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Show ITAH T1IE SMJTHF1KLP SENTINEL. oMITH FIELD. S&osrsaa Music rj By Domford Tales ObpirHgkl hr MIbIbs, Baloh ft Oft WlfUSanrluft Freda waa carryln' gold; an' they gut away. If table, swinging a leg; staln-nse. we'd roped the mud. we'd of hud them; at the font of the little You kiHiw where she is," said Pha hut when I made the suggestion ha tells me to shut my face. An' wot else raoh, quietly enough. "Thnt I do not." said Freda, and tins he done thut counts! He'a let ua wot he'a dona. flung up her head. "Her man was gone, all In for murder Aa long aa young Artlfur walks, there'a and she waa hut wnlilng for me, to give over the child. a ro round each of our necks." "Did she take the path to Witch"He won't walk long," suld Bugle. craft?" Says you," cried Rush. "Why w Nuy," said the forester1! wife, "she don't even know where he la. Nur the girl. Nor Bohun that was cornin' on tork the path that ahe knew. Think again," suld Pharaoh smoothMonday night But we know where that groom la all right an' ao do ly, with hie eyes upon Freda's face. Crouching without the casement, I they." You make me sick," said Bugle. aaw the girl wince before the Ice of "You know Juat aa well aa me our his tune; but though she wee. now very luck's been rank. 0w many English pale, ahe gave him back look for look. narks would you look to find In a Aa I drew my pistol, I heard her Austrian Jungle at break o day! An steady reply. another thing. Did you eitiec that "I tell you she took that path," and, we'd pick up a quarter a million by aa she spoke, she pointed out of the takln n week-enwindow, directly over my head. And, trip!" "In course I didn't aald Bush. "Wot as ahe pointed, ahe looked Jn the same I says la thla Up to date Pharaoh's direction and saw my face. failed. Dress It up 'ow you like, he'a She started ever so slightly, but lost every game." that waa more than enough. Fur the nest 20 minutes they wranAe I leveled my weapon. Pharaoh gled much as before, whilst I stood swung round and fired but hie pistol masked by a curtain that was not was yet In hla pocket and his bullet drawn. went wide of my ear. And then la a At length Bugle gut to hla feet and flash he had flung himself off the table, crossed to the car. Then, to my great and all the candles weft out surprise, he opened a door and aat So I threw away a chance la a mildown In the driver's seat I watched lion. t him start the engine and awltch on That the forester's wife should have bis lights, while Rush sat still below seen me was sheer bad luck. me, winding hie watch. Bugle drove There wee only one thing to be done, the car slowly forward, as though to for the moonlight waa all ' about may go down to the bridge. Then lie brought her to rest end got out, leaving hla engine running and both of hie headlights on. Aa he sat down again below me, 1 understood hie action and saw why the car waa there. The stone bridge was bathed In brilliance. No one could possibly cross It without being seen. I think this must show that while they may have been experts In the plunnlng and execution of ordinary crimes, In a campaign such as this had become the rogues were clean out of their depth. I was standing three feet behind them, but I had not used the bridge; and how could they think that because the bridge was denied him, a CHAPTER VI Continued 10 ; I bad no Mum- - to done the casement Itaelf. Ae the servant pushed open my door, I took my aland behind It, with any back to the wall. When lie found the room dark, he let out grunt of aurprlae. for an blatant he bung on the tbreahold, then lie turned back to the pa gauge and rloeed the door. Aft hi atejia died away, I turned the fcandl once more. . . . It waa half paat eight now, and the ball wan dim. ' I could bear no aound of talking, but knew that Ituah waa yet In the f Then Bugle, pacing the apron, trolled Into and out of uiy view. It occurred to me that he waa waiting for Buah to flnlab Ida meal; then (he two would go olf together and I ahould be left Meanwhile Pharaoh waa la action. Rnali waa moving I beard the scrape inf hla chair aa he thruat It back. An Inatant later he made hla way out of the house. I heard him aay aomethlng to Bugle ftnd I aaw him turn to the right Aa neither reappeared or atarted the car. It looked very much aa though they were Bitting down on the bench to the right of the steps. If I waa right then a man at the alttlng-roowindow Would be above and behind them and able, If they were talking, to overhear very