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Show & rr- - -s.if.'' rx Vv i.i .i to , YOL. VII. UASTI CITY, SANTETK UOUXTr. OTAtt 1ROFKIOMAL. Nawa From th Far North ll I itllil llT till,,.!, New wiTkliigmen I nWMCrkmvw.T' I I V' . A YORK LETiER dll4 It l fnl'v ,1s sWUiKN hat ell r,.nner long 4 ill H'I'uUllon or Saodrio lx no records wm b. hiik-n8lw323s uliout l.sm.ino. I'i y :si:J Ni 1U2 Vui:k. befit. !, tmvicNNS. Av.. Spt. 2d. Maml' Kmis Aai.iMiTus'. ruoRA'1;: it.jkm'-biieel idUiirie -IS2 ISjInr egd n Mrs, Just her Ilf (Htuialiia death br. viuewit l.und-1,he new Jeui.h twii.jili. APJO LAT'It) n 1 l at . Nowi Jeltinss All KINDS i (iiialad niora tliau 80.00U crowns to UiiMtui 1;, other itii-Fifth dtcttweiug Arm sud Tdib e.cidriit et the ranch of im was which slrret, . Luxim-g:hiaui of Probate 162 dedicated on eluiithlilo Institution. . iruiiitly for Iho corn crop were furnliy (oriy mile uultieast of Cheyoue, Satunlu, ull(, ji Farm band boarding tbriu- to, at) d lilli-- Kriirpilto to he fuiuatit.i. niuht uisgniliceiil T:.:,ist..y. It? little girl was return-in- e JuilKO Kran Fbian Hum. a of tiie , kind buildingH CARRY IX MTOTK member f.tZR OF Land under the v.'ninus entries of 8108 In th world. rn,iH M'hiad arinr a lnwvy rein and Betwu come from Tnw at the buprem Court of Swedm. died at Fami Kiperte rleim that ukj Lamb wanes tiioiidi., Di Ofluse, Court House. M uiti, (Hah. sa il.e foot HHW odracloa due to the Imr . .mi 1'inlaa giio from a nearly perfect iu it aj piiiutuieut ka an ago of 72 your. liuu to wistil PEBFUM- job f04 Mfi'ii in I.,r II. r h line. II, r U hcr wus modern uichibciure rea miiMu, and k Y, DKUOGRT SDNDlflES. To Princeton thei-i..- , I ilr Forbwg, e clargjtusu cf lipar- liLMSfS. SHOILDER j fi 01 (lie 1 l,a that even rivals tbs TVinphi if it hoe begun lie niidhar we. rr.g. cightoa nth Wilkes & Ghaciwick, Riacc. Kic ; Klo. A Rich Saloon ihi re wnh u i lo.ik wliii-- site threw r"ra, toft tlio other day tor America, It la hntlt uf lu.iiana liuiesioue, Franco Keeper ov,i hv purelu-whero ha will join the Braudiiiaviau Muil hi. lira rccwve lock faced, and is of th lhuuiiMHa the gnsLtuie rl.JId to eit Iu an Old ealdi, teililig ( Hii AbO. Sept. 9L Junie In Italy. prniiijit uni! can-fu- l J. Core, attention. Augustan Synod. mar by till lli Haler went down. u Give til trial. Aii-e,- . ulwsy rcAkouablw, T..r aicht one of the oldeet aud richest and by all Myl of srehiteciure. AM) Thf olsouiargmlue The otrlkliif niluars of for fmdi.et the Hh.wcsnd moldings and wrap ths liUle out wl. Norberg nav best known In the carved with citruicss, rs beautifully increase of ddper ceui ornr th of a tdmrp llah of lightning end returned to their work. The last "tarlml delicate fiiliaeii. The uialu vlotory of country, died at hio homo hero today. loll into th elrsam, She was druwaed ntraneo I on Fifth evuiinsaud cuuelit the company I complete. Nows of the death will cauALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. great .Anil lottery men it) New ntleaua hcfurolu-- mot. isr could reach her, The on arch 80 feet wide filled with col have A railroad U to bo bnllt from deal of gunuino eoirow among men Ljasdal ' organlxcd for denmnefratlr and clfect-iv-a woman growd the willow and aaved Rewi-- n col about town. They all kuew him well. umnoand arches. by way of Tarlla to Stag and work. hi re If. The school teaclier and a ar uiuns maaeivs bronze gates. IJU place ha beau their favorite resort The f l"J went to Taylor' Fonat lire la which