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Show THE SENTINEL. F iut-- d ;id Published by 1 ib.qr.sEiL Co. V ;tu Soincwil. Hiiiiv il I .LI nal-urai'- LIE d.ii.r. . - i. til tin ifsiiMCty. Utah, for timufuriutltm Hi Nut m UaiU at Suud Chin Hauw Friday Swimjikr '25. I8BI- - Mr. Francis (I. Newluuds, the who ha souie far lies punk coinage ctfVie try is iu svrry aruae of the word, Wkitain Winn, and his hnN')i at tin Irrigation Congress last Wednesday, km fill! of good sens. Ou. of hi remarks cmi-tti- u i yiest dual of food bV alioivJ not tm -- ' TINE FOR AbNEBllUN for our-tclvi-- a thought to tha tail of some Eastern Tliara haa wild dr With it. kit, beau too much of that in tha paat and tb tima ha cum for Ihe Welt to tMbw thair proper pusi-tio1 ih National attain. idof Lara no Eastern people of tha wealth and like tb country west of tha Missouri. To their mind it ia only tba home of the Indian and buffalo. A few white have aatabliahad themselves there, but they are not enough to amount to mnrh, thair proper, posi-tio- n ia tha tail to onr great National kite. This ia the general iinprea-tio- n and Western people hare been doing all in their powar to keep up the illusion. We allow ourselves to lie led away by principles which are iu reality only secondary to others of greet i mportance. While we work ourselvw into a fever of over protection, we ezoiteuitnl earn to forget that the free coin age question is the greeter of the two. There is hut little in the first question for the west, while the second i of importance to the whole nation. What particular benefit is it for ns to establish new industries, to develop new resources, when then- - ia a acarcitv of money with which to pay lor the improvamen'. Vi bat god will it do to iucieare tli population of the nation when a. ready there is But enough iLose woo are already here-I- t ia not a lack of room, nor the waul of chance to inveat meani that ia causing hard times, it ia the acarcity of money that ia bringing disaster all over tba land. It has n - set-tle- 1 f in with II Kug i aaw tiermeu aavaial clausa that might b profitably studied by our own Igw makers For instance, the one which prohibits say inn or saloon keeper furnishing liquor ou oredit except to a regular gueat who takas it with his meals, is worthy of importation. j Tha countries adjacent to the United Hints appear to Uk tarns in going into infernal convulsions. No sooner does tha news that Chili haa quieted down get officially con-- I rmad than along comes statements diet Uayti, Gmitamala and the Sandwich island e are preparing to tako their turn at being stirred up Tha prapostJ qUor law coutaiu Denmark h a followed Germany in deciding to rectliva all American pork that bears tha United Slates No law certificate of inspection. recently enacted haa been produo-liv- e of to much immediate bnuefii a that reqniriug a Goverunient tfl spection of meats; It haa given our meats and meat products a aland ing in Europe which they would never have bjtd without it . , ! t li ui jiii, ia a pa MUtag ii 1 ot ui.Jrsiiul-h- 1.. kl migranU among iIicsm, uiiihiuUii !y, but it is aiiikll and iuaugihh; Tha clai.eihal ia pnMtivrly i.bjrcl-louab- i conics tiuiu among lbs races uf feuullmru Xuiupa, and, although Ilia fiiiar from llnu-- has it ha Met bean recently as yal amounted t mine than 15 Ezyiresard par Crnfof ilia whole. we in a general way, the cImmu-vould better afford to do witlmut having been eupplied by