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Show This provides for about 40 per the problems of equalizing edantic. ! cent of the school revenue for theal opportunities, the maintenaac, Dear Frienda: school standards, other The Utah. adequate of schools district EQUALIZE EDUCATIONAL ? 60 per cent ia raised by the taxation1 development of revenue from Silver OPPORTUNITY The tender strains of local other than tangible property in the of property sub1937 tangible of tujtj The Utah legislature Threads among the Gold" inspire one school districts. The proposed - con- -' with emotions of sympathy toward mitted to the voter of the State for atitutional amendments would remove two the aged but irresistibly impress up- their acceptance or rejection, restrictions on the legislature ao that liibHehed Every FrUijr at SmithfiekL Utah Legal Noiices on the feeling that old age is wune-thin- g amendments to he constitution deal- additional state fundi could be prothe method of the financing with venerate. and to ing respect vided and thus reduce the relative KiImW al lie ParteMcs at Smithfield. Utah, aa 8ma4 Claaa Hail It remained, however, for the Wei public school of the tsate. These hnd on the local property tax. SUMMONS to open are designed far Board of Utah to shatter thact amendments Matter With thia rigid amount of( state old tradition. As interpreted by this the way for some significant changes school revenue as fixed by our predisaugust authority, old age is a com- in the system of financing the Advertising Rates Will He Made laewa Dpw AppHcaUaa sent constitution the only flexible IN THE FIRST JUDICIAL fin If state. the approvmon nuisance approaching unto law- trict schools of RIOT COURT OF CACHE COUm f system ! caati votes feature of our school finance lessness and deserving of punishment ed by a majority of the STATE OF UTAH. of revenue increase decrease. the may! action such amendments and the on G. PLOWMAN JAMES by indifference, neglect, insult, local taxation of teible pro-steconstitute one of the most important .torn denial of justice. RONALD 0. PLOWMAN, m some of the districts, in the pub- Pfty BUSINESS DEFECTS in the development nf The local relief authority seems to Plaintiffs, I of high mill levies, prevents be conducting an experiment to det- lie school system in Utah. Essentially pite vs. and revenue of the la our ayatem dt buniiieoa fundamealally defective, unable to proadequate raising the to submitted necof food the amendments ermine the least -- mount A. Jacob Tueller, JiwmV,. - so tte educational opportomty of the vide a reasonable degree of comfort and welfare for the people aa the essary to sustain human life. This people will give the legislature pow- children in different Wife of Jacob A TutUe, Tueller, of ! parts Socialists assert.. Or are ita defect remediable, ao that they could be indirect violation of the spirit of the eT to increase th amount of state Mable Tueller Porter, Leone Tuiw cured without making it over into something entirely different? rt original Old Age Pension Law. .id Coy, Wanda Tueller Barrett, GUd i amendments .The the of adoption with full of nelfiahneaa, As long as we human beings dishonesty preThe Emergency Belief Act provid- state. Tueller McRokuski, Russell Albert I would make it possible for the legvalent, with many petfefe trying to get something for nothing; trying to ed that all revenues derived from Jane Doe Tueller, whieei school fund Tueller, A small ' high live without work, may things are going wrong. Any system we may (1) be excluused the sales tax should jBUture to deal more effectively with other and true name ia unknowxi school i ia nature ao aa as human will have be far from perfect faulty. long approximately $2.00 per high sively for relief purposes. wife of Ruaaell Albert Tueller When methods and systems are handed down frrtn one generation to The last legislature subjected the student Lottie Tueller Grose, Kenneth Tueller' 5 them short time. If in to a dubious is Seva it change violent proposition another, act to some changes. (2) A district school fund of $25 the unknown heirs, devinees, and a such chagnea dd come about, the only hope of accomplishing them with- -' Legal Noiices which eral funds were established creditors of Margaret M. Tueller, . out great suffering would be to make the changes alowly, trying a few created inroads upon the revenue ier student