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Show FIELD. UTAH HIE SMITHFIKLD QBMT1NRK SMITH LEGALLY WORE MALE ATTltt Mary Edwards Walker (Uas-lfliphysician and dreaa reformer, the only woman In the history m tig, country who legally wore male attim permission haring been given to her by a special set of congress 1861. Colllert. to the naval AMERICA'S delegate In Uindon consented tsraicfn 7&i t. to Curb Supreme Court Oratory .fon Lincoln Day Death of Charles Curtis " I Oil" Newspaper Tax Invalid. i6 Jj to an agreement that would bind thin recountry for live years or more to frain from building any more cruiser lu excess of 8,fU Ions In sixe. When the news reached Washington there was Immediate and loud protest In congress against what was termed a colossal blunder." High ranking navy official refused to comment officially upon the London agreement, hut said privately that any program which does not Include y of Japan and the would lie a failure. Any agreement will not alfect the navy's present building program, these officials pointed out, and they refused to lie ulnrmod about the prospect of future llniliuiions. w National Topics Interpreted Bruckart by William "nl0B SPEAKING In advocacy of lh fiirin sulrtitlliili fimator Norris, the from Nidiraitka, scathingly tacked Vice President Garner sld: I waa always fund of hlui. I was assiielaled with him In the house and senate. lie waa a tine man and a good friend." Funeral services for Mr. tnrlls and the Interment were In Topeka. Kan. bll. at- the Supreme court' AAA decision to and urged congra uae Ha right to curb the courfa power. He argued tlmt the ft to a decision liaeir was hy the court'a own reiisoiilng and alioiiled It cannot ataud.'' of The produc-aBat- r agricultural tlon, they say. Is un- Norrla constitutional In the f'liiuultutlon," taut mentioned Now lien In that Morris aaaerled. a syllnhlo. a there la document peat any word, or n sentence giving i jeourt the right to declare uu uct of unconatltuilonul. Hence, jrotigrens e when the court Indulgra In Hint It la llaelf violating I he i'nnslliu-tloaccording to lla own words.' Norrla quoted from I ho majority opinion of the Nupreine court holding that the reguhillon and control of agricultural production wai a local affair renerved to the alalea and beyond the power of rongreea. Under that he declared, not only tlie (tciiil-lu- g bill but "a large portion of the laws which roiigreM has passed during the last hundred years are absopus-tim- n lutely unconstitutional." Of (lie Inter decision ordering return of processing luxes to the processors, the senator said (Secretary Wallace perhaps was too severe In calling It the greatest legalised steal In history, Hut It la a gift, the and added: greatest gift since God made salvation free." Norrla urged that congress pass a taw requiring unanimous decisions by the Supreme court to overrule the acts of the legislative branch of the gov- s ernment. flation." In Ureenaboro, N. C., Senator Dickinson of Iowa warmly defended the Supreme court as tha only remaining guardian of the liberty of tho people," ond Inveighed against what he said waa the New Deal's "planned economy" and Its attempted bribery of the 118110" through the Invalidated AAA and Ita proposed substitute, the oil conservation measure. Senator Vandeuberg of Michigan waa a aiieaker la New tork city, ami like Ilia fellow Republicans he flerccly swilled the administration, terming It the third party now In power.' Among tho few leading Democrats heard waa Secretary Wallucc, who. In Indianapolis, defended the administration. Referring to the Constitution, he declared that most of us" thought tlie agriculture adjustment act waa valid, and some of us. Including three Justices of the Supreme court, think so still." CURTIS, former Vice of the United States and before that representative and sens tor from Kansas, died suddenly of CHARLES heart disease at tbs home of Washington his brother-in-laand slater, Mr. and lira. Edward K. Gann, lie was seventy-siyears old, and waa the first man of Indian blood ever to preside over the aennte. He waa x Kaw one-quart- In- dian. hla grandmother having been Princess 3ulle of that tribe who married a French voyage ur. la am boyhood Curtis was a jockey, and Inter a reporter. Having tudled law, he betaine a prosecutor t the age of twenty four In Shawnee county, Kansas, and waa elected to 12. He waa made sen waa defeated In 1112 years later waa again elected He waa elected Vice iresl the ticket headed by Herbert and was renominated for that In In 1107. Hoover, posit. an In 1132. llr. Curtis was greatly liked by his Modal e 'a Washington and hla death caused genuine grief. President Roosevelt said: 1 am deeply distressed to learn of the sudden passing of my old friend. Charles Curtis. Whether they knrw him as a senator, as the Vice President of the United States, or as the man be was In hi own right, hla legion of friends will remendier him, always alTccttciintely. and will menrn !.! n a Of Ihip New Farm assassins of King 'of Jugoslavia at Mar-soi- l at France, with verdicts of guilty For three of for the six defendants. the band of Cron Is, meinlierS of the secret Ustuclil society, who