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Show If SMITH HELD. CACHE COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22, 1937. K LOCAL Mr. L. E. Larsen, Min Myrtle ud Mr. F. L. West and Mrs. Duane Sparorw were in Salt Lain City, Wednesday, October 14, attending the funeral services tor Mrs. Chriatinia Jensen, Mr. Larsens Larsen and daughter Mrs. Adrew Johns Blanche, spent last Sunday in Salt Lake City. Miss Blanche Johnson who is employed in the Farm Security Administration office in Logan is spending the week end in Brigham City assisting with work there. FOR SALE, CHEAP a used heatgood condition, also a Smith-fielgood cook stove. Phone 34, 9 Adv. Sylvester Lowe. er in very d. 10-2- Mr. and Mia. Joseph Gyllenskog of have announced the marriage their daughter, Ada, to Don F. John- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Johnson of Brigham City. The marriage waa performed Friday, October 15, in the Logan temple, with Feral dent Joseph Quinney officiating. The young couple will make their home in Brigham City. USAC students from Smithfield and neighboring towns, attended the annual AWS ball Friday night at the Da ns ante ballroom in Logan. 1 ! Three ward MIA dance Tuesday I Mrs. H. B. Daines and daughter night, October 26th in Smithfield Kathleen of Preston called on Mrs. Junior Everybody Martin Roskelley Wednesday. high school. Adv. come. Ford, Chev, and Plymouth own A number of Smithfield people at- - era ATTENTION! FREE $100 War tended the trousseau tea for Miss ranty Bond protects your car against Vada Buttars at Lewiston on Sunday, freezing damage when you use Gam I bles Bonded 'Anti-Free$1.78 to Mrs. Afton Orchard of Lewiston $237, gives you- - 30 below aero Friday with her mother, Mrs. tection. Sold only at Gamble Stores. Effie Barker. 134 K. MAIN ST LOGAN, UTAH Adv. Mrs. Ralph Milligan and son, spent the week af Newton with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reea and son of Benson Mrs. Henry Hansen. visited Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. T. W. Jarvis. Mias Berths Munson of Logan was s Smithfield visitor Wednesday. She Mr. and Mxa. Joseph England of came to attend the trousseau tea of were Smithfield visitors TuesLogan Mias Joy Roskelley. day. Mr. England is associated with the Cache American. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tidwell have announced the engagement of their Mr. and Mrs. Grant Holman 0:' daughter Ruby to Wayne P. John- Logan spent Saturday evening at son, son of Bishop and Mrs. Eugene the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth God' Johnson of Nibley. The marriage frey. will take place early in November at the Logan LDS temple. Mr. and Mrs Richard Hill 0:' Idaho and Mrs Earl McCrac Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Deppe attend- Boise, ken of Ogden spent the week end at ed a dinner party Saturday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Parley at the Bluebird in Logan. The party Bingham. was given by Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Cragun, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Olsen RICHMOND and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Anderson in compliment to Mr and Mrs Kenneth C alder who are leaving Lo- An Independent primary was held the Richmond Library club rooms gin to make their home in Califor- nia. Other guests present were Mr. with F. H. Whittle chairman, and and Mis. Sylvan Huffier and Mr. and Milo Harrison, secretary, officiating. Mrs. William Woodland. Rulon Thompson was elected as se pro-visit- rriri ' Mrs. Ivan Christensen chairman of the organisation withl Mr. and Mrs. George L. Smith and spent T Charles Peart as secretary. baby of Idaho Falla, Idaho spent day afternoon at Logan. An Independent ticket for city of- Sunday here. ficers was nominated as follows: For Mrs. ESnily Nelson and son, Dick, mayor. Cal due S. Hall; tor four year and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Thomley of I councilman, A. L. Harris, Elmer Trenton were Logan visitors TuesSkidmore, Ivan Christensen; for re- day. Mrs. Sophia Merrill visited Wedcorder, Milo A. Harrison; for treasurLeona McCurrey. er, nesday afternoon at Logan as the Mr. and Mrs. George Doty are guest of Mrs. B, Monson. A number of Richmond people atmaking plans to leave November 27th for Honolulu, where they ex- tended the reception Sunday at Lopect to spend the winter with their gan, which was given in honor of SATISFACTORY Mr. and Julian P. and JBmnu Rainey Grifsun and daughter-in-laGoldMrs. Ben Doty and family. their were who celebrating Permanent fin, Waves Mrs. H. Rjy Pond entertained the en Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Che re Amei club members at her Mrs. Griffin were both bom in .given ON THE LATEST TYPp home Thursday