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Show aftyvfT- - V THE SEi-JTINEL- . ployes t.t the TolUt,wn ( IV Company have b es i.( tiib-of J.'iceni-- i a Inn fo 1,1 and Publier.ed td Tws hv Lm, Siktneil Co. i. V 1 1 a I. 15. u 'ot.lt j'f' X. 'iliini. who sltrilmlp Tlie-- c H C niADF'lIIO. . mm, I iiiiiBiBT u "VwVwvi , l!:ini ;M,.j ( 1 0 lAVu . ! 1 VtV'sw - UVv 'iVVvv V : 1 VWAUt -i- ViVlVl- -. ws s f A i ! I I ! r. .r.'i.ri'iMii - i.i i). ih- .un.' iRrfsbia Buvl.r. All niganistd afl'ert slieiild he uioda to caao the stringent uiuiiav inarket by bringing 1 mere -- l i,' ,r i an adjacent, t i srriiaeo-- i I I ,b mill (The MHise.1 r common-'l'- ,nt will bo, foreshadow- I I.' I i t l "H U I :.i i ..t s:f ,ifj' 1 : (f i i ;u i -- I were considered ' , : . - Flawera- I . , r heal mnw to be, h fremttolomla. ' ho ; - 7 A I ....1 iiaoiaar . . Q. A. Gardner, HMIMW.lt, C. . Waati- - GSt.f tin (rwb1ZB . . I ai)d Jewelry, - I , I . ' iY.. .I... 4hn( ic( weallh, Tnc TRacc. I Th.min.. uluuwit upnn Mi 1 l'l 'iitoll Fi mIh liy rlidiln Htilo iuiiUi of 'nnk,ii I you. yoo t 4 ft 3U likft. uit 'li rrilirrr. Mai rralwii. ffttftl Mrffti. ( : '- for Uw,b WnHi Phorf- of IlrcDili. itmorhiim. Aihirift, Kerm . "i- i" muss JSK tJSRSlFI"lM I is being rwng- - iu royal pulpiest bonsuet srsry dsy to grace oar maatels i dor dlsssr tabte. A vary little "ere ifvss os garden flowers Cmhiortl-hotop...!!- G. Wear ct through. Bargains luculioiirt in The flers - giMi.1 r.iHim-- krll. Al'I'l) l ft iiio, H. rn:.rr : f I 4 4 Saoi t,:o Ctwy. Store. re' 4. 1 ft ii j I , A ( ... I 7,45 10.00 IV , 1 '; Fi f.; i I, 1 Fthres ! 'r y J I ' il ! ' i- , ; f , - m ' i Ayers Sarsaparilla 0d hundred years ago, April Sh, ths flrel biU to' estsbliih the E itw. i. Polish to pay olit our iflmpy to sapport I smsn are flowers. patents were granted Whst Jnst So Sick L cssi he dd .to Mbflt the hsre were granted peoplel 4 upwards If If ths 2tst botonlit did four thousand. EuE not- - gurrallyr unihlng but to tell tOrpeopls ef his jhsilanding thederaase in ihven- bout their U.utlfui floweAT ha P1 heeu i.tllc.d, Kut ,,8 hs yet he does more; he tells the peopla of hssp a'toikfsr from iinnnv-j- 4h-stales about tbo baauttrebf hi. M who fsbusy. J li jk i ( 1 . 1 b CUBRIT OPINION. - css St, 11 more; for wo must pradneiug fruil tree iuJ, bush rerj iMl ? tblt c ",w ' U- - n'J ih-w- Vtithi..rt r si all. hu, llA UbX A flower. hllreal Dssomi.ll Si . r -- C V. "V t WU men, has reduced remem-fw- d th t work , hi We' f ,tfc cimtHiu tko prtoulre .. T" - u'ly Cun- - out newer. at tli fruit. "''t uf wsuklod. COU.,1'1 '1y no nniurs of yhours cf its employes tc.i. I.oure ,esn,l what Item ,o furuiank'u.l.PIt H ek. Lock of orders', j .the i. wbsi plauts sr. dretrumvc bo.au life, and what ere li j (Pa) Iroa Com-- k i of hnmau ilfn. It points lt thoic i tl, ly employes will not i.r ii irfni m sconce, iaj arljiiid p and have struek. Ti- , .ctuA r. . .kL, ? Rad-lia- - 1 ack-ep- - B I I ir- - a fr- 4 Ii an effective renwdy, ss J Srllln. a-- KNICHT'S Blood Cure, One Month's Treatment for $1.09 iirKZ& f 1 .