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Show TlXE IE AOLE Editor. W. E. Smith I! fctulfteiKiini. E. A. William went to Salt Luke today. Straw hat from live cent ui-- - at ' William'. 2,0" chicken wanted at. Sheffield' now In. to till order a ear of to Salt. Lake today. Win. Burton and Wm. Allen were Hyrum Sw-wni- t hliii-jM-- Hour at Centerville Wednesday. It. J. Shffield was at Ogden Tue lay aud Salt Lake Thursday. Nest dance at William' Hall will la Friday evening, Sept. 2V, 1803. J. A. Frnton'of Layton i an active and Intelligent advocate of Um. Pattllin Tlioa. H. I'hillipsand G. went to the We tar tUvcr tubing i'lienday. Robert Manure wa In Salt Lake Wednesday with a load of d reused laef. Tern King of Salt Lake, a nephew of J. II. Larkina, hna Imtii visiting tiie latter llii week. CENTEBT1LLE STATEHOOD. Delegate Rawlins Is generally for introducing a bill in Conadmff Utah as a State. It to gress cannot be successfully contradicted that tlie majority of the vofersof Utah have for a number of years ardently wished for U tail's admission into the Union. It is also true Unit there Is an element that oppose this step In advance, but reasons which mice gave tin se olstructlonlts an excuse for their opposition, can scarcely la? said to exist, at the present day. Rawlins The pint ini'iis of the tiiil when fairly construed would to furnish sufficient protection against the irregularities and prac-liee- s w hich have hltlier-t- o been In the for Utah. It way of Slaie-hiss- l would be strange Indeed if t'ungres isuualile to frame an admission hid for Utah, which would not Is; broad enough to protect all In perfect religious toleration. Utah lias wealth, population and intelligence fgr surpassing that of several Males recently adiriilted aud tliey seem to do honor to tlie Sisterhood of Stales aud to them 'Ives, Utah may be trusted to give due honor to lierself and to the aople of the ot her States, when she shall lie clot lu-with the responsibility of Nlateixssl. Lot the hi I! be passed anil a prosT const it ut ion adopted. rmn-iiii-nd- rltlzen have tieen at PNHntia Diiaiiiti with a Warning. this week, laying in a d In Judge Ranch' court in the wlntcr'saupply of coal. District court, a number of proJ. A. Cartwright of the McDonald secution have been dismissed outlie CandyCn. of Suit Luke made III regu- mot mu or District Attorney Judd in lar fip here this week. the matter of plural wives. In the Postmaster llyde of Layton has rotirse of hi remark, the lenient uses the billowing language taken a trip to Marsh Valley. We relative to an Indictment Tumid In himself. will he hope enjoy A numlierof the eoa I NhI See-on- I SMI. We understand that IL W, llarnes. That Indictment wa found SeptemIuul Thoniiuwen and their wives will ber 1889. If the court please, It has take In the World's Kuh next month. never been the habit in the Territory On last Monday there wa lairu to for the I'rosecullng Attorney for the these Mr, aud Mnr 0. W. Wohater, a boun- United State to prosecute All concerned doing plural wive for violating the laws cing girl. well. husbands, with' their polygonum is an uid Indictment, I and sine1 this J.C. Jsmlaon, W. 11. Jntuison, W. think it ought to be dismissed, for I fj. Smith, Paul Smith, and Albert could not now the proof to proSmith all went north to Marah valley secute the caseget If 1 wantsuccessfully lionu-ateuMonday to work on their ed to. Rut I want it understood, and 1 want to make a declaration to Mias Clara Leonard, Mias Haight, the court, that this dismissal; under Mis Susie Van Fleet, John Hums, the clp'uniHtuiirc, is not to be conW. C. Cottrell and F. Iiurnes were a strued a a disposition on tlie part of party of Farmington young , eeple the Government not to