OCR Text |
Show I'KALERB IS "Wfcf.' in r -- f lloue t. ni S'.r.n: "-- Utah, 4 Jr.? Co. Oi i. in . - oot," ;l 1 ? ' V) vt-s- t of Co-o- Off. w OD ATI O K M :.5 ' j?'. W:- i, - a "IU ekip, art CurnUhed. 3W P bam. NEXT! Ut tUWI WIV ularsof aHuii'ttCn Mturmt th. keart." . . la it VouTw oy acuiciiiu. . iu ; Surjfira! .. :' j Ui, Nashille,'Ji.i::. tJti; NORTH OF CO-O- . (hi. P khTZTa An eld natlsaieB of t&U avltaar lfatMeaa.1 HAL BURTON, GARDNER CO., J r i ,.:,;!,! - i efti-.- , liv-i-- Weber Pianos. 35,000 wir-- rn- , liVd Sn.-- : !;i a ;;( m ' ;'3:'r:.7 . lii: V - Whitney's ;rs -- ;;d Iicapcrs. Pest 0Scg, Utah: Ji : . t- ...... I "rm alMeMT dye far yoal" praeurtiy pa--. Uad taa asaa emphaiie where It waa aeeded. aua bat ra 'KAi.SUii IN A"AUaUdy, not ragurkable far ettaar Merchandise0 GOODS. V 1 Groceries, adriee' to to bow aha eoald get rid of a troublaMfna (alter. "Oil marry mmi marry Mral" he adrlaed. "lay, I would see him hanged drat" "AO, madam; many him, as I eaid to yon, ana ru .rare yon It will sot be long tsjgej ""p AW a . mir w;. ngcnii ii.r ilno rcooper tragon tod the Mr rnrmitk Jrachinery. S,K' " r.-- SALIVA; a. lUXaUeall, . a . llfl, fm S. TocKei Candy Co, 850 E. lit St. i...t uh oity. iI Taa Ca Mm Wr r VL Motteele banbr flraa that me ftUlowluaaaallap ku fl M otto ef bar laWnttoa Uad tamake SaalBraetla her - ipport of elalm, aaia proof will ba made Mora ua ih &lJ?lB!l!e U riv.v.'i: & CO., UIUUAUU, ILL, HAXCFACTURKKS OF School room Furniture nnd Appara .itui' conHsting of Denk, Maps Char's, Globe- -, Bell". Ui nek Boards ' .v. r Lf.?'.!! jimiB'.T.. J .. T i . .iihik, I . Aieu . 1 I uina nndOpuni Chairs. - I - Vli f rixAL" raoor. laid aflei at Sail Lata Cltr Cta k Beptenibiir fTtli, hw ni.ii-- ir rnvur iaa iviaivilia Slrd aotka uf lutiir lutru- nnad antilifa lUTn BJ."11 gnmmmrm w mwmb .H N,iV.t 0. llr rraittm c'nlm. aad rerciva final mitry IiutmiI,- tad thai aaid proof will b mailf urn..- iu. . ruvrw .iiHr. irrnfm Olllll" , ".' BaW it tin- - (tout llwiM la alaall cltj , i ;iUi mi i nvKiay ine ina aa? i orrnbrr. icrr., 1HH A. !., Alhvrt Kwaln, Uomcatitsrt KrUy Ko.ua;, tin Itu. aad I! LM IV i. .M HL 'P.. la K it 1 Vf , and aanai tha lollnwlna wllnram m to prort hia CiKitlnoo iMbiPnpa upon aad trt aaia iaad.rla: Mtrhavl P. Laar- r.uliirt(aa an. l!harla I. AiubnM. Vilwarri baiilauin ad Walter RfUlDitoa af rayatla, aaapta IVtitk - nWI( mjjpjP v. iaicici, ! i.iiEiirii, m on Ribbona, Laces Embroideries, Summer Dress Goods Olasa. ware Tinware and a wide variety of Miaoellaneoua Contrivance. Nolions and other Novelties. We bay STEEL BABB FENCE WTfiJB iu Car Lot. We also carry a full line of sixes in StxbXi WtK UltSt a.f.EiwMM DR3K la U.3C HOMi mnred bark to their old stand the Constitution Building. tall C UlTUHIiTT. IT-- , MADE-WOOL- JOilNC, and