(0: hxl V'rrl A' rnir VjiiT. twirt free rti f I ?c surK CO., IS3 x.y. draNMftwirHNiftfrbi ift (ft k I mn nrommmd Kn'sht'i KlooH rum ft-- m peranfial It U tin n!y npcxwi. 1 fcHintf krrltt iix4!'vr.'ii hsippvrr i CkGfoiNi, Vn bit I Icn Ac li k) u, A Y. uinM ftwit Irnlr, i C.ivts llrriemi. WtllMC ifOKtr lliuodl 4'ntft. It It MMftl ami fkftttftih (hnt k- - VI lire TI.IT'I An-li- r M ''I ftilif VU wil well MinlH 4 ffpfrfpi'vl (l'i(lrrt.M l'-'- k:VU iulcJy U n'sl K Y.. Fn.i iahi. lljAMftTw.itr -- LWhlftAY. N. Vwto 'vmlflhfll "1 ''e4mnj a,. ...I 1p(H oi ft J lift MTU ftTlIftfSTteew I VI :iE tiiHlo m' 2 4i :.tll FPSlillK Iti. - lUU'ull Single or Qouble v kj UTif a a if ... : C. R. RASMUSSEN, IROYO j p. lno r, : . - CITY, Ms nnfacturer '888 Uen. Nunugfer. r. SAVINGS BANK; ; DM of and Dealer I- n- 8I & 8AHh8h CALI. AND EXAMINE MANTI CITY (Kq . MY LARGE STOCK. by Mail Promptly Filled, Correspondence Befe' dure niRKTToltS. Tt tti.k, IreeidMit. II. J. ClIlUrTKXSOX, Ai.i:i:kt Ti ni.K, Iiisliicr. L. I . I .i vi:, Jamks Cbawtoki, Jk., Mm. (J. IltAwt'imii. Jam. Mktca t.p. L. 'J'. Tf iusm 41 ;? V l a Itrutral Rttiliiii' RiMiim. . f,4nl wih KireiTni'f ViulL EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. ni7Ai.FR ret ai.i. riKWKin ions ,,f Musical Instillments, Sti lugs ft Trim . - . ,vtx,,,l mn iirnsihl, Flvrl I IIIK (jHMtfte . . . Sufc AU Wy iratn. - - Eiryrlltr.ElJ,o-- iTas.aBWMaf-',--iI n w iibitt il AIm u-- l J. camera M cure, when Uie ernnulslut mM HowL I was a !'!v-- t1 lw xmlltioo n ( ths and Kreresl vtrMllry. hcroon, m, rliir,-.- l (l,t I wm mint tn, work. NuL that I iX:l fnr lire orepbilal trw'biik--s Ti !ta,irbrellb and stranttk. V. . ";,-,,,l,lo lermumnd this tm.liHtic in f?i4,r n '' cheapest i Uio MAIN ST. MANTI. js r1,,,11'," pork I Raine & AH Halveisan, I Arcliitpcta Contractors and iiildora pltins, specifications aid bids ftirmshodon In Jw "" fliop Hast of Nun i i 1 P:0 H,, xy TAR r FOR ERUPTIONS iliulr-ri- i H,il In irlKm-iilii- like, lake m:lj iiefclT Fiicllll')' tt-- ll,l! FRRPhfttn rni IIu-I- .t h Mrofukm i 'vVv'-- Wftl'iu-f- , Mumt - f Ymwi Yi i' J STvwc - AYEH A CO., Lowali, Mass. I: aLil 'i 'h' OJ nil IlfeUt fr SarmeU, ' I A. t j do. d,,U C1U,M of Style at S.ILNeilsonolf Stan First-cla- ss ntp. . KGiili FistClaes i.i'l MV! Air. .is r.v-- y. b.i of Lowrys 8low Mnnti. - O. BAILEY - : A J JOj7xh I. Maniifuclurers of ,i, Irmly first clnsn In every rrices Motlerute, and fLf iv ..iy an,l Rci.iirin ilone.l ii'-- lerins r ii (iiif'r-- i ih i SAIsT LAKH CUTY lninrliv of Ayers Sarsaparilla -- (V'll ur 11 I . BRAMT2EC-rW- u j.n.1 . jf . .Mttxiti bltjr, TJtajCL, ' THE PHEIMIX J S All Work Warbasted.I I 'ind P jjjiifrr. 