between the agea of lax deceased; also all other persons aa-- , thinga at a time. originally intended for relief only. and 18 yean. claiming any right, title, ttU reflect should & of Before people contemplate starting up hospitals, they $5 per These funds are now at the disposal (3)- An equalization fund Guardianship known, ate, or intreat in, or Ren upon tl that for many years the masses of the people in thia country enjoyed of the Governor and could be used student of school age. real property described in the cony, more ettafurt and welfare than they ever had before in any land in the to protect tin relief fund if that ofNotices laint, adverse to the plaintiffs yen in were benefits Those provided : ficial felt ao disposed. spite of, great history of the world. : or clouding plaintiffs' title faults in our industrial system. These faults could be removed, without Belief allowances to the needy Notice thereto; buisness. of Legal If dir CONSULT THE vital the COUNTY CLERK cut suffered drastic capitalistic system have a principles undermining recently Defendants. with all these faults could do so much for human welfare, how much and are now threatened with a still OR THE RESPECTIVE SIGNERS , are hereby summoned to apYou more could it not dd if some evident faults were removed, heavier reduction. FURTHER COURT OF INFORMATION DISTRICT IN THE FOR 1 The worst errors of the businraa system might be summarised as fol- pear within twenty days after the The general public seems to he THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT until human nrill eaiat under Iowa: That any system, First, dishonesty. amazingly ignorant of the indignities OF THE STATE OF UTAH, IN NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAX t ! nature ia changed. Sccohd, excessive speculation. That must be curbed. measured out to these unfortunate AND FOR THE COUNTY OF action ia brought; otherwimj Third, excessive borrowing of money, based on inflated prices. People people by an insolent officialdom. CACHE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by thia i can and must learn to hifre sruae about such within thirty days after service sal thinga. Documentary evidence, in the possesCouncil the City of Smithfield City, action ; end sion of the Old Age Pension an In the matter of the Application Utah, of ita intention to make the defend theof above entitled will Assistance your failure ao to do, prove of the Monson Lumber Company, a following improvements, Organisation,' it: CAUSES OF COLLAPSE to in ease will be rendered giiait this unbelievable condition. They are Utah corporation, for dissolution grade and to lay and construct a judgment to the demands of the available to doubters of thia stateRoma pedple are worrying for fear that after business and industry according you NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR concrete Crub and Gutter of standard ment. have made some further gains, we shall see another speculative crash VOLUNTARY DISSOLUTION OF It ia with the impending disaster hnd collapse like that of 1929. With our present heavy federal, state and THE CORPORATION to that we appeal to you to referred atfll such a if much and collapse existing, unemployment debts, pity ia hereby given tint the Notice come to our support in thia our hour or decree quieting leame it might have results woree than tinfae of 1929. Mona on Lumber thirty inches in with kJ Judgment Company, a corporto of ask We need. dire you How aro these speculative crashes caused.. One thing that creates grant ation following described organized under (he lawa of i six indues in thickness, all built ana premises situated in Cache County, ua your active, moral and social sup(hem, is the tendency of people to borrow vaat sums of money in Order state of Utah, has presented to j constructed in accordance with the State of Utah, described in plaintiff? to speculate in stocks, lands, and other property. Today the banks of port to avert the calamity that ia the court its verified application for City Engineers plana and specific- this the harassed and about to engulf the country are bulging with money, and no great total U Maned out on complaint si follow: voluntary disaolutiou of the saidathnu, along the following streets, defenseless aged people of Utah. securities aa collateral. Hence no auch condition exists today. All of Lot 4, Block S3, Plat A, aide Main On East of Street tbs' the corporation, and that Saturday, Moat sincerely yours, In bobm times people borrow money ao heavily that additional loans UTAH STATE OLD AGE 27th day of August. 