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Show Marble 7TERNOLINE SHEEP DIP, ZaaaEdr-jutobtdiu- fr Icllor j 2i rIA 1 MottlD-tob- t: rv.1.; CHASE. rr.iii. Tiiuvo, ". u iai. p R Story o? FJilribut ion. ft;prnv. jii Jlejl liV-- i JV HSXIllLsuii. I'KAMi.ri IM (icn era I Jfarh undine II.it.;, ;.nil 1 aij to a l llrlniijfiii inn H ! More, at any oilier il;.;i:C County. I .nr ct St'. ol 1rice. Ferron ir.-- l Ii-- ! !:'l'l Utah, r,.!.vi: iv ti fJ.E R t A t. Sluildiakcr J?ro. Uagon, Cairiacsan. Carls. StOL-- for Anio.i Wldim-y- ' Mowers anil IurnpiTs, Pcsli Salina, .li.il..i...l .if i.,s l.f... y "'I l" 'I l nialili "i' ll I n 'iv lia.i : l.i li j tie 11 lllu:liill' . 1 IIH ls i l ,i r t f. .If. i r 1. ,a i ije I, i.iii. any e. iiinji.. j, lia I siever i.ii.'i- i.r i) l''i' 1. is vi. lilt. s ,1, i I,. Jus own in .hi -in s. II, li:iil In.iii .kt,v.rls,:l in si If .,,.,1 lu.j a l:Ic ill nliuii jiuiii , ,.VVll I ii Il.if ii. at Hi,. iii . ef l.i i)i!.:isr.i i,, ,i. iln:i. all, . fi e)i hj; iiu I,. In .1 I.e.iii el.isiji,, t r lion I n vi.,i a ef lin lile.l f n,,. ,,.vi liiNi.irii-i- , hi v,.r ,i;.va t , ,,r ll. l'U.lU-,- l .Mill ui.j.., i , ...jl I. .:i !..1 I .Vi- Jl,., ... w.i" l.i i. ail. t. . .mu .; i. !, ,. Wlul I i.ii'i tin miils Hu I.iii.,. n in iii if! I iiu,iv jiui-a nl ivloi'.i 'i'v Ji"1 uiwiii iin i.,;:u hi ai,-- l ilsr j'li'HL Wi'fi io r :ihi. )..:v.; lin S.ii OfLlcu, l.i-- i 1 . iy. r : lli. j,,. . . in'.1 r.'V.ii., ,.i.. e. .Y . i. ,, , ,N iMi! ...Ii. .ii l.l ! fiiie.i. ii,,. lin,.,'. . ,n. ... II: iii"l.ii yreiv resil.-M- , a! iiii.i, anl ti,, Imii M.ili-iieof n:i.,ii. u In- ,li,l Illi - - Utah: lll, - in, : i el II 1,1 i;1 re.i-!,- r.e.,:il. ueiv ;nfi. hlianli'M ll i ::mia.l liy li,i:r;:,i.i divams w'lii-l.r..ii!.L in !,i, i,.i.i j l;lrl- liU-- ' a muling i'.i:inr:i,..a. iIip fc.t.neri f only tiinl.'viii.! 9,'U. r.,,11 31 lie li:l le t'lruiieli Ilf., ho now slu.iiieioj iiTi.li -U.e :,l.a Imi f tin j;a!liiw-- . nini f.'ai-fa- t a I Ilf meal'll :,iri:.re tl.n a; tiiiio, ho r.j.l:..l that i i.i'i'ii.l mi;:, i. 1h.:,m..j iUllf DEALKJIS IN Ulien 1k1n s.'i.ii ini,. (in;i- ,,-el'- s .,;h5erchanUisc-DR- Y il.h.p a!l lie:. 1e.l. a,r..j iis a ini In knew full well i!nu !u w.i.iM, aiiorall llieyea: . of t:,r of ponaliy hi. peai.: opinio. t Li. 1m liii Ceiirof I,:i i. i ii nio'ily, arr.'s. anil oiiiirely ..as. ,1 io i u. Hi., who appreadu-- l lii:n. lie neiilio tx. G-- . prov-o- a ln)( of rvapr nor ni..ri .,ro.l il l.ie fato. Nnin iinaeiai'.l iliai lin Agents for She Coujirr WY.gmi lorrll.io vi.iiiii of a jii.l ami llin eri rll.ljs IliO ranso of liis silein .Imiieh ulli.