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Show THE SMITHFIELD SENTINEL, SMITH FIELD, UTAH aitle CUAPTEB XII ingdom By ALAN LE MAY C Also Lslfsy WNU Service Continued Well these fcHHng being dime You Crouching low, he moved ten Wheeler was astounded. from the cabin and circled with a shotgun is kind of unusual; sure must be wrong, he declared. paces He was trying to guesi wlio the slowly, watching the lighted door- it makes you think the same killer Why, that sounds crazy! He and second man could be. Vaguely he way. attended to all three. And its easy Dunn had just sold out the Arizona was thinking of the green eyes of He could see the blazing brush to see, too, how Magoon might have ranch, at Dunns order. Dunns Rufe Deane, watching Marian as on the cabins floor of been a kind of a distant witness. share was the and of course she testified against the Bender fac- earth, and no hand moved to put it Suppose Magoon was riding along they couldn't biggest, get but part cash but tion at the Inspiration hearing. He out. Behind the flame the cabins with Flagg, who didnt know him there was fifty thousand ready monknew that there was nothing behind interior was barren; he made out very well. Pretty soon Magoon sees mixed into the deal. Flagg didn't ey would the embittered man which an ancient brush jacket hung some local cowman coming toward have any reason for coming in any if the his girl upon firing them. to prevent fall such way as that! Magoon doesn't want d the wall, the a reason for such an act could be against ruin of a crude table, the black in with any local cowman, on acHe done think could he though. It was right But still conceived.. shadow of a bunk. Someone was count of the business hes in. He hard for meit, to find anybody that of no explanation for the firing of here should be off and kind of in the hovers here; but if the splits knew at all. Sure been there hed that other distant gun. In distance. a like case that, him fugitive had been in the cabin he Abruptly he turned and went back would have thrown a blanket over not getting out of sight soon enough seems like Flagg was taking every to the fire. Marian was sitting up that torch would just be suicide for him. Who- way he could think of to get to the now. Wheeler wontrying to press the redness from her dered if thebyman was behind him, ever killed Flagg would figure he 94 without being noticed. I thought had to kill Magoon before he it was kind of peculiar that Flagg eyes; she seemed steady again. or drawing a bead on hipi from talked." should come by way of Pahranagat, "Sorry, she said. above. which is kind of like sliding in the "I've got to go on up the canyon, Did Val see Pahat you Douglas As he circled a boot back door. Still, that wouldn't mean he told her. came into view upon the cabin floor. ranagat? "I thought you said Magoon That by itself; some of us old he wasnt anything when I there was. No, boot was unnatural; it was ly- But hes been back here, used to thinking in terms wouldn't stop there, now. guys get tonight, side-tilted He told her, shortly, of the dis- ing on Its side, yet not on its since I been here. He said Pahran- of saddle work. But this other thing up a little upon its toe. When tant report of the gun. its queer. agat was where he was. Well, I he saw over turned that, something But who could it be? I didn't see him there. don't Well, you must have mistaken know; inside Wheeler, for he knew what And I dont know. But Ive got to to him he couldnt your manl according was in the cabin. He straightened get No, I didnt." go up and see. any trace of Bob Flagg. and walked to the door, stepped Is he here now? Wheeler turned thoughtful, they "Im ready to start, Marian said. up inside quickly and flattened himself He pulled right out again. No- were silent for some minutes. A Ready- -? a wall. but me and that old dark and ugly reason for Flaggs Im going to go where you go. against bodys The flickering flame of the brush woman here, She He considered a moment. that cooks. She claims the peculiar behavior was taking shape. was lower now, but by what was left sheriff come in and took Horse Dunn looked tired, and there was a long Do you suppose Lon Magoon hour of rough travel between them of its light he was looking, for the to Inspiration, about an hour before could have been a spy, sent to Pahand the hidden cabin. But he sup- first time in his life, at the face iff I got here. Tulare Callahan come ranagat to watch for Bob Flagg? Lon Magoon. Magoon had fallen in with A spy for whp? Horse; they was pretty posed she would not want to try to wander back through the dark forward; there was a rifle under much worried over where you was, A spy for the men that qet out to alone nor could he, against her him, and it was at the cock. But Marian. Tulare saddled up again kill Flagg. We know who the eneand rode out to see if he could find mies of the 94 are. Link Bender-Pi- nto will, leave her to imagine horrors In the dark. The hard twist of his out where you had went. Later Halliday Rufe Dean even mouth turned a shade more grim. Steve Hurley come in, and he's gone Sam Caldwell there isnt a one of looking for you too. So naturally them that would