintaining friendly aloug Dooly Bloek, corner of Main and yl.OOO.OOO; insurance, not over ?u0,0(i. The tre of ths United St tee Senate Cwnsilttea ytOela all powers. river and Owl creek x mtaiue with their Poarth .ireoia, Unlan, above hull a fire ii claimed by Mr. Culbertson to hare been on Labor and Education began ite Mhn tarest-fi- e a Co. A Philadelphia Minim. afford 3th-The end ore in ofxuithrie.lwoiy ;ht, De peaxs Ai(jatant Voieeb, Aug. the work of an incendiary. In the vaults of artl-ds? in tha Fostoffice bnilding. The mrother travelers who are of Tho French Election. the Gale City Bank were half million dolfrom Philadelphia, Aug. 13th. Tha Hotel fulness to the ejrei aerosJ received this wrenlng Georgia present were Senator Blair of. Nov Btaa-shirthe dried and hoot-i- p General election An 12th. held wm lars. the safety of which is yet a matter of Devon, on the line of the Pennsylvania Rail- pursuing the.r way Aug. Pabio, eltoirman: George of lliroimMwi, VMgh at battle of Third th s Iowa, BARRATT. captured caJ flxg et mesas ed below. i. The . fERCIVAL Bpriuf creek, doubt. way, about eight miles from this eity, was however, i a very deliglJ tul one, on pleeennt Atlanta by rat. deharn. It ii perforated by throughout the country for members of the of Alsbsma, (Mil of Florida, and AUrteh of fire broke out at half past Charlie MAlil The ' ' NT.. Rhode island. Tha special sutyecte of invw HIM shells. hullets onu torn by - Tlte parllUT council general, at which 71 districts rorequirements Slider and Phil. Green, two newspcr men burned to the ground this morningground, with plenty of entiel tigstion were the strikes and- labor -- wood, water, and S3 and tund on the CoHutiiKtioM, saw the fire break out, ticulars hare not yet been ascertained. The of good eamiuug OODEN. UTAH. republicans, the object being to menu in T ee is the Crew Tfeo IstlsrstYrM. telegraph wire were burned and particulars grass. To the eastward tires. Second ballots are necrose ry in 17 informationgeneral, and realising' the danger the gueste werciu, can that may ha used in fetuiv be received by train. There was no Heart Butto, which is noted laud mark of Sax Ang. 18th. A dispatch districts. The Republican bars a net gain. lotion to only Fkaxcisco, the their made rushed into and way building them. - on Uon,ayH allbeled. Notary PuIum prevent id of vhich the from ITe j) the Wind River volley IARlH, Aug. 13th. Returns thus tu re- itf along the corridors, waking up the sleeping loss of lift. nuosillo, Mexico, says tiie military wm Master Wsek-o- n The first witness in olhca. 1 picture, ceived of the election yesterday for members photographer hat In sniue places they certainly Ures General to occupants. John is at attributed The Campbell of Pittsborg. Ho tefit-finAppolafuMiat. S mutiny Cmuljulurs' 'triors at has This sltowfe net council of the house' saved were in RepubResn as dispatch there the general, lives, people that he had bean a telaataph eproater tor General Txpet,-- who left tor the . X. Iixrwooo. Bax FkAXCinco, Aug- - 13th Referring to this afternoon, ao no tnfcecif he mode to-- Ardex, l.a.XIXBALU who had not been brought out by the first over twenty yean, and bed been oonaeeted ocm of the mutiny, dm not yet been beard gain of 63. by the fishermen, tom. to the top story of the a dispatch conveying an opinion expressod by day of tho mult obtain alarm. They wept th Knight of Labor and the Bnther-hoe- d with KIMBALL k HEYWOOD. . " house and did much good in waking people. some of the clergy of this eity, on the ap- The camp is murned La:' .i Vest, in honor of Cholera. ' of Tulegraphers for two years. Thera t r. t ; one of the most who Benator G. G. deVest, YMferhill They expressed the opinion that when the Loxitox, Ang. 12th. Deaths from cholera were between ltukX) and 19JM0 tetegraph of Erv. Bionlnn, of Chicego, as thusixstie and loocesefh of the party, bris is removed it will be found that there pointment of the diocese, x in the United States and CsOada, CniCAGO, Ang. 12th. General J. H. Father Prendergust, After in the Egyptian provinces Friday numbered my dispatch of rcstenley from Bull are persons who perished in the flames. The, coadjutor OOUIN. UTAH. and other officials of the Vanderbilt 92$, including 235 in ths province of Daks ntemhen of the Brotherhood, aad tha whole Vjear, General, says.. this jnemiag. that tBe Laks Fork, both the' 1 snd Seoetor flamee had enveloped the building on the kffiFvtfifeVffitenient wm about 22,000. The