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Show Cull Cnvrtity THE LOGArjl NATION. LCGftN. UTAH, TUeSDftY MORNING. NOVeMDCR VOL, 3. 14. 1893. NO. u:t r.ir ...' thi: nr. in LAND SLIDE! Tli1 legislature has gone Republican. Almost tin1 entire Repuli-linit V li'ii i'.iiiI S.ill di!;r ii i!s Sliiti ticket is elected. Hit ll IvDjidI iGill.s In cil' lit If.r llvnx Democrats Promised Bread democratic party in New York lias uii.i t fniM .( st.itrn.ini I., nu t its Waterloo. and Gave Stones. tail- sampl.- ,.f rii1 abi.v. a Iii Illinois. the entire Republitin1 statements Ilf onr l,eal d in- jiiili.-ia- l can ticket lias lieeu elected. THE HmiTiNSALW CM THE WALL I'utie h ir; y. .ml The city ticket is largely Repnbli wliilt depths they ilmiji. c,n can. Outside of the city, where vlleil t Ill'll- s mi .isi. 'll t i; Mililics are lint controlled by the .lid nothing biglili. 'll,,, tut., vicious foreigners ot the Clticugo nelil is wholly l.dse fi ln Ii slums, tin Republican ticket hr. to end and is !y i:ne ' 'f ctiurse t'lci'tdl. Judge Kro.-- the Sin .vie' iui allisl for. Ill thelir.-- l pil'd . then1 The coiiutry h.n so k.n. After t'iry, lln fcHrlcss jurist who sen.re no l.ils-ralin Ogden ami ne year of ihuiiHTiitic misrule the b'tn'i'il the dymuiiite wretches (. lie l.ilielllh Ilf Se.lt l.lll.e ilid M Hayiuarket munlers. has Imcn! M.iplc hne given their verdict. lot unite with anyone. Tln-- pm is it bitterly ipjaiscd by Altgeld, th i the And same verdict which ticket ail l Well Ip H lias always been given by the 'Irmi.gogim who disgrace I lliuoi: by the ('iti.ns, a ticket .Made lip iif Mepidiiicalis, dfl.ni-rat- s people after it trail of the demo- - l,.v cci,pyiu' her chair of Statu, Tins mail recently jiardoued out o I cent ic jun tv: nail men who Ind left "Weighed in the balance and ,1,i I'Miitcntiary those of the of t!i parlv . archists who were not hanged. tepiilijii-aiiand Liberals uniting wanting," ' This joiii'iial lias been at some ,ii! Gary has been it eame much nearer being a All ss. honest won, all who ' pains to Himt out wlmt it la'lievcd tinny nf tin liiiierals and demo" u property Hinl possess homes, MnnviMKii Kmosiiion. lioitTi.TiiTiii-- ami Aukii n.Ti'r.E MnuuMi. (!ai to la the disasters dm to tlm in for the man at the ol 1,11 citizens who lielievs in M. llu Citizen's N. riinibeiicy of the .avly in Hiwer. ' 1' Maskiu. ticket, Mnlifornia One of the most striking arcliitmnirial femun s of the Midwinter Iiiteruatioiud s;.d For siime mouths it him spiiad be-- " reign of law, will rejoice to tion is to Imtlie llorticultnral H H ataunch democrat and th now and Agricultural M lilding, desigin d by- Sanm News and wliii-hear that Altgeld has failed in liis fore till pmplo the long liM ii f. In this instance the architect took f.r the under construction with the others of tho n present Lila-rimayor of i; l that Judge Gary has of evils which go to make up the! M1 his work the old Spanish Mission style which is so characteristic of t'alifornia's early history . Wi.b Make. iSiich stateim-iilas nurcou-thi- s Wteil by a sweeping Iti he has comliiued more than a tinge of tlie l!i);iiHiies(pii!.i The great dome of this building, Dem, malic Calamity I'alendiir.So! in makes tins line show temporary . . and almve the Hrchil entrance, an. I carrying a secondary dome on its crown, is rot tain to la a l.ind-mi1 ... liecii tliis ivconl or,Jl,r'1 h ' '.'M in the Fxjaisition grounds. It will be ltll feel. ! inches in dw'iiiit'r an I ilil feet from the ground to the; disaster that wc could not but. Mat why go on with the list? "r 1,1,1 tennis amt willful fnlmf mg. lantern. Round th' donie on the outside there will bo a naif garden, the back ground of which will believe it meant a harsh verdict Iennsy bunia has gone Republi-froheuutiih! with a aerica of plaster figures in low relief, not cherubs of Maplun-- l or Michael Angelo, li .l Furthermore, they tend