brine, moot (ho sti eubth for village of iking port years back, ever since the firs, when of OFFICE IIIIDIM. ff. W. Thomas, tbs minleter of the irriCE II 1. U i.. and have m srlv ' d:iy tbs inferior, hsr croiy. She of toftr coiupreu-United State In Rtoekholm. U a famous he Niarted up in a little place on Monroe hud barred tbo dour. Mr. Taylor out wiped eoiumnaof Mexican onyx, with Parley. j street near Gere State. gold was a Georgian hunter. Ha hu been hunting in tliat ,IW dMli,F In the capitals and base Damage to pi..Mty hy the Hood t ' ibuin Fatenu lor Agricultural an onyx Jemtland, aud In 'three day be sue-- b birth but when he wav a boy ha went arch. The dome la supporting fcu4 ilineial Lands. mors than fifty fret Uonaosgra, Siala. wa to 11! Otar estimated At followed h at eooded to ahoot and kill 98 Miiaippl. in diameter end raised no big birds. f,.t above tenileucy of thus day and traveled to the All the big barnyard at the llaggor-da- u Texas, mid afterward to sidewalk, Ths window arc of General K. s. Kueerans hu Icon! California, no hcantifnl las Dent ANveptlelng. country-mansiostaiued glee and the temple! olseloi ownad by the wa lu the gold ilelds In ISlil. and took a preslJeot of th oorltv f iinf1 M viTirieut advertising in te-Tl.u lighted at ulght by a thmiMsnd elec- Army of the Cumberland. baron Axel Pnoao, wore burned to the lively (A part In the rongh and tumble tric h ilf ut Hinds Bqnaparllla is that which Vauted an Traveling, Salesmen for lamps. tboothor ground day. of the The Hrenes lie time. for latent I didnt niwiieluo of Irmu the trial dig itMlf. That nickel 1nI.hi, Must rat class Cigar Company. ('"Uiih ro cured byit,. apoak to I Waahiniilon has ehiiwn Father and aou, tbo grandfuther and gold In the ground. After he had driven thnr "UOrr i ire good referenoe CEijcnaaTiKo hi uvniii i res. Miffnring atullaiy, who in turn for pridcatiug VMMje dii-t.- . tno groat grandfather were over he moot the saw Iho that wlty toplains K.O. H.lKiAH, CO., boiu-dt working ilciive and urge other to try Mi. Potrucli, poor liiissian woman Tha money was not elluging to tha gamblers Salem. N. C. gether the other day on n Hold In expcrlmsut of grafting with ltd- - aucrearful medlclu. Thu the eircle I of Mil dty, has recently by the death if he and iu it popnlariiy 1 rapidly widening I of American viur In Hie Tbo four reaper were engaged liaoliug freight) vineyards of from this her brutlisr, been t cause alona, and more and 14, 30, C7 and 80 yean of ago, and even keeping htors aud perhaps running fortune of from. Southern Austria proved s faituis. more are becoming enthusiastic In betha oldeet ( f them appeared to be Htiong Mexican Maul gams. Lear ing Califor- IS to dominions. fciu-- being the r A largo number of Chin.' as It actually ir - wail- half of Hood's Horsapdrilla l()rupy-al-Lawnon Aieiander, who Nolary Public. aud In good spirits. nia uftej vreil year be traveled all t iu absolute merit. All that ing near Richford.Tt,, for nu op irtnn-it- y I to thl country aomc years ago asked for Hood's Barssparlll I that K'cal. wheu every 4aHy COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. to get lute the United s.nir. The Crown Prlneaao of Sweden and thiouglitho rough ho has slways looked after tbcwr tobo,lveii a fair triaLif yon need a man walked about with his gun strap-- 1 south of Crtplei nw WiaSt.,hllf Ciaavelands Minetrais dri-Norway I expected to lira only a few im.