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Show J1IE SM1THF1KLD SENTINEL. SMITH FIELD. UTAH WASHINGTONS HASENPFEFFER AND SUCH DISHES THAT QUICKEN APPETITE DIGEST about: Tanas and Speed Hatibnaf cJ&picA ntiputuL SANTA MONICA, CALIF taxes and speed these be our biggest problems at the moment. While we go on, in response to the popular demand, producing cars capable of traveling 90 miles WILLIAM BRUCKART NATIONAL press bldg. WASHINGTOND.L by Washington. Bine it la only a few weeks until congress cornea buck ta Big Problem Ahead Washington for the aecond session of the Seventy-fourt- h gress, some con- of the problems which rersldent Roosevelt oust face have begun to take recognisable shape. There are any number of them, some great, some small, but that one which atanda out at this writing Involves the alignment shown between President Roosevelt and business Interests. R Is a very Interesting situation, gome weeks ago, the President promised business a breathing spclL" No ne knew at that time how long this breathing spell was to last nor did anyone know exactly what It meant beyond tho President's verbal state-awthat his New Deal program was virtually completed insofar as legislation was concerned. Through a combination of circumstances, the Presi- ular budget goes to congress and the resident In his annual message gives ome idea of what he proposes to pend for relief and recovery later on. The two must be taken together. Further, i believe If past practices are repeated. there will be While House requests for supplementary appropriations for the ordinary as well so that the total expenditures may not be disclosed for sereral months after congress meets. an hour over highways where traffic laws call for a legal limit of 45 or leas, and selling those cars to anybody who hat a residence address and a first down payment, there doesn't appear to be anything to do except pray and carry a card In the hat telling where remains are to be sent, also giving name and number of favorite hymn. Aa for taxes, they're like cocklebnrre very easy to pick np and almost impossible to get rid . . Cobb " of. once you're stuck orlth them. And as for what the average cltlxen thlnki of tbe legislators who gaily hang these ruinous burdens on ns so that politicians may hava more of somebody elae's money to spend well yos couldnt prist that In a paper going through the United States malls, Under conditions that always hnve prevailed, the political party In power ssuncu.r Taik h a,wf avoided tearing down bureanc- - nuy In Washington In an election year. The civil lists of the government Include moat of the local politicians on whom the party In power must depend In Its campaign for To remove many of them means naturally the loss of power In the local communities and dents promise of a breathing spell" no political party can hope to win by for business has not only failed to tearing down Its campaign machinery placate business but at the same time In that manner. has led to a determination on the part Thus, Mr. Roosevelt's task appears of business to go to bat with the difficult He will be seeking economy New Deal. All of the Information I In government outlays In an effort to have been able to gather Indicates satisfy and reassure business which Is a distinct stiffening of resistance to calling for economy. At the same time the New Deal by all types of business he Is under the necessity of bolding Interests, either corporate of indi- bis political machine Intact as the vidual vehicle upon which be will seek ts There eon bo no doubt that a large ride to Besides this circumstance, there Is segment of business Is emphatic In Its demand that New Deal spending be the snarling and gnashing of business reduced. That section of the country's Interests at the beela of the New Deal economic life Is determined to force because business leaders contend the New Deal plans for spending back government la trying to run everything. within tho boundaries of what busi- Although the NRA Is dead, there reness Interests hold to be reasonable. main inch things as the social security Having that determination, opponents act which carries a tax on business of New Deal spending have at once pay rolls; the Guffey coal control law something Into which they can sink with its taxing powers, and the steady their teeth, namely, the annual gov- encroachment of government In busiernment budget In the nature of ness as Is exemplified by the Tennesthings. It and the President's annual see Valley electric power project It message on the state of the Union go Is no secret that business Interests to congress In Its first week of life. do not Ilka any of these things and That means the country will hear at business has Its heavy guns loaded to the very outset of the session some- wreck the man who, by Introducing the thing of Ur. Roosevelt's plans