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Show . 4- - 'r . IVwf nutl Timely. DIlUXTOltY VrmAii: io(ou!is ' (icin! a! liootH, oi '.lie Saivafiijii Army will l.e in Sait Lake City about ' L.RilMrlii:.. .:0ipli Awcrded iJonuiS Vcrliii FrJr. t flit-bes- The Sensation of The Season S3 EL 13th. TKitun drim. Wrd.ci M .'liman says this is a hail year iivr exploit.:.', l'list may he, tut it doesn't alien him: he isn't 9:1 explorer. Governor- - Culeh W . WH. Fecfeaiy- - C. C. Richard. Chief Jiuticc-- S. A. Merritt. Associate Justice Geo. Dutch, A. Viner, II, W. Simth. Fmtriitlpg Attuinev J.- V. Judd. Murt Pic. Attoii-.eyF. R Thurman. U. S. Mtruhil-Nit- 1 M. Brigham. Register L S. I,anJ Office- - Dvron rAoo Receiver I'. S. Land ofrre Frank The Maine election returns were New Tarrif prices in Dry-goo- ds We are going to have a big saie during Conferdnce. You are all invited to come and see us corner of Main and 3rd South street. The big Corner Dry-gooCast your eyes over some of tnese prices. store w4ik a inild sort of tnisfuitune compared with the yawping of Joe Manley, which threatens to become perpetual. ds MOST PERFECT MADE. lion. Levi P. Morton is a good man , he wears a wig. ia short several toes, and K Cipe Lic.'.M 01 Tartar Fnwd' '. Free is immensely rich. But he will never j.a .Vraicnu, Alum beany ct: era Jn'tet aid. ran is. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. be governor of New Yoik. Had Congress paused the tariff bill I.nf.lSLATIVF,. COLNCM. C. N. Ludn three months earlier than it did the fDeh gave the woikingman good adMOUSE Jacob Johnson Democratic majority in the next house vice when he said in a recent address: would have lwen 50 per cent greater than I dont take much slock in what they it is likely to. he. caI labor leader. In the past working-me- n COrXTY OFFICERS. have been following others add thinking hr proxy. Now let them do Mr, G. W. Snell was run over by a iheir own thinking. "l 1.1 Jl I'gr. They might begin Win.K.fteld Manil horse mid buggy on Main X. C. Snrm.m, Gui;r.l..un runaway thinking about how some of their altlfu. r. Murlry, MOrufii Street, Salt l ake City last Saturday, leged leaders have grown rich. tlejr Wilsfin, t'ainlni and dangerously injured. DRFS GOODS. border will be given away at each - flannel 10 cts. ' 25 cents. We will sell too prices of wool Dress-gooin fancy plaids and Good heavy twilled crash 5 cts. 25 Ladies Jackets English CTuy. Tu: red table makers fast dauusk color cost was $10.00, during this key, Illuminated Kffccts doubled width 5cts- ds sale $3.00. 2otls. Ladies all wool tripple capes, 16 3 c. All linen cream damask. 20 cts. makers cost was $4.00, during thy. We w ill sell 60 pieces of double Extra good and heavy factory. ' Ra'e heavy warp setjes in the plain staple Heavy long yarn outing flannel 7cts. 35 Jackets made of the very lat- Good shirting cheviots 5 cts. covers full 3S inches wide. Jn.x, rs material, extra long satin faced. John Held, Maul v i'nm Regular price 35 cts during Conf. Aprons gmghams all styles 5 cts. .li InF. n f lr.fp'i ('33.0 makers cost was $S.oo. during this Wr. White shaker flannel 5 cts. F.ihr:ni Senator Manderson kuowa that the only 2 u cti. .X'llec'.... nd'iiaiid I.r i l.xon. Ml. Iltuan PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE 'll. sill?. Jiunp Burns. Manli next Senator from Nchr ika will not he .. . We will sell a big line of the Extra wide and heavy fleeced cotton saft $2,00, p .t chM.., IVirr lirravrx, Jr.. KjAraim a republican; hence hi announcement Land office at Salt Lake City. Utah. rta i in, . I 55 Ladies Jackets black heaver Ml. 1leasan that lie was not a candidate for r''ke in Coverts and CLOAKS. Aug. jlli 1S94 kbit things H. 'Mm, ICphraim ; XoYce is nerehv given that the follow, ur trimmed around, the We will Inaugurate during C011- - an settler (.a i.lcd notice of his Cheviots and ho.re sputif yo inches Al'ii y. Jacob Ji hiison. Spring Cilv. Cut, makers price is puralyz- ferance the greatest Cloak, Cape and intention to make final proof in support wool viTt.ir J hn II. Hoi goods never less than 45 cts. gaud. Manii. Richfield lias a creamery now, anil of his claim and that said proof will be have commenced work in.' tor t cannery uiailc before the wrapper sale ever attempted ill this 'nlf to behold, during Conference County clerk of San- Curin' Conference only 23 els. hv should not Manti invent in some1 pete County, at Manti city, on SeptemWe w ill sell 500 yards of 46 in. Territory. We bought at a forced thing of that sort? ber 2.jth, iSiyf via: William Milo, Home Hundreds of other jackets and cape stead entry 7739 fur the Southeast all wool line ilanm-lthat has auction sale $10,000 worth of these Value 25. During Conference only 2-- -- I - . Pcli-r- I . . CJirin.