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Show THE EAGLE. . KATBY1LU, At The Last -- UTAH W. E. SMITH, Publlalmr. (meat Britain in to have a world fair ia MUM or 1(197. The fact tbat tba roloasal xhow la Chicago waa made a sucusm ha boomed the international ho business immensely in ereral countriea Hut Chicago pluck nea not .grow on every national bush. Home evidence that a suicide club exists in San Francisco ha come to light. The matter 1 nut to be especially deplored. It i difficult to conceive how anybody who would long to such an organisation could devote himself to any more useful purpose. be- D.'kectok lloi.PKX of the Lick observatory was recently choked by a lusty carpenter till almost black In the face. Unfortunately no record wa made of the star the distinguished scientist saw, so unless the choking improved his manner the good it accomplished is not plain to Moment Sll - 1- K stood alone a rocky point which reared it- self up, bare and bleak, above the Toe wild sea. waves against dashed its feet; 11s came here to perch for a while, as they scanned the vast waste of waters below, looking for prey. The sky was dark and lowering, with a storm coming up slowly from the darkemug west, where tne un had already sank from sight. A one to attract, gloomy scene, and notseemed jicrfectly yet Therese Vaneourt entranced as she stood there alone, a slim, white-robe- d figure, sharply outlined against the dusky background of rock and gloomy sky. Bella and beauty, queen of the fashionable set which held sway e house, one would over ths alone, at scarcely expect to find her Miaa Vanthis hour, the fashionable eourt Bui ahe seemed wholly in thought aa she stood on the head cliff, her ainall golden-crowne-d half drooping, the great purple blue eye fptzinjf tifiiK her oat at b5 tho red lips half parted; the small white hands folded loosely. She was ti dently watching something away out upon the water. The object materialised at last, and proved to be a boat, a little boat, which came dancing A man waa lightly over the billows rowing with slow, easy strokes; a man with a bronxed. handsome face, deep dark gray eyes, and hair. A swift, sudden light leaped Into her grond eye. None of her legion of admirers down at the hotel had ever caught a glimpse of that light in Therese Vancourt's splendid eyes. She had laid aside eocintye mask, and out here, alone with nature, ahe dared be tree to herself. Swiftly the little boat came over the waves; the man within lifted hia bead at last and saw her. A dark crimson flushed hia tanned eheeka for an instant; then he bit his lips aa though angry or impatient, and turned the sea-g- Kea-sid- Tub dynamo water power, it is promised, will begin whirling on the first of next February. This will be the largust dynamo in the world. Th next largest is the one that propelled the intramural rail way at the worlds fair, and that had 5,000 horse-powe- r propelled by Niagara but 2, 1()0 hurse-powo- r. Tub lato Judge Hillings of New Orleans bequusthod $711,000 to Yale for a professorship of English literature. This is a good kind of bequest to make a college. It is a good thing for a college graduate to ap preciato llomor and Ilato apd Lucretius, but a shamo for him to understand these ancient writers, and be ignorant of Shakespeare and M 11 ton. close-croppe- d K Tittknson, pottery mold maker o! Trenton. Ia., was dissatisfied with the shape of his uose, and so had the fleshy purt removed and replaced by a new nose built of the flesh taken from his forehead and nock. The new nose is wholly satisfactory. Football players should mako a nolo of Mr. Titteusons address. They away. moment his eyes fell upon may want to communicate with hU theAt that sky the approachom physician day. ing storm aignala Turning hia boat about, ha made straight for the cliff, for a certain point at which a landing Fhoji accounts that come by could be made. Three minutes later way of Fngland of the sltuatfoi he waa at her side. the Balkans, it seems that the. Mlm Vaneourt," hi voice waa low ambi chilled the hasn't mercury and full of music, there ia a storm of Russia. It Is lntellij oomlng; did yon not observe lit Althat the boar declines to hlberaate low me to escort you safely hack to quietly, but continues to growl (and your hotel. My boat ia below; the show symptom of a purpose to start landing accessible, may 1 conduct you for Constantinople. When the shaggy to it? Storms upon this point arc animal stir, there is oommotio in dangerous; yon will be swept ont to sea." every Kuropean capital. She shivered and turned pale. "Even so," she returned, in a falterlx France at this moment thf ta voles, "it would be better then to ing 1 lead. the in KverythlM plre live and many old Effingham. Oh. Men are Napoleon. talking Laurence, Laurence!" she eaught hia NaMileon, writing about NapofeoaT hand