1 I.,also - ' ,on ,ort Kotuum UHWrjKBlrtiM Lotlere ttepauad. kio.M 4 th. Horse Shoeing aSpecialtv,- - .1 - bt tPipat-CIasnSBlacIxsmlth- lna, Cl, eitl . IlKKl Dv nq.Lir.: k and the best and.uh, cheapest cloth, best quality always on hand. Suits made to order on . sliorteet notice. H,,1 , kjS.1 wi Tailors Trimmliiffs pi Htfuthern ,rr ..I p' nnrb of pyitvIhnIv 8 Ayers Sarsaparilla 1' "Ttoln ul" 3M9ljlin3 h - Tailoring Establishment, Mr Irwf Monev til loan raf citr and fnwtn 1; t ti nil iu r ajiymt itl flccurilj, miiigs. Host liiass Burnt liisiiuim-nts- . Tlio Xtw All kinds, Otcliestu & Uaml ,.IISlC Sheet Music and Music liookx. Crown Sewing Mar.Virta Send for my new Catalogue Ju, i out I it lias a sketvli of Ole Jiiill's Violin j4 flaying in il durablf, ntt i active, and lion in for innxictaiis i c.mRiiiermjr if. retandarvl of exccl- Send me your orders for hat you J '"llcy, the clif.-ipos- t to buy ms- - n kn$Ltore5BMl ,fh i Y'lil ortMkp JdB. iin6k TnT,fCwh'v (sd FOR DEBILITY, ud Lim i. lift HURD PM NoWil ft ClUl CMeitCS A rmhrhrinhil compr'invl rui vpiana.K- fes IM srnl IV in til H8flfthi. u M mT- A itind.inl hkiiwiHiid rrawtlv f McceMhil dm mom than 40 ycat. A v two CDTD lor Itysitcpftu, Nrouft an-- i noMrittiMii Gnumpatifin :i l! Ini BujuihStonaui ImIIbmv nlsli euurlualvtly prnv. Vur two nan I us s rnnsMnl suffeier ftaa snU Urer I durumudy)vHta oupttlaL lias and the uadklMS prescrthnl. la nvu? every case, inly Bggrevaled ths An apwUwcsry wIvImnI bw to uh aJJS I ilH ix vu ct $. Ware Ms mt that tlnw H has Iw siy f sutlly uedk-tuand skknres hu sirenevc to our Household. I h ssrtlk m v.,h,J5',t "MW" I FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, Fairview. sole - m f. , (', Hi Hi UklvA.1, re. ire - i i fU l.tkn l: 7:lt a. in, and 4.SO I st at s. a. md sTt gfit Lake for owrttiB ,1 T at) I m( nti(l IM mil n, ,l", r t F - iVTANTIr ft c. V. U KsS EC, HIE, tf Bool and Shoemaker. Ijistory its itself. , f' fI r i 1 j t Square Jfexl at lowfijT Good, e I ison. Fr't A run, Ayl Jti ihu xm cmrx en:x - a d: S. V. ECCLE8. Id I'ROYO, UTAH JOIIX J!. XIBLSOS Cron 4.30 7.00 -- , and 5.00 ' 5.35 H BestauriS Vicc-Ficj.- r 1.W per only i ftJs i4 ADO Truiav iPiU-- e P.1.,.. amviOK in iTvins , ll Jr.JL'ItfJZffZ. Jkssen. Fropriclor MIX? JXJJL BLOCK, ,- i'll bi Lowrys Livery and Feed Stan Iff The Micksl 1 Souq y r.KAVn nt 111 Jlfuttm, I Nov. ir.fh, lstin. eff-v-t tVvYVoK".i IVO IVR. Sunil. ;nnl Slabling, (Beef, (Pork , , place to get TIME CARD, Shingles. For rUOTOGILAVIIEKS 18 COMMERCIAL ST. is hand .wi ALL STATIONS, Im your .iioiw visiting tin Tciuple Doors, Sasjj & Mouldings, klumld inquire for this House. Kr-- e . also Native and Imported conveyance to the LuiiiUr, -Temple every Jay- Lxtb and Ki'ire : ; T.. 9 M ; Juab at Aecoimnodiil ions. Huy, Grain . Hums, (Bacon, etc. Knuppn IjII ill mm uaaaea ! JLjj azrat Utah. . 