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Show t. it. MAIN, SmilMieM, SaL It Han. Rftz Brothers in V? KENTUCKY MOONSHINE Tuts. Wed. PAID TO DANCE gg YOUR SHARE 10 BEAUTIFY 8 FOl . DO YOUR SHARE TO your TOWN BEAUTIFY YOUR TOWS IDt OUNCE mins11 ECTED SMITH FIKLI), CAC1IE COUNTY. UTAH FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1). 1 1,M i GE SHOE, EQUIP. B(tt. ' OB iT What Ojt lake be the toughest mnst decisive rnii of the year in the biff seven will be played Saturday 181 cah University stadiuf. airiaoi Young University, season opened, g before the now that wen tougher id itirted and the Provo boys Lm just what they can do, ii !j t the title aspirations of one r to other. At Utee, on paper, look a :it tic toughest football propoai-tybut on the other ia the league the Cougars, with three vis-- i, two of them in the conferhave shown themselves capable J jotting up a very strong debate fc tf just who is who on the grid-IlfO- I r, that ft teeau, however, no matter big game Saturday, the I abate of big seven football power Iff be on the west side of the Should both BYU and Utah trift ftnirible or stagger against nstun conference schools, there Ito wini tiie con-J'tm- tf. ju strong Utah State expectedly Idem aching to Btep up to the ran. I Eggest revelation in intermountain 4c was the sharp defense shown by to Aggies in downing a highly, J 'jilted, favored Colorado team, 20 A A young back named Uaughan emd notice on the Test of the that his ideas on which way lad bow far the hall is going should l x given studied consideration. I Manghan, heading the Aggies bril-:iwand-haattack against the I toss b two touchdown passer. 1 3ai hie generalship running and tide him the outstanding man on I'jf field. With the brilliant Maugh-l- a to carry the mail, the Aggies, n .red io4o in doping, J m going to cause a lot of fretting iw the season ends. Utah State journeys to Denver to I agige Denver U. The game' should I five them a nice afternoon of d plenty of touchdowns, i At the other end cf the Conference I Colorado State and Wyoming are I Mb, while Colorado takes on George IVahington University at Boulder. I But the way the three Utah confer-- I am teami are shaping up, it dees-set mitter much what jhe teams at I to other end of the conference do I Utah, BYU or Utah State should I hack them all off. The real scrap I to the championship seems destin-- I ed to be in Utah. Ifeotball 5c lutak 5c 3c lift week-en- d and bull-dc- g con-Itaa- 9c c lf c c pre-seaso- c c exer-dw-m- c c c c JC 9c I ' OOO PAINTINGS EXHIBITED AT STATE FAIR Silt Lake (UP) City 9c I bodied 5c I 1 ht it the Utah State Fair last wek by Utah artists. Ain on exhibit were wood carv-h- p, pencil drawings end sculptured Ifeti 5c lei Three and sixty-eigpaintings, toe in oil and watereolors, were ex-- I hihited )c industrial commission I TO )c 'c ISSUED FARStS EIILLYARD 3H DUSit HUNTING Salt Lake City (UP) Helping to provide food and clothing for Utah's Mormon poor is tha tsk shouldered by the woumm's relief society of the L.D.S. church. Relief workers gained new inspiration at the recent conference here when Pres, Lcuiue Y. Kubinson rc- leased figures that showed how well their purpose was being accomplished. Biggest bit of work done by the women was piecing and tiring 4563 quilts, which were distributed to needy families through the church welfare program. Taking advantage of Utahs bpmper crop of fruit, the women canned 124,700 jars of fruits and vegetables in vacant lots. This type of relief work started on a much smaller scale, Mrs. Robinson reported. Originally, each relief society member was asked to give one-tenof the fruit and vegetables she canned in her own home. Flower shows furnished one of the first sources of revenue for Relief work. When a summer shortage of water threatened the success of the Duchesne Stake shaw, water was carried six blocks so that the blooms might be in first class condition and attract a large crowd, Mrs. Robinson retried. Providing food and clothing is only part of the work done by the Relief Society. Under a school wei'tre program, pupils have their' eyes, teetV, weight, tonsils and adenoids checked regularly. , In a typical country school, Relief Workeis found that out of 23 children v.ai.iii&d, '. showed evidence f poor nutrition; 17 had bad tonsils and adenoids; most cf them needed dental work done. The relief society cares for cases of this kind when the parents are unable to d so. WHEIN-ns- . ! WINS RSLSTEi'l CALF the Fed r.;l EVANS APPOINTED FINE PROGRAMS TO FIRST OOUNGIL SCHEDULED Fa:ri Hill yard, of