word, rate that had uaed me ao gvdely, played Into my hands. o o o o I aald Ruah. know I that bit" "Tea, "Tra 'Card It before. But If he'a auch marvel, wherCa Bohun gone? Bohun ,waa boun' to be here on Monday night Kkm why? "Coe Pharaoh'd wired him 'coo Pharaoh dealred la presence. !WelU that'a three daya ago, an he aint io o.o Sere yet" Wbatl Bohnn matterl" aald Bugle. f"Er grace the Ducbeaa of Sheba la ,what we want" "Who aald he mattered 1" aald Ruah. "I never aald he mattered. Wot I aald waa that Pharaoh knowa ow to allp Oh, dont talk allly,' you aaya. pi Tharnnha a genius, and genluaea don't allp up 'All right I aaya Where's BohunT In manlfeat dudgeon be aucked at hla clgnrette. "Pharaoh aid he'd be here on Monday night. He near told ua the Boot of clotliea he'd 'are on. Well, he lan't here, la he! I don't aay Bohun mutters, but I'd Juat aa aoon know where he la. lie may be an artlat but he knowa how to uae man who proposed to approach would turn round and go back? "Ten minutes more, Ruah announced, "an I'm goln off. I've Id enough o' lata nights. When Ive nothin to do, I like to do It In bed. "I ahould keep your boots on," aald Bugle, "Dewdrop'a back," he aald. Where from? said Buah. "I didn't know he waa gone. "Of course you didnt" said Bugle. "When Bohun never showed up, you'd 'eve dropped that Une. But that Isn't Pharaoh. That wire didn't bring Bohun Ire, bnt It fetched Tm out of hte digs." He paused to exhale luxuri- one-eye- ship-shap- . ... ask; lie takes. That whs his way always. an I've known him longer than you. You tulk as If you was tils equal ; he ain't got no equal nllve. We're In his employ ment, we ere. An' If we piny hla gnine. he'll muke us -l- ook at Long John. Sli hundred a year and a pub. and I know thats true." "Who wanta a ptilii" snarled Bush. "An' who's Mr. Pharaoh to pick an' Hu's .the boss, of course choose? thut's hla Job; but we're not tils servants." "All right, all right," anld Bugle, aa though he were sick and tired of the other's complaints. "Cull It a game. Sign on with 'liu, an' you've got to take wot'a coinin' that's all 1 meant. "Yes. an wot la coinin'!" aald Bush. "That's wot I wants to know. 1 Judge a mau by results. Three weeks tomorrow we've been here, au wot'a your Bugle Napoleon done! I'll toll you. ground In the Ora' place he'a been hent by a girl au a groom, lie knew they was conilu', an' he knew they a us "Dewdrop'a back from Sals-bur- g with a letter young Arthurs wrote." "Wot not aayln where he Is?" "An the Duchess or Sheba," said Bugle. "Pharaoh's gone off this evenin' to rope the two of them In." A "Now look 'ere, Ruah," aald Bugle, crossing hie lege. " 0w many you can mention could of done wot lharaoh'e 'done. Beg and beggnge Into that castle the guest of the Count Me an' you here In the rooms wot the Willies ad. No more pubs; no landlords with sweaty necks; no cottagers etoppln' an starin'; no wntchln out; but everything smooth an' an' nothin' to do but wait" Walt?" screeched Ruah. "Ive waited long enough on this Job. Vou can talk as much as you like, but we ain't no nearer now than when we begun. Look at .Dewdrop there, callin him Sir an Captlng an etandln' behind ,hla chair." "It's all la the game," aald Bugle. If--" "Tee, I could play that game," aald .Ruah, "It'd suit me down to the socks. But who ever plays It but him? When he aska me In on this Job be calls It n change of air.' Soft ae silk,' was hla words, in i mayn't even need your 'elp. But you'd better be there,' be a door want save, In case there' openin' before we're through." "You wee took on as I was, an' Juat aa glad of the Job. 1 want you,' says Pharaoh that's alL" "Alii" yelped Kush. Why " , "All," barked Bugle. Before we met him In Paris, he never spoke of the Ae Job, an' then he sitoke to na all. the other sought to protest, lie let out a terrible oath. "Why try nil' put It across me, you fool Pharaoh don't cornin back." waa a moment's CHAPTER VII The Race to the Swift The rogues were at my mercy, but I had no thought for that I waa transfixed with horror, for the nightmare which I had rejected had become an accomplished fact Though Bugle and Rush were still speaking, I had no Idea what they said, and when I looked at my watch could not tell the time, because my wrist was shaking and the dial seemed a great way off. Then the disorder passed, and my brain seemed to leap Into life. The car. I must get to the car. Pharaoh had had a start of an hour and a quarter or more, but I knew the way to the cottage better than he. At once I saw