were apleg came to nil end recnded prehended, merry was and they were given sentences of life Imprisonment In French Guiana. The others, who never were caught, were sentenced to drnlh. tine of the latter Is Dr. Ante Pavellch, reputed head of the Ustachi. from all of the comiiienis I have been the abb. to pick up, It appears that been clarified general situulh.n hns New Deal thereby. Two of the innjor AAA have and the NKA the items been tossed overhourd by the Supreme court of the United States and ut the request of the PresiInto dent, now lias thrown three others retlie limbo of unnecessary things by control of pealing tlie legislation for am p(u.oes. These l. three with their parent, the Agricultural Adjustment net, represented all that was basic in the New Deal farm i program. The Importance of the Presidents set in requesting reiieal of the three law cannot conipulxury Mr. Roosevelt recogbe minimized. nized. when the AAA was Invalidated, law that the other three would he of no further use because they were predicated upon the national law. lie recognized further that to remain ndamunt would be only to permit delay In Invalidation of those three Inws because they were all headed for an adverse decision by the Supreme court anyway. In seeking their repeal, therefore, Mr. Roosevelt slut' ply took time by the forelock and girded hla armor for a fresh start on farm relief legislation. Where or In wlint form the new farm legislation will finally emerge, none can forelell. The house and senate will pass some kind of legislation to aupplnnt the luwi Invalidated hy the court or repealed by congress. Necessarily, this new farm legislation will character and I don't bebe of stop-galieve that any of Ita ardent supporters can tell you exactly what the result will be In so far as Its effect upon agriculture Is concerned. As far as the compromises have been worked out. It appears that some of the leaden are willing again to enact In legislation directed at manner. If that Is a forthcoming, (be new law actually will be nothing more than a thinly disguised attempt to circumvent the prohibition laid down In the Supreme .court opinion holding the AAA unconstitutional. In any event, the tragedy In the situation appears to me to be the almence of clear thinking, or else circumstances we see represent political cowardice of tho worst type. It Is to be remembered that In this session of congress more than any oth er since President Roosevelt took office, there exist a greater number of blocs; cross currents of opinion; partisan Jealousy. A great deal of It Is la opposition to brain trust policies sponsored hy the New Deal but. for political reasons the Individuals who oppose these things dare not openly show their disapproval of Presidential policies as such. Thus, a consensus has arisen among Washington observers that representatives and senators concerned with directing enactment of new farm legislation are likely to mess up the situation rather than come forth with a definite and workable proposition. crop-contr- Democratic B. O'HARA, chairman of Michigan and former clerk of Wayne county, which Includes Detroit; State Senator A. J. 10 and Wllkowskl others of lesser prominence were convicted In Detroit of having attempted to steal the 1034 election. Eight ELMER defendants In the crop-contr- re- count case, which had on trial fur been nesrly 12 weeks, were acquitted. Two other defendants previously bad pleaded guilty. Elmer B. thus bringing to 20 O Hara the mmiiier facing sentence for their part In the vote recount conspiracy. For O'Hara, tbs verdict came ae the culmination of a series of calamities In a brief political career. Last November a Jury In Macomb county, adjacent to Wayne, found him guilty of bribery In a drainage transaction In connection with real estate deals be had made before 1932 when he ensent hy tered politics and waa elected Wayne LETTERS have been to the heads of the county clerk. He swalta sentence governments inviting under that conviction. After conviction them to participate In a he was removed from office. conference, probably In Washington, la the recount case O'Hara was found the purpose of which will be to or- guilty on three counts, permitting ganize the peace machinery of the others to alter ballots, conspiring to western hemisphere. Our State de- permit othera to alter ballots, and conpartment says the meeting will en- spiring to permit othera to conduct deavor to provide means for adjusting the recount In an unlawful manner and Internatlnonnl disputes by peaceful change the result of the Nnvemlier. means. The conference may bring up 1934, election by putting Democrats new defIn office Instead of the Republican! the Monroe Doctrine Tor inition through multilateral endorseelected. p crop-contr- Latln-Amerlca- n rawing ment PRESIDENT WILLIAM L. RANSOM Bar sssocatlon, with headquarters In Chicago, announced that Newton D. Raker, former secretary of war, the has accepted chairmanship of the association's special committee on between the press, radio and bar against publicity Interfering with fair trial of judicial and proceed Inga. The creation of this special committee to define standards to be