5i'.iui,s n u aa kuijw 'cxa riisi A,iOWpY,Jf I ?,-- Ikcpairs. mvo. rruMftiirr iiartc riitfrlhur, lTSSSLiS . I s I J. Il ARNNKTT rit. a ! AKt. tRftf1 ftiill liftkvC'itYs I'lftlt. (ii-n- soap an IpWkARsei Agncult'irs AND I aUAA I ',d I J TwiUw. (rTii'T.ti Tlu1 Lciiding Jfwlcry lluusc of Irnvn. All Onlora fniu llio Smith Mill Deceive Frompt Attenl tion. Your Yiitch t me ! r p p ui 01 Milt l.llko i'ftYe of its amirnu'li. nuiit . TMTe vm I'.f. .iiJ'UlM.h, ral iLiu.iTi. MANTI. " tbl 1 I EAST, WESTt- NORTH and SOUTH rcS ai H la to fffi oviTiKirv. HeAuml Vtotwri'ry hM cim n1. thnl'l vDI 117 a fllNi'tftW. TcjlfSul! I.ntxo ft.vM.'v in. KiHiirn- arrivuhult I sikeft hM I', M. 7'.- a r.-f1 ulUy cau iin tint S8 (list fill, ini ti ii lo Stiff IaiKn ill fi tUy !hiii in I it 1:. m (it 1 diaii nuU Uuiia Can oi ki Vc I lesat rip-ctetlu, IM I ' f ll in him for vyr ftrlv Xontor till-I bn.a a s,sp and wondsr how suet, he gram jdsj bwatp con grew from thia beaeh ilkr I t :i s!f Pn'prlrtw, tnr old. at iTiui wlTrii wh-- r iZ 1 p m p tn P Ui Ml m Lot'll. TRAINS HAM' LAkh AAii OuUllK. l.uke ,v nuA li:10 u. m. 4:4ftp.oi. lA'ftift Arr;M Milt l.'tkft t .40 a. ui. and 4 ;4. 9j6fti,fti I th. il.t .i haI. Tiuu. jJ AuiVc Hait'.i r.li tilt'd .ill R. U. W. Train ttSfiUaX CAIil. m Kb wpsii. srowiue wiwi!nnolluilta cr.lw V"ar5SSST.iTiS SS 1 a iu ir p ui See tlio wntaoRlhn States mav Blame is begisung to plan forIfnsldtredaa atraasiUon or late esemisg campaign. 'Ha will re- - nn diary, between ths hardy bit eom- I' ii Custom NYork am J.f tn the hbiaet next fall, and l purchasing any i.lln-i ;xll travel the . uue route era ti Hct,u,bi,iw u ll u" Liliiriiig done. ou.nd 0t vlh Prov.eno..e is pure, with Inich Harrises is pit 'present trev-- i .HUM. 1,1 power and couipU-ti rM;rtUo,,r,shM I great nlr.,l Half ,!ng. His Bsnuastien in the B- - -- .dsnowj A MW snd novel IJule ,"'1 block West of lAtwry's Store. Vuiitf ewlre)MOdtoo?te elM ktclAlirtio' or Churl Yhlican eeavAsGoa will follow and (Liubj Md rhifh g!,ow" ntRht all the Square Dealing Fair icriiw Sianilurd. l t 'witipldu'e flu nihlird by b tlny rJr fiV pefe ith Dsmoerots ill nominate iu.r.d. hnrmnmes, FREDERICK CHRISTENSON, FISEK with given y FOR DYSPEPSIA, .nvelond, and the plumed kuipht fwLi ite J? wrrsol each orgun sod; a'so a Kood In Fairview, sole agent for SunJTfo. r- Jllngun he defeated. . I 1 asr.Er.p ow thilKSrS!!l!nlu,dl,v,,dl,1,om ds.trawly piui 13 