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Show - ' 'fVf.,. r " :, . - p.,.;:, ., 1-'- 1 Y-- a 1 r ! t . IP .u A f II I.ii : ! .. "v! VJ . L ritrra liah Hiam min jsiii a It 4 u .ii ro mwMHii ; .. - VI I ill" iV.' f a:;.. s I I a - - ! rL "W WASHINGTON at-- kiitrle-.in'.- Kin? is . Lm Dead! Live the AGSaiTS AND - Ki; CITY, ' I liras fm Nrw Vrk Ollier crr:n: vld:ms- Mitten iFmia our KrguUtr CorrMpeiulMI.) - D. C. Feb. 3, lhlil. and unexpected death of secretary Windoai has been the cause nf many myaterlou head shaking and among the npentltlons, who had long ago written tblu administration down as hoodooed' and In bad luck. 1 am hot superstitious In the eiichtcel degree, but T mnit say that the IsuitliecofMi. Harrison' administrawm!I tion, although it is not yet half over, ry. .rit8 r Amt. oftis,ulliiratf have ,t certainly had what .eecin more than their share of visits from tnedrsad-nliidof the miislM whits hnres, death. Andaaids from these ILmilits there has hardly been a week tlnee Ur. Harrison earn into offleo that the flags of the city have not boon -aw ou aeeonut of the death of some person ot prominence, and many of them have f'.i., L'tnh. been eloaely related In some manner to n fact so eominnn tb administration. !i;l ilui..-Chavo these things become that as won as a death la announced yon hear on mil TJ'X1 ATT. ides well, who will go next?" Wr. Windom'a funeral took place ben and was attended by alt of the mere prominent Government officials, k Notary Fisbllf. including the President, moat of the and the bsnstun and Representative ;oN3 A Srl.CT ALTY. diplomatic corps. H la former collea-$u- c ' utlA Of 'V i ..t reulc,i In the cabinet wire the fniiorary The interment was at call bearer. Kn:k U."rk cemetery. -la iio J king dead, Long live the king. not Tho body of Secretary Windom tiro politicians began speen-hl- s k ineeessor r .ii :i ,c vi.i.'.c-.'.- c ; ::i -- ,l oy cxpet- - l.ii s. 1?:... . v.' bA tils .c.j vi .ml Washimjton. The sodden BAILEY, j irionxKY, Niwt 111. - York. 5Kfflar several yesis in the Suinh, permit us to nuke. Fust, Do. Make up yout mind ;u come smilii before your physician tells you lie can do nothing inure for vou; auJ her .re n becomes do ibtlul whether yi.u can endure the fatigues ol travel . A cough, or an irritation is out necessary cause for alarm. Hut if euher ol these is attended with n feel in;: of a..d any loss ca.e needs imoffic'd., oe mre r mediate aid the oev. alieni'O::. ll e'tliir ot these conditions exist, lake no chances, hut move at our.e. As to where should weii known consult wine you physician, w l.o lu.s made this matter a study or some person km, an to y,.n, on whose judgement anil kuowleilge you can tele. Or write fur u.f.rnniM finance balf-maste- d, r-r-i-l- s.r-- tQL. SFJlAGUi:, I :y 1 i ?'t. , Utah. su ebicks-- department 7. utaIi. :ATTfu:n' r A paeullsr this will be ths nioet important of lit its (ffenta and far reaching any vtng'.c appointment' made br r: Hsrri-su.- i, ana it muy make a greut dealot tmebie, parhips a panic. Hccretary Windom, although opposol to fr-- e ond nnlimlted diver coinage at ; time, woe by no means an silver. In ; fact bo w vi'ijy tataallvtr.and it was t.ier.aly ad! bKsns of tho natural consent-M- r which choracterlxad bis whole . rVrthaejppoeed ffes eoin age. m maybe t westward tho ' dead app-d- r Nent -- - VIAH ri. 1 guld-tha- hinds of diseases ns n'ner . Diseases r to females receive attention. !fc. in 1, '57133, ykh ian & Surgeon, od ily OVIS' to rI : in k KOBinlsH.'r irMUmcnt )t'inltr. U"V , Sevier County, Utah. AMI jjBEEMAN ll Ex-Go- litre Oiiico at ECQONS 8t;fic HOTEL, Fant, every Tuesday of each week. t Specially.-otire Ear Nose, JSrtx f Uye, Liitije. Varicose, Ulcers, .S and Hoc til diseasei; host apparatus fur de-- r t of the body or limbs, uc.t':,e eve ami fit glasses to W 5i ' will, or whose Seott-Auerba- ch -- X lI.B- STACEY - I;-- ' - Zll NTIST. WORK.