recommended to lawyers, newspapers and radio broadcasters In the matter of publicity as to court trials, said the announcement, is sn outcome of the Incidents arising lu the course of tlie Bruno Hauptmnnn trial and various proceedings before governmental hoard and bodies, and It Is hoped that such standard can he made elective through rules of court or through legislation. quasl-Judicl- ACCORDING to the linden Daily secret decree providing fur expulsion of all Jews from tier many aa rapidly as possible bus been prepared by Nasi tenders and laid be fore Chnnccllor Hitler for his signature. The pniier wild the decree provided for the confiscation of all property of exiiellrd JeWs. Tills story may not be true, but there la no doubt that Hitler and his asanel tea are determined to extirpate all the organisation and groupn which they ronsidcr In opiosltlon to the Nazi regime, and Hitler himself hns declared the Jewa are to blame for all the trouble of the retch In recent years. Scores of Catholic youth lend era huve been srreiel. charged with wlRt Illegal Communist their or groups, and It will be dissolved. The ganlznitona campaign la carried on with great secrecy. It was announced In Berlin that district governors henceforth would take orders from the Gestapo, the secret slate police. This waa in terpreled as an Indication of nn I in mediate carrying out of promises hy Nazi leaders for more ruthless, more determined action against enemies within the relch. LA7.ARO CARDENAS went to Monterrey to Investigate a stoppage of business and Industry In protest against labor iron btes attributed to Coinniunsti. He issued this ultimatum : Employers who are fatigued by Mexico's social sad economic struggle can turn ore their Industrie to the workers or the that would be patriotic. government Rut stoppage of activities cannot be PRESIDENT an LEADERS of congress hope for1 at by May the latest, and therefore they pushed the new farm bill forward, trying to get It through both houses without much delay. In their desire to get ewny from the Capital, they already bad decided to let the proposed permanent neutrality legislation go by the board. The farm bill as rewritten by the senate agriculture committee la based on the anil erosion prevention scheme. Some Democrats joined with mnny Republicans In opposing the measure, one of them being Senator Walsh of MasIn a statement Issued to sachusetts. the press he declared It was a dangerous" bill ronferrlng autocratic and blanket authority" on the nerretary of lie said the measure was agriculture, 'neither valid In law nor valid In economic " Chairman Dattghlan of the house ways and means committee said he expected definite word from the White House or treasury soon on the amount and kind of taxes that might be Imposed to flnsnre the new farm program. Speaker llyrn said he roulil see nn reason why the tax measure should not emerge from the commuter by the end of February. :Iub, which ltaskub described as New Deal persecution," Mr. du Tout was alleged to have understated Ms l'.rjti income b,r lions tax the amended petition accusing Mr. Raskoh It was alleged that he and the Industrialist llctltloua" engaged In Mles of securities, one to the other, to a total of about HU.OuO.uoo for the purposs or showing losses. sira HI LT 77V1, widow of the slain senator from Louisians. took her sent In the senate to complete llucj's unfinished tciiu. becoming thv second wi.mnn member of tho upper house. AMer eleven months she will be succeeded by Allen Allemler. apeak er of tbe Louisiana house of represent stives, who was nominated for tbs rry ular term. 1 never msl for congress, they would first In place. the have taken Legislation n LINCOLN day wai tha occasion for of oratory, largely by Republican opponent! of the New Deal Herbert Hoover spoke at Portland, tire., on the State of the Union, which he said was a stale of confusion In thought, government, economic life and the Idcula of lllierty. The New Deal," said the former President, "has been a veritable fountain of fear. The day after the New Deal waa given life at tlie election of 1032 began the great fear which created the bank panic of March 4. The stock boom today la not from confidence In the futnre; It la partly from fear of In- tor and two senator. dent on again the Supreme court of United Slates comes to the rescue of a free press. Unanimously Hie nine Justices ruled that the liuial-anlaw Imposing a punitive tux on the advertising of the prlnrINil newsia-perof that atate la unconstitutional. The law waa passed hy a controlled by the late Senator Huey Long. The court said of It: "It Is bad liecause, in the light of Its history and of Ita present setting, It la. seen to be a deliberate and calculated device In the guise of a tax to limit the circulation of Information to which the public It entitled In virtue of the constitutional guarantee. A free press stand as one of the great Interpreter! between the government and the people. To allow It to be fettered la to feller ourselves. In view of the persistent search for new subjects of taxation. It la not without algnlllcance that, with the single exception of the Louisians statute, so fur as we cun discover, no state during the 150 Tears of our national existence has undertaken to Impose a tax. like that now in question. "The form In which the tax Is Imposed Is In Itself auspicious. It Is not measured or limited by the volume of advertisement. It Is measured alone by the extent of the circulation of the publication la which the advertisements are carried, with the plain pur pose of penalising the publishers and curtailing the circulation of a aelecleJ group of newaimpers." ONCE 'Ih-iiu- congress TRIAL stones have been torn from tbeir moorings now and. le important Wasl.ington.