to keep tin country. Mut the temper can by one hundred thousand; ninteeuth century clicruls of tlm hate Greeiiway order, nn in lovation tlul is sure to be popular. Tin up the fierce, animosity ' of th1 Nule. ns shown in Tiles-- Ne Jersy has gone Republican; extnurie length of this building will be JCui teet (iiuchcs, and th great t t wi It h I'.N) feet. which has caused so miieli bit tiV day's eleet ions, is aroused to a Iowa ha 4 gone Republican by feelings and contention in the past, pitch which far exceeds oureN-c-tliiity thousand; Kansas has gone THE LOW WATER STRANGER SUICIDES.- -1"-' tutions. We have lieeu aeeusi.il of' iiepublican; Nebraska lias gone Colorado has gone sensational Mut Republican; jTliiirsday, the oOlli day of the partisanship. liarsli as has lieeu the indictment iiepublican; South Dakota has The Cash in the Treasury at: present month, Novemlier, as ajHe Registered at a Salt Lake of the democratic party by this gone I! publican; Hiid Massachusits Lowest Point. jdny of thanksgiving And praise,. Hotel as J. P. Johnson. to lm kept and and other journals, it is not mi etts has i! huh back into the fold by all ' harsh hh the judgment which 1ms with u Republican senate, a Reon ir m ideiutt. just been handed down from the publican house, auil a Republican ordinary work and employment; high court of the ieopl. governor with a plurality of thirty November 30th, is the Day set Apart and assemble in our usual j daces denna-rueIt menus the democratic uirty iliousaud. would ..till Unin, ti... His Comings and Goings Laudanum by the President on which to of worship where we may recall will lignin be driven from power. mid Imve Whom the gods would destroy the bitterness it ml Did it The Verdict of the fil'lit Praise the Lord. and Inis fur wheie all God done us; Cononers aiiiiiiiisilies Rarely has so sweeping a demomail. Thu make continue, even as they Jury. they first from grcuifiil hearts fiAr'tluUed vernal of a popular movement been crats are blind. have in the past. Sh.'iine existed to failetl They of and tribute Associated recorded. It is only one year st Press The song praise may on emiteiitiiiii dispatches such it it strife! that the ruin they have A mysterious case of suicide oc.Mil inst. SHy : Low water reach the throne of grace. since the jieople of the Fnited v of Let the It tiiiealled and is fir curred at the Cullen Hotel early rouglit 1ms alarmed the country. iiiini'cessiii'y Ktates placed the control of their The wrecks that strew the in the net available cash in the tlm reunion of kindred and social A laud, mark man who mid sliinild r 'eeivc the severe Siiturday iiiorning. we jt reached today, when meeting with friends .lend cheer Imi treasury government in the hands of of ni! die crash of falling fortunes, the hi.uo!'all' registered under the name of J. I1. purty. Yet the tidal silent looms, the extinct forge-tire- the total stood at SIHMHM.lUU, of; and enjoyment to duty, and letj .IoIiiisoii of Nashville, Teim., was J'" 'nalt r I, hat political was the gold re- g uerotis gifts of charity for tho wave which swej t over tin land baith ilew nny adit Te. tlm rained merchants, the which found in ii room idauit 5:150 o'clock ,,r of relief the ami Tlio over one year ago has now been equaled vast srve. eenditures needy ill large pmir provj Saturday morning, dead, jn say , nji III1 light, in1 batlh.1 s army of idle workmen trampof the tlm monili thus in State elections and in mi off our this far sineerily receipts tlmuksgiviiig. its won. ,lnd rtr! Jiiriii. ImhI were found two ing the streets of silent cities all aliujst emp- v nllm-nlor this ('LLVhLAMi. condition A are Gnovijn Juts wave come. responsible year. thiste things should lmvc warned vials of laudanum ami a llask of In the great State of Ohio the them. Mut but no nlarui or uneasiness is felt A NEW DEPARTURE. they are drunken with is at The insues were the ami sharply de-- 