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Show UTAH DEMOCRAT 9 The Cup of Paris Parts, the great, gay city Is contained within a cup, says a writer In the Continental edition of the London Wit Daily Mail. and' Hum f Farmer Has a Friend in White House turn their his the national In WASHINGTON. LUCKY WOMAN Canon William Sheafe Chase of Brooklyn, while In Albany fighting for the screen censorship, said to a re- first cators and farm leaders what a mighty space It tention to scientific marketing. The la Concorde, ! was even now we see the agriculture problem of today, he In- dome ofThere the Pantheon, the towers of sisted, was not on the side of producNotre Dame, the sudden smoky shoot tion but on the side of distribution. of the Eiffel tower. Gigantic things Too little thought had been given to we used to think them. But now how tills phase, he added. easily they are held in the cup of the Up to the present time, Mr. Coolhills I ldge continued, the main emphasis of laughing our agricultural education has been Drowned Out Conscience placed upon production. I believe that was right, because unless there is The preacher had told Uncle Ben economy and efficiency In production that In moments of temptation he must there is no need for thought in any listen to the still, small voice of conother direction. But our experience science. And Uncle Ben, in the conof the last few years has . dem- duct of his second-han- d store, tried onstrated that It Is by no means hard to obey the Injunction. enough. The farmer Is not only a proBut when Mlrandy Jones In a moducer, he Is likewise a merchant. It ment of unguarded enthusiasm, ofdoes him no good to get quantity pro- fered him $5 for a calico dress for duction, In fact It may do him harm, which he hadnt expected to get more unless he can likewise have scientific than $1.44, he couldnt withstand it. marketing. Ah fell, he confessed to the It has been attested by all experi- preacher afterward. Ah couldn't ence that agriculture tends to dis- help it. couragement and decadence whenever Didnt you listen to the voice of the predominant Interests of the coun- conscience? asked the minister. Ah listened hard, was the antry turn to manufacture and trade. We must prevent that In America. I be- swer, but honest. Ah couldnt hear lieve the land grant college Is the main nuthln to' the sound of the cash reggreat agency for Its prevention. It has ister. added a new element to the equation which has never before been In it. Words That Work Hard You must make that element decisive. There are words It Is almost Impossible to avoid using, however carefully we may try to do so. It Is said that a quarter of the task service will be considered by the surof expressing oneself In the English vey, It was said today that there was no Idea of using them in combatant or- language Is borne by nine words and, be, have. It, of, the, to, will and ganizations. you. It Is also asserted that these InIn describing the purpose of the with 34 other words, form half nine, comsent to vestigation the letter words the the average talker uses la officers says that during the manding World war 250,000 women were In ordinary conversation. The additional 34 words are as folmilitary service with the British army. : About, all, as, at, but, can, come, lows The lowest estimate of women serving with the United States army overseas day, dear, for, get, go, hear, if. In, me, and In this country Is 90,000; this in- much, not, on, say, she, so, that, these, cludes welfare workers, clerks, tele- they, this, though, time, we, with, graph and telephone operators, dieti- write, your, her, and one. tians, cooks, waitresses, laundresses, matrons, tailors, post exchange workAll About Dogs and Cats ers and women employed In the RecFrom a schoolboys essay on dogs lamation service. and cats: It will be necessary to utilize women Is the commonest of all "The in the military service In time of war : animals. dogIts legs are four and one To promote the efficiency of the army ; tall of all sizes. Cats are very combecause women will not be satisfied If mon In all large towns and streets, they are not permitted to serve In an but dogs are more so. There Is only emergency. three things wiser than the dog, which A study Is being made to consider: is ourselves, all monkeys, and all eleThe needs of the various branches of phants. Don't tease cats, for firstly the army; the advisability of employ- it is wrong so to do and second cats ing these women as civilians under have claws which Is longer than peomilitary control; or of organizing a ple think. Cats have nine lives, but Women's Service corps similar to which is seldom required In this counQueen Marys Army Auxiliary corps; to try because of Christianity. form the basis of a plan for the War department general mobilization plan. Cootldge assured delegates attending the meeting here of the Association of Land Grant Colleges that the govern- ment would omit no effort to prevent repetition of recent difficulties encounAnybody who could contemplate tered In agriculture. an uncensored screen optimistically Speaking of the immediate future. would be as bad as Mrs. Jones. Mr. Coolldge warned that more attenMy second husband. Bill, aint no tion must be given by farmers to the saint said Mrs. Jones, but Ill say marketing problem so that the abthis for him. lie's better than my normal and surpluses first was by a long shot. lie's In jail may be disposed of. lie then pointed so much, you see, 'that practically all to a period he said was