ommrt hints strongfe that the Vest 'OMae-raofrom tho South- lieh, 150 in tho province of Gardieh and 23 membership Bnlldlnl, Poorth atreet, west side before the officer of the Gsle City brought into ear Li five creels frill of systeiu arrived hero the strike was tho refrisal to grant tho do- - . lute Jbeeir, Apposed or appoiAtcwwill'be; pepnl apl-l- f afternoons Main and Younx. result of a pir 789 were the and spelt. west. Tim members of the party acknowl- in Ghiich trout, Bank arrived. L. J. Hill, the Dreeidenwas by Atfr. Saturday there d mind on the part of the operator Alemanj, He cannot say There are no special professional eorres- absent Horn the city. Melhurn, Hill A Co. whatArchbishop including 30 in Cairo, 141 in Ghiseh has been, but he imthe eompensation for' Sunday ssrrisesc edged their visit wm made with a view to as- deaths, , end all dispetebes the Bioul. of 295 Atfe tho in p pondentswith and and hod 0X1X8 i. o. mic. and Ed. MeCandles were on hand u soon as agine! haArehoishups pmvinao also ths lines iff telegraph operates the advisability of building a line may doubt whether success in a to be from s from notified of the fire, and with the assistance of hpenou arespuri- - certaining from 8t. Louie to Kansu City and Omaha, Hand reds of people hare fled to Cairo systematically been cut auwn, and ths sqjset homogeneous diocese like Chicage would in- purporting on. the of Preaidcnt Alexandria. Cberif citixens, took tlieir valuable books and im- sure success iu such a heterogeneous CRAWFORD A RICH. Pasha, of the strike wasto bring ths nta of romew-sstiobat definite luu been deteradd that jtolyglot, nothing at 'J riddie ereek, Ang. mined he Camp i'kouy, oii hack to th former standard.. Opmnt Egyptian Council of Ministers, arrived pels from the vault to a place of safety. diocearf as this: No. cotpluitnr, upon. have safe containing a half a million In valuables' paculptf There 12th. front UasliaE Alexandria Saturday. Wyo., Aug., (hire ore were paid a fixed salary par mootfe, tho may lie J v ill act as finoheiciy ao long Uth, via Fort the leaden couldnt be removed. As soon as possible a as AjulihithoffAlemlny . A cholera cases no of fresh been thSO i at among gray lews ami Mewl Weekenf GravsnUr hold office.' He says Breaking camp . average rets throughout being ah cd to the light in Egypt, and their general month for commercial operator aud drifting ebnuh steady stream of water was turned on the thnt if there is a jwint here and there of and IN par ConveB- - British troop Tho sky I3th FBOBECU-Ang. THE TO Philadelphia, ATTEND is thought the popen and money: and vault it excellent. ol a health is dew U7iU. and gave Arab night railroad for tint month heavy operators; eonoerntng the tioa and dofanaa of criminal eaaca In are soft. tu the air. The tie. Of timAxmlgmAoeUtion of Btedi Wjo Tbs sreraga rat wr telegraph WOtiM IE : persona LbaTarrtlorlaa of Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and administrstion, it ean only be expected in a lightfol freshness and Linns ' jstbThirty-the party started on and Iron W orkers rammed deliberations hen csmm tr IK' If per 13th. The lose by the jurjsdpgioti extend big over souianj-jeani- . actual Alexandri bracing atmosphere from cholera at by Saturday, Atlaxta, Gs.,fireAug. Pennsylvania . from the burdens of this the days mnren, ' wax 00(1.000 on the build- Kimball ilouec month. Ths ratro of wage fcriite iters ewp. The report iff tho committees including fire Europeans. Oaolda Cowdy, Idxln. morning. t s r..-effects ii i official and on the now furniture. Of the exhilarating were not yet ready for discussion, and the nogs fratn KOtofiK ii;; Mrsais BewMi.! 1 operators Tnx Hague, Aug. 13th. The Dutch gov- merciai ngand $125,000 of the there were only gif, 000 insurmouth. 8nlartes in New York CUT wen . g sway of the little Convention adjourned again urtil 3 p. m. ernment per from St. ii received Augi.i3th.L-Tha Minn., Atchecu, Paul, telegram I ALFRED H. NELSON, ance. One reason why the owners carried so party had felt frees Thii afternoon will bo occupied- - entirely by announcing that cholera is epidemic there, higher than those in entailer cities with tho atteuiiou.ef the passenger on the in fket, of this the work of the various oommittees. little insurance was because of the high rates Ttt, exception of New Orieees, Metnphte and of number The 13th. msn--Milwaukee A i 8t. Paul train, due the buoyant The Kimball House was considered Chicago, Alexaxdbia, Ang. H wne LAW charged. R NimviUe, where the seals of 21. wm from cholera death here ' f the the worst risk in the eity, a rate of 2f per tik Paul ft $215, was attracted yesterday nccntJ party about equal to that in this dtjr. Tte toweri the VmWs by inn cent was charged while on orditutrr central i 13th. The commander of Biro lor commercial wars flora $15 te HO pur of a uts New Yoke, Ang. 13th.