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Show SMITH FIELD. CACHE LOCALS Mr. end Mrs. Jos. W. Peterson entertained on Saturday evening in honor of their aon Faria J. Peterson, departing missionary to the Norwegwere: ian mission. Those present J H. Peterson and daughter Norma; Mr. and Mr3. F. E. Teterson, of A. llaie, and Logan; Mrs. Miry A D Weeks Mrs. end Mr. family; and family; Miss Vioelt Peterson; Mr and Mrs. Merrill L. Peterson and daughter, Evelyn; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Price and Mrs. F. S. Merrill. Following luncheon progressive games were played. Mr. and Mrs. William Williamarn Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Nelson attended a surprise party at Hyrum Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Ruby Jensen who was observing her birthday anniversary. A farewell social and dance honoring departming missionaries Elders Ferris Chambers and Faris J. Peterson was given on Tuesday evening following mutual meeting, under the direction of the ward missionary and the MIA. XXZZZ2S238 FEBRUARY 4 and 5 BIG DOUBLE FEATURE Over The Goal With Johnny Datia and June Travis. SECOX D FEATURE Denral Empty Holsters Utii pk '. nver thl univel Friikj ' SUN. to TUES FEBRUARY 6, 7, and 8 Waikiki tvcnis-- 5; a Tl Wedding 1M. Mrs. Jane Miles who was ..brere-ng ness. If you can guess it, I will give.he fell upon te Philistines id slew her Hath birthday anniversary bjj MIA dance was demonstrated you thirty sheets and thirty new a thousand of the armed as .hey was guest of hunor at a by Flossie and Jessie Buttars, Lola garments. Rut if you do not guess were with spears and swords. !i.ur-- j and "jack art: :,t v Thnnpson, Georgia and it, you must give me the same." When the others had fled in great no terror, he east 'lV1fU'T Pi'h',rd Griffi". Kea snd Stratford, After six days had passed, Mrs. John away the jawbone, aml Gran Griffin- - A1 ..''V' and ma MW bsc yet Ued and neighboring to.vns Ramathlehi. He Gendey, Lois Buttars, Barbara .then on the Phihatines most enj syable day was 1 spent. Hell inline, wife and urged Griffiihs, Fay Thoinp- came to son. Deliris Tiitlars. Renutiful tor- - her .to find the answer; tlirevtcning Mrs. Iv.tc Ewing entertains! wore given by the A. G. Lund- - her. that if she did n.t would ay arlerno n at lvr home in honor (!ll!:! Po.. ani were presented to the burn her and hei fatherstlry house. of Mrs. Mao F. Mick of S vi' :!e, V nn;r lsdi.'s Ly Mayor Golden But- Simeon's yung wife thru went Mrs. Ada Mack of Long Beach. ,,R- to h'ni and wih mn.di wer-'i-nl and Mrs. Sireh Mik I.n- A leMer from S.ms- - pleading, she finally cenqueted, per- Flier Q'Ne.d rnlsjn of 1 art and, Drre'.n. T.nnvV "ho is on a mission in West Bunding him to te'l vor. SV in tum eon was served, afierwhivh baiu.i';' 'rirnia, brings the news that he went and told the Philistines, ami and birdge were flayed. tilks n Mirnvinsm over the they gave the answer on the svv- ridso every Wednesday afternoon at e'h day, before the sun went dvwn. Mr. and Mrs. B. daughter Bertha and Mr. and Mrs.!. Br rlrini G dfroy was surprised on whit is stronger than a li i lie Dell J. Rolilns of I'gin, were Sen-- 1 uesd iy evening by a group of fri- - kr.e v then that his wife had deceiv-dinnguetss or Mr. and M's.i"1 an,I relatives. A delicious !un- - ed him. Edwin R. Dowdel. A. was served and games enjoy-- ! He then went down to Ashkebn. a ed. be- J city in the Lind of the Philistines, , Mrs. Charles Lundquist entertained Arnold and Fldiin Rasmussen have tween Ashd d and Gaza, on the '.oast Thursday evening at a bridge lunch- returned from a business trip to o f the Dediterranean and there he eon for the members of h- -r elub. Price. i slew 30 of the men, and took their t High score prize was won by Mrs! The