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Show II UTAH THE SMITH FIELD SENTINEL. SMITHFIELD, Hoffman Dares N.LR.B.1 NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS PLARE E. HOFFMAN, Republic Michi- J can congressman from La-jgan, has challenged the National Relations board in the matter of constitutional guaranties of freedom of speech and of the press. He sent to the board a letter recalling that the body recently declared the circulation of a house speech by Hoffman constituted an unfair labor In practice under the Wagner act. that the speech Hoffman declared known communists were active in the Committee for Industrial Organization and denounced C. I. O strikes as communistic meth-- IN TENNESSEE Committee Political Uncover Primary Fight SHAKEDOWN Senate Campaign Scandal in Berry-Stewa- rt or sit-do- There might be some interest in ods. There wai conThis speech, Hoffmans letter press statement aent around to an examination of the states said, "was republished, with illusnewspaper offices cerned in this proposed, and now marketing agreement. trations, by the Constitutional EduSignificant the other day that abandoned, Calare: Arkansas, attract to Alabama, failed cational league of New Haven, They Decision Conn. any attention. It ifornia, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, "I am now offering, and intend failed to gain any publicity at all Maryland, Mississippi, North Caroto continue to offer, to furnish tc and yet, it seems to me, it was one lina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, inof the most significant announce- Texas and Virginia. The AAA anany and all interested persons, or were 7,300 nouncement there said employers, come from ments to any governcluding employees, ment department in months. The producers voting on the adoption of others, copies of this address for is information circulation at the actual cost of statement, issued by the Agricu- the agreement. My that this number is a pitifully small ltural Adjustment administration, printing, and to recommend that adsaid simply that a decision had been proportion of potato growers, even employees might well read this O. dress before joining the C. I. reached "against making effective the growers of "early and interCommenting on the letter, Reprepotato marketing agreement and mediate" potatoes as distinguished order program covering interstate from fall potatoes. Yet, there was sentative Hoffman said that the number of these to boards ruling would preclude the shipment of potatoes grown in 13 not a sufficient warrant the AAA in making the prodistribution of newspapers containearly and intermediate states." The AAA announcement explained gram operative. What happened to ing news items or editorials critican make I the other suffwas Well, vote" growers? "overall the that cal of any organization or of activiDavid E. Lilienthal, TVA director, at left, trying to explain to the ties of the labor board. iciently large to make the marketing only one guess, namely, they just TVA "yardinvestigating committee the methods by which The American Federation of Laagreement operative under the law, did not have any interest in it. congressional Of course, it may be different with stick" rates for power were established. Next to him is J. A. Karg, chief bor charged in' its official organ, the but it was the conviction of officials A. E. Morgan, the American Federationist, that malthat it was "not feasible" to place growers of other crops. It must be power planningofengineer; and at extreme right is Dr. the head there has authority. that of deposed recalled, however, administration of the Wagner act is the program in effect in the light the character of the vote taken. In been a multiplicity of evidence that threatening American democracy. some areas of the 13 states and, in- the corn farmers are dissatisfied, The publication printed an editorial deed, in some of the states as a and there have been howls from the-. bluntly accusing the National Labor Relations board of promoting whole, there was actually a major- cotton growers and from the tobacSUMMARIZES THE WORLD'S WEEK the rival Committee for Industrial ity of the producers of potatoes who co growers, and the wheat sections are the source of other complaints. voted against the agreement CwnsnKwooniMni Organization "which seeks to set up a dual labor movement despite all Thus, for the first time, a market- I have no way of knowing what protendencies" of the bureaus, was as- the . social and economic waste ing agreement sponsored by the Ag- portion of the growers Of these crops Political Scandal N. Frank, which dualism involves. ricultural Adjustment administra- are represented in the opposition al- CENATOR SHEPPARDS cam- - sailed bitterly by Jerome SEC commissioner, who charged . " tion' is rejected. Perhaps, to be ready voiced. There can be no doubt O "Every agency of the government committee, expenditures paign it was defamatory." that gives status to the C. I. O gives technically correct I ought to say on one point,, however. The inde- after hearing a report from an in- that tof tiie farmer is bound to the same recognition," it continued. that for the first time, there was pendence announced that the con-- 3 Utilities to Be Heard such lack of public support that, a be shown and if he is becoming dis- vestigator, "Surely this js not freedom .for of the Demoduct unions marketing agreement has been gusted with bureaucratic