here, was The Smithfield Stake Quarterly Salt Lake City (l'l) Appoint a yjur.g pure, nod Holstein ed to the first council front combined with Relief Sue conference, of nf seventy Octi.k r lJ38, c..lf at the state fair WiJnesduy :he Latter-Da- y tj Saints church at the iety and Mutual Improvement As indusiu1, the shunting of migra- as one ; the tlircj outstanding church conference sociation conventions, will be held 10:;h tory wildfowl in the State of Utah, dub Inys on ea'.f dub re.vrJ book Richard L. Evans, 32, has been an Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16, 1938, it ia announced by NOW THEREFORE, I, Newell B. and story. active church worker. The oi If was contributed by the lresident A. W. Chambers. S.aic iijii a:id Game Conimis-sianiEvan is minaging editor of the Stake 10:00 State Industrial School. The other church At a. m. and 2 p. m. Sunof the State cf Utah, in Era. t.o bjj8 who were awajjod a He was publication, toImprovement day the general sessions of the y with said ruling and under the post in appointed conference will be held at the Secwere Guernsey and a Jersey calf 1936. the authority uf Section Reond ward tabernacle and the meetfrent Wantch county. vised Statutes cf Utah, 1933, He was appointed to the council do Mr. Hillyani was required to be ing will bo under the direction of hereby declare the period from 7:00 on the giounds and dsr the calf of seventy to fill the place of J. Stake presidency. A special proa. m. to 4:00 p. m. Mountain Stand- which was awarded in the presence Golden Kimball, killed last August gram has been arranged, with specin Nevada when an automobile in ial music ard Time each d.ty commencing at of Gov. Hcniy H. Blood. 'fusnished. It is which he was riding plunged from a desired that being Mr. 7:00 a. m. Saturday October of Mr. is the son a gewd representation Hillyard 15, of stake members be in attendance. 1938 and continuing until 4:00 p. and Mrs. llazen llillyaid and he highway. Evans attended Salt Lake City pub The Relief Society activities will m. Monday, November 28, 1933, as is a third year calf club member lie schools and the University of be under the direction of Annie M. the only legal dates iVr the hunting nf which Elmer Olson is leader and Utah. For three years he served in Farr, president of the stake organMelvin Hillyard is advisor. of migratory wildfowl in the State Great Britain on a mission. He rec- ization. The MIA convention prooo- oof Utah during .the yesr 1938. eived his A. B. degree from the Uni- grams will be directed by Homer WILD PROVIDED LIFE FEDERATION versity that during the said of Utah in 1931 and hia M. G. Daines and Viola leterson, presopen season cn migratory water fowl A. degree, with a major in econ- ident! of tha stake MIA groups. the following rules end regulations SPONSORS SHOOT Visitors from Salt Lake City repomics, in 1932. shall maintain throughout the State While attending the University of resenting the general boards of Reof Utah, The Smithfield Wild Life Federa- Utah, he became assoicated with ra- lief Society and MIA will be in atthe season open During prescribed dio station KSL, in Salt Lake City, tendance at all of their meetings in regulation 4 of the Federal Reg- tion will sponsor a rifle target pracSince that and assist with discussions and conas a stnff announcer. Octtice shoot tomorrow Saturday, ulations Relating to Migratory Birds time he hns held the positions of pro- vention proceedure of bath organizaa person may take net to exceed the ober 15. starting at 2 p. m. , ,,? 1 eeeotr a duction manager, supervisor of an- tions. The event will last all afternoon following numbers of migratory game The first MIA meeting will b nouncers and director of publicity. and will held the he which at shall include numbers city gravel birds, ' First A aeries of 23 religious programs held Saturday night in the all birds taken by anyother perecn pit for anyone who wishes to try ward chapel at 7:00 p. m. All stak tabwhich the were from presented who for hire accompanies or assists out his rifle. as a part of the Sundry eve- officers are requested to be at this him in taking such birds; and when The committee in charge announ- ernacle meeting. At 7:30 'Jbint meeting of so taken these may be processed in ces that there will he two largo ning radio service of the L)S church all stake and ward with officers, was and Evanf written presented by the numbers specified as follows: targets put up and operated hy stake presidency and high council DUCKS (except wood duck) Ten score keepers who will inform each early in 