-in-n- 1 r- - d I $3-75- s .4 Northwest 4 of Sec. 29 Township 19 S. John Sherman talks as though lie were R. 2 East. the leader of the majority in Congress, He names the following witnesses to when actually he is not the leader of prove hi continuous residence upon and even the ininoritv. cultivation of, aid land, viz: John P. Carlson, Rasmus Anderso lly ruin Olsen, James, Olsen a!J of May-fielRepublicans accuse the republican Sanpete County, Utah. candidate for governor of Nebraska of Bvron Groo, Register, having been convicted of forgery. It is no business of a Democrat to dispute it. IftSTOFFKF. and Depaiture Of Mails. The republican populist combine in Mississippi Indicates a remarkable state of blindness upon the part of those who know the result of similar combines in Alabama and Arkansas. - - 1 w I. , There are probably many worse men ban C id. Breckinridge in public life. Dut they havent been found out, which hours, S :ju a, m. to 0:yi p. m, cilav liuiirs, 4 p. ai. to $ p. m. makes all the difference in the world to I'jwi ;liir'r mlnulea every evening after arriial the public. I iraln tri.in lire nur.h. Tu-- e J. B. VV. St.VCKY, . '"ome of the reviews might make a hit if a prominent republican could be induced to write what he: knows about President of Stake Cadutc Petersen the cost of spontaneous enthusiasm and Cttiriellon- - lienrjr Beal. J. R of being nominated for governor. M.allien. LATH SAINTS MEETINGS Congress Morse won in the suit Mrs. Helen Gougar brought against him for Sen ice every Sunday at 2 p.m. in the damages caused by derogatory remarks i.thernaclc. he made, but its cookies to brooinstraws S alihat h school to a. 111. that he will not brag about it in public. Young mens Mutual every Tuesday at STAKE OFFICERS. 1 ; ,l1 P- - Young Ladies' Mutual every Monday ; p. in. High Priest Quorum meets firs Sunday in the month at 10. a. m. Seventies' meetings in Council house every Thursday at 7 p. m. Elders Quorum mci-t- ever Monday a 7 p. m. The Japa who are disposed to put up money that they can name the date their nnl!i him Congressman Grosvcnor, of Ohio, was once persuaded to visit Europe during a political campaign, for the good of his party. Torn Reed would probably gladly pay the expenses of another European trip fur him. army will occupy Pekin would do well to read up on the wages made in this country during the period. s Prima i tiii: in. PRESBYTERIAN it 1. CHURCH. Public worship, Sunday evening. - Prayer meeting every Wednesday rrening. . Truchcr hold meeting, evening at l'atuis house. Sunday school a 3 oclock p. Friday m. Adult Mhlc clossc", same time and d.lCC Ml evening servicer at 7 . 111. G. V. Martin. Pastor settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Sanpete County, at Manti, Utah, on Saturday Oct. 13th, 1894, viz: Janies Mellor Sr. homestead entry 7451 for the lot 4 sec. 30 and lots ae. 31 18 S. 19 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cu'tivation of, said 'and, vis: Richard Palmer, James' Knowles Sr., Albert Clark. William Gee Sr., all of Faveete, Sanpete County, Utah. Byron Groo, Register, Bird and Lowe' Attorneys for. applicant sliC!is,ii, and hellhli:l I) ia moi'il S. linking nnriv.iiicd. . pur-tv- n.Sh the 1 nailer i Cie i c l'iint!!i it i.:'!rsl 1: cnhar.iliH Salt f.akc price. The University f Utah will reopen on the 19 of September. Thorough oursev lei ii ig ta are offered in Liberal Arts, Letters, and General Science; beside which the Territorial Normal School, and a Preparatory fopen to qualified students over fifteen years of age) are conducted under the directions ot the University faculty. The Normal School comprises three courses, one leading to a certificate qualifying the holder to teach for a term of years without further examination, and two advance courses lead in to degrees. Buildings, apparatus, and other material equipment of the University have been lately increased and extended. Tuition is virtually free in all department. For further information address. Pres. JrmesE.Ta!m.-ge- , Sa't Lake City. Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purifier give freshr.e and clearness to Chauncey Depew knows a hawk from the complexion and cure constipation, a handsaw. As soon as he landed, and ft., 50., $t.oo. obnerveii the diift of things political, he rice 75 cts. r brgau to talk 'about European mineral springs iu preference to New York poliFor sale. A corner lot. within two tic. block 01' cenlic of town 1393-- 4 rod hoii.