-j-- It in reported that theLoxDOX,.Aug. British troops in Egypt telegraphs that two For operators nt small wsyrtNM yrene-OuiliOregon uldietw died, at Sura yesterday. Thera wm Mhrcthn reduction in YSg,iate wsr35 t being mailto Nk at HartaM ft Co. Baak It per cent, the additional '.T due' to him tad the lading bam. It is makhTtemfiM- -to ICO the And wBJh!. up and rngHisHwo cause of the proximity of the block ua old Indian (nil stated that down aluT tha the market . r Then extended ratro month. $120 Faurth Strwat, Ogden, Utah. pressure against War per hotel. Mr. Bcorille, proprietor of the hotel,, uceMionally stltiugA Browing. time. A portion of will not be removed until made dim end iaiut by dividend payers 12th. A dispatch d. ted back to the time of the beginning of th war, to conveyancing pent $30,000 in improvement and furniture atelrrising again; !' left the column and skirted the break. Loxitox, the Aug. BBunffinta The party (he the strangcr at presthe HeoT about when rone wm scale City He urnitpito Kslaio. when he was JgtowsSe tawSvtagiM utls to preparing for the exposition. closet-st- one end of the ear. r He .remained foothills end mountain in search of genie end Foreign Exchange has been reduced from Hanoi, August 5th, sayi: Six rive1 gun- ent for railroad operators, snd that for have a complete set of earned a poliry of $100,000 on this, up to , X. 'luul the but vanished, game tlfe nearly timei lnkn had scenery, 'After armor in. for some boats are here, preparing tempore. $4 84 to $4 77(. a little higher. The Weston Union year ago, when he declined to renew it. Atu shut Only one been in the closet for about tweaty'ihinutes being well nigh exterminated. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE of all for their boilers. Everything points to a se- Uoiupaiy employ about the time of tha fire he had only $12,000 ervre seen. As coming on deer and antelope be to some of the whp. happened passepgers vere encounter. The French nave no artil- the operators in tlte country, and aboat Thu M. Lesls Sestlsr ranee. events ere sometime said to east their shadows To oU loads In Weber eouaty. snd sm and window tlte out of saw American looking The wnit.apieared are railroad operators. In furnish abstracts on short notice sad St. Loru, Ang. 13th. Judge Momau, of lery hones or mules. Tits enemy is pressing mlBtr to be ( bundle oi eloihes rothu from tne closet before, no this may, perhaps, indicate the m Haleltle. st Nsmdiuh. it is be- Rapid Company only employs anwaaunabla terms. tho Court of Criminal Correction, before closer both here aud the track. All fete of the Indian nice. of l window wife of The Y on Nan is m the Western Union. Th 18th. forthat lieved Iowa, many operators Aug. actively Viceroy Dubuque, to us miles fourteen of A much brought that realised whom the Sunday law violation ease are bewere struck pith terror. Jl;y protest of the Brotherhood wm against all ths warding assistance to the enemy. United Btatre Senator W. B. Allison eommitp DR. ED. ULRICH, the Dinwiddio Creek, a noisy mountain stream teleand all employers of ing tried, decided this afternoon that, the liAtuox, Aug. 13th. 8cven hundred men eomnsuics, ted suicide by dsowniug herself in the Missistrain. Thfr train was stopped at Minuciska, rushing down in a boisterous way to join its State The rates of wages must necgraph not street ore that operators. ean Commandto honor prove Wind been In the Admiral sent have Courbet, the with water River. r sent hock to considered saflfeieat to not were sippi River some time during the night. Blie and the engine and bflggagc-eaiif Montana, this camp bos been essary, in order to convict the officers or any er of the French squadron in Tunquin. . left home yesterday afternoon shortly after 1 where the man waa found doubled up by the Governor to live upon, and wore much below that of who are on trial fur violating the Sunday law QODEK, UTAH. The named poised Crosby. Camp the country was in terrible she A track. able of the gash oclock, informing her servant' that hy running ears on Sunday. All coses insti- CradltlMi