with a mad grasp In both her holding up Naixileon and Napoleonic own; then dropping it she turned methods as the best of all thlng for away. "I hate him hate him hate that country, l'laya on Napoleon's him," she panted wildly. Laurence Dale bit hia Up, and hia career, on episodes of Xapolebn's life, on period nod personageij of eyes grew dark with pain. Why marry him, thenT" ha asked, the first empire are oumlng out One Mldly. In the theaters; pnd upun another She flashed swiftly about, and faced the worship of the house of Bona- him pale and atlll; in her purple blue parte Is onoe more a live issue, j eyes a dangerous light was shining; her breeth came quick and fast, Rki'kkskxtaTiVES of manufacturing Why?" she cried, excitedly. "Beund interests are a thick around the cause I am a poor dependent, to obey my Bunt's wishes door of tho way and mean commit- obliged Braneccmhe has decreed that 1 tee room at Washington a flies on a Aunt hall become that man's wife. 1 am molasses barrel. Only a few of them dependeut upon her bounty; I mnst get inside the door. Nearly everv obey her, or tm turned adrift upon the interest affected by tho bill, and that world all alone "Not oh, no!" he cried, wildly, means every Interest in the country, has a representative there now, and snrely It la not so bad as that, Mia a the senate may make change in Vaneourt The reus! name fell from his lips before tho bill they are likely to camp in Ths wee aware of hia own temerity. the capitol all winter, and will prob he 8he lifted her eyes to his. She wss ably tee the tree burst forth into pale as marble, her glorious eyes shinleaf next spring. ing like stare. "It ia as bed aa that," she returned. A new kind of grip, said to be In a low voice. My annt knows how more infectious than that which pre- to torture me with the very keenest vailed two or three vear ago, ha ernelest torture. She has promised made it appearance In Europe. Its old Percy Effingham that 1 shall marry and she will keep her word." attack are very sudden, with severe him,She shall notl Oh, Therese, The the prosbody. pains through Theresel you may send ms from you. tration is often so great that ths If you like you cannot prevent my sufferer can not stand. The disease loving you! Yes 1 ths poor nousually attacks the eyes and throat body only a farmer who makes bis It Is not reckoned so dangerous as living out of tbs ground. My darling, the original grip, but is more lnfec-tiou- if you could only care for me, 1 would The attendance in parlia- save rou from this horrible marriage. ment has boon cut down by it, nnd Forgive me, dear heart" cheeking mad words upon his tongue. ths mortality from lung diseases ha the I I have no to offer you povdoubled In London within the past erty; only my right heart la very rich in four weeks. love for you! Can you ever pardon my presumption, darling? 1 have Wiikkkas there are. in the towns loved you long ever since the first of this country, hundreds of able time 1 looked Into your sweet face. bodied men starring for food and Of course, 1 had never thought to tell willing to do anything honost to earn you this. Only say that you forgive enough money to get meals and a Sbe checked him with a low cry, bed, there are children who are doher bit of a white hand upon ing far more work than their strength laying his arm a white hand crowned with With a number of justifies. large a magnificent solitaire diamond old the formor doing no work at all and Effingham's gift of the latter doing far too Ilia ring! she said, as the young many I cannot much. It 1 evident that there is man's eyes fell upon it something out of joint. Excessive wear it it hurts uie. It feels like a labor for children is atrocious at all brand of shame! Laurence, listen!" times. Now would bo as good a time Her eyes met hia then drooped "I love you!" as any to force a vigorous crusade slowly. Therese!" those who children it, giving against I love you! Don't ask me how 1 must work reasonable hours end know, or why I love you. Ask nothing. turning over the work thus left un I only know that every throb of my done to those who so sadly need It heart is for vou." Ilesven bless you! lint oh. ur stopping to press his lips on Profcuor Howisox of the univer- darling! the white hands, "this is sity of California says ho regards de- madness! Itrembling must not permit such a nominational rows as no more sort iscri fiee!" ous than a casual dog fight in the The beautiful eyes flashed into hia street But the professor would re It is no sacrifice, she said softly. I love you! gsrd tho fight as serious, indeed did Cannot you understand the under dog happen to bo his own I have loved you for weeks I will never marry old Effingnever!" There seems to be a Shakespeare ham At that very instant the gathering revival Shakespearian dramas are ttorin whose burst forth; a presented