Retail, Price Paid Kinds. house CENTRE ST., Utah PROVO. Cracker Factory, SALT LAKE CITY i'Tom Temple. Fiissrr-CLA- for Produce of all CUTLER ft BRO. pi: sldihq 3 Blko Cash GOODS, EN Wholesale No. GDI. Ms 1'ualrr AWallna, Ptepthttora. ltaaafartnrer of fr.ltr.1 m: Vj:f- -: run. l'i '' Ternl- M.U k 1. - ajnjz ssiattJiri. ROBBINS&CHRISTENSON GUNNISON, UTAH. w c.va ftir0cift ot W WCk. vtvowev go o M. 0. E0LEBS Ho keeps a full line of ; - Dry Goods, Confectiontsry, Groceries. Canned Gobds. Glassware Stationery, Cigars, Tobacco, and makes a Specialty of Hats. Caps, Boots and Shoes, Gents' Furnishing V? Goods and O X. 2T &j. MOunt Ploasn nt, TT tiXi . A OTHI I. r"'. ' F..i! .t:' . I " 1. naliltinia oi tin ooeaMau of tna ihuu i.rn'iiiiui and that Hid proi.fii will l aa.;i ' . .w-- t 1 i. riciieintj Prop, ..... iili-il- . aad Kiaelircr of tin-- C. H LhihI Ofllee ai a:i lae tliiy. L:l:b TeirlfAryon Irl-rt.the lStli. rtay t tit mnlH;r. A. !., IHK. Tha 1 b.Ib up a whkb Mid pmof la m be made are an li.iluwa.m-- a It: D. .lltl far Hon oLXaLi 5 in RETW00LKNMrLL8,8.L.City. . W carry the liearieet and most varied stock . of at tractive merchandise that can be found within the Territorial UkIU of Utah in proportion to the apace we occupy. We rfre already overstocked and with constant arrivals we are very much pTwseed for ilia want ef more room. Rather than build any mote at prea ent we will sacrifice on our already low prices in order to insure the desired reduction of stock, hence we oiler you the beadBf of our Utah Supply Co., lk Highest (I Cute John P. Christensco. SOUTHERN CENTRAL SCPPIY STATION.- - mLm.iLimmmmmm.LwLLiLmLiLi Agents of Have JameaM. kokbina. mail W. R. H. PAXMAN. SEH1INEL BLOCK, vz j few A.M7lp - - UTAH aramaaaaf tkaaaiaat aad hvihtal auvlali and are at all iDbm. gaaraaieed. OarajeanV K relator tTnliS Uirr k Vewh, llnmntnid Entry No TMS for theKKK. Miaeeai m SEiSee " elaiiaea a the Kniary" thn v'i RSBtWai..!a,4BA I'!:i''',:' !, Tp ia.8 B ll,aa Tavaalir, (ITj-lOiiuuiy of Kinrrjr and TrrrU UTnUBBlV. bey of V ah. hall i:ilieiui tian.ea tiiaA.ilow ST. I'i V 'Ti' Rha aaau-- l tha fnltowlag wltaaaaw tomvt lag wltnHe torn.v.Thc orf:ii.i4n-'- ,if aaM ,... i :.' nyrieehW A. IL An-iBuitlf-a- ' ti.awi'e parnuHi'H, rn; Willi.im 0. eontiBBOBa har aadcufilra. rmlUaara upoa, dfewa' Kainoi; : Irliurkn Uiobe. a sain- - lian K.n Oi.':"ii.i er :r. null land, na : Jobe Jamaa. Wradbrm Fetir, te. IVr. 1 ilaauje, William LltehSald, aattlfceard M. Yormmii-- n. ill ol l.invr,111 in f. iv pit K wiiiw-- ran be iveu at this oXe.i FiilBMt ef of ttab. .1 1L li. BBAtifuim. ftTHta, iaaaate Uoaatr. Utah, rltuty Fsivk V. ire&'., i , DViV' .V: Box67,MaBU,Gsn,Ait Bird Lowe, Attya. an? Apple, Stayati udSlmmene atterne. r U. jiS.:'.' ""- HiT. Eir ri lUiraUAij 11 Bargains Notice for Puhlicatlon. ui u ;iuj, I'M )TU W0OKKS UILLS, Proro, ' Orders by us, For gool Business locations in the kk FBAaa D.lIOBBt, Urulitw, kotick or cuaiilf ' !tr.ii .ii mataamaw '' ' eaity Sai7 ao. an. Etc.. from Apply ta Felt. oUom et Co. Proro. r.i inrui. li.H. ANDREWS lOTTraTl r ui 1 .'".r Lead omee at bait Lake Cltr. Utah. wo M- Promptly attended to. Office and yard opposite the U. C. and D.