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Show TH6 LOG ft N NftTION Thebe are a few democrat wLo dont like The Nation Imcuim j we occaaionally bit the party too hard. Were proud of our democratic parly being in fav.r of tiie free coinage of silver is j mere rot, as they know there is j not one word of truth in it. The H0mies. democratic party u iu full and ! j undisputed . . .. control of every goviernniei t aud rope enough aud hell hang him- liavn the absolute power to give self, ia just as true now as it ever this country free and unlimited was. The democratic party has coinage of silver in less than got all the rope they need. forty-eigdishours, if the Nation. But Miner be cannot Ih on a Republican, the editor of Bp for contempt . A HEM I-- WLEKL Y XEWSPAPER. TIIE BRIGHT SIDE. .JOSliPII WILSON, re-fl- y Look on ! he bright side. It is SkXKhfKXX the right side, saya a valued conatxxxA&x D The times temporary, may Ik j Located at tbi old U. O. AT Foundry. Would Iki l'leased to Have His Old Lard, but it will make them uoj Friends pay Him n Visit. easier to wear a gloomy and ami if8' countenance. It is the A. N. ROSENBAUM. 1 bui and not the cloud that Prepared to do Repairs on all kinds of Machinery, Editub amd Publish as. gives ym1 article, the Engines, Farm Tin-ris lue attempted to Uauty to tiie flower. Machinery and Mill Woik. JNO.F. PRIBYL. Ti. lliBKu Mam. they so ions, after the style slways before or aronnd ns that posed. ft au attorney would which should cheer and fill the Why Xot (iff Your Ir AMT one dors nut believe From UBSCBIPTION BATBS: The sulia lance of hiwrt with warmth and gladness. ' Tiie sky is blue ten times where it The okly thing that today 150 man sprung from the monkey' One Year.., Irigmarole is .if the Sis Months is black once. You have they should watch some bicyclists hinders this country from the troubles, nrty would stand by it .7b three Months.... riding their wheels and all their same degree of prosperity, the their I may be, so have otliors. None The editor of that doubts would lie set at rest. same business thrift aud the are free from them; and Net Door lo Putt ine PaPer of the parties who perhaps amount of employment at and counseled the it ia well that nonecould be. They helped equal Utah sugab has been awarded instead of lower it question should give sinew and tone to life, fortiwages hat pre- draftn first prise at the Worlds Fair. vailed one tude and courage to man. It is knpK the incubus year ago, length of time they Hurrah for Utah sugar and all of a democratic would be a dull sea,' and the sailor Lav Were 'WKuthis congress. country that the our home industries! Democrats it a Tiostin the Market Republican congress there Repi ilican party will stand by would never acquire skill, where Free Delivery to nil Parts of City. want to close them all down, but would be uo there ie nothing to disturb its ways snd means com- ever ledge they make. Thats theyll never succeed. mittee inviting foreigners before whe differ greatly from the surface. It is the duty of every GaGhe oue to extract all the hapiness and it to instruct it in the art of assas- dei: UUniber Every Repub-leCit- y The tune After the Ball has licaJ American he' can within and sinating enjoyment industries for Council Deulers in All Kinds of become a nuisance as it is whistled th ebenefit of foreign competitors, is on recon he records are without him; aud abov all, Le so much. We suggest that the -Lumber, Finishing, Lath, Shingles, Doers, Windowsas open to t says the Oswego Tima. locrats as to any should look on the bright side. ,City Council place a bounty of $5 What one. The 1 if do iean look though things a party wi on anyoaea ears, who is caught Ilardffarf, Liiuo, Delivered hat does the democratic par-A- do exactly a little Eft., lo Any Part of fily. dark, the darkest laue will iy pledge them-m- d whistling or singiug this tune. stand for ? asks a contempo- selves to do. search the turn and the night end in broad - is rary. It elected a yellow metal records aud thing you lint day. In the long run, the great Thebe is no doubt but what President on a white metal plat- against our R mblicun City Coun- balance rights itself. What