PRINCIPAL POINTS ftitw W'lifSaSiB!!!? an 'lw'tiini''ia TEfslPLE ,is HOTEL, Ir. i'idrcf'i ihov the ,iwd- - I I be baisen- prii.dli ilHtlu Julius Jensen. Urst dss Kaiaii Your Divn Fisli, 1 six .. U ALT stqfe f uxtnre. the word beautiful In it. that the West ewes all iitt MMnoe. Their number la kinds ssdl to ths minsr, is wern thresd- - J Wdl .9" tk ,onne ef iH a I t' lh I ... I they are thwetora willing to pav baiter puces. , ,The land is beroni ?7 i ! . 111 V i CiVlVSA 111 KuUfft. THlufTT rr la oem-r- . Mrufill and vteelaUas .'"7 "'"i II W ft Mcain Ucat in Erory I'oont. no i n:. i'ii.hci.l, ("wllfl rl, IssflSf we audit la Iba plus wuoda uu,i I nil., lu KAur.ry. and non IlDftlf-: i a this hue Iwicea l.,ndrtau lalgsOJlhs eagerly aouhl 7rzi of WI r youto. And rlfeht ln cr . s km' hrpoi ' .iofctr past. "r' s i CM f 11 tta Urbk Mii i in (J VJ rA4'rilil'',tV .4SiM. ) tiirruiiii r, m lie (Milr At tfvvsx tJLIlUIrt p,,,0,, r ! ftouilorful tiBuoft flowsr irtii nffmo fur aa I eouis; the aiauy vsrleifes of tha orehl Jaa I HMA tU JEIToIj lX,.St 'rt'Th hih" mivum ing saore valuable, and within a few I6! lb ltllee. Orasnes which will uiskt I w uiwraU I i fnr ftiaraia reason to believe !ttkwlor si plume jy I (be fisrmsrs ef Utah and Colonulo h'iRbt- - ThU Mu'' l'10'1'"-- few f ; AlnVu i):Mu. Itepaircil on Short Notice. (l)riAillu i I 8ft imj Ptt IR fto HI It ale I'iiffi) Hole! Templeton, CTbcks Wdl;hes, I g ut N p 3 . aoI.IAT VlilTlt dV PI? luring Conference ONLY. Ill Maui St. Salt I.;ue fit v T-j'- Accommodations buschta of fragrant flowers. " hl"h . . Bae I, piscM tbs iu. th toe nncer.my. that v" dopeoUcra he,lhe . , i , l uIhyiihuI,, Mustl. s. U. ATWOOD, riwp'r 1 HD 1YA1P 3 art p ui Giilil find Sil 1I(V liettYi itl:tl:oU pledges, eiin.-ir- ti ur'tieff IjC.ivi ver wutoliti, Hiaiiiunds and Jewi-lrrliCiiift MuUlit MxS:klir V Ui IU IU INI ' Shuttler.Farm and Freii Wagons, Reapers, CroM; Mowers, Hodges Headed Planet Joiner Horse Hoes aftT1 Garden Tools. Superior Pa Grain Drills, J. I. Case Thrall ing Machine, Ames Steam in gine, Leffel Turbine Whaeii Lane Saw and Shingle Mill.d Agencies all Principal Top" IN SANFEFE SEYlElt COUNTIKS. - 11 03 l, Ijt.it e .til I M, IM ('.'ill CHAM AND l'.IIOKKU. Full Line of n A 'I i couHitl- - I wt'fkft f Mum, U with Its i -r- b.wi , miua. it is Mnnitl; j sn i ripaU-jj- (lw , i he gi ein ji'' i j rsecr3 3JW NUk il t It) llvuMi .r f li:li:iMui A litilit' I.i Hl Jtri- - Mr i. hi n J 4:ltl Sail 1 trivt (iiii ii PUIlitg l till MISSION AUCTION a,iu TUAlNs. ji.iidiiii Ai an u,.Wd. i I ('' f : 1 - 1 4 ... .J it . L' fes, Niilmu 111, x! FUR MuJa 11 j .11. thrihei. tj rr d mu oiidary. J. , ( lT Br ,",l- - Public opiuioii is Tepidly cliaiig-- i Nut to men- g .... , his subject. i I x, lilt Ilf tcMvhiil