& R. G. Depots. aVmaa r ti nu Korriniui' IJtb. lian. i.. iodbi, nunr or not at' nala. l.tah, Nle ca. wlrinw of Mel,. ,eM. tending, or withdrawing before tha tali Johanna M. H. K.f.l'Tfcr.Ji-K'- .. f. ;. ..t.. 4 waa MmrJnriaH rk ftn. SMS Wit Sib. . T. jn ;, h - K eat a oonaiderable time is expectation of Wl ntR1K thn I:inir1lr' rll..-......r l: ti"nr-- ; .... ......- - ..i hia MalaaU whan taarinVanf r.Hn...l.i. Br! GOatililH.lia rt'yi Ir....... . -v . of aaid ir.:i-i k land, ..'j;,: . V. eoooBtpieaeua for hie haughty damaaoor, . . Baa. Alulrf.w k mdu.. i:1. quitted the room in a snet paaiioa. On tlrtle Ualr. Kmurj (munly, l'uii Tc n lR-rhie way he met EUligraw, to whom he td Fa.xt 11. iiubbs. Ucairtvr. himself more fnaty thaa ooarte- his toward bade Ka. atl. onaly majesty. BUlgrew his graee be ealm, for he would lay a DESIST UKD, FIBAL FROOF-XOT- ICa run riBL ioatiu.X. wager of a hundred ponudi that he would maka hia majaaty attend tha Council fa lafa United Stain Land Office, hall Lata Cltv, gcah Tit. than a half aa hrnrr TMilaMlala fcMb LIm . aft hia wrarl aiul Vntlw iwpt maiian, .". that4oanbChrMUtniTa hi;rob a . a am a B .. diate admianoa to the hing, told him ell tn- -' .y , omuii' ac cnnnif, una TfyrTitury, fen fllttl auttiM uf that had happened, adding: BWOAf r al .1.. .... fa... av.a tukt aafll him Ihnmaaal'i 'Wkaowyoar majesty hates .aderdala; fha Bui elk".w though tha airiarity of roar majear'e af Tit.: i.v;. : fairs oblifaa you to raaalra him.' Kow, if neJudag orthaciarkor tiio'uii.Mi ((..w..t amery " 'v . Ujik raitj. 1. Territory. ... .r uatk- I w, ia.i. j eome to the Oonnoil, for Laudardala ia a jl-- f --n." ifna HIHU; .'I AU.. ....Jk, He aamattbe follawlaa aaaa w annnniaaiiy BTaruaoaa inaa, auaaf 'n ae eaaiBlete UrlgatlaB anawltnran.thaa awiha araaw. aa -- 01 kn Uualf iwclamall i or and sarar plagua yea mere." A. J aoabroa, ef If .ytald r. O BanpcU r:. The Mnaiaagaad at the tktarraaiiB, aad ak ; Peter V. Tteneweoa. Allted J. ! Waaliaw B.ail.ikl .lint tt ... Brou,r!.k, n r attendad tha CoBadL J' iumviuwhu - Doors, Windows, Netloa Far Pwblleetlon. Jnm. I- carry the Largest Slock south of Salt Lake City. The people of the south will do well by baying their We HO. CM. nw DKALB1IS ipTEfpii IBUILDII(5 fc. f: KTA1L and all kinds of uu Xilugrew frequeatly bad aooeai to Chaises II., whoa admiauoa was denied the firat peers of the realm. Charlea, who hated buaUMM as much at he lored piaasure, oftSB . .... . w a D.l-lar- AND IIOU-.SAl.