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Show x . CAPITOL, Logan Today & SaL VAUDEVILLE BLUE PARADISE REVUE Sim. to Wed. A TALE OF TWO BARK NIGHT FRIDAY CITIES A A DAILY I A DAILY THOUGHT THOUGHT take much business start in business, but it JJJJ "whole lot of it to keep b You should beck the ambitions of your home city to the HAuL the cannot reform Wishing world. mt basin- - COVERING ONE OF THE RICHEST FARMING SECTIONS OF UTAH SMITHFIELD, EYES OF LOVE PRESENTED CACHE COUNTY. UTAH, Friday. Jan. 24, 1930 TO BE SMITHFIELD SINGERS JAH. 28 NUMER DEM0NSTRATI0H TO 35 FORD PRODUGTIONlALL REPRESENT CACHE GO. BE GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT SHOWS GAIN OVER 6 BUSINESS MEN COOPERATING WITH 34 The cyeg of Love, a comedy CARNIVAL COMMITTEE A double quartet picked from the William McSwain of Salt Lake Dearborn, Michigan, World proacts, written enpecialy three wards of Smithfield are rep- will f City, present a special demon- duction of Ford cars and trucks in the Cache County ut UrnPtfdUCt,0n by LiUian ' Van stration of visual aids in the engin- 1935 totalled 1,335,865 units, it was All business houses of Smithfield y Eddie and Mortimer, in the .Convention held at tha New House presented eering auditorium of the Utah State announced recently at the home of- are generously cooperating with the Rmt warf haU Tuesday Jan. 28, at ; Hotel Jan. 28, 24, 25, with other Agricultural college, Friday, January fices of the Ford Motor Company carnival committees to make the i 8 p. m. under the able direction of BEING A groups representing other Counties 24, at 7 p. m. ON LOCAL M. T. Van Orden and This compares with a world figure thro day carnival planned for Feb fcENERAL COMMENT through the of the state. Mr. McSwain, a leader in viaual of 855,057 unitg in 1934, a gain of ruary 11, 12, and 13, a hugs sucATHLETICS. auspices of the MIA. The singers are: First Soprano, education activities in the west, Ib more than 56 per cent, according to cess, according to M. T. Van OrThe plot of the play centers around Eugenia Lundquist and Mrs. R. H. an experienced educator who keenly Ford Motor officials. f den, general chairman of carnival form TRUE a convict, Trusty Jim, who has Richardson; Second Mrs. appreciates the value of pictures to Soprano Production Ford in of committees. men units the basketball Cache broken jail to find bis missing dau- Clyde As North Littledyke and Mrs. T. W. enrich the course of study in many United States and Canada in 1935 Mr. Vt:n Orden further stated that ' jne td their seasonal style ghter. Ho finds her happy and live-bi- g Jarvis; First also, Mrs. Geo. Hansen branches. used the materials totalled of of the primary reasons for the a one 1,272,885 Amcng unite, when gain they with Judge and Mis. Barry as and Mrs. Elias ut Friday night a 5 victory to Barker; Second Alto his demonstration ere the talking 557,447, or more than 77 per cent, carnival was to stimulate home town dropped their adopted daughter, Gailya, who Mrs. Leo Nelson and Mrs. Max in motion picture, the silent film, the it was said. buying, and reports seem to inmu; seeh guileless magnanimity is is engaged to many Royall Manton. Tooleon. combination and The still, recalled announcement film, the projectpre- dicate a marked Increase in Local highly commentable or regret. Burt wade is also desirous of winDirector Mrs. Leslie Hansen, ors. diction made by Henry Ford more buying. ning Galiyas hand and furnishes Mrs. Grant Webb. All business houses of Smithfield Faculty members and college stud- than a year ago that the Ford Motor ne Logan game was one of those excitement in his keen rivalry with Contest sang, "I hear a Thrush at ents, as as well the would have tickets to give with purnow million a Company public, general produce came Royall. Later developments prove Eve. By Charles Wakefield fcpjrf N. C. shower Victory are invited to be present Fridiy eve- and more units in 1935. and committee members urge chases, the opponents. (dr Trusty Jim was innocent of the crime j ooo There will be no admission ooo ity that ask for your tickets when ning. you scafew the when a After the game, he was jailed for and is a fro man Cm for this unusual demonstra- Former doing your trading. 