-- OI l TFItTHEIT HlltllTEd. EniRAnr. ctah. OZnSOlff, Howell I-s'd lers r.Pl Ilorsos. Fm-hcro- orw:s a Spotially. f ' nds.fefr tiKcan arc prs notice gfio . CO druggists 48 NEXT! as - id ,w b kOVe.y I w flLieiiiS 4 SON'S STORE. iSSS3i? 3Sa;a.K-s?-- d is 23S Hi. Northern Beerders. The tide of pleasure end health seeking travel, between the North and South, S now just at its rush. It U likely that more persons will travel between the large cities of !he North, and various points in the Scuii, this winter than ever before. The real S mhern tide begins soon alter the holiday. ,.re past. Before that time invalids, who wish to escape the. whole northern winter, have become domiciled all over the South, About the middle of February another army of invalids,bound to escape the March winds, will be upon ls. Thet!i.-w- .irk oi providing food and shel lerlo great numbers who wish to visit the South, is a large, and has become an established busincss;a business which brings some money to the South and much anno; aic and perplexity to tire persons who engage ib the buisness of caring lor northern guests Annoyance and perplexity are necessarily attendant npon any business. It is not the purpose ol this letter to speak of such; but of annoyances and perplexities which the northern boarder shares and suiters by squally with the southern bust. Neither is it our purpose to advise any particular boarding house or town. It enough to say that the long leaf pine region of North Carolina is the safest place in the o untry for persons afflicted with any v, - JOBBERS OF fUm?S'uw!br tlisl m I u( k MrLl ten, HuiH-'rrt- awA eeuubACi,' GLYdtxjiyate livrnv jI i5 waoyuV' "ttviuvA. Tub- - i a eesTiMi. I'UbllsOvO la Maun tali. jMuunry liftii. UW1. Jacum JuIINBOH, ,"d I.ev.liiiiin, Mont, was almost eum- - Ten J uJa Itory f l us, . ilestiuyed by fire recently. runiitj ntfaatiri,!4 Urooklyn has a fiend wlui sntaks up thai tba fonanlat la a behind girls and Flips off their hark tJiten'r -M -huir. Johs Klin, A bill to provide Oregon with the Ans-- t CinkoflV, ligiat. Court . Saupala Coualjr. r; iu i of hallut lias passed the Ry W. K.Kkiii, lAiputy. dcl-;lit- r riy-ic-iu yt-u- House, Ttr railways of the woild are, it Is slated, worth thirty thuuMud million dinars t Js'jks .V. K i,!, a. a well known aud-h- dldi Kondont, N. part .us e. I S ,l,r , Combines the Juice of the Blue Figiof California, so laxative and liutriii.u, H'ith tl,s medicinal virtues of plains . sown to be moat beneficial to the .in. an syiirm. forming the ON LY l'E feKMEDY to act gemly vet iinjinpdy on tlie g) r': TirSKw- mi -- S3 E1SBEYS. UTH 011 Y., & STlJNKCLTTKns of u TUkT ttc. E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO, Progress Building, e&tfl Q3 Ot. itws fht .it rn os, fo i wrf( FUHE BLOOD. AND flKVEKS. MoU OVY ro- - Cleanser System Effectually, Richards, UYt, BOWEL! TO AMU henric 88. E. C. COEFIN (uur.ijr. 'tiFRESHIMC SLEEP, HEALTH and 8TRENQTH Naiurxl'y f.llow. Every on it using it l '"a7"o . G--u.ara20.-tee and all air .iel.liteil with it. Aok yuut druggist for SY K UP OF FIGS. Manu-factme- d A Ihc tiilicM ll . Nopi-is- Icnv-iu- 'i!. u.i.k li V;;jtiI a. under a .i iS W.l'i.:.; 1. J. Irtl hrjl.il s iidv.ee exi: i. t; li.,. ! : fi Cht Itock Front for liuiidings N . 1. I i l.,j t.,i l:n r ;u I - D.tik.M lili.'iiiui, G l ' bCu li du 1 Tfeblut-k- : c nt-- ! SkN VkAKClKI 'y. an' nS-f tile t rrjdy ij i,b so1. . come. ti, Cuaplu c.ice, i.t luu t .M. Second, boi.'i or I Don't stop to visit Jielr.ie siait-i.g- , It le C0!iii ui-- 2 that there era low stop to vixii by the way. Either will about lBjliiti consume your strength, your tune and not uiorbiMi your money. F.very heart rending leave in use tu lots euuuuy. taking helps to shutter and break down Xiela GIllis, a Daiueut mining man vour nervous system. of Liviugstene, Montana, woe frozen to t, , 1on't p,.'