(i i good olnod purifier, or building up gsuw, ped to his Iwdyr, aud when "died of a ainea, lo now taking a pardonable priddl .crowd than the New Try Hoods Harsapertlla more. Ska U suffering with Park N v years In TiWMiir, eelobrating their gaud lurk In a bfE Mow pii.tut shut wound" wa ths fnvrlaMs hoM' ,M and baa again left Bweden for Viwdift of a coroner jury, (lor mads earning manner. To thl cud, hot Colonel Olcott, the patriarch of Ihe I floms southern European eoantry. a record, 'l'lie firm of L'hapin A Gore b left his wo ik In a hardware store A Mjuitei outlie bout imrn Paeitic (j.i f hae saiitd for New Turk lieosophlsis near rood, Bakeisfield, bought a silk bat aud new 1,1111 of dothial , caved ti, Mrs. Karin Andendotlar, one of the which Led brundiM all over tlia oonn-trI bloikcd for screrai from Mveriawl. w a started lu lWA E4 married, end organized a publie and trafle wUl SURGEON oldest Inhabitants of tbs proviue of The proprietor 11YSICIAN AND i days. li friend and neighbors Dsleesrlls, died th other day at an age were well known. The place very soon reception, jtc RMl (lent Pliysicisn at th. Maternil. miaiiilal. Ball imam, ild., Iia. lreet.il tismhlers down In Clinton street turunl out Ig A monument to Cl.rlatopher Marlowe, of P7 year. She wu In tbs bent of became a popular resort, Pilt-f- l Pios.ll at MT. PLEASANT, otylo and number and gave him th dramatic writer, wa unveiled in health onto tbs very last days of her went there to doiiosit their money, and Mr. Williait' fmllan Tils Ointment la now prepared for business a men about town went there, because Jim rousing ovation, after which ho start- Canterbury, England, ly Usury Irvtog. will cure life. lillifd, Itleeding, and Itching llffice aboru tha Wwateh Wtmv, Gore sold the beet obi whiskey in ed on a trip to San Frant-iaeo- , to claim The doers of Brown Univenity,. Provi-h- Piles whr-- all oilier Ointment have Adolf V red so berg and Joseph th estate failed. It fur Iho tumors, allay I Ho hi proopeetiro ran it on the wostern mother. lilcago. CO, R. L, have been thrown h Id two young elerks of Sodoruun, njom the How much of the alleged millions ha for Urn itchiug at nnoenaot an a piMillire, welcomed the stylo, passing cf stranger women. RdiqiHlon weie drowned the other day whlla sailgive iimiaol rslief. lr. Wtlliaiua' In f ml gave him a bits to cat with hla will get Is yet very hazy, no one ing off MalsnrdaL ipnu Pits Uiutiueiiil s prepaiedoulyauj knows how ITTOLNEr iXD fUlXSElM AT LAW, exactly unrh ths family i'ilea and Ucbiug of the private part toddy.- Beatern nun wro coming her Coal Pradue'on Mrs. Katrina Margarita 0 strand of daily, and he been left. and mdliiug else. Every box Is warChapin & Gore kept a register E(K Street, WaSHINGTON, 0. 0 Ed, Ostergotlaud, or sent by ranted. Sold ealebratsd her 100th where every weatsrn man wrote hla WasiUKCTON, Sept M.-'- Ths rmsos inutl on rendptbyofdruggist, die. and Htn price, She wm Land and Almira ofliee lews. birthday lately. CHIMPIOX name for the benefit of the next pilgrim congratulated Specially teiued a bulletin on (he per box. WHXRlilKN of thk woslo by hundred of friend. from the mines. Then theatrical folk, WILLUNS MYd ccr. Prop's prodnetof Iho United Stntw, it Arrangements have been ronijileted Cleveland. Ohio. th coal product of the United Dr. Farrar, of America, la at proMni began to drop In. Joseph Jefferson, for a great Internal Ions! bicycle tonrna-me- States Uurl reached Dick and a other well known of total 13 In llooley 22y.fi I hOlFDI which ho HI, Staying Stockholm, - H8SFIID, l. eity