to full houses, and the tin horrors had never been surpassed mortal bard has lost none of hi hold upon that coast. It swept the bare upon the public. In t io meantime brown cliff with mad. remorseless his mantle is an unconscionable long fury, and dashed those two, clinging wildly together, into the deaths of the t.me in falling upon a successor. g 1 to-da- mi" Lau-renr- e. A SHORT ALLOWANCE. PROSPERITY. MEXICO'S HE TRIED FARMING. to Climb tho Moat Before Compelled Haw e Novelist IgalM Hiaseelf for His Cottlog a Drink at Water. REPORT. SENATOR TELLERS KeraUr Vrefeestee. "Water, water everywhere, nor The novelist had thought that at Few people beany drop to drink. make Be heal th Land of Free Silver Coln-- a side eallors can appreciate the ter- the end of the year he would of his labor, a faimer the present leer seine le Wealth. Urawth rible import of these simple worda with so he had thrown him-e- lf or MsaalsetorlBX. A correspondent of the Youth's but coamuch seal into this hired-ma- n Senator write Teller, who his been in on a short lition that now he wanted that Companion every cent Mexico for recreation and to study the whaling, or, a sailor say, "plum-puddlu- g iuo him. How well hod his imaginaAN ashing-to- n which he once voyage. money question, returned to made in the brig Arnolds of Nan- tion played its part! The farmer s cordial He Bill few and a a out reports hemmed hawed and days ago. price tucket, Shu bar I Higgins, master, Hiss aud struck but President at from it, finally they grumbled jreception they ran short of water, and at last sn he agreement and off Bill marched the captain decided to put into 0c;a jn. an interview his earning, in the pocket of foias ; M f lloree, on the west coast of Africa. with prosierity ipoke As they neared the Cape de Verde ble jeans trousers. he lows: reached When the he city islands, however, and got into what Mexico ia enjoying s greater deapparel are known to sailor as the horse dressed himself in his former see his to went club end to the gree of prosperity than ever before, latitudes, the wind fell calm and the triends, writes Op'e P. Reed In Fet- ind there is s very hopeful feeling vessel drifted idly on the water. were As day after day paused with no ter's Southern Magazine. They the people, both native and had returned from abroad; among to ths future. Manufaclgne of wind Captain Iligglna became glad he his voyage had been oreign, as Impatient The surface of the ocean hoped thatwe:e are tures up everywhere. springing sure that he had was as smooth as a mirror, and as pleasant; made great progress has The would back country material; great the long, heavy swells came from the brought await the coming of his in the industrial arts and pursuits durregions of the trade winds the vessel anxiously and rolled and tossod about like a cork next book. ing the last seven or eight years ToHe in his musing. sat that said library met ill the foreigners that I upon the water. We furlod the square sails to pre- morrow be would begin The History the progress made in that time was of the Hired Man." The scene were vent their being worn out in slapThe til mapped out There were pic- phenomenal and would continue. ping against the mast The stay- tures has stimulated of on the exchange spot; price ligh photographed sails were all set and the sheets the production of many articles not hauled in taut, which eased her lanes in which he knew every turn. What rustic love he could pour into heretofore produced in Mexico, and somewhat In her rolling. rude passion, jeal- will . By this time the water had run so this work; what largely stimulate the export of og-short that the captain felt obliged to ousy, bucolic heartbreaking! is This particuoccurred to him that he ricultural products adopt some plan to avoid all unneces- had notit his luncheon at the larly true of coffee, and 1 found quite enjoyed sary drinking. on boiled din- i number of American and English ran mind Ilis jluh. Calling me to his side, he said: He smiled at thin sapitalists who are putting their money "Boy, bring me a now tin dipper from ners, hog fat Ah, he could write from the very into coffee the slop chest , plantations But it is man. hired ' I did so. Then the captain had all oravings, the soul of theawoke uite apparent to me that the greatest The next morning he early hands called aft manGeld for investment is in general Men, ho said, "I have always and bounced out of bed to feed the of dreaded to put my crew on short .al- attle. Then he bethought himself ufactures, including the production amid own was as his well in he that as home, woolen and sotton goods, the haa come time lowance, but when something must be done to save works of art surrounded by hooka ;he manufacture of machinery of sll lie lay down again, but he could nut what little water we have loft kinds and classes With