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Show T k. S s A . Os tuk Jlh lust , wo slated that under such A dictionary is a Ixxik lMJ u,iBiyj)ivcHta-- ! T. way, when does tha I'olleyr Itreurd Tummy llumnmnd, the Thanks, All the Same make its nptfaranci) from the the democratic a ntral committee tioiiM. is certainly unworthy tlio nomine.: to th. Council, in that j we l.nk into to find out what some again are inr.inneil by private II. Y. College ut this city V Ami of this city received a letter from Oonfiiejico of tlin jMiiplo. ii.tii.iat.-iman. lie has ln-implc arc talking nismt. llow nlaiut tlmt paper which should (.!. C. Richards, big chief of tlio Aiticle eight is also strictly .connected with the institution t v. The Hiked Man. rj of wherein llM hUirUl at duiuot-raiidemiK l. Utah, tamous singer, is a uieiutMT, th., party nitic, inasmuch hs it is in since its commeuc. ami :i11 im.'.ul.ihiv l turns them visit Ncphi ion he (.'..liege? lAl1!"; to the record of understands all the ins and .mis A TtlC LOGAN NATION - - J EEKJ.Y - rci i.isiild tce-hay- A" A s WSPAPER. am) Fridays, m.-n- , UTAH. CACHE COUNTV, LOGAN, Last ishiK of the Jouenul con-- 1 taiiisnl an article Two weak iniuila." After reading the article, wo coucludrd there was mly one weak mind. ami that le-- 1 mgs to the Journal editor. A. N. ROSENBAUM. Kill IMIS AM) lYi.I.lMO.i:. JNO. F. PRIBYL. Tiir. , liUKD Mam. M ........... , AT iwKii'niis i.atkh: viduals or eastern capitalists, in case the dem.a'rats carried the city. More democratic campaign The last article, number 10, is the only sensible and reasonable one in the whole hunch, wherein they approve of the educational institutes in this city. It sIhiuIh to reason that any party would certuinly stand up for all educational institutions in our city and work for their maintain-iinee- . They also ado j it, in this section, a plank favoring the union of tlie University of Utah with the Agricultural College, ami liic location of Lolh iu this city. It is interesting to note that a Kvery measure denounced by similar plank was adopted by the the Rcfidilkiiu party, l.as proven n to be convention, tnn( derogntory to t he masses of to (hr time that it true mhipteil the people, and shoiil.l be hy the tleinoenitie ennrt ntion. Kveryr siiggcslion ma.b-tha- t UouipHrc the aisive with the new aud nppronriate laws which were adopt.il by is n.mlc in the iutcrest ol Hie Republican convention. The the taxjiayers and for (he most democratic resolutions are nearly g.xid to the greatest niimlM-r- , all iu the line of fault finding au.l while the resolutions passed by do not the democrats consist misrepresentation; tln-tlate ir.iieh of Hst-iii-l interest to of villilicatiou and abuse and do the general public, au.l the general not tend to favor the majority. public lias long since learned tlmt All these measures ask.il f..r by a democratic promise or pledge the K.q.ublicau party will lie more docs not Hiuount to much anyway. fully reviewed by us iu the nenr Let us briefly review the reso- future. lutions adopted by the Republican ' party. THINKS UP TO DATE. They first declare themselves in perfect syuqmthy with tin RepubThe man who is satisfied with lican arty of the Nation and the little is usually happy. Ter. itory. Article one declares that the Anyone can give advice but it present estray jam ml law is un- takes a courngoua man to lied necessarily l.iirdeiiaomo to the it. jMiiple, and therefore should be rejeal(il and h new law enacted Any laxly cun call for whiskf-yIt crtiiinly is. Article two