fast approachI earn I have for my own use.' " ing when this nation would be one of the greatest agricultural buying counThe Same Thing tries and the problem would be the t, The last time I was In camp," said maintenance of a prosperous, In on a confident Private Jlmson, the temperature country agriculture three successive nights dropped to preponderantly commercial and Indus- porter : war-stimulat- ed self-relian- Eero. said an old at- You may discover It one day perhaps from a pleasant roof garden and be suddenly surprised to find the city so definitely contained. Wherever you will look there at last appear the soft green hills peeping so serenely down upon the welter of life In the city below. You may even see the trees on the hills, so near are they. We used to think the city was so big and spread so far, and the Place de trial. Education by the land grant colleges Thats nothing, looking to wise and Intelligent farmdier; thats nothing. In all business operaWhats nothing?" asket Jlmson, In- ing tions which nffect the farmer, Mr. dignantly. Zero! replied the old soldier, as .Coolldge declared, would be one of the main agencies for protection of this inhe made for the door. dustry. lie also stressed the value of organizations and methods seeking FEW OF EM ARE economies and greater efficiency In producing and distributing. The President urged that the edu sol- Women May Be Enlisted in U. S. Army, if of the part women played in the World war, with a view to the utilization of women In all branches of the military service In case of future emergency Involving a maximum of effort has been undertaken by the War department. A questionnaire has been sent to all commanding generals of corps areas and department chiefs, asking for Information, and the move has stirred up no little Interest In military circles. The War departments action Is the result of recommendations from committees of the Army War college and from officers of the general staff that a study should be made of the advisability of organizing a Women's Army corps. In which the women would be regularly enlisted and uniformed. So far the movement Is In the nature of a historical study and nothing definite has been determined regarding an organization. Some of the department officials believe, however, that if a womens army service corps were organized as a result of the Investigation, It would be advisable to place a woman In command, assigning her to the general staff. While the advisability of using women in all branches of the military A How frivolous Clare 1st How old do yon think she ought to be? Ought to be old enough to know better. Worst of Habit a I Of all bad habits, I must confess. The worst X know Is nervousness. I Playing Futures i V A newly rich man, buying a piano, was concerned over the size of the Instrument. lie impressed upon the d salesman that It must be the largest. In fact, they manufactured. Its for a young and gi wing he explained, and I dont want girl, to have to buy her another in a year or two. full-size- Cupid and the Movies asked the social that Uie motion pictures vestigator, have any effect on the lovers of today? I should say not, replied the movie house proprietor. "They never watch American the pictures. Legion Weekly. Do you think, In- Irrefutable Proof What led the great detective to decide the fatal dose was carried by a professional waiter? In the soup. The thumb-print- s American Legion Weekly. A Rare Pleasure jt you enjoy showing your wife how to drive? Yes; Its tl.e first time she ever mitted that 1 could tell her anything. ad- VERY SIMPLE Itegg! I aw don't know what to think of my case, doctah whether It is aw simple or not. Doctor Dont worry, Mr. Sapp; STUDY sold at Sheriffs Sale at the west Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this door of the County CouTt House 4th day of December, 1924. front BENJAMIN R. HARRIES. In the City and County of Salt Lake, of Salt Lake County, Sheriff on the 29th day of State of Utah, State of Utah December A. D., 1924 at twelve oclock M. . By F. MATHEWS, noon of said day, all the right, title, Sheriff. Deputy claim and interest of said Defendant Dey, Hoppaugh & Mark, Attorneys of, in and to the following described for Plaintiff. All that parcel Real Estate Date of first publication December of land situate In Salt Lake County, 6th, 1924. Last December 27, 1924. State of Utah and particularly desSUMMONS cribed as follows: Commencing at of Salt Lake City. Court 2 2 City a point rods South and rods West John Burt, Jr., George A. Goff, and from the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 10, Ten. Acre Plat A, Big Grant Morgan, Plaintiffs; vs. Louis Field Survey and running thence Thompson and J. W. Doyle, DefendNorth on the center of street 21.6 ants rods, thence Blast 22.72 rods, thence THE STATE OF UTAH TO SAID DEFENDANTS: North 6.6 rods thence East 24.48 rods 28.2 You to center are hereby summoned to appear rods South the thence 47.2 rods to within ten (10) day's after the serof street thence West place of beginning; together with all vice of this summons upon you, if Improvements thereon and all water served within the county in which rights appertaining thereto. Subject, this action is brought; otherwise however, to a right of way in favor within twenty (20) days after such of Mill Creek Power company. Also service, and defend the above enall of that parcel of land situate in titled action; and in case of your Salt Lake County, State of Utah, and failure to do so, the plaintiffs in this particularly