Chilis, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Kuaia and Folaud, and the lotal iiumigra-U11from those enuulriea up tu une J50, 17 (, ainoiintwl to only Dialrilmlml among 420,503. s 1 HMiple, the jrupiifion if this number that ia actually a burden and a danger cau lie held iu check. . MV kbuiig-ibv.,f a fkrR f ,r l.ml - (ui till t X I till Urikkak pra,m-Even I a are marching at railway in auciel affairs ars political wrought with alaotrie rapidity, and tha prowled ao foil uf doubt and uncertainty ihit Ilia cunaervaliv observer may well contemplate it with anxiety, while others in alarm proclaim the Wa are nut f nd of tha world. lose who believe in the destruction of our planet, or fn tlia annihilation of our race, hut ws do bears in vail phyaical Ly which one continent may la wracked and ewallowed up in tha , epthiof the sea, while another, air and virgin, untrodden by the foot of man and unpolluted by human sin, may emerge like a goddess from tha wavaa to becor-v- tha habitation of our race. It would be but realization in cur humanity ot tbs great law ot rerivication which governs all the rest of animate na turn. When condition nre no longer favorable for growth and development the specie must lie extinguished or they must find elsewhere wliat they need for their pi os d ,verity. Whether our piAnet shall be purged by fire or by water, there will be alien necessary tbe requisite purification fur tlia preservation and propagation of human virtue. It makes little if the commutation of the age shall come at tha end of the or centuries nineteenth century There will arther in the future. and women men be always upon meir pnystcal and moral develop- ment. , speed and tiauaformalioni cetar-lyjuii- s l'k lit ,RU to UI (:. Ifj U ILHfr - fa f III M isi sltniii Hurt. is Retting in his fine work. ' dovsloiWi pd While 'the field Ijlrtthm nTyUr'ngstuis. "I bumnMLbi H.ih f M cls fa H A ! ' T eVi' nifiWrtifa ieUftmleMB'1 l1 U y j jtfufiU I .vfivgrr ir I e J H.uiin H HwgSOWlU .Mlkfa UlMliM) ISM fa faWhalte Oil llwSHMIlil fasL 1WiSA. A fijiJili'li'df'CW lfall. HMfll MlfalBjff tdlfill IMklNHff UeiU KI CumpuMdkAe luiffikfil ibfiMff iUircnffl)f ur UUdUUfM Win I iHMFM I'AsM fa H A i all t Iff . I . Um itoaM ethlMUH Co I YOUll Liir wifaisfflff .Curffili1 P, iW(i-n- il.. .r .. f i Cirfa.0. Gc wef H 1 i H, 1'. j At NametMs paper when you writ. 2.0J0Rerences. Dealers in um our 'uMittOi MMM.HLk-IU4M. mt CO-O- e, OWliKavllfMhrt IjMI'UVN fPfl. )hope hi MAYFIELD Fkuv ui "DiTotib IT bit.fafir4 IlMUMliiff. ku--l utB. tiKi !n 'J ? HI -- roi.kr.(l2 lliuR u,, C Fc (r GEO. A.L0AY groceries, m alt ..... a fine line of Mensjuid Boys Clothing, also Boots and Shoes. MAYFIELD. SANPETE COUNTY. UTAH. Are carry 01 otmns In Monti. vek-rao- s nX a o UI -- . s 1 1 C5 t e - 4 N CD o cn iG-- e Agrii-ull'ir- lpLiuft- M ANDSKVIKR COUNTIES. Famous Andrews1 IN)o TELLURIAN Are Still at Their Old stand, JGLQ fi Main. Street, Manti, Utah. r,r Cl JX SANPETE General Merchandise o i s o( DEALERS lir.