declares that the but it takes a man with muiiev to law jmssal by the democratic buy itbUmt rider ihtrruj. The Provo Enquirer 1ms the lvimb.ll is an ul.ject following to say of the alitor of TUK TWO PARTIES RESOLU- perjurer or tlmt the . Tnurnnl is a the democratic organ of this city: TIOXS. malicious falsiticr. Five columns on the front pay's of the I.ut issue of the Logan Journal were There is unusual, or There ark several lmlly disap- ilevot.il to i he editor of Tub Nation, out of the nothing in the platordinary "I praising its own editor. This may pointed democrati.democraform the as lie fun for by adopted nlitor, jn liiwn hut it must ls death on his readers. tic (Mirty iu this city. Their Klitors should consider their suhsuriliers of tho old all are nearly Thkiie is one reason why a more than themselves anil opixnirnta. abuse the Reform, stereotyped dein.M'int would make a good eer. So far as to the fellow him find praising fault with publican iarty, A .eer cannot lesign his iecruge. self is concerned we can nly ac- everything au.l simp at everybody count iu this manlier: lie is very not of their own peculiar politiTun UK havi: Imhmi several marrifond of praise, but ns lie can get it cal faith, and stand for nothing. ages in town liic last few days. A fiom no one else, has got to praise As usual they start out with led iu.liciitiou of tlie coming himself or go without- As for his saying thut u public ollicu is a n ictory. readers, hs evidently cares nothing public trust, whim iu reality ns for them they usually interpret it, means a Wkii.uk Imiui iiske.1 if The public ollice is a private snap. Xa rn. his a candidate to oifer Tim second article iu their Tuesday afternoon we reeeived for the next Mayor. if Logan. We the fullowing letter from a promi-- ii principles tells wlmt ability in have. II. s name is 11. F. filter. required in managing the affairs jut business man of llyriun. And Now," said the reader as Htbt-n- . Utah, Oct. 17ih, S!I3. of the city, meaning tlmt the ticket should be elected. lie turned to the editorial page of Kainta Nxriox, Dwtr Hick and Ye the Jiuf. mil. "1 will see wlmt the agree with them on that score. with ti.e Lgan J.iurn i . The third article is short, but editor has to say in praise of him- I haxe ceased taking thr mine, from Imginuing to end. self. hut iniiRmueh as I want a local false The fourth is the longest statepaper I would tie pleased to have you The IjI'itk daily spers are send me Thk Natiom. (imiii.ei.eiiiit with ment in the bunch, and therefore now' reeeix.il at this ollice us early toilay's issue. Yill j:.y s.ilwri tinn on contains Uie greatest number of as are the Salt Lake dailies, and the same In the nearfuture It starts out by Yours truly, the question arises, is this one iu condemning tho present city adfavor of Kutte or against ShB ministration and tells what favorThe above is but the expression itism ims been shown to Luke? the of one out of many and as straws la Is .ring men. We might ns well The Salt Lake ILnihl au.l the! tell which way tlm wind blows nip that false assertion in the bud, the rest. Ogden Shiininril eueh have had you can gu-for we already have branded the of! i wools to in favor eiiy l' statement as utterly devoid of go J id ' I '. r. ( IimhIw ill's UeW Is IK. PltOFKSSOH ATl'KitI.EY pulilishes truth, and their organ, nn.l every' I'ldl in dw u. Brother Warrum. a curd iu one making the stands today's iuis-r- , call em down! lie stales the reasons why In; the public ns base auivictal the li.imiimti.ui for the fabricators, until they prove their The INURE Union tenuity SujKTiiiteijde'jey ..f pul.