-r- . aiov.i j iliai In uai oniy neiliulin;' a Im.IiI anl final plunge for A l.l.on.y. r.o tiial i ll iniehr, In in a mnr.iso re I ioonoo. Wliile lie liieror.' il ill p.i eiii Mr. l'o l:n. an her friou.U mn takln'j a from llu inionr,') oxeiionii-ii- t at a prelij '.ll llo l',nli;ii Ualerlmr lla,o. lij ill:' in tain lu r.n let for a liinPili.i Him' tra Iv in wlii. il llioy lulls'. ul;o an iii.p.irl-- i :i part. M. li!o.leV ll 1 lioon Celll'ileiiiy on I viiiii.-- . :!. 850 E, 1st St. l.ini'hy Hi.) ri.'i'm i I.. lit ina'lo a l..iri.l iletrrii.ina'iou Io m .',rn to Ameri.-- an. I never a:;.nn n msi M. a Kn.'li lie re f 'l iv.slcu seven- - a i noils sli.vu that oil tlit) iKjeiry of liis sonl w. eriislieil VtWWCS CUViV .c.l, anil Li tiiit oi.inKlliJ to s..i;sne for Hi inletini:e i(riiv.l the w r i y . I an .le to l'aile r Thames, In wliieli In, lia.i vw av.nvel hi : intention of jm tiiiy a a.l ainomil of re s ais li, luisir .ml tlioietil. Tl.o worl.l was thus rohlnU of niimiior literary pent. llu w;. I rue to liitt word. anl a v el after Vol:iaiuzV ineireera: i"ti Mr. of frien.ls .m'oni-l,- ., l.'U-- l .Tors li til, Jiarty hsl him to Kii::tm station an.l 1m.Ii, lilia 'ioJ Kpocii on liis journey homo. Alien t Evn weoks later Mrs. llelnns Armiila .anil lVroy totunu-i- l to oJTvWC, (jWWiVvC.ft tu inort t h" Aniori.'an ilot, c ves, n he ha-arrives! with tbooxtradition paiM. General tin- GOODS, - ii.i liiw-riy- , Kr-.i- Groceries, 1 CLOTHIN KALI y A; U VI is THE! ni 1 HlMeiMf si I. Ii, City, exi-iti- W. 1. Ptcot vW SNTes. JoY 11 l TvcUvW FIELDING HOUSE Bloks From Temple. FIRST-CLAS- S -- iu .l l.i let l.l. iln iiniit, !k',- - -- l'.iiir 111 jlii . ,i.pi !r'i rt, cl1 w:is ii. ald ll Hilly f:. r .,l,.,.i i ... u.,in..ii. 1 1, IM . li ,Uj. Hi n. iti'ii w.L j., ' t . ru lii.ii.-- ijuioicJ ) I fXjM j.,,. eiivsix I I "''I1 !'' ;n. iiiir,a,(J f s iii . is'iS.llltl iU, till! - of u tn'H- Ji'i'-liiin- . Iti-jiI- . ai aii.t n.iirii.n' a dull, lii'.tvy lltUtl w;i4 lliriji;Ji t h.a vrvl, an.l a i.,i,J l:,n r sl.ri.-k- s unl cries r''HI ll, lr. w hie I, l liar., luado the he.il t ..f any lii. i,cr ..th.-- than an I'.d si'.i t. '.p:.,i; Sl.in.1 still. Tln-l :. i.a i.i.inii-iii..I s,.seiise which w:i niil. ly el. .in, ed l.i lii.rr.ir w Ill'll ,o ran np mi ili.k t,i...ul i nyy; 'V;'' lie- Ship is r.ll in. To tin. U nil lieu f.ili.iwed ti..- iu, I, I. liming e,.ry.;. in,n.:iiinv tr.uu ti.e Kieorae.., . graven on every (a:. (m. uni a!ke lin n.i- - an 1 it'll r.iiip; out tlio fisoii ml tniif't lUil,? ut .lijii S I. n.1 . w ..in, Tni lor-- of l.alul av 1 even on pear, that s.vno of il.imn'r as l!,; ,a:l.i. .sl,.i,:el: "V llu, will.1 Il,ey l.iwi:.,! the lifo-lk.afroij t fli , JU ! ? CBS - -r :1 : " V' l r (hit'lr u t. Mi ii, ,).! V our J. kv V wJflJt"W I c " IMM BOUVM. b kod Mtto tM MM Ml tJtrz2'lrz;zs:sz: nuahh lor a, " rale tho ho ai K alt olhor kheef fur arkh. InnMr, WXLLUM W) MOAOiSC. DIP Iro yaar dmto. mk U Fernollno Chemical Co., 18 Broadway, ,f f- dip u, rERMOLI f RtAlT' iV. Ni.titi, V. , til ?., ).,ti Woil, arks y.ii I, wi-1,- -1 I.n 'hiii