- -F arch In the New Deal recovery Ger-umn- W. PICKARD By EDWARD W.rti-rN.w.juM'.r run. ( Dont National Pres. Bulbtlng The situation at the White Iloune and In congress artisan In connection with policies probably Is the best agricultural Polities Rule Illustration j I ' , ' j j ! In a defi-nil- e. tangible form, of how many Important federal policies are being dealt with In a partisan political way rather than, ni they should be. In a scientific manner with partisan politics In the background. I need not recall how many pieces of legislation have been put ihmugh congress bearing a New Ienl tag of must." Or course, Mr. Roosevelt cannot be Mamed entirely for Issuing orders when congress is willing to nliey. It Is s fact, nevertheless, flint time artcr time and with reference to the major New Deal experiment. Hie legislation has hepn drafted hy men serving under a Presidential ipiMilntiuent In executive departments. the copies forwsrded to given representatives or senators and Instructions passed along that the administration will take no substitute. It wants the specific measure and la that form The result of all of this has lieen that In numerous cases legislation waa passed without more than a few members or tlie house and senate having even read the hill hernre they were asked to east s favorable vote on their passage. Now, representatives and senators seeking to drain the responsibility for their sets. This was shown defl- for repeal of the three named heretofore. I know personally of a considerable number of represent- atlvea and scnntnri who were delleht- cd at the opportunity to vote reneal of those laws. They never did like them after they found out what thev had passed. But s politician Is the lust person In the world to admit hla mlstukca and the representatives and senators who voted for reieul of the l laws with such enthusl- were no different than the others. repeal request simply gave them an opportunity to get out from under thing which. If the legislation had crop-contro- lao through processes usual and Guess But rePresident Roosevelt likely will of reieal for seeking credit ceive some the discredited Admits lie said If he made he would Hu Mlatahe mistake flrgt t( dlolt admitted It So, now he has In a way In approving mistake a made he that conthose laws although Ids statement was that cerning the repeal request these were useless without AAA It Is to lie noted, however, that long before Ike Supreme court outlawed AAA there was a growing volume of discontent with the principles that law It cannot lie that sought to apply. Mr. Roosevelt was not uwnre of this growing dlssutlsfuetion and that his bepolitical advisers smelled a rat cause a good many plans for modification hail been under discussion pribevately among AAA advisers long fore s Supreme court decision was In prospect Practical men working with Secretary Wallace and Administrator Davis were steadily trying to accomplish changes In administration of the AAA law, and the three others as well, to make it workable. They were confronted, however, wlih s superabundance of brain trusters who could make beautiful case In print for tlielr views and during that time the brain trusters had the ear of the President while the practical administrators were left out In the cold. It Is thus that we see a development nnder the New Deal whereby most of the responsible people are attempting to dodge the responsibility that belongs to them. Some of them are attempting to clean their own skirts, nr make their skirts appear clean, by damning the Supreme court; others are blaming our system" for failure of the theories to work In practical ap plication and still other groups point the finger of scorn at those charged with administration of tbe agricultural policy, blaming them for the failure. Things like this hare developed before la Washington and have died down In due time but I believe thnt seldom, If ever, has occnrred a situation In which the responsibility was so general and the blame so generally denied by those responsible. nor-- 1 Know Is1 1 Whether the Pain Remedy You .Use is SAFE? Dont Entrust Your Own or Your Family Well - Being to Unknown Preparations rrHE person to ask whether the 1 preparation you or your family are taking for the relief of headaches s Jis SAFE family doc bout Genuine i He will tell you that before the discovery of Bayer Aspirin most pain,r remedies were advised against by physicians as bad for the stomach and, often, for the heart. Which is food for thought if yon seek quick, safe relief. Scientists rate Bayer Aspirin among the fastest methods yet discovered