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Show The nation demands that we rc our pledges, our fellow laborers demand that we deal justly Published eierjr Wednesday at Mint by them, our children demands that Sanpete County, Utah. we transmit to thrm, that God principle of liberty which we UTAH given MANTI have inherited, as pure as when we TIIE SENTINEL. -- WEDNESDAY,, SENTINEL ..OCT PUB 1S9; iG, dilate for the state senate was pre sen' but fa:led to orate. Trank Cannon went up fold and proved but an indi deem GO. Entered at the Put Office at Manti, Snpele Co., Utah, for trniiniKion, :brough the mails a second class matter. Great Enterprise Sale! Profit-Shari- ng; Guaranteed Silverware, quadruple plate, latest style, durable and elegent finish. attraction aga'inst Col. Gash. I good many of the ladies turned Out to see what pretty Frank looked received it. like but the effect was disastrous to Yi:h these objects in view, let republicanism. Eastern Utah us raise the banner of democracy, and show that we arc worthy sons of brave sires. With these motives ELECTRIC BITTERS. the democratic party is invyrfcible, Electric Bitter is medicine wited we will march on to a glorious and for any season, but perhaps more needed in the Spring, when the Unless we can languid exhausted feeling prevaila, when abiding victory. liver is torpid and siuggikh aad the truthfully point to ito? star of Utah the need of the tonic and alterative ia felt. and say the pcopWof Utah are free, A prompt use of thia medicine has often and perhaps fatal bilious religiously and politically, we dont fevers No medicena will act ffiore deserve statehood. surely in counteracting aad freeing the from the malarial poision. see their Sanpete expects to forty system Indigestion. Constipation six delegates answer to the roll call yield to Electric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottle at W. W. Crawbattle to for prepared manfully fords Drug Store. their rights, and knowing the people as we do, we think we are safe MARVELOUS RESULTS. in saying she will not be From a letter written by Rev. J and that the democrats arc Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich., we Unterrified in the face of any are permitted to make this extract; have no hesitation in recommending Dra foe. gene-al- ly fried-ion- Head-a'rh- ;, Dia-xlne- ss TO ARMS! TO ARMS. In another part of the paper will be found the call of the Territorial Committee, for the reassembling of the state convention. The mem-bs of that convention had just dissnp-pointe- df - the results were almost marvelous ii the case ot my wife. While I was pastor ot the Baptist Church at Rives Junction she she was brought down with Pneumonia Terrible parsucceeding La Grip. oxysms of coughing would In- -t hours witli little interruption and P seemed as f she could not survive them. i friend recommended I)r. King's Discuvero: it was quick in it work and highly satisfactory in results. Trial bottle free at W. W. Crawford Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and $i.oo. our-.iclve- . V s, It is false that any house was missed in. Manti during my house to house canvass. ft is fahe that any voter has been denied the priviJcdge of seeing if his name was on the list. It is also false rliat any democrat xcept myself, has had access to the books. And I defy anyone to prove the contrary. J. R. Christensen, The atmosphere nf gloom which enveloped things republicans here at Tuesday seemed to have a effect upon candidates Wells, Hatch, and Chipman. Mr. Allen is an older hand mid it didn't appear to affect him so much. Frank Cannon was used to that sort of thing and it didn't bother him to talk to an apathetic popu lace. Resides, he knew his pay would run right alongjust the same whether he won or lost. Spanish Fork llt-rald-. Thomas Maloney, of Ogden, the democrats have nominated as one of their candidates for Mipreme Judge, is a native 01 Tenwhom nessee. He is an able lawyer, one of the hest in Utah, a plain, gentleman who makes triends on every hand. At the out break of the civil war, Mr. Maloneys brothers entered the confederate service. He believed in the perpetuation of the Union and enlisted in the federal cause, serving throughout the war with distinction and honor. II is a mem. ber of the G. A. R., the on either the republican or democratic tickets, who has a war record. The old soldiers are fast responding to the last roll- call ; a few years more and all of them will be numbered with the silent majoiity. It is right that were1 spcct and honor them. Thomas Maloney was a brave soldier and is an exemplary citizen. Those of us who admire his kind will, on election day, give him a vote Salina only-candidat- e - All the repnblicans in Carbon county and a few from Emery came in