1 insoli-ncdepartment. hope aid jsiwrr tlenf hk wU lined. Silver eut m. figure in the ,lK The Agilcultural College Extending ''lu y ,li,l not hear, they expressisl that tho reserve us well !,i,l. will tin net balance as Its System ot EJue ition. issues cut t)",,. no Wul currency light. figure j.ii.1 llllt w. Wlinii,g8. The as is Iivid-ii- t said soon. rise It ! ul in the light. lie struggle was on uin which Sanlii'i.i tlieibquirt-... iis they Imve triml to l"' ' NT,nN' ll1'1 at tin llial the that orders no inent iiral taknational issues, aid on national is tixlny with, Cnllegi1 Agriciil' S ' " hnng iimiii a great and prosorous ! i,,ir hotel on tin ill paying ln ,1( . imii;,! ,.i(. ,s for l laissuesaliitie. It was bduei-- tin Xjjj j,,, vvill now cmuc b) them iis a reference to ti:e hcI uni coinage of iievv'np HU '"--I silver bullion ... the treasure inent of the univi'i'iily exii'iisioii Republican principle of proti'ctioii edit. .rial of the Logan They nro weigluil in the f ,hl. .,t!l , Thursday ' ii III. to Aiiiciican v.riiicii and I.r a while system of I'll balance and found wanting. Tlie the lilt.'i nisi., ill justici! to evi1! y lie retnri uniiot. eil the eireiuusl.im es are such Unit the can industries, u I thn Xnvcmlx-election is the Ameiit aa t e..i-n. tint the parlies a!- - T,urd:iy at miui hour ami ,.r free trade and (hi it per Olio ' lliovelllelil III list be a Inode I'aU' .Hided l.i have broa.ler minds Ilian he took the writing on the wall. At the l.oiir lalsir. Tin- Republican ciiinliiliit The the of fueiiity Agrieiiiliii.'il who wrote the article niakr the .'i it. ,. stall ni' in,. was " illi.im McKiiili y. w iio is the (,,11,.,. :l,, Two Philumaihic Society. M' Narrow iie.iding s nls,' an I h THE GREAT Y '7 !i ! i ih-h- . - i.-- . - i iJcing Put in Operation on Snake River. - Hiti-I'- i uniifiu rtiaunlH . i 11 0 ! sil-uv- I - - oi-- i -- M the Thing Works as Expected Ten Days. - 1 s-- 11 - , I - s e MM-l'.ll- l ' Iin-li-n- d s : le-n- ' ; - I i- S-il- t ; gi-ou- , I 1 j i o V1.111.11 lx-- i m old-tim- j a1 1 IMNll'riA j ' ; j j j obsi-rvov- l iiunni an m n mi j ! 1 1 I I i eon-Ii'imi- nt j ' vv s, ; -' , - ; t ch-a- r 1 s . -- m-- i.. . - 1( . i.m-iy- (. Ann-ri-- , 1 r liand-principl- e t , t , - I m i Kxpei'i-ini'i- im-i- l i ni thi; pi asNi-iii''il- . . - ' i Sm-ii-t- , ,l. e I i 1 unu-liiiii-- , by application, that i amalgamate anything from gold so line as to Is- - i'iiHTeeptiblc to a miners prcuM-If this mapick. chine piovis anything like is succcss-- t ii as is piedicteil. u revuiiition will weep over this isiiiuirv in lln- - next -ixlv days. Snake river will lu1 lined !or hundreds ,,f miles with g11'! -villa machiiiis ami mill'.mis upon in i i iimis iif dollars vv iii be wieiichcd Hal people simulil ti'mu the earlli. inidiilv excited. not Wail until tin- - imHiiue deiiion-- t rales its uliilily li do jit- -l wlmt is elai mi'll for it and I lieu get in as fast as vu can and Caldwell enjoy some uf the T ill" III'. I : !f s j i ni'hlnlrr lur disHitch from Moston dated November 'Jtli. says: Tin concen sus of opinion in a series of interMassachusetts t..liut Inward (lie state's choice id McKinley as the next Republican candidate for president. Tlie only other ciimli-dntmentioned whs Thomas Ik his slmiiiiTiil record, lie lies Meed, but lie lias not so ninny outIn'I'Ii ll lid red by olie admirers as the iiihii from thousand votes. Moss Mcl.aiigli-li- n spoken Ohio. iiml Moss Croker, (lie leaders. f tlie democracy in New York, lAhit:s and (liildreu a Couls and Imve Ilia ii shaken ill their thrones. 1ms met with a icpulae. Wraps, new fall slylci at Z.C.M.l. f Tuuiuiuuy A ' e lie says his process will j d. 1 maeliiiie - t 1 in jmwer, put up corrupt candidates ami indors'd ring rule. MihkIIc Moody, tlie lins.s caiullihite for iiinvor of MiiKiklvn. has Ihvii defeated. iM.ae II. 