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Show c The People et al; va Maas 381. COURT CALENDAR. t Mc-e- Grande Rio tren We ul, 1.' . Li AtJy., V. Richard Flint va A. If. Kelson et List of Cases Set to be Tried at Logan al; Al. V. Giii.uit, A. 1.'. i..; w od. In September. 4297- - George Btuddurd et al, va P. E. TUMMY, BMWKMIZEK 5tH. Kelson et al; llagley aud Leeunger, (1 EEKIT THE TABLE. ; 862b. George A. Pereival va A. B. Maloney Jc Perkins. 4571. John Y. Rich va R. 1L Jones 1893. ,7. L. MaginnU, O. R. Leonard. IK EFFECT JULY. 3Hth. Evans A Rogers, J. A, Coouiba, 11. 11, 8905. George NVmUkiu Logun City; LF.UK SALT LHC: Jotiea L R. hliudes, Rich A Rich, J.C. Walters, F.vana A Rogers. 4267. C. W. Kin:an et hi, vs. P. A. 39UG. P. C, Aliller va W. R. Pkikinson Mo, i, For Provo. Craihl JauiHkmaib Rich A Rich, et al, J. C. Walt era Ri h A Rich. 8 a. m. Kewberger; J all jjoiutu Kant 806. People etc. va Janiee Alack; U. a kdhhuut, skpskmbkii 6m. Ko. 4 For Provo, Crawl Junction an W. W. Maughan, G. J. Marsh. tf ?S p. m. 4869. J. M. Littleton ra. John Stoddard all polutN Kart 3U6. Al. etc. N. va S, People Hodge; (I. ;.V et al; V. Rapp, W. W. Maughan. Ho. Binithuui, Provo, A Beckwith. I 4oo a. m. 453IX Win. S. Plunders et al, va James ; Ally, Leaainger Solina and Wapatch 312. etc. va James U, Janchan; People 1.59 p.m, S. Cantwell ct al, Demurrer set tor Ho. S. Atty. Q. J. Marsh. j Foe Ogden and Wert i :i5 a. m. Ho i For Ogden and the Wert bearing N.TaiinerJr., Kimball A Allisatusday, hkftkmmicr IGth. son, Hart A Soua LILT LUE: 4661. Janet I. Barker va John Barker; 4692. E. G. Hopkins va James Balia; V. DLliL OASKEX. Hart A Bona Rujtp, Hart A Sons. Stricken Down with Heart Disease No. From Provo, Crawl Jutdiou 4671. R. W. Shipley et al va Frank Leiahman va Leiahman, :5a. m. and the Kurt te. JKIm MtMeml Cb., Mlkkari, Ini. Rea-vilIX et Evans A al From Provo, Grand Janctloi No. Law; A, Rodgers, 7tb. THUBUMY, j OmrunBr: I foal It my iyop.m. and the Kmrt s 4395, Edson W. Packer va O. 0. Onus . 8937. b 99 a. KURD UTAt'FFXK, SUiiuia rcl GJiO. A. LOWE, - PHYSICIAN aud KUBGXOK. Fan IV-tun- (. I'ukra block, HhIk St. - Logan, Di.ilfb In Machinery, ScMller rub CRT3 C. Wons, Backboards ' & BUGGIES. SCklAl'S A SON. Solid Comfort1 Sulky Plowst AKhitorta. Sum) on aud Civil Xugincera. S-- mins l. MOKDAY, SKFHMBEB UtrR. by, et al; J. CL Walters, W. W 8795. Emma Kirchbach va Ferdinand Maugham 818. Logan City va An'rew Ewing; Zollinger, Kii:h A Kich,J. CL Waltera appeal W. W. Maughan, V. Rapp, TURBDAY, KKPTKKBKK 19rH. 814. Logs City va Andrew Ewing; W. 4546. W. D. Hendricks va M. D. Bam, W. Maughan, V. liapp- murid et al; Hart A Sonea, J. T. Ham VXIIMY, HWTKMBKR 6th. mond. 8967. Fdwnrd 0. Allen vs, Logan City; 8j77. Charles Johnson va Logan City. J. El. McMillan; Evans A Rogers. J, C. Walters, Evans A Rugera 966, J. W. Thatcher va A. V. Robir - 4663. John A. Kidman et al va John Ahrens etal; Evans A Rogers, Rich A son; Hart A Sura, I.vhuh A Iiogeru. Rich 49C5 L. V. Brown va Henry Hay hall. 4696. Thmnas X. Smith va Joseph JenEvans A Rogers, Y. Rapp. sen; Hart A Bona, H. H. Jonea 4879. G. H. Keyson va C. C. Goodwin 4699. Edward llunsen va Joseph M. CL Walters, V. Rupp. J. etal; Jensen; Hurt Sons, 11. U. Jonea Hooker va Keyeur. 