have hesitated to "Very well, he said. But youre Val Douglas, he figured hed have shoot a man down, if it meant wipgoing to be a little tired bfcfore the to make as good a showing as any- ing out the 94. We know that those nights over, Im afraid. body did, and he hightailed. So now people, or some of them, got access I dont care anything about the whole 94 is out hunting for you to Horse Dunn's mail at Inspiration. that. what of 'em isn't in jail. We can figure they knew that the To a tired rider a trail can unroll Men make me so mad! Marian Arizona outfit was sold, and that interminably ahead; much worse is declared. I have a good notion to Flagg was on the way here with the a trail on foot, forever upward into out go aclooking for them, now, money money that the 94 had to riding walker To a dark. increasing just to make the picture of idiocy have to pull through. customed to the saddle one mile complete! seems ten. It could not have been I had that figured out long ago, Coffee looked as if he wouldnt Coffee said. more than three miles to the ancient I figured Cayuse Cayput it past her. Oh, now, I wouldnt etano was the cats paw for Link shack at the head of the gulch, but go and do that, child. Bender. Even after Cayetano was they climbed continually and the Coffee," Billy, said, "one other killed, I thought maybe they twist of the dry stream lengthened just kind of funny thing happened, while killed him so he wouldn't turn the miles. He knew that often Marwe out. were That hombre that shot states evidence. ian was trying to conceal from him at Marian the other night he took the laboring of her breath in the But you dont think that now? another try. high air. It must have seemed to Now, said Coffee, I dont Damn said I" Coffee. He stunt-blecome the girl that she plodded and think. close? all night long through that upThrow out the death of Cayuse," Killed her horse. I got nervous Wheeler hill sand, while Wheelers long Say that he and let my own pony get loose, and was killedsuggested. stride led out relentlessly. She because he was simply he could not know how much he slowed stampeded. Later we had to too hot on the traiL Throw out the come back on a mule Magoon had his pace for her. of Magoon say that he was tied up, and a horse he stole from death The broad canyon narrowed and feared as a distant witness. It turns 94. the back to the enemies of the 94. steepened until it was a twisting Old Man Coffee turned slowly and gorge between vast black walls. The Which includes everybody, Coffor a few moments studied Margoing became steeper, and the sand fee snorted. face. Uh ians said he at huh, shelves ended; the dead stream was Coffee, hare you found out somelast. an interminable staircase of ledges youre holding back?" Wheelthing There was a silence. What do er asked. and tumbles of rock. was not in his hands, for his you think of it? Marian said. it Coffee shook his head. You know They had traveled an interminawere folded tight against his I think, said Coffee, you betble time before Wheeler whispered arms I know so far as I can everything ter turn in. to her, Weve got to be quieter body. think. Wheeler stepped forward to see Marian rose I slowly. suppose now. And still they went on, climbThen you have some way of readhow this man had died. But even youre right Ive made enough ing the facts some ing a long way. way different he turned the cow thief over trouble for one day, haven't I? before He was moving slowly and very he knew from what Ive got. Lon Magoon had died that When was she Wheeler gone Billy cautiously when at last he turned by shotgun, as had Cayuse Cayetano took her Ive quit bothering my place on the step beside headMaybe. off and worked his way up a gravelabout it and Bob Flagg. Old Man Coffee. Well, were slowHell! Youll never make me ly slide of stone; then forward ly learning a thing or two, he said. think that through twisting juniper that clung youre going to pull out The 94, lightless and silent uhder God knows where this leads thing to the steep land. He stopped, the moon, appeared to; but it ought to lead some place of this case and leave it unsolved. gripped her shoulder, thrust her deserted as Marian Dunn and Billy pretty soon. Theres just one thing about this downward to her knees. Wheeler trotted in, riding the horse Old Man Coffee knocked out his case, Coffee admitted, that I sure Wha- tand the mule they had found at pipe, refilled it again, and struck a hate to leave mixed up. How come He stopped her whisper with a Magoons cabin. You go on in, new light. In the flare of the match old Rock and me to get mixed up quick hand over her mouth; but Marian. I'll take care of your his bony old face looked more grim about the trail of the killer horse? directly ahead, not a dozen paces horse. and more sardonic than ever. It I spose all the rest of my life away, she was answered by the sudMarian said in a small voice, Is aint going to lead me no place. Old Man Coffees voice was bitter den long snort of a pony. He was everyone gone from here? It's led me far enough. I'm Ill never get away from wonderpeering through the juniper; her No need to remind her that the through. ing how come I lost that