'Max nard. Ilie dishonest judge who si.de dncii- lliellts flolil the ullice of nil elect ion ollicial toelmiige the rcliirns. whs put up by tin democrats, lie -- - i wonderful ilonr gold which has so long hern j'alieiiliy waiteit for is at last on the banks of of Snake river at bannou's 'par, sixteen miles from Caldwell, mi ground liehiugiug to Comity V. Cmiiimssiniier (J. Mr. 15 1'ler. piesi lent of the Por'latul Xiii'ilgiiuiating iiml Mining Company was iii C.dilwe'l last Moiidav ami us Ihal he was here to slay. One of his mucidiii-- would In in full operation by the ill h inst, ami said lie, -- if there is tniv gold in the sands "f Make river our machine will save it. i' do nut wautto make any blow 'll Mill I the business," he said. "Wc have ionic here to demonstrate that the line gold slung tu bunks of the river call be a.ivri at a cost that will pay to wm k it even it there is only .'ill rents to the ton. According to Mr. Halier the average yield of gold tu the ton of gravel is about me dollar ami at that rule one of his iiiaeliiiies will net the iNralor 100 ier day. We will iml enter into any detailed account of the business at this thin. On the 1 illii of Niivrmlier one of those will be engaged in praeiieid work ami there does lint to Iw th a slightest i but tiiat it will fulfill every Mr. Haber said thul lie xMrliuii. hoH'il many people would not eoiuu to see the machine until that time it would la! annoying to have a great mimlier a I unit while the plant was lieing ereelcd. As the machine will lie in ci instant operation all winter, there is no occasion for u rush. Wail until the tenth; then go down to biiiiiiiin's Spar ami see the whole process. Mr. It.ilN-- r has Ins ti at work oil his machine fur thirli'cn year.-- and sM-n- t 10,000 in its perfection . He says that all tlm etfuils heretofore mad! wen; on a mistaken idea uimut rusty gold. Thu Snake river gold, lie says, is not liulil does noL oxidi.e except I'llsly. 1 Station are ready to respond to 'alls for leeturi'- mi subjieis within to tin- farmers thi'ii OllliT Ir.iMlIiN, vv i it in.-am ivi i of thisii'speetive silling Sonic valley Monday nflcr-in- n 1st. I f:is ti ! any Auierieni ci;b,.-i- i TillI :i Ins J.f ..lee of the (ailis.i- has no immiMliate steps: hi and evening mu- or mole I'm laruht ti. voleloi whom In 1. 1' in. I'd lliall purer that !. in contemplation could ill1 piv-ei- il to talk on involving a . l notiCi-.vv as Illlimn-in- l Nighlt'iik of of the tli1 policy change given subjects. lid', who III '.Ill'll III ll it:, ll i'll mcr Oil Monday of this Week they U government. There is said to le Taylor, who was iu'.ekly mi the--o- i no disposition to issue is llmnght gull a series of sessions, lastino before tlm timeting of; -- lid. Is it iiiit time that all sneli Me iiukI1 a lliormigh seal 'll, but was through two days at T:ivhuvilli' m ib!e to limi any thing l aid h ai in were out in the w iv I: OougresK, when the views of jji(I igiior.nus's Five uicuilters of the faeu'.'.y of i roo: : for any tiling alsuit l he man. living with the mwiiii', ing President will lie set forth. Collee.' and s I of the for thinking A should In The Imdy was transfeiivd to Kxpciiiiii-n- l Station will In in at 'on this ipiesli.iu? s umlirtakmg pal r. ,(.llt:lllI.t. !U11 sk,.w( ,v A Wn-upresent tlie Coucepiion. old. Ibis it clime to such a time i""1 " iinpiet liel.l. After taking hll.j1,.tK: The It rigal ion Problems The idea was misrepresented to the what testimony then- was. the fol-President Cleveland Sets Apart when the supporters of .L stiidi-nlpl0,. tier making in Itah: of tin.