1934. In 1935 he became a advisor, all bishops and counselors in the aggregate of all kinds in any hooter of his score and where he member of the adult committee of and any others who desire to attend YMM1A. the one day, of which not more than 3 is hitting the target. will also be held at the First ward , a tire kite John is lie of 3 the ion in than mere j of any one On Sunday morning at 8:30 Every sportsman shauld take adEvans. His mother, Florence chapel. aggregate, may he of the following! vantage of this ppportunjty of trygeneral- MJ meeting ' will flwbcr species cJim'shatkredhAd, buffle-- 1 ing out his rifle before the big game Neslen Evans, is a sister to Firmer be heid, in the trcreatrnal hall of " Mayor C. Clarence Neslen. Evans is the First ward chapeL All ward and head, and ruddy; and any person at season opens. husband of the former Alice Stake officers the more not one time may possess any uf this association At this shout no one is so apt to Ruth Thorn ley of Kaysville. ..h m 20 ducks in the aggregate f are expected to be present. Again bullets and it hurt get ooo by stray G all kinds, of which not more than at 8 p. m. on Sunday, immediately will also enable you to know wheof any one, or more than 6 in the ag- ther it is UTAH PARKS the afternoon session of following the at or fault gun you ooo gregate may be of the following fer not hitting a deer or elk. conference, all stake and ward MIA. buffle-hea'nicies crnveshack, redhead, officers and any one interested in DRAW TRADE STAKE TO HOLD and ruddy. tion of the taker; and in the taking MIA work, will be invited to attend GEESE and BRANT (except Ross of waterfowl, the use, directly, or ina meeting at the First ward chapel. CAVALCADE of all directly, of live duck or goose deYOUTH Utahs Cedar City Grose) Five in the aggregate At this meeting the general board (UP) kinds in any one day, and any per- cays is ont permitted regardless of parka and monument toiW ap- members will .have charge of demore partmental work. At 7:30 the eveson at any one time may possess the distance intervening between any proximately eight per cent Sunday, October 23rd at 7:30 p. not more thin 10 in the aggregate such live decoys and the position of tourists during the period ning session, known as the youth ward m. in the Smithfield First nf all kinds. the taker; nor shall anything in ending September 30 this year than conference, will be held at the tabchapel a meeting will be held for WILSON'S SNITE or JAC.NSNirE these regulations be deemed to per- in the same period last ytur, P. P. ernacle and will feature talks and all stake and ward workers who Fifteen in any one day, and any mit the use cf aircraft of any kind, Patraw, superintendent, revealed in musical numbers young given by are connected in any way with the perosn at any one time may possess or cf a powerboat, sailboat, or othei a report. people representing various departof or young supervision teaching not .mere than 15. floating croft or device of any kind For the first time in history, the ments of the mutual. General board one for tite purpose of concentrating, men of Aarnnic priesthood age. in any COOT: Twenty-fiv- e of visitors to Bryce National members will be present and assist number This wiU include Stake Presidency and any person at any one driving, rallying or stirring up wat- Park exceeded the 100,000 mark, with the program. A good attendday, Aaronic and High Council, Stake time may possess not more than erfowl and coot. the report said. A total of 101,851 ance is very much desired. Priesthood committee, Stake MIA 25. A person over 16 years of age is The Saturday program for the persons visited the Southern Utah Explorers, Superintendency, Scout, sh'ill be unlawful to shoot at not permitted to take migratory beiuty area. Relief Society will be held at the It M Men workers in the stake, Stake Zion park drew 149,075 persons, Third ward chapel commencing at any migratory wildfowl in the State waterfowl unless at the time of such School Superintendency, of Utah with any cilibre of rifle. Sunday taking he has on his person an un superintendent Iatraw said. He add- 2 p. m. All stake and ward officers leaders of A, B, and C. departments Provided that ducks may be taken expired Federal migratory bird hun- ed that the one million mark would meet for a special class leaders deon Sunday School board and all in the State of Utah accoiding to ting stamp, validated hy his signa-tue- r be passed next year. During the cor- partment discussion. Representatives entitled 3, written arross the face thereof responding