direction senatorial pri- PRIVATE utilities are to be given workers to choose their own cratic collective for TVA and to abandoned before it was. started. of his affairs, it is a condition that to the chance in a representatives present mary campaign Certainly, if the folks charged with is more likely to spread than to deTennessee was scan- investigation committee their case bargaining, but union development official responsibility deem a plan cline in scope... dalous and warned against the "yardstick" for .electric under government patronage." " unlikely td succeed, there must be that the successful power of the authority. And speaking of regulation, I a quite evident lack of enthusiasm The committee said it had invited candidate was likely To Expand Business Loans for it The tendency heretofore has heard a conversation the other day to face an election the Edison Electric institute, repre11181 1 81,1 8oin6 AIRMAN JESSE JONES of the matbeen to cram rules and regulations in the power industry contest in the sen- senting Case of to record here as ts Reconstruction Finance . corpo and marketing agreements and ters of policy and publicity, and the ate. and what haveiuence left Sa- - Corrigan . faithfully as I can The shaking down Electric Bond and Share company ration announced a new policy for recall the words. the farmers throats as a means of of both federal and and Commonwealth and Southern forcing the expansion of business ' loans, by which "educating" them -to the benefits It took plqce at my favorite table state employees, the corporation. The latter two are in National the Press a banks club, large Senator Berry buying of votes on a holding companies which have excompetitor eventually accruing.- Recognition of will be pitted against this lack of support' therefore, con- table at which men father for lunch. huge scale, the raising of funds by tensive holdings in the Southeast each other. When a stitutes something of a change in Usually, all 12 places are filled, and intimidation all were being in- where the TVA is offering cheap loan applicant apthe attitude of the AAA; but the sig- the types of work and means of dulged in by the two rival candi- power to municipalities and rural nificant thing as far as I am con- livelihood represented are interestcommittee. proved by the RFC to the according is turned down by cerned continues to be the fact that ing of themselves some lawyers, dates, who are seeking the nomThose his local bank an the farmers again are asserting some government officials, some ination are Sen. George L. Berry, Debt Payment Rumors RFC agent will contheir independence. It amounts to a trade representatives, some writers. Tom Stewart, J. Ridley Mitchell, C'ROM a London correspondent On this particular day, Douglas tact the bank and sign that agriculture has begun to Dr. John R. Neal and C. L. Powell. 1 comes the report that prelimdesire less of Washington meddling Corrigan, flying "west" from New Stewart is supported by E. H. try to persuade it to have negotiations begun for York to California, had landed ha In management of farms. boss of Memphis. inary participate in the political Crump, settlement by Great Britain loan. If it refoses There are obviously two schools Ireland without a permit from the Berry is backed by the state ma- final and France of their defaulted debts Jesse Jones the RFC of thought about governments rela- department of commerce. The ques- chine and Gov. Gordon Browning. agent then to United the is States. It asserted tions with agriculture in this coun- tion: what could or should the deThe committee is of the opin- the discussions, started some weeks will contact a competitor bank. In its most optimistic try. There is the philosophy repre- partment of commerce do about the ion, its statement said, "that the ago by Ambassador Kennedy and business survey of the year, monthly sented by Secretary Wallace and his violation of its sacred rules? the fedevidence already before it with re- British Prime Minister Chamber-laiOf course," said former Sen. C. followers who favor crop control. eral reserve board said industrial to assessments of federal emspect were carried in forward secret It was they who argued for the pro- C. Dill of Washington, "the depart- ployees by one group participating talks in Paris among production is on the increase and Secretary of available data indicate that in must take away his license. in the Democratic primary contest gram of scarcity of supplies as a ment July Treasury Morgenthau, Ambas- the index will show a considerable means to the more abundant life for It has to do it. If it doesnt, there for United States senator and of the sador French MinBullitt, Foreign will be any number of foolhardy state employees by the other group, the farmer, and it is the same Mr. ister Bonnet and Finance Minister rise. Wallace who now is promoting what lads try the same thing." Chairman Jones put huge retoward an election Marchandeau. sharply points "Well, now," observed H. O. Bish- contest in the United States senate sources of the Reconstruction Fibe is pleased to call the ever norBoth Britain and France, says the nance corporation behind the pubmal granary" idea. The other group op, famed student of George Wash- regardless of which groups candihave willcorrespondent, expressed of friends of agriculture take the po- ington, "I just wonder whether date triumphs. lic works program. He. and Adingness to conclude a