4057. lUll'KI'AY, fKITMIBKR 9TH. Andrew Moser va Mary C. If ait A Suns, Rich & Rich. Lar-son- va Ij. II. Rogers va James S. Peter , son ct al; Su:ith A Smith Rich k j Rich. , 4416. A. J. Clunnlierlain va Jamet Ilailfield: Hart A Bona ! below rib, in tha snue. ehonusMar brseUi. tleeulwmem.paiii weeknesi and sanerel debUltp. T&e erteriee lh mt nark wee to nervous my whole bod v. bold my band ateady. aould Anus I A. Htmttnmnfmf aoIJaISZZ IDmU .45 BUY THE OK NHIKG Pbausaasa Mt WKDSMMY. 8KITKNBKR IDth. 11. DuruTet ran. c. U Uoodwm al; V. Rapp, J. C. Walters. 4666. Henry Griffith vs. C. C. Goodwin et al; J. C. Wallen, Y. Lapp. 41 17. Gunder Johnson va Oregon Short Line et si; Day A Street, Williams A A James Frew et al. Reader: Breeden A. Gunnel, J. C. Waltera 4656. Emma Basaett va George Lemmons: J. C. Walters, George J. Marsh. 4014. L. W. Myers va Martin A Bladder; Lessenger A Loar, Evans A a)r J. DIVORCE - Tdvertfafnf fiom my other bust ness methods, bat In so dofn$ I will sever the friendly relations between business and success." So said a Prominent justness Plan, n m m THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. and TBM oenta to SS Union Iq., N. V., for our prize iimi, Blind Luok," and win a Mow Homo Be wing wuchino. The New Home Sewing Machine Co, ORANOB, MASS. -- ,Mo ILL. rre amnon jOd,t-SiC!.r'- 'CloufT FOR SALE BY HARRIS BROS. 'ual LF"n- Boot co to thk 'iHj'sxxdrarwt 1 Office In Kick - South of It iter & r Emslie CALL on them for Wiucrwnrsl, Liverwumt, Headcheese Republitan Family wih and game in season. Free and prompt delivery to all parts of (he Uiiy, Paper OF THE UNITED STATES. vt l:j to n at., to; 40 p.m. aud horn Lofan. Utah. Block. H. The ST. -- Nation much Givfa all the newa of Town, County and State, ami aa C,',- -L f tional newa as any other Na- rr Youi Horne Would lie Incomplete without it. NEW YOKK WEEKLY TRIBUNE I. a Kahokai. Fawiiv Parva. mill (lra.ll thf gfurtul new ofthe hirilyn laud in nutshell. It ha St.ti and tlir wcrlil. II give llie rxenl Vovmi Pocaa.'' Cibci.f," ud-- or jlrrfenle derail ineiit ud. Ihr aduilnilion cf wive inlume I ' Hi, v Am, o'dMu-M- t 1. 1U Ri nt I pclitb al ui era. editorial and diwuKK-- ere bin.v. It AoaiCd.TraAL; dejnrtiurul noj Ihenalvr, lirilllaut und eahstirtire. -kt Raroam- - an ietntafd anthority In jnirrKir In Ihr eunntry: II M nil tartA of the bind. A ridiii" iy OrrtciAL Awitbactob., . AlMtmotcif tilbwimiiBUBahurt AOtic. Rb1 KrtulBliBiweetioiiB, (bfnecin titiB boJ prohBt-iui- c of itautHB prnaptly humoUwI to. Otnot h.'iunDUUBiiii Jlomtik Hlook ALubSc. Logmo. J. I Ca.il o.t ttie lh ompany. J. Wholesale and Loan, Z. STEWART, Lm Ann IB A Rich la the title of a work shortly lie iaaueil from the Juvenile & (Attorneys-at-Lnw- AN EXPOSURE OF MORMOK1SM 1 to untrue D. A. RKAVILL, Rich, Written by Ben E. Rich. Main St. - - - Address all Order to ARCHITECT. OLOCKS. WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS. Nit" Uuwni it or send the pri. CHntSi in atoiapi or portal auic to TOWN TOPICS, ty, LOOl Rapalrisea ipac laity. S5 yuan aprinaa. Third fitnaC Vast doer to Ihalithinc Offia torn York. Tti brilliant puarterty la made I imuesof Tow Ion. bw Cfiaiaini the yrarl hem Ibirin, ikrtche. bu laqiH., pw:m. wiUKiami, etc., from ihc ! numftr, ul that unuue fournal, aJmiiwd fritpew. raunt, nuwt eompina. and h . "t KSfANII Uic mom ialcm Uf WBckiy ever UOnipi uwed. Subscription Priest hwi fks, jm yuL . 