-- Ei & CO. TUTTLE t Shuttler, Farm and Frei Cron Wagons, Reapers, Headei Mowers, Hodges Planet Joiner Horse Hoes an Garden Tools. Superior Pie Grain Drills, J. I. Case Thres ing Machine, Ames Steam gine, Leffel Turb.ine Wheel Lane Saw and shingle Mill. Agencies all Principal Tow of Bust. Stock n LfiKo Clt5r TJtnli. lfasfar in all Liuild mlbe-e-f- il BOOTS A SHOES. BOTTOM PRICES. p i (D -- rK. a 3 m O $ r I 5? O 7s JWMu O O WhenThe Hair tai al uaes Um um algii uf ialliug, H-iof Ajar's Hair Vwur. llua piriaumuua anaueiima tba acalu, pruumua uia rroitUi of aaw hau, realuna UM natural nXur to Tkj an ladt hair, and reuicra il suit, I uuH. awl (luiaj. " Wa havs au hcaiuuun la Ajar's Hair Vlsur iiwNiuaird iur IhMiuI Um hair, an wa du Uiu altar haw mimt? hi Ha ua. This irvMratlua th hair, cum daudrua and all dnnuca of tha acalp, BiakM ruuah aud briula loir soft and idmiii, and provcuu taldima. While It la aut a dye. Uwaa who have used Iha Vint any II Mill aUuMilata tha roots ami aoiur-ataad- a uf Udud, any. Ibtbt, aud rod hair, kbumlng the color to DEALER IN ALL DXSCRIPTIOVS or trail tilirk. It will not non tbs utllow-cai- e aor a and It asraeabto. All Ibr dirty, nmon bair Oropanukw khould be dltplaetd at anea br Ayar'a Hair Vlsnr, and Uuananrii ako ao arouad with bead luukb like 'Uie fntful pumelBf ibouM hurry Iu the aeamt drua Mun aud purrbaM a buttla of tba Vlaur. Ida Aaaair XaaM. AtlkUla, Uk. "Ayart llair Vbfur b emllmt for tha hair. Il kUmiitotas Um (rowtb, ram bald-Sea- t, mtom tba aatural colur, Tiranm tha aealp. Mwetito dandruff, and to a ornate. wa kuowthatAyei! Hair Vlynr dlflero taaa Bum hair taatri and ttedtar prrpara-Monn brine perfect ty hamlett." Fma I ffbuitreplas , by Fltu R. Parker. .Western OF f Luvo Valley Railway. n UK TABLE. Na 5. To taka effect fiaduasdey, Iice.tt, 1890. Uula t North. Mallim. Uilag Soul, ho. I. . b ho. 1. u i, M p, ma S.uoteMiYM Cbntcrl Anrlm 1.11, . a IU Urn-- lwtrtt Miiroei i Am -- IS. IIS. IA I. to. .iC'Usi k Umber. Loovao ruoMaiu Uma, 4 I lo luvnlr. II. 10 'HoIb Him fr.ls, ILK Imw.. HwW, Krkl, Lam li.ii. Traiak rua duly.Miul akayM ao TrilMKOiit ttatloat Birkk inly klRBIll. HBOBOBB Baosics, Ooaaral UkaiH. U. 8. KsiB, ucatral Saytlkta4kL hia I I. ll:Wa.M II Mam. Ha I Paclio Pul,lu duai-tiw- i Fmvo Siuvu .... ball Liki.. ball Uti.... Ogata - Tailoring Establishment, MAIN ST. MANTI. p.u, SSU M m a.idl p.L Where yon will get the best fit, the best style, and the best P.B. It a. a P.B, lJ:S0.ui cheapest work in Utah, end the best and cheapest cloth, iM p.B. I2:M a. b 1 SO A M M KB, I ti a.B 7 HI ei TailorBTrimmlng.s I Uia ir th) but quality always on hand. IS M a tn a . W W a . priiavilt Lrava (rota Amva Salt lake fH p a a Dtp Wpm IS Arrive If trades S 11 Sill UflJ p N a a to a a, to a a M I Up p UI ISpa P B 10 in Pirtit-ClaB- B BlacIismithinCy 711 m l,up 4 Kpi I - p p mlI LOCAL TBAIUO AlLT Ltlff OOPEa. Iamb Salt Lake If JO and Sat a. a. AR.va ball Lika B:0 a. B. aaf l:lo SplAja All) WASATCH. u!Ss!astp.'B,,:,Bfc awt I I IIMaa W ladiaaols Lac iMTrlalirli . order l0l Larva Umim Lrave halt Laky LaaveProra Lear Leave LORCnuoiPI RMBII. Suits made to slinrtnst notice. nil Laava Muuat Ilaaaaul Lhii b allviaw Laava ladiaaola AtriVk Thtotla laiavo hel, w hro Umujih brook and rivar WooMBhaoS an chUdhoeS EilUor and Projtriitor fan Frown DnUf Ejyimini-r.- I I Spriiiu foava Spiias City gwi-tlns- W. R. HERsT, I IMpia 00 M I p. ia. I.U apui I.Naia lu.li pailI Juartiuu I tu a 1 II p ui Oiaad Uva a. . Amva Urtrn lllvn.. I S a. m. tap . Lrava lima Kivrt . :U a. m. I 'fipi 7 i(iKllla Ulnwuuil laro Brnv Grand Leave llaail Idwve Ephrala vbot- o- Soliu 11.1 lull or Orders hy Mail Promptly Filled, Correspondence Kb, S, rwldo. kipn-m- , m 7.UO p u. II.M p ui S 4A p a, Mail. Arrive Arrive Sallaa DlRGCTIlta P. S. 11:10 S.uu Laava Moaat Slaaraal 0 ll.BS p. MY LARGE STOCK. CALI AND EXAMINE I local tbaixs. ainui. OEtims Till Srovo... a. ki. . nitfaciurer of end Dealer in Sol lilanuc kil.n,,,. y.Mn. m, Ilk U, n . bklLA I'Maa. .M p. ui U.I .. Leave Filin UWUFFlcCOr rXDKB SauLaka....: fruvon Leav Ileavcr I.v iolr.pilr.ya' am, I.ud aud India H'maxiner Bureau -- Ma talk Leave Amva Dm. J. 0. ATRX 00., IMV.I1, Maat. Bold by DrooiaU aad Perimaan. peprrdailSa Oydca WaffT BOUKUTBA1XS. Arrive laiava Hair Vigor Ayer'srairaaiD bt Nta, HulL UTAH. PROVO CITY, dNsaaivcr... k:M p. au I n, p. a. u I fa: Aim MF tiwaftiViT.,, ft;M P. Amvt Grtut Jaactlon titty. inV, two. beavs UroaSJuBHluo I S p. m. 10.00. I arrlva Utoawoiid Bprlaga 1:07 a iu 1.