described as follows: action will apply to the court for the Commencing at a point 24.2 rods relief demanded in the complainjt, East from the Northwest corner of which has been filed with the clerk Lot 3, Block 10, Ten Acre Plat A, of said court and of which a copy d Big Field Survey, and running thence is hereto annexed and herewith East 16.6 rods to the West line of upon you, and will take judgment Rio Grande Western Railroad land against you for the sum of Two thence South 6 East along said West Hundred Ten Dollars ($210.00) with line of railroad land 43.9 rods, thence interest at the rate of 8 per cent per West 21.2 rods, thence North 43.3 annum since the 12th day of Novemroads to the place of beginning and ber, 1924, together with plaintiffs contained within the limits of the costs and disbursements herein. Southwest quarter of the Northeast Stewart. Alexander & Budge, 2 T. of R. Section 1, South, Plaintiffs Attorney. quarter To1 West, Salt Lake Meridian. Dated November 14th, 1924. P. O. Addressll09 Deseret Bank gether with all buildings and imthereon and all of provements Tights Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. used in or connection therewith way (Nov. 22 Dec. 20.) appurtenant thereto and particularly SUMMONS the right of way abutting the above In the Third Judicial District described land bn the West and thence over the right of way 1 rod wide ex- Court of Salt Lake County, State of tending from the Northwest corner Utah. R. M. Norton, Plaintiff. of the above described tract of land Nellie Norton, Defendant. West to what is known as Second West Street; also all water rights THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT : used in connection therewith or You are hereby summoned to appear appurtenant thereto and particularly of one share of water right In within tw'enty days after the service what is known as the Bench Ditch of this summons upon you, If served Also all of the capital stock of the within the county in which this action Tecoma Leasing Company, a Utah is brought; otherwise, within thirty corporation. The foregoing schedule days after service, and defend the and particular description is made above entitled action; and in case without In any wise limiting the gen- of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you accorderality of the foregoing general ing to the demand of the complaint, Purchase price payable in lawful which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. money of the United States. to-wi- t: BeT-ve- 5-- 11 des-scrlptio- n. Temple Rolls in Wind Indians who worship In a temple near Burma, British Iddla, run the the building tumble that the federal government lias am- risk of having ears. The temple Is built their about ple authority to sell to private and on a slab upon a rocky elevation. commercial enterprises power gener So huge balanced Is the slab that It evenly nted by the Wilson dam. sways back and forth, temple and nil, While there may be some difficulty when a strong wind blows. In finding companies willing to make short term leases for all the power developed, nearby power companies are known to be prepared to take a large part of It. Secretary Weeks conferred with Eton Legal Notices for the creation of a gigantic chemical and Industrial plant at Muscle Shoals. The conference was one of a series which have been held by the two during the last year. It was said that Mr. Hooker hoped to have his proposal In shape for submission to congress at the forthcoming session. Nearly 200 members of the Illinois Manufacturers association recently made a two days Inspection of the Muscle Shoals power project. The Illinois Manufacturers want to get a first hand Idea of the power situation In order to know liow to swing their united strength when congress takes up the Muscle Shoals problem In December. SHIP NOTICES For Further Information Consult County Clerk or Repetitive Signers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Mary A. Wyman, claims Creditors will present underto estate against the above signed on or before Feb. 14th, 1924 at 307 Atlas piock. Salt Lake City, Utah. WILLIAM DAVIDSON, Administrator. E. F. Allen, Attorney for Administrator. Date of first publication Dec. 13, 1924; last Jan. .3, 1925. Office-Holder- s! NOTICE TO CREDITORS under different circumstances, such as Estate of Ane Ilamann Holmberg, may prevail In 1928, might prov fatal Look to the West for ALTHOUGH President Coolldge that he changes to speak of In cabinet his and in the corps of its officials appointive generally, the politicians think otherwise and already Good Combination scramble have the places the for begun The dairy cow, the homely sow, now held by the appointees of the late A combination good. They keep us well, give things to selL President Harding. As all good products should. The politicians are convinced that even If there are no wholesale changes Not His First Wife there will be a gradual and steady rehusband declares he married Sly adjustment of patronage to conform to the views of Mr. Coolldge and that tor beauty and brains. before many months the roll of apOh, then youre not his first wife. pointive officials will bear the Coolldge stamp quite as unmistakably as It now Little Change I suppose you find everything so bears the Harding stamp. If the President takes the advice different now you are married? Not very. I used to sit up half the of some Republican leaders who have political welfare closely at heart he night wondering when Arthur would go his will look to