1938, in the court between can not he obtained for very high interest. That cauaea the industries AND ASSIS- room of the above entitled court PENSION to slacken their pgee. Many companies and business people find that if has been fixed as the time and place ORGANIZATION TANCE mete even or to have to one borrow money, they pay seven, eight (1) they want at which said application will be Third North; On the North side of and Meridian, containing More per cent. They say it is too much risk to take, and they go slow obMain South Second between file his heard. Any person may Jew cki thrir enterprises, which thrown people out of work. This lowers the in County 8c PROPOSED SCHOOL jection to said application at any First East, except that portion al- oorders Office of Cache County, purchasing power of the people, and business begins to alack up. Banks time before the said bearing. ready constructed by the'LDS church call their loana, people begin to sell securities, the stock market drops, Given under my hand and aeal of On tha West side of Hist East be- Utah. AMENDMENTS and a first claaa depression may result. NELSON ROMNEY the District Court, Cache County, tween Second South and First South, These conditions and other dangerous conditions do not exist today. 212 Kearns Building Utah, this 20th day of July, 1988. except that portion already construcThe amdunt of money borrowed by business concerns and individuals Salt Lake City, Utah EDITORS NOTE: The., following ted by the L. D. S. church. N. J. CROOKSTON, must be much less than normal The rates of interest are lower than for Attorneys for plaintiffs. will Clerk article ia one of several which And to defray a portion of the many years. There ia nothinr in night that can cause any auch calamity Dates of publication: July 1, 8, 1L to from time Sentinel of Date in cost the and 22, first the appear July publication, thereof, expense ao that which befell the country in 1929. We have our tqoublea stilt amendments deal- 1988. coat of material, equipment, engineer- 22 and 29, 1988. but people dd not have to worry or cut short their purchases, for fear time to proposedschool Data of last publication, August 19, ing and legal service, inspection, pubfinancing. The ing with public some terrible downfall ia just ahead. Adv. amendments will be "toted upon in 1938. lishing and making notices, and maksa. ing the levy, estimated at 70c per them are goof lineal bocal foot assessment tax getters". Plenty go a by OH YEAH COLUMN ing, though not so many getting upon abutting andor adjacent lota anywhere. or pieces of ground within the followThe folks who aie anxious for The dirt farmers are very influening described district to be effected and benefitted by said improvements, newspaper publicity, oan alwaya get tial drwn at Washington, while the some by doing some uasful work for dough housewives nay it is hard to namely: BRINGS YOU A WHOLI YEAR OP GOOD READING I themselves recognized. tf-- e i 3et (A) Commencing on the East side community. who cant afford to of Main street at Second South; Many folks looking forward to pay! the thence North in the East aide of d y, ao os to get money to lose on Pend dollar- - to advertise form or for has house he sale, may schemes. Main Street to Center; thence gambling SMITHFIELD thousand dollars in the price e The boosters of some states should- in the West Side of Main street befor it. he gets tween Second North and Third Nornt describe the attractions of these Some OFFER GOOD FOR RENEWALS OR SUBSCRIPTIONS folka who tell how their th, said line running in the West places so glowingly, that the entire FBI. - SAT. American people immediately set out l,ome fwm Should be run, wouldn't line of Block 9, Lots 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, Yt x.mJ flqabrMryirftM work da to consent any community to move into these paradises. Block 12, Lots 2, 8, 4. 