(1 dmI Amva lAaSvtlla i:M iu II Aiyiva Pi --Mo ILlkp. m. t.zoa Ar Ooi Hprlnya -1 Op. IB. a, m Arrive Itouvw iou a i Airtvk SLllArrin-- Atlantic J 1891. Ang. lot, Hint S cliooi C. R. RASMUSSEN, STANDARD BADGE. Biuikko rL. Anlva ol rumHa m Table, la Effect babtbuuhdtxaixs. Watche , fiue Gold and Rolled Fi at ewelry. Culiery, Etc., Etc. Mott Lkavk Square Dealing Fair terms Standard Amva N. 13.' I an: j.re.areil to fiiri.ith an jilting in thi: ing line. All goods warranted. rs .Raiiwai Offitj H. G. BRADFORD, Gen. Grande' Musical Insmiments; Strings & Trim mines. Best Bran Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra ft Band Music, Sheet Music and Musk Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Playing in it and much good infornw vion in for musicians Send me your orders for what you want iu the Music line. Tim I Sanpete For sale at THE SENTINEL RIO IDAHO FALLS. IH A Rich Brown Stoic. Marker, 9? 0 cn va " h to' W wssl-boon- .AAIM u r.i.A I H 1 Ki " 1 0 0 C!t,. Utah San Lakt of dif-eren- nd uritars of lt.a,-sial- fa-a- ihOon.iuai) C Ji.ti'ol. DirioUii JvVl'fa m I 1 Sb. J. es.TLrvrl.1.-i- l Ilri.nt Ii H iitini n flF lal JJ i 0 5t., l tear-etaine- law-The- y RNK jTAK tn-l- i' lue-i-ta- t It-lia- w, ,i B.t F.KFEP1H r IUUI llblUj III- i . r f iirkrur who bats Siilirtr, l Il.r iV 'ri Ink ths huli'li'd al 1 ui in uegru euliMiy. and w bo lu. t'.i sUBlklr llpoil I luiulr. ll rulb-M I, paibap. ( I'll Ihv ur Uii.l- -, ' ' 4 all aaltis tbcia hi tli bill'l l liars. liauy wblla au Iharn being Uuwbria uf uuaeiu(iubuc.bita, idijvrl ,'ki-lir- iua (Id and will taka rkuti to (Ifihwillil rluiir kIu.II-- i h tliaIlia iieg-- hiMia, n,a imary fV r loapuralo kaf IbsV will Iha wbulssals srttleiuriit uf uqrriaa m uai-vrCooler biaila .bo vallry. luow tbo rani will Us to tlia atifi. uu luattar wliat his Cflur. If (I tlwr first Ilia laud la tMi. I( Ibr wblUw oulruu tb ueyruea lbs 1( hi list look olaawbsrs fur cltiiu. Auutliar eau-N- i af tb asm kuuml lutsuak hatrad of lbs tndtslis f r lbs usgio. Tbs tiara aad Kuiqi rlaiui thair laud war sold to tha guftruiuriil uudar tbs dlatiact agresiusot that that war to b opauad to " hits MiUeuiaiit. t'luiarroa valloy iueludea a pMlii'U ol ihslr laud aad bolweau tba badlls aud tha dwrat eowbr-j- . havlug au ixeillng time ol H. dtlli aiuithar rausa fur szmniiriit is Iks Ukeartaluty as to Jimt wlitt laud may b claiuwd by tba oidinary sstliar. TbsMtllora may make a rasa for a esrlaiu aaetou of laud aud lb1 aiay elalui It, but wbsu ha guns to laud oMs to fits hi claim be auy had ha haa claimed au ludian'a allidluieut or an old aoldera presuipllnn. fhs land uUrs hers la Itealgsd by ur thair repreaeuutlves. They have formed a long line Witch siiatctai from the duor three or fuur squares. In liuaaraMvaralold aoldlsr aud mauj speculators who havs pnrebased fur a trill lug sum declaratory alateuieiit of old aoldlars, and who sell them to th taken Others hav hlghsat bidder. pises tn th tins simply to sell them to sous less fortnnat person. Oat