prosecute the who enjoyed the Sunday School bull women for violating this law from now on. 1 feel now very much like last evening. the time has arrived when, If they Kaysville has quite a humorous irp Join with their husband in u violaroaentatloii at the University af Utah tion of tlie law, mat they are just us 1hl year. In addition to the three culpable and guilty as the men; und young people mentioned elsewhere In 1 am strongly inclined to make an exthis Issue, Mias Mattie Barnes. Miss ample of Miluc of the in if they don't Annin Wade, Mias Ruby Knowlton stop it". and Walter Stewart are unending this popular inslitut inn this ycur. tk Stauthisg abnt UUk Boris Oil account of the hard times we 8s gu Taatory. wish to give persons who are ntl not Something like right hundred Utah taking Tine Eaulb a cliance to subarc now engaged ill raising farmer wo new will from scribe. Therefore suliacrlliera take a limited amount, of beets, on which tliey reallxc 15 a tun, acre. We accept au average of about $50 pmdurc.on subscription. the that factory sugar It Isexpertcd potaflour, wheat, chickens, honey, i About will start Up today. toes, eahhage, pig, butter, eggs, at ao.lMio tons of beet will be worked up a the make sja'Clalty.of turkeys, (we or will replatter) ducks, peaches, apples, plums, and 4,OM,txiO poundsrun.sugar Tim season's tlie resent furtory, and pears. IL I expected will lie kept running until January, and while in operat Ion it will give employineut to 100 men inside Ths Sudsy School Bill and Piuis. und 40 to .'idnutsi.le, In addition to a The Ceutral Sunday School had their large number of team kept ut work. annual day out yesterday at Webster's The licet crop this year I uisire t he gnve. Asa matter of course tlie average, Iso h as to yclld and quality. children have lawn In a high stale of Kxis-r- t are now inclined to t biiik that expectancy ever since they heard of Utah is the ttuest c mu try in the world the happy time that was Milling, und for raising sugar beet. naturally the blustering wind yesterTin: rapacity of the factory I about day morning wn a damper on their en- tod tuns of beets per day. Herald. thusiastic anticipations. Notwithstanding this it wa a bright aml'hap-py-face- d Lsytn Linibi. baud of Utah's Rest Omp" that romped, rail races, danced und We are infuruu-.Ithn- t tlie fanner uf plctiiced nndiT tlie stately poplars. hare uliippst l.Vi ten of eugsr lievt Quite a number of parent und teach- to la'lit and tin1 crop it little more tlisn liatf ers were present also. istlier trial gathered. Many arc eager In tlie morning the billowing pro- at growing tlie little- - lunar prmlucen. gram was given for tlie amusement Tim "Slats" arc still is the lead at ball of the little ones: On the Dili in!, they Went to playing. School. I Snug, Cooper and won a game, and on tlie 10th Miss Annie llartou. Recitation, in4 Sonih Weiicr came over anil played Miss Minnie Williams. Seng, with them and were not at all liard to Widard Rurieti. beat. Now theyare Recital Ion, they rhallenged !y a Ik sin Miss Mary Itodily. tiful team and have am Song. pled. The gnme School. will In- Song, played at IjiyUm nest Saturday the Then canle thg picnic after the Kith int. weighty lunch basket had been re.lames A. O'Brien i to leave lieved of some of their tempting confur bis rani'll hi Teton Kanin, where he inrace fur ran children tents. tin prizes, tend tu remain in lefinitely. played ball, d i need and tired t hem-selvall preparing fur winter so far n We are n such out generally. having fuel i eonrvmed aliuu-- t daily from live to good time, It was mule ton warm in ten tesiiii may lie heailed to- seemed tlirgruve lint the little folks l.'rw-k-i not to mind it and had a jolly time Our is d. I,. Rnyiiii-ndanyway. returning