-- I charge, au.l this they cannot do has gone into tin- - hands o! i.; schools, it will l.c olmcrviil laiause it is false. to have li It tlmt he is eugag.il for the Imhiuee Article five is strklly in tlie matters out ,lh ,of the at least, by the 15. Y. oi'iliunry for democratic "reso-- i year sine-threceivers were appoint-- 1 . HIlll he lutes, condemns tlie Hepublicans l.tKHl have Ikhui put j,llH.s 11(t tllillk he Wllllll both ami says they have purchased to work. positions justice. The professor x otes with ii x money and ii H tliriiugh It. publican, tliougb. .roiniso to .bj- the working men . f iln W i: ii. xv r. !! U.m imd will do nil hi'cuii for tin. sue-- ; all the wng.n thev wantal. The ISinh. piii.li.-lat hdgi-r- t in. cess of Urn parly. He was not on. word, false nusw.-rthat t lliio. by C. A. Aimtiu. formt-rHt the coiiv. i and present chapter editor of tin I ark City Miner. knew The first part of article six is a nothing of ih.- nomination un-- : .'.f Til is in brim full of good til lm rend of it in The Nxnox. Iu from the llcpul.licHii plat- iii" in.'itbr as a bag of indigo office-seeke- .loin.K-ruti- j c - Sir:-H.-- dio-guite- d ss I wli.-r.-i- nm-itiou- li gislature, mortgages from taxation iliscrimiuHtes in favor of tin- wealthy classes, and it certninly does. It makes the poor mini who isol.Iigalto borrow money, jmiv taxes which by all means should le jnid by the rich The Republicans favor the rejx'iil of this unjust law anil tin passage of a law man to bear his couqiclling . just burden ..f taxes. lj.-i- i e d.i-hac- lai-aus- s (1( i i - s b iiti-u- - . ,,k Article, favor tli llien-r.ir- a .:iMsaRe of a new law that Hllhj.l't. 1etxvi:i:n disease nn.l the many 7. That tin present revenue luw whii-l- i IiuMh u over the .ii.nit.' cheap preparations which Hie iMMbor for nav muter valuation is iin- - palmed off under the iinmc of Ue 11 i.- unit tends of In i the blond purifiers, take yonr chances iu this part of the with disease, until you can proin the territory too liiijh, a.ut esi-i;,lcure Ayer's Sarsaparilla I be only .se of fan.. IiI.mhI purifier. reliable Y a. Sold by deiioun.-the of the ITnivi-raitCoiuisei i.iers to Ii.iuIm all druggists and dealers in mediin the disiHHiilion of the pulTie liimls to cine. iaii.l Rri.lili rs and to the Notice. of uelui.l and Insiu li.lea. tilers .eaiiliiiR thereon. I ho taclie Stake Relief w.- mh x- .kluutioii - proM-rtie- lis-at- s Will Tab.-riin.-l- PROF. APPERLEY DECLINES. on HeCes His Reasons Tor i.-- j I In 1,1,1,.,. ;''," i TO THK 1 . s iii.-s- 11 1 - e It seems but reasonable tlmt a mail should la; justified in paying for a laid meal with laid money. I iu K-v-S-i- el.i-tio- ii iiifi j r-s- - .1 - j ' . j j sevi-n-c- s ? (lec.-pt-in- Shot-make- i . pros-p.-ril- y - subsi-rib.-r- 1 s Watch Not too costly; but fine timekeeper, fine appearance; something youll K pro-i..f mid that won't go iwck on Vi HI. We hive them all prices.' and i:i many clegam dS signs. We would like to have you Sl1 them whether von luiv anything or n. it. Wc will you the best knowledge wc have on thc.sub-Dol w.itchcs; and a good bargain if you pjivli.iso. Wc have a very com plcte j j r j law-abidin- g la-in- g : j 1 i , j ; ; . ct j j ' xv.-l- r - T. B.CARDON, JEWELER. j IOGAN. j e ? i j I - With a 5,. tu. j i Fit You . i.'i j s t Sys-ni- ! - n-a- s - i : Adeline Baruek, President. KFPt'MI K'AJt CkNTPAL CliMMtYri.i:: learn by-- Gentlemen: I be lay's Nation that the Riqnil.licau People's Store. mi vent ion norniunt.il m as n ,0(I0 worth of Dry Goods, caii.lidak: for the suiterinteiidiMicy Groceries. (I. .tiling, Hat:;, Boots til sch.Nils. and shoos to be sold out regardhave served tie. county for less of cost. xk e jK.y Llm highest xcicinl years ns price for iiidt.