on the border there I Utils sxettment, It Is a restless expectancy there. People ars camped la prairie schooner, tsots most pirt, hat and brash hats forth many hav no covering but a blanket a 1th tha sod for a bed. RepremptaUve MiDa, who has yean been a proaouuced friend if the free coinage of silver, is reported to be hedging on that ques-io- Ar Mr. Mills should 50 carefully if he ever expects to lie Speaker, I'ho people of this country may, and often do, rapport men whom have they know .beeaaipreut.to all. :whocurron-cypththe bye to tha publie man who once there is a deficiency in gets convicted of wobbling. . needs of tha country Su rnulm K xb Kaiser there so that increase, The enterprising man at the other quire 9 The Irrigation Convention ot ibis will be lutHcfant fur sll purposes, and of the eable inform! America week at 9alt Labe has a greater op-The scarcity of iha medium of ex- that Europe ia looking ahead in portunity than haa beeu offered to change is putting it at a premium wa. Tbtra ia no news iu this almcat auy olhe.' gathering in Amand working hardship on the mas- statement as it might have been erica. Itieto discuas the means ses of tba people, Iha future pros- truthfully made at any tima during by which the western thhrd of the perity of tba country depends much tha lpsl twenty years. It may be United States a region twice as mora on whether the currency however, that in view of tha abort large at the entire territory of the should b increased to ils proper European crops, tha big power o European Triple Alliance may be than whether we shad Europe have concluded that it will wrested from the desert tad turned plaeo, tax different materials, but ba cheaper to go to war and kill into the most densely settled and this case tha Western states allow lot of men off than to oontinu fe must prosperous part of tlia contithemselves to tied to the kite of ing them. nent. While the Department of protection, and ty means of a little ia experimenting with Agrienlturo No sooner doagLieut." Peary get more or lesa fantastic wind are lilted above consideration meihoJa of on hi Arctic axpedi of iha aarih, forgetting one of the fairly away making rain, tha people whom this tion than the newspapers ara piiucipal produit of their native filled with reasons .onveutiou represent hav been why a relief ax state. in rommon-Beion lenrning b pracsent aftar him iu (edition must Again on iha question of irriga iha tical how to way without get along Iaia not about time spring. tion, ao lar tl. natim al govern all this arctic expedition fool rain. They liaie succeeded. Tba lhal ment has been allowed to approishnasa waa stopped f Avery year ualural difficulties in the way of priate uieaua for a great niauy oh ir two somebody gat eaough money reclaiming tlia arid region have jrrta that In importance fall far be- luge-tileand klarta ou oha of tlwea been couquered, or wlise they have hind it. and although mauv which result in the not Iha way to louquer them these improvements were a Iwnefit tripe death of tba most of their compan- clear. The things that are umlw to tha country there is m reason now ara two : first, money to proseions, aud tha permanent crippling why ainh an important one, as the uf cute irrigation works on a grand nearly all f tha rarvivera, and devslopinent of the west, should he what do aud second, laws adapted to a scale, they acromplikb? A little lost sight of. Tha encouragement instead of to a humid country dry for tha leaders. The I