or I ha Brillab Grata Crag. common laborers in many instances. The was mostly rolling, interspersed but over y uMce roufth (treat, over Farr Urotheis. going to one of the neighbors. Instead, how- threat, extending across tlte front, nearly companies were able to pay better rates to irri- tuted against the street railroad companies of with knife susceptible Office Honrs, at 4 and 7 to 1p.m. cut occasionally valleys and a to nut the her under Loxdox, Aug. 13th. The Jfari lane vein, her arui,slte jugular qu.te gossamer their men. without increasing their ratro for taking ltashleaoo West able Mam street, between ever, but the foture prosperity of this sec- under tits Sunday lew will therefore lie diseach imhenlrd gation; trainmen the towanls direction in wrist, trade British went the the review its of upon in service to the public. This wm evident from oppusitc groin missed. !y Vseend and Third. on its utilised tion being witn had oecompahiecl them depends mainly country, where site has been accustomed to and passengers for the post week, says groin is ripening tho large dividends paid hr tho Wrotcra Unpurposes. The grass had already fkeilitiM for transtake almost daily walks. It was ascertained that tue man had made desperate attempts at Who Dm It owing to the nnacttlcd weather. Boat ion. Resides, while their brownish slowly, on first indication the - DR. T. E. MITCHELL, taken s from tint, ear. before himself the outskirts the of suicide the around site wandered flinging that 12th. A special to the and mildew have increased, and wheat ie Joe- mitting messages have been increased by the Aug. Chicago, and of this iu of the climate, was also and there seen arms process fractured curing was his One and of the by afternoon, invention of tho duplex and quadruple!, eity during I Biia ud Faurth atraffix several persona walking rapidly and appai was a wound upon his head.' Btill the man this lies the great secret of its retention of nu- Tfiletu from Washington says: Adjutant ing in quantity and quality daily. then has been no reduction in tho tariff in these seems a that tritious It himproperties. General Drum recently sent to tlte Adjutant pity of these improvements, but on ently very much excited. Not returning by was alive, and lie had evidently dragged consequence amt the Tha Prlaew lost Ind their iso have should streams names, from where distance lie. the he mint self a short $ oclock from where she was supposed tu General of each State a letter asking if the the other hand the wage of the operators re(Over Marks, Goldsmith A Co.s store.) Crown from we where A nude letter for 12th. our instance, and landed. lifted instituted into the like, search Bkhlix, and Aug. was Upon being an alarm had dour given originally hours Prince Frederick William to Prince Bismarck duced. The nnmlter of operator ' cur he said frailly: "iity, pity, poor nun. esmn is called by them Moaning or Crying militia could be utilised in forty-eigmaintained throughout the night. fhcilities of the the while bled since 1870, because Kssldsaee, West Fourth street, opposits B. when in the winter, in ease of emergency, and will make special is This morning her body was discovered by He also gave his name, which is J. Lange. Ruflttlo Creek, lumber yard. gazetted. The Crown Prince say he is emnismii-- had more than doubled. Tho and piteoils report to - Whited an outgoing train, at 7 oeliiek, in the river, There were two doctors on the train, bat, a there is ice on TOlephaao at both pieces. Congress. It lias been stated that convinced thnt the Germans are desirous of Western Union in that year handled 7,000,000 sound much heard moan is the of hnd outfits were with uu resembling cut they had no tha German minister at Mexico delights in almost a mile below the eity. She them, they succor to triends in adversity, and he messages, and last year tha number wm the unfortunate nut it any as- a huffulo in distress, again, here at our pres- taunting oar representative in that eity, by re- giving np her gossamer, placed some stones in it and aide tn render the his wife have therefore placed their Campbell recited the history of W. S.BEEBEE, return to MinnoiskiL how- ent camp, the' Indiana call the stream the minding him that ths United States is a pow- and tied them serun-labout her nerk, then sistance. On ' name at tha head of a subscription list iu aid the strike since it began. walked deliberately into the river about ever, be eras removed from the ear anu taken