-- ; jv..,v voYu beaiy I'e'vunix or titan D. Dun't death on the first lost. tu-icleave :' to throw it Thomas XJnxn, for tweutv-ou- e ell a iliaii to hv: years editortittie Zqai esville, o, ball; ' ' , react: aT.n.u. you :gt.ioi:e died of heart d I seas. wish yon ivid. loi ;;e; il.t t there Covrirr, are cold specs ai ino cuiir.try ; they has been' deefded by tho British It differ in degree, a eu.-.- l d.tv in the Gorsrumout to increase Ibe number of South calis for ump- - an Fiirely as a iU seaman Dy about 6,000 men. Cold day in theNurrli. Don't forget tli.-.-l inv.iiids imrst do f ha underground system of telegraphs somethin; wnirh welt persons riav of,ibb German Empire.- ii is reported, omit:, and must leave untried ftne Um a total length of 3000 miles. thuigs that well peiemi may do.: Mrs.- - Mary E. FUek. of Nsw York, Dc.it exp'.-o- t to tiud the. growing villages tiieSotuli j.i mat and ordeily as from whom Flask tried to obl the North. tain a divorce by fraud, is dead. illajes oi the ad-- . ire 'the Dont aUiinpc-'people A delegation of Sioux ehlefs and headvou Rtrv .e with :o l:ow liiry sboUlj tire .:., ejt, or build tlieit man arrived in Washington, to confer think, liouu, , Don'l in, tro many tinnAv Vte with the Seetytqry of thtluterlor. have vuriyi so eg.' at tue Nd5Tii , Air tmdeigronnd railroad, used for yuuImB Wetu nKiilc the Tihsthniiu It.'iAtXr Make agreeable and sotumlf S purposes, luia been dlseovsrcd YOU riil find the pi.oiie i f, the huiith ,U.tW'H.-Lausda and the United State. Lor.lvi-.ik- , K Cat. K.W Vukk.M Wtkt or I j, wry's stniw, MANTI s . Milieu yo'i Mi: CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, Executed. .1 fi only by l!,e Spoflklry. That we sell cheaper than of our competitors, taking iny quality into consideration, and in addition, we divide our profits with our customers by" enlarging their Photograph with every $10.00 Purchase, or give with every $3S-oPurchase ore of the three fine Books, vix: Hill's Kncycla-pedc- a, Domestic Medicine or Tennyson's Poems, or for every $1.00 Purchase wegiyea ticket in n besutifiilljUpright Piano. At 1 ii- 5 JOHN LOWRY j..u-.'.ui'- Ltoatf.'-iu-ch- s 1 SON, GENERAL SUPPLYHOUSE o DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHIXG, nitJur-clo;h'iv- ct Furniture, i 1 uv-j- Carriages. BED BOOM l 3NTo sum. fini.-ht.- 14 Union Blools. HATHENBRUCK & CO., FROVO CITY, UTAH a J j-- vw - w ' Vw J jl. Seely. Prest. . exception all tho fruit esa-ne-n in California, formed n treat with DUO 65,000, capital, to last for fifty years. NEW YORK LETTbh flee. wrf J F. Fibciieu, Tree II J in olj Iiwww. A committee headed by tho violinist Josculmhas been formed to erect a in Berlin, to Moxart, tho celebrated composer. Manufacturers Straight Grade, Family Pride, Feed, Bran and Shorts'. XX Family, - - - MT. PLEASANT, UTAII. MANTI ROLLER MILLS. well-know- n Irish manager and singer, has taken ths management of Char In Erin Varner tour, in Shamns O'Brien. tfBUBKMMMRjb J Arctics, j Rubbers, Hoae, Glovse A NSHTUTION. Mittens. Satin, Moire, and Velvet Ribbons in all shadea. 54 inch, all wool Suiting at GO cents per yard. Cashmeres from 25 cents to $1.25 per yard. GKoYSuJT AUMKkTlIATljiilK Prest. Vico Prest Secy ft Troon. tinnT Mgr LOMS F.BECKEB, Lessee, OT IKGhATITrDE, MANUFACTURER The Best Grades of Flour, The Socialists of Germany number and thoee of Franco 1,000,000, rtiey have lot newspapers, with OOOjOOO enb. rnbrrs. So eats Joseph Cook in Onr jfJFOrders and Day. The productloii of precious metals, iu west at the the stales ami territories HtMeiuri, lueliid'.ng Bntiaij Coiumbli, f.'V iwjfi, was: Gold. 632.136 Old; nlver, 6C!.Wii.S31: copper, f&irtP.uUZ; loan. 611 5- - ajiuu, n-'- Custom Work a Specialty. BOARD OF TRADE Saloon and Billiard Hall, 1 e- -s suliciinlgjl n '. iu state. The Pifchvrlcv advisH Department that th Liiiiin'.o'i ,- -r of Fisheries for have arranged to the State of New Yik pl.ic" lc tbe waters , i Lake opnu? 13,W'VXiO whit dh, Wines andLiquor; Our Outrio next The one hundred anniversary of tie iJOOOflW bitih of that irtie et: ttiiil lOFVDOO w.