-rLt:gs, Grain, t of the time mu a very small l..tat(N-- au.l WimkI. salary. Rut I did my best ami I J. II. Andkhson, have clear collneience. All Proprietor. me with the kindest cousider- I Told You Be, ii ion. My associations with teachrates arc ik.w about and par nile trustees to call mind nuii.v ers, to t'hir:i"ii via the raion Paoilc. happy thoughts. is Union Iaeilie Day. Oct. For 1 am now cngiig.il iu the li. V full partieiil-irsee omof the lwst instituCollege, II '.(J W. W. Weoi.siiDR, tions in this region. , Agent U. P. It 1ms a Lund of trustees from Logan whom I have always received tin kindest 1onsi.leratiou. So long as tln-nro willing to retain me no ollice is liny temptation In me. I would la willing, however, to work j for the s lures .f my party, but 1 could not do the Republicans the Y g injustice of accepting a nomination that might lead to nn unless 1 could give tin office s . undivided attention- As 1 am. my for the remainder of I Lis (Uigng.il sch.M.I year 1 mu not nt liU-rthr ' accept lia u.iminali-niIt may Is: well to mention in this con lied ion tlmt the president of tin college lM.nr.l lias just i his approval of my tlie n.iiiiiiiiiti.iu if 1 wish.il to do so. lint ns I would lia xw to nwl.v -1 society in the Logan at 10 h. iu , aial2 p. m., Friday, (Molier Alth. All ii.nb-r.-nc- are iuvit.il. not Accepti- certainly a just measure, and should Is: made ii It is said that ministers live . ' - -" law, and if the Republicaus get iu ' of .I,, longer tlmu other jirofessioiml, ..it- - tmns for public office. publican Central ouniy The last power in th- Legislature doubt - men. And go.nl tiling- -. ( liarlie. yet wo are told tlmt tee, we suggest that the name t.f part is strictly democratic--- a lies will la In addition to the the die good youug. Hirschel Bui leu, Jr., be sultslitut.il. slanderous uutruth. Ill M xv n comity courts huving authority to r. published r taxes of poor and infirm Article seven condemns thereilJ at Mauti. Siinp:ti county, is the She There is something in INCITE A nunikr of parti. s have K.lico department; says they have! pwvoiist it favora the passing of a latest venture upon tlie troubled ,ea voice which 1 like. your too of j.iiii imli.-i- ii iu this j irt of the ask.il us if we were going to fol- - ils-cmuch j BW Kcmpliug from tuxatioii the receiving Aud what is tlmt? He Lord's footstool. Tb p;qar is a low the suggestion of lr .fessor money, and that vice and petty pr"is:rty of all widows, where the She There is a ring iu it. . iluinn folio and is very Apjierley made iu hist issue of lawlessness art both prevalent value of sumo does not exceed Kent The and We are jmsitiva none 1MK). Nation, give a big oyster iu the city. nl.ly edited by .ba-- I The heart is said to !e the Article four favors the careful to our all of subscribers. the policemen have got wealthy We for.imrly of the S.xlt L ike Time supper niRu. 1 his rule part icii-- l fnu.1 consideration of off are and tile reviaiuu of the: very and Inter of the lerijilinn Aijr. oyster su pjsrs money they have made work to ,!!, JI'V ,n "IP11'" Mnr uml would do hut view with not a even tlie chief himself, and ns present probate law, have so, gladly The Nation pr.ili.