t . n f'lnj Mem I . l afllal, milt Id To. lit .SAM. CO Jw Utah Yir rrt.b1.Uwl. kivro:, IUI.KIC M. WUXtsCNAlPr I hm Director i'll Ai'uliMin '1h ii. it KiM Ilnurjr A. A. HtutoHe Wo UfayUML I.TIur. T. PurmwtM, IiIh IflfUNpi W. ViHHk l.trHnM( l.lUNUiklTINb yuuito. HoMlk-jf- . Krtli'ikrt frMMU : MU Ismim iiMiii't IM iitimi'dirairilyi I ifriMiifSFhNiijrvi.il mii ttrlnriMi imimi, BiU. Ihml nr iNui. i hi kkvliiftM I,iiiiniiii4p mt emit lliHfui iUirtiylfi I , Salt f ai St., : -- fsHUIlM. i.Mt f,i.l(ANT.rnNtJ.nL M M II. r. kmllli, diu.ll.llflHu, ,1 r i, OF UTAH wnfl crivtiii;.' J I,, WIi.iI'h I here an imieli i . xiiiitry, iibiitil I luil iilcilit'ine they call Nutin'a I.lm k t d I men neier lii'.-irl'luiae aiiylhiii ' like tluy i that. I' lnu.--t ben great and Healing i v Colic nnil ldii ti Medii itt, ",i village I go ini,;, they Isgiu telling mu nlinni i ilil.iM. iDW fiiilil liheil, ai.il how nice it lieitiiHl that li. i : iil nullified with a win h'liee, or a ni- child had l , t. , ,1' burnt and it look tlio ji.iin nut in liulf nil Imiir. Wcti, t m- - . I'm llirrusileiniiri iu buying hu di a niedieim. Yea, my fiietnl. every uni - . i iu lliat liiedieliu liivm is true. 1 havu used il. and i: ,i 'V'lik mi yoiiil and true 1 use no oilier. Mr friend, Albert lien, .. ,f S.ill Like, il . to tin simply Woinlerful, Imi.i in'i innl nnil the No tlien will con.o u ir a wound; ; il uiik, tahrs ion p.iiu leaves iio scars. Bud t lie internal f,,r liiiman tin, in blue hoses, lias cured tlinusnnds of men and woim ti who wie Hiili'. iiug fi,,m Kid-ne- y and Hladd. r di seaies and S ie Throat and Ph,ii.;Iis. Wbv, it l,il, me if people stops them in three or lour dose.. Albert would have onn botte of each kind in tl, lions, uaitv, h, nnidd save half the lives that are lo-- t, bund red 4 of dollars in bills and have good health and strenpih and their i til, nud lmr-- e well; that a the lenson, my friend, no many people it. 11 ho wouid not praise stud, a Died e ie? 1 l.e the finest trade murk nnd n e. Hverv sieru tm per ought to the licat medicine known to thi.s ,l.ii: K, ut ,i my uli.di-ah- keep it in atock. All orders 7rf' rMHuMkvi ; ti d MU ! The Ihreads lea.lini to this happy termination are handled in a masterly manner which reflects great credit on the author whose rejnitati.m is rapidly becoming national. The moral of the story is healthful. It teaches children lo K devoted to ilieir jiarents even under tlio inot di scour agin-; condition', and shows how drunkenness ruins home', destroys character and reduces its victims to a slate of sicken- life-lk.a- uiunur, I would kky, Oat Son. So thn 'oor I Kipiw iso oc-- -l Kountuqi I four SipfUaj tuk. ud lkf won , Ojior A. II. IICMHIIHYS, d-- ain-nip!- !Ua Youik Iniif, V. Slm-- BLACK Oi nill-s-r- Its 1 exti-riud- h-- ils MAYFIELD CO-O- P, Dealers in 8. Ih-u- dm-lnr- pr.