final sition fundamentally that the farm- thats right. Here we have a govof action that may ment on the basis of the settle- ministrator Ickes agreed that wher"Regardless er should have some form of gov- ernment department telling one and be taken in the courts to punish cipal and not the interest ofprin- ever possible RFC would the loans for ernment assistance, but they object all of us that we must not fly across those practicing illegal election construction and original debts, which aggregated PWA wouldpublic conserve its money exstrenuously to any program that the ocean unless we get their per- methods and those exercising po9,286,950,943 con5,185,730,763 contemplates regimentation Wash- mission. What are we coming to in litical pressure, there are indica- tracted by Britain and clusively for outright grants. Hitherington control over how the farmer this country? Presently, we will tions that the senate may be called by France. But in the 4,101,220,180 to, PWA has been making both innnn and grants. operates his farm and what he pro- have to have a permit to walk upon to consider the probability of settlement Britain andcontemplated France are across the Potomac river bridge. It excessive money being used in beduces. Under the new system It will be for a reduction of asking the prinofficials said, to undertake I suppose that the marketing may come to the end that we have half of the victorious candidates. possible, of the original debts, which, more on cipal Besides its pronouncement agreement idea is a proper one to be to have a permit to buy food as big projects, such as roads if would as serve foungranted, the in do Russia." carried out if the crop curtailment they and bridges, than if PWA had to Tennessee, the committee asked dation for arranging the payment, furnish all the money itself. Senator Dill: "Oh, but thats not Postmaster General Farley to inidea is to be paramount as a national policy. It is an historical fact, of the point There is a question of vestigate the distribution of a "political circular" by the Farm Se- Texas Picks a Yankee course, that adoption of one type of safety involved, human lives. Blames G.O.P. for Debt Mr. Bishop: The railroad engi- curity administration in South Daregulation begets other regulations. Democrats in their primaNo man ever lived who could con- neer isnt licensed. He is responsikota. The circular, it was said, ry-selected a Yankee to be CECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE WALLACE blames the Republiceive at one time, all of the neces- ble for hundreds of human lives. was sent out under government the next governor of the state. W sary rules to control a set of circum- This whole thing of the government frank to aid the senatorial candi- Lee ODaniel, born in Ohio and can policies of the twenties for the stances in which natural laws fig- getting tangled up in everything we dacy of former Gov. Tom Berry of raised on a Kansas unusual increase in the federal debt ure. And natural laws figure in any do is silly. We dont have a de- South Dakota." the last nine years." Addressing farm, received a in the Iowa question of production of farm mocracy, any liberty, any more. It The committee also dispatched inconvention, he clear majority over said: "InDemocratic the Democratic thirties crops. So when and if there is to be was the spirit of adventure that vestigators to Georgia, Illinois, In11 other candidates national crop control, there must be made this country great." for the nomination we have been like sailors sobering diana, North Dakota and California. these subsidiary and district prowhich is equivalent up the morning after, with the fedSenator Dill: "True. Take the It heard reports from its investigaeral government playing the part of grams to carry out the broader as- Corrigan incident, however, and tors already at .work in Pennsylto election. pects of a plan. think what the government would vania and Kentucky and sent them ODaniel is a flour nurse. The said the federal jobber. He cam- debt of secretary spend looking for him if his 900 back for additional information. the "Democratic thirties is Since I never have been convinced crate had fallen in the Atlantic. Ive It dismissed from consideration a paigned with a hillbeing carried with ease by a country that a national crop control program an idea that the cost of looking for charge that a recent statement by billy band and restored to health. He took his wa totu t was Amelia Earhart mounted to several WPA Administrator Hopkins that platform that audience through a set of figures no surprise to me hundred thousand dollars. If the 90 per cent of WPA workers would Rejected eluded the Ten Comwhich he said showed total debts mandments and the in By Farmers to learn of what government hadn't made an effort vote for the Roosevelt administrathe United States today" to be amounts to a plain to look for her, or for Corrigan if tion was coercive. The committee Golden Rule, ridi6,000,000,000 less than in 1930. Prirejection of the theory by the farm- he had fallen, the newspapers of said the statement was in answer to cule of professional politicians, promers, or one segment of them. The the country would have burned up a press question and was "in no ise of a business administration and vate debts, for instance, he said, are 12,000,000,000 under the 1932 tomore liberal pensions for the wonder to me is that these same the officials responsible." way a