for ths championship of the world A vote at Chicago yesterday as to I too In ths Cessna year and wm declare to be the finMt In tha world.' uni, souio gray with ago and some dead, lo be held in Madison ftjnars harden rained at the mlaes, before any ex whether the WOrld'i Fate ihoald be kept hare Winked glasara over Jim Gores bar- Pfineo Oscar Birnadotta and PrineeM this eity, from Oct. 18 to 21. Tiie for at 8130,21,323 open Sunday snowed the citizens Invito attention to fnoir and v.ried MMrtment o ehsmplons of England. France. Ireland. The prodnot fltelndcd 43,000,387 lYSICIANS AND 8UUGEOXS. Ebbn Bernadotts, ne Munch, an at in fsvor of its being epee- slwrl Jawathe In Against Scotland. present Scotland, nd 6hw1- and travelling Germany have America, .toAl.pf Penoylranla and other nathra-ett- e wah. nd manti entered fcr the tournament, and no and ioaald that Jay Gould will viiit worth It S6. Mines Merino- Darkest In a tS589,S14,anil London, Tbiost Sept. Mothara. Advieo to and mm ot the Eye, Eir, Sow effort bo will to make the exhibi- Short tons . of bituminous anJ spared and Woolen Underwear- Stockholm very aoon, leaving that city Gnssia" points ont that Baron Hlneko ' lignite CpMlilty, tion a great one. As the Mrs. rained at 84,340.!. The avuroge vain for the weetarn eonot of Norway. Syrap hM j fioolhiug Mcyclo.i if aneeeosfnl,Ma oehems, provide Blodre only Two - MOSFORD 1 w. HeslUtnee, been mwt iy milliono of mother fori kosniil BoyV f the Rnsotah MtiqnsUpfdJn Kranoo, toy it ose in Ik 1 rilwvlwkli gtedwef anrticit --wne BMTdreirtMTiihig. ik of I'lty HaU. T - -- v Dr. Clam Eoetaake.of Briton, Maw.. for about 8 per for Ovoy tWty- yuroi and It Is very mnrb used In 81.68 at ths mines. In I8si) - tbs rmy, a. Tt HOSTOBO on Blotk ana ths A Ruils, which in Jaws. letter iotal with perfect anreww. It relieve the appeared insti-tnt- a , Mtabllahod who a Honee. hu Bench the gymnastic and Capa. lot which wm An Israe- England also, American riders will have product Included t8.M.t2 short ton of little sufferer ot once, produces natural, Jacobin And tad in that city, lo at prooant visiting and 42,831.738 short tons of quiet clerp by fieeiug the child from I " bos been published In to look ont or they will bo left. The suthraolte, Wanderer lite friends In Stockholm. contest will be an International one in bituminous cool, Tbe value of Ihe ' luvln, ond the hills cherub awakes as the newenapefs and I attracting consniiro produet wu 803.iiiu,:i!Ni. The bright as a bolloii.'' It I very pleasant orory respect and th first intornaiio .1 product increased iM.57 per cent to ta.-toflolhcs the child, eoficn the A new church Is to bs bnllt In Umoo. siderable attention. It strongly defends DKBG STOKE, raeo ever held. Mechanics hiv tbo deesdo, and th total value durlLg biryele per gums, allay pain, relieve wind, regu-- 1 The cost of the now tempi is ntlmsted Rnssis and dcelani the laws relating to been cent The total number of In enFOIt latea ths bowels, and i III best known I -H- EADQUAHTESS persona engaged putting tiie track in a the Jaws are by no mean oo Ineqnltabl st 100,000 crowns. gaged in tbo Industry was tbuju-i- . who remedy fur diarrhma, whether arising condition to enable the eontetaut to received as Imagined, Referring to th domicil teething or otluT Cannes. Tweniv attala ths highest possible rale oi speed wagaa. in aggregate IKU.lJtiji.M i.s from is Drugs, Medicines, Soaps, Per August Strindberg, ths grutsot of laws, this letter rays it b never