homo In tlie eveni Is y on wait' 1 red and Mend t w our i li ahoes ing happy. A dance for adult was given id tlie hut docs nut iu i be asked in return t wait fur Hi pay. pavilion at n'ght to defray the Incurred In pitting Up the Often afu weadvimni not to spend time to amusettielillwograldi fltul It wa n keep up with die tidiluu. One of n at n well ns a leii- -t d.iiilit the idiini uf this and who cuinpleLC flnum'lal most ph.Isa ut, sts'lal rVttili Nearly Villi Wonder at it .Wliy," any he. the for throwing me over fifty Couple weic preM'iiti Aisiut $10 were Cleared alsive expense add this (or the other ihi." lleinn Will be used the iMiiellt nf the Sun- riile o (plen.lidlT anil you havday School. Supetluteiideiit Linford en't rcn tried to learn !" lint I'll do it Was tiim-- pleased with the assistance yes, though it break every bone in my bolie received from the teaeher and dy, l'H learn tu riile a biryele and then we parents, and others who euntributed will ee who ean win her untile. to the day's rujoy uieuk S da. id r la-h- Pyra-ciim- fr Ci-ul- k n-e- shnr-mak.i- r, , 1 t-- se e ft h KnICK-A-KNIIK- d CHIPS- Hi Hot - Cole, formerly of thia Bountiful on the II Inst. died at place, Mr. J. IL to Springs Bsilwsy Orsla CofflooaooJ at Oooo. to bo a Just Arrived. A New Stock go after The new nilwiy owners land oft he of the Some Taberall. The funeral was held in tlio officials of the Salt. Fargc'fi and the lurU-win-raud N.TMessrs county nacle, Ulrts. Jones spoke very lilglily ;f tlie Lake and Hot Springs Railroad met llox Tip were inti- at Ceniertille last Tuesday night and dcceiiM-witli whom lh-AN like aud Inlen-slliiBoys mately ii'Tijiriiutt-- while traveling in a v ry business ISEV do School Shoes meet ing was held. It was there England. IIS-- , home was always ojs-TAUIT and to what he hud the Elders were cided that the great iron horse should and GQAT15 He was widely be writ whir ling along over the Iron Every Pair always wider, ne. IP m a the known llimugli-- ut the eouniy. Ho bands to Kayivllle as Childrens 1E5EiM5D1P Warranted track the made and lie could zealous a was of a jovial di'ivedtion, grade all was . by contract signed and always ready to laid. A cliun-l- i ineinls-rITiisA&nMrirh&s stand up fur the principle in which concerned to t he effect that track lay- TRY A PAIR prcffeeTcd aeams. Clothing as soon us the commence Messrs Reading & Sous ing should he .double Knees. We be and . could funcr-:ilcompleted. for the furiiisln-grad.s youll the A.NjdOik.sccl clbovs A and understand that Kaysville Is rota; want We one to for alaiut terminus year. the An evening ixirty was given by buy officials mean Reading of tills dun- - Alsuit fondly hope that the . Furnishing sun-no other. Pi ime uxm the K:3u l.x. business this time 29 on and Lake from Sail train City Goods. ST. L0UI3 IS IN IT. the dummy line. Tlie house, lawn Illuminated were with and garden The followEffect Ive Aug. 1. IWiH. colored lanterns and lainjis. The rooms ing rates arc authorized for the sale of We have a few Summer Goods that you can have AT decorated with first class, one way cnntinnus passage were arllslleallv iuiiit all Montana YOUR OWN PRICE, they must he sold to make room Mowers, painting etc. The evening tickets Oregon: I' tali common in hi lisle, singing aud games. lliiniingiou, wassN-ii- t for Fall goods. and SKinisli Fork: ligiii; Mint of ilia company n turned to points: Park Gity aud all Interinediate points COME AND GET SOME BARGAINS- town on the 2 w. train. Tlie rest wlu-- present rates arc higher: .