dictation to workers." aged. tal and 28,000,000,000 less -- SiMore important nationally was farmers waited so long to reassert than Mr. Bishop: "Wheres it going to the 1930. fact that Rep. Maury Maverick themselves as bosses of their busi- stop? Year after year, we see rattle Bar Labor Hits Act leader of a considerable bloc in cor ness. It may be an incident, how- brains get into congress and immeever, that proves the statement of diately promote some new regula- COMMITTEE reports received by gross, was defeated for renomina- Hull Prods Cardenas the house of delegates of the tion by Paul Kilday, a San Antonio one farmer who wrote to me say- tion or create another political bu- American Bar association CECRETARY OF STATE HULL in ses- attorney. Maverick is an enthusiing, "We may be slow in learning, reau or commission." out of patience with Mexico, senl New Dealer. Kilday says astic in sion Cleveland denounced nathe but when we learn we usually are And so it went, on and on. Some will not be a rubber stamp. to President Cardenas a sharp note labor tional act relations intenas right" finished their lunches and left; othTwo other administration backers protesting Mexico's failure to class antagonisms"; and One of the reasons given privately ers pay came, and the argument was sifying for American owned farm lands that condemned "despotic tendencies of were defeated for renomination for the rejection of the potato agree- continued. were Representatives W. E the Mexican government has seizeo. ment was that the educational A few days later, the National governmental administrative tri- They MacFarlane and Morgan Sanders. Mr. Hull asked that the matter work" in advance of the vote by eli- Press club entertained Howard bunals. submitted to arbitration. The secThe committee on labor, employgible producers was not of a very Hughes and his flyretary has in this the foil approval high order. But why, I ask, is it ers at a luncheon. Mr. Hughes ment and social security in its re- Disaster in Bogota of President Roosevelt, for the i necessary for our government to use was praised and his aides commend- port said the labor act is the delib- Thirty-seve- n persons were propaganda at any time? There ed. They had made all preparations erate embodiment of a new social killed and 150 injured when a ministration feels that Cardenas u might be an emergency, such as for their flight in accordance with policy" in which the government Colombian army plane crashed into endangering the "Good Neighbor relations between the two countries. "has departed from the traditional a came with the World war, when grandstand at Bogota and burst department of commerce require- role of mediator and arbiter." Sen. Key Pittman of the senate can be Otherjustified. propaganda into flames. The stand was packed ments. They were successful in foreign relations committee fllSO The assault on governmental ad- with spectators wise, I feel it is not a function of their effort. And what do you think to witness backs up Mr. gathered Hull, asserting that government, and one of the results the success of the Hughes trip sub- ministrative agencies, such as the an aviation review and in the throng if ,r refu8CB to arbitrate she is bound to be a government by sequently was used by securities and commiswere the president and president- will ?x,co exchange the same two men and not by law. The govern- men as a means of sion, interstate commerce commiselect of Colombia and many foreign ties. be subject to economic penaltheir renewing ment is not anybody's salesroom. sion, N. L. R. B., and others, was diplomats. These narrowly escaped Our congress and the legislatures argument Mexico," he said, "then would The moral? If any, it proves why a contained in a report of the com- death. The plane was heading forfeit all the financial and other of states are elected by popular on mittee administrative headis a good form of govlaw, acrobatic and democracy after parade, vote of the citizens. They are the ernment. If aid we have given her you have an opinion, ed by former Dean Roscoe Pound wings struck the sides of the grand- voluntaryour fellows who create policy, not ofof Harvard university law school. through spirit of friendship am it. it nose-dive- d stand into the express shrieking desire for peace, ficials appointed to office. This attack, listing 10 "absolutism mass of Wootora Nowopapor Union. prosperity, and men, women and children building of that country." WASHINGTON. voted U. ftiejufod . HOTELS HOTEL PLANDOMB. SALT LAILE Ratal ll.M u itfc Sa. A State St. CLEAN UIliKT It KSHECTABLE Wka la NEVADA RENO. atop Ron' larcnl HOTEL GOLDEN Ml papalar hotel . iu it uT i4 CLAY PRODUCTS - SEWER PIPE -F- LOWER BUCK and POTS -- WALL COPING ALL CLAY PRODUCTS. Balt I..I. 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Waak No. SMI SALT W- - tiff New York Founded by Dutch New York, the largest city of tb" United States, started in life si Nw, Amsterdam; it was founded Dutch immigrants. s . round-the-wor- ld NEW GRAND M. H. THOMPSON Manager bit Lska City's Popular Medieui Hotel, located at 4th Sooth aedM When Ruaaia Ileld Alak Kuuia held Alaaka by tha rif of Beringa diacovery in 1741 j tha anbaequent aettiement of country. In 1799 the land wa ed by the czar to a Russian td company, which chiefly wind tared it until 1863. Four years Uk' the United State purchased tat . territory. Oregon Grope, State Flo Oregons state flower is the gon grape. O' |