1(00 (iIn fits Tin (cylcE ywym, AH - ',t Wua. - AM moBlh oa irul fo of tx TiiiA." will PPfo4t en reutyt to all Business. The American Method TEETH ; Nimru Main Or, kt. The finest, imint Lwu. fnoliiiUidilu and Tiiilurii-and iuiM)ited lluuu- - muile GinmIs, at John ThornaLS 1 T"l GafefUl Art ten lion given Your PitroniEe Solkited Temporary Office at Kcaulruce, uccemful Quart! emu, Ibn puUKUhm duriug ns first war and u nrully emerde Uui id number affiml i tewhurtjnd mom caieitdaint rnuhn n TU Ivt elattcl, THE LOGAN NATION. Drafts Issued on Europe and the Old World. Will Draw plana and fipecificmtioM for Public and Privutc BuiMiaa. TOWN topics!- 'reir ever published. Oay jomlknl, Prcat. James Qiniyle, Vice Prest Ripley S.. Lyon Cashier Allan 51. Fleming. Aunt. Cailiicr. T. Odham, W. S. McCorniok, C. C. Goodwin, John II. Iaviu. T. BAkBKTT, AH. Limiax.U AskNewnlnler for Daalarin Capital Interest Paid od Time Deposits, TALES FROM 2d Lofan, Utah. k. Office in Campliell & Morrell's blrx SI Wnt 23d St., Furnish Both Papers For $2.50 . c. Practice Iq All The Conr 50 5 Up OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Office in Journal Buildinf , ; 0. M. Wendelboe IdaKe. LOGAN, UTAH. Paid .) p?eTui!,wiivVML.L.EAD,NG have tor office Frankllr - H. S. NIELSE N. A NEW B00K- - Ir, Uurnnt of Salt Laice City . Orden given First National Bank. Fran Iksusahcb lam Carriages to and from all tro Strictly allcntcd to. orders at the Stable, Druggistsr UtaR, and GotoJ.Z. Htevmrt In ban your probata eaaa iritrailHl tu and fur dwila, mtmtutftn, will and all kindacdlneal duimmnta, lc., also fur lif and hrv iimuraure anil to buy your raal Utah aud mininseUma es- - Mail Also the Rest of Wines, Liquors, Ales, Beer and Porter, pricing. rouipt attend ji ail f can-fil- l OBeawvw Bitar Brow Oraa fifora. ( For first class liveri $2.50 New York Weeklv Irll.une, per year. $uh- 5 The lnsn Kation, per eur aj8uhcripUona May Brain at any Time. iJalt Lake C5ty. and YarivisKes THK DKMTIST City Livery Stal ils Look oat for It. Total - Paints, Oils, A. McCAUfil, AM O Pro Iam.1 ' Corner Main A Second St. LOGAN. ak FOR ONLY IJURNETT, Gekeual Agent "Qru ATTORNEY-AT-LA- MAIN Logan SCENERY UN EQUALED VIA GLEN WOOD SPRINGS. Depot, O.len, at 6:15 p. m. Ticket Office RITER BROS t. Uoodwtn. Win, U. 305 Dooly Building Gso. Q. Rich. T We equipment unsurpassed Train learee Union REPAIRING. AND wiiliuiit Chauge, i WVVW Ww w VWV' PUBLIC. iSuph Tboinaa c KEi-tr- ('hii-ai'i- 200 Slain Street. Shoo 0 Maying g - Headquarters fur all kinds of meats. ' City uiui Office hours from Log Cabin Shoe Sj10P Bros. Drug Store Davidson Your I -- ED. RYBERG. We live two doora 15tH. TlifLdiig Crand Western, Colopado Midland, Atehiaon, Topeka & Santa pe Railways. ATTOKNKY-AT-I.A- For Neat and Promt CAL. L lkei'oty, S. X. 1IOUPKU, G. V. A V. A. Smire Your Tickets Reading The only line running Pullman olcvjiing cars between Ogden, Salt Lake T. MAMMONil, nindu th' KhU 1 m THE SHORTEST nn.l QUICKEST LINE Col. A. D. HUGI Kl. Truffic klimager, Dnv T, douth W.J.SIIOTWHM,, G.A. 58 W. dccomil