been live route a bottle. living Swedish authors. Is at present Iterated, bat has boon operated with so fiunary, Toilet Articles, Etc. in Jemtlaad. Hs It writing n little rigor that on third of tha Jews staying . j new hook, ths title of which wUl bo: redds ricripiion Car in governments from -v Tf M Tha nature of Sweden." Famai lletrilt, Preldrnt Etn bonihkiT, whleb they were excluded a generation Fascinators in t all sifOUT&w Hois, GIovm k H. J. ChrlilaaitB. Juluff 11. NORWAY. ago. This, ho says, 1 a sign of gradgreat variety. Mittens. W, G, Crawford, Secretary K, WllbMk, Job bo to la which least ual improvement 8. DALTON, Manager; Albert Toltla; Tnainm Ifliue Kiilfllff, The aleauer -- Troy" wu burned ro John . Mittelfg from a country James Ogwcd. Ifaaagar. MRS. I. B. BRTINEL, Prop eontiy, during Its trip between Stavaii' expected Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shades llrnry MpKhhh, h444liMl like Rnsoia. Con tinning, the writer 4hrlffieiiMii. -t wwowcq. 54 inch, all wool Suiting at 60 cents per jard. Cash in tree get and Thimdhjem. Th coptala, hla says that 20,000 Jaw reeldt In St. Peteron and olz of ths crow wan drowned. from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. sburg and n similar number In Moscow D Four laborer wsrt killed Instantly "Explosions, hs adds, an entirely duo sxploskm to Jewish violation of th law. and three badly injured by certificates hare been forged, Physician axd Surgeon, in a factory la Skin. frandnlent permit printed and a reSkjW-drMiM Msrth Mrs. Clawson and MtJ'leasaxt, Utah. trade In them proMcnted for years celebrated their 80th birthday In gular rerun cites hare also been used long treat all kind of distsse in wero by and congratulated Christiana, Dealers a ckillful manner. da3 and Diseases Tha old after the original grantee wu a great jnnubor of friends. peculiar to females receive wfthont means ora thnnMndsof Jews, lodiM art twin alitan. Jtoth an in good pedal attention. trade, have settled in Bueala whore they health. bars no more right thin a pan per ema Bjornaon haa doantad a greot eoltoe. igrant his to land in New York, -of mechanics hare also foreskin tlon of book to tbs StoiWivednlen liKeep on band a npply of their regular occupants and hare taken brary. to peddling, thus violating tlm condiKrletoffor BsnUaa. a bricklayer of tion under which they wore allowed to McCormick No. 4 L.ght Steel Mowers and latest improved Steam other tbs wife Christiania, maidsred his Between 15000 and 200.000 settle. Farm Binders are taking the lead. Oar Knotter has FIRST-CLAS- S W0RK--day. Ths man wu beastly drank al now resides in Rnwia In open viothe tim e, and wu arrested Immediately jews uf ths law. fraudlo lation only J pieces as against 46 in other binders. See living KITLt THKTHtlT HUUTItl. ulent permits, or by buying ofllrials.bo-iu- g A speech, recently delivered by King the special device for elevating the cutter undisturbed, they have become ranra Osrsr, lii Christiania, has been liked bat on our Mowers. TCAll and admired by Bjornst jsrna Bjoraeon. confident and invested money In hotm This la ths first ot Ojear1 epscchee which is against lbs l iw. and then w deni aro received (0 enforce tiie BAFJS CUKE OK VO FAY which has been anproved by Bjorasou whrti Anuiciln law. t lie! oil Wills world bear of HiYlBf obfuiiiMl lliff fgr1nlrH riirlit hie, baen wholesale vxpuh-iouaccompanied by flernUir, I ato mvpuvt tc Imt rvriMldi Should have an p uon Painior says that Hearirk I