married people enjoyed a garments and give them to the Bonnie Parson and high cut prize dance cn Thursday evening under Philistines. Ilia anger waa kindled by Mrs. Rrnna Allred. Special guests the direction of the Scandinavian and he went to his fathers house. were Mrs. Grant Webb and Miss amusement committee. Old fashioned Judges Chapter It. music was played under the directGrage Postma. ion of James Clark and Lew A STRANGE WEAPON ThompThe When Simeon's young wife betray-M- r. , bridge club was son. and Mrs. Max Rasmussen spent ed hla riddle to the Philistine.', he entertained Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leona: d Sorenson. the week end visiting relatives in became angry and returned to his Bridge was enjoyed, after which a Smithfield. fathers house. But sometime after. delicious luncheon was served. High Juelus Jcnen and Vance Benson of at harvest time, Samsnn decided to score prize was won by Mrs. Lucile Trenton were visiting with friends in go back to his wife, bringing with ihim a kid aa a gift for her. But Hillyard, and high cut by Mrs. Elda Clarkston on Monday. ind Mrs. John E. Godfrey arriving at her home he was forbid Hillyard. Mrs. Ray Mooscman was a spent Thursday visiting at the home den bv her father to enter, and waa special guest of Peter S. Renton. itold that it was thought he hated Messrs and Mesdames Morris God-.he- r, Mrs. Miltnn Webb of Richmond and that he wanted her no more, was a Smithfield visitor Friday. frey. George Myler, Joseph Burt,' and therefor she had been given to Lewis Buttars and Golden Buttars his companion. Samsnn was offered spent Thursday in Logan celebrating a younger Bister, who waa fairer, OLD-AGE INSURANCE the birthday anniversary of their but refused to accept her. Samson then went out anil caught mo'her, Mrs. Sarah Buttars. OFFICE TO GIVE AID Mrs. Norma South of Blalad is 300 foxes and tied their tails the week with her mother, ther, and set them a fire and turned Mrs. David C. Thompson. them into the com fields, and burned Cbmmercial and industrial workMiss Evelyn Koefod of Logan uP all the com and also, vineyards ers who have tost their social securspent Saturday at the home of Mr. and olives, ity account number cards may now and Mrs. Thomas 4H. Griffin. f The Philistines then came up ag- obtain duplicates from Social Securooo rainst Ramson, and bound him with ity Board Field Offices of which URGENT APPEAL SENT TO strong ropes to a large rock, and there are 17 in the States of AriRETAIN CCC CAMPS IN UTAH taunted him. But the Spirit of the . zona, Colorscfe, Idaho, Montana, Utah i Lord came upon him and he aum- and Wyoming, it was learned today. 'Salt Lake Citv (UP) An urgent' nKned a11 bis strength, and the This service to workers who have appeal to retain two CCC cord snapped that were about hi; hist their cards has been established assigned to Utah Reclamation camps and he was free. He found work bands to help them obtain employment, was sent by Governor Henry H a new Jawbone of an ass, which lay I ssid J. Golden Hunsaker, manager Blood to Robert Renchner, director near by- - With the strange weapon the Board's Ogden Field Ofifce, Bur- of emergency ennservatrin work. eau of Old Age Insurance. FormerAn original order eliminating the ly duplicates of account cards issued camps from rechmation work was e in connection with the Federal being hold up in Washington with insurance program could be ob- possibility it might be recalled. tained only from Washington. At the present, time camps are locWorkers in Ogden and nearby coun- ated near the Moon lake reclamation ties of Rich, Cache. Box Elder. Web- project and the Deer creek project. er, Morgan and Summit, Utah and The Govomar suggested in his letUinta county, Wyoming may now ob- ter that th M'lon Lake raTip might tain duplicate?, upon proper identi- to moved for work on Eho, Tine-vie- w fication at the Orden Field 'Yfice at and ITynim prnicct. 