-tmuch w m.lD rc mostly niasteml to offer: We hav. to vice and petty lawlessness ,1,i(l Vlic reducing tin- cost of prolaiting fur the , as the out) objwtioii estates, one It thousand is ably min ige certainly needs re. and nearly alKaindiug to any great extent in Jiap-th to dine the noiuinuiion. public started out under the m.wt who have not yet paid their sub- this city, we are positive siu-l-i is vising. Tin convention will please nc- There are a great many men in Article live opjjoses the removal coii.litions. having d.i'lared criptions au.l we consider if we gave not the case, as Lognu is one of Urn propi-fri''ll,ll My ! world who havent a.iv: l,ir. this au them we its-l- f would most moral aud as oyster supper a Uepuhlicau jourI trust you will 1h able ailii.n. citiosj from Logan of tlmt grand nluca-- l to do, and again there nr.- nal. doing an injustice to those who iu the whole world, and it is a dis- - tional institution, the Agricnl-Imv- u to milk.) another,. ..m who have something to do,1 men i im.tio.y.t mi their j subsciiplions, grace, even toilm democratic party tural ('oll.-geand that if the it may not be easy to .1. i so Tor 1 bnt dont do it. The Martini, the paper pub- - thereby causiug Imd hidings. Wei to stato that vice and petty law union Ik made between this know f no who nre bv the normal association Imre a projKosition which will Iu Icksiichm abound in our fair city.' stitutioii and tin: University, the an ollice. seeking oftlmii. Y. Academy ..f Provo, alsmt tin right thing to all, our- - We severely condemn nuy such latter Ih m.iv.il to this city. This A sponge lsith with rum is suid Nery has reached our desk It is a very selves included. Iot every sub false statement, and denounce any is a very iuqN.rtaiit mutter and as to le excellent for delicate per- W. II. Al'l'hlii EY. neat ijujier of twelve ages with scrilw.r juy up and tlmu well rent1 mm unking tlm charge as bitter tlm Oct. 17. ti:. question is apt to lm agitat.il sous. Some men think that oven Louan, tied cover, and is i edited and, la public square, givs tlm biggest enemies to this city, aud denounce rum without tlm sjs.ngxl jin tlm Legislature this coming t1 Aside from eon - oyster anps-ever gotten up in the jairty making tlm charge ns session, it ne.itiy printedthe imoplet in very excellent. It will Miy you hi jaiy up your tuii.ing much informati. n of value Utah. and invite you all. All take doing it only for contemptible 'of thin county to elect a man who,1 snlsu-- i iplion in u.lxam-e- , as bv so to tin students, it Ims c.u.si.h-nibll s.liti.-aof this advantage proposition. Teacherp.irjawei, au.l any party understands howr to handle 11: Tommy, what a th.: doing wj New you local uu J general uews. liy the , Come early aud avoid the rush. get York, seeking to install itself iu power subject. We submit that J auies dictionary f Tribune as a premium. r.-- hold ng- the Nomination. A hungry man ia not jmrticular whether lie gets cake or not. What he wants is something to cut- thra-i- s . cutiiU-rsoiii.- inter-iiioiinla- v.-r- j V . - i.n-sen- At amt the only plant that ' is known to bloom at night is the electric plant. n.ouey-loaiii-r- s. J - ivh-i.siu- - s - - rail-r.it- iiu-i- i l , , pt m-- j prim-ijHili- lv iug - jire-rinu- lie-publi- Skai-Wkkb- A'r . logic! chnrly proves tlmt . . jsi-k- indi- Registrar lvc.-iwrs- IU? i 1 , c ff,,u r',t!n t and lii. l. ntlirin Ca.-I.- in iMiuvntiun The wjrm " their ii.iHM.-r- iug t ll.u (iril.'-- i j1i bile the (nee dull utes Is iguor- of the lo'pul.lieau paity as t nil lied in mii-tlie National au.l Territorial p'iitro.