-iit- I Drug Store, Salt Like 'Jitv. Ye'low, lnleniu: in Jtlue. and 1 1.00 each, or j.0U and $11. lit) jn-- dozen. Sole Proprietor and Mnnufaeturer, agents, Z.C. Are carr)iiiK a lint! line of McnVand Boys Clotiiing, sloo Itoots ami iytot's. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY. UTAH. M. External in lriifs, SO s r ing brutality. mi. eliary of Vcias.U.'x eaino lip tin t'eiiipanion ladder exeil ts'aeh lie oilly exelaiiuin: ll ecaii l.ai aliall we ii..V pri oner! That sliuiild han lwen llioupht of Kvsnier,"iiaid tlii'Caplain. Follow me"' ho sluieiej. Wo w ill rexeui him if "it tii 71 West. ETC. GROCERIES, Ir-ii- in qmmti c. iv. jvuivjv, Vficrinjry (Fr.jrmncy, EibTigffBriiriiirBWN nr-"- SALT CAKE CITY First South Street, Boat Stock of Ki'.yC doieo-- t lint OlotUlng MANTI ROLLER MILLS. 'Vi. I (he prisoner was accused, lio was not yot found jyuiily and his Inw hoar woulU net permit him to leave oven such a onr a Vclaxquoa to a liorril.ln death without an cITort Ip rescue him. Accompanied hy ono of tho o (Peers tho oommandor hurriinl down tlio slops on to tint. eahln dock, from whenn- ho attonipU-todoscond lo tlio lower dock on wliieh Yalasquei was conllnciL lint liravu as Uie old Captain was, llioro was an olsitae.lo in tlio way which even ho was powerless to overcome. Tho water was up too high and tho rescuers could go no further. Already tho Imprisoned man must ho driven hack to his bunk near tho top of tho room in which ho wok confined; tho wretched prisoner could not pass nut now alive, and certainly none could reach him. Doubtless ho was alive just alivo his life's spsn now to lie measured hy moments. Kow he could see how relentlessly the mills of rctriliutioji grind so surely so surely so surely aye, and so quickly, no much n:.!')7)Ai more quickly aomcliines than even A U. those who manipulate tho machinery of .1 thn mills can foresee. .1 !miwt Velamjues MANTI, had paid to the uttermost the penally of his crlmo conimilled long years in thaiuuny Californian valley ah a siaouThe ship might go dwnat any monpgiA raurv resment now, nud unless his woul.l-bat unco retraced Ilieir slops they nJ l.ul short spaoo of timn to cuers might go.dnwn with il, so with regrets f.., li,( arranrr'H1,,,ltli soil . (ho Captain led tho way to the deck. Id talifornia took his placo in tlio law 'risjn lhai ho nliulJ taho hs- Sorrowfully ho as the sailors pulled nn.l, Kvery,,rim0 of "0nl,-,r- ' away, he looked longingly at tho old ully isTnm.oJ was tezlty Dt--. ACxaiL. ship that had carried liim through so anil it w tuKin as k Y.1A, should U tahon hy many thousands of miles ef fair and vaer tlio that stormy weal her. Ilcfom they reached HbeSj Clocks aijcf Jewelry, tho samn Jloa. "ras U hjw. the walling steamer the llunrobin l. one ina.1. any r.istle" setlle.1 on her Isratn ends and hoard tho decis Armhla. When l'mpaiml on Short Nolico. sanl: in old ocean with a mighty rush, trlT.,; Wo m'M Mho sai.l: taking with her, to a higher tribunal ,n . samo Aliip wilh I ih than that of man, Leon Yalaqnex. .linpni,l j1 soinotliiiijr ilroa.lt It was a tragic deal it. In some sense .. 