on Wednesday to hear Frank Cannon, C. E. Allen, and Hebe Wells luit they got fooled. Wells showed up all right and talked non. II A VII 01KYJEI IIP In Effect March -- uccessary. And 'hat a copy of this order be iuhtikhcdjr least four sucressive werks in the Smlinel newspaper printed and published in said Countv of Sanpete. Joseph Judd, Judge of the Probate Court. Dated Sept, Jtilh, iVg. W'm. T. Reid, Alto-nr- y for Guardian. Estate nf Sine Jepperecn deceased. Notice is hrrehy giten hy the undersigned, sdminiktratrix of the estate of Sine Jepperecn deceased, to the creditors of and all prrsonk haring claim against the said deceased, to exhibit them, wiihtlie nrcesiary vouchers, within four months af er the first publication uf this notice to the said at her residence the same beng the place for the transaction nf (be business of said In said County of Sanpete. Dated at Gunnison this loth, day of Rep. tint. Maren Jepperecn administrator of the estate of Sine Jeppcrsen deceased. Wm. T. Reid Atl'y. for administrator. a Leaven Manti Machine Work Horseshoeing, No. 5. For Ephraim, Mt. Pleasant, Blacksmith' ng. Provo, Salt Lake and Ogden 12.02 p.tn. Humming and Pipe Fitting, 6. and GunnikOii For No. Sterling, All work funrantct'd. Red rock I'rices. P- Salina CO-OEAST OF Leaves Salt Lake City MAM I. No. 6. For Provo, Thistle Jet, Mt. 2.30 p.m. Plcsant, Manti and alina No. 2. For Bingham, Provo, Price, Grand Junction and points ea- -t 8.05 a. in No. 4. Fur Provo Springville, Grand Junction and points east 7.40 p. m. If you can we have a good place for you to enjov No. 5. For Kaysville & Ogden 5.29 this splendid exercise. I you cant wc hqvV No. 1. For Ogden and all points facilities for bathing or boating. aplcnded 1 .30 p. in west an-- north No. 3. Fur Ogden and all points west 1 1 .45 and north p.in . Arrive at Salt Lake Citv ia now in seaaoi and there is a No. 5. From Salina, Manti, Mt. splendid chance, Our groPleasant, Thistle Jet and Provo 5.15 p.m pulling out the scaly monsters. unds arc laid out for croquet, base ' ball or any No. 6. From Ogden, Kaysville and other sport. The best dancing pavilion in the intermediate points 9.40 a. in. No. 1. From Provo, Price, Grand county. 1.20 p. m Junction and all points east ''No. 2. From Ogden and ail points The Railroad Runs Close to the Lake. Come and get a days solid enjoyment, your m west and north system filled with life going ozone, and spend No. 4. From Ogden and all points your money at home. west and north 7.30 p. n. 5 P, -- CAN YOU SWIM? l FISHING, No. 24. Leaves Manti for Gunnison and Salina on Monday. Wednesday and 2.28 p. ni Friday at No. 23. leaves Manti for Ephraim, Mt. Pleasant. Kairview and Thistle Jet. and Saturday 011 Tuesday, 'rhursday at io.uo a. m. duced hy local labor and home capital and is equal to the best in the state, show that you appreciate their efforts hy cncoui aging home industry. Full supply always on hand at the S. P. V. Ry. yards TIMK TAIII.K Call at station or leave orders with South, authorized draymen. Sanpete Valiev Raihvav Manti Marble Works THURJIEJJRIE.PROP 10.55 A. M. 11.20 A. M. ir.40 A. M. 12.05 P. M. 12.23 1 P. - Nephi Salt Springs Holloway Ft. Green Draper Moroni Chester Ephraim Manti UTAH. Sterling, Utah. JOHN P. DYRENG Paper-hangin- g. 10. 10 A.M. 9.56 A.M. 9.42 A.M-9.2- 3 A.M. 9.00 A.M. 8.40 A.M. 8.25 A.M. 7.X7 A.M. 7.30 A.M. Mn'i fir Sterling. Funk Decorating. BRANCHES-- ' A large stock of paints, oils, varnishes, putty, &c. MAIJM STREET, MANTI. US -LLITS wall-pape- r, s Hilger .Deformity Shoe Co., K. m Third Naaih fi- t- Kalt Lake Cty jrv I falls RUPTURE 'swfati4s:-' - ''I II. M. Bradley, Prop. exeiirifloiits. Daiiv DON'T LIMP -- ) - Ire.-- : Npeeial attention paid to he made lo walk ;itrai(hl. Wa lake Plaster Paris raac of feet to Insure comfort. Special!! In crippled anfd . deformed hue. Steel braces and artificial limb of every drayiip i I 2 l,nke and Morrison at 2. to P. M. Mon days, Wrdntvdiiy and Fiidayn. Returning arrive at Manti 5.00 P. M. THEODORE BRUBACK Gen'l Mgr., Salt Lake City. and Pje. JI. S. KERR, Gen'l Kupt., Manti. Iiirml(l - No is the best resort in Sanpete co. and better lhanmost of those outside II. STOP ON SIGNAL. Trains MAFSSbE 2 M. 12.50 P. M. 1.23 P. M. 1.45 P. M. Station FUltfKS LAME, Painting. North. Importer and Dealer in '' , NO. I H IN EFFECT AVG. J II. Hornung, Agt. No. I Daily PU3P 'I 31 1S95. S. II. Babcock D. C. Dodge Traffic Manager. Gen. Manager. F. A. Wadleigh, Cold weather is approaching and General Passenger Agent. now-- is the time to lay in jour F. Fonts, stock for the winter. The Sterling Agent Manti. Coal and Coke Co.s coal is pro- sense aliout five minutes giving wav American and Ftwfl. to such orators as Col. Wilhur, II. (i. Mail iis and other loral republi- cans, As one