trail." eyes followed his, straining in the sheriff must certainly have come Of course, if I remember rightWheeler did not argue this. Twice canyons black shadows. What he and gone, and taken Horse Dunn before Coffee had made such hollow ly, Wheeler reminded him, you was looking at took form in the with him, by now. It must be threats; he did not believe the figured out from the way the shot darkness, and without moving after midnight," he said. Whoever lion hunter would actually withdraw went into the saddle that the man on seemed to appear suddenly all at is here must have turned in. now. killer horse was not the once. With a shock she saw that She walked off toward the silent One thing I didnt tell you about the killer. they were not fifteen steps away house. It would not have surprised Bob Flagg, Coffee said. That aint important. The man I supfrom a small ruined shanty set him if they had found themselves pose you got a right to what I know. on the killer horse took and hid the bard against an overhanging wall of entirely alone; but by the time he Well here's a little item thats a body, anyway. Two men or one stone. had finished tossing hay to their peach! Flagg he bummed his way comes to the same thing. Catch The shack at the head of the gulch animals he heard the murmur of into Pahranagat in an empty cow one and you catch both." was windowless, and its door was voices, and, following Marian, he " (TO BE CONTINUED ) open into blackness. Beside it, tied found her talking to Old Man Cofsome yards apart, were the horse fee. The old lion hunter sat anguwhich had snorted, and a second larly on a low step, the coal of Fountain Pens Affected by Altitude, animal that might have been either his pipe glowing and dying out again Official a horse or a mule. to of Airline at slow intervals. According Wheeler backed away, drawing Marian tells me you caught up her after him, foot by foot. Fifty with Lon Magoon. Old Man Altitude still holds a de- outside the case. As the pen is car' We found him, all right cided edge over the fountain pen ried aloft the outside air pressure yards away in the shelter of the rocks he made her sit down. No How was he killed? manufacturers, according to an offi- decreases while that within the pen sound came from above except the With a shotgun ; same as the cial of an airline corporation. remains the same. The result is The challenge of high altitudes constant pressure within the pen uneasy shifting of the ponies' feet; rest. and Wheeler permitted himself a I was kind of looking for that, has been accepted by at least two tending to force the ink out-- in deep breath of relief. She could Coffee said. Lucky, though, that of the largest pen designers in the spurts whenever the passage is imhardly hear his whisper in the dark: you stumbled onto it so quick." world, and to date the decision has perfect. I didnt remember it was so Marian sat down on the step be- always gone to the rarefied bir. DeAggravating the situation is the close. side Old Man Coffee. fact that present day transport Why were spite the best efforts of pen manuIs he there? you looking for it? she demanded. facturers over a period of several planes operate at altitudes almost Someone's there, or the horses Well Coffee paused and years, fountain pens still insist on invariably above 8,000 feet whereas would be gone. Wait here. e seemed to consider kind of hard discharging ink on people who are the transports seldom exSlowly Wheeler made his way up- to say. One thing, Ive been to careless in opening them above 5,000 ceeded 5,000 feet except in unusual ward again over the rocks, through Pahranagat since I seen you. I feet. weather or wind conditions. the juniper scrub. Walking upright, didn't tell you I was going there, In the early days of air transporMany people have thrown away but very quietly, he circled and ap- but I had a kind of hunch, and so I tation, when the problem was still perfectly good pens under these cirproached along the rock wall, until went. And I got trace of Bob Flagg new to the fountain pen industry, a cumstances. convinced they had in his hands found the side of the cabin there at Pahranagat Seems like fountain pen could be depended some way been ruined, but it's only Itself. He pressed . n ear against the he was coming to the 94 by kind of upon to act as a real fountain and altitude. rough timber, and listened for long a back way; and at Pahranagat he provide the writer with a spurt. minutes. But he could hear nothing, run into Lon Magoon. He bought Since those days most manufacWhen There Were No Dukes or borried a cheap horse and a worn turers have succeeded in improvnot even the drawing of a breath. Between the years of 1572 and He took out his knife and cut a out saddle from Magoon, and they ing their product so the actual spurt 1623 there were no dukes in our plume of brush. Standing close rode out of Pahranagat together. is eliminated but no one has been peerage, says London Answers Magagainst the corner of the cabin he Begins to look like Lon Magoon was entirely successful in eliminating azine. In the former year. Queen struck a match and set the brush a witness to the killing of Bob profuse leakage. Elizabeth