for fur- New Deal must take responsibility for ther cash outlays. tho government policies to which busiThe budget cannot be balanced In ness objects. the next year. Consequently, the government debt, sow above $30,000,000,-U0Senator William EL Borah of Idaho will be further Increased. It means, hla been much In the news lately. He le Indulging a in moreover, Hist before long there will Borah have to be additional taxes. These sport, or a game, he Increases In the tax levies probably Activity takes np once each will not eome before the forthcoming four years. The date session of congress but they cannot be of thle activity always coincides each much longer delayed because retiretime with the maneuvering that prement of the gigantic debt Is pressing cedes the selection of the Republican even now. Presidential nominee. The business viewpoint, of course, Congress being In recess, very few naturally Is concerned most of all senton or Representatives are In with potential tax Increases. Business Washington. When they are scatrealises that once the relief expenditered to their homes, most of them tures are rut down, common sense will rate very little publicity outside of demand revision of the lax structure their own bailiwicks. So, whether In order that the vast amount of govSenator Borah la In Washington or at ernment bonds, notes and bills out- hla home In Idaho, he commands attenstanding shall be liquidated In an or- tion and hits the front page whenever So. In concentrating at he chooses to speak. derly basis. this time on government spending, opTbs current circumstances Involving ponents of the New Deal actually are Senator Borah, therefore, are no diflooking Into the future and planning ferent than those which surrounded as far as they can to hold down the him In previous periods when political tax load they know they must carry discussions ran to Presidential nomonner or later. It Is quite obvious inees and party platforms, except that that there will be no change in the Senator Borah this time has comway of Increased levies of taxes at the manded a little more attention and has HUB session of congress because, after been on the front pages with hie state11 political parties do not raise tax ments to a greater extent than In prerates In an election year. But this vious years. This results from the government Is due to contlnne as a situation In which the Republican government for this nation and the party, being tbe minority party now. retirement of the $30,000,000,000 debt finds Itself. cannot be dodged. The woods are full of potential ReFapublican .Prexldentlnl nominees. Prom the White flonse and from vorite sons are everywhere. Warm Springs, Go, where the President In the midst of all of this stands the lately took his annual figure, somewhat bnlky, of Senator lam to Thanksgiving rest, Borah. He has given every Indication Economy there came announce- In the last several months: first, that ments, both direct and he Is not s candidate for the nominaInspired, that the President was turn- tion; second, that he Is a candidate ing to emnnmy In the government outl- for the nomination, and third, that he ayTh Information, of an official has not made up hla mind. lie hna character. Indicated a desire on the done all of these things well and no Part of the President to cut tho ordl-r- y one knows whether he Is a candidate expenditures of the government er whether he Is not a randldale or by for the fiscal year be- whether he has not made up hla mind. ginning inly 1, 1030. The budget that Having made quite dear Hint I am !H go to congress In the first week not Informed as to Kcnalor Borah's f January will cover the plans. I can fairly relate some of the rdlnary expenses. On the surface It things that hnve happened heretofore. appears that this budget will aggre-nt- e I ran recall for example that many shout $ Just about times Ihe Borah maneuvers have had the anme as the budget for ordinary as thrlr objective the establishment of ponses of the government In the a political circumstance for the senator current llut there that has enabled hliu to exert unusual period, has been so Indication yet what the Inlluenee on the Republican national total of the extraordinary expenditures convention when It came time to write f the government will be. a party platform and aelect tbe parly We have. a you know, really two standard bearer. I believe It la ralr to budgets. The ordinary budget Is like stale that Senator Borah Is s master the bndget that has been used since tart Irian In this regard. I know that the paaange ef the budget and ac- some of Ihe parly wheelliorsea counting act In 1022: It covers the fear him and his tactics Immeasurably. fanning expenses of all of the establ- I have seen evidences of that fear I ished governmental agenrlea, provides during the last several months and for all field work