-- eyed pike. pnb!e bene- Ftitr Op-- r, witiuh w;:l ofcat on Frb. I3i-- next, w.I! be cvliirvt.d by Hi r B von la eaid to have nnearthed a public mrf'.ii-j;.e .'urge hail of at AtlsnU.Ga, a rnty old statute, which . L' 'in of that w enacted ty the Colonial oeembly of Pooper 7"';::. ;: day, Abram H. premde, 17C3, requiring every mlnlstir to "read i and tit oral io: 's will be from hi pulpit," at least four times a delivered by bt.': 1ji-i- . id year, the public laws, so that the public Colombia ikill.-ge- . Jnde Fiixerald may understand them. wlil also speak, and Mr. 0. B. Putter The Bell telephone patent monopoly will read a report and statement as chairman of the monument committee. In England hi expired. The patent Music will be provided by quartet and there wh granted for fourteen years. Arc Flint ami Old end of llie cis-cu- s, Jl lVi-- t Distil lalinn. i Family Tbadm Boliciteu. FKANK ADKINS, Iropriotor, piv-iii-- nt the 71: t Regiment baud. The building will le handsomely decorated, and a hronxe memorial tablet will bs erected la one of the enrridorn by the Cooper Union Alumni Anorlatlou. What a disgrarsto onr city is ths feet that ometiiing better ho nut been done for ueb benefactor! Our Ingratitude is moDuueutal itself. When. In 174, Peter Cooper ran for President the great rity of New Yore gave him 300 vote! Edwin Akunmo;., t Daniel Brew, a prominent halier of Banbury, Conn., utter being knocked down and robbed in New York, was locked In a box car. and sent to Texas, where ho remained for two week without food or wator. terrible ilro oecurd in th orpjan awlnm in Moscow, on the fourth lnt. A Nina children were burned to death and number of other sn eerioiiMy Injured that their lives ar deipafnd of. MKEcToKs: Miwwi Barnard YVhibi, P. M. Snow. W. B. fronton, Tlmtrhf'i, It IV. V. Burton Snow, O. A. Snow. 0,571. U Is proposed in France to do awaj avfttr as posatbie, an,- lunatic '!0 to lnsxur pers- - u who a' t t of enun-- l tie '.i violi ,rt ip the t'y iwii'.v, who will i e laitably reman-- l CorreaiHindciK-- fat'.-.r- , t ramtamm flcuriL Fascinators in great variety. KTotioo 6' SHOES Jt9GsK2IBflMSSI Farina Grits, Chop Orders FUlod on Sliort The great show piece of tho recent frait fair held at Marysville, CoL, was 'an exact copy of Sutters famous tort," built entirely of orange. WST. liOOlS, wiwsussieasttsieiiSMet ri of tho Best Grades ol D Dr. Snlllvan Whitney, tho first American physician to manufacture homeopathic remedies, died at Newtonvllle, Mass., Tuesday, aged 83. the MANTI MM e J. Morphy, Vi' Mich., lost her volee through Illness sovtral rears sgo. uSli recovered it by weeing the other day." After fifty-nin- e years of labor Bortbel-Hllalr- e has finished his smy Saint " ot translation Aristotle,' a work of thirty-fivvolumes. Mr. hi. and Woolen Underwear. II num-nuie- Cotton, of Constantine, Childrens Wraps Men Fair. ig M0NCMEKT r) well-know- n what may happen tourists who roam anrand Europe without being well armed. Lost foil, Mr. Yon Kin decided to travel In Euiojie for his health, and ailed away well provided with money and letters of credit. One evening, three months sgo. while taking a nx.ii In the streets of Genoa, Italy, he wan set upon by a band of rohbt-r.