-.i.s- . of Laving imi.ie any sueil j I. Kerolvtil that tin- - present estruy mug. uieiils us f lose MHkcil of isi iQd law i . . , , II lends of the iHUI Courier, tl." people and e favor its V,l ,l,e ll,,"l"'rs "f the flub are reneaUn.l lh.n-ma:- t sent of a new law tii'iiik ful for the kind wishes and ..I: that R.tl.je I. 2. Uexolvtil, that the law passed ,y pr..ireied hospitality of the citizens ll.n democratic hvisl.j'urv exeuip'ii.p of X. phi. from taxat on is an unjust " certainly be elected. " di ri in n .lion in fuvor of the J. Article six refers to au irriga- el isses. aril we therefor.) favor the -, UoN Tcomii.it suicide on account tion law which has caused much aiceofa law which will all claeees. of your iiHMirablt' libuxl disense. lur-- ; Tl,,. sc mil, . thjnj, for ym to do unnecessary inconvenience and Jlt' W th,'ir im Kkilr, ,,f ,h' X" 1,lk, many law suits, hu.1 the soouer it l"' That in addition to the ' If S:lM:ll'ril!y. present is repealed, the better. fb.lt fulls, why, then keep on I.ii.viei. n.s of law giving to i.iuiuty e.mrt The subject treated of in article tr.s right to remit tin: tuxes of the p. .r on trying, and it will not fail, seven has been mmlo an excuse k y a- - .1 inform iierwins, we favor the passage The trouble is jmiple go discuur-..r- a law ex.mpt.ng lr.sn taxation th- tiie assessors acting under it to t(M, soon. Try, try, try where tlie s iiin- - Uih-- llgl assess some classes of .rosrty prupertr of wiitows lignin. n.,t eximl in v.:l tie ill- - mun.if 9IH in. unnesseearily high and for this 1. We favor the can-fu- l nnm',1 "i.tiou God News. reason it should lm r qieHlal. ai.l revieion of the r.l,:.te na-- t c act to llio scarcity of wurk . wilh Owing a view t Article eight denounces the the owt i f nn.l low the estates. prices of grain and actions of the (ommisninners to 3. We n.i-M- L-the from removal since wc will contiuue the pr. locate University Lauds in tlie it.iiuf the Agri ultural College of Utah, discount of fifteen' cents on the interest of speculators and laud AsaRis.it many state institutions of ,lr-1lllir (P!-Jepar- t-t 1il,.0Ur in pUn-- other than grabbers to the detriment of during the month of Ooto- bona fi.le settlers, amt is a strict ly :e s;ste ca)it::ls we would t!oUniv.-rai:Iwr. V. M. I. n Utah to 1'hcIi.- county. democratio measure. Already (i. Th ,t Hie ..ideation of the Isaac Smith, Manager. much aunoyance has been causal h.- w e. irrigutiou distriets, is in Utub county on this account. and im.l we Cash pai.l for egui at Z. I! M, I. " i Ia.-ifi- smith next winter. can rot assured of a I i - tdi e Ciuh tiupl.-usouiet- - ' of V. x , The iiU.ve 1L.HHm ISI.K A s Tlislh-.,..M..n..- ILE WKIT1XU illai.lt slanders and slanderers the edilor of the Journal failed to mention tlmt the A HAM ,)' PARALLEL. editor of the Spanish Fork Sun kimhai.l's ArMbAviT JUrKNAL'A two sound thumpings Thnt hr uilimtH amj Wttg imprisoned for slnnder- Sun , uhneeermii . thill hr him rrfimed the UtynLliran had. of the leading ii.alh.w ,aidMlir,t 1UB a number H'rrt lint ijiirH Cr of citizens Spanish Folk, all iu If. Mnnijhiiit tn re Jri r lliTem In III? rr- i.Mif iiVir the half ajjidaday. The jailed slanderer juno ;((. vll'iii Until, awl lh' "1 in of one the Wings with wllJlU mjirtrrrd eniitteil to fnjiij jthem I'J l.injllll I itji the Journal editor hail formed will (till a . In examine the . nu-uitU iHalire nr mutual admiration society. fin of (vgiUrtd 111 Uhll I. e 1.23 73 Mutlii Is : iv l.in LMimticK 82.30 One Year iv Months t UTAH assort- ment of the I - j- 1 I QuickVinding Watcrbury, S4 to $J5. |