Huntington re- -, lican expresned it T, alkin Monuments and Hcadstoi much want Uicin Provo fellers A SPECIALTY.. concert. Allen stopped off at Castle Gate, All kiide of Iron- wiote to the Trib. a lengthy special fence 250 sturdy miners K telling of the CEMETERY WORK OF ALL Carrying torches in our honor and SOLICITED. lie mailed a whole lot more rot. What though the prospect look" his stuff too soon. He should have MAI1 ST STKBET, dark, it may not he as bad waited until the parade came oil. . looks. The rape is not Just fifteen kids packed torches and swift,' nor the battle to the followed the Castle Gate band SPRAY Resides we have whVkJEi" draw a bigger crowd any FREE ft , must- defpnd big three "day than the republican we wool to the miners for we Alien talked and can iipaign, almost ati hour. Reub Miller, it 'with our whole heart - In Sloans Blacksmith simp and are prepaired to do all woyk in their line CURRENT TIME TABLE ta MANTI, ' SLOAN & PETERSEN. . Press. Salt Lake City. - a In thr Pn bate Court of the County nf sanprte Territory of t'lsh. In the matter nf he rsia'e of Willi I.. Draper and Me Draper, minor-.Order to show raute why order nf sale o rea estate should not be made. Ann K. Draper the guardian nf the pentuni and eslale of Willi L. Draper and Klla M .v Draper minors, having filed ber pc'itlnn herein praying for an order of sale of a part nf lie real estate, of said minora, for the purpose therein forth. II is therefore ordered hy the Judge f a'il e of court, that all persona interetrd in the said minors, appear hefnre the said In-- ale Court on Monday, therith day nf iVc, at ! o'clock in the forenoon of said da' , ai the Courtroom, of said Probate Court at the Conn House In hi anti City, Comity nf Sanpe'e. to how cause why an order should not br grnnlrd to the said guardian to sell so much ot the real estate of the said minors as shall he adinin-stratri- - - ost Office. Again In The Field, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ng Guarantee with f4euu York Gash StoreJ Opposite Post Office, NOTICE. Deputy Registrar. 1111.1s-stimi- Opposite Post Office. as King's New Dihcoveiy, e' cause for feeling proud of the result of their labors. They could feel honore1 in being in that body, to choose the first democratic state ticket for fair Utah. Rut today it is a solemn duty these men and women owe to the democracy, to the state, audio themselves. T shirk it would he cowardice, and would bring on them a suspicion of dishonor. The democratic party lias 110 fight with any church or its olliccrs. We are not in a position to judge motives, but wr can measure re suits, and only by the results are we justified in judging. What have been the of motives the may is not. for to us gentlem;n say. It is sufficient for us to know that on account of certain re narks made by George Q. Cannon,' and Joseph F. Smith parties have taken the liberty of trying to influence against the democratic party, and their nominees. We have given pledges, that there shall be no union of chunch and State in Utah, we have declared thgf Mormons were not influenced by their religions leaders, in their political affairs, but the word has gone forth that . the influence has been exerted,- and that the voters of Utah are puppets in the hands of their rc!ig:ous leuders. Our honor is at stake, our liberty is threatened and we are forced reluctantly to fight in defence of our national rights. As citizens of a free country we are bound to see that the liberties of citizens are not tampered with. As Mormons we are. compelled to make our words good to those who are not of our faith, and the country generally, and as men we are called on to preserve our honor. Even the boon of statehood is in danger. It is vain for us to mince matters. The time for temporizing is past. We must cither stand up like men. and fight until we vindicate nr lie down like cravens and allow our masters to rivet on us the chains which we would in that case, Wc have the exrichly deserve. ample of those who made our common country a free nation to point us the path. They risked fortune and faced death for their political liberty. In our own faith men have .given their life in defence of their religion, and shall wc, when both are endangered, shrink from the None luit the most abject fray. would consider such a proposition. The members of the democratic state convention, are called on to issue a new declaration of independence for the new state of Utah The democrats are called to defend that declaration, by every means in their power Let each mail he hi post,' prepared to defend h, ahd his rights a any co To be distributed to our customers when checks amount to S ; and up. each piece. He sure and get checks with eacJj purchase. , CURED FRFF. J-M- i, ONE. GIVES RELIEF. |