executed the remaining aflame. He swung an arm around Flagg. The reason for this is that the two, while James I revived the title But how do you know, Marian fountain pen, filled at normal alti- in the latter year for the benefit the corner of the cabin and threw the lighted brush through the open said, that Magoon himself didnt tudes on the ground, has pressure of his favorite, George Villiers, who kill Flagg? within a sac equal to the pressure became Duke of Buckingham. door. -- 14 hard-pack- ed three-legge- high-heele- d d ... an old-tim- upm w Make This Attractive Ottoman. box from the pETi wooden It should be about the ends as at C and another to as go over the top and down the sides gro-ce- r. long as the width of the chair with which the ottoman is to be used. The depth of the sides should be four inches as shown here at A. The legs should be made of two by twos or you may have a set of nicely turned legs from an old table or other piece of furniture that may be cut down to the right length. Fasten in place with long screws through the corners of the box as shown here at B. About half a bat of cotton will be needed.- Put five or six layers of the cotton on the top, cutting the first layer about four inches - smaller all around than the top of the box. - Place it in the center. Cut the next layer a little bigger and the others still bigger until the last one is the same size as the top. Now, cut a layer of cotton to go over the top and down over Jlsk Me Jinother Q as at D. Cut a piece of heavy muslin to fasten tightly over the cotton. Cut the corners of the muslin as at E. Sew with heavy thread as at F and then tack as at G. To make the cover, stretch the top tightly over the muslin and sew it along the sides through the muslin, then make a straight band to go all around and add the ruffle to it Every Homemaker should havo a copy of Mrs. Spears' new book, four-inc- h SEWING. Forty-eig- ht pages of directions for making slipcovers and dressing tables; restoring and upholstering chairs, couches; making curtains for every type of room and purpose. Making lampshades, rugs, ottomans and other useful articles for the home. Readers wishing a opy should send name and address, enclosing 25 cents, to Mrs. Spears, 210 South Desplaines St., Chicago, Illinois. step-by-ste- p A General Quiz 1. What is the only walled city in America? 2. Why is the sky blue? 3. What land lies closest to 0 de- grees latitude and 0 degrees longitude? 4. What was Aaron Burrs conspiracy supposed to have been? 5. What harbor has two tides a day? 6. What is the length of the longest pipe line in the world? 7. Name a few authors who had to wait a long time for financial success, A Resolution 8. How long a line would it take Shall we make a new rule of to go over the Great Pyramid, life from tonight; always to try reaching the earth on each side? to be a little kinder than is necessary? James M. Barrie. Anawers 1. Quebec. 2. Because the particles of dust in the upper atmosphere reflect only the blue waves of light. 3. The British Gold Coast colony is nearest. 4. To form a new empire in the LIQUID, TABLE1S Southwest out of Mexican or Lou- salve, nose dhops isiana territory. 5. The harbor of Southampton, England. 6. The longest pipe line was recently built under American direction across Asia Minor, and extends for a distance of 1,150 miles. 7. Joseph Conrad wrote for 20 years before he sold a book. In the first nine years of George Bernard Shaws literary endeavor, he realized about $30. A. A. Milne earned about $100 the first year he spent as a e author. 8. A line stretched over the sloping sides and over the top, from earth to earth, would measure 1,186.4 feet, with 36 feet resting on the flat top. checks COLDS FEVER first dar Uinta sm Ihrtwrst Hufadu, 30 Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste sAs ir from th Maas im k Mtlissi lac is tMr (lH U n- Nstais in Undid BU Mt.lceJ It ll.i full-tim- Read to Consider btMdoabltfcrtpwWj TtovMI to srinr this MfUA Pith. Pe'S lave bus winks ..astMit Dtmm't One of the largest oil companies in the United States says that through advertising it is able to market its product at less than mill per gallon. one-ha- lf iiimtliiiii fire Women Better Q Shoppers than Men GRANTING a womans reputation toe wist buying, lets trace ib methods by which she has earned It. Where does she And out shout the advantages and details of electrical (efrigention?What mils her bow to keep the whole household clean rugs, floors, bathroom tilin- g- and have energy left over for golf and partiea? How doea aha learn about new and delidoua entrees and deaaerta that surprise and delight her family? Where doea ahe diacover thoae subdelies of dreaa and make-u- p that a man appredatea but never understsnds? Why, ahe reads the advertisements. She is a consistent, thought-i- d reader of advertisements, because aha has found that aha can believe them-a- nd profit thereby. Overlooking the advertisement wowd ha depriving herself of data useful la her Job of Parchaaing Agent to tha Family. continuously For that matter, watch swim man buy a car of suit of salomr" oca policy. Not a bad shopper himself! lie reads advertisements, loo! i i |