period last year, 137,404 corresponding officers in the various Federal Regulation Sunday morning at 8:30 all stake ward organisations as well as AarMeans by which Migratory Game in ink. Persons not over 16 years of persons visited the park. The 1938 Relief Society officers together with onic quorum officers. Birds may be Taken as issued in age are permitted to take migra figure represents an increase of 8 ward presidencies, bishops, high The new Aaronic priesthood ex- the proclamation of 1138 by the tory waterfowl without such stamp. and one-haper cent in attendance council advisors, will meet at the and discussed as will be tension plan lrcvided that ducks in the State figures. President nf the United States, . library. A well arranged program of Utah may be shipped, transportan inspirational meeting has been follows: Utahns has been prepared for this meeting Fibre Californians than for ed and held in possession according visited Zion, Patraws figures reveal- At 3 ,p. m. all stake and ward Relief The migratory game birds planned. ooo which open seasons .ire specified in to the terms as specified in the ed. California visitors totalled 42,516 Society officers and members, toFIRE ALARM SENT IN regulation 1 of these regulations may Federal Proclamation, under regul while 42,219 Utahns were recorded. gether with all others who might it: game Of the states east of th Mississippi be interested, will meet at the tabMigratory taken during such respective open ation 6 he Thursin A fire alarm was sent for which birds nt of the a with only, open river, Illinois retained its position ernacle, immediately following the species shotgun seasons north day evening for a gross fire of IrNo. 10 guage, fired from seasons are v re scribed hy regulation at the head with 5227 visitors. afteronon session uf conference, than larger back of the OSL depot and 4 of these regulations, legally takas 10,685 perspecifically where another session of Relief SocEaster week, except the shoulder, During vin Colemans and Bishop Nelsons permitted by regulations 7, 8, 9, en, and parts thereof, may be trans- sons entered Zion Park, the all-ti-report iety convention will be conducted. barns. an A good attendance is desired at 10 of these regulations, but they ported in or out of the State where said. This represented and department The Smithfield fire Tour- all sessions of the conference and attendance. a weeks be taken with or by means taken during the respective open tor not shall high had planned to burn the gm colorful conventions. but not more ists were drawn by the of any automatic kiading or hand sa sons in that State was working at the fire when the -- ooothereof seasons numebr than peak the capable The permitted shotgun Easter pageant. repeating operated alarm wns sent in. No properly of AUXILIARY shells, 5 of these visitors three AMERICAN LEGION averaging with than more regulations in by was regulations July, holding was damaged. The department u which has not been to be taken by one person in 1 day, more than 1000 daily. TO MEET of ;he magaxine bum doubt will assist in other gross or in 2 days in the case of ducks, The Smithfield American Legion At Bryce canyon a total of 1351 cut orf or plugged with a ing in the near future. metal or wooden filler incapable of geese or brant, shall be transported visitors on July 3 established a park auxiliary will meet at the home of end by any dim person in 1 calendar record for attendance on a single removal Hi rough the loading Mrs. Alice Shy Friday, October 14 RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING e aa to reduce the capacity week out of the State where taken day. high tor a single week so thereof, PRAISED CORPS and any such birds may he pass- at the park was the week of June at 2 p. m. The Legion members in of said gun to not more than three (UP) Lieuten- shells Salt Lake City essed in any State, Territory, or Dis- 30 to July 6, when 7011 persona were charge of this meeting report that in the magaxine at one time he trict during the period constituting ant Colonel II. P. Kayser. executive may chamber combined; e they registered. July also supplied the brat there is some very important busand the iness matters to be discussed. officer of the seventh ren-from and season where season taken for the the open upen single months attendance in the taken during at Helena, Montana, praisedunits with the aid of s an additional period of ten days next parks history 27,235. or water, land reserve officers training corps or float- succeeding said open seasons. ProAttendance at the Cedar