3uS UV rlORG6rS uHSlIgG charge N. C. fans had tiptoed softly when his daughter is married. Resident tion of visual equipment. e, The iot the back way, one gentleman Clark," and Writes To Mayotf SERVICES HELD Meeting Time ALMA mHiigiy suggested., that.. North the maid "Lora, along with the Meelhly MERRILL AT DIES and ftfv. ihould be allowed to use the negro Carolina, mammy, Hit baskets; and another gentle-pa-n Judge and Mrs. Barry, furnish The time for holding the monthly FORMER RICHMONDITE Ogden, Utah, HOME IN RIGKMQND equally generous with helpful real comedy and pathos throughout meeting of the Smithfield 1936 Camp of 8, January 'em I "or (meaning the full thro acts of the play. give said, idrie Sons of Utah Pioneers was changed Mayor L. Vem Teolson: K. CO two bills." We were just Funeral services for Mrs. Alice The well chosen casts previous ex-- to the First Sunday of each month Alma Merrill, 73, the late ton of feasibithe iffhisdedly considering Thomson Barnett were held in the perfence is some what varied. Benat 3 p. m. This action was taken Apostle Marriner Wood Merrill, and Dear Sir: encoira-fne- d Miflin, who is taking the part of hynse of the conflicts with many Sarah Ann lity of such plans, when we It may be interesting to you to Richmond South ward chapel TuesAtkinson, died at his Mr. Whiting. Voicing hie opin-- j. Trusty Jim, the escaped convict, in m Mrs. Barnett died at the home en-i- s to and evening meeting home in Richmond, Friday, January know that iry a speech given by day. Hebe on the nights ' doings, of her son, Louis Brmett of Ogden probably the most who do not cue 17, at 2:40 experienced able the older Adam S. Bennion the Sixth D. L. at p. m. He was born at id the refereeing wa "rotten". Ask performer, having spent a number of to come out in the on Saturday. evening, November 9, 1861. He was S. ward of Ogden, Utah, about two Richmond, Those who bore testimony to the d about N. Cs chances for next years playing in stock companies. This will not at present conflict educated in the district schools in weeks ago, Smithfield was mentioned would win besides being cast in various amatuer with the life of Mrs. Bamett in the useful Sacrament yeir: if he thought they meeting Richmond and at the B. Y. college cs a city in Utah which was makSunday atf games. He took a distant look productions. AUen Meikle, taking the which is held immediately following its choice fur doing worthwhile community where she spent most of ing in the Benson stake jato bis eyes and said in a low things. The building Df the Carnegie her life and d .18 were Mrs. LaPreal ilyer of Lewisvoice, "I hope so." allib? who ia ba to this Manton, information Royall was portraying mentioned given library ( especially. worked with hia father in the stake Relief j have both played two years in high members. His subject, (A Christmas talk), ton, a of Utah the construction school varsity plays besiles being i The next meeting will be held' was "Through the Spirit of Christ, Society; James W. Funk, G, A. HoFranklin, Make Your Choice. He of Lewiston, and Bishop J. active in several ward productions. Sunday, February 2, at 3 p. m. ut Northern Railroad from applied it gan Butte, Montana, Miss Ida Monro, who takes the the library building. Noble L. Gham-jM- h to individual lives, communities, and Morris Godfrey who conducted the to Esmerilua part of Lora," has been active in bers was the principal speaker at I Hq was married governments. I was happy to have services. 