tor the relief of headaches and the pains of rheumatism, neu- ritis and neuralgia. And the experience of millions of users has proved it safe tor the average person to use regularly. In your own interest re- member this. You can get Genuine Bayer Aspirin at any drug store simply hy asking for it by its full name, BAYER ASPIRIN. Make it a and see that you point to do this get what you want Bayer Aspirin Stumbling To stumble twice against tha same stone is a proverbial disgrace. . Cicero, Washington observers are watching the President's latest maneuvers on government finance Mast Cat with considerable terest. The President. you know, already has told agencies of the government that arc equipped with borrowing power that they must reduce this lie has, In effect, withborrowing. drawn from them authorization that would hare permitted the borrowing of about $1,000,000,000 during the next DONT SLEEP ON LEFT SIDE, AFFECTS HEART Gas Pressure May Cause Discomfort Right Side Best If you toss in bed and cant sleep on year. During tbe last few weeks, the right side, try Adlerika. Just ONE doss relieves stomach GAS pressing ca heart Chief Executive has been concerned also with reduction In governmental pending and at the same time with plana to raise additional money. He has presented a tax bill to congress, ao obstinate congress. Representatives and senators do not like to campaign after passing a new tax bill so they frankly do not like the Idea of new taxes at this time. It Is too early to forecast the full Importance of the President! latest moves. There are those who Insist that Mr. Roosevelt Is making a sincere effort to cut down government spending and to convince the nation that he Is seeking to reduce the waste tha Is naturally attendant upon such a volume of disbursements of money as has taken place In the last three years There are others who take the posl-tlothat the President Is simply building up a picture which can he shown to the voters when election time comes. They say that Mr. Roosevelt wonts to lw In a position to point to an accomplished reduction In federal expenditures and to assure the voters that he hnd permitted only such aa were necessary to bringexpenditures tbe couutry out of the depression. An unbiased conclusion Is that a little of each claim Is trne. If ture actually are reduced, expendithe action will be welcomed byobviously the taxpayers. On the other hand, the ballyhoo that went out from the White House and executive departments concerning the withdrawal of borrowin'' power was rather unjustified. It was unjustified for the reason that the move was simply a bookkeeping prono-sltlo- n and, further, there was even a hint that anch ageurles as the Reconstruction Finance corporation and 9ttnr corporation had no , i borrowlr'S extensively dur- - so you sleep soundly nU night. Adlerika sets on BOTH upper and lower bowels and brings out foul matter yon would never believe was in your system. This old matter may have poisoned you Car months and caused GAS, sour stomach, headache or nervousnem. Dr H. L. Shoub, New York, reports: "In addition to intestinal clean ting, Adlerika greatly reduces bacteria and colon bacilli." Mri. Jai. Filler : Got on my stomach was so bad I could not eat or sleep. Even my heart hurt. The first doee of Adlerika brought me relief. Now I eat as I wish, sleep fine and never felt better." Give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleanring with Adlerika end see bow good you feel. Just ONE dose relieves GAS and chronic constipation. Sold by aU druggists end drug departments. n 1 I '" ,n" the ,n'llle'Hal program borrowlnff nd cutting ex- ponm,'rt lf rather dllHrult to es-,h ,houSht that a continuation f pT"cIp ,nch have been spon- by ,heNewIval the lost three ?0!r.wln fl?rce rcnewa of those ex a .lth nR ln,due course. pen,ltur Wor In other aJlnInltratIon course re- ppct,"s u,cse cxiendltures Is going to uPn u,e rr"lta f the Novem- , !!! If Mr' Ilon'elt Is , "rne whlte House and he a Democratic . l concrcM hero I no res-- a ,T, 10 tha !:v spending w po c T?f1" WNU W No Need B--& to Suffer MomingSickness Morning sickness" ia caused by aa fld condition. To avoid it, acid must be octet by elkalit such aa msgnesim Why Physicians Recommend Milnesia Wafers These wafers an candy-lik- pure milk of magnesia ta solid form the most pleasant way to taka it. Each wafer b approximately equal to a full adult dose of liquid milk ot magnesia. Chewed thoroughly, then swallowed, they correct acidity la the mouth and throughout the u digestive system and insure mud; elimination of the waste matters that cause gaa, headaches, bloried fedings and a dosea other discomforts. Milnesia Wafers come la bottles of 20 sad 4 at 35c and 60s respectively, and ia convenient tint for your conttfr ing Hat 20c Each wafer U approximately one adult dose of milk of magnesia. AD good drug rtoreaaell mnA rmvwwwiandtFw com-ptr- Start using these delicious, effective atkacideatly laxative wafers today IVofessiOasI samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request u made on professional letterhead. Mid Product has, 4407 Slid tang blond City, N. 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