Creek with God Bridge, as some ten miles erless nation- - The State Department luu no of the recent the who suffered by 13th. Superintendent people mouth Aug. 400 natural above s its shout Chicago, feet from the bank, lay down and into a store, where he was plaecd in the hands bridge thirty-fiv- e information from Minister Morgan corroborat- earthquake in lochia. Clowry hss been advised today, that two was drowned where tho water was only two of a doctor. The latter said that the stran- yards in width spin the chasm through ing it, but what is known is this: It is customstriker have returned to work at Clerehrad, Dent-Isltwaters is seamed which rush. In the The were is known nut fatal. bridge of and fret It operations all kindsskillful deep. gers ii(juries Mkru ary among foreign ministers to acknowledge From Npala. ud one at Detroit. The striking operators manner. Office In Mrs. Allison wus of highly nervous tem- where tlte man belongs, but it is supposed and marked by trails nude by Indians iu a civil manner the observance of national and claim there hss store, Fourth atreet, ever Wrlxbt Loxdox, Aug. 13th. The 17 tor Madrid here were paid off Hi-- if perament, and during the past two or three that he is either from Chicago or New York: end game. Distinctly visible flrom the hights, events, no matter to what country the affair near Main. is a grand one, so been iaaned been no fltrthcr defections from their ranks in order an hu correspondent tlte when say So on years has suffered front and been treated for L'pdu his person was found the sum of $15 50. a mile above it, the eanyon of flag 4th, pertains. this eity. mental disease. When at a water cure estabgrand and lieiutiftil, in fact, that one of .the all representative July of foreign countries were by the aulhnritiro, forbidding tlte printing of who has wandered mueh In foreign unftirled in the On the 10th of July demands wen presented lishment in Western New York in 1DK1, unnf Mexico in honor of tlte any new touching the iusurreetionair moveDR. G. HAAS, Fssseugcr Arrivals. City , says of it: der medical treatment, site attempted suicide Nothiugtherc ean in any anniversary. Minister Morgan noted that the ment in Spain, except whxt is officially sup- to the Western Union, the American Rapid Neb.. Aug. 12tli. The following Omaha, h The gorge in the flagstaff st the German legation wm bare. He plied frum the haute office, and cautioning and the Baltimore A Ohio (oommercisl) in much the same manner, but was rescued. compare with it. , trait: way JUBUBO mountains, carved by the Mneternaiul, isharil sent word to the German Minister that if the editors of miuni to abstain frum comments She was tha niece and adopted daughter ni through letssengere left here on Companies and numerous telephona . answer received is that to drauribc, by one who cannot look st it save the late Benator Grimes of Iowa. Bite hus to arrive at Ogden August 14th: customary courtesy wm not observed, he niton current events. Tlte correspondent odds companies. The ouly (Graduate of the New Yoik College of Dent- been married for ten Frank Waldo, William J. Waldo, Mn. F. in the awe of the Great Architect. Near the would consider it an insult to himself and that strict censorship continues ou telegrams. from tint American Rapid Company, which years. Bite luts no chilistry.) has partisllv acceded to tha demands of tha dren. W. Curtis, Miss Fannie Curtis, Randall Cur- head of the stream it is orescent in shape, make tlte issue a personal one without delay. Maiiiiid, Aug. 12th. Tito Mi says: Gen- Brotherhood. The answer of theWcsternUnioa Benator Allison had opened the campaign tis, Jay Curtis, J. W. Wylie and wife, Ban lucked by mountains, far down whose sides To this note, it ut no answer wm re- eral said, BiracUf OppaaBa Coeliseijxl Hatcl, Salt Laka. of Minuter Mar, MartineaCsiniior, at I'larinda Saturday, anil yesterday was in Francisco; Mrs. Humber, Patterson, N. J.; C. lie greet banks of snow which have rested turned, but the German flag wm Company to the appeal of tha operators wm rebel four informed the Cabinet immediately that sergeants the all known whether the eomarittro A him Then of not lust L. Ircsson, H. M. Prcsson, Kewark.N. J.; H. there during Council lllufls. thut it wm disjmteh was sent eternity the past. over tlte German legation. It fe had bet'll shot st Kants Domingo. come the sombre grey rocks, gloomy end bar- displayed soon as her disappearance .bmime P. Dusenbcrry, ('linn-hill- , hid