5, 6, and in JULY 29 and 30 AND Girls, they say, usutilly excell boys n it the East line of Block 28, Lots 1, R0BINH00D in their studies. If ao, might be a 16, 9, 8, 7. good idea if they gave those poor 54 DRIVERS LOSE (IB) Commencing on the North side WITH ERROL FLYNN text LICENSES boys half way through the of Second South at Main Street; IN TECHNICOLOR MECHANICS book as a storting handicap. thence East to First East; thence , , 4 , MAGAZINE PLUS RUBINOFF AND HIS Trade is a little flat from time to in North the West line of First VIOLIN time. You can color it up a lot Uah Automobile drivers lost their East to First South, except that porRtguUr Prut far OYt0r$Xiaj I --oooPer'nr licenses here this month with printer's ink tion constructed L. the already by revocation by SATURDAY AT 2:39 WW" MATNBE They sty we need more get D. S. church YOU GET THEM BOTH being the South line of A $3.50 VALUE FOR .tate Tax Commismon. needed! BLAKE ether movements. No FINAL CHAPTER Block 9, Lot 2, 1, and East line of Thirty-onof tiie offenders were on the front scats of automobiles1 PLUS OF SCOTLAND YARD" Block 9 lots 7. 1, 10, 9, 8, ONLY .convicted of drunken driving the eomhere in Sinithfield. All the albresaid Blocks are in ROBINHOOD a mi (aid. report The people are urged to become Plat. lV Smithfield City Survey. ADM. KEEP UP with th Jenatas, tha Smiths and The cost of all labor except conyour other neighbors by reading this newspaper and struction foreman for the making of said improvement will be bone by SUN. -- MOIL KEEP UP with tha rest of tha world W. P. A. without cost to abutting by reading POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE property owners. , 31 and AUGUST 1 All protests, objections to carrying BOBBY BREEN IN HIS LATMare tAin 6,000 pcfurei and 3,000 sforfas ont of such intention must be preEST HIT tvary year sented in writing to tha City RecordHoadradsofmoaty-makla- g and Uboitsavlagldca farm aide er on or before the 17th day of Aug-ns-t, HAWAII CALLS household hiati,hoM workshop 1988, being the time set by said tip. The latest isreadooi, davkas which yoa bare asm aaca bat which Qrancil, when they will hear any! yoa will ass PKlSHCO Af sow. Scores of building project far the craftsman, inch objections aa may be PROTECTION made TUES. WED. ASAINFT THE thereto. s RAysor TNg By order of th City Council of AUGUST S and 3 uu mmUBT ASAlMft Smithfield, Utah. DOUBLE FEATURE PLUS JOSEPH W. PETERSON, BARGAIN NITE City Recorder! Date of first publication: July 15,1 LOVE HONOR AND A PLEA FOR JUSTICE 1 The SMITHFIELD SENTINEL - ps I I . : dit . Probate ip J STSZT.S! I j to-w- i to. U - - to-w- it: 333 LESS THAN Ile Prn A DAY THE SENTINEL -- POPULAR tog-'thr- :h e 10c 15c THE POCKETBOOK KNOWLEDGE W 1938. FNfttfM WOMEN OF CENTURY I Data of last publication: August,! e vioktfvu THE BEHAVE 12, 1938. . VttiffT THEY AN MlR OF 9HOCS (BAllEP CNCPINEJ) UAk'M HAP COW $0LE$MEAHRN wm APPIT10NAL AMUffl Save Half n Soap 7 nhat . AS Eyeries or the top HmcurorifN IN THE AMERICAN flECL MPlCTEy HAVE WDRKEP THEIR WAV UP FROM THE MriCMM0fiE THAN HALF OF THEM HAVE WORKEP THEIR vWV UP FROM THE RANK OF THE CQMfKW HtWHKH THEY STARTED "THEIR CAREER exeneep .NIT ENWMS5 & Sons Go. LOGAN, UTAH THE TAX PUL OF ANERjAN CDVMAiTiON O'ER TEN VEAM EXECUTIVE Save Old Rollers Have them covered with new window shade cloth in our fac- tory. Everton ft Sons Co. LOGAN, UTAH C8M0AKEP WITH , TATE OF IN THE ECUADOR lAfA ANTE tmv 3 mT tons amp THEY VE Aie' fAffl MXAif mcntt m EATEN V TH materials: of Portland Cement at (per bag) Concrete reinforcement 6 x 6 x U", welded mesh 66A pounds per square.' Requirement equals 10 square rs 668 at (per pound) J rIOT'd to reject any nd all bids and waive defects. $ ft ABOUT MfTNUttKm t20,687.00(MOO IA RHINOS M Office of the City Recorder of Smithfield, Utah. Sealed proposals or bids will be received at this office until 8 P.M. Wednesday August 17, 1938, for furnishing and placing where needed along streets referred to in above Notice of Intention to Tax the following 8.500 EY 29.7JZOOQOOO MMfTCK a Use our Farm Bureau wajerj softener. It cuts down costs. GOOD KALSOMIKE Cold water S lb. pkg Hot water pkg ' - Everton ft Sons Os LOGAN, UTAH SMOOTH FLOORS Come quick and easy if you rent our electric floor sender. Everton & Sons Co. LOGAN, UTAH J AtA41 n i 1938; 12) 1938s - JOSEPH W. PETERSON City Recorder f f'rt publication: Ju,J IS. ,Mt IWethm: WITH WAYNE MORRIS AN- D- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS VELVET SLIPPER FROM TMtAUPPV August1 DOUBLE DANGER .WITH PRESTON FOSTER ADULTS .1... 15c CHILDREN 10c THURSDAY ONLY EXTRA BARGAIN KITH ADMISSION 3 FDR 1 LEE TRACY IN CRASHING HOLLYWOOD PLUS A FLOYD GIBBONS TRUE ADVENTURE AND CARTOON COMPLETELY ED |