that he took a piece of spun-yar-n sleep He was hungry. lie looked The present production of silver went He Six watch. oclock. his it from hia pocket and tied it to he said, now amounts to :n Mexico Ths out to to eat get something the handle of the dipper. Then turnwere not open. He ate ibout $42,000,000 annually, and Ido restaurants to said: to this "Take the he me, ing rorned beef and cold cabbage in an lot believe it will diminish, but rath-t- r masthead and tie It there." joint He wens back to Now," said he, addressing the expect to see it increase. There it men, you can have all the water you his room and took down a book that i desire to see the United States take sent want to drink, hut you must first go had often fired his brain and By iold of the silver question and settle to the top of the mast and get the his fancy flying. It was dulL so t. I visited a very largo cotton mill am the he "I exclaimed, gods! dipper; and after drinking all you much of a hired man that I don't want ihere that had 50,000 spindleiand need you must carry the dipper back and tie it to the mast again. Under to read. But I can work; I will be- 1,000 looms with all the modern apno conditions will one of you pass gin my book. and 1 was quite surprised to the dipper to another. Every man Ha sat down with pen In hand, but pliances most of the cotton being .earn that was no hand must get the dipper for himself. In thought came. Hia case of sickness I will send the boy horny, his thoughts were among the sonsumed was from Texas. I visited the mint in Mexico, aloft for the sick man. This rule :lods, held down by New England will apply to all on board, myself in- boiled dinners. He struggled in rery large establishment, which has vain. His literary work wfis done. been in cluded." operation a great many years, TILL CLASPED IX HIS ASMS, At first we regarded the matter as Ho waa a hired man; and hia genius and has produced more silver coins combe, and In a manly, straightfor- a waa gone. joke on the captains part, but as ward way revealed his love for her other mint in the world. than any wore on and each of us niece, and his wish to make her his the days PORTER. no gold in circulation, but have CAR THE They SLEEPJNQ aloft his the made after dipper wife. trip Poeitively paralysed with amase-mea- the novelty wore off. We soon found, If Mot a Natural Nora Liar Ha Become have bills, the same as in this country. Silver is the general circulating methat lady could only atare In however, that the captains plan for Oae, Nald a Jails; When et last she water was a pretty effectual ona wordless wrath. A sleeping car porter, e said dium, and is the standard of value. could find speech she pointed to the The ship's scuttle-but- t, which formerhe sat in tho oflkee of a There hu been no falling off of prices at bitterly door. we had been obliged to replenish hotel waiting for bivskfast, in Mexico as has been the ease in the Yon Impertinent she ly from the casks every other day, country oar porter ia a boni liar. a ever dare the enter if sleeping ted, you pen United States for tho ' last twenty woulJ now run a week without refill"Oh, not all of them," pi presence of mv niece again, I will years, and prices have been practically make yon regret it to the day of your ing. his companion. We were becalmed just sixty days. death." stable, except as there has been some ha thougl Then the trade wind set in and we 'Well" some said, Aunt Branscombe! are not, but those slight increase because of the increased possibly There before her, pale and defiant, proceeded to tioreo and refilled our who are not born liars acquire the activity of business which, of course, stood her niece. casks. But the memory of the trips habit ) 1 shall be 21 years old hu a tendency to raise prices of proI made aloft after that dipper, and I've known truthful ducts as well na I love Laurence Dale. 1 am going to the Oh, which in slightly to raise the Captain Higgins spirit marry him." of not very much." but performed his part of the contract, porters labor, price At your peril! You have?" I em determined, the girl'e sweet left an impression on my mind which Certainly I have 1 will not remains to this day. voice went ou firmly, Ill bet you the cigars jrou have man! She old the drew marry that 05,000,000 Tebaaee BUI Saved. not A Minister's Views os Advert lelax- diamond from her finger end tossed it decide?" But wholl men business are I'll taka Successful thoee that But contemptuously upon the table. Chicago, Dee. 25. Special. The Mrs. Branscombe'a temper was at who advertise well, You." said Rev. Inter-Ocea-n' t illustrated supChicago dannow. was She white heat Im prejudiced. quite George Stanley Burnfield during gerous. She turned to Laurence Dale, recent discourse at the North PresOh. no. youre not Youre just plement, describing the great success her eyes