- Lumber, Lath.Shingles, Pickets, WINDOW, DOORS. MOULDING and BLINDS. .r for wiadneyoneruiieHon.irM an eaaa that it f.i.. . Send for list of testimoiiUK AJJ.-.-t. J. rtTKNKT () TdMo. o. t siiia cy UrugRist. 7."?. k-- KriXIOUKW - uesofths iu U1A1I Xa. W Aiawyar naragge umaair upoa aa op-Cpoaeat. wrote the word "RuraJ," In All BIO. 5W, vwnar of the hat took it ui aw Aatlee or ateae- -t Laaa liaal I rawf. looked ruefully Into it, and turaiag to the Valtaf Statta laad OCcaaJl Lak Clttruh judge enafjroad, " I euim the proteoUon of tha honoraUa umart Taa amhIm u. ,. awaaaaaajw KITtMl KaaalB ad has wriUea hia aame in my hat, and I flWllfl fa, of gunnlan, teipata CoantT. UUh. nan m mkboj anipiGioa aa uiteade Eearjua aaaniauaoueaotbiirlatMUaa mooi tomaks oa har dcaerl land claim ho. net (or tbi WW to make way with it" w w k . of a ar 1 a- -, k ,u " Famy, don't yon think that Hr. Bold ge. S, TnthaSt7s kanira 1 K S L Moadiaa Kafiirtar and B CMlrrr. at ("'!? a aaauainna Juan r "UBI SO---I eaa't FfA aae alt City, UUh. aa Koreabar af, MO- anrlnra Ma lanka. Ha la hm..l. ammsBm tha fcillMeBrlaaa. a n.. " Well, ha'a forteaate. at aU amta, forau tki loompliei lirlintlna and reel it mai ion i.f. AtWj. Tuft MinrfM Mmv. aWl.i old aunt hat jest died aad left kirn fifty tbouatnd doUara" "fnilaaJt I. It aieaaBMseaaaBi, ajOMaaiai ejajuBliy, Ulttel, -Wall, bow, oboe I eeme to BeseUeeithere is O.BaUyAtfar..r: a eertain aebk air about him, aad he haaa naa aja. oawt do aaaiaa. fc th LUSHER AND BUILDING CO., AtnstitDiioiiBi ..... Ball'a IVrarvh Cl,. I. Internally, acting upon the blood and syatam, thereby nf Ih. deatrjllnw tha lriar)aM ud gmng the patient strength dy boltd- --v Duuautuiion ana assimpg natnra in doina -ita nw.B. Tha ..id yivur tori hare so maeh faith in lt4 enrarire iwwwa jBED BOOM SUITS. - PBOVO dJeeaee, reqnlres r. For full M.D.SnULlS, Mctnayer,bphraim. HSaamUUlB. i Baby Carriages, We hRM identy n nmvey to loan on good security nauiciilars csll on nr write to r.l.. Furnrtur3. EASY TERMS. VERY ! f ' eft. 5KVESTMENTCQ., ' - SON: DBY GOODS, GHOCEBIES OLOTBIIfG, i u utit iriiuuii .: .I... i St- iuai,v ;ii i .: i.." Liver or nejs, sUudliia; joii will surJ.y flrid ulirf i,w" line uf KIwrlTil ItittuM a B'l CM"f aaa ,t il.Hri. EPT,b"ttl1 t B. BrueU'h liaati, and V U.P. Lvreen'a, puraim. Ui-.B- . GENERAL SUPPLY HOUSE ": it & JOHN LOWRY TO LOAN ON $100. Reward. $100- The readers of th pixTixtj. alii le "fll pleased to learn tha'tr.-1J. ttvi nesi wiui" dreaded dlBpaMiiirvri:!jti.