$25.00 Missouri river all To point our village country strayed through " St. Louis, Via KansasClty 30.50 and visited a few friends. Agents for " C'liicago 33.00 Win. iiaila-- lias aeeept.erl the office Rates from intermediate puiiiis not the CELEBRATED Tlie. alsive rates to be of road supervisor. He will succeed lie higher. e I lie Hens r - f g n Al-ls-- rt fn-i- n u . r I. Wii.wiinn. who can ed us having I lie lx- - compliment.1 miles uf road with gsi culverts. of Smue ssei'l:ilur from Salt Lake were here bsiklug over Mr. Ihading's land with a view of starting a nursery. William lliirlx-- r is around again. J. Smith, son of the president.. Is ciinttn to ills room with a severe fever. Tlie Y M and Y L M I A Conference was held here an Sunday. The meeting house was packed to it utmost delivered a capacity. Miss address to the young very el(stn-n- t lieople, J. Whitaker. Hyrum Grant, M rs. Taylor mid Dr. Shipp also spoke at the meeting. was a There misunderstanding among Mime of the officers as to where Several t he meet ing was to In held, started for Kuysrillc, but on the way they discovered their mistake and reAll turned hens. then went list'd as basing rutesfns-llingtopoibevmid St.. Louis mid Uliieago. nis Lin-sal- e Aug. 4, and until Oct. 31, The following rates will upply for tlie Mile of round trip tickets, on account of World's Fair business, from Utah common points, viz: Spanish Fork, Park Olty, Logan, Ka.vsvlile and Intermediate points. To Denver and return 935.00, limit 00 day; Missouri river and return 145.00 limit 30 days; St. Louis and return 49.50, limit ,'iO days; Chicago aud return 00.00, limit Nor. 15, 1803. All tickets sold at above rates must be limited continou passage going and continous passage returning, with Ilnal limit of 30 days day from date except tu Chicago, where you are stop-ove- r at any point west of Colorado common points wlrhin the well. The meeting a the tabernacle was final limit returning. Messrs IUt.es t.i St. L i lls apply via K snsss poorly attended on Sunday. Cit y only. addn-KM-Jones. Fisher and Stoker the meeting, and tlie latter made Rites to Ciiirago apply via any Mis. some appropriate remarks concerning sour! rivergateway. l'.Thomassen, Agent, U. P. System. the building of the baptismal fount. The cannery is running full blast. The creamery Is closed at present, UNION PACFIC TIME TABLE SOUTH 1IOUKD. owing to the convenience with which 9:19 a. m. No, 3 Butto Express milk can lie shipped to Salt Lake. " 7 Poo. 11:10 a. in. A new school house is going up on Ua53 p. m. 5 Local the Mountain riaid. Size 30 by 40. It NORTHBOUND. 8:23 a. m. will be ornamented with a tower and No. Fast Mail H Atlantic Express 7:10 p. in. will cost 11,1(50. X, L ff 4:38 p. ni. Local H 8:3d p. in. li. Express Oar Oomspaimt 8yi that ths Baair is In effect Aug. 13, 03. falsa- - Ths Hsraltf is s , P. Tlmmassen, Aobnt. We noticed in Herald of Tuesday Sept. 19, that I lie republican of Kays-vill- e The following rates are authorized werceharged with saying that for the sale of round trip tickets from they were strong enough to nominate Utah common points, viz; Logan, aud oleet their own officer t iiffli-ie.Spanish Fork, Park City and points into til' the various i, ffires of this Kay termediate to Cheyenne, Denver, Colville City. If the wi Iter understand orado Springs and Pueblo, 930.00; to himself, he knows there is a club orga- Trinidad, Goto., $37.00, Tickets sold nized at this place cnrrtocd of at above rate will be limited to 00 and tliatnotlilrg ran days from date of sale, no transit limIs! done nr said legitimately without it. P. Thomassen. the wt-nl- consent of that dull. Asto Agent Union PaeiMs System. ime Individual i.ylug we were strong enough to do tlie above was not authorized by the club o make sucb hii as- A, MKACIIEN, AfTOmi-AT-lAsertion, and so you charge the party with It do you? And charge them of Dub. bluffing h1o do you? That's a terrible KiysvUli, Terri-lor- j. to