fairly biasing. has made it byterian church, Philadelphia thoughtless Youre thinking about ind merit of Leave! she commanded. My that who of incumbent some all the is are in It famous s things upon ordinary day. toUntil niece is si yet under age. Mr. IL D. Kramer, the active man, morrow I control her! She shall obey engaged In the public enterprises of some porters lie about but others do And me! she marries God or man, continued the preach- not Did you ever get into e smell at his office, 45 Ranuen er, "to impress the thousands by ad- town about 6 o'clock in the mornPercy Effingham! That is setUedl in talking of and street, dolph I will die first! vertising to the best advantage. ing ? Hut Mrs. Branscombe held her Thera are some who hold that the growth, said it wu hard work to Yes" having sent forth her edict Christian church and Christianity keep np with the rapidly increuing "And he called you? Kace, ration were made for a hasty should not seek did. he course "Of through publicity demand, every book sold advertised wedding the next day in a little And he didnt lie about it? merit church near the hotel Therese mean- the press. From these I dissent Na" time was to ba kept a prisoner in her Through the press I have the power is not sold on He said, "Didn't he tell you youd be there own room, until the hour appointed to proclaim the truth and to reach of thoosanda and tene-o- f the the strength for the ceremony. She looked strange- the public in a way which is possible In five minutes? thousands of testimonial statements, "Um-ah-y- es; I believe he did. ly resolute, when she heard her aunt by no other method. Some will alturn the key In the lock. No wonder ways adhere to the old wav and old "And watch you frantically wrestle bat under an absolute guarantee to Mrs. Branscombe was so determined and remain atiafied.but there with your shoos and rush for the cure or money refunded. styles, That mode upon this marriage; Old Effingham are modern and better methods My washroom ?" about merit a had already executed e deed of gift of long short, as very stoiy "I--I believe I do recollect somee large sum of money to be paid her opinion le that every legitimate from . it user the absolutely protects bo to used should means tho spread as a yearly ineome, the same to take thing of that sort injury or financial losa. "And then did you wait and wait physical effect si soon as the marriage wss knowledge of the gospel of God. " will make of "Suppose that we are able to pre- and wait Why, said he, performed. Through the key-hol- e the door Mrs Branscombe watched vent something which ia palatable "Here's Hie olgar. You win. I 100,000 cures this year, and the saving her niece array herself for the bridal and for which men hunger.how shall it guess there never was e porter who will average $50.00 for every one cured, and an expression of satisfaction crept be possible for them to know it unless would not lie about that under thoee or a grand total of $5,000,000 saved into her eye. we advertise? In men the faculty of circumstances I wonder why it is? She sees that she mnst submit, from going up in smoke and out ih is largely developed, and wss Mrs. Branscombe's verdict, and curiosity a- Common lak. of use the the is indeed a God-sen- d Qeallty newspapers Ephemeral intelligent spit. inevitawisely resigns herself to ths is a certain method of peaching ble. Nearly all the inke in common use to the poor man theM hard times. Accontain organic matter as a part of cording to ths testimonials, however, The hour appointed for ths cere- them" in Regarding the business men. Dr. the coloring matter. The greet mamony came. The bridegroom, bridal array, wss fuming impatient- Burnfield asserted that the moat suc- jority of them are principally a com- the money saved is the least considerly outside, e feeling of uncertainty cessful are those who cater to the bination of iron with gallio end tan- ation, for almost every one reporta an troubling his elderly heart Mrs. wants of Hie beet class, keep the best nic acida, both of which are organic improvement of the nervous system, Branscombe unlocked the door of the who are honest and who ad- adds and quite readily decomposed. increase in weight and a revival of room. One swift glance, and she fell goods, The action of moisture, light and vertise; heck with e cry of isge. physical and mental powers that is in other agent will after e while, The bride was gone! A duplicate Mads tka Britos nUsorfe, deed miraculous. of these salts iron, leaving key had opened the door on the outwas recently threatened Trouble Prominent physicians look npon of oxide Iron to almost the Invisible side, e closed carriage had taken her between the people of Orissa and the show where the writing hu been. as a great success, and are very and ths man she loved to ths next town, where they were made man