ut' ric TvnnjVwen proper: lea from which spring bsaatiM which ninmi dsreil m,m- the rasa. Today, April sgnewltur.I region, there has haenlsnoiiagaa In, In I bill little alteiiiienjgiven to devel-- 1 M,f Plaasa the ground Is purple with . sf little The mining epinp the resoun-esfeeeende ,1 j' inV L j. Ir.MlI a.u J :4ft rluea in nil kirnU oi firel Mcalcr 6:IN) IMU 13 M a.m Vi:i .ivi . I -- , 'l ' i'! ,rM niu,.rt S.. . " ,l .( An (! Tllli ETotioa Store Irria For mssj year, it was ,tba pp-- ( I To psiamis travsling by rati tbruuah . the Itocky Menn- - th.Mo4ypla.Hs4a ( UeMoalb. r tun re ten was a poor place for the lieg the brown casma of Hit year, the farmer, on secountof the necessity' Mil appeam almoat a dMert, and Inter irrigation, THeVriileiarrAiss" I eapsbls of predaeln a single plant of . i f, W. P W lup.Ui &'40piu i & Salt Lalto City, Utavioti IH.iWSSBS . I i t : il piu w h.W - I I II.S5 in. GEO. A. - " im V 1,4 I Ui m i.tithi,li; Tai j. I .Yi- t.ii I.J'ilUl 'Ttllt; N m Arn.- (.mini .ItiiMl.Mit 44.A 40 A. in. .t.il in. li.krr.. liiirn ,Ui.n' l.riTM I lMt lilCI. Wt S. i. III. hi. ri j,v in p. in. I .'Hi lr t 4 uui ut. A ri. Xlll l.wU I, Ui Mi. l.d.i iiVoi, AtiuVt - ! w.w 11. ;? Leading Implement I lenient. dlriwtura and ahsrclmldsrs r x ui i: i nn i' 'i I vYvVyttYfc 15i iM IBHIG.lTIOVN JStNEFlTA 1 i dUcor, hul u.' nn,-- party.1 Jusii may hyve the privilege of Icing iu I Senator IVflVr, 0f JMPNi, ,aa ilo eon: nunmeation with the rest of the I aided that ho will not act wi.b .Man-aen- t connty, instead of having their mail either ot the great parties. around by Nephi and Provo, time the Kansas patriot, whether There is nothing unrsasonablo in iudepoudsat nr rapubliaan, will the request which the people in that I continue, as heretofore, to solicit part ef the county intend making, I Senator Flumbs good offices in tlis and it is to no hoped that the su- - dispensation of patronage. It will give the considera'ion I ten nut who ele is ssnntor from the due to suoh an important' matter, I Sunfloner state, Flumb will I here iff sr as grant relief to the residents. herslefore, the office, I seekers skest aaokor. i 1 this paper when you Kanid Rcierences. 2,009 It HViT I.i ;i? i)iiiiui, XWvUlW, - !'! Kir iit.a tif ! (iiuii.t I. i mo pfL'-.ilit- V.esc elJvtWiV, ViO-OVWVU- hOvk U) . ' i W.HHt Ilf - f t filial tlll P " "'" Garmaiy and Franco iu tLo noutli-tu- i i. ccnnty, ills caeosaary to have di ,rn iM1g9- Xh, T,:f i:' shortcomings oip oct and spesdy coir.muaicstion I tliomolhsr country in that region l'1" Whonm. in this ease ihom.il has which th. colonies moot kern, ly iatr.v.1. long fistona. around, ftlt 1,T. Wn her.h.v. arquieseencch, th.ro i. always the danger of s?rs- - th. occnpst.ou .of half the great