-- c fruit tree Ac. A bargain, fn C I. Breckinridges usefulness as a datiiTlars apply at the Sentinel ufii.e. , cither to his party or to his cunotitucnt., was gone; therefore few John G. M auger b dilur of the Sun iicain. from those Scl gill an, Mo., who m:u;ic addi De.nncra'.', personally in itcre.-tc'- l. will regret hi retirement. tii over Cleveland for the wliil.' he was .Mayor ot But that is 110 cxrue tor jumping on Xuv., iS.--, him. no.v that he is down. Biitfnb, N. Y., is 'eiilhniu..lir. in hi Cholera pral-- e of Uliambcilain'k Colic, 11 1' I.'Mitibaa He Remedy. say: '1 he New Yuk n tin-pfive years and publican who slatted have used it for out to down bos Piatt may find it inter- consider ii the fce:A prrpiiriilii:n f the esting to study the sky, Ind to the public kind i'l the market, it is a Map'e a lying sprawling upon one's b:uk in i;l) sugar mil coffee in thb- sect id', ii 11 ( t if t Fir cart mon1 lily ,n S cts. a pair will ba sold during this sensation at 10 cts. 1 piiir 12 cts. ladies and children's i- -2 - 1 1 pavniri'l. end piano Cell and l.im if yuu want a food iiik'.itfui.rt lie Is somewhat iudicrou. position for the wurli) be r bill of the boss to m 1 il 1 tit le of merit aii.l should M 1 Dirg slure. I I - :l 1 1 ill. lit lib' be me ly it I w ill go e and it will hold good way. Ladies latest styles wiappcrs till Oct. 9th. So dont miss it. 50 will go at 75 cts. Webought them for less than 25cts. 50 at poets. on the dollar. YOU CAN BUY 50 . 50 $I25 $1.00 Ladies Jackets and Capes in 3 50 at . . . . . $1.50 styles made of good material, mak- - They are worth three times ib ers cost was $1.50, during this sale prices. Dont miss the sensational Conference sale, Waikei? vBros & pyler Go THE MANTI Union Pacific ERATIVE MEKO.ISrTI3LiEI CO-O- P System IILTSTITUIOISr LEADERS IN line to rygoods, Groceries, Hardware Dress Goods, Suits, St. Denver, Kansas City , Louis, Omaha, and Chicago The shortest and fastest to above Overcoats Cashmeres, Rubbers, Fascinators, points, and all points East. Boots, The only line operating Dining Cars between . Utah and the Eastm Free Iteclinlng Char ('ash on all Train the elegant upholstered tourist sic pers arc only operatd between Utah and the East bvv the Union Pacific system. Reefers, Shoes G1 oves A full line of Provo Factorygoods IJJ SjHORT - or advertising master and full part iculars, address U. E. Geu. everything to be found in all establishments. Alex. Tennant, first-clas- s Sup! Hi-nutv- . Pa. Agent, Salt Lake City. MVNTI OLLEF MILL Louis F. Becker, Lessee. MAUTJPACTtTEE R OP Cnug'-rhsmau- - veil- hose we cannot mention goods, tiiis sale commences before The through car UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. 1 ,v. fast black ItpiSfotaJ' Pn-kidcn- !i.r worth following-n- Im- S. I. V. 17.30 A. M. K. C. V. North at ti.joA. M. South at 9.00 P. M. ivals. . s. V. at 2.20 P. M. .1. O. V. South 13.20 P. M, Not tfc 9.30 P. M. 1 cts. handkerchiefs plain white and fancy It aeems that women treasurer and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. cashiers can be short in their cash just Land Office at Salt Lake City , Utah. as well as men.' Theres no sex in honAugust 30th. 1S04. esty, any more than there lain morality. Notice is hereby given that the I'1 V la.Jies seamless amed rrial 63 during Conference only 40 cts. Ladies Winter underwear too dor.. 300 34$) MA.MI never sold for less than cMATSJRAOEMArS THE BEST GRADES OF FLOUR COPYRIGHTS. Orders and Correspondence solicited rmsrt CAST I OBTAtlf A Fnr a innrrr slid an bmxwt oivnian. writs la Prqnipi M ISX Ar CO., who hive had HnrlT tlfir rowlimim In ths patent buiims. Coraanicw-turn- s Mrtrtlr mnIMmMnl. A ilnndb.alt of ln lonwtlos uncnnna Patrnia and bow to oU thorn amt frm, Also s wKnusof mortisit. Join and actailllla hooks frn IVrenu thronph Mann 4 Ca rmtra vm i nolleukra to tbs nrleaitHi' and tint, .ra hrotirlit wMelv tw!w Amrrlra.. tho public with-- Pt tnoaninr. Thu inlrndid prim. toths jMiird worklr. dMMitlp inapt rated. Uu liy for thw c - allow ol sny rent work in thw world. eif- pnr. Sample eopim tent free. Bnlldlnr Ibfltlow. monthly, SUMS peer. Stnelw JKPJvs. 2 A cent a Kvery nuoilmr eoniiune besw-U- ni color, and pholrfinph ot now plain, piinana, honum.aith eneblius unlldan to how uw eontnriA Andrea jewwf uxl irr CUSTOM WOJ?.K A. SPECIALTY ml :j Imwxuhk, lS"t uiam co huw m uhoauwat- - YOU IJOST KNOW WIIAT |