- - college by brother (i.iay,,pr, November 30th. "All the lit sheet for is is lowing venlict was returned: dirty hilton ot Muir) ing to the piosp. nly Ib'csc. that Tin: NaiioX hud jn.i.v, V AMIINOTON, 1. Nov. Tlie; to throw m ill at Tiir Nahot ui:d That the deceased eame to his of Ituh funnels; llntiitioii of crops: Inifessor Iaul of Iresideut lias issued tin follow - if an intelligent mini is not einployi'il death from an overdose of laudaiiiiin Tlm development of the I low in its Kilities to llu! students. preaching I would ing Thanksgiving proclamation: tnry will not jk rmit the pjicr lieing! taken with siiieiilul intent. relation to agriculture and ciuli.u-;tiun- ; like to make known to the student Insect 1. ('.WioMIl.K, of the lijl llir 1'irniili III I if III! I'nllril read lie fore their families?' of this college, of which 1 am ouo, Sitih'H nj .1 nirrii'ii - Itiia'I.A.M A'lloN : Tlie giowth of small fruit, that dm alfair is I 4th. Tlien why is it that sn m- C. M. IIammumi, wing misrepresented liile the American people should teliigent and tlie Titovi vs I5oiu..sk of iluuaslic uni- to them. will permit hoelt Itrolher lleese hus a The body as it lies on the tulih at tuals. Other subjects will lie pre-th- e wrong "Ciinieptioii ' of tue eoulents every ilny reiifttiber witli praise an igtiiirmims as he to dwell, among and thanksgiving the divine good them? tiiorgu.' shows Johnson to have senled and each of them will lie of the uriicle. It will In found on ness ami mercy which have fol- Yours respect fully, Iweu a iii.nt of alsml :!5 years of age, i',s u to dcluiie on the part nf the th first pane of Tint Nation ot lowisl tlieni since their Al.IIV.KT KlII'UTKX, n - Niv. rird. tall and wi II built. II had a light fanners of Taylorsville. An Head the article bofurw as a Nation, it is fitting that onej I. M. bogall; i'tali. miistuehe. and :i lie vy l.cn I of llnisiastic v eliug is priimised ami tiny in ohcIi yenr should lie) Sviii nt'iKi.ii, ITalt, Nov ll, 1S!C. j brown, hair. Salt hake we shall look to this liisl (Hurt of nnkept the College wi'li a great deal of in- Hiecinlly dcvotrsl to the eon-- , "Tribune. ' temptation of (lie blessings we: lerest, as n is the beginning of a : Whiskers that are prematurely received from tin hand ni GinIIo to !.i will put in your hmim tor Tiik Nvi-iojt nnniv'ii series of meeting for , ,,r faded Klmuld be colored to ' ,V',1,I" ami lo the grateful nckutiwledg- - iie of the t I'iuiios or UrgatiH Vl'l! willl,,r' ,,ul ll, eul' i'v I St '.' ! j prevent the hatk uf ago, and Buk Tl O' N inent of Ilia loving kindness: in tli! w.rl.l; ha) nice nU, tit us you u,m1 ll, of llw itiglm n's Dye excels all others 14 Thev all must rea.l Tin. N'vriox in .ml. r iherefuro 1, Grover Cleveluud, pleuse, of W . S. Lumoieuux. tf have becu reached. tu be postwl ou the uew of the du;. Territory coloring brown or black. - , ,', I -- - . it i.ei-i- i a il. licit lln loom h are cjpnl.ii1 of voting fur whom iln-nlid he i"o!.il over thi- '.r.illsoin ai-phase, ami there are mum tons aw. to hi '. . a li;:i t in a mdf aim of proThe J'liiloimilliic l.iu-rarSin icty caiiil tection: the ilcmiH-ratimet in regular sissimi Nnv. Ill ul the Neal, the man who in renin in the It. V. Cjllegc. sirteil in the iieni.H-raliiplatform;.,Meeling culleil to ouler bv the Iresi the pliiiikiii-ciaiiitmit protei'tiuii . bv rnner ileiil, J. h. (.anion. ' v iis iineniinlitiilioiial iiiel a frninl K . II. Thomas (.oriieiiiw berg. UMMl tne the voters of was :ipiiiiiteil critic. First on the I he ll.lVe UlllO sM ikell. bepul1- mldrcss an ws l.y the licuus ihave swept the gieat Stale!1 of the a pl.in.lilv or over eighty Dr'bUl,,,I s.ihjcet, Object . S led iva I ing by Prof. K. Melvuileys uiaioritv (lowuns. Uecituiioii bv Miss Ida ", two of tweiitv-onthousand yeais! i Apiierley. llislorii-a- l skelcli liv the ago lias . lieeu quailiupli'il. while ii K. Ii. !uvis. lie Jlainsoii s )iiialitv of one tlioiis- retiring i tint bv critic. mirl of and one year ago has been mult . vv . ( i . ltcese. plied more than seventy-folKatik Croks, lu New bnk, the democrats, Secretary, with their usual reckless disregard for honesty and honest men when x A Text Will be Made Within gi.i-:iu- g ; j frnit-gri'W-- diM-ase- ; . i Sub-s-ul-- Is-n- ! ; , |