ap-Pr- e A. L. SKANCHY. Judge Miner will be kicked out of form, and now Congress is asked oil ill, becomes well that print- i double-leadeitalics. offioe as soon as Grover receives a to tear the two apart. It is evi- We ventur IS insertion Main Strut. . that you which appears wrong, right. Mc j copy of the little democratic sheet dently of no use to Logan Island. are not made to hang down their I will fill not expect anyspace. in Every Republican Logan published iu this city. The Journal thing of a man because head or lips, and those who do so he is elecCity aud Cache county should Bee says he must go and of course that ted by the democratic TIIE E. II. & A. J. CURTIS, OLD GAME. only show that they are departing Its party. to it that he is properly registered, settles it from the paths of true common position, if we must say it, ia too Scores off bdpablicans declare iudefinate. The books will be opened for this We can predict The editor of the Spanish that the regulation officer failet sense aud right. There is more about as much of a all democratic to visit tldk j residences as the virtue in one sunbeam than iu a this week, commenc- Fork Sun has mistaken his purpose ALL. KINDS OF-calling. Legislature as we can of law a required tin to do. This in whols hemisphere of clouds and petit ing with Monday the 25th. We He should have secured a position jury or a last bird nest. dividual kmWs that tl.ere same gloom. Therefore, we repeat, look urge upon every Republican voter as janitor of the Insane Asylum What is wanted years Republicans Wire still residents ou the bright side. Cultivate all at thii is and Repairing and Furnishing Done on Short Notice and ut lowest iu this county to see that they are at Provo instead of trying to ruD a prophet to tell us juncture voters, ail yet, as we learn, that is Possible warm and genial not the just what lie designs tYfking their names a parody on a newspaper near by, Price. cold projierly registered, as it is a duty and then aud repulsive, the dark and he would have been in democracy is, apart from the of- off the list. Jjribvo Enquirer. fices aud the exuberant they owe their country, their party his element. It appears m the above that morose. The winter is getting profession that the prereqnisite to sek of Mrs. Curtii1 Bowling Houiu-- . F t.l iMlweeo and themselves. 2tnl hiu1 $rl, getting democrats ar a as bud s strait in nearei to us each day. Our coal-biI.csn, Utah. them. be L all parts of We accept the apology of our may empty, the wood pile ih us they are in be infinitesimally small, the Will some one please tell us democratic contemporary for intiWhen You Visit Loguu Call At The sup-pi- )' The beauties of democracy! A Logan. Wei ve made many inof flour, meal and meat be what democracy is? of lniublicau voters iu mating that the articles appearing Colorado quiries correspondent writes us in this paper are not original. that labor is at such a discount in this city if tlipregistrar has called very scaut; but we should be well to keep up a Btout Don't tail to register at once. Our neighbor may not be aware this State that men are actuall-- , upon them, .fid have been Ale to doing Tomorrow is the lust (lay. bend all our energies in tha heart, that ignorance of the law excuses find but one Republican who hue Rates $1 to Sli per Day. begging to be put to work at effort to keep aud show a no one, but well be more lenient been spoken to, in the whole light city in the fields," aud the threshing If you cant say anything good than ia the law. It might be possible that one or heart and a light face and ten to Headquarters For Coiuiiicrcial Travelers and Theatrical Troupes. ouly compensation asked is two more oue we of a man, tell the truth about him. will succeed in being Rpublicans have been to eat! TLinkofit! Men enough We are in receipt of a letter Strict Attention Given to the Comfort of latrous. this subject, but i Iiappy ourselves and adding to the that have hitherto been receiving , approached , When a pugilist strikes at a from Robert W. Wilson, editor oi those with whom ve happines8of ah 6 ia-fi- ,ul H- Wfs. Rlitfl'fc'fsuu lie luigliV well glYe rffrrsun, one of the leading iUmwSfrifrpwda y