that to thread the woods In the darkness would take me five times as long as to go by the lane. But the way to the lane was barred barred by those cursed headlights that I had found so futile ten minutes ago. For an Instant I glanced about me. Then I picked up the lamp and hurled It Into the grateL The base of the lamp was of china and heavily built ; the crash of Its fall was frightful, and the flames leaped up like st reamers, to lick the breast of the chimney within end without. Now I had expected that Bugle and Rush would, both of them, make for the sttttng room dtwr. And Bugle did. But Rush stood up on the bench, to look. Instead, through the window waa proposing to use. I suppose the fellow was huy, and laziness brings no luck. Re that as It may. I hit him between the eyes before he could think and vnnlted out of the casement on the flags. And then I was In the dosed car and was storming down to the bridge. My Journey may be Imagined I drove In a mist of fear. At every bend " i the road I eou'd see the sinister shadow of some mishap, but I wrung from that car a pace that she had not been built to give. Enough that I entered the track at fire minutes pntt ten and thnt eight minutes Inter I was stumbling across the clearing, to find the path to the cottage by the light of my torch.. Tha Man Waa Sitting Half on the Table. end Pharaoh and Dewdrop could see me without being seen. I fell on my face, writhed my way Into the shadows and darted across to a tree that stood some twelve paces oft And there, flat against the trunk, I took my stand, with my eyes on tho door of the cottage which was full In the light I wee ready now, at last and the moment I saw the door move I fired at the latch. This had the effect I desired, for the door did not move again. . I was now as composed ae I had been distracted, for the knowledge that my darling was safe had made me another man. My nerves were teady, my brain was clear, I felt like e giant refreshed, and I saw at once that my lady must be at Witchcraft where she waa waiting to stay me from hastening back to the eottago and so Into Pharaoh's arms One minute inter I waa behind the cottage and was running aa fast ae I could-futhe Witchcraft path. I was more than halfway to the ctom roads when Sabre touched my hand. With a leaping heart I at once took hold of his collar and ran by hla side. Thirty yards on ha stopped. "Nell," I said quietly. "Nell. There waa a rustle behind me. Ae I turned round, hefr arms went about r my neck. I heard shots." she breathed. You're not hurt?" "Not a scratch, my queen. "Thank God, thank God. She clung to me desperately. "Oh, John, 1 cant spare you again. Ever since you left. I've been half out of my mind. You see . . . without you Im beggared . . . you're all I've got Her tears were wet on my lips, as I strained her against my heart "Come along, my lady. Well talk when we're out of the wood. Less than 10 minutes later I lifted the Rolls from a thicket and on to tha road. "Freda appeared," said Helena, "at a quarter to eight It seems that aha missed her train In a final, frantic endeavor to do as we said. We told her to deliver the letter to Geoffrey or Barley alone. Ten tlmea site took that letter to your cousiu'a Salzburg address; 10 times she was asked to leave It and 10 tlmea the poor girl When ahe had missed her refused. train, ahe determined to try once more, and this time they managed to bluff her Into giving It upk Well, the moment 1 hear! her story, I knew that the damage waa done, so Satire and I made Tor Witchcraft aa fast aa ever we coild. I confess I was rather worried. fon see. though you didn't know It, you and Pharaoh had now the snme objective. It seemed extremely likely that you would use the same roads. And even when Pharaoh arrived as he did, about half past nine I couldn't be sure that he'd missed yon, for ne might have dealt with yon and come on for me. I watched him take the path. When they'd gone I made aura of the Rolls and came bnck to watch and pray. The dara-ieswas very tryI)o what you like," said Freda. "1 ing. for the path, aa you know, waa la sh3'a gone." tell you shadow and I had to watch for yos "You know where she Is." ssld Fhs both. And then. Tar away In the foeref. raoh. and lighted a cigarette. I heard two siiuui. . . . The man waa sitting half oa the (TO RF. COMTIXIKD) -- . a It baa been the plan of THIS WEEK If Russia Joined Japan Not Heroic Action Lloyd George Hopeful England Still Safe Ja- Editors talk about Asia, led by ml; ;ht pan, conquering the world. They on a . speculate Ion between Jf and Russia. Impruhuble, you will aay. truly, but If Russlun-Japanes- Tha Reasm ' If Justice were not blind, she would set much more promptly. e be could hostility chahged Into Russa pa n e e ian-!! agreement a new world chapter might open. You hear of Russia's "red army," 1,300.1)00 men, thoroughly armed, and PATTERN S2ST well the bucket The hanglag there, Juat waiting to be embroidered la Its natural setting. And what a lovely and colorful walL reserve. 