-- r to eure in all lu sta?;H, A bdy, wfahim- - tha arrloa. of a ti i.M.i t:,i U ye, tarrh. Hairs CaUrrn Cam as letarred to aa exaaueat wericaaHLwho u ' . M SDSaltUBa'af Iwuh hU U ears now known to tit in.i--. tS.. lady eased, SIataakad: ''Areyemtheira-'Ne,au'aa- i; nMerajtf. Catarrh being a ecusttrii-tMfawauaif" mi uiLi C0,0P m .4 otsigyniaa, who was eooeollng a yonar endow oa tha death of bar huabaad, apoke aaiwaa ana, UUt ba WBa"eiieof thefew. immanwg Bueh Vjewel of a C&rkliaB yon eaaBot dad his eqeaL yea Well know." Ta whisk tha aaaMr rUad, withaaiiiaortbraluHkaart : 8th 8. Salt Lake City, Utah. Jucicii at Ccal'er dc Sn&lgrovi's,'fLJtxin Str.ci, tali Late City, Utah. . CATALOGUES FJiJE. louey! Money!! Money!! a. 1 .a. Srs. UP OrriOK OPrPOSlTK THKATBB.':TOlf - j i,.-.- PromDtlS; Moulding TABD, ThM Iralldltlnn f i and puicfut f.!ikneH to n'tjint fi.a.i!i nia'ks an n h fth ii . h trraanix! and Sash, i i,::.. 0 i Genera! Public' Combination Fence' Lumber, .' CO", l : Doors, Combination Fence, Cedur Posts, Ste COB ;,vr!n . ? tfe,I'rme" .u,ar yt0." '''Jr!' """"ity ?DiiS.:?.n 1 ,v.' ajaj Stu. b.ikcr Bros. ''.rrir.ffi'i and Carts. use. in Sat?(act,on. OrdersbyMal Receive tention. Send for Price List, S v. ,' ! iXCOaPORATID. r. .f tniat lilt. 1'iar IiiiuImu Cpeeh. wiWiuan mu to aim: " you will find the Jwt at the eppotite end of the ofanreb." "Whatdolwaat with the foatr" anked BM otd ftnUwnan. " I big yonr eaid tti elaruml wit, "I thoufrbt peeaoa." yon had Hwagac tae euu to ba ebrtatened.,, . Cold av efehtr-fon- ii.vennoa, ii.nr ; '. CleVLlkl'ii, as the Ootchnuu's pladd aaewea. tUB onwi v Wl(XU)U talZZai gd maeaape theitfatef asked see sbaiBis. "I tMBrteetatooater r Chu. a. Boriaa. Fraak Y. T.ekir NM.MM aiohard W. Youai ;.:,,:.: ... Piles and f ."efj'ns ua noinilig v:ft. Sold hy mall on receipt of to alone beet, and P WKLLauhier pnaelpal notata IV h 3 oa aivlnii dcouelta l'lll:K:liul. inlnui klCr!ZLi. S'lenwiy. lid Pileel Pileal Piee.ll Indian Pile Oiutnieiit win euro Blind. Bleeding, and Itching Pilae shaii all ihu it............ -uai r railed. It alisorbs theviutiiicuia tumor, elnjs the Itching at oi.cf, aria as a poullir. SItm InrtMiit relief, b. W iliianisJ l'ile Uititimuti tr. Pkred onlv fur Dabinaa ana mmt.ai ai. fgyfc towalaf, whM OuVtew at nrtJRS M. IfM r, c , i A Tftti! i Hnin. Hauki Cify. Hoary A. Weauay, l(w Hem ilniiotiu peyabl aa JiHii. oa tiiuvedaroarlty7 Mr. WUllams' i. tUe boy of hie mothe epUador-- rd . Mum, ii i the earn, that tk. " IrJaV i t Fii f'- oi no pay. ia- - ... hU. traTatMa aagaa eaaaW .ianiin ud T, uj the lor.!.. .k III. drii-.--- rd phuk faft UH Ui, Moaeph F. Hailtb, rt:. .Jf, iM. II. Sptrry, L L "mm : ) - . JjO0.OO0l Dlreetora. Yew are la Bad Fix, Bui WB will- mira - imui .1 w M h til .... MIV 119. J Men who are Weak,J Nervous and Debit- ilaiavl. uirtorinw IW..M Umua... Seminal Weakness, and all the effect ol inaiscretions ,7'". """"i WhJcnleedia -Pmumn . -' lion or Insanity, ihuudvvmtvuiujuj tend for and read the of I. .It," iv:r! pa nip. . iaiaired eaTBaT . a larf. I. hh " " Ma. oaaa C?"' tun, or money rtfunJctl l'i per box. For sale liy 1. li. and H. P. Larsen Ed!u:i;m. . . 