afternoon. The after- Richmond. noon was spent in quitting. Lunchequipment Stirling Larsen spent the week TO eon, was served at the dose of the end here at the home of Mr. and 00 afternoon. Special guests were Mrs. Mrs. August Larsen. Ed. Hutchison, Mrs. Lorin A. Hendricks, Mrs. W. Paul Merrill of Presmachineless ton, Mr. H E Crockett and Mrs W. 1400 fgoo tyso Z. Harris of Logan. Mi LaGene Harris spent Tuesday night and Wednesday at Logans, as Youll Be Delighted With the guest of Mrs. Marion Harris. Their Soft Natural Curia Mrs. Lloyd Davis and daughter Dee NOW OPEN FriAnn of Promotory, Utah visited WE CUT YOUR HAIR To day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. SUIT YOUR PERMANENT-FR- EE UNDER NEW Irwin Stoddard. OF CHARGE Mrs. Rulon Merrill and Mrs. Geo. MANAGEMENT. TuesAnderson were Logan visitors day. OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO Members of our community enjoyed a dancing party Friday evening ID P. M. Barber Bsa&ly in the new community dance hall. MR. AND MRS. EZRA PRICE An enjoyable evening waa spent. The SHOP Spencer Orchestra from Logan furProprietors nished the music. Telephone 4 Mias Phyllis Webb of Roosevelt, Utah, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb. Mrs. Lila. Webb of Calitornia is visiting here with friends and il $76 Main Cafe BARKER se to and .awa . Specials CITIZEN PARTY CANDIDATES The Citizens Party .met October 18 and selected the following candidates for your approval on November 2. wide-awa- PLAY BALL WITH US AND WELL PLAY BALL WITH YOU RIDE WITH EASE OH OUR STREETS .FOB TWO YEAR COUNClLMEN MELVIN HILL YARD, wbo.hu conducted boys jpork in Smithfield for several yean and hu gained State-wid-e recognition for the record he has made. He is a successful farmer and a sympathizer of U classes of people. HARRY MICHAEUS, is a successful business man and will be just as successful in the handling of public affairs. He comes to us with the thrift, good qualities of honesty, judgment and community mindedness JESSE PITCHER, ranks tops as s community booster. He has always contributed ffeeely, of time and means to any progressive enterprise, and will continue to back anything which will make a bigger and better Smith-fiel- VOTE THE Citizen Ticket Straight am d. HtSBBPBB BOY YOUR GREAT WESTERN HEATSPRAY FOR RECORDER W. JOSEPH PETEkSON, has proven the choice of the people for many years, and ser- his efficiency, accommodating vice proves that the peoples choice is good. Let's elect him again this election day. MABEY J. FOR TREASURER ATHAY is a capable and dependable treasurer. She has a central location in the city and hu given the people the best of service. (raid Political Advertisement) LAUNDRY SOAP) I I I SOAP, u R2NS$ AND UP 9c 23c PKC- - PKG. IODIZED, SALT, -- WASHING POWDER, DUST-PK- G MATCHES, CA8T0N EXTRA C00D QUAUTY BROOMS, JELLQ, . FtAV08 Au-- 8c -- 5c 69c 5C ; TISSUE) SEM1N0LE 2 ROLLS, 1000 COCOA, IIEKSIIEYS BREAKFAST, CORN FLAKES, SHEETS - q LB. CAN 8 AND PROMPTLY CORN FLAKES, FARG0' " COFFEE, COFFEE, PKG HILLS BLUE CAN SUGAR, POwrERED 29c 23c lb. 2 SALAD DRESSING, PEAS, 8UGB DEL i5c UABT BOITLE 0BAM)- - i5c - BANTAM, BRIMFUL CORN) STRING BEANS, COT CANS 25c 25c 44c SOLID PACK, 3 CANS TOMATOES, MALTED MILK, 29c THSSSL!!... Mose Harris Appliance Company OATS, K0U'ED" e pKQ' M SODAS, 2 .-- ! tSY- - 29c - 25c 21c - raG DgL MONTE, BOTTLE 16c TAPIOCA, LABGE MINUTE, MONARCH, PKG. BAKING POWDER, 25c 29c ' G 32c ... QALUMET, 16 OZ. CAN .... 10c 22c VEGETABLES TOT ROASTS, HEIFER BEEF, LB OVEN ROASTS, LB VEAL ROASTS, LB RUMP BOASTS. Li. The Weslinghouse PHONE 1 1 1 m Ijiyiipms Sins NORTH MAIN STREET AA Ma Van Drug 3 .' 3,V SMITHFIELD It I t l$c t - I & Gutke Meat& Grocery COMPANY A HOME OWNED STORE Phone 10 WE AIM TO We Deliver rLEASE YOU Smithfield VYTVWTTVYYTYYYYTYVYVWYYTJ n. 83S POCKET KNIFE FREE HEATS INGREDIENTS -- HK 10c ' CHOICE VARIETY OF GREEN ORANGES, DOZEN LEMONS, DOZEN 'Z WITH U. S. P. i S 29c GREEN GROCERIES AT ,.8 .1 FILLED ACCURATELY INSTALLED 3 (1 CEREAL BOWL FREE WITH EACH PURCHASE) BISPCK, PRESCRIPTIONS ARE j - 3 19c PORK & BEANS, NO. 2 CAN, 2 FOR .i CAKE FLOUR, GOLD MEDAL, PKG. - DRUG STORE YOUR $47.50 19c CREME OIL, HAND, 2 BARS CATSUP, IN THIS REXALL Goal or Wood 25c 10 EAJRs CHOCOLATES, HEATERS g CRYSTAL .WHITE, 6 GIANT BARS SOAP) 4-- H SUMMER AND WINTER -- OCT. 23, 1937 ke FOR MAYOR, MERLIN T. VAN 0KDEN. Mr. Van Orden is ,a man of genial disposition and sound judgment; a home owner and taxpayer; a progressive citizen and a community builder. He possesses all the fine qualities necessary for a mayor . FOR FOUR YEAR COUNCILMAN R. H. TOOLSON. He has bad experience aa a councilman and in several other public affairs. He has always lived in and worked for the city of Smithfield. He is a substantial taxpayer and a public minded B- n |