'a'A will Is a voritahlo so mean a was too grand a death it What nonsense y man to exchange ihc ignnminj of tho n 3 Such ahxiir.1 toreloJiii,rnf'rc,ncr grave In a prison gallows and the mind." si.l her motJier. i ( 11 tho rolling for n burial yard tortr a I i.ro Vtvy proirond tnpsosl waves of tlio Atlantic, outlined in n Son it K cents to Niitionnl AilrortisiiiJ! on sailin.T you ladies would profor noble ship And yot it was a horrible anti :HCi lvnilorn Su 1ilfpu. other vessel. 1 will aecuro passaffo nd a tones,, me, solemn end, for Hu(rt ono ot our Into rntoiitKoiiutain man who bad lived in tumult and exwish (1 JCvfry pon vrarranlod. 3 for not l'ur my part. I all his days to t the tirim Hostnol!-'nopUlmral toruiKtoapontM. until I loavo citement alor.o with .p tlio prisoner apain. M s.tcr and Great fvor maJe. Kotall Innlo nup- 1 know anL to liiin in a folon's favo. memories of the pa- -t to I, is wtftfc" ail i ,n time that ho ia lin tw. white tho Merciless flood In tho matlor, NATIONAL ADVERTISING CO Hvaclly ny looUnffi ,lVe him, that lie died nnmoumml and said Sir Delaru 3 anil :& DfRrtmrn St, Chieipo. . unre gretted. Me ntion thin This HPOinnJ to ltlo tho qiiosli.-nll was a pour satisfaction tu Taper. tiro for Armlda said: Tlion. siiwo you of Mario Ik l.iro to know Hint wi.h'W the 1 considif must dnloriiiinrd, 1 snpp.0 the ileitroyer her hits band s niiini.-n-r- , ns never ccnvi.-lu- l ion nmr nivsolf ovorrulci" if her ha Vide' 'Mil wom 'VSPAPER V. Komlf. AlnN'holorrt ioiws1iipnlly. arranpomonls hwhen of liis W fMnsfspVlnr hHirt completed and a fow day lltor u, .me ofcriin rneaneU villains who ever tlio i I rod this ca.lh. went into the unseen party slarlod for LivrrixwL 1 ADVERTISING.;;, world te meet his Maker, It sun i.v was -- uhl I had rhm Ihr. nms Tito ship on which their pashapo a powerful Illustration of that infallible mini' luvinr riirnluoe" ofmoiel lson seeunsl was Hi ij truth: I and Iho aloamor Moh iMue.wilh rrinl lewljr, J tie- - n.llU rfn-s- l ti.. It was an unpopular I.irt .rf tlm i 'Uctod to .avoid 7liii.elliMii. ill. lioon Yt itn-l.a.1 purposely lr. every ntjr (lir.ii.iim, 1 II v.alliBV, i Tlsui-lsiaii.ii ,M.on with ,,,1 5.00 put" Inlion with rriissi andpcdp isurii.di tV.tl. pia.