T. A. winter, mw Jew so next year time some vt-expelled America FILES brutality. eveiy will crM vmaiiRnlljr hi fate. They all know what trcuuMMo Mo dtttanlloa from Imslnr-tcom Anran O. Honen, s prominent eitlxeu NO PAY UNTIL CURED . doing when Ihi-- pass the pals sis they crown ot Araadal, has donated SKMW) Poor Jews suffer Pi. C. MAr!, domicile. of iheir machine manufactured. of Hi the bnildlng for The greatest labor-savinpmpooo Ilia, UTAH lo that eity. ATI finiii.ilis r'uor of Urn law helog m oit for panpors. and malntaiog a hoot and Nnch like, at the Nov. 43 and 47 pciidleis, Msln 8lrL If mercy of whom The VerJisv vtfoap figure ont that uthorixed Agents for tl-- fol iciy petty eflii fsl introduced Ir tticy nr lemieleJ (:uia ill ir to (met. If general male suffrage Is fli inference visitor should not f..il to cnll oii ns while in the method Bro! lowing Companies : inr lode the poor election Indirect the sud City, Norway W have Iho 1 CARP, f largest nud liest lighted clothing store in the West. Our will hire flit iho: (hkticket it million op iinptomis. ten Jess, eontinoed. anayearald.it tt Birtfor. Hartfrtrd of - IIrtfnl to bs voted in Christiania alone. Thl. log n.iili rial it is price and goods are always reliable. "Oih-- a cifstoninr, aways a 1.1 d- - al with Ilay Rakes with STEEL wheels are "Selling Umilalof m. T. Home of Nee- Y"ik I field motto. is our like hot cakes." 6 Hundred (Pends. cnstonier, plijelijiid for They have on the euppoeltiou ot SOBO velars Columbia of Portlla, OhtaBOO electa ri. of Lind. Wml of nor . work nMlJew-election imoiiu' any They rqraaJayChaTlaa q, the q ,r 8tr,,ne' families mn4 be supported and tlu-iPENNS BE. tlic moment tlicy lesvn Kusair nutll an ala fHrtil. Nanif indefinite date,' when they ean maintain & A convention of Danloh phyaldans Nephi, Utah. unaded. The government KNICHT'E tlieniaelvM First One Class other day. Accommodations. I wm held In Aarhno th will not allow th rapohle. sturdy better hundred and fifty phyrtelans took psrt pTONEClTIERS AND tilVDft: BYOKK, 1890 class, who are all military icwrvisU, to A stir-- l r MCCORMICK Machineswere manulactured and sold In the diecoMlon. r. s ;., j'.f leovo the eouutj. Manti.. All :hoo visiting tiie Temple Utah iful BV 1... 1 OYfvV) k x In Aarhni i:ve ' 111, 1. lor The epldamle of amaU-poshould inquirs for this House. lK)p uij . Vaalnra ration, CmtipUK n .rl ;iil Saveral now eaM lllBXHDaFlCtM'M If RI Il'YtR. iSf i not yet at an end. Londox. Sept- Free conveyance to the experts UBHtWif pmi FteWweiea f teii -that tha net addition lo ths noragree A Temple every dayv fwh'bofan;;.'l i.,r will ho lullt in the mal imisirls of America grain hu not o A Specialty. ano amt lijr nr.:) iN.HiiMif. Tents ami Covers Wagon Also Grain and 8tahling On Months TrKilmcuf f.nBock Fronts for Building Neatvicinity of Aalbfrg. by English eapftsl' exceeded flOObf'O.OOO, of which part Laryipackacr.flni;kHili.i,..i'ii( il.CO Parties deatrlng anything In these K. Jonx Metcalf Proprioye luni'Fi will b taken in lnxnriea and part In liitc lines, eon aavs money by trading hero, ly Executed. on a otrlh ca. ct tmint, v:i. as we have a large wuaicii Save stock on al It (ha extravagant baying of ziionr band, A,T your Money goldThs Carpenters of Voile sr Unto West of lovq'i by buying the Milford Utah t3f A nUtAtrmi (Wdl-- J I. , ... ! between the America railroad oernritiM conliniM Houses at SaltLake City. Opden. pries that Defy Competition. A Miter feeling I CM rn,.Idaho. Falls and DOW 17Stb