the West for a greater home, and now I sit up half the night of Important office (holders number wondering when hell come home. than has been customary In the past.' In the late election the West was exA Waste of Provender Important territory, to the Re tremely Brown I guess I gave that Ignocandidate. There were more publican ramus some food for thought Just doso states In the West than In the-Easnow. and It was In the West that the Black Little use. Im afraid; his most serious Republican, defections brain is on a nerpetual fast. were . encountered. defections which very simple. Indeed. t to Republican success. A greater distribution of patronage to the West in the view of the practical politicians, would go far toward strengthening the Republican party In a quarter where It needs to be strengthened without delay. In the cabinet as It existed up to the time of the death of Secretary of Agriculture Wallace there were five Eastern and five Western members if Secretary of Commerce Hoover be credited to California Instead of New York, where he really has lived in recent years. But when yon take the appointive service as a whole you find more than three times as many Important offices held by Eastern as by . Western men. One reason that the East receives by , far the larger share of appointments to Important offices Is that under Republican administrations the Eastern states generally possess greater Influence at the White House because they keep- their senators and repxesenta-tlve- s - for longer' periods than do th Western states as a rule deceased. Stewart, Alexander & Budge, Attys. for Executor. Date of first publication Dec. 1924; last Jan. 3, 1925. and the defendant. D. B. HEMPSTEAD, Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Address 703 Utah Savings and Trust Building, Salt (Lake City, Utah. (Nov. 15 Dec. 13) SUMMONS In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. Nathan S. Herman, Plaintiff. Bessie Herman, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action Is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This action is brought to dissolve the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and the defendant. Stewart, Alexander & Budge, Attorneys for Plaintiff P. O. Address 1109 Deseret Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. (Nov. 15 Dec. 13) SREGIAL1. OffeiUntil B0u0 gift to bring delight to young or old. Here are a few suggestions for appropriate Electrical Gifts : Range Washer Simplex Ironer Vacuum Cleaner Toaster Waffle Irons Percolator Curling Irons Heaters Heating Pads Toys Urn Sets Lamps (bridge, floor, table and boudoir) Christmas Tree Lights and Reflectors Many other items in our store from which to choose 1 Make Your Selections Early t m When you give something electrical, you perform a service, 13, SHERIFFS 8ALE In the District Court In and for the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, McCornlck & Co., Bankers, as Trustee for the benefit of the holders of bonds secured. by mortgage or trust deed executed by Utah Zinc Company, dated September 1, 1920, Plaintiff, against Utah Zinc Company, a Utah corporation. Defendant, to be , Sophia S. Kallias, Defendant. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANT: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this summons upon you. If served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. Said action is brought to obtain a Judgment against you dissolving the marriage contract heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff electrical gift has distinction, usefulness and beauty. There is an electrical deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1109 Deseret Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 15th day of February, A. D. 1924. BARNARD J. STEWART, Executor of the last will and Testament of Ane Holmberg, - GramteDzSemce de- ceased. Sotirios Kallias, Plaintiff. Backed by Our H. Hooker of New York, who has been at work for some time on a proposal PROBATE AND GUARDIAN- SUMMONS In the Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, State of Utah. cm Gifts3 Uncle Sam Het Up Over Muscle Shoals who favored the Ford Shoals are SENATORS of Western senators for a compromise government plan of operation for the properties to be submitted to congress. At the same time Secretary Weeks Is taking steps to ascertain the scope of his authority to contract for the temporary disposition of power generated at the plant, should congress fall to make final disposition of the properties prior to completion of Wilson dam next July. Should congress fall to dispose of the question and should the secretary find himself without authority to lease the output of the plants, they would lie Idle. Senator Norris (Rep., Neb.) has submitted a government operation plan, and leasing advocates of the Ford bid, convinced that Mr. Ford has withdrawn from the competition, are seeking a plan having features of the Norris proposal, but considerably amended. Secretary Weeks asked Major General Hull, Judge advocate general of the army, to furnish him with an opinion as to his powers in handling the General Hull advised properties. Secretary Weeks it was his opinion Said action is brought to sever the bonds of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant on the grounds of desertion. Vere L. McCarthy, Attorney for Plaintiff. O. P. Address 1008 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. (Nov. 22 Dec. 20.) because Electrical Gifts are useful every day CO. LIGHT OTMtt P(Q)WER SBBVICB PUBLIC EFFICIENT |