with" V? " BfOWfllPiroptuetbiT-S.tear of saying sorne-titff- g Some in contact. Always look compelled to by necessity uu the bright side. fairly humorous papers of the country, is not LOGAN, notice of a peal. whicli true, would not UTAH. beg for enough to eat in exchange sa they liati The poor, down-hinrte- d complimenting us on account of for a hard days labor, says the dain-ratThe bight man in the right The Nation being as he Bays, UP TO DATE. are in a fear- THINKS v Tribune. Is it not ful Cusper.OVyo.) . . dilemma! Many of them know Thanks. place a thief serving fifteen years bright and readable. to ennao oiir to enough people l Brother Wilson for your words ol iu the M.'uiteutiary. tliit their on hope of success is When ber tm.guo fails to do the foisuKur democracy forever ? In encouragement. of strategy, uni lesired work u woman ought to lie thMdjjii oiui.-sor-t ' mlditiun, our correspondent farMany hen who think they can do not co in wliat line they Door to Chicago Clothing StwL. Um they able to cut a mau with her Coutantly on Uud Our contemporary accuses The ther stutes that the price per dien are forced In exercise rule the world change their mind shoulder blade. it. Poor for a team and paid bnt inan is Nation of using very bad langI shortly after marriage. democrats! icy certainly have 1.40! Facts speak for tliemseves. uage and of course it poses as a much caiisn b foci footsore and A man can achieve the title of And ia this tho change that the Young hen who are after a morolizer aud refined highly but th should not resort Merchant weary, prince" very easy if lie was to KiBiti srea or usui mis, girls own heart do nut always journal. Yet in a very small sjiuce poor, deluded working-ma- n such vi! means as unfair is in business and Kju kkjki, etc. any is a heavy adverinto iu its last issue it uttered several beguiled voting for in 1892! orders get the object of their search. Family promptly attended to. Free dolivery to all parts of City registration, 'he fact of the tiser iu the newspapers. glaring falsehoods and the won! ' matter w. it work. it is, In last issue of our contemEepubli An exchange says most of the liar occured several times. Oh. cans wont staij it. See? porary was about a column of United States Senators read their consistency ! consistency! Some editors are like phonostuff written by a conceited Most other people Bjieeches. LIKE VLEATES VETO LIKE." graphs. They can repeat the don't. The Newt, Republican, aud the simpleton who hangs up his of others, but cant exsayings waul robe iu Hyrum. The fellow There is a little one horse sheet press any original ideas. Remitter, democratic, of Evanston, A Democrat, bnt published in Salt signs himself When some young men Bee a have consolidated, aud the Bpcckil attention given to Builder'i Blackamltlilng. Lake known, v hyphen well ss hare signed hie (by the few ocmight w ated sheet will be edited by J. II. girl ho is a little fiy, it often who have bpoii pmple Jast because- sometimes people curs to them that theyd like to be Ryckman, of the Newt, and will unme I. C. Tboresen, as far as the it) as the Critir. Jt is the organ Lave gnawing feelings inside concealment for the ears the spider. of the Amoriitg," a goes, big ha Republican in jiolitics. This society or- of them there is no reason Only Kxpcii raced Workmen Kniployrd. why loaves Uinta county without a ire sticking up too plaiuly to ganized for the 'xpress purpose ol lie should' of the conceal the jackass which is atthey Tns abticle in lost issue of the democratic opinion that Located at old U. 0. One by one downing a religious organization, organ.Fouudry. Logan I)aad a set of teeth iu their tached to them. He also attaches and a have democratic organ, regarding registhey see the folly of their way. they society which is frownei stomach. to his will receive in attention tration, signature, Friend of the down npou by all honorable Casper Tribune. people. our next issue. departed, which in itself is a vile Its editor is a mmi of rare ability( ?' Customer-- 1 The Nation fearlessly states, slander to the dead. At present and thank the Lord such have never yet ability gkt your Many a writers best works are and can prove that every