7,000,000 To instantly relieve pain, stop nagyou'll have when finished! Brlafeane Arthur Yen Bee photo- hanging ging shoe pressure und quickly, uae as many bright threads can Ysu graphs of Russia's amphibian tanka, as safely loosen and remove corns or when you begin to dictates fancy callouses--us- e Dr. Scholle Z mounted with machine guns, rolling In garden These aoothin& heeling, emblover the land end swimming rivers; "paint" tha French running knots, eming pads prevent core toe and yod reed about Intensive training of stitch. And yon needn't atone blisters. At drug, ehoe or tens of thousands of Russian air pilots, and single frame the panel Just Une It, and hang only 25jf and 35)1 box. eee- even and etc., jumpers, parachute young Russian It npb the In pattern 5297 yon will find women drilling with rifles. Western transfer pattern of n well hanging Europe may have a problem closer at U by 20 Inches; a color chart; matehand than Japan." rial requirements; Illustrations of all tltches needed ; direction for finishRevoluOur British couyina tn the Dont Want Facts ing waU hanging. tion cheerfully let loose howling, scalpSend 15 centa In stamps or colne Some people turn their backs when In the cousins on their Indiana ing to The Sewing Cir- forced to face facta. American colonies, and bolshevism (coins preferred) Household Arts Dept, 259 West might cheerfully turn Asiatic killing ef- cle, New York, N. Fourteenth Street, western "capitalism." ficiency agalnat You remember how cheerfully the great historian Gibbon predicted that, BLACK LEAF 4CT In the American war, with firmness old-tim- e' mo-pad- s. lazy-dals- y, dL - d I The Mind Meter nil may go well, because "Scotch Highlanders, Irish, Hanoverians, Canadians, Indians, etc, will all In various shapes be employed. There la no reason why Russia of 1038. should be more squeamish now than England at the end of the Eighteenth century. Bell Syifefttft fores. PIMPLES from surface conditions, need not be endured. Make your skin clearer d smoother with Resmol Cleanse England; Internally aed feel the tiffmacet Madagas- - Why let eonetjpsdea hold you back? Fed your best, look your hot 4 Dlssy Dean baseball ; Jack Medics 5. Albany New York; Montgomery 8. Anatole Franco anther; Vasco da Gama 7. United States Franklin . D. enough rich Americans go to Eng- . Roosevelt; Franco 81 Cornelius Johnson track; professional gamblers follow on big ships. London police arrested Alfred Molyneux, thirty-ontrying to extort ,000 from the Countess Barbara Hutton nnugwitx-Reventlooffering to reveal a plot to kidnap her baby. Police knew by the moderate price It could not be an American "snatcher" or confederate. Easily caught, the young man confessed he had Invented the plot. Allison WU-m- er , 9. Paris France; Brussels 10. Columbia Lions ; Purdue Use only the following words Boilermakers, Massachusetts, swimming, Belgium, World war, Albert e, clean With "visibility cut to sere, street lights burning by day, not visible across the street, dust storms are blowing over parte of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico. I By such displays of nature's power, for which man's foolishness Is responsible, fertile areas of the world hare been chnnged to deserts. CAR-FIEL- FREE SAMPLE Navigator. T. & Albert Lebrun. Tennis B. Belgium. hours off on TAO you suffer burning, scanty at too frequent urinations backache headache, dizziness, loss of energy, leg pains, swellings and pufRncm under the eyes? Are you tired, nere pw feel ell unstrung and don't know whet b wrong? .Then giro soma thought to your kidneys. Be sure they function properly lor functional kidney disorder excess waste to stay In the blood, and to poison end upset tha whole pee-mi- ls system. Use Doan's RlkDoant ere for ft kidneys only. They are recommended the world over. You can the) nine, time-test- ed store. get Dose's at any la Japan," wrestlers face each other with fists on the ground and fierce looks en their faces. If either Is set by the scowl of the other, calls for time out, each