schemes to increase the water notoriety world would have lost nothing The wrestle California irrigators supply will build up this country useful nr beneficial had there had with nature waa a pautinie faster than any other method. With really compared to the etruggle they had never been an erotic expedi'ion. tha assurance of batter times for with tha English common farmers, there ia an assurance of havs almost worked thair tD BRENT OPINION. increased' prosperity in every way out of ti nt jungle, and the branch ot buiineee. All other in- Mnr Toth Frew toTyofhow they did it wilh the dustries depend on the farmer in Defeated rad a fugitive, th presi- Help of tha Wright Irrigatiou Act. the first place, and an impetus dent of the Chilean repnblio will of ie likely to he one ol the features of given to that industry will soon conns ba the target for all those ths gathering at Salt Lake. tall on all tba others. If to that w who, jackal fashion, snap at the add iha restoration of silver, we wounded lion. It Ms worth Klllsg an tha Trseli while, have but little to fear, prosperity however, to rscalUha fact that in a IIochtain will ehine forth and once mote the' Uoni, Idaho Sspt, 19 Ths the Hon. Thomas engineer of the d passeugsr march of progress, so long delayed Stitee minis train on ths Oregon Short Lino shoot will again ha taken up and the Sfyiterview the same as fan oclock band a mao eloaa to the West taka the lead in every haa uttered track apparently dying' at Tiponlt a statina aboat Btty miles from hart. Tba rogartIWg jBaimaceda by staling train halo atoppad. an Inveatintlra that he tha rapreeentative of ehoarsd that th mao' right fag EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. tha maeMlj&inst the slasese. Tbe horribly eiiwhsd and mangled aud that people werq for kirn. - The rich aud be was sitremsly drunk. Ho waa tak aboard tbs iriln aud bivuaht to this Labor Day was more generally tha privilege few are the congrss- place ao surgeon beiug nearer at ths ebrerved throughout tha country kionaBst s."; Regarding Balmacedaa tint. Dr Bough aaaiatiut surgeon for t hi year than ever before . (imoaal ehuructsr Mrj Nelson wa tho railway eompany hsreook charge The political high flyers should oven more emphaflc. He said; of th injured man and amputated tha Thiiik of the moat hoont man in mangled portion of th fuut. Before hi taka warning from the many accidental deriha among aeronauts this town the man who u your ideal of discovery ho bad kwt a large quanlty of Mood, aad from exhaustion la eoi season. Well, ,he is not non qnoaea, together with honesty. alcohnllsm, he Tha American hog bids fair to strict in integrity ijjan Balmaceila. died surly ha guro!pg, Q said ba He wou'diikk hiillifo ratlier than fore dying that Ills naps waa Dm soon become tlia sains privileged tell a falsehood." jk.' ili'kay from California, but no firtber kk character abroad that he Las long Information could ba gathmd.. Tber been at horns. was nothing In his sfathi. except a dollar. It Is supposed that ths lo stiver 1 he II orida Fair nianugerv may Tailrug the arrival sinoe 1820, Jursd man waa trying lo get off, or find it a little difficult to negotiate houjft er, it ia intamling to know Board freight train that pawed hi discovery and was ina 15,000,000 loan with the Fifty-secothat 84 per ceut of the ho)e Lave ibnpgh before Tha dsasaaad was jured ihgrhy. Congress, but Chicago grit" Arte from land whose people east jsatasl age .and was dressed Ip fortr blpg A succeed ovtnlVp n in eking it. conlsce with our native popula- - pending. pay ioi U-j-- u( a U'llk 1 nrl gmtrir !m Will upls u in. - b Vsgriwu -w T. Siqit. tu -- Kvltraeni (iiTsaia, I wrv AVfoari Ih Negro Celny. ti e I'lO.iHfl or IU o 7(3 ; (iermanv, 4 V 4 I'. t cent r pi . u 1 il.'