assertion we have neither space nor inclina- as Iiis ia rare. The editors name bought a pair of shoes in your to tion waste with time such an store is die C. M. Jacks u and he is Journal has mode in regards still unwritten and many more that were all right. Job Work Shoe Dealer Well, I arn sorry .you Id have, been better had they to the extravagance or carelessness insignificant fry, but some time graduate of a gnat college, (beg of our Republican City Council, when we are lonesome sud have a panlun, wo meat the DOKX AT THK Bhoes are not all right. never been written. Koeley In- thst my is utterly false. We have abund- severe attack of the blues, shall stitute.) Until ie took the Customer Well, I aiut. I jag show up this thiugs record, as we like one of ray shoes to lie cure, we are iiformed that the Under the influence of anger, ant proofs on baud to substantiate understand has one. it Watch loft. this . feltuw was sud will assertion, be they ucsily crazy, and a man is usually beside liimBelf, for it It will lie very interesting. g when since. needed TLis and wjjw sheet has seen Under (he influence of liquor, be when they will do the most good. nt to devote considerable in It is said that the Great Mogul, is often beside an officer. space Judge Mines is one of the most abusing The We bide our time. Nation, aud has the largest diamond ever known, honorable, most profound, most been very careful to hold luck our wnighod.793 carats. The writer One big advantage the The gentleman signing him- fnir and most highly respected exchange at th.: same would lie happy if he possessed a time, man enjoys over all others self diamond in the last judges ou the bench. Nearly practice which iiu of less weight than reputable news- is. that lie can get his hair cut issue of The Nation, seems to every attorney iu Utah who lun Groat wowll Mogul" say one that only l,! euilty of. I iriiiiwn , without removing his hat have hit our contemporary a sting- ever luul a case before him, speaks - .era not to us what this con weighed about six carrots or two ing blow below the belt. The in the highest terms of praise of teniptiblo sheet may gay, as we or three turuips. Rohe hen can tell greater things ho his fairness and ability and of his consider it an hotur to be slashed gentleman is an about themselves iu five minutes is a in this and the intentions to do justice to all. by such a dirty uB. This is tbe Uolison I have a presentiment laijieyer city than they would ever lie Busjiected three Our contemporary however, Bays kind of a wore made and promises paper tlu Journal has lint snino day I will drown. of accomplishing in a life time. Lave fallen to the ground as ho must be removed. If the judge formed a mutual admiration Robson You. need not fear any stated. Its truth that hurts tho ever hears of this we know lie with and htli nro .ju their such deiitli just as long as you American factories prod non democratic party aud their organ. shall lie vory Borry, snd if iu years element. It a ii of Mlikt leep out of water. to coiuh lie should die or bo re- clraving unto lovmore thou ItfiJMiO watches each Theyre not nsed to it. likemliaisery Hubs n Y'es; but I would fear moved by a democratic president, ing coni)muy. t Keep and not one woman yc-your up month, it step less if I knew that water there ia no doubt bnt what it will . slingiug, Jartsuu, our lu.'iil Ihis TALK in some small deino- - - through tho great influence (?) would keep out of me. o;it of Qlbree can tell what time will onteuiixiraiy you iu untie sheets ju regards to the our contemporary has with the U own feeble way, it is. The Hired Man. MACHINIS7 so-n- g j i sui.-shin- e ht I 9 5 l G.JMUGHj?L BEEF, MUTTON, FRESH FISH, ETC Yard Valley rj Honest - Guaranteed. Dealing d -- Roofing, Valiev anil (fuller Work, ns give: us A CALL. Peoples Hote:. - J. k . s ( KKEDEig, j C Prime Beef, Mutton, VeaT, tG. K. II. xOKDK&Kft. Blacksmith carriage Repairer HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. - Q NATI2N 0FFICE. (3 al-w- ay forth-comin- bald-heiul- Walker ed - House SALT LAKE C5TY, UTAH American and ao-oiet- y European Plan, Rates $3 and $3 Per Day. Rooms 7 cts and upwards. BECHTOL & SAND S.Proprietors. |