-liiioAa ini Hwriid lirlri l'Jlr.rulll'rrvV'1"-f- 1 publicity f''""l(h, HHniarii. fa 1117 KlJanril Hiicain offer the day was one wlrhin- - K ex(vri moiit Mersey and over tho He or .lTrriinm pMi JT.it long ago a snudl weil.ling party . . .mall nmount of ntonrr. Irteu.i, milt, of il,o mint enjoyal.li which c,u.M ,iV? pasw--down tlio tar)led atop of a was a 'JwiKiirly how to ml Ih mi' ll Them for. wished Inf will lNen '?! Mint pmit J"rr." Tho princitlio church in New York City . rtrrtr L1l-'lfrom the sjjt AdilruM blowing breeze fnl pals ot that parly were a handsome, yw'rhm nal renrnil AilwrlmliH tpintwralurcwasasreeahle. Olract, K.W York sunburned man of forty years and n lovely woman many year younger. They seemed very happy- - they over very and his happy. They wore IVrey .y ' wife whom wo have known so lung as ,f . I!,l Arm 1,1a Ihdanx . ''sleand under nn ;;.i same any then) Jeff, from one me On tho at :fuiirliouri, r'ahouT t ; twenty J r. I : . ( Jt l.kh'lcg-lioiisa of ihe ps.'cr 0n, iyi7 w "c-- . 'T,e1l..y a funerlamln, a violent peer Is'i.s-iienlwmtin towed storm and were ohl al lu'arw and onn mourner- carriage. J The f.iTeiln'fV--' of Ilmilin manner for Imarui lay j t,cm was nunc In that anJ In I ho carriage was a man iimes. llregy rirS--h-iol liis the piolur.' of mii-rv- .a hit lo 'te.l i llr.-'s lit in r'1- tni frff she i i 'co- tin n.:'... at entirely finr' l i ii uiannor ffn-- ''' ! alii:tlie Miiliciii,, ll... von. lie'll ho hun;; anyhow. " II.G (,'aplain knew that ai though Ih., M'i ix(ro is possihle." ol him it)." said onn of tlio , ? Hr. - band Mir uk jrioHcn as a .4 ii, iww. rriWMl rundckt ul inlu. ,., br wi rft' Mi&P w Ulnl oili-o.-- fw if njw, ' v;. i lli)r-e:ii-:- tl.o unknown soanier Waalinosi alonuide, and then i'oinn!eii-ethe of ,ranr..rs,iii,t -- uni a:i tlio i as eii.Ti-rs oay luatter in a r:.;:i,i;r sea. Tin id tho was tried Io tun nimusu Slroiiff, ri:il,i men would try to push women and cliiMia n aside in li eir wild elforls to l.o hrsl to enter tinonly to lx driven 1411 l.y tie.- - ::l. in's at the of Ilieir revolvers. ll.c..sionally one tin.io liariii:' ili.iii tho re i would liirih.t a well, nil aside and try tu pass her. hut wiilial.iuw final tho Imtl mdef liis n velv.r, ihe captain woiilii kii.s-l.i in senseless, with tin pn.mi.se of similar treauoem 1.. the lie vi who slioul.1 dare . lo make ll:e All (liis limn tin. ship was rapidly fillin' and it :i ,i ,:i: : t a Kia.l venture I hat lsfore many more minutes the ;)uiir.ihiii I'aMli ' would Kink forever iiiui tlio deptlM ef the ooean. It required several lrii of llu to transfer ull tlio assi nye rs, Init liiia iliilieuli task was Pnnliy tits om plisl.cd. Tho last load was taken an.l n' lie luit the i,ni.ers weto si.ppe'ed to when aud lenly Hie two delislives dl.i .i,m hitlatu fa.--l paiir-ii.s- I )'- - iul Si,iir..,lin, iin n u, n.N,i tV.kkivj, it,, u, U,,s , in,n,l,lji u, llui lls tihnii-liHm-- . Om.,i, u K.k , toBHkr k.nl.h V'HK BFiIitb It,,, laa aiplii'Bti-H ibc iin au tLa . 