-of 20 20 p cent Iu-Iiy i u i 22 5ti per it ii , -- i naliiinil platforms er, with the 8 a' jLituiui 'bii year. 'j h. r i p.nnl t i ii:c' jnilt.'. i lily ot !Ur. hlaine going t) I'liio tu as theie is t fur to Mr. Clevelands going there Either of nieak for Campbell. these gentlemeo would find it every difficult matter to publlalyr advocate the (Jut forms of thair raapeeliva parties in Ohio. Tii warni weather ia about over, but the heat generated by tha Ohio roipaign ia gatting more Intense every day and the indications are that many will U scorched aud some actually burned up before the euiiHagu'tluu la got under control. A Chicago man has a tlieorv that the .aama method by which rain Las been itu.Wh1 in Texea may be utilized to prevent frost by milting a dense fog, and ha has written a letter to ijecretary ltuak ekiug that experiments he made u these days it doe not do tu say that anything is iuipuaibl. rn-i- nth. i For auUrmJ Ilemmi it id cations are that bulb tion and the ri publicans and deirnci at will spirit of our land hea suppIn-- J their have trouSfa in aquar-n- tla from gaa Pm ttewssn Bnv of yaaag skrto who ivaaeaears ikr tk Twin, I trin to Salt Vallay Uka laUl oat dav ftffitrrartcmnjr rpomtbcchiTMHcirHMof tlMri aavea koura la Kalt Lika. ylvmf SrW"taF VP Hm Jllwaa Palm aaSHuffM Ueeplae Canua all tlm.aib fralms. -- Wn-'ra. DC IXU,B, 3. n bzxnztt Uaueral VM'. Waa.prt.SpaM Art. (tenoral Omraa,ltolt Lake City rtwooirfrortl lr. I HorseShoeing aSpecialtv Wajona, Rnceii k, Plow, and all Cla-nof BlHcksinithinij old on Short Nnlice end in First-cla- w Style at S.R.Neilson s es Manti city, UtnD. saarwBMm IXA-aiTT- I ub ) Johh Wedderbupn me r BimTssn s T. CWASHINGTON. U will prartlcs In the Supreme Toort iff tlia Uulied btafas. (h Court of Claims, th several Court or tha iilHirirt of Calninhla, befhrn CommUtee of and the Biecntlro PspartmeutA - Con-ffrrs- mwiiff runiij of dim :t tao.b -- a wfa ff stZ to womnklo! iinSlr. hm ht S tHg flirt anuMiof earth faTnrttt TWi iptina" h inrIUaMtt (nipouiKlrd by ta pMfnr pflTikfaiB. bd4 adapted sipwiiMM to vowu'i orranmukm. punlv la Ht mrpntitioa andit it otrltctlr hSSSZ any eonditm Fotiv5"druesum a a Stdrote GwribL um by woNtsto pte ifi eyre- - We obtain Tensions nnd Pntents jnfilan (leirtis ami ell p isms of Land Claims, Mining Pre- Dr. PIERCES PELLETS emption sod llnniestcHf Cssr JWJte " clronyc the hrar. atmaaab aad Proaerntsd before Offlo the General Land P'pertmeut of tho Interior end Hqprsmo onrk CmV'ilSm' STlJSST orou a viaL jmjjmi lAED MANTI CITY SAVINGS BANK, DIRECTORS. L T. Tmn, President. II. J. Christkhboh, L. C. A full Vice Trcsf. . Albert Trim, Csshirr. Kjar, Jahks Crawfoki', Jr., Wn. G. Crawford, Truwtii Bfstra! Jas. Mktcatf. Bukiig Btisiun Rkrelwe dkpnelte peveMV aa per ceai paid in aaviayi depoalw. , rive Fin proof VuH Silt Ahsoluttlf Barglgr IW Pifme, rii? tai ftinn Monty to tan im amf nt' vl s at. win t ! line of Furnishing, Lumber, Letli, Moulding4 end Gdorgi Pin PS. Cresting, Windows Klniing, I Riluig, Ihdlnsti'ra, Fencing, String Door Screens, et&i ilustic, end Salt Lake prices. 'Orders by Mail Prompt! NNmth f,f Slonns ltlai-kimiit- C1U&. 2 EXXAX1, Agent. -- AticnilEd lo FluipJffN tlQUX GlllEH, VopniioTt |