Court the the Will of all practice bluff Is'et It? We don't mean to bluff nor don't expect to be charged with it unless you hear from us. G. Ogden You do (is nil injustice by saving we duff, rail we help what one member ZATBVflU. ms. of the party docs? Can von It. If Grover goe to I'.uzzard's hay and and catches law li and invites some of Cleans Ticks, Feathers, 111 friends to assist him in devouring Mattresses. them, and not invlteynu? Ail we want Is JiNih-- clarged to wliarncalloa. lie (rives and If we are feconil our PRICE Me. TER TOUM) FOR licM (as you enyldllO, K. I'll assure you my dear friends If a FEATHERS. eitiiu'ns1 ticket is put up and the HPpiililiean agre to it. they will lie us loyal to it as they are to tln-i- r own ('oh-brok- CORSET WAIST, Thy lusing rateofSJ5.no is still In effts-- i fur of ti'ktls to point Missouri und Ulileago and 1. Tiiosiassen. bl. Louis. Agent lT. 1'. System. Best on the market Wc sell thm on Four Weeks Trial, Effi-ctiv- 1M93. e c Edward H. HYRITM STEWART General MERCHANDISE, LINN OK COMPLETE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, Doors, Windows, Mouldings and Other Building Material at SPECIAL agent l'or PAINTS. SHERWIN-WILLIAM- S A Large Stivk of G. M. HENDERSON & COMPANY'S SHOES. Fishing Tackle in Endless Variety. We Meet All Competition For Spot Cash or Six Months Time. For Dyspepsia. ltheuniatUm. Nerve Exhaustion, Kidney disease Etc. FoNTYM Bonne mort TEA FONTYN liKUKDIES CO.. Prices Reasonable fafl at the A. Beazer Combination Fence. Alupht Bkxzbk. Kaysville, f Viteuts 4 I Manfer C. D. RumiLK-AV- , BriucedEstif. Tlie llio Grande Western ha again greatly reduced rati to ad point eat: To Grand Junction, $i:t.ii: I rip.'todays. Ti to I GIciiwikkI. Vlhiic. AsjH-- I5.oi e. Mund and all siints round trip, . m day. JiS.m.i. days. IJ5.00, BENNETT. CARPENTER & BUILDER Estimates furnished on short notice. Kay illo autmiTi Kaysville, Utah TRUNKS, TRUNKS, ValiaeB&Traveltng Bag JOHN BARTON & SON, Undertakers JAS. R. PROUDFOOT, HTonsorial Artist. First diKirEast Kaysville, Hvrimi Stewart. - Utah. - nad dealers in FURNITURE, Utah. Kaysville KAYSVILLE TII0S. If. TllII.LIPS) surveyor and Utah. Notary Public. Kaysville, Utah. WEGSELS A. FLITTON & Company. r or Wm A.Hydk&Co.. Layton Wall Paper, Carpets, Screen Wm. H. I'.kazek, Symeuse DOOHS, LACE CURTAINS ANL H. L. k B. Ass'n. Bountiful. W'v. WmaitT, Crtit erville. Window Glass all at lowest prices, at W W. Stekd, Farmington. S3 CC, Colorado common point (Denver to SMUnia lhieblolf It5.n0, rou ml trip, no day. i ilays :i.(Hl1 DRY GOODS, MILLINTo (Titeauo. round trip, ,K) contlnu.nis passage. $.51.50; with priERY, KOTIOSS, vilege slop over west Golorado comand GENTS LADIES mon point. ilnal limit Nov. 15. To Missouri isiinls. couiiniums FURNISHING G'.HJDS. For FIRST CLASS MEATS. passage. ("5.ini; nmnd triji. limit Jo GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES. days. $ lo.oii. sfl Highest Cah 1'rlees Paid for ToSti la mis. continuous passage, BEEF, MUTTON and FORK '0.50; round trip. limit ,'ui days, Dress Making in Latest Styles, 149.50. Prices at Bed Rock." Handling lirk and Calves a For foi I lu-- particulars enquire Of KAYSvu.tr R.E. Hkuws, Agent. 7tu; RiX UOTLU, da. Layton, Artesian Wells. Kaysville, Utah Buy Only fi tiabitim e ticket. . OGDENiSALT lake prices LOTS. DISCOUNTS OX LARGE In-l- n fl-- brtEFFTEU). T. cmiz JYMERflar OO. GILf EDGE BUTTED Cream and butter-mil- k Orders Promptly Filled. Fanners, wishing to contract their milk, should dt so at once in foro thf amount needed I cnntriicted. Tclcplioiie at store. Co-o- p KAYSVILLE KBIT- TINCJ FKCTORY, t .il'omlfout, it'oMi's - T- -t IM MR tu si kI uiirilntl: H iHintNl. IM YARN FOR SALE CHEAP. VvHr I'nirenag Sid lulled. |