K4Kfoa l'!iv.) Idaho NEWSPAPER GOODS GUABANTKKD TO 1119 th English Indebtednera will be father fprtofial effpmrfw. I. 14 ' oi.iv Ifffitlj, AliHfcfovne Inset and strtkerm Jot.ndl urt I t. M imtffn.ffiviyig MOTO enhanced and will lead to an Innw . CAorouiaTa VnS A n Ate., likhn. N. V. Martin ChrWeneen to of bullion shipiuvute. ro-- 1 Mr. Biffc-nADVERTISING SKSiKSTCSSw &. . hotel owner In Kehjerg, n Ar Ciptahi McCarml- k. if il r fiver sMlierpBlilwwfloFH 10.000.000 In gold If t Orderi by Mail promptly Attended lo Ififiwr4 Pgfyp that estimate cent pedifuw, nnm "I bmibb of pvbt hfrniMpor dead- rhrNt wH ffnTi!iii ith ii oimni. fiuviTiB m iho E. L CaurEKTen. eiitNhHNi L. T. Tutth nasons a w.mld be the liviit of tbs export to Sow rffent Next of Ltlg I North to the door Itinrinr nf oiif Ihilff, i Store, AwfiilffiirNrii(Ff Ephrufa Ku. toll". Atferl. Manti. 4Gii-iiiAgent, p Knutsen. delegate cm Ii irMfi.niik dm cpBpiiriiwfHr maximum thl but Manti. Main SL. not to dispntad. fork CdHiiS S. J. IU C !! K. Bnweel. gavo ilirM flvprf l lt rtf Ih4 nifffa o labm eongrcoo of Increase an the kM'ftl Jan. SlYvkv AwlliwiinfWiiit cii iilidloin. It (Terr Is expected to entail Ihs 5 HVI tNtf'UJMlrtr. with my KifbP inrli IW Hviuwi.Sr. X. v . Fm ifI. . ' Ihii'li, Kfi il tptnf sliilr minufrf nlMe Bank of England rat to 6 or 6 per not InRoucL.I Ca, i zzJjigjjliuBg N j . ml roiffm Bi Pm'irolnii 4Mrff -t am dca- -t I Vtawiemra , s inhirni Yoticaa set jtmrnwti Hhu't or ItiiRirj eribIi fiilvririvprsHrijidBt cite and Marble Monumcnls in thoie waomumay c --Hin vlui. Immhi i.. Tiro wRIpmi ukiDir lb wlM'l ''ti. fBHirfmiPlir m ii h ttfiail m4mf iifwimpr, Khwa and .n ebxm In twallr n v tluI terrible tOorwyal, the i. Prie within the nwl of etsrjbAdy Spsla aDa4caasvllilund Dining nwlqilvvif ho pijTf h gMHj prriiH-rih- ff i i i, a tUcad Stones, Etc, full dlwnrrMS Arhnol Mi4 il ! i lnrf ShpiIIm Hphi wars r h n 4.75 r(rM swept poinls lieen reduced from 85.25 to wy I du of per ' human hfldiwi by th sroTs Coal H(iKUlh'O , 8M whom or head Wm. T. f'llg-'H- : Reid, I ll-- - f ti-- AnnN'- rt)hlrU hI, 1 ri ' Usii-.K- r 1. SMOOT DRUG CO. . . WuW 1 v-l- pp-ij- JIKntCISliSJCnEMIOAW Kalo-mo- land agents !,r. glu reui-hln- e ATTORNEYS. saloon-keepe- PROVO CITY. r UTAH - lb, C.S.WILKES. '"l1' Ihn-ate- .and rAgent'&Attorney ... RELIABLE1MEN ,u 1 I m-- tl ;:,'w-,,,ia- o t d. SOL.SPBAGVE. evee-he- ll' bru-igh- I blt uicd-irlii- e. bob, Utah. s. u.&Lhm m. d. y (' Piil - I ot Lind-gree- 1 sh-or- ta m. B. MATHEWS a-- - Jrs.Kosford, l.rg, Mi' rSd '7mSk'f' J?? an, Wlur-low'- g 5 J- nt, ' u iMANTlt - BOWS. ITT b3 WP RITItt Jlubber8, fully filled SHOES c. y ItHlllL Arctic Directors; W A. DA.YIS30S M. Head Quarters at Manti, Sanpete Co. ss GEHTML UTAH up Wool. Hides Pelts. Nnm-bor- J. B, STACEY, ,53?! SaLlks,ND5?wSini dentist. A GO, NSIrB PILES CUBED. BARTON & CO., fr JTTLE& STACEY, lc J?AI)IKtt . ALL or GI0TS1IJES "Acme Salt lials.o City. - GEBM1N 1 I.ock-Leav- 1 at per Ostler Retards, Blootl Cure I ft g er 11 s r Hay Stackerand Rake vjksacv liaise Your Own Fish. e RANCHERS -- -- nu-if- Hre lnsnmtbce. SCAKH..WAS. 111 !; I & Sons, fA 1. CcwRo-rsi- H dill - Hamess-Saddles-Bridleslt- i,.l.L-w- ) OVfl10$,000 BKAKCH 11 - 1 TEMPLE HOTEL. Consolidated Implemen! Hy, 11 on or Write for Prices. Co J Km-!.- c, M f.x-- : ' L. Parry Sons monumental stone cutters. - well-know- t h uuu Ssstara-- Yard opposite Titbing Sa First Class. I Co-o- irSfllnv- - i f ?- vr inn-M- - 1T j Pleasant Valley Coal Co. SAX.TX.ABJi! OITV- . |