7X71 " Sfflfl ie. M . St., 60 pot-itiye- iy aad a ihewy tuur sa kia Hull ikr. i aaSl, had wialdad tha . . , Capital. The bfxt aali-a- t in lh .1.1 i ! bruinta mm uWn I ui . .k.... r., IVTVI .ileum, io:es. tetter, ehaniut.! han.U kiikin;n. corns, and all Rki'i eiuption. aLd cures pile.--, or w pay lequiitHl i . wlaiw mnA 230.000 - Slate Barjk of UUh. T&3 in th .1.1 a' aowa; Uadiag- the .peer p. n maiLr H BlflKliai.. . i Aa,vertiin. ihirailB'a AratM Hale. J wtraeUdf FJJliVUEW HOUSE .f-- r u Doctor. Anfcii U-J awws "Well, mad Bar mh.t H. TiioiiAS & Co. i .-- tight f00"; anger. A han iu. . mieletoe, tuok : fcUf Good Coal at the Manti Canyon, 4) miles .,'n!i;i. tier ton .ti.ilil u nf l.lma luly 25b. i'tclaf ratM given on large Ci - ill Luky 'Music Dealers. ? : icplied the daauwl with a had nee .. .. .. net." Whktbaduwt Six-mi- p i :; thit'i u inii l'a ii- how he P. ni,.ui unJrr - . C,v.iuie.nnd Coal Soi" aw A1TH & STItCH0V iiii . mul.. k. J. nuula rrrar ooiuputitor "C'ODM ana OOftt J" S:V moai m r, wM be kiucd under the rry ic Sou. COAL! COAL!! i - it under the MI kaaad to ba kuml iil. tiiuiik--r l ihr mile Canyon. Li iL-'.- i iri7" r Obje ttiua Si,: ."irrle Dealers C ??0 ? ltU. ,. Jie reulird "fin,,. 1,1., am the rat ii Brvez done at all."1 M'ETH in ': The Bunt efflelent admtbili.g lu half of Hood's Banaparllla U that which, sonue from the medirloe Thai In, thnaa ha km mm4 k. n v friends suffering niiiiilvry, wbo lu tum derive benedt and ure otufr try tLla ineeauf ut iiiHiii.-im- . ti.i. of 1U porularilj R rkpi,j)v from this eauw nlor. : ' arc nuir Letiuiiiij :!.'.;:.. half of Huwl';!?ir-dtfllli'iii:r.t'.i v i i:i , . ittfeiW fi.r , V. :v " It be Kirt-- a fi.tr l:s ir '..'1: gocd blood puritlvr, ) ti,u,n .m L ine, try Ilood Sarsaparll: . . """m your huh ww mi you ore." "I rtllllhliua vm e'eottlar. hi. fttmm seal nlU. H i. u7i bra. the South in - .t fiilT'.iiilli v i"i . the Head, (... :..: 1. Dnruo'e baufl', euee. lvke ie. at li. ,. The Beat Boots, Shoes, and Everything . a class i.N Cheaper than ifai-Hjuiv- H'uCU . General Merchandise, .! Hats, Laps, , Ca:rrh Snuff Ourne's WIT, HUH9B, AND flEWTI XZVT. UhOP.. HfiaTJUSaai DUNCAN, i1 :: y S: .r 1 A. C. OlaSOlV, Dkauk Ik Pure Breed Terchpron Honrs. llaadliajHorswi a Specialty. f.-i- Jo-- ?.!T.PL:3A3A.Tp CTAII WE ABE OFFERING FOR SALE 250 Fine Graded Staple een Groceries, . v.Tiivrxi.'sr. . : ca-xi.A.i- French Merino Rams, Highest caah price l art real hat defy eemaetltMa. They era Bad fat. tor aanlaulaia call en or addreea 2& Bm: kinds of Grain and Produce. CorrcoKudence Solicited. piid ) .UI A deleiea-yoB-BB ORO BROBh Nephl, Utah. E. Centre Street, PROVO. UXJlXIe |