1 March Music of the choir directed by to 1885, thieves 19, unpun-sneak by whom cur little town mentioned by such gd ittieg high school dramatics this year; the lost meeting. One new member Hendricks, whom S. Webb wis supplemented by II. ten of ' had Mud and unexpreed. What brought mj aong with Lowell fifteen children, he the to In man was such in a Plowman, a way, and I thought organization. accepted selection by the South ward s this to our minds was the rumor Judge ouo Albert McCann, it living. laie be U those might Interesting Barry; ' afI Glee Ladies new church in a that by club, active accompanied Helen high recently emanating, UImmI who have Edith made Cavwl Roeae, it what it Is. .. Always very Clark; Reeta; j 910111 the r. t Solo; C, I. Stodiis taievedy had been reached with Miles, Gailya; Veria Noble, jCaro- t Miss. Zelda Batem.'n; IfaSll4a.halsbeen prulrtqntjjof ItichSincerely Yours, ; in the dard, accompanied by Mist Elaine fthe purloining of a master key a lina; and Bessie Larson, os Mrs. j Rffie A. Greene, PlaVflK iRiuitill YMMI'A for three. years Bchc'oL Wil- Anderson, end a duet, Mesdames to counselor 2331 He was had Adrihs ward. have Avenue experience jleey to any door in the high previous Barry, ' Officials, probably fearing that with jn Florence and Rclieaca Lewis, Benson stake all take the and of dramas ward H. Lewis Ogden, Utah. jliam past Interment took place in th Richthis key about some one may unlock their of death most the The well at and in the Eyes outstanding' five for Undoubtedly parts very years, mond cemetery. The grave was dedas official secret unveiled of ecfaetiifng, of love became was Lewis president, Third Ward President piece of sportsmanship Missionary icated by W. II. Lewis. bare begin to allow an unpreeenden-te- d Betwecit acts, specialties will be Monday night, After considering the j whlcdi office he Held far sixteen Interest. Just td inform these furnished by Miss Louis Waite, way the Southside basketball boys years. When released in 1921 he Farewell lo Held Ogden Mrs, Alice Thomson Barwe would like to who will do a few dance numbers, were going to make the Champs est became senior member of the high tardy gentlemen, 71, widow of John W. Barnett nett, has r will that shameful have this who f in that say you; council, serving and the Markham family, capacity thing Kraut, Cabbage, or what been going on for years. Its be and long resident of Richmond, died land the questionable rooting, or was a number of ye rs. He was a me:'- - Th following program will render several musical selections. a disgrace to the institution lit boos, always present when s second her of the B. Y. college board ib. gi en by the Third ward missionary suddenly Saturday morning at the of a non, Lewis T. Barnett, that has to have everything under ward crcud watches the Champs pixy seventeen ybars. He also acted ir. u mmitte Sunday Jan. 26, at 7:30pm home 1768 Avenue. Filigree lock and key, but here a lock I the in in honor of Lynn Toolson, who is , plua the ever prevalent personal a number of other capacities Born in Richmond, May 19, 1864, seneiimee not even sufficient protec-Ud- a leaving in the near futnre for a fueds when the two teams tangle, church and state. a daughter of Ceorge nnd Alice Taik Over KSL I think tho bays from the northsldel His wife,. Esmerilda, died April Swedish mission. against this smell time banditry. Tollman Thomron, she lived their Can you Opening song by the choir. have shown the colors of a true ' 26, 1907.1 Ho is survived by his wife, imagine anything as until eight years ego, when she children: Second Invocation Don as haring your Rebecca and the following Chambers. pockrta by voting for s J. Max Teolson de-- aport, by actualy moved to California. She hr.d residfrisked every time you took a gym .. Councilman , uard victory when the Champs and Attorneys A. Lowell Merrill end Solo Maxine Tbolaon. ed in Ogden since September. Yet this is a constant meeh Wednesday Feb. S-- Rue! D. Merrill of Pocatelb, Na- sI ct Runners Reading Ludella Jensen. KSL Mrs. Bamett wes secretary of the Marof the D. Richmond, Merrill eurence, for which no ckte to dte'ver excited Duet than C. fellows, and Smith Now Non dont get Regenia L. D, S. Benson stake Relief society undr Lheauapics n, and ius ever been punished. Last minute to of Merrill vowed H. team merely Kirkbride. riner