-, who beat hin nnniercl'ully and robbed him of every thing ho had. eumleiw, he Burp'd on foot fur Franc and ou Nice be was arres;ci as a reaching ent to for a and month. vagrant prison 11 then started for tUrwllls, which h reached more dead than alivM and raMert on the American Consul, Ths advanced hint money aid e'e :.i'b v C buufclt him s ticM for Am. lira, ibe load of the free. Mr.YnsEin will nut have to wrlk to Xapa C'ty. but when be gets then ho will probably stay there. A HAKsr.it, Mt. Pleasant Patent Roller a it is reported, is rapidly and wealthy citixen of Kept City, Cal., displacing the consumption of ardent who arrived here from Europe lost spirits in Mexico, and breweries an wsek, furnishes a beautiful example of springing up in every eity of importance, to Mr. Alexander Yon Kin, Nikm - The first digging began lost week, on tho lake front, opposite Harrison street, Chicago, in connection with the World's iBscular CotmpoadeBM.) Kxw Yobk, Feb; Zd, 1S01. After long continued t ffurta rapid transit bill has at last parsed tbs Assembly and has become a law. The inhabitants of this great city may therefore breathe a sigh of reilef, for they eon see in the near future a liberation from tho intolerable annoyance of the resent elevated railroads. The new E iw provides for the appointment of a Board of Hapid Transit CommlFeioners, whose duty shall be to adopt a system, lay out routes, and then sell at auction the privilege of constructing the Hues. It also gives the commissioners ths right to consider existing roads and to decide whether they shall be utilised for rapid transit or not. Under this provision, either the present L" roads may be used upon which to run axprses trains, or the h. Y. Central may bo extended to City Hall. It Is very likely, however, that the problem will bo olvel by the eons traction of sn annir-giauL- d system running ths entire length of the eity. The whole qaestisn will be practically In the hands of Ik oommlssionen, who, no doubt, will receive abundant suggestions from tho press. WOHSK TBAH OCR WILD f tWith ous li'-i- E AS A NT. UTAH HH50N JTAB-- hs will be confronted by dlfflenltie In selecting a Secretary of the Treasury. The man moat prominently mentioned for the vacancy is Keprecentatlvo Me Klnley, but owing to bic being a Presidential candidate. It iadoabtfnl whether be will consent to take a position where be would have to commit blmieif so strongly on the financial quection right on the svs of a national campaign. Senators Sherman and Allison arc also mentioned aa probabilities and even Senator Ingalls Is talked about by como people, but 1 shouldn't fear to wager big odds that Mr. Harrison will not even consider hie name in eohneetlon with tho vacancy. Stephen B. Elkins will, It le said, have Mr. Blaine's aappon, and some Ohio people are preparing to push the Foster. claims of Assistant Secretary N sttleton is anting of Under the the Treasury. Secretary law be can only net for ten days, so that it is probable that Mr. Harrison will within that time select ths new Secretary. The members of the House Committee engaged In Investigating the silver pool are certainly not earning a reputation for energy by their methods of investigating. It may be unjust to shares them with not wishing to pnsh their investigations, bnt their action causes a great many people to make It all the some. Listening to the evidence which they have so far taken, one eannot help thinking that ths witnesses have not been os fully have been, bnt the queerest part of it aU the small number of Senators and Representatives that hare beat aammoned to testify only those whose names hive been mstloned by earns other witness as probably poweealng knowledge. The leaven la slowly working. Representative Fsatberttone, of Arkansas, made a strong and able argnment before the Hmue committee on tho Election of President and in favor of hla joint resolution providing for the election of Senators by a direct vote of the people. It la hardly probable that this Congress will make this change, bnt that It will be mada within the next ten yean eannot be doubted by any eareful observer of the drift of pnolle sentiment. Theres going to be a elms In tbs nonse over ths free coinage bill before long, and It Is liable to be a very lively one, It le evident that the