returns his corner, sips water and starts ... over again. Wrestlers finally called for eo much time out that It limited to a total of 12 minutes. Improved machinery. An intelligent young man who fought well In the big war speaks of "the advantage which modern metb mis give the defense over the attack. To let the other man or nation come ut you. If you are prepared, has been wise In the past. It might lie different In future were, If the attacker, with a couple of thousand airplanes, dropping explosive bombs and poison gas. should surprise the enemy. "lcfense" would have no advantage over that sort of ARE YOU THIN. AILING? Mift Mary ShapUaa at Na Water Uihe Falk, Uab It, arid: 1 eukienk. conditiea foikrelBC card childbirth. amrel It'e Funny Why to it that your crony gets "real boiling mad" shout something It makes you laugh? k. fN UVWl-V!fcOamCL-.- IJoyds. the great English Insurance at first refused to Insure ugnlnst war at any price. Now l.loyds - . At I bad le pouada In wrilht. I macd abaft four bolt lea cf Dr. . Pirrcti Geldre Medical ad I sained w1ht and strength, ha food appetite, aad it waa not loos Wore I UH aa well as ever." Boy Sodayl Mew alre, lablcta SO dft, Squid (LOO ft (lift I, WUjmy v,rar ;' concern, will Insure, otherwise "bet," nine und a half to one' against war within six months. Wnll Street wanted that news and of course rheered up. i mother of Fort Worth, Texas, offered her body to Chlcneo's Cook County hospital for dissection after natural death. If the hospital would provide a free operation for her eon. The hospital declined the hotly, performed the free operation. Now twenty, all women but one. offer to sell their bodies, "delivered after death." A The governor of Campeche In Mexico, after keeping all rhurrhea In bis stale dosed for more than a year and a half, now permits all to reopen. A fight against religion often starts violently, to wind up feebly. C Kins Fratnr Syndlcatft lea. WNL' Barvlcft I KidnsqM Among the few surviving porta In Japan, wrestling still tains all tha color and ceremony the past In tha ring, Samuel Wain wrlght, Jr, writes la "Beauty Saturday and Sunday, 'eighteen hours off on every other day eight hours for sleep, ten hours fot 'what' we will All that will come sortie day; but not h RidMselip Wrestling With Scowls Still Sport in Japa that would have limited work to five working days of six hours each, or thirty hours a week, Is dead In congress for the time being. It would have internal beauty COL GSRFIELDTEA 10l Boilermakers. A bill of due treatment" will aeton-ieyou. Begin tonight Breeklye, N. V. (At your drug afore) 8MHELB TEA 4. Swimming. 5. Alabama. 8L internally (ho Msytercup way. TEA is not a mb-aworker; but a week Lebrun, navigator, iiumm France, tennis.. Answers L World War. 2. Massachusetts, 8. France, . by discouraging Canada 8. land to "escape kidnapers" the kidnapers may move over after them, aa twenty-fou- r WNU Barriee. IttTnwnoM ' shse-makln- impossible. Lloyd George says not 1 per cent of Englishmen would vote for war. and not 10 per ceqt for employing sanctions against Germany. given workers HENDEES0" teat there are three words. The first two words bear a certain relationship to ona another. Writs la a fourth word which bears tha same relatlon-ahi- p to tho third word that tha aeo ond does to tho first. 1 Gen. U. 8. Grant Civil Gen. John J. Pershing . g 2. Cane sugar Louisiana ; about Europe and war since he and old1 Clemenceau won the big war, telle Universal Service thla present war la off," France haring learned that even her most ardent friends In Europe shrink from .war.1 Lloyd George declares that peace without derogating from the dignity of any of the powers" will be preserved, If France does not make It If Keeps Dogs Kway from Ewrgreeas.Skrabsetc. Tha Similaritiea Test In each problem of tha following Lloyd George, who ought to know "lloa Thera alienee. Then What!" screamed Rush. Cornin' backl" . "Thats wot I aald. said Bugla. Wot for?" With studied deliberation Bugla f; lighted Ida pljie. ously. BRISBANE t d FOLLOW CONVICTIONS my life to follow my convictions at whatever personal coat to myself. Garfield. Charming Needlecraft Picture to Embroider 1VDT long ago 1 had JuMrora I waj like some friends I hare low In anM out of sorts.. .tired cully end' looked terrible. Sli t7mT.kiTfp ; hi. time worl7 J? hU whatoA ta Tonic whH, to convinced me I ought to ,1,rse-- The color began to come beck 1,01 tlre " I felt thnt --. gelSte' MgSTrS!to,.teKd;red CdhPhsnMvrepped two Mttoa T park- - |