authority to speak for the employs of N. Y.: J. I). at understood night, direction the of Madlv Stale, the review Secretary will The P. LAMBERT, King Mm. II. Kingman, Chicago: J. D. ren nhove til vegetation and scenery to frown of President llte company. known, hut it was thought he was not Campbell said 90 per cent of culniarudeu Minister rid garrison, SBALUl IX numbering 12, US! men. Hispro-jsisu- l tits employe were members of tho Brotherreached until this morning. The shucking Maxwell, wifr and child, Mm. W. A. Patter- down upon the bright waters end green fidiage Morgan for hisArthur, conduct. been has tn visit indibmtely inter-uniGermany has thrown a gloom over the entire son, Miss Lixxie Patterson, Keokuk. Pa.; Cap- below. The stream opens out si short hood. The operators had frequently preand American Marble, event postponed. into lakes; several of those ere two miles sented grievance to the local manager for on tain U. G. Lawrence, Templar of Massachueonimunity. Tfeo KalEfet1 MlKrlmaEe. is rumored that the Miuistry will change It have and a in enlor. increase of wages, but these had been disrediameter, setts. Fifth Straot, Ogdon. Utah. pale green Dexveb, Col., Aug. 12th. Kt. Bernard when flic revolt have been entirely sup- garded. It is generally believed th MssUns Dras snl Thraseelvea. Thc.tcnts had been pitched but s tew momRajier Commundery, Knights Tnnpler ol borpressed. enta-aud OVER FIVE HUNDRED had a wall established systbs oMtei ini l.sii jOuuuiiiiuienccd Comimiutlery Kir Knight of Chicago, uuui inion on Ciuuaho, Aug. 12th. A young mail named Iniliunepoliii, jiessed through tHAVE Monunion General ljuruesta luu arrived at Kco de tem of Ouiiipsiiy and Houdsumea to their efforts when from tlte northwest a great ing one hundred and twenty-six- , black listing men who mode, applicain charge of o.i short Hens Harrison was crossing Van iluren street sieeial trail) to Ben Francuco, vie. Denver, biock cloud came with steel from .that ean bo furnished JlJL-fUrgel loyal troop. of wages, and took tha bluff for increase tion sn wlurr they will stay tiwluy. Tliey gore au weeiing over the Eminent Cuuuuuudcr, arrived notice. I. M. bridge over llte Chicago river, this afternoon Insurgent bauds, numbering 14 and 25 men first opjiortunity todischarge them; upon some drill at the t ninu Pxeifie Detsd find a hail storm really nude the rty fee! tliiw Moulton, Barand confair at the trieuniul Lurragina when he broke in upon an urdituny conver- here, lhe rcieciivcly, appeared that tliey were enduring hardshipis but they morning, en route by pretext or anutner favoritism wm shown disparty, is as follows: Jus.,W. ere celona T might as well end it sation liy remarking, They arc now Udug actively all local manager, and skill wm at a Wm. 'Ii. .Smith, hutiueur' Cummxudcr; AND GENTLEMEN just wild enough to Iu agfecablc. The clave in San Fmncisen. Tliey left immedi- pursued by troops. . LADIES I was and river. Two the hours dmytlic. Recorder; M. ii. Buckle, Cmnman-dnuhere, plunged into pracentire party ire rqjuying the best of health. count. A system of intimidations ately for Georgetown, whence they return thi this an t Loxitox, Aug. 12th. A Seville ncwaier ticed by officials of tlte company sines mr Knights ileury . Adams Christina Camp Staiiku, on Torrey's Lake, (via Fort evening. They will awnd three days in Col- states Division into street end the river. the the that several The of movements corjsinij The Atlantic company sergeant Several bridge isrit. U. U drowning, CltxrlrsJirojrn, Jus. TYnshskir, Wy.) Aug. l.'lth. It was deter- orado, leaving Tuesday night. OF OGDEN, Ilreuk, dead bodies of both men were recovered. luul been started to organised tho operators, K. liigciow, Jno. M. liruslt, B. H. Creue, mined Inst night to move our camp this morn- Club, composed of Knights frinn Baltimore stutiimed there have liven arrested. Tlte latest official dispatch from Madrid Imt all failed on account of this system of inII. F. ILnlnms, R. 11. Lowe, C. F. Merer, ing a few miles to where there would be umn; ami WMbington, arrived this nftcrmain. The the front An province timidations. Y. J. McKee, L. II. McCnrrcr, Tlteo. lfstiliii, abundant grazing fur homes and mules. Ac- party numbers liit), under tlte command of say that the telegrams Whsn Visiting Sait Laks City, VlXKYAUD Appeal for Aid. John McClellan, an officer of th Brsthsr-Itoo- d W. A. Hein way, Grand Commander of routintte to be of a reasoning nature, and