414 Kiescl Building, Mr. Hunsaker In the case of the Der Creek Bla-- d said. ramp, writ?, Any Reports frmn ell parts of the work iorf armed will tend to reduce ho enuntry indicate, explained, the necessary outlay for th whole that empliyers are giving prefer- - proieet. Such work will lie of direct cnee to job applicants having ae- - and indirect benefit to cne-hthe count number cards. This miy be population of Utah. Ho added, This pro Vet is due to the fict that if a worker to obtain an account number j sary to ess'ire adequate irrigation the employer most, under Federal of farm lands already develmied in I.ake-Gre.Salt Lake ValTreasury regulations, apply for .a the Utah a end stnhle 'ulin.ary supnly The ley, this number for v.urkpr. emptier is required to include lmth Ihe for P:lt Lake City, Irovo and ohfr S workers name and his account num-Jh- municipaliries. in periodic r'Prts of the worker's wages whi-- h he files wi h the MINUTE SIDLE Treasury. There are more than 2t.- 000 workers with account numbers STORIES thi3 Dis'rict. jin I obd We have hren instru-'eti By C, V. nANSEN tain the heme address ami the name and address of the employer of perSAMSON'S RIDDLE sons requesting dupli.ate eirdi. T''S S'.mson was the strongest yeimg informatim is required so that. !f nvm in Israel, and he waa upri .ht it is found neeess.arv. the B.i.arl e.an and clever. He journeyed into communicate with the wage earner an ancient f'nnnnit's'i city, e or his cmplnycr, Mr. Hunsake c there lie fell in love with n maiden. One day while he non was en his way to visit her, a lion leaped out of the reeks to attack GLARKSTOH him. With his bare hands he killed The Green .and Gold MIA d'.nce the beast and tore it to pieees. Bees was held on Saturday evening. Jan- swarmed into the lion's carcass, and in the voutii teuk the honey lion.e wish uary 2!). The hall was decoraled dressed him and ate it avitli his parents. green ami gold. Beautifully a large It was .the rusLun in those d iV:j yuung ladies and men with ,LJI his crowd enjoyed a very pleasant eve for a bridegroom to celebr-l- c marriage by giving n feast luting mug. Miss Doreen Lo.slo was queen seven days. Thirty lliilisrims were with I.aVeil Burt as her escort and invited ami to them Binison pul meat, as nuids. Berniee Thompson and l ois riddle: Out of the eater came sweetcame Buttars, Vena Rasmussen and Yv.nne and out f the strong E1? lt R3v no-ho- st e'eX I was very thirsty; but os there was water there, the Lord caused wit- er t spring forth and he win refreshed . lie lived and judged Israel for 20 years. no Pe Judges Chapter 15 Fri-js-j- 1 er Just-A-Me- re old-ag- With Dick Foran e cdLi 4. toge-spendi- TODAY & SAT . FRinAY, FER COUNTY, 99 af Bing Crosby, Martha Raye, ' Bob Burns and Shirley Rosa ADDED FEATURE: The March of Time also Short Subjects at er WED. - THUil ! FEBRUARY 9 and 10 There Goes My Girl Tim-n'lt- With Gene RaymcAid and Ann Sothern. PLUS Selected Shorts BIG FREE GHILDREH MATINEE FEBRUARY 5. STARTING THE THRILLING SERIAL THE NEW ADVENTURES OF TARZAN SATURDAY, AT 2:30 I. M. li, l'hii-istim- i'-'- s -- ictjcaiwwpwvej-g- s ' irxaaKrsigrxSS 0 TODAY & SAT, Shadows of the Orient With Regis Toomey AND DICK TRACY Get tbe complete story on both Ford cars SUH. lo TUES. WED. and THUS. Warner Baxter Laurel and whether you want luxury and maximum performance or low cost and the most economical operation we have the right car Sor you. AND Myrna Loy Hardy IN NORTH CACHE MOTOR CO. IN To Mary With Love Way Out West Sales Service PHONE 14 FOR A DEMONSTRATION Four Drawings Thursday Plight I "IL- ' I ... m r- iiwn?i n'li 'Hi' "i.'iTrri i t |