Rogers. And ovi Street Lonan9 Will ymetiise in all Court in the Territory and before the IMatrivt and General Land Office. ronn-'L'tio- 11 rHUM15 k GOOUWIM, Yes I ml$Kt 4tH. va Robert OfiUrt Tnuwlatliua of LmoU locaiuut$ fmm um! to tiMO ttCMMliBAVillB Lkiiguaigv 1 bvwuUljr, UttlOG. i ity lUcutdvni LOGAN UTAH. Line Of The Win Scenic r- (M WOK IAYS FAIItf su IhniT Full DOLFH ANDKKSOH, NOTAKY mm RIO GRANDE Close X Van Cott i KHKEIT, T. A. Pacific. ; tj; FBI1IAY, SEPTEMBER G, NuUrj Publia City Drug Btora, Muia Utah. ALL POINTS EAST wit EAST FLY E It 8 via theIin ton, liock Ishind aud Mi, w York Cay. l 8788. Siii. Ct-n'- ColleotioDB. Colorado Sprfngs tmrtRfom rsisvr 3 v &II r If And 2TH. D. Brodrero va John Tooniha et 1 al; Halt A Sons J. C. Walters. Hardman. Bird vs 4269. THUUKIMY, SEPTEMBER TH ST, Denver, Pueblo Mo . Are You Cjoin W ATUOKN Through lullman aud Tro Sleepers to Walters. ILEHDAT, HKPTEHUr.lt J.H. w rw yx X.AHD ATTGKHHY. Two Fast Trains f IlGHT W. MAUGHAM, AND Scientific Hdueticira 4545 Joseph Smith va John H. Bui- lock, et si.; Smith A Smith, J. C A. K. Wulbv, RETURNED. j P. W TUI llRWF L.L.C, U aa a FoaUlva Gunroatoo. HtII. GuOlaSuLL. BuirAicaou at nawtob. Utah. !RT. TICKET 0FFICF. 15 V.2NDS0IJ KrtCIw OR MONEY laud IMfirs, Jalt Labs Oila. OUaiiia iwtaana fie .nLilunL Dman uiui Mibmui wuibk Oomawai'bHU.'k auUeilad kiul iufurmutiuu aim, Rio three bnulr. 1 your Heart (Xus and taro bonlee E. Narrtun. Mypnlaa la normal, I hsvs no mors D. C. Donon, luuHitncuf Geu. lisr. Oypaua CKy, ga Santa Fe Route. ant doer u. 6.8. Ai.raui Utav. p. m. Traist, Tint law ' Mbusl Iphy Hrinnt, D. McMillan va. Burch Creek School District; Lessinger A Loar. j Kimlwll A Allison. stoJ COPYRIGHTS, tnfaramthm and free Handbook writs la 8871. Citizeui Hank va. C. K. Saw tel1, ' Far NSW YUSS. 11UNN S (X- I- Ml HUOAOWAT. fur Meuiins psitnts Is Amariea. banu taken etal; Evans A Rogers, Leaainger A Slilraa iMisut out br ui ii bnntfhi befora tbe inibiu: by nuucs (ina has or aharsa Si tbs Lour. 4216. P. W. Bonnie, et al. vs. George Adania etal.; Rich A Rich, J. Oj IftepBparla th .8548. 40 NOCMANuES. safety, speed ayd ids! smata,?jssfisa,arjra tedn I tliu I u j MON1UY, MTEVBEH 111 rillaaa'tMwrSIrryrfk All kiuda plaiu aud fancy job printing on short notion at Thk Nation. 4877. - i. THOUSANDSs-Ion of th heart sad lowsr Thorn ey. : No. - LAND AITOKNKY. (MSns a. m. eFron Ogden and the Wert LS no. 4Froni Ogdra s.d th. su taahsis 2tb. Wednesday, Thompson ; Ho. g From Bingham, and Sanpete Rkkcoicb. I l xMeaae and ftaoompluMtlona. a rapid pules vin Logan, C. BAILKY, fjt SllJ)orior, Grain Drills. M Wnat, Luu Over S. Z. Hlnwart'a OiHaa, Tailor Shop, 3rd Street. Suits of Provo Cmiils, made to order at the luw price of 815 to 825. I Siimain the Utah Woolen Mills and Support home industry. XTRAOTED WITHOUT PAIN BY OBTUNDINE ARTIFICIAL Pop Painless Dentistry. TEETH & in Popularity. Siiiii' I iii lli'f'iiniiiij' it li:iH Then why Sutter 1niii In have your Filled, when it inHib Ymi ini Muro to (bke advantage of bridge THE AMERICAN METHOD. Ti-el- h WORK UNSURPASSED FILLING A OFTHH NATURAL TEETH A SPEOIALTY. dr. dTlTwallick, 11ns ami red rinlil to operate tliia wonderful nii-tli- Rooms 2 & 3 Ricks 13lock. in paia-savin- Iigan. Logab, Utae g |