Breaks PRISON LABOR MAY MAKE dog, and from a blind, boat, of Salt Lake City high schools. are before birds vided monument was 22,500, the NATIONAL GUARD UNIFORMS that ainkbox national shipped (battery), ing craft, except The officer wid the fine hoax under a permit must he secured from the report said, while 1500 viewed the Owen Salt Lake City any sailboat, (UP) powerboat, and tion of the units was widespread. Capitol reef national monumentcave. Nebeker, warden of the Utah State ail and any craft or device of any State Fish and Game Department Provided that that portion of Loco- 12,808 visited the Timpanogos prison, revealed recently that manukind towed by powerboat or sailboat; CHILDREN MUST SpTIBRCjJ Fatraw emphasized facture of uniforms and equipment herein shall permit the motive Springs, in Boxelder County, Superintendent hut nothing STREETS AFTER 10 OCLOCJj the from lying north and west of the east that the September 30 ending of the for the state national guard is being thing of migratory game birds did not considered of ny dike and that portion lying in ront departments "travel year Salt Lake City use or by prison authorities. should in or by means, aid, the in various the kind. distance of potm to of a dike travel for east the that of any Nebeker returned to Salt Lake City young lady or aircraft signify automobile tothis today from St. Paul, Minn., where sist that curfew shall nothering Waterfowl (except for propogation, one hundred yards thall be closed scenic areas was discontinued for marchwould probaby Zion park he attended a convention of the Natun1938. at the to she for Accomodations year shooting night" year. scientific, or banding purposes 8 Po1 Provided that the shooting of mi- are available fho year around, he ional Prison Association. He said the ed to the Salt Lake City der permit pursuant ti regulations policeman, firm but are gratory wildfowl, within a radius of said. Travel into Bryce canyun also principal topic of discussion at toe gentle tion by a lec- 8 and 9 of these regulations) mile from the Provo is year around, he added, with park conclave was the manufacture pf and her parents would receive let he not permitted to be taken by means ture warning them not to materials at prisons. or indirectly, ot Wildfowl Ilefuge, at Bullocks Rat accomodations open to October 15 state-use- d or directly aid use, available juit Farm, in Utah County, as marked tand accomodations tar out after ten o clock. com, wheat, rats, or other grain, law Mrs. Parley Pitcher and daughJ&J or product thereof, salt of any kmu and posted on the grcuml, shall be outside the park the entire year, An almost forgotten Now is the beat time to visit the ters Elaine and Daria attended a revived In Salt Lake City 'hildren of feed whatsoever, placed deposited, prohibited during the season of 1938. oU N. B. COOK of national paths, he said, because with birthday patry Wednesday at Benmakes it mandatory that nc be distributed, or enticed, zegarvileos Game Fish and Utah the turning of the loaves, trees take son at the home of Mrs. Lowell brnowth 14 years cf ege xlwU the distance Intervening between ary 10 p. Commissioner on their most colorful appearance. Reese In honor of her ion Gerald the on the itreets after and posh feed or salt such grain, rats ora hold accountable. his aw-a'll- piMc! aimed the piriod 15 November 28, f-- H semi-annu- DECIDE QUESTION Whether (UP) not a bite by a bug constitutes industrial accident will he by the Utah State ;preme con-sdn- ed . tout soon. David H. Spackman wns bitten J hug while working for the md Rio Grande Western rafl- whiA followed the Mte, ae- md died as the result of In- ?rnS to th complaint of his wife, yr i1ty. Aeun Spackman, of Salt Lake State Industrial Commission 9 denied her for petition contending the deceas- - "JJtin, tod sustained ne to no accident in the his employment." ooe HKJIIWAT rROGR.TM f - BE rusiIED Unanl-- r Sft Lake City (UP) PProwil of the board of gov-nhf the Salt Lake City chamber tommcrco of a proposed super-K-y from Brigham City to lay voiced here recently. dratted the entire staff e chamber of commerce to push f the highway program ,n Ju CARD OF THANKS to thank all our Wl,h kind neighbors for their kind of sympathy during the i death and burial of our r, Mrs. Meren Rvimtewt and part or assisted at a,? wd took services. The Rasmuses Family. z".nd al j T FVb-ruar- th to-w- it: I All-dtid- ge j not-tion- al ti lf . toft Lake City c iP?.G2LAEsATiOH HAS BIG JOB GAMES pue TOUGH E RELIEF SOCIETY TEAMS jj SEVEN to-w- one-pie- All-tim- dis-tri- ct i one-four- th |