Havkx, Aug. 12ih A public Chxs. 11. Itcrnolil, Jacob W. Hmith, J. 11. cordingly it 8 Ltn. every one was in the almost is show to insurrection that the tend lor in tlirm K. was and au operator of fourteen yrors, L. H. We started up the valley on the Maryland. The day spent Weinlierger, while. nilliitins, was held Watsrliury, at ut Cottage meeting City a see to Will and a splendid pi get said tho direct cause iff tho strike wm on InO. Ilerray, ' it. I).. Diipuy, Jas. W. right bank of They ended. Owing to the visiting places in ami about the city. which a relief eoniniittue of 21 muuinent Win. e According to unofficial advices from sult offered by the Western Union Company the trail win In splendid leave for the west Wednesday night. Kt. John's Dwyer, Harry Fowler, Kulicrt Gunlon, Albert ram nf town several Republican newstmi residents anil visitors wns spNiiuted. In the Gull, Ueurge Griffitlt, W. 1L Kerwood, II. II. conditionyesterday, to a committee of tha Brotherhood, la refusXmhsA or Dinner si fur comfort in marching. The sun Comtuandcry, of Philadelphia, and tlte Cor-e- n French some Madrid been end afle.'iioon the committee issued the following JdcUallrry, B. L. Morrison, I. K. Morse, was obscured have K. at suppressed, Y., ing to recognise or treat with them. Until clouds, and with a tern iteraComntaiidery, of Aauunr Park, liy Their train civilian arrested. then it had not been expected n strike would spicul: Au spjsillitig enhintity has befslleu David Nicholson, K. L. Bcxrlett, August tors of 50 Fahrenheit, n finer day for our arrived at the unum depot y the village of vineyunl Haven. Coutrihu-tio- Smith, J. W. Bhcrw'sid, F. 1. Woolen, V. W. Journey eouhl not he wished. At the end of consisted of six Baltimore A Uliio slerpcra, It is stated that Senior C'astelar and hit occur, but it wm thought tho of fiHsi, clcthing or money, addressed to Woodward, Ira C. Webli. wm willing to listen-- to th an hours travel over high rolling land, the one dining ear, ami one commissary car. The parly continue to enudvtnn the Ur brings. some to T. James Captain Ladies: lira. II. C. Aihtnis. Mrs. W. O. De- Wind River was Smith, treasurer, Vineyard at a where it party numltpra 15H, under the charge nf P. F. Ltslnix, Aug. I2th. A riotous outbreak demand nf tho tucu ind come OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT. Haven. Mas., will be thankfolly mvirnibr cay, 31m. Albert Gall, Mis Eda Myers, passes through nussrs of nick point Th griersnes were The Grand occurred in the town of Chavez, Por- adjustment if known as Red lluwxer, Eminent Commander. the relief eomnultee." (Signed) Win. ll ('level and, Ohio; Mm. Jos. W. Bmitb, Miss Unites. The first Tennessee lower local grievance. rcxl ones, anu if there had. bceiu.a spirit of Missouri, tugal, in connection with crossing was nude hy ford- Conimauderics of I MissisAmoux, chairman. K. L. Williams, Mrs. V. W. Wnodwenl, Mr. ing in a diagonal direction A 11111 was killed aud a colonel wounded. concession manifested hy ths eompany th the stream and Kentucky, with delegate from We, the eeleuimen of lhe town of Lisburg, II. Weinberger, Mrs. N. R. Ruckle, Mrs. where tha water was so up Order has been restored. operators would have met them in this spirit, in ' sippi and the aurruumliug States. uuuilM-riui-t rapid tlte Is which in village nf Yiueyunl llaven it wm shown that Genual Ecksrt and othsr Harry Fowler, lira. U. F. Ilohnes, W. R. flow that anas neighbor seemed tn .. 150 Knights and lidiee, will arrive Monday etitlurse the almve aptteul. (Signed.' Kerwood, T. J. Morse, Mrs. U. Kieltolson, arsituated, two day hereabouts, officers of the company bid know of tha and with Wieso river Xure Cat. the tho runIn a of morniug apctul Cooked up speed moving Every Style Truman Allen, Owen Tilton. Oyitora Mrs. Thao. Phfflin, Mim Bailie Ilkfflin, Mrs. ning iinrae. Bonn, liy a short ford, the river riving (it Ban Francisco Sunday murning. of tha Brotherhood befera tha stnka Or on tha Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 13th. More plans The Vinernrd llaVen fire was ebeeked this O. W. Fixlry, Ft. Wayne. (icgsn. Tho eomiNuty knew that grievances was crossed, snd at tlte end of another mile The this this were wire euLin HALF SHELL. morning. eity Guests: Kilr Knights Joseph L. But ith. Rich' tha western boundary of the Hhosltoue Reserr existed and that demands were te be premorning. The village is a sad sight, and is Outrul Railrartd nation at Rorollc wa vis- sented, and luul