'MM mu Iliai IW Jlrt rouMinnia tlw M ) a cvk .r In(ct' n rtk'iLa vwir (4 iivaliua iiM'iMaasm ith aiiialur i.icimin. tom,! dM'tivcr4 tksi ml iise srf (he Mali lud dlnaiHiearrtl, mh1 nfwsvautiiUv aoausivafj Itie klrs ul fuilhcr Ueaiuicoi. -- '."l1 wurrukiu .l.i k uM,aiHt ") lai miarr Uuu liunMik tu ihckhniikikt u . i.i wi, HW..l'l.wM.wl.Mii,Ua.M IM I ilieir iI.iv.ia Ijinder than all lin-s- . sounds and far ahoie ihe irou.-ra- l re.niii.T in tl,e ''Duimilun lastie' eould in- - licurd llu sliriekiu,; w ii ltlos of ihc si. amer which had urneU her. aud wlii.-l- i was rounding t.i. ill onl.T lo ii . ail iussiilo in sav.ii" i !,. lives. f liioae on board Hit sin'.. in: Is, a!. U was l.uiu v,?lr l:'n'ullM XinaPawiiakse MORGAM. Kk.'ui.ikk Ckbucm. On, KnrTafe. CUTLWM - in It mwaadwtS TESTIMONIAL WILLIAM Feaxjur.dc)ii.i.r - PHiie v- In ManU. a . I0EIS r. lilGKEi:. IxPHROP , MANUFACTURER OP . The Best Grades .of Flour, TUTTLE ,& yjFOrdcrs and Correspondence Custom Work a Specialty. jna CO., Merchandise- - o(DEALKH8 lN)o fflMTWM General The pleasant ending of the novelette will, no doubt, be gratifying to every reader whose . Arc Still st Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. sympathies will have tiecn aroused long before the little. hero has wrought his grand., work of reformation. ' ''1 Fielding Prop. Mvhi The hero in this pleasantly tolJ ami jiathciic little novel is not a warrior liol.l, Init a I'ripplctl laJ who sates his drunkard father from prcimiure death and be-f- f iiiie the instrument of rescuing him from his worst cneinv ACCOMMODATOINS Large Sample Iloom TESTIMONIAL. fiu-vJ. kl , A ,.L ., a. it. iirxtfiniKvs. it,, Dr M. St tn- ..I WooL bitjaoiyi n uniy leieli li ef the iuuiy. Vt!.., .s, n., therrtj lacmaf quatlfy aaf quality Vou caw well ailbtJ to K'vc FERNOLIhE SHEEP DIP a trial. save you a keaii lit lollowtag gn.l oval it Etc., CaUaI The Hero cf Bearer Head." i'l TfanRCHAETOESS. A;,-in- l. a. ill'll ill .. ule-lianli n ,i, I In-- So. n!i" iii.iii i.iiHI.. And In the Xiddlo Woot, or Thi IKormca'i Diufh ter,' WUhll." V i.r , !lns.,,. s . in " -- Arji-nt- i tliin.y we. waits C , '.-- . Caps, lltoc.K, I.irtl A.'irc, TroaAf f ii l'i J 41 to tS Zt la aore to proxols Health cf Sheep, alva miltox kerr, Author ef ?Wlj Vigetahk rfco Ires, SHORT SERIAL STORY BY A f. In l jatlie HRALER IS ri Green -- TAH and Fancy Groceries twr boots k . t ? snoEsy be-fo- G. A. Gardner, Fruit t Provutions, Butter, Kpg, Finli, lottUri,1 Etc, af ihoi-'kki'.k- ' lHICES. gMT BOTTOM e vmsiriJIhft ',i "Him, Free life-boa- t, 'mr 25 CENTS FOR Fountain Pen N. H. fr Will not lc bcnc-sfl- i'n la-,,- ,i 1 BULLETINNo. 