and carries approprihave no doubt that there will be mure ations for payment of Interest on the or It displayed In Ihe months to rome. government debt end a bite or two for Aslnle political observers around retirement of outstanding bonds. The Washington contend that the senator's sxtraonllnnry expenditures under Pres- outward flirtation with the question ident Roosevelt's practices hnve been or a Presidential candidacy I nothing handled separately, being passed by more nor lera than e repetition of congress In the form of a resolution ..lint he hat done They argue for recovery and relief or some other that ficnutnr Itnmh wnnis rn dominate .n-nch language making a lump approllic uni convention of the I!i':ihVI priation. and he la laying t'-- ground work It will he a matter then in which atend r '.t n tention should lie paid when the rag- f . Labnre of the Literati C OCIAL note: Went to party. Among those present, the Fredrlc Marches, Hi Bud Leightons, the Johnnie Robinsons, Gloria 8wanoon, Hugh Walpole, Herbert Marshall Constance Collier, Frank Lloyd. To be an evening devoted to Intellectual discussion of literature, drama, the higher arts. 8o all night we played a foolish gams called Who Am When the lame was called on account of sunrise, I was "It I still am. In other words, while I have rough Ideas what I may be you ought to see some of the letters I get It remains s deep mystery as to who I am. If at all I'd rather somebody else gave these big buffet suppers. Being host, yon esn't go home when you're bored, and, besides, along toward the end of the second week after the shindig, you do get so tired of aspic Jelly for break-fas- t u ir An Unsnng Crains ever road the novel A Adverse," or even held the book on your lap until your knees 4 " went ta sloop? Some quit and went back to business after the fifth month. Others gave np everything else for the year and fought the good fight right through to the end. After that, they were ready to tackle something light and chaffy, snch as the last six volumes of the ation!. Recently, however, a man cook reaped a worthwhile reward through the gift of a pleased patron of a. sweepstake ticket which made him Ihe winner of a large sum' of money. Tbe dish which brought him fortune waa hasenpfeffer, which In plain English Is rabbit stew. The editorial page of one of the newspapers stated: "If der Koch's windfall means encouragement of good cooks, well gnd good, for there can never be too much of that." No doubt the butclicra are feeling a demand for rabbit and tha recipe for haienpfeffer will be welcome. It does take several days for Ita completion, bnt takes very little actual time and labor In Its preparation. Rabbit la not used as much In this country as It to abroad, but any one who once dares to try It will be like ly to use It again, aa the meat to tender, the flavor to. excellent and the price to low. If you use any one of the following recipes, you will surely be rewarded by the appreciation of your family. IYepare the rabbit and cut In pieces. Cover with vinegar and water, equal parts; add one sliced onion, alt, pepper, cloves and bay leaves Allow this to soak two days. Drain the meat and brown In hot butter, turning It often and let simmer about or until tender. Before a half-hou-r serving, stir one cupful thick, sour cream Into the saucm Wipe the rabbit with a damp doth and rub well with salt, pepper and flour. Place In a pan with a little water, and bake It In a moderate oven (350 degrees F.), bnstlng occasionally with a mixture made with one-hacupful water and two table spoonfuls of bntter. When the meat la tender. It should lie set under the flume of a broiling oven for a few minutes to brown. The rabbit shonld he nerved will) Ita own gravy. Clean and cut lip rabbit Brown In butter and then place In a casserole. Add one cupful red wine, s bay leaf, a few whole cloves, some parsley, and a few slices of onion. Cover tightly and cook In a slow oven, 250 degrees F. five to six hours lf 6 Ball Syndicate. WXU Service. Between Fingen The wqrids a bubble, and the life of man leu than a span. these simple quills. Address Home Craft Co., Dept. I), Nineteenth end 8L Imls Ave St. Louis. Indore a stamped addressed envelope for reply when writing for any Information. By GRANDMOTHER CLARK Hawaii Discovery Made Possible by Franklin To Benjamin Franklin ' due "aafa conduct" that enabled the discovery of Hawaii, today one of tho most powerful units of America's national defense In the west. In the Archives of Huwall on tbe grounds of the former royal palace In Honolulu, reposes a photostatic ropy ol a letter written from France in 177'J by Franklin, who was then minister plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court ef France. The document to addressed to "all captains and commanders of armed ships acting by commission from the congress of the