been preparing to resist those being visited liy thousands from all jsi ns of ntond, Ind., Jnltn W. l'nrke, F.lkbart; Joseph vntiou was reached. Front this Ang. 18th. The'Jiwnd Juty jsiint Raltimork, the Island anil from tlte mainland. The loss Kennedy, lhira, Ills.; Geu. W. Pixlcy, was a very Interesting hnt unt ton diffiited ami three wires cut. South of Elixalieth demands ever since Ilsrcn last. If the present bill against all the lucrnla-is estimated at $(Xi,0UO; Insutuoeo, $tH,2Ut. Wayne. cult Journey over a series nf lofty divides, to presented a true three more wires were severed. The cutters strike wm n failure it would only strengthen All the stores in the plsre but one are burned Ox aha, Ang. 13th.1Through the precipitous banks of the amall of the late aniumissiou iff tha fire department evidently bearded the milk train and rode to the Misting organisation instead of breaking wcngcn eesH The wifr of Jnmes llnvis, an aged ritiacn, on tinlay's train, tu urrlvg at Ogden August streams fiowtug from the mountains into PARLOR. A FINE LADIES the for malfeasance in office. Rail wm Axed at Jersey avenue in this city, where thirty-tw- o died from excitement eiiiiseipifiil umn the river. In descending oneoftheae.il was nec- $3, Out) in each cose. Ths presentment caused wire were cuL They then crossed tho Jeney ltPhensked whether ho eonld mggmt any dirisioo fire. C. W. llecd, Kir Knight E. A. essary to dismount snd lest the nurses. On and astonishment at the City avenue bridge ever the canal and severed meth.d by which a mors squitaWstabor an great axcib-iucn-t wires. Two of these were of the could Ho mad of tho products of Cottaoe City, Mass., Ang. l.ith. Tltou-a- nd Bullard, Nasser, Mich.; Mr. Kelly and iwrty, the highest divide wa halted to taka in the lisll oml Courthouse. The inti- - iasinl was thirty-fir- s of peotde visited the scene of ths fire st Fremont,- Neb.; Miss Bntherleud, valley aud tha consequent's was view, covering scores of utilm np aupercoiled employ on and smtuoyed, recently hy the aiqaiintmunt of a fire alarm telegraph, M-this would be impoaMbtaf. Vineyard Haven, on Buuilsy. Tlte )nple Neb.; C. A. ltniile, Omaha; Tbne. White am and down- ths river, with tho fire mandial, and the presentment grew out of that when the line wm cut tits alarm on the STEARNS, re not broken and many are ireianng to wifr, Quincy, 111.; W. Kllcrton, New York, of the Khoshous Mountains at our charges made hy the present fire (narwhal hell sounded tlte gong. Linemen were sent Tbs eiujuiry will be ooatiunad build. The scores of homi'lesi ones unpro- Kenyan (Vsx, New York; Kir Knight 11. 1. tski . Here err took uttr last lock at the over from New Yorit, and as they crossed th uiglit. several mrnilien of the hoard, seen against Balkar Opara Htna Bulldlag and 100 vided for will be wtcra Union soys 13 Kir Crow found K. landmark. Sid eared Heart llntte, thirty great Knight they by tl.i therkeifonl, Alliance, Olihij Msusger Siuk of th tlirm with fernlshittg various supplies to t'entrsl Railroad fcnir on this Th wirea no saw had all . milt away, which had hesa in view sines lug relief committee, $1U,UOO haring been sub T. Carana. tits departnisnt and dunging mure than the there waiting for a beat to cross to New York retained Baht treat, , Thirty-on- e aerihed Ire ait! sans on tha Islaud jrasteniay for ? through emigrants left Saturday leaving Fort Wsshikiv. market rales therefor, in violation of tho oily ana of tho strikers. Us is inspected iff boing bean repaind uul everyiUiiig U ip goo wogL ' The guide leU tu that U got lu name after onlinaacs. Ilia relief of tho sufferers. out of tits cuUirs. dia-'lnight for Knu Francisco and 3$ left last night. ALT LAKE CITT. ingonitf. BTKBlf r?U4MI 1 JL tf zaiaa--'". , r ' 4-i " . V- DMLY r : -- j i . ir'.ll. :" 1 't 'I - Ex-hib- y. Ma tort. t ease-risi- i n . -- itb ' i . . nfij : prr. . g aa mem-oelle- . - A eorres-ponde- y. - eom-aie- :::, t a. arennick, Ira - -j . now-cla- d e, tTNUn. - J . ';. . . r ' y , 1 th iTTtlllll'iT'UW, ' to-d- nra ferln-eresse- CUIU. . who-vcr- CRIMINAL LAWYERS. V v Y y.K bishbiJs'-pereon-- diin ' e . NEY'AT ATT 9 mount-It'.Ve- . . .1' f ' k u ' st frllow-iaaeugc- r, JaiASTJVjyfi; - -- Uon7 $ . the-tral- BI sl iu-s- ta. pre-aar- two-thir- one-fift- h and-lfal- Jhrdwh'-'hiulstflfitlfo- . . HOMOEOPATH. s, Ins? fltaa-fiar- aar NaOt-awr- ' , s Biaiai s BiitiiT, y a BIItllT Tels-gntti- y s . y t; STEARNS com-lti- n rem-he- to-d- ' ! - s. o. - d y. , cr f i |