eommlttr on coinage propose delaying the. bill all it knowi now, and already a resolution discharging tba committee from Its further eonilderulon bee been offered and referred to the Committee on Rales, a majority of which are said to have promised that It should bs reported 'to tie Hons, If the Coinage committee do not report the free oolnage bill within time. uup.t ph-tel- y fc sast, Utah. ni rt V3 The frl, 'ration of labor lias refused to join tf.i third party movement. rr K. Reid, In IBK l'r..a.u. unri IVrriwry . f I wk. ! An epidemic sf scarlet fever Is raging In the town of flood Hope, 111, hai wc have to say jiboul XO. Notice Tixa ha (kveral rase of tiuoilpux. Miui.le U.iak Ln Mi Herman, un her to New the annoyances and perplexities which are mutual between boaider and host, There is a deficit In Italy's will be said indirectly in same suges-tiuns- , which lilly years in li:e iiouii, and for the year sil of 12,GUMXIU. Csttikusnl News ahd WASHINGTON LETTER .attorney and exi Cl" hoius. Ana now I. THE Sill Til.! UTAH. .KES. ,C Mlfc'e 5 l:j, Condsnsad Edition i f lijtr.es Complete litogrupliy vaj s "Tiie Yk'.iiiiiitiii Cuiintiv ot North King lliiiulwrt adrt Ciiei.i Caro) n i lia advrlili nl summer dinute draw hie reslKuatlou. and is a result for iiealih and pleasure: and m tliir pine woods the air is bene- Senor Kolliie I'oey.the di.stl..uislieil Iwwl to pvopie su'lerng Iron divine of natuiaiUt, died in Havana. king!" ATTOSMEYS. L .1 Tii.i v:- ; f: Gbadwick, - 1" Icihv; :n ti - : it :i A &clr.. I lir-.i !v '.lie .Slate; v.ay pan ..('.he (,.i.ii ami a pi-- ; er ;i,i..mi;.:.u!'. t b impjil eei-ur- MiRiliERNBOARDLILS 7'r- ,f i!:.' , promptly to lilies ; ;! o v srio ns entries -i Ui.u'v. Manti, Utah. :! LETTER. d, i a GBW rr,JMThe A f.ihDS li: es - di&eav.- a; u..::;: rV.' aarvSMe3UUB SUKTI HTr, 8A.YEETE COPSTY, UTAH, TlEJBAY. FEBRUARY HI, 1891 li ti. . -- in ITisap telephones will now prevail Kuglnnd ths same as in Germany, where Bell failed to obtain a patent. In tills country the Bell patent will expire March 7, 1893, haring been originally granted March 7. 1874, fora term of aeventeen years. A Main Nichols & Shepard Co.s mowers, reapers and binders. "New Vibrator" threshing machinery. Scott le all steel hay presses. "Jay Eye See" sulkey plows. Case steel beem centre draft plows. "Canton Clipper" steel hand and tricycle plows, harrows and Ajax cultivaton. Fountain city grain drills. Hoosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. full-circ- Branch Houma nt S.L.CITY,C(iDEX,LGUAX, MILFORD, UTAH J.H.CLINGER, Trawling Agt, for Sanpete & Sevier Counties, ffeGiOOPE'V THU , . 011) RELIABLE COOPER WA H a re v t.-- t ip IK3IA!Hf .LIJ, R. (took the prixe at the Territorial Fair. In 1889 tliera ware 1019 old in Utah alone. . iMO. : Great Diseevery of Tin- I Street, Manti, SOlo Agonts for tfiq following wollilcnown goods. The Old Reliable" Cooper Wagon, Moline lour spring mountain wagons, Torter road carts. The above are made especially for the Utah trade. McCormick "r from San Antonio, Texas, largest and richest vein of tin Industry of ths world at tho present time has been discovered at tbonld Diablo mine abaft, forty-fir- s mils southwest of Dursnco, Mexico. Tbs owner of tbo mine and discoverer of this rich rein la John Fsrahbaksr, of San Francisco, who arrived in this city yesterday. At the bottom of the uisft, ImLbiker says, I a remarkable vein of ore, onr four feet wide compc d of a solid mass of oxide of tin, smlv log from 60 to (TO per rent, of pur metal. Fershbaksr will begin operating it Imciedlately. rT.rt Vi- - VT : " Pi ft- t V.. vft, ni A : ft ca'tuVvYA.awvtvTvc kommeY 1 I ovprtv 1 if vxv Vvdce ct V)C.0(YC, BARNES, LEWIS V: CI:AN VI, US & CO., Dorrs landsman, C. !L Nielsen, vil mart ovsrbeviso edrr am at vi herds do hredste rarer til do billfgst priser, Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc. |