and Indian government on account of the Tho only really permanent ink is free to prescribe it which had rested wife. "Poojah stone, from some form of carEvery wholesale drag house in this She's o'er tho border end an, for ages over the main entrance to that prepared such lampblack, of which bon, With Jnck o' Haseldean." and Canada sells the temple of the Sun. It was the Chinese of Indie country ink is carved with symbols of the sun and Carbon resists destructive composed. Tho Vslea of AdvirlulBi influences and the retail druggists ore pushed to A wealthy mas endeavored to ahnw planet, and thirty years ago fell the demsnde of customers; the Thai Fortune comes to thooo who adeartlsa from its place in the temple to be' to a remarkable degree, end writings supply will lut ink A poor msa eaid: such with made direct mail demand is immenM. 'Teas money thrown long come at once a special object of woraway." as the paper on which they are writThe cost of And seemed the other teste to Caspian compared with of The governor Bengal.belng ten. ship the results is a smell matter, os the interested in it as an archwological The a re lied Ions, till each to his own view, 1'nknowlns, had the other one converted treasure, bed It removed to the InCheap Chrysanthemums. saving in a week psys the cost of The rk-- man hastened to withdraw his ads. Will Where on earth did yon get cure for t lifetime. The poor bub rushed to have so ad Inserted. dian museum, and this raised such ie sold resentment among the natives that that chrysanthemum? Thats a bate for $1.00 a box, or three boxes, $2.50, A rear airo or more ia R. I trow. two men thus argued sad eon. the stone has been restored to them Store those largest I ever saw. It teems to verst-d-. end has been raised again to its orig- me youre getting pretty extravsr with s guarantee to cure or money reOne rich, me poor, they still exist funded. inal place in the temple. Uul Fortune l heir positions has reversed. gent these hard times. No florist Yankee Blade A few extra copies of the Inter- - Ocean of think flower e would like selling After the Vreag Man, loss than $L for that supplement (eight pages) illustrated in Many Kinds of Bee. Newcomer Is the janitor any George One dollar? Why, this firs colors, have been secured and will When you speak of bees, designate where round? one didn't cost me one cent Get a be mailed for the ' the kind referred to. Thera ere 4,uU0 Old Resident I guess sa Why? asking, by addressone every day if I wish. N. CL I want to get him to run an fresh species popularly known as "wild ing the Sterling Remedy company, Hows Will that? bees. being natives of ths errand for me. George 1 go in the kitchen at tha Chicago office, 45 Randolph street; Americas Britain has seventy spe U R Jupiter, man; there is the house, take e handful of New York office, 10 Sprues street; boarding cie of Itecs and sixteen of wape; of owner of the building. Why don cold slaw,' tie it together with laboratory, Indians Mineral Springs, . the latter there are 170 known to cn you seed him? Inter Ocean. of thread and there you ere. Ind. piece toinu!ogils. sea. He held her close to hia heart Her lips rested upon his in a tender, clinging kisa Better death like this," shs ssid. softly, than life with old Effingham." But it was not to be death. With a mighty effort he managed to hold her above the waves, and so fought his way. inch by inch, to land. Spent and breathless, he drugged bis weary limbs upon the beach, that slender figure still clasped in hia arms, and sank down upon the saml iuseusibla Half ab hour later the fury of the storm had sulisided, and a party from the hotel, armed with lanterns, set forth in search of the missing girl They found her, quite unconscious, lying clasped in Laurence lisle's arms, he. too; oblivions to all outward affairs. Mrs. Branscombe, tall and stately, eold and cruel, a living exponent of fashion and conventionality, took in the situation, her lip curling with silent scorn. In a glance she comprehended sll, and memory rushed in-to the fore with many cidents which pointed to the unpalar table troth; she set her teeth hern together, and her steely eyes glittered. Ill see her dead first!" she muttered, 'sharply. Then aha turned to the others. Thank heaven! she is alivel This young man, a worthy fellow who lives down the beach a mil or so; haa evidently rescued her. Really, he deserves my gratitude and hers!" And inwardly Mrs. Brsnscombe wss congratulating herself over old Effinghams absence from the scene; Ilia rheumatism hod kept him indoors. If he only need never know the particulars ox this rescue. The next morning, Laurence Dale presented himself before Mrs Braus- half-forgott- life-lon- g Hud-ien- ly all-nig- ht t, ! j-h- clod-hopper- !" u e, m to-d- ay es u No-to-h- oc No-to-- . -- - No-to-b- No-to-b- u c, u No-to-b- No-to-b- y I |