i vallllll Haiii'B AnnoiMi mwali FbamI.L ft iii mo t , ' and loss. Uad bar acquieiaouae iu the pottosit ia ralifying to leariuhat lholi.llrf K.w Cul.doi.i:. flN peopla of Moroni and Ft. Graen are station by France. tiring thomsevos to have snmo1 arrargomonts made, so that iliert 1iab4 F 1 VHVV wt-- a-- :tt liivi r o Arum 1m n W UtuV v -- GO TO t t . - mentis tn bijury to that pcniion Tbs fousilatiou of the of the county n.O m ir1pi...t Awlikf it iUiCMiftlll as there Ivr always great ds.il as it doubtless V. lTi. iv.o-- .the Implements and Buggies, Umhiv VV l" 1 l.:kc. Tlittu Aititt' w ftiriif Order that he onu tint till will tin- - 1 1 I ll'. a ItK SELI.I THK l)BT Wacons, tMirrciicv , j; la't u. mi'. Uardat j. into a in. t'S ri v'M a ui. p. ui 11 '.ii a. in II.AI I, n a : li s.ill l.uiit'.... An ivt f ( . Am 'Utw fhe emuion the county no left much worse off I 1IfWl, ' lteen and U" two takei to a letter It low days Miiiiuin per die-e.Mt' Cheater B1r to from u Jdantl, go llt,),lLr lou Li' 1UI.I w tico of lft. tuiloa, and Ibodel.y limy sapsetFVO aniiieul.to pay I hiiusillatliig railing and diearai;- v.hsa xneritBeod iu sending mail fruinlS!?!th buo.lreda. rr ui...: Ft. Green, amil ether places fr tliw who.. I'lNimiuje w:lli us That such i hir,u I ll. ''f r-- . D i w-- ' glUtfth Lhvc k r 0-1- t(ji OT-- A, Afc .a ll-- - I 1 : : ii- i i.aick. i.MiAiin iStllp ill Il'l.Tl Api i 'I::.:;Xo. L N.i. I v ;t. Mi Alliniiu- Atlantia ' . . . MANTI CITY, .1 ; vvVvovvy . Uii-tl'-- l Vus ; ; -j WtuV iwutfVvs wvWW iV l i EXPERIENCE 'Westernj as ihe M hati!.- - in ? U t I'eonsi ivania ri. tlio 'V t''AU iHltf, In xwitiwrf at thu Fot o-furcifSMra in this eouutry l.uve ml ' ftih. fot lruni-irh,t- i in . . Vovwr vv fji ".rj IX I tenitlj t'lnxx nqiiired wisely courarning il.e ur t rJ,- .' 't , VkaVA Vi ' t .. xV'vVv, 'r. rfurh battles, whether in 1 I i Mti y r! ,1 sylvania or Uisou:i. are part of .W.V W 1hiV yiVCStivV Vt.f, tlia feudal system. Once aw;. . eypt 17. Fsiday ArkiL o'J tbi central truth and every vvijf Vwvivwvi trep Dirihuay, reel is Recounted for. Tbes bull AVvs W k'4.1 - l.ttl j ri i iJL i:EAm ik i:-:fckiriuisbea are a usniVhitim. f I'lf Ml 1!( IIH I'v H i4 f. i private war under the feudal ms i i.- . It3if,p bnpi e a that . - I.I .1 I 1 with the Tar.ff Bareu and Ins Il ii'tl IS ! m cher. This nu, ' r t.r . i I. J, ll.. r tan e; nn one aide and ti.e Julmi ' . r if t ;il ; flu4 I'rin ii fi I ly lit- - mi! I.i ft : : ' "I . .1 a V.P1I .uiitrtti ii iCiii.ii s n u. d, wlio u:t its aiiJ retainers ; 4 M ua ig ill-v,l 'll f !! l.f other. I . n:i . a, jl' i;i I- tt - X4 i . J th-a'- I IS. :VMZ ' !'f Waii Stmusci.x, I fr.iin f.'t 1arbl , .u!1''" s S . ' i:ia SaJc . of ffloar. wadiug for your Uriels. Custom Work a Specialty. |