United States of America now In war with Great Britain," and explains that aa Captain Cook's expedition had been fitted out before America and Great Britain were at war, the great navigator and explorer shonld be given a safe conduct and not considered as an enemy. Patchwork quilts ns a rule are elulrarate, cost quite s hit and represent many days of tedious work. This work and cost cun he cut down to a minimum as shown In the illus tration. Any of them- - designs cun be used on eighteen nine-incblocks and to arranged to make a full size About three ounces or one quilt. yard of prints to all that to required for tha patchwork. Folder No. 53fl In colors Illustrates four ways to assemble these different designs, also cut out diagrams for six different patches Fearlessly Boms histories of these United like the above. Information shout yardage required for back, border States skate right over the controand blocks to also given. versial questions like a skater os The folder No. 530 and folder No. 0 thin Ice. h The Choice of Millions KC'BAKING POWDER Deuble Tested Double Action Manufactured by baking powder Specialists who make nothing but baking powder under supervision of expert chemists. Same Price Today as 45 Years Ago 25 ounce lor 250 You can also buy Arll Highest Quality IO ounce can foe If ounce can for SCO C If Always Dependable you U ATEAnthony 0. encyclopedia. Anyhow, If yon were not Included among those who bought thle work or borrowed It end that would put yon In the minority, for It has sold dose to s million copies the shore should give yon s rough Idea, so that you may share with me In this tribute to an authentic genius, Ive Just met him. He's the director who has the Job of putting "Anthony Adverse" Into eight reels of moving picture film. Alongside of him. I contend. the fellow who engraved the Lord's Prayer on the head of a pin was Jnat a piker. a Tha Tan Grratast Pasts DON'T know when I've Ircen so stirred np Just panting like a lizard on a hot rock. Every day, seems like. I read that a Jury of experts has solemnly selected the ten men. (Only horses hail grooms when d daddy was a boy.) Or the ten women. Or Ihe ten hotter host ernes, or Ihe ten most Ideally mar rled couplet; Hollywood entries burred for gouging In Ihe clinches. Now I hear they're picking tlie ten most prominent debutantes Hint our I d lending movie Idol la likely to Ire snuck np on by. I ran hardly wall. When the rwlty vital competitions are dn-a-- would II be asking too much of the Judges to name. say. the ten human beluga who contributed moat to tbe world's betterment thla pa at year? Or how about a better committee In each town to choose the ten worthiest ruses for Christmas relief) No. on aecond thought, 1 guess not. In aueh lists as these theres practically no sex appeal. Still Lincoln's Gettysburg address wns sort of shy ou sex appeal too, wasn't It) old-lin- e i It la not always that good rooks are rewarded even by the appreciation of the partakers of their cre- with other quilting In forma Rod will be mailed upon receipt of 10 rents, or send us 10 rents and we will semi folder and sufficient beautiful pntclies to make up the patchwork on one uf Inexpensive, Easy Patchwork Quilts j j Tbe League Elevator. convulsed by war, WITH Ethiopia Brasil having Internal INisma and China crumbling under armed pressure from within and without, that faint squeaking sound coming out of Geneva, Switzerland, would aeem to betoken continued plaintive protests on the pert or the only great world movement whlrh quit functioning, before It ever began. Mr. Interlocutor, why Is the League of Nations like the elevator In the average small European hotel) Well brother Bones. I really cant Imagine why the League of Nations should resemble an elevator In s European hotel SiipiMwe you tell us. Because, before they've even got It Ihe proprietor has little finished. framed ranla ready In lie stuck up on every floor announcing that tills elevator la out of order IRVIN 8. COBB per AIIHm A North American N IM. WMU Borvk that cof--I fee was banning me! I thought it was bad only for children!" Oh, no. ..tho cmffein la coffee disagrees with too. It many grown-upcan upset their nerves, cause indigestion, or loss of sleep!" EEMS funny ... s, If you suspect that coffee disagrees with you . It contains no csfiein. It is amply whole wheat and bran, roasted and slightly sweetened. Its easy to make... costs less than half a cent a cup. It's delicious, too . . . and may prove a real help. A product of General Foods. try Postum for 30 days. FREEI Let us send yen your first weeks supply of Postum reef Simply mail coupon. Obhsbsl Foods. Battlo Crack, Mich. and as without Fkn Postum. City. Fill In cost or obtifatiou, neck's supply ef W M U U IS-- print name and oii.rm. If you lira ttlyGeneral FixhIi. LkI., Ort. (This ofler empires July 1, l'V ) in |