7 Spencer Clawson Co., .VJ mr-rm- ry nrt"1" r cj.)e"-lis,--- i 1r d F.!iy sa.'Ktfaasssss; ' . V e Fr-y- r ;t,j ll-- n ' A ... I'-- ! h-d- YOU WILL WANT TO READ IT, WuoVtwkVt And if you arc not now a subscriber of our paper you :honl,l hand in vnr name without delar. Sanpete (niititjr I, John Itt'iti, f'lerk nf flip Tniliafa Cimrt In IiNli Tiril(rf kri and fT liy eerlify that IliefurMpriikif! Ip a (nil, true and ap ntffH I cwy sf Ut onlur to pHmw ratine nnrrul i pl'rnlinii il puRMItn lut fDlf $1 wK fAUlH, MlNiaM. aimI ty of AiuM, a. U( il WilhPN iiiy fiNhl ffffivialjNi ul IhfA 94 Write Professor Sanborn, Logan WMTft and MacM'" SALT LAKE CITY. al Altnir thptitkon of Jn F, tfn vriHline k. flic pfMr.hn t ihft Mrvrtift and enUl of llvruin and UrwtH fuutKrniulnfirR. prnivv I for Murder nf imI of rrftaiu rrbl enlHle iintl If ii lit annI nardy jimiM'iiy I mt the up h and iii'iaih ihrHinud firilh: Ii ia liftrlif nnlerni 1ba lha ael nf kin of I naiilniMl all ihwim iHifnlnl iniI the mm! Ai)Har Iwfitr thiy court dm I OcUiInt. Iku at ll Slndny,A fMtieal 5tli ly fkniM nltliiafi'Hrt At I llin c.nrt u'finrk, (tip tourf VIum In tka rdjf at Mnwl I. I'unnty of JI mum why an ftunpH1 It' and lker to nh nrilcr IkjhIiI nut be ifranted fur Ilia mIa of aud I I Mtatr. nf thill a iv I itin fnrlher nelnikl.thHt al hwt fai mjr awwisivr II ardr bt iihiwkd Hie auiliUvof liMMihy, in Hie wwka riafr4 tail puhiiaaffl iirrtiaicr KtaiiarM uui.t' of in Mid Mali UaUd AHgnet i lb, I Hid. 4 AtfoM Jon STAoilp J lldfl, Terri fury ft I'Uh i. nn Govornmont triaL for copy qv SOluuHV, In fha Probata Court of Sanpff. Territory of ft oh In i lo mutirr if llr Hfitp mhI ffimnliMnRiiip o llvri'Hi nimI f rMtwi ChiiWk, imnan Ortlr I" phi raiw on aiilii,alifiii ot Guar- itiav fnrnrArol Silrof iW I'lNti. Ol Ihr Hire fflW OT Farmers Read Utah Eeperiment Station piiMi'.lied by any other paper in this vicinity. It is a copyrighted story which cannot be purchased in book stores. s lik -- ff It. Truth is mighty irillprera.il nn-i-- ",if Proprietor. The Hero cf Ceaver Head r . City i lu-twhur- s. jp of the jl u' 1 to all Parts Delivery .'t'i'T'J: - r. & TO Th melt f. Table A. WOOD GO. Cn.. M',',v. lt Hnrr'avlllts VVhr Co., Augaal Ilk. OzAn. , Pominriiw. 90 Inch eyllader. M 17 bllffhttalbta US HALT w,i a d DKUYERil -e eay. Bay To CBr fnmte belli its flrit rnn. tlitIneteofl of nilintr It op the "i; "0-''-?" Ifawlllon Cyelona and be nappy. Pleasant View. Co.. Ogdon. & Machine Vomi Cotetter stive Prr McExriar ft Ca. 4th. IMI Wbr Ca, Utah. August te ear entire eeiia mm you haf out. bound and eter. of grain and weede. end, la faet. all Made c WiD JlMB N. Wam North Ogdea, Utah, Auruet 4th, (Mcl SALT IzAKEICITT Factory, i llmler a Wkllkrts, rinprlcum, it TStivTvA. Vvwe MannfMlnrpra ftvWw VittcNterwk, Coce. ( 1 fe e,gl WaLTEK tiTKIKGSIAM IS aart-- aatUfaetlon. It andJ1 prepared to fill all orders for I.itiie, large or small. CtwperattTeYaRn&MwMnaCa. fiwitlwiiMi: Th Hallrr jCu ZC!Iv!!ZEj atow have oold live Mnlere aud olght will Ini deliver),! to any part of tli' town or County, at reason- - lrn-np - r out 1BBL jaw A. MtHlTOOMlRT. Morgan ntv. Aogiet uka tta N(.hlnf, . 4th, IMI id la thU Coen ty peue. Crura xbcial WAi.fiNfi MACHINE Rt |