Mgna, adver- - j.. t until she moved from Cache valley. rauor! the missing key has been Logan Chamber of Commerce, Nil-soin their power to Matthias W. Merrill of Los Angeles; S. Iven Missionary experience Sbuth She was president of the tiling Smithfield, its Urtwr, found. Second Mrs. Carrie Linford of Salt Lake ;nVW cluae for theelimanitRichm'nd ward Primary association sources, industries advantages, and - City, Mildred Merrill and Mn. Fhebe of By booing. Duet Norau and Lynn Teolson. pjatime beautification work. w"tWs clannish method of expro-- ; Atkinson of Pocatello, Idaho, Mn. Remarks Bishops Counslor Leonard for 20 years and was lo secretary RICH, HEAPS INJURED fine made Toolosn a and treasurer . of the ward Relief Mr, Tedeery First wardtitlehopcs Annie M. EHsvrorth of Lubbock, F 12345612345 Somson. San society for many years. She was a of Cravens A severe blow was dealt the Tint Fern xas, Mn. Music Norman Hansen. teacher in the Richmond public I Venna Mrs. ,e1 rd title hopes this week, Cdifomia, Bernardino, credit. when', their Solo Mrs. Walker. Her women. while schools a young Riida Mrs. machine two' Beckstead Richmond, of tbey lAt Doc-- Josephs high scoring d- -' regulars, as s reult Remarks the the hoard March by Missionary. md she whom ta married husband, Verf injuries. Homer Rich, the mot'i10 Il8ifnnd., severe blow Monday night Newotn of Chicago and Mrs. Buffered Song by the Choir. 8, 1883, died in 1930. t0,uistent player ,r and ' eutstanding dre5' their hopes wen dimmed ( mrnt Anderson of Moore, Idnho v. pennant nuMiahed Benediction Knudsen. sons and wi ddre8i l Jay readert Surviving are seven He is also survived by thirty-eigin of the First ward five, suffer-- j considerably when Homer Eich and ooo and T. Lewis next Bamett, brore-daughters, wee' d s chipped knee the ! and to following grandchildren .Willard Heaps were ordered cap that will keep -- r ooo Mrs. of Ernest Ogden, Hampton Ua out of competition for at least. 'frsta from basketball the remainder, then and sister, Dr. Amos N. MerJ:hn W, Bamett of Logan, Mrs. rill of Provo, Edgar Merrill, William wal weeks snd maybe the mt.LOGAL BUSINES) of the season. Edwerd D. Bowring and Mrs. An" f the season. Willard Heaps suf-t Bfrii broke his knee cap when he Merrill and Mrs. Rhoda Hendricks tons T. Wehner of San Francisco, MIA The Second ward broseveral fered a half and Conjoint Richmond fcolided with Wld during the game of severely sprained ankle in ' Feb. will be given under George T. Bamett of El Monte, for program (he Cdve game sisters. a and suffered then that Heaps I Monday night Monday night. ictt of Santa Ck.HAHal a A l.a J1(l MMOin iU n probably keep him out of brothers and for weeks. Lack of reserves and Mrs. f replace two or. three of these Georg unidentified vital cogs of the Pint ward five , An i Mrs. and ana camiva rwito the Bll mean the dchvmfall of the ving ppobablo starting lineup Gilbert and Thomas Thomron Feb. 2, at 7:30, . .Agnes : being put on exhibition an ,hoJN1orth.ti.e coming gamut will find Dowdle South ward bishopric in charge. dumpa. I ... w of Fairvlcw, Idaho. ooo Cache Mere, window, paused lqoKrnJ AAA e forward line,! imIyard 0n to local gentry EtlCOND BOUNCES THIRD enough among UVnitc at center and Wayne Rich I Tributes to the wonderful life of , Second ward kept close oh the ''what It was all about, and or yatts on the guard Alma Merrill were paid at his fun Missionary Testimony sj!mond ward chapel by Bishop J. li of the league leading First It looks like the business men of.i , T10 De si I'lowman nd Watts sre both end services Monday in the stake Neill. Morris Godfrey. Interment was in wke to under the tabernacle tho ward by winning their fifth victory Smithfield have finally, Richmond, at but lhey cant replace Wef the Richmond cemetery. Morris J. of Godfrey direction the current season last Wednes-nfcb- t. is Rich Bishop Horner. capable type of play Mr. ward. South Richmond the of of playing. They barely nosed out of the fighting, senpping Third ward Any team with llillyard, Waite Merrill was a post president five to the tune of 28-2heM toi nnd Wayne Rich in the lineup, will Benson stake, e! 1 The game was s the! Prayers were by S. W. Hendricks, be hard to beat, therefore furiously fought one ten, Uhl. after nhich .lull to j Benson Stake clerk, rnd O. D. Second ward managed to grab VISITING DAY Champs are conceding nothing 'tables were arranged for pinochle. riU n early lead which of Logan. . Duet Rais Richards and Vem Frizes were awarded to Alden j they kept Hodge Feb1 IL S. Webb directed the choir in throughout. Third ward kept dose Everybody reserve Wednesday be gather, will and Rais Richards. Those present 31, Miss Next Friday, January t the rear of Second ward, ready and song. of the dosing opening most exdting night Missionary expereince, Morris Han. 'TL." re- at the 5, tor the scheduled Rl. Zelda Bateman accompanied at the ,en- this year. be icad if the pace setters Visiting day for parents or Basketball iMr. and.rj.an1fil Mrs. Harry Mack, Mr. and girls who have You boys was march funeral The playnuld flounder for even a moment. school. piano. Song, Betty dcrother and Ccmpiny Mr A1(2on Hodges and the host whool will be Cantwell and Tout were outatand-- n in the junior high Mrs. Charles Lundquist entertain- ed by J. W. Fulsipher on the vio to Music, Spanish and Steel Guitar 8n( hostess. thia opportunity the M. Hicken at E. Mrs. and lin dub Lor the Third ward. The Downs glad to take her of member bridge first ed the in- Evan Hanson and company. wins sensational shots wero (ltd visit the school wnd get some, at her home on Wednesday after- piano. Special musical numbers these Solo Mrs, Edna Callister. Mrs. Keith Meikle entertained her Information coamlng Ward Ladies feature of the evening. Merrill hand noon. Luncheon was served at one cluded a selection. LaThair Primary Seagull class at her home Remarks t'y 3Tision"ry and student activities. clubs new of direction under cone a fine the table after which the table Glees club job at guard tor Second Hale. or. Wednesday evening. The evening You who have children in the long nrd. for bridge. Mrs Helen Mr A. C. Tetereon; solo Charles 1. were arranged to desired is attendance A go by was spent in playing bunco. Frizes good Summit school will be glad and Florence Mrs. wan awarded high cut prize Stoddard; duet, and ami sec how they Sornsun were given to Arvi other with Smith j the Missionary committee. Lona parent Mr. Rebeca Mrs. awarded The was Lewi, high Tout Third ward looked impressive ; Mr. Fhyllia luncheon Pitcher. A thriir work. Eunice in are the light progressing S. Webh n their closing H. sang score prize. Consolation prize was and viceory over Cove Inst Mon-a- y Mr. md Mrs. S. Iven Nils' n and was served by the hostess to DoroAt 3:30 p. m. there will be Aflon Smith. Those rong aKsisled by the croir. Mrs. to night. The Third ward boys given be will Arva F.-Itond-Ilele- n S. 1. Nition motored to Salt thy Maher, Barbara A. meeting that Cook, Mr. 11. short Orval were. Mrs. The speakers were: Mrs. Eve Reese, at will. They chalked up 69 "Td interesting and educational. presentSornaen, Amy Nelson, Dorothy' ricks of Swan Lake, Idaho, Tree. Lake City on Wednesday to bid Seamon. Eunice Pitcher, Jean RayPoints white the Cove five hnrely UitU who is mond, Venla Andrews. Betty Whitt, Children will take part in the song II. Ray Tond. their son Dale good-bylnnIwI to get 11 tallies. Fulkereon, Mrs Glen Tout, Mr. . James W. Funk, Tres. fine Swedish other be will a fo there and drama; Marilyn Coleman, nnd Aire. Eldon Thursday Tout shined for Third ward Afton Smith, Mrs. Erma Wobb, and Free. Joseph E. Csrdon of Logan leaving by music and L;mb. Misaioju interesting speakers. M and Dr. J. Godfrey. the hostess. (Continued on page E) Dont inis this ( opportunity! drama in S : , to non-TVi- tlr 21-5- tty butler-detectiv- FOR t f"! -- Tu,. illal lIBJelo "l"'"'mond